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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
A: 5 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 22, 1920- f I FOR RENT Business Property FOR RENT. ONE FLOOR. 8,000 SQUARE FEET ON TRACK. PHONE MR. ROLLER, DOUGLAS 394. 13H2-4-6 Nicholas, warehouse 6,fino o7. ft. floor space, east end Nicholas Viaduct. New one-story warehouse, 3.2C0 sj. ft. floor space, trackage. ' WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1S3. S3S Securities Bldg. HORSES AND VEHICLES. 500 Bl'ys two mules, two horses and harness, good farm wag, wagon and hay rack, seeder, disk, hay sweep, corn planter, mower, hay rake, plow, light road wagon, manure spreader, six-horsepower engine. Horses and mules worth tha money. Telephone Walnut 4250. UKI.IVERY harness, 1 double concord harness, brass mounted; 1 plain concord harness. 2 brass moun'ed single harness. 21U No. J4th8t. Walnut 2$0J. TWO HORSES, weight 1.200; 2 sets har ms 1 light spring wison. ol.L"97- ONE fine driving horse and saddle. 2109 So. IMth St. hste2S3. ON')' teem end cow cneap. CallWah4797. LIVE STOCK. I'i'R PAT.R Saddle horse. Apply Colonel Wr: iterhousc. Ft. Omaha. TVVi.i Durham and one Jersey cow giving 12 quarts of milk. South 2 2 .". 4 . POULTRY AND PETSTOCK. WK WANT reliable people to raise fur bearing rabbits for us In their back yards, spar., time Wo furnish stock and pav JS.F'O to 7 SO each for all you raise. Sunset Fur t'o., 5i'i -7 -S Ranker slum Tlblr.,I:;iis Angeles, J 'al. MIMTD grain I2.7S 'per' 100 lbs., de livered. A. W. Wagner, 801 North 16th St. Iioug'ns Hi:. AIHliAI.lC il..g. months obi. Call at 4 Fort St. Colfax 5149. T' SAI.K Horse, buguy and harness, . Call Wnl. 6 11S1. iiviil.n Hose Comb young Khode Island Tie.,1 rooMt r, $". liar. e44. (iNK single harness and grocery wagon. JVrf.'rl condition. Harney H0x2 RA KBITS for sa'e. mother and 5 small ones. Poup. 2245. DOGS CATS PETS. 3M6.NTHa-t,I.r" Boston "bu'ii pup eligible to ret'.istei ; ears and tall trimmed. Sovth I IS:: TffRSTAN kittens, registrable from finest of red tabby stock, 15 to 125. Har. 4059 , RARBITS for sale. 2321 SoV 30th St. Har ney 61 CO. YOUNG inTr7 $7." Col.' 3132. CANARY birds for sale. So. 45G9. movingandstorTge FIDELITY RTOR4GK PA ANI VAN VV. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKINCJ Iiouseih H.n noons and pianos. KRASONAni.K R ATI'S, FKKR RKNTAL SF.UVICE. COMPLETE LIST OK HOI'SES AND APARTMENTS Hth and Jackson Rts. I uglaa 2 a. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. F1HKPKOOF WAREHoUSK. Separata lockpd rooms for household foods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAC.K CO.. 0 South lfith. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. BowenPo. JTylpr 7400. GLOBE" VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service I N ION TRANSFER CO. " Let us estimate your movlr.g, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. S03. automobiles for sale. STUDEBAKER 1918-4 Here is a fine little roadster with a large carrying space in the rear compartment; lias been com pletely rebuilt and is in excellent condition. If you need a roadster don't fail to see this one. Call Douglas 1970. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. ATTENTION! TRUCK USERS! Large selection of new and used truck bodies at bargain prices. We are overstocked on truck bodies, many of which came in on chassis for which buyers de sired special bodies and some taken in on trade. We must now move these to ob tain additional storage space. Come in and look them over. Dumps, drays, express and closed bodies. HAMILTON MOTOR CO., 1814 Cuming Street. CADILLAC LIMOUSINE Here is an S-cylinder, 7-passenger limousine which is priced right; has 5 new tires, refinished and in excellent condition. Would make a fine taxi in funeral car; has had very careful city use by private party. Call Douglas 1970 for information. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. USED CARS OF VALUE We are offering some exceptionally good values in the following used cars: 1CU Bis Six Studebaker. like new. 1919 light six Studebaker. S-pa'-enger. 1919 Ford Sedan. 1918 light six Oakland, winter top. 1918 E-45 Buick, new tires. 1917 Willis Knight, wire wheels, good condition. 1919 Little 4 Studebaker Sedan. Ford roadster. Terms to responsible BONNEY-YAGER AUTO CO., Studebaker Dealers 2550 Farnam St. Harney 676. Paynes touring If you have $900 to spend for a good automobile we have a Havnes which is a bargain. A snappy, powerful and high-grade car at a price which is right. See it todav. Call Douglas 1970. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. CHANDLER CHUMMY 1918 Car in excellent cnnoiupii. overhauled, new paint, lots of extras. S.erlftc if sold by SOth. For demon stratlon call at 1468 Emmet aftsr I p. m. . 1 automobiles for sale. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-class used car which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. SCRIPPS-BOOTH ' 1920 This week v.'e are showing a new Seripps-Hooth, S-passenger car which has never been used. It is a snappy little car and one you can be proud to own. Will guar antee in everv way and can save you $500. Call Douglas 1970. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. A REAL BARGAIN National 7-passenger, in excellent con dition; only been driven 2,00 miles; looks and runs like new; dandy car 'or a lar family; will sell at real sacri fice; very liberal terms If desired. MORSE-STTJTZ MOTOR CAR CO., 2427 Farnam St. Douglas 1311. ESSEX SEDAN These early autumn days turn nur thoughts to closed cais. We have two fine little Essex Sedans which are ideal for winter use, economical, smart, easy to drive and a favorite with the ladies. Call Douglas 1970 for a home demonstration. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. BEST VALUES IN USED FORD CARS ALWAYS FOUND AT THE M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., (The Handy Ford Service Station), 15TH AND JACKSON STS. DOUG. 3500. HUDSON SUPER SIX There are more Hudfons in Omaha than all other cars com bined. Why not have one your self? We have a good selection of seven-passenger jobs ranging in price from $1,200 up. Guar anteed like new, of course, and real automobile bargains. Call Douglas 1970. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. LET'S GET TOO ET HER" We probably have the very car you have in mind. It costs nothing to look, and every car Is sold on a 24-hour ap proval. Our prices are lowest In city considering quality. A Few Listed Below: New Stephens '1H Scrlpps Roadster New Maxwell '18 Ford Sedan Late Nash '17 Oakland Hudson Sedan '18 Chalmers Cadillac Sedan '18 Enger Hudson Coupe . '19 Overland Late Paige V16 Overland Late Buick Six; Ford Touring Ford Roadster Money Hack If Not Satisfied. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam. Douglas 9070. CARS, NEW, USED AND REBUILT. A really good used car, or a good, thoroughly rebuilt car. Is a better buy at the right price than the same car new at the list price. Used cars from $350 up. Rebuilt cars from $450 up. Cash and time. Same guarantee on re built cars that you get on new cars. New Briscoe models, 34 touring sedan, coupe and runabout, leaders of light weight reliable cars that's a sure thing. Distributors of Dependable Cars. BIXBY MOTOR COMPANY. 802 St. Marys Ave. Phone Tyler 792.' HUDSON SEDANS This week we are showing sev eral fine Super-Six Sedans which have been rebuilt complete. This is the season for closed cars and now is the time to buy. We have six to choose from. Call Doug las 1970 for information. GUY L. SMITH, 26th andFarnam. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILINC, ; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW, A-l CONDITION. S11LP-STARTRKS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3622. BARGAIN 1919 Dodf Sedan, 1ST CLASS SHAPE. WILL SELL CHEAP. CALL HARNEY 7119. OVERLAND 6 TOURING Here is a fine car for a modest price. Continental Red Seal mo tor and in excellent condition throughout, 5 good tires and a real bargain at $650. Call Douglas 1970. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. WE SAVE YOU $5 out of every $10 on auto Insurance. Phon Douglas 7768. 312 Peters Trust Bldr Contlnentsllnv. Co. FORD Roadster, Chevrolet Touring, Mitcneii six Touring, an just overnauied, : tn good shape. A real bargain If taken ; quick. Phone Tyler 1940. 2318 Deer i Park Blvd. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co, The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug Iss 3609. 1918 KINO 8 sport model car; wire wheels, ' etc.; cash, terma or Liberty bonds, cr smaller car accepted as part payment. Address Box R-68,OmahaBee. OLDSMOBILE farm truck used only for demonstrator, run 400 miles, none bet ter for the money. Phone Harney 927 orwrlta 812 North S6th St. DO YOU want a good automobile at a , bargain price? All makes and sizes. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones. D. HS8. FORDS, DODGE8. BUICK FOR SALE OR TRADE. EASY TERMS CALL 8,tl99. O'ROUKE AUTO CO.. 3701 S. 24trj St. BARGAINS Tn new nd used csrs. Also Ford bodies, at Goldstrum Auto Sales, 1318 Harney St. Tyler 714. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO- J3u9 Farnam St. WE have (9 good used car to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO., 1026 Farnam. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used cars, quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 105 Farnam Su Douglas 4015. FORD speedster, Amesbllt, fin condition, bargain for cash. 2568 Taylor. Colfax 2"49. f FOR SALE 1 Marlon S-passenger tour, tng car, $150. 1216 Meredith Ave. Phona Col. 4035. 1918 STUDKBAKKlf jisat Ilka new, f-t cWsa condition. Tler 1463, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE.. 1S20 OAKLAND touring car. fine shape, tor sale at bargain, leaving- city. Wal- nut 2195. CHALMERS t-cyl., 7-pass.; cheap for cash. Perfect running condition. Call Colfax 479. CHALMERS 7-pass. cheap for cash. Perfect running condition. Col. 467. 1120 FORD RUNABOUT or truck; good condition: for sale. Walnut 6645. 1918 STl'DEPAKER. .iust like new, first class condition. Tyier14GS. DANDY service truck for sale; a bargain. Call Mr. .1 e nsen,Ty.4 0jU. FORD touring, 1917. real bargain. Call Harney 2790. after 6 p. m. CHT'MMV i-oadater. Just overhauled, tin shape, cheap. Mr. Rowell, Doug. 1015. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WE HAVE a number of guaranteed re built bicycles priced as low as 120. Vic tor H. Rons, 27th and Leavenworth. Repairing .nd Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR JlFG. CO., llt Cuming St. Tyler i'17. Tires and Supplies. USEU TIRES. 30x3. 15.00; 30x34. $6.00. All sizes in proportion. Look over our rebuilts. Open Sundays. Tyler 298s. SAV1GE TIRES. OS N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES FIRST-CLASS. SOxS 110.95 32x4 $10.95 J 30xi 13 95 I 33x4 20.95 36x1 ; six! ivi.o GOODRICH KURD TUBES. $2.50. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. J." 2 2 CU.MINO. NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. 30x3 $ P. 75 I 33x4 $21.50 30x3H 12.90 34X4 21. 75 STANDARD TIKE CO.. 410 No. 16th. FARM LANDS. Arkansas Lands. OKLAHOMA LANDS Some Snaps A GOOD CHANCE FOR OIL, GAS OR MINERALS. 4 JEFFERSON COUNTY ISO acres, price- $25.00 per acre. M'CI.AIN COUNTY 102 acres, price $15.00 per acre; 52 acres, price $17.50 per sera; 12 acres, price $25.00 per acre. HASKELL COUNTY 230 acres, price $25.00 per acre. BRYAN COUNTY SO acres, price $22.60 per acre. GRADY COUNTY 10 acres, price $50.00 per acre. CHOCTAW COUNTY 10 acres, price $25.00 per acre. M'CUIITAIN COUNTY 40 acres, price $20.00 per acre. I ATOKA COUN'TY150 acres, price $15.00 per acre.' PITTSBURG COUNTY 40 acres, price $15.00 per acre; SO acres, price $6.75 per acre; 160 acres, prices $6.75 per acre. LATIMER COUNTY SO acres, price $7.50 per acre: 30 acres, price $7.50 per acre; 40 acres, price $7.50 per acre; 120 acres, price $7.25 per acre; 160 acres, price $7 25 per acre; 160 acres, price $5.50 per acre. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN CHEAP LAND BOUND TO GO UP. FRANK MAHONEY, HARNEY 4832. ' ARKANSAS Farms for Sale Improved, to close estnte, good level soil, fine climate, 200 A. $3,000. 195 A. $5,000. Part or crops If purchased within SO days. These are good Investments. Address R. M. Qilmer, 5644 Harper Ave., Chicago, 111. Canadian Lands. ' 5.000,000 ACRES Canadian Pacific rail read farm land for sale. 20 years' time. See me for full Information. Low rate excursion each Monday. John Barber, Agent, Keellne Bids., Omnha. ; Colorado Lands. ' "FOR THE RENTER and the man with small means that wants a home I have some very pood places near Cheyenne Wells, Colo., that will suit you at bargain prices with terms E. M. BOTTORFF. Phone Harney 3835. 3520 Martha St., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Ranch, 2.100 acres, fully equipped, well Improved, opens on forest reerve. Can carry 500 cattle or more. Price, $15 per acre. Deal with owners, save commission. For particulars write. D.H. W'ilson and Son' Guffey, Colo. Michigan Lands. GOOD LAND ON CREDIT.' Big opportunities for you In Kalkaska and Antrim counties. Mich. Maka a homa on hardwood land, growing biff crops of clover, alfalfa, grains, pota toes, etc.; $15 to $25 per acre; easy terms; 10 to 160 acres; schools, churches, markets, railroads own your own home; booklet free. Sw;lnart Land Co., J 1263 First Nat'l Bap Bldg., Chicago. 111. Nebraska Lands. 210 acres, 64 miles from Omaha, good set of buildings, a fine level pas ture of 30 acres, 20 acres of alfalfa, 6 acres native prairie, balance under plow. Price, $360 per acre, nothing like It for the money so near Omaha. Only 1 miles from Paved road, 2 miles from shipping station. Mr. Farmer, act now. 120 acres on Military road, soon to be paved, without expense to property own er, and Is one of the leading highways in Douglas county, well Improved, 20 acres of fine blue grass and white clover pastures, with living water, balance under plow. Price, $3S0 per acre. Terms. A great future to this place on account of Its location. 53 1-3-acre tract, tn high stare of cultivation, good pasture, 8 acres of al falfa, balance under plow, 214 miles northeast of Bennington, 8 mites from Omnha. Price, $360 per acre. This place won t last long at this price so act quick. 160 acres upland farm joining the town of Arlington, practically on the Fremont and Omaha highway, Improve ments, 2 blocks from business senter of town; on account of location a snap at $350 per acre. Terms, $4,000 cash, $4,000 March 1, 1921. balance will carry back on farm. 97-acre. !A miles from citv limits of Omaha, less than mile from paved road, 8 acres of alfalfa. 12 acres of clover, nice little bluegrass pasture, balance under plow, well Improved, house is 7 rooms, heat by furnace, has full cemented basement, one mile to shipping station. Trice, $365 per acre This is a good buy. Sarpy Co., 156 acres, only 6 miles from So. Omaha, lies fine, in a neighborhood where there Is no land for sale, owned by nonresident; first time offered Price $37i per acre. This farm Is worth far more money than the farms adjoining this could not be bought for less than $c,oo per acre W'e will be pleased to show these farmbj at any time and make terms on pny of the above. Graham-Peters ReafW Co., siLmh Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha Neb. POLK CO. FARM.' . AT AUCTION, AUO. 24TH, TUESDAY, 3PM r,!? f date AT COURT HOUSE, OSCEOLA, NKB., we will sell at pdb- Ic auction to the highest bidder, regard, less of price, the following described real estate: The Southwest quarter of Section 30, Township 16, Rnnge 1, Polk County, Neb. Located about 8 miles nor'h of Osceola. Neb. TERMS OF SALE: 15 per cent of the purchasa price cash day of sale, purehaser to as sume a mortgage of $1,500 bearing In terest at the rate of 6 per cent, balance September 1, 1920. Good and sufficient abstract of title together with wnrrantv deed delivered to purchaser day of settlement. Possession Ma'ch 1, 1921 IMPROVEMENTS: 4-room house, barn fur 8 horses, chicken hous-?, double corn lib and granary, well and windmill, i") acres under plow, an excellent grove 'ontainlng 15 acres of large cottonwood trees, more than half of which are suit Mble for dimension lumber; balance pas i'lre. Land lies level. For further In formation address NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO.. Central City, Neb. Mark carraher, Auctioneer; M. A. Larson, Manager; John J. Tooley, Central City, Neb., owner. OR SALE 640 aTres Deel countv. Neb!, land; will divide; finest of them all; iOO acres under plow. $20,000 worth lirand new improvements; $28. 000 loan, 1 to 5 years 6 per cent; balance cash or 4 good exchange. Price $125 per acre and worth the money. Wire you're nroute. See it today. T. A. Smith, Uilesburg, Colo. FOR SALE. 640 acres good land, one mile from town; 65 acres under cultivation; 60 acres more to be broken, rest good hay and pasture. $25 per acre. For further particulars Inquire Jim Richardson, Halsey, Neb. TOUR FARM OR RANCH turned quickly into cash by our unique method. Write for booklet. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central Clty. Neb. 4,000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land. $25 to $35 an acre In half section Iota. S. S. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City National Bank Bldg. A. A. PAT2MAN. FarmaT'Sl Karbach Blk. South Dakota Lands, $1,150160 ACRES "Worth $5,000. Grow corn, potatoes, wheat, oats. rye. alfalfa. rattle; some clay. Bring land values at Madl- son. South Dakota. 1300 acre or Its. ooo. Can't lose. Von'i get left this time. Bumper crop. Picture prices for every thing that grows. Hobart, 308 'Phoenix Block, Minneapolis, Minn. FARMLANDS; Tennessee Lands. FOR SALE Fine 509-aera improved farm by owner at bargain, In finest farming and live tnck section of south. Resi dence, 3 farm houses, 3 barns, siio, out houses, tractor, tru. k, live stock, imple ments, 7 miles new wire fencing, 33 head registered cattle, growing crops. Located 16 mile from city on U. S. Kovernmenr pike, near railway station. A wonderful opportunity for livs and progressive farmer to supply south with purebred live stock. Terms. No agents. Address L. M. H , c-o 675 McCallle Ave., Chauanooga, Tenn. Oklahoma Lands. For Sale By Owner R70-cre farm of bottom land with Improvements, well located, lying ad jacent to Mound City, Mo. Will sell alt or part. Excellent opportunity, account owner having othr interests cannot give farm hU attention. Address J. A. John son, 211 Pa n - A 1 n erl c a nj ) Id g ., Tula a. ykl. Texas Lands. WANTED To hear from former resi dents of Hidalgo county, Tex., regarding lands and conditions In the Rio Grande valley and methods used In securing purchaser fur such lands from northern states. Ttbbets. Morey & Fuller, Hast ings, Neb. Miscellaneous. Midwest Bargain; Corn, Wheat, Clover; Near Town. One of best farms in leading farming county; 190 acres tillage, including 100 acres bottom land, all one field, wonder ful crops; sprinff and creek watered pasture, gome wooti, good orchard; ex cellent buildings, l"cluding 8 oig barns, shelter for 200 nt-ad stock; immediate buyer gets part growing crops: quick action prtce enly $t0 acre. eas terma. Details this and other farms. Mlsaonrl, Kansas. Nebraska. Arkansas. Oklahoma, Mississippi. Alabama, many nthr sates, page S3, Strout's Uig Illustrated Catalog Farm Bargains. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency. R31 L-F. N. T. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. HOMESTEAP LANIpS, ten western states, our booklet telts about 10.000 acres. "V rite Homesetkers Ref. Co., Denver, Colo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITT AND FARM LOANS. DUMONT A CO. 416-41S Keeline Bldg. OMAHA I TOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1 QIC Om. Not.Bk. Bldg. poug.2715. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS." Lowest- rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 15H Dodge. D. 5619. 3, ISM. PRIVATF MONEY. $100 to 110, noo made promptly. I'. T. WEAK Wead Bldg.. 310 SJSth 3t. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY, poug.422s PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Broc. 245 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. MONEY IS TIGHT BUT I will still buy some good farmers' notes at a sub stantial discount. I will also buy certificates of deposit. EDWIN L. COYLE, 105 S. LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO. FOR SALE ALL OR ANY PART OF $10, (100,00, FIVE-YEAR 8 PER CENT GOLD COUPON .VOTES, ISSUED BY ONE OF OMAHA'S OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED MANUFAC TURING COMPANIES, HAV ING NET ASSETS MORE THAN FIVE TIMES ITS LIA BILITIES. I NEED READY CASH AND WILL SACRIFICE THESE NOTES TO YIELD THE PURCHASER 10 PER CENT. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT RIGHT. BOX A-72, OMAHA BEE. WATERLOO Creamery preferred, 20 shares; will exchange tor Liberty Bonds, any Issue, at ratio of 10 shares for 1700 par value Liberty Bonds. Will consider nil or any part. Call Doug. 1311, or write Eoit A -75. Omaha Bee. Oil Leases. HAVE a Texas lease I will sell If taken at once. For particulars write Box A-71, Omaha 'Bee. Miscellaneous VOUI7d you Invest 30 or more in a com panv which hns earned over J95.000 In five' months? This is the best chance for investors to be found in Texas. Write for particulars. Morgan Slvia, Truup, Tex. 300 PER CENT per annum in a safe busi ness enterprise. Write Box 9S4, Burk burnett, Texas REAL ESTATE WANTED. LISTINGS WANTED Homes, flats, business property. See us if you want to sell. DUMONT & CO., 416-418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. U90. . YOU WANT TO "SELL THAT HOUSE? Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. HAVE BUYERS with $600 cash down. List with us. n. V. Clarv Co., 2401-8 Amos Ave. North Omaha Realtors. Colfax 175. E. G. SOLOMON Real Estate Investments. 212 Karbach fllk. Doug. 622. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 14 25. W. G. SHRIVER Insurance. iU7-9Omaha Nat.Bank Blds. D. lo,6. HAVE Inquiries icr homes; do you want to sell your property ? List It with C. A.Jimmpl.jJnifiha NatlFJankBl(l HAVR buyers with $500 cash down, i-iflt with us. H. K. Clary Co., 404 -iti Ann-s Jvc--r J 'Oira hj Realtors. Colfax 15. SOUTH front lot "in k'ountze Place in -x-chanjje for Minne Lusa lot. Call Har I. e- y3 1; 4 . GOOD vacant lot and canh as first pay ment on 6 -room cottage. Wob. 3537. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Vacant Property. Lot Bargain Nesr 33d and Ames Ave., water, sewer, gas, paved street, all paid, 60x125, south front, worth $1,200, owner will take $950.00 for cash. A1.t fine lot, Minne Lusa for $950.00. P. J. Tebbens Co., 608 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D12H2. TWO LOTS, one corner other joining, 50 feet and 45 feet frontage. West I.awn addition, filft and Plcord, one block from Center. Here's a bargnln for some one If Interested. Tyler48(12. .Clots, harney street. s.o. bkj BARlJ A1N. DOUGLAS 4641. CSf'OD level lots 25oach, while they last. 622 PaxtoB Blk. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. DUNDEE or HAPPY HOLLOW Frontages 50 to 100 feet. Why not buy a lot now and beglp saving for a home ? TRICES H.fvOO.iO to $10,000.00. TERMS. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS, Tyler 3021. SOS City Nat. Bank Bldg. Acreages TWO acres, fine 5-rootn bungalow; full basement; furnace; bath; cis tern, etc. Fruit, chicken house, crops, etc. Fair price if sokl now. Call Mjllovv2i;yler4J16. 20 ACRES. Improved: 70th and Mason. Easv terms. Will sacrifice. Call owner I Web. 2404. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. AN EXCELLENT IN VESTMENT WITH SPECULATIVE FEATURES. A very attractive proposition; carries option to purchase. Prop erty improved and practically self supporting. Nominal amount of cash required. Full information on personal application. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 2830. 918-JO City National Trackage Bargains For close-in trAcknge you can't brut it. 99x132: located on Nicholas St., just east of lfith St., with 132 feet of track age. Tared streets; specials all paid. This la the cheapest piece of trackage on the market. Get busy; see me for price and terms. Here is another trackage property, lust as good for the money. This is a triangular piece of about 12,000 square fet, with 200 feet of trackage. About x.M0 squara foot more, which joins onto this property can ha secured from same ownership. Located on S. K. corner of 6th and Pacific streets. Close to Lintn-irer-Mftcalf Implement plant. See me for further information. C. A. Grimmel, UEALTOR, Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1815. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT, $10,500 LARGE LOT Nine-room, hot water heated home on an cast front lot, 86 feet frontage. Finished in quarter sawed oak first floor. Five bed rooms on the second floor; good plumbing. Garage for two cars. This is exceptionally good value if you can use a house of this size. GLOVER & SPAIN, ' REALTORS. DouRas2850. 918-20 City National STTlOUIS BRICK FLAT $7,500.00 $1,500.00 CASH. BALANCE AS RENT St. Louis practically new brick flat of 5 rooms each, thoroughly modern, fin ished In oak. Each fiat has Its own in dividual furnace and basement; located at 716 No. 23d St., within walking dis tance; bringing In a gross rental of $S70.00 per annum, which is very low: an opportunity to buy a home where you, can live in one and the rent of the other will pay for the property. H. A, WOLF COMPANY, Merchandisers of Real Estate Tyler 3 1 fi 0. Kaunders-Kennedy Bldg. Brick Flats, $8,000 Rental, $93 Per Month Small and easy to rent, always occupied. Out of town owner says sell. Four Flats, $15,000 Rental, $185 Per Month These are not old flats; modern in every way; close in location. Investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National -WHOLESALE DISTRICT Building and Trackage 132x198 ft. Former Union Pacific head quarters bul'dlng; 5 stories and basement, about 75,000 sq. ft. floor space; Ninth and Farnam treets. Building now available. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS, 308 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler t02i. GOOD SMALL INVESTMENT, $3,500 RENTAL $45.00 Stare and cottage, on paved street, paving all paid. Figure the interest on your investment this beats 8 per cent. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 2850 918-20 City National LEASEHOLD ON FARNAM STREET FOR SALE. What we consider one of the beat I ;iseholda on west Farnam St.; located '"i the southeast corner of S8th Ave. find Farnam: 95 foot frontasrft on Far nam; now improved with 3 brick flats. Leasehold has provision where lsnee can purchase this property within 20 years ;it a fixed mim of $40.AVO0. The in- nine of the property is sufficient to take are of all overhead expense. Price and irma on application. H. A. WOLF COMPANY. Merchandisers of Real Estate. Tyler 31!0. Baunder-Knnedy BUlg. DUPLEX 7-ROOM FLATS NEAR CKEIOHTON COLLEGE K A S V TERMS Price on this one Is JI0.500; 7 "oonii and bath In each .side; east front corner lot; pavins; paid: Brlntrs in now $100 per month and no leases; newly decorated and In best of condition throughout: unusually well-built of pressed brlek and hollow tile. BEDFORD-TOHNSTON CO.. REALTORS 7 Wead ISldx. DoUKlas 1734. A GOOD BUY Business property on No. 11th street. Snuthenst corner Burt street, 6fxHfi. with two-story build ing, rental 1, 260.00 per year. W. H. GATES, 617 Omaha JTat'l lildg. Dous. 121)4. Excellent Income Property Farty wlshe to pHI their flat, elope to Hanscom park. Can show an excel lent Income. Gallagher & Nelson, 613 Peters " Trust Bldg. Eoug. 331)2. j REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Hanscom Park District Six rooms all on one floor; modern, oak finish, lot 50x?2 Must be seen to be appreciated. Will consider terms. Gallagher & Nelson, US Peters Trust Bldg Doug. SSs2. REAL ESTATE JO EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Klcgant, new. 54 apart ment and 4 More iulld'K. Near Lin coln park and Lake Michigan. Every known modern appointment. Rents $40,- OOli. M.Hltfe inei Se Oelnli. T ll. I'TU'C, 1350,000. Clear, Want going western ranch or southern plantation for my own use. M. ltouaegrrn. K9 K. l.aSalle, Chicago. 4.000 and 1.700 and 640 nnd S'.'i acres wheat corn, potato and grass lands for .-ile or e.vchSMKe. Ph unod comtins.s.on.'.. i let busy. McWAIliamsl, Colorado Springs, Colo. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investment. Insurance. Rent- als. TylerU36. 333 Securities Bldg FARM, horses and machinery, Ford car. Want land, city property or truck. J. Mulhall,Sioux CtyIa. INVESTIGATE Proven Exchange System; results guaranteed. Chas. Meth, Patt r- son Blk D. S04S. PEsiRABLE South Ilakot.i farm, trade equity for high-grade auto. Doug. J04S. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. A Beautiful Home in Dundee, $11,000 Owner Leaving City Has just authorized us to offer to sell a wondertully attractive home t on Chicago street, near 60th. Has large living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, on first floor. First three mentioned rooms are finished In oak. Floors the same material. Four bedrooms and bath on second floor. All finished In hard wood. Decorations throughout the house In perfect condition. This Is practically a new home and In addition to having all the little refinements and conveniences thnt are most de sirable In one's own home It has been given the best of tare and kept in perfect condition. Full basement, excellent furnace, laun dry and fruit rooms, etc. Large lot In an attractive neighborhoed near car I'.ne. The reason this home Is being offered for sale is on account of owner being trans ferred from the city An early In spection can be arranged. The Byron Reed Co. Douglas 29". 1612 Farnam St. DUNDEE 111 So. 52d St. Exceptionally large living room, fire place, bookcases, Fench doors. Dining room, breakfast room, attrao tlve white enamel kitchen. Four bedrooms, tiled bath, extra lava tory and toilet, roomy closets. Maid's room and bath 3d floor. Artistically decorated, hardwood floors throughout, oak finish and white enamel. Furnace heat, double garage. Price $17,500.00. GEORGE & CO., ' REALTORS, Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Dundee Bungalow, 4804 Webster Street. Here is a mighty fine home of 5 rooms exterior of stucco in:?'ior fin ished in oak nnd white enirnel oak; floors tile bath best plumbing fur nace heat full cemented basement complete with window shade light! riff fixtures, etc. the lawn is ffraded and landscaped this house is ready to moves into, we nave even washed the windows lf,ok into this property TODAV. Price, $7,750; easy terms. MATTSON & SMAILS, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 509 Keeline Building. Phone Douplas 8102. . HIGH CLASS BUNGALOW DUNDEE, 9 'ROOMS 2 BATHS, DOUBLE GARAGE Just completed and ready to move Into; 6 rooms and bath,-first floor. 3 rooms and bath second floor; finished throughout in Ivory white, with oak floors; both baths tiled and built-in tubs; decorated, window-shadea. light ing fixtures; in fact, absolutely com plete; garage for 2 cars; 60xl86-ft. lot; paving paid. There are numerous other features that make this worth your early consideration If you are In the market for a real home. Price $15,000, some terms. Sunday call Walnut 6032. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 900 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 6S. Dundee 51st and California. Sfcven room, nearly new modern house that to see it is to want to own. House is complete in every de tail. Heated sleeping porch. Hot water boat. Double garage. Shown by appointment only. 52d and Davenport. Fine R room. strictly modern house. Has 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch and ftarase for three cars. Owner has made very reasonable terms and you can get possession poon. Sun- day call Walnut 4767 for prices, terms and location. Creigh, Sons & Co., Douglas 200. 603 Be Bldg. HAPPY HOLLOW Brick and Stucco This is an exceptionally well constructed home, lor a ted on nouth front lot 150x128 feet. Four large attractive roomn on the first floor: finished fn mahogany. I.arpe attractive fireplace and bookcases; four well arranged bed rooms nnd sleeping porch on econd floor; two maids' rooms third floor. Larce closets; two complete baths and extra 'avatory and toilet; MrOe furnace. Ruud hot water heater; two-car qaratre; house surrounded by la rue shade trens nr.d shrubhTV. Price $10,000. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS Tyler 3034. 902. City N.ttJ Bit. Bldg. Dundee Special Bungalow N. K. Cor. of SM and Dodse Sts. This Is a distinctive, beautiful bunga low home with six larKe rooms nnd a big unfinished attic. Is beautifully decorated, has lame "comfy" fireplace, practically all selected oak finish. There Is a rein forced concrete double garane with vry convenient entrance arrangement. Lo cated on a large lot 100x12s, on one of Dundee's slRlitllest corners. This affords one of the best bargains In Imndee. Will he shown bv appointment nnlv. !n not disturb occupants. Call Walunt 3359, Sunday, or call Schroeder Investment Co. Doug. 3211. 638 Railway Exchange. FOHCKn TO H AORIFT VT Two swell pressed brick fiat buildings, racing on 2 streets, walking distance, west. In come over 15,000 per year. Need tha money and right party can make their own terms. Hox Y-122S, Dim ha Bee. DUNDEE. Double corners. 62d and Farnam, 53d and Izard. Priced rtcht. Alfred Thomas. 604 First National Bank. BARGAIN In rooming house, modern, lose In, Investigate. Douglas 7 1 ij. Florence. NETHAWAT, Suburban ptop ty. Col. 1401. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Miscellaneous 10 ACRES WITH FINE IMPROVEMENTS Hmh fnd sightly, nothing finer around Omnha. large coinfortal'le, strictly lb' dern home; Kar.ige bearing orchard. :.hde trees and shrubs; close to Iodpe road More land up to "0 acres If desired DUMONT & CO., 4I6-4U Keei'ne King. I'hone Doug (190. Semi-Bungalow Frame construction, five dandv rooms; living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two bedrooms and bath second floor; oak and enemel finish; oak floors; tastily decorated. Sifihtly loca tion on paved street in Montclair. Price, $6,750. Call Grant Ronson, Wajmit 1580. Sundays. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Ty. .1540. HAPPY HOLLOW $21,000 Rrftnd new siucco, pressed brick foundation ; living mom with fire place snd bookcases; sun room, dining room and breakfast nook: three bedrooms and enclosed, heated sUeplnif porch on second floor; third floor arranged for maid, with private bath; onk floors, walnut and white enamel; double stuecn garage, hot water vai'or heating system. Just listed and offered for the first time. Here is nn opportunity to save the worry of building, as this home contains everything the modern housekeeper wishes for. Terms as needed. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1SSI5. K.M feourltlesH!dg. " BRICK and STUCCO $8,500 Never have we listed a house that hs better value than this one; six rooms and bath; downstairs finished and floored In oak; three bedrooms nnd bath; east front lot, located on 47th Ave. In Clalrmont. Do you want to see a genuine bargain? WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1530. 333 Securities Pldg. NEW 6 ROOMS Frame and stucco, elegant oak finish, fireplace, bookcase?, built in kitchen cabinets, clothes chute, fine bath, sun room. sleeping porch, fine basement and furnace, nice lot, paving all paid, near car line and school, fine location, all new houses, owner leaving city and wants quick action. Good terms on part. 3019 Nicholas street. Look It over at once If you want a good buy. P. J. Tebbens Co., 08 Omaha Na BanltPJione DJm. Beautiful Stucco Home Cathedral District Don't fall to see this if you are look ing for a home that has every modern feature, including fire-place, sun room, sleeping porch. French doors, casement windows, excellent closets, oak floors throughout, oak finish downstairs, beau tiful natural birch up; three rooms and sun room first floor; three bedrooms, maid's room, bath and sleeping porch second. , Alfred Thomas, REALTOR. 604 First National Bank Bldg New West Farnam Home Beautifully finished six-room, two story strictly up-to-the-mlnnte home; mahogany finish first floor, whlta enamel second: sunroom, sleeping porch, oak floors; centrally located on 33d fit. near Dodge; paving all paid. Pries only $10,800. For appointment phone OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Peters Trust Bldg. Tyler 4!, Owner Leaving City Strictly modern 7-room, oak finished home: large living room across front; full brick foundation; garage; paving paid. Priced cheap at $7,850. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Peters Trust Bldg. Tyler 491. 8-ROOM HOUSE $4,500 It Is located on corner, modern except heat. Within walking distance. 4 rooms on 1st floor and 4 bedrooms and bath l!nd floor. Phone Doug. 5(14. Bemis Park District $6,300. 7-room house, 3 rooms first floor and 4 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor. Strictly modern. On Lafayette Ave., near 35th street. PHONE DOUG'. 564. CROSS ROOF BUNGALOW. Fine, 6-room home, one a sleeping porch: oak finish and fully modern In every way: in the finest of repair; fine south front lot, located near car. school, and Clalrmont addition; a dandy at $).500. about $2,000 cash. RASP BROS.J! Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. "COTTAGE FOR SALE Nearly new 4 -foam cottane in West Leavenworth d. strict: electric llprhts; cistern and wl!; Rood lot; priced to sll and very reasonable tprms. See it today. I'hone Owner, walnut tA. West Side Home Will sell my 7-room, strletly modern ' house, oak and gumwood finish. Lot 65x124. Dougle, garage.. full Doug las 33S2 or Harney 2309. 6-ROOM Just completed, 3023" Hamilton St. Price $8,000.00. Small payment down, balance easy terms. None better for the money. Phone owner and bulld er, Harney 927 or Harney 2195. POSSESSION AT ONCE. 2836 Davenport, B-room. walking dis tance, close to High school and Creigh' ton college, $5,300; $2,000 cash. Call Harney 3034 . FOR SALE by owner leaving city, Hans com park, near Windsor school, eight room modern house; hot water heat; corner lot and garage. Harney 6274. FINE HOME, N. E. cor. 38th AveTand Davenport; double garage; only $16,000; one-third cash; possession now. D. C. Patterson. Doug. 2347. WEFT FARNAM". SS.500: at 315 No. 38th Ave.; brlc stucco, with 2 baths. Quick possession. D. C. Tatteraon. Douglas 2347. J. B. RortlSON, real estate and invest ment. 442 Tlee Bldg. Douglas 8097. MODERN 7-ronm. near Turner park, $6.8()0.Blg Bargain. Douglas 4541. BENSON & METERS CO., 424 Om. Nat'l. North. MILLER PARK 6314 North 32d St. $100 Cash, Balance Monthly. Open for inspection Sunday afternoon. Six rooms, built by day labor, onk finish and floors; ice box room, built-in features, east frontage. Get off on Curtis Ave. and walk 2 blocks west Mr. Mead. Douglas7'l!2, Monday. 1'IVR room modern coK:tge at 3540 North 28th St., first-class condition. Price $4,500. $750 cash. E. E. AUSTIN, Ty. 785. 1,305 First Nat'l hk. Btdg. Six-Room Modern House For $5,500 Having reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. three nVeping rooms and ba l h on econd f stairway to atiicv large bancm nt. cement floor, south front lot M'xl24 on Kmniet street near Sherman avenue. A good home for some one. W. H. GATES, i 0(7 Omaha .Nat'l I'ldj ' Lioug. 1294. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. i REAL ESTATE IMPROVED I North. ' ' Seven-Room Bungalow, 652S Florence Blvd, Near Miller Park. Buy Direct From Owner. Unusually well built frame reuse, with fireproof roof, 'list floor has living room, dining room sun room, kitchen, tile bath and 2 large bedrooms, all fln lhed in quiirter-s.iwed onl; second floor has one very latge bedroom, a very large closet, with 1 windows, and Is fin ished In red oak; wall pint in all looms, lights In nil closets, beautiful fis. tures through. ut. built In features, beamed rellltiKs In living and dinlnrf looms, high panellug In dlnirg room, end the best hardware used throughout: full H-foot basement, having cistern water to laundry, duslproof coal bin and a large fruit room: storm sash for all windows, ceinent porch, K-foot drive to) 20x20 garage, which Is plastered, lighted by 8-way switch and protected with bur. glsr alarm: reur jard enclosed with or. numental woven wire on Iron posts. EAST FRONT lot, 45.4x100.4. beautiful lawn. This Is a complete home in every loM'eot, and must me seen to be appre. cmte.l. Will stun, I the Ol.OjSKCT IN SPECTION. (Hvivr leaving the city. IF YOU WANT A NICELY LOCATED WKt.l, JiCll.T AND COMPLETE HOMB DON'T MISS Til IS OPPORTUNITY. REAL BARGAINS IN HOMES 2565 Pratt St. A verv good 6-room modern house near Unlvcrsltv of Omaha. Worth pries asked. Will make terms. 2324 North 64th St. This 8-rooni modern house hat four bedrooms and garage. Owner will make terms. ITxtra large lot. 5705 North 27th St. A dandy bungalow on a good corner lot. Five rooms and strictly modern. Ought to make a good home for you. Terms are reasonable, 2911 Fowler Avenue Good 7-room. modern house that you can buy on reasonable terms. 1515 Lake Street. A 7-room, modern house for $l,no down and balance monthly. I good place and priced reasonable; 1619 North 23d Street. A 6-room house with gas and electrio llcht. You can buy for $500 cash ana balance monthly. Creigh, Sons & Co., Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bid. i r-- ir n 1 T TT1 f DON'T PASS THIS uiNi!i .v,ot hmi1lful home. VMir I'l nor ......... r. , . and surroundings in the I ralrw Park district, having a large liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and den with various built-in fea tures on first floor: three fins sleeping rooms and bath on sec- ond floor; exceptional basement with furnace room and laundry room, everything tn tip-top shape. Largs grounds consisting of two lots on a corner, both streets paved and paid for. Grounds landscaped with most beautiful shrubbery and vines, with pergola In the rear, making the place the pride of the whole neighborhood. For those looking for something ex traordinary in homelike surround ings and convenience this will make ft strong appeal. Special price of $10,000. about half cash. Shown by appointment by Payne Investment Co. REALTORS, 587 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 17SL Sunday call Webster 3191 or Colfax $2 27 KOUNTZE PLACE 6 ROOMS, GARAGE $6,800.00 We have Just listed a well-built 6 room, strictly modern home, In fine re pair; oak floors and finish first floor; pine second floor; good basement, floored attic; large 50-foot south-front, lot; small garnge; blocks to car line; owner Is leaving city and has cut price for qulk sale. Sunday call Harney 7331. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 900 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. Eight-Room House ' At 1922 Emmet Street t Having1 large living1 room with fireplace, library end dining room finished tn oak, best of oak floors, kitchen with pantry, five sleeping rooms nnd bath on second foor, large basement, with two floor drains, hot water heat, vapor sys tem, best of plumbing, south front lot 50x124, with double garage. Price $6,500.00; terms, $1,600 cash. , W. H. GATES, 617 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 1294 8-Room Modern House For $5,000 Having living room with fire place, dining room and den fin ished in oak, four sleeping rooms and be th on second, floor; hot water heat; corner lot, 60x100; near Omaha university. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D.ll- - NORTH SIDE BARGAIN $3,510 will buy this 6-room, S-story, all-modern home with the exception of Kas and furnace, located on north front lot S0xl32 feet. Finished In pine and maple with maple floors. Storm doors and window and screen throughout. Shad tree8 and fruit trees. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS, Tyler 30;. 902 CHy Nat. Bank Bldj. Just Off Prettiest Mile nnd Amca Avenue, five-room bungalow, lois of room, east front, splendid yard; hns a garace, has exceptional decorating Hcheme and Hume huilt-ln features; price, 5,2.'0; Ji,r.5n down, but will take offer ct less down. SHOPEN & CO., REALTORS, Keeline Pldg. Dougla 422S, LEAVING THE rMTT " Possession as soon as deal is clnged; Hlgh-ftrade. almost new stucco bunga low; five large rooms and bath; living room across front of house; front hall has clothes closet; fireplace, bookcase on either side; buffet; white finish Mi bfdrnomsi large closets; cupboard Mn kitchen; full b;isem..nt; furnace: adtth, front lot; close to srh..i. and Milbr park; lu the best part ,r Minna I.uss. I'l'lc for quick sale Is 7.inri. $2,2fio cash. ' A blph-fiade home at JLT'iO .less than it should sell for. RAP1' rtnn.s, Realtor.1. "1 0-1.2-1 4 Keelelne HUlg. Tt'jLL.!1!: BUNGALOW Just finished: large living room with fireplace: bookcases, dining room with built-in Tiliffet ; two nice bedroom and hath; nicely arranged kitchen with wall cabinets; full cement basement; laundry tubs, floor drain and plastered coal bin; all oak end white enamel finish; nicely decorated and the latest In lighting fix tures. Located C7i7 North 24th SU Sunday end evenlras call Tnlfsx 410, , NORRIS & NORRIS, Una I odge i?t. Phone Pouglns 4170. MILLER PARK DISTRICT 1 Lots $700 to $900 N We have few lots left In this ils trlct. Th-y ha'e sewer, water and tan In the street nnd have ornameutal llaht Inir system: street Is paved. Terms $100 ra.-.h nnd Jit) a month. W. Farnam Smith & Co., L??o Farnam St. l'ouglas 584. KOUNTZE PLACE ' Reception hall, parlor, living room, dining room, kitchen on flrat floor. Second fleer, three larir bedrooms and I sth Full basement. large attic. House all oak fielsh, with lovelv fire place. South front: all kinds of 'shrub, bery and flowers. Take a look at th outside, ami if inl rested we shall innka arrangements' to rhow you the inuld. Gallagher & Nelson, 613 Tclen Xut iilOjf, Doug. Hit