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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
THE UM AHA SU.MMt iiKhi : AUGUST 22, i)2Q. 0 A Three Children in Omaha Family Have Same Birthday Date as Mother morrow D wpin We 1 1 if Ijj ' Hre is a case of three Omaha children who have the same birth day anniversary date as their mother. The other child of this family was bnm on the birthday anniversary of his father, who is dead. Mrs. Helen Hiykel. 124 South Twenty-fourth street, and three of her children, Kinil, Alice and Fay, 10, and 8 years old, respectively, observed their birthday anniversa ries yesterday. Instances have occasionally been recorded in Omaha of a child having been born on the birthday anniver sary of its mother or father, but the Hiykel case is unique in local birth records. It is further noteworthy that these Hiykel children were born during successive years. Kmil was born August 21. 1910; Alice on Au gust 21, 1911, and Fay on August 21. 1912. , " Joseph was born on September l.i. 1908, which was his father's birthday anniversary. Mr. Hiykel was accidentally killed during the court house riot lat September. He was walkiiiR at Seventeenth and Douglas streets when struck by a stray bullet. Mrs. Hiykel operate' a boarding house and her boys heir bv carrying paper routes. "The Hiykel children were all born in Omaha. 15,000 SOVIETS TAKEN BY POLES IN OFFENSIVE Six Bolshevik Divisions Con sisting of 30,000 Men Are Surrounded Near Brest-Litovsk. Br The Associated Pre. 1 Warsaw, Aug. 21. The Poles have captured 15.000 soviet prison ers up tp Thursday, it was an nounced today. Six bolshevik divisions, consist ing of from 30.000 to 40,000 men, are surrounded by Polish forces be tween Siedlce and Brest-Litovsk, according to press dispatches today. Fighting North of Warsaw. London, Aug. 21. Heavy fight ing continues north and northeast of Warsaw, rrear Plonsk and' Cie chanow, according to a bolshevik wireless statement from Moscow Further northeast the soviet and Polish armies are engaged near Wyszkow and Stanislavow, while in the region of Brest-Litovsk fighting is proceeding along the line of the western branch of the Eug river. Near Lemberg. the statement says, bolsheviki are developing their advance after occupying Glin iany, and during the firrhting hav advanccd to a line of villages south ?.nd southeast of Lemberg. In the TiarnapoL region soviet forces have crossed the Stripa river and have advanced in a westerly direc tion, it is declared. In the Crimean sector, the bil sheviki h?je occupied Vasilyevka. after fierce fighting, during which hey capturd an armored train and its " auxiliaries. Further east anti bolshevik forces have landed nea' the outskirts ot Aktyrskaia, on th Sea of Az). 'ut soviet troops have necn disp-itchcd to that front and have engaged :n an attempt to ex pel the landinp forces. At the second sitting of the Rus-so-rolish pea: conference Thurs day at Min-k he head of the Polish delegation announced Poland's peace coi'ditions to be the complete and it v'olahle independence of the Pol i'h rcpubl--, wiii no interference in its interna: afk irs. according to a wireless dispaUh from Moscow to- Poles Didn't Want War. The Po'.ish delegate said Poland did not d-clare war. He asserted tie Polish troops had occupied ter ritory oici belonging to Poland merely To attain the free decision of the people? regarding their fate and declared R.-ssii was trying by force o establish a soviet regime in Po land. -L M. Dani.-hevsW. chairman of the Russian 'leleg'ition, asserted the Ukraine w?s an independent repub 1 c allied to Russia. He therefore proposed that the Polish delegates obtain a supplementary mandate authorizing them to conduct peace negotiations wuh the Ukraine. Then M. Danishevskv read the terms pro posed by soviet Russia. Pop Manufacturer Fined For Use of Saccharine - Pleading guilty to charges of using saccharine in the manufacture of pop, the Meal Bottling company, owned by Mike Davison. Raymond Cohn. Harold Richards, 1716 North Twenty-fourth street, was fined ?10 on -13 counts each, in Central police court yesterday. The Independent Bottling com oanv. Aucust Christens.-n, proprie tor4809 South Twentieth street, was fined dn a similar charge $10 each on two counts. OMAHANS PRAlSE western canada After long tour E. P. Peck, Luther Drake and W. V. Head Return From Trip. 3 Patrolmen Take Jobs Of Suspended Detectives Patrolmen Robert P. Munch,' R. J. Haney and E. J. Slczwiski were named yesterday to succeed Detec tives Felix Dolan, Peter Lagcrman and A. V. Lundeen, who were sus pended yesterday by order of Mayor Smith, pending investigation into Charges of extorting $15 from two Iowa men on whom they found a pint of liquor. v Three Killed In Wreck Kalamazoo, Mich.. Aug. 21. ''hrce trainmen were killed near Srhoo!craft, s ith of here, when their train, a freight, ran into an onen deraiier The dead are Engi nec C. E. Bassett, Fireman P. T. Crove nnd Bri reman C. J. Bodrick, all of Elkhart, Ind. Clean, White, Healthy Jl- em They not only attract and hold favorable atten tion, but are valuable because they are the very basis of health. Now is the best time to have teeth put into perfect condition, for any delay means more time, more work, ir. more expense, and a possibility, always, of losing im portant teeth. Our free examination will inform you of the true condition of your teeth and mouth, and is a very valuable service. r55? teeth McKenney Dentists 1324 Farnam St. Corner 14th and Farnam. Phone Douglas 2872. in M After a trip of 4.200 miles into western Canada, E. P. Peck of the Omaha Elevator company, Luther Drake of the Merchants National bank and Walter W. Head, presi dent of the Omaha National bank, are back in Omaha. They were the guests of the F. H. Peavey company, which owns 400 elevators in the dominion. "This year's wheat crop iti the provinces of Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan is the- best ever," said Mr. Head today. It is not un usual to see fields yielding 40 bush els to the acre. There is also a big crop of oats, but it is too far north for corn. "Western- Canada is developing wonderfully. Edmonton and Cal gary, two cities of from 60,000 to 70,000, have, been built up in the last 10 years. Although the distances great, tin's Vast territory is being settled rapidly. "The three provinces have a popu lation of 1,500.000, of which 400,000 have come from the United States. Out of a total estimated wheat pro duction for Canada of 0.000.000 bushels, the three provinces will produce 200.000.000." Mr. Head tells of seeing millions of ducks on the numerous hkes, many of the bi-ds not yet large enough to fly. The hunting season does not open until Septembcs 1, so the party could do nothing more than look. Old Clothes Matinees to Be Held at Moon Theater First of all theaters in Nebraska to aid in the old clothes drive of the Xear East Relief commission for Armenian children, the Moon man agement announces, "old clothes matinees" Monday and Tuesday at 1, 3 andiS p. m. Boys land girls of Omaha may gain free admission to see Maurice Tourneur's "The Life Line" by tak ing outgrown or discarded garments to the theater, which will even pay the war tax. These garments will he turned over to the state commis sion for Armenian relief. Five Ousted Socialists In Race Fir Re-election N'ew York, Aug. 21. The five so cialist assemblymen, who were ousted from the . state legislature have been renominated ami will fight for re-election at the special elections September 16, it was an nounced here tonight by the county committee of the .socialist party. The committee of 8 will support the socialist ticket in the districts represented by the ousted assembly men, declared Julius Gerber. secretary-treasurer of the committee. Postmasters to Hold 1921 Convention In Washington Minneapolis, Aug. 21. Washing ton, D. C. was selected as the 1921 meeting place of the National League of Postmasters, which closed its annual convention today. W. H. Brophy, Crystal Springs, Fla., was elected president. Bank Clearings Here Bank clearings in Omaha this week were $54,576,116, as compared to $50,750,024 last week, and $64,223,086 the same week a year ago. Divorce Decrees Curl J. Johncon frim. Dorothy Johnson, estreme cruelty. Anna HnrlmelT frura Hugo HachmelT, extreme eru- lty. y i Complete as Shown The name "Sim mons" n.'-ana auality. '.ere is an exntnnle a an batant 1' be1 with strong filling rods and attractive finish. It is a real alue at Special Dog Day Sale Trice 165 AS in every other department of our store the reductions on beds run from 10 to 50 if von are desirous of savins money, this is a sale that von can't very well afford to over look. The beds are from such famous makers as Simmons, Englandcr, and Spiegel as well as many others. The quality of each is guar anteed; we show just a few of the bargains. 2-in. Posts and Filling Rods (g Continuous 2-Inch posts and filling: rod.". Tou will not find a better bargain anywheie. If you are In terested in beds, come in and Fee tills one at the greatly reduced price 35 mm yaiss. Complete Outfit 85! Sdc $Q nice Walnut or Mahogany Steel Bed Tina ir a l-:t i train wilt h mh Mot u- homi inn km . A Btpcl boil iit walnut or m:i hnjran v f in sli, eomnliihisr at ' r;icti v emss of pt. U vi'h durability you -v ill want It t th sal' 145 d) Wood Bed Steel Rails uur ioe 1 rv Sale lias h .n n u n p irredo n t rrt nucces nnd the hni itftlnn hav ben sonea ttonnl. but none h:s hn moip Btriktrnr thm this liaTidnomf1 wo'nt bot1 with Btronr font -ttatioti of atcl 7C JO mm 2-in. Posts 1-in. Fillers f:viv jn'iifiird f ii in itiu bu;i will aifrec tluit this rontiniuitis post Simmon hras bed is a bargain, It lr substantial in cmsl rufUon and of !!iTn desicn. Wo are featuring: it at the unnsiinlly lov Sale Frio.', ooni pli t( with springs and mattiefs. ' 1 Use ssJ Your "3 r r?x i i il j L i J J mm-, ( mm m Simmons Brass Bed Full Size Beautifully t r I m-in.-d with atin hands, continuous pout s vfiy substantial and -a ll f tnished. Siionvna piioiidsh Mini. Sain Price la Another Bargain Brass Bed Hainralu aft r haricam f - thiti i ofi"i nil you iui ml- ui mtn h t itU' 1 of I oc hnv S:il'. Tills hiH!fs boil. cxhHI" as lllw. trutet!. w ii h lion v nv nr posts anJ fillers 185 !95 g tfffrt u m u ml J ' 1 I y ' Ssh Price Slashsd Pay Only a Small Sum Down 1 Table and Bench Now Of good lines and substantial construction, the dresser pic tured is an excel lent value. Can be had in rich golden finish As a feature, we are offering this bed room suite of two pieces. The bed is a four-poster and beautifully designed. Dresser has clear mirror and well fin ished drawers. Very Special at D03 Day Sac Price .' Only the fact that we want to make the closing days of our Sale particularly momentous, en ables 119 to price this dressing: ta- Die ami nencn at the low price we do. Exactly as Il lustrated and fin ished golden. Only. $2295 Royal Chair Very Special m jj Fdl Size Crib H Steel Springs A chair built for re laxing and the best of it is, it is pli'a,slnjr to the eye as well. Up holstered in imitation leather and finished golden or fumed. $1 045 4 RUG Special i:iiiiij.-i 1 . i7 i J- RUGS ror Every ""oom Creatly :v".uced r: Trice. A dainty bed for the f-mallost member of the family. Is pafe and sanitary and come.'-complote-with springs at the Special Dog Day Sale Price. On 9x12 Seamless $Ai75 8-3x10-6 Seam- $ -A75 Wilton Rugs, y4 less Velvet Rus du 9x12 Axmin ster Rugs 11- $17175 oxiu ixrass $Q75 . . 1 Rugs 0 Blue or White Porcelain Sanico Rang $1 QQ75 JL A range with the San ico tnidemarjc is positive ly guaranteed for 25 years. It is all that is up to date.-with porcelain in side and out. When you see tne desirable features of this range you will ad mit that it is a bargain at the lo-.v Sale Price Big Library Table Cash or Credit U supa-pst that vou hi thia librnrv tnble If vmi are Interested In rroort furnttnrp. It la Htrortfflv built of nnk and wpII tlosiifned and is an especially notftblft bar K.Tin at Sale Prica. I J s Machine on Terms good sewlnit machine is a necessity in attv well organised home. It Is BJ m ,- the one nlrtured now r,nn fmv Rale l'rlce with a amail payment down and the rest on easy ti rins. Thi mnchlne in puaranted to irive Eat sfactlon. rrlca . i ITlee won h $4250 iru u 1 I For Tomorrow Only !wrll 1 built 600(1 lookfn8 cha'r. teat I tjlll M If will prove its worth by its wean ' I ) n If You can choose be- ;f I I 11 I V tween golden and !hC7Z If tin- II If el fumed finish at the ' ' " I .U y U J Sale Price V 1 On Generous Terms at Sale Price A dining suite that will grace the pleasant eft room in your home. Table is strongly braced and extends to full six feet. Four chairs with seats of Spanish fabrieoid, durable construction and of a simple elegance of line, ished fumed, at I Bargains in End Tables j YOUR CREDIT IS AS GOOD AS CASH Folding Sulky and Hood This is one of the many articles that are reduced in price. Mahog any finish of graceful de- IlHpfe jH M B-Jf-"f sign. Sale 111 lSEw $i2 v Sixteenth Between Harney and Howard A handy car. nage that will enable you to take the baby on any trip. It is of durable i: o n structlon and a bargain at Sale Price it. only $8 I