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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1920)
. at V , m r mm r km - mm , M mm Ml mm mm mm mm r r - , I, i i i - i i m ' i ii ii i i . 4 VOL. J0NQV56. OMAHA BANK DEFENDANT IN BIG SUIT M. F. 'Shafer Asks, Judgment 0f$250,00Q for Damage to - Business Beputation and Health Impairment. ALLEGES CONSPIRACY TO MBftP lllll IIT nr- n.inl runvt nnvi uui ur DHmrv Claims1 Resignation From ; Presidency Caused Through Fake, Charges of Misuse of Funds and Vicious Habits. - Suit for $250,000 damages against 1). .V. peiselman and five other directors of the American State bank was f'lcd late Friday by M. F. Shafer, former president of the batTk. He asks $150,000 for damage done to his business reputation and $100,000 for. impairment to his health by ' th, alleged circulation of false reports 'concerning him. The action was brought thrfiugh Hotj and Lee and McGilto itand Smith in the dis , ..trict court of Douglas county. 1 lias bean conducted for more than av year to ruin him -and force him out of the banking business. . He is "president 6f the American Bank Building, company, a corporation or ganieed,, to erect a 20-story building on the present site of the bank at Nineteenth and Farnam streets, and is vice president f4 M. F. Shafer & Co manufneturcrs of advertising ( velties. With l is brother, W, E. '!e'r, be. owns the majority of the Jrjc.'ipln.. stock of the American State J 'bank.;...' ' 'y . 'Says Tried-to Oust Him, "The petition states'that ever since , he summer of 1919.. D. W. Geisel rtian and the other-directors of the American ,Statc bank have endeav ored ;to force , him out-of thj bank. Paila Cr" Gcisclman. ' the present - cashier ot the bank; Frank L. Saun- tZl (J HII.IHLIII, . w. vi kj J nam an j , , C.I Theodore Krogh.' dnd Paul A. TXcOgny are the other' defendants. Mr.'Jasmsky resigned as, a director in May It is tlaimed that the defendants -intimidated jMr. Shafer, through . false charges of haying used the 4- funds of the bank, to resign ftom ' tfle presidency in August, a year ira. in ine ioiiowihe January, n f to-force Mr. shafer and his orotrier to vote for he defendants as directors.- " - v . ; , .. Immediately,, after the election,, it' is claimcdi he ne' directors began a .campaign of misrepresentation , They are said to have told the state b.-inking ilepaVtm'nt that he was-a ''man of virions bahifs and unfit to be a-bank officer. DW. GeiSelman is accused f having a staje.' bank examiner i report that a certain amount "of f iper in the bank was that of the plaintiff. ; The claim is made tbif the state banking depart- mfnf u-Wc miclen' In helirvp that air. ShafW'd,' stolen large amounts of moiyey trotn tne oanK.- , ' Alleges False Reports. ' The bankS ng' department is said to 1 have been urged by the defendants 3 to demand that IX Shafer and hps y wother dispose of their interest in the American State bank. Follcwing this, a report is stated to hava beeiw-i circulated that the department at Lincoln had prohibited the two brothers from continuin.'r in cotHrol " of the bank. Ths is rllccd tffjiave been done to injur-. Mr. 'Shafer sa . that he would be compelled to sell p bis interest, . v",i' i Letters were revU out by Dj W. Gcisclman, r.ccprdiiifi; tothe cora- plaint, to tile stockholders of '-the various tompanics ir. Shafer bad "-nui t, up. maKinu nccusnuons uc- siTiifdTo"f1cf.txov his standing..- Several law suits were filed against to have been instituted by the bank directors to injure his credit, compel him tp dispose of bis bank stock and turnover .cpntrnl of the .company planning to erect the office building1. Claims Suits Groundless. ; These , suits are alleged to have been groundless, one instance being givcncf;a' riote for $6,000. paid at the .Merchants National bank, on wbieh the American Stats bank, hav: ing bughf the note, is said to have sued Mr. Shafer after,-had been pain. . The warfare of the directors on MrSbafer is declared to have gone even to the extent of urging stock holders, in his other ""enterprises to sue b'rmV Investigations by the Iowa artNebraski- state departments are said :to have been incited, with the result that both not only refused to stop his, companies from doing busi ness.;iiut found thcmMo be in good condition. Articles in newspapers attacking his business methods and suits in the district court at punci! Bluffs designed flierely to injure his financial 'standing are also among the cjiarges . Funeral Services in Peking Tor Congressman's Daughter according to reports received today. Funeral tervices were held at -the American legation here , today ' for Ida Vare, dauahter of Congressman William S Vare .of Philadelphia. A . - . wr n J . t n e .... rl he body to Japan, in order to have it conveyeer to the United States on 'lie transptrt on which members of :!.' -nntr,-ci'Misf nartv here will ,retvrn. r .'. ' ' - Spain Controls Flour Mills. Madrid, Aug. 20. Customs of ficials are instructed . by an order issued by the ministry of finance to day to take possession of flour mills, which' the government ifcill in future control in orner tnai nour.may oe ooely distributed, ' j DMta r, 0. Uafer Art at C 4.u J J ' taM Wisconsin Farms Show . . ' - - Gain In Acreage : Yield i Despite Lute of Cities During Last 10-Year Period Many Farmers Bought Their" Owriy Land Growth of Dairying and Fat Stock Industries'Aff ord Ready Market for Crops. By ARTHUR M. EVANS. Chlrasa Tribune-Opiate Bee Leased Wlr. Madison, .Wis., Aug. 20. Wiscon sin is one agricultural state where farm tenantry is decreasing ' while acreage; under cultivation and farm output are increasing, , In 1909 the state had 177,127 farms of which 86.1 per cent were owned by their operators and 13.9 per cent were- rented. . In 1919 the latest fig ures show there were 181,909 farms, and orNhese 87.7 per cent were owned by their tillers' and 12.3 per cent were rented. . ' "The 10 years not oily saw more farms in the state and more farmers owning their land but it also .wit nesscdan increase of 12.6 per cent in the area under plow. As to improved agricultural prac tices and the trend of crop yields, the statisticians at the state, house have computed tat an acr of. Wis-! cousin soil today produces 37 ' per cent more' food than it did in 1 885. -In the 'Unitc'd States as an whole an acre of soil produces 21 per cent more food than in 1885, so Wiscon sin in this period has improved it's yield 75 per cent more ,han has the country at large. The figures are based"bn seven-car avcrages.or Stven leading crops. Wisconsin Shows Gain. . All told this series of figures ap pears to indicate that as a food pro-' ducer Wisconsin's efficiency has not been diminished despite the drain' of the cities .upon the countryside. In fect it's adjustment agriculturally has ore than kcRtf-pace with changed industrial conditions. 'Better' machin ery, better, seed, rotations of "crop,' RICKENBAGIIER AND LARSON ARE REPORTED SATE Plane Lands at Belief onte, Pa., On IReturn Trip of I "Cross r Country Trail " Bliazing. flight. v if -New York, i' Aug. 0. The ' .UJ metal airplane carrying caqie Rickenbachen'and Johu Lrs"on not 'tilovn into Old M.eXieo," but was forced by a windstorm to land neaf Bollefonte Pa., and is ex pctfed tc complete . its round trip tranicontipental flight at a Long Is Jand flying field, today. -' ' Officials of tire, company owning the machine wcre uable to explain icceipt of a letter, m Omaha last nigjit signed ' "Kickenbacher and John'' Larson'.' stating that, the plane iia4 blovA.intoMexico. . CoIumbuV " 6 , Aug. ' 20.-Eddie l?iclycn.hacher of Cclumbus, premier American ace during the war, is afe in NeV YorW City, and not lost in ; th ft. Wilds of Mexico, according to bis mother,, who, lives hert. ' Mrs. Rickenbacher said today she received a telegram from Chicago a day or two ag from her son ask ing that his mail be torwaraea to lim at New Ydrk. , Reoorts from Omaha told of a telegram being received there from Rickenbacher saying he had been blown across the border in an air plane. The Omaha reports said iriends tearecrtor jus satety. . , ( , V- Border. Ports; Are Ordered ' To Reopen ImmediateW ' Calexico. Caj.. Aug. :a Walter E. Bovlf,-Arr.erichn consul at-Mexicab, tLower California, received' notice from the Sttte department a.t; Wash ington, D. C, that orders had been issued for the immediate reopening of border ports .between California and Mexico, closed last Saturday be cause, of unsettled conditions. FADS! Fads . and of Omaha. A. full-page . fea ture of: exceeding interest in next Sunday's Omaha Bee. . ,. . . " :r - immjr Montague's story in prose the "first of a series of Sunday prose ar ticles by the nationally fa mous verse writer. - (Bj fhe wayr are you reading Montague's datlyverse, "More Truth ThnToery," in the ' Morning andEve ning Daily Bee? A pa,ge of Omaha Beau tiful Bathers in the only rotogravure section pub lished in Omaha.? .. An Omaha man visits George K Ade, prince J. of humorists, at his Indiana home. ' . also : . All the 'usual Sunday features: Ed Streeter's ; "Letters, of a Home-Made Man." Heart Secrets of a Fortune Teller, .j. ; ' Bringing Up Father and The, Gumps. . (To mention just a few.) THE SUNDAY BEE TEN CENTS A COPY AND JVORTH IT. Mtnft l 117. , 1 A lllf more intensive cultivation, more di versified fanning, all have contrib uted. :. y ' Through its dairying hd fat stock the state has become Us great est consumer of its crops. Catfie have become the great outlet for the soil products. Wisconsin farmers last year fed 93 per cent of their com, 85. per cent of their oats, 71 prr ccnt of their barley, 33 per cent of the rye, 38 per cent of their wheat, and 87 per cent of J.heir hay crop to live stock. . . Instead of going into the world's markets as grain the output goes in as butter and cheese, beefsteak and bacon. , , Reclaim Large Acreages. The great growth in cultivated area has been in the northern couiv ties. More thah 2,300 families were on the land last year in the old cut Over regions. C P.' Norgood, com missioner of agriculture, estimates that through settlement of these sec tions the present plow land of Wis consin can be increased 83 per cent.' And the same cheap uncleared lands stretch across Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, a great area with large potentialities. "' Colonists (dr the most part come from Indiana, Illinois 'and Iowa. A large percentage arc foreigners. They get land for $30 to $40 aq acre, clear it for about $50 an acre, wbich brings the cost to between $80 and $85. About 90,000 acres a year are being reclaimed in- this state. Potatoes are the great crop, Wisconsin being the second potato state. The dairy herds are continually pushing north ward.. ' v HARDING WORKS WITH EILHU ROOT FOR-NEW LEAGUE Senator Keeps in Touch With E,uropean'Conference Plan ning New International ; Court. - U4atiai4 Aug. 20. The confer ences, now in progress abroad be tween Eliliu Root and leading Euro pean statesmen for the organization oft,an. international court of justice ate being closely watched by Sen ator Hording as be formulates bis policy of. a world "understanding" tor preservation of peace. The, republican nominee revealed today, that he considered the inter national .court conferences to hold important . possibilities and added that the plan, evolved there might become an -element in the political campaign, as alignments develop on the league cif nations issue. f Mr. Root, a former republican sec retary of state, was" author' of the league; plank m the republican, na tional 'platform .and after his return to;this fburitry is expected to confer on the subject with Senator If arding. Thus far the nominee has .riot been informed i?f all the details of the, conferences .abroad, though he is understock! ,to be familiar with much of thfr progress made in laying down tin 'principles of an international A more detailed statement of the republican stand on the league issue is to be made by Senator Harding in his address here a' week from to morrow to a delegation from Indian apolis .and, it is understood that in pronouncing the principles on which lie flrfnSfc a society of nations should rest he. wilt give conspicuous notice to tnc wtjiK ot air. Koot ana nis colleagues. ; ' . ' In fiis speedb on. the league issue the nominee also is expected to com men't -op f the functioning of ,the league'ts no organke1 and he said today: he wofild withhold , until that time any "comment on the call issued bjt President Wilson today for the firit meeting of the league delegates. Senator Harding received only a few visitors today and early in the afternoon left for an automobile ride and a game of golf. Make Preparations for . i . County Fair, at Deshler Te'shler, Keb.. Aug. 20. (Special). P'ahs are beinc nerfected for the Thc.yer County fair at Deshler, A'.f' eus: 31 to September 3. Thq new permanent, bandstand- over the race track has been put in splciidiul shape, and the race horses are arriv ing and .being worked out. One hundred students are enrolled for special class work, under direc tion of .'the, ex tension department of the state universityf-Tbere will be a banquet for. stock exhibitors Thurs day eveniog, and speakers will be present front jibe state university. Eight thousand ree tickets for Wednesday', September children's da v. have' been issued. .Thursday, September 2, will be ".Hebron day." Stores'at the- county, seat will close, and the Hebrop band wit furnish music, i ," - ;' S-:- ' 1 : , l Beatrice Judge Hi. Beatrice Neb . -Aug! 29 (Special). Judge E. E. Eilis, for years police hiacistrate of Beatrice, is lying seii ous.'y ill -at' hishome- in. this city. Ha is a native ' of Wales and ' s pioneer reader t of Gage county ' 1 1 t -Santa Te, N. M., Gains - Washington, "Aug. 20. Santa Fe, 7,236; increase 2,164. of 42,7 per cent. Rutland-Art., 14,954; inerease 1,408, or 10.4 per cent.- ,y Martinsburg, W. .V, 12.315; in crease 1,817, or .17 percent '. OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST . 21, 1920. ARMY CORPS LOCATFQ AT FOPBtdOll Se ,ra,nch , of M ilitary Will uve " Headquarter at Omaha Fortress With Major General Bundy in Command. .'r- I WILL BE HEADQUARTERS FOR SEVEN STATES - Establishment of Area Offices Here Means Building-Up of Post Vacated in 1916 During Border Troubles. Headquarters of the new Seventh army corps, created byacH of the last congress, will be established at Fort Creok, just south of Omaha, according to announcement by the War. department at Washington late yesterday.-. . , The new. army corps area will in clude the states .of Missouri, Kan sas, Iowa,. Nebraska, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. 1 "The. commander will be Maj. Gen. Umar bundy, who won lame abroad as commander, of the hard-fighting marines and other troops in the Second . division, of the American expeditionary force. The , announcement means that Omaha will return ."to a position of prestige and.pver m the adminis tration of army .affairs. Army of ficers say that its importance as an army corps headquarters will out rank that held as headquarters . of the Department of the Missouri years ago. Genwal Bundy., wlTo re turns now as . commander of the corps, was once -stationed as a rnai jor Tit the .departmental headquar ters . here. 1- -To Reocqupy Fort. The Jringing of .headquarters to' Fort Crook means the reoccupancy of that post for the first time since 116, when the last .troops quartered there went to theMexicah border. Numerous army. officers of rank are expected to find residence there. Other corps areas, in the western states, as announced yesterday, are: Sixth corps area,, td.ertjbface the states of Illinois, Michigan and Wis consin: headquartefs at Fort Sher idan, 111. Eighth corps-area, to embrace the states of . Texas, Oklahoma. Lolo rado, ..Newv Mexiqp, -anqJjpna: headquarters at fort sam iioi San "Antonio. Tex. Ninth corps area, to embrace the states of Washington, Oregon, Ida ho, Montana. Wyoming, Utah, Ne vada and California; headquarters at Presidio of San Francisco. The .headquarters' will- be temporarily at, t. - .-t . .'I san rrancisco -until - space is avail able at' Presidio. ' ;r Three. Armies. V , For purposes of mobflization and other , emergency V maneuvers, the. nine corps areas will be groupecf: into three army areas, the first three corps areas forming .the First army area, the next three the Second and the seventh, eighth and ninth, th Third.' V : i The commanders'" o the amy and corps areas were announced as .fol lows: . 1-t ' " V First corps are, Msj.. Gen. David C. Shanks second, Maj. Gen. Rob ert L." Bullard; third. Maj. Oen. Adelbert ' Cronkhite; fourth, Maj. Gen. John F. Morrison-; fifth, Mai. Gen. George F. Reed; sixth, Maj. Gen Leonard Wood: seventh. Mai. Gen. Omar Bundy; eignth, Maj. Gen, Joseph P. Dickman; ninth, Maj. Gen. Hunter. Liggett. .. f New Department Heads. ... Maj. Gen. Charles H. Muir has been assigned to . command the Fourth division and Maj. Gen, John L. Hines . the Fifth division. New departmental commanders are: Philippine department. Brig. Gen. Charles Treat; Hawaiian depart ment, Brig. Gen. Joseph E. Kuhn; Panama department, Brig. CJen. Ed vin B. Babbitt; South Atlantic coast artillery district, Brig. Gen. John son Hagood. ' Other important "army assign ments announced wYre those of Maj. Gen. William C. Haan, Brig. Gen. Henry Jervey and Brig. Gen. Dennis E. Nolan to be assistants to the chief of staff and members lof tfle War de partment general staff. Maj. Gen. William G. Haan was named direc tor of the war plans division, Brig. Gen. Henry Jeryey director of the operations division and Brig. Gen. Dennis E. Nolan to be director of the military intelligence division.. Townley Seeks Supreme Court to Keep From Pch St Paul, Minn!'! Auer. 20. A. C. Townley, president of thevNational Nonpartisan league, and Joseph Gil bert, formerly1 a league organizer, today appealed to the state supreme court from ther conviction anfl vu day jail sentences on charges of con spiracto promote disloyalty during the war. V Wounded Man Becovering. Beatrice, Neb., Aug." 2?. (Special"). -fBilly" Bettley, the alltged auto hief who' was shot tnd seriousl wounded by Officer ' Paul Acton, cast of the cit early Monday moni- n?: is gaining strengtn, ana tne at lendiritr ' nhvsician believes that fie wil'. recover. , After being wounded, Bettley put up a' game fight to, es cape cadture, and it took foun men to overpower htm.,., -' . Steers 'Top Market. O'Neill, Neb.. 'Aug. 20. (Special). -Holt county grassed cattle, for thi second time this 6ummer, topped the Ch'cago market Wednesday.' The cattle, twp carloads of long yearling steers, averaging 1,140 pounds, were from the V . Arnold ranch, north of O'Neill, as was the cither top con signment. . "Tt" ' ', To IN ' Th Iafn of Nations, whlth wmr, ha$ thomn it hlpln MS. i - rZk THipeTo I "S- I CENCRAt LfV NckutAW i j JTT A rcnf eabU Jitpateh eaoUi Pramitr Mil' Urand a toying that Franc wold officially ognina the bolthcvict government if it would guar' ante payment of the French debt. A few month ago Poland became diitatitfled with her new iaetern border a pretcribed by the Vmaille treaty and extended it a couple of Aun dred mil into Ration territory to her old border of 1772. ' ' V- . , .- ; GOVERNOR CANTU DN WAY TO VISIT MEXICACHIEF Lower California Executive Who Surrendereci After Re volt Will' Confer With : President de la Huerta. Los Angeles Aug- 20. Col. Este ba'jCantu -was here today on his wai to Mk'xico City to' confer with Provisional Pesidcnt de la Huerta ahd Gen. Alvaro Obregon concern ing recent events in the northern district of Lower California, which en.ded when Colonel Canju sur rentleredl the governorship of' the district to Gen.-Luis M. Salazar. Genfral Salazar's first official acts included anouueement, that, the Owl gambling house, just cross from the United States, would, be close J on September 1, unless orders camj from .Mexico City for its closing be fore, that time, ': according to an nouncement here by Vito Aleffio Robles, special representative . M President de la Huerta, who was in strumental in negotiations which led to Colonel Cantu's surrender. Lower California saloons closed last Tues day by Colonel Cantu's orders, re mained closed i It is understood they will not be opened until troops mobilized by Cantu have been , de mobilized it Mexicali. Many families, including those of a number of former Cantt) employes crossed to the American side to-' day. Sonif explained. that they pre ferred to be in California in case of dismissal, frouit their official posi provisional president to act as arbi-, trator. Pending bis decision, they: vilf return .to work., Letvia Envoy Is" Detained - , By U.-S. at Ellis Island New York, Aug. 20. Alfred Na- gel, who bore credentials from the minister of foreign affairs of the new republic of Letvia, showing him to be duly appointed Secretary of. the proposed legation in Washington, was held by immigration' authorities when he arrived today with Ins wife on the Swedish steamer Drottning holm. ' ' . Forest Fires , Dwindling. - San Francisco. Aug. 20. The for tst fire situation, throughout the far west show:d tfluch improvement to day, except in Oregon, where a large fire has broken out. A. 1 Find Harding's Qfame Traced in Red Meat On Watermelon Rind '. Quincy, 111.. Aug. 20.-The "Snt Nature Wonderful" club of 'QiiincyNs all agog today as the result' of the discovery of a slice of . watermelon whose, red meat was plainly traced with the name "Harding," spelled by the white fiber. Bishop M. Fawcett of the. Quincy diocese of the Episcopal church, who vouches for the story, declares the name was clearly and plainly spelled. T"he Harding-watermelon was discovered by Miss Margaret BisHop, wtjo showed it to the bishop.' -- A Mill (I Marl. latM 4M Zmm. Dtll, I.UI. 4tk Z. II Mr). Ml aia The Changing (Copyright: 1:0 By The Chlcif o Trlbunty GfJftlEMW.WE SEJM BE UTTERLY. HELPLESS TMS RUSSO-POLISH wo to prmnmnt in Front mnd th border ettublithed by th Vrcdll treaty. 1 ONLY' A DOG BUT HE HAD HIS DAY IN COUP YESTERDAY WilburHas Dog Now But An other Hearing Must Be Had. "Gentleman Jack," OmahU's njost talked-about dog at this time, is'ex- periencing a giddy whirl of legal ramifications. ' . ; ', - - Yesterday morning the animal was . brought into the justice court of .George Collins;,' in thecustodvof Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ballingcr, 2544 No'th Twenty-eighth avenue. The Ballingers obtained - possession of the dog on a vrit of replevin serve! against F. C Anthony of the Hu mane socisty. 'I he court decided in favqr of Mr. Anthony, but the Bal?, lingers 'retained possession of the dog. on a notice that they would ap peal from that decision. - During the hearing yesterday morning Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. E. Wilbur, 321.? Poppleton avenue, testified that the dog beloncd to them; that they 'os? the dog last April and that they had a city lie ;nse tag.- Mr.' Ballin gcr testified that he bought the dog last February from a "Mr. White." whose ' first n,me pr address he co'tld not give. " ' ' Mr. Wilbur went i into court yes terday afternoon and obtained ( a writ of -replevin against Mr. Ballin cer for pbrsession of the dog, w hich will remain wiih the Wilburs until at least a Hearing,, next Friday morning. , I he presenr status places Mr. Bai'.inger as plaintiff in his apptoil action against Anthony and defend ant in thi1 action brought by Mr. Wilbur. . - An, incident during the bearing yesterday, morning was ; the dog's demonstration . ' when" greeted by Mrs.' Wilbur, who testified, that Jac'-c was her dog. ' Mr. ,Vifcur' made his identification of the .dbg chiefly on a lump' which apteears in the'middl-: of the animals, tail, Dili's , being said by ,dog fanciers to be an unusual cliaiaeteristic of a canine ca'udal appendage. . ''' ' Deny Koreans Plan Arrest Of Party of Congressmen Washington, Aug. 20. Reports from Tokio that plot to "hold" the party of American congressmen' nov. visiting the Far East .when it ar rived in Korea has been unearthedt were characterized todav by Kiusc- Kimm, chairman of the Korean coin- 'o "...nil.. .Lnl... Tn. anese fabrication." c.. , . t ' What was planned, he "said, was to present a memorial to the party, and he declared this object was well un derstood in Tokio. .- Mrs. Wanamaker Dies at ' Home in Atlantic City Atlantic City, N. J Aug. 20. Mrs. Mary B. Wanamaker wife of John Wanamaker, department store pro prietoK died today. ' ' ' K . - She had been ill several months. , Large Barn Burns. ' Scotia, '- Neb., Aug. , 20. (Special Te'egram). A heavy rain fell here Thirsday, accompanied by an un usual electrical storm, which dil considerable ' damage. -The large banv on the William Bredthaun farm, scutb of town, was struck by Aightning and burned to the ground. ml . tl: O.II Oily. M: lnw. f. ' III! 0H Oal. tilt m. Oalr. U orld fNlX ON K ' I. ) ( WAR AA.N3T , ' M?g r)Urt I ' tut m mw'ltagum ( tnftc pemen hmt arinn England. Not receiving a favorable reply from -Lenin, Frontier Mlllerand now accord French recognition to Gen. Baron Wrangel, who agree to attorn the debt. i Today f oland, would no doubt be tatitfiod with GERMANY IS MERE ONLOOKER IN THE Rioting, at Kattowitz Seem jngly Comes as No Surprise r to Official Quarters ' Outbreak Feared. Berlin, Aug. 20. In high official quarters it is said the German gov ernment has bee consigned to the roll of a mere onlooker in the upper Silesian disturbances, as the rights of that territory have been transferred to the interallied governments. The' present rioting in Kattowitz seemingly has come as no surprise to official quarters, where for some time it has been asserted that suffi cient combustible material .was ac cumulating there to make such an outbreak - a logical consequences. When Poland's (ortunes of war be gan to diminish it was declared there had come a pronounced change . in sentiment in the upper Silesan dis tricts, which permitted the con clusion in high circles that if a vote were taken now it would show an overwhelming majority in favorof Germany. ' . -, .. Want Plebiscite Date.$ TIM -I kl f . .. M wniie.ine worwers ana an classes of the population in upper Silesia are reported to be firmly, determined to have Germany s neutrality rigidly observed in ' connection with the Kusso-Polish war, and while this at titude is believed to have been the the pretext for the present outbreak informal discussion in official, circles in Berlin it has-been contended in namiants ot the plebiscite reeion gradually were finding their patience at an end as a result not only of the reported flagrant manner in which Polish, propaganda was carried,, on and the continued alleged French excesses, but also because of the al leged inconclusive attitude ' of the interallied commission toward es tablishing a fixed date for the-plebiscite. ' .. y This reported accumulation of grievances is declared now to have beeen augmented by the neutrality factor, which finds the populace a firm unit. . ' ' . Sees Happy Signs. ' , Thev German cress iithertn ha ibeen chary in 'its comment on the situation. W hile deploring the out breaks in upper Silesia because, it says, they are likely still further to complicate Germany's Jangled for eign situation, the Taglische Rundz scha,u expresses the belief. tiat the occurrences have given "evidence of a healthy 'national will which will prove upper Silesia faithful toGer mahy when the ballots are Counted." The WeatKer Forecast ; Omaha and vicinity: Fair Satur day and Sunday; continued cool. Hourly Temperatures. - , f a. m ....Ti) .' m., ;.. .TO T a. m .&7i1 -a. m. 71 a. m 7-r 10 a. m..... ...... 70 1 p. jn.'t . 2 p. m.,.. 3 p. in.... .. ..61 ..Si ,.tS .. ..t j P. m..... m .1 a. ra. . 71 p. m.... 7 p. mA.w., .2 SILESIA THREE CENTS BIG DEALERS HIT BY SLUCf Hoarders -Who Loaded, Up on High, Market to Hold foi Large Profits Are Now Howling Loudly for Help. PRICES MAY, GO DOWN TQ15tNTSPER POUND Bottom Falls Out yVhen Prohi bition Fails to Create Heavy Demand for Sweets Inv porters Also Unload Here. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leoaed Vilnt Washington, Aug. 20. Big sugar dealers are holing for help. Many of them who loaded up and held sugar when prices were high with a view to unloading when they went still higher, find themselves facing serious losses as sugar is falling downward with big strides with no immediate prospect of a check to the decline. Within a "week when sugar prices have dropped from 23, 24 and 25 cents a pound to 16, 17 and 18 cents, marty dealers have lost thousands of dollars of their former fat sugar profits and the end is not yet. Yes terday, according to information reaching Washington, one of the largest concerns in the country plari ned to put sugar on the market at 15 cents a pound in order to meeet competitors. Government officials who pre watching the situation said tofay that it would not be surnrisinfl if prices dropped to even lower leVels before they stabilize. A miscalcula tion, as the effects of prohibition, is declared to have been the real in stigation of the break in sugar. 'ForeTgn Supply Large. A contributary cause is attributed to the haste of sugar dealers all over the world to rush their supplies to tins' country to get the benefit or the high prices. Many of these for eign supplies have already reached here or. are en route, coming from Brazil. Peru, Argentina, China and even from friea. None of these countries has figured in Arnerican sugar markets before. : Big candy an 4 soft drink manu facturers and speculators calculated last summer and fall that nationwide prohibition would create a demand for candy and soft drinks never before known in this country and gobbled up Available sugar supplies. lhen tor weeks this past spring grocers informed the average in dividual there was no sugar to be had. Kefiners took advantage of the de mand 'to "boost prices until they reached as -high as 25 and 30 cents a' pound. Selling at Loss Now. This summer candy and - soft drink manufacturers were awakened to the fact that the public had not gonerrazy oser candy as anticipated. Accordingly they began to unload. The' demand for sugar became sc strong that "irrevocable letters of credit" were devised, refiners re quiring these letters with orders for sugar. "The irrevocal letter of credit" is a letter from a bank, backed by actual security that will guarantee payment for sugar as agreelA It' tied up the purchasers' money. Apparently the big refiners have the upper hand, and are able to force payment for the big supplies purchased. Much of ,the'sugar is now being sold at a loss averaging 5 cents a pound. Another circumstance that makes it difficult to halt 'the downward competitive slide , now is the -approach of the beet sugar yield, which will supply large quantities available for western states. This is cxDccted to cut down the eastern refineries market and bring an even sharpc compeitive stage. , Bride of Omaha Mair Makes Long Trip to ' Join Husband Here , - Through all the perils of a trip across half the world, Mrs. Frances , Howse has f ome safely to her hns- . band from war torn Turkey. The two are together now in Omaha wheer the husband. Chief Petty Of ficer Percy Howard" Howse, is on recruiting service. Batk in 1915 . when Mr. Howse was a sailor on the V. S. S. Scor pion, at Constantinople, he fell ir love with an 18-year-old girl in th foreign colony. She was a Russiar Jewess. They were married at th home of an Rnglish minister, anrl lived in the Turkish capital foi three years. The day after Christ mas, 1918, Mr. Hawse was ordered to sail for the United States. A month later bis wife bravely bjgan her journey to rejoin him Her funds of $500 ran out when she reached Athens in Greece. She went without food four days ani then sold some of her jewels and . clothes. The United States embassy cabled the United States withou! success, and considered sending he back to Russia. ' She then cabled MrHowse's grandmother at Nash ville. Tenn., and in 12 days reeeivco funds to continue her journey. $100,000 Taken in Chicago Mail , Pouch Robbery Chicago, Aug. 20. A mail pouch believed . to contain money and valuables worth $100,000 was stolen today by two men from the 111th station of the Illinois Central rail road. , The robbers escaped in an auto- IN SUGAR ARE .v. i.'