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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK? AUGUST ', mu. Classified Advertising Rates lie per line (count words to line) 1 day He per Una per day. 3 conserutlva days lie pr Una per day, 1 consecutive 1ava 14o per line per !' " consecutive days No addi ta'tn for less than a total of c Vlfte rates apply either to the Pally .- w;.ty Bee. All ai1vrtlwmi nts ar th morning and evening dally papara for the one chart;. CONTRACT RATKS ON APPLICATION. Want Ida accepted at the following of fice: MAI.V OFFICE 17th and Farnsm Sts. South Side .231 N Council Bluffs 1-s f"""" fj; WANT ADS RF.CKIVK1 PY PHONE AT TYLER 10i0 THE BEE twill not be re.nonslble for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one '"cXOSINO HOURS FOR WANT APS Evening Kdltlon ; ? 0,'' . Morning Kdltlon : V . M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES, MASONIC FUNERAL CO VK R T NO. II. The funeral services for our late brother, Walter Anderson, will be hen from the rceldence of the deceased, 34.1 N 2Sth St.. Sunday. August :2d. at 2:' p m. Members are requested to meet at Masonic temple at 1:45 p. m. sharp. Burial In SprlnRwrll cemetery (,eoiK R. Porter. Uecretary; F. J- btacK, Master. CARD OF TH AN IKS. I WIPH to extend to my friends and neighbors my sincere thanks for their kindness, sympathy, beautiful floral of ferings, at the death of my husband. 'RSLSLJ--1-' V K wish to thank cur many friends for their kindness nd sympathy at tne death of my beloved -inJ&j$'t- FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN, PrONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. TH South Hth 8t rouclaJ226. STACK & FALCONER. "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" FIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney6l. "TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND RMBAI.MKRS Telephone PnuglasJJM 2216CumlnK St HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone H. 265. Off'.o. 2811 rarnam. "florists. lwlTlarmon Fz:e lS14Dou5laji St. DqiigUa 8244. JOHN BATH. ISth and Farnam, I. S000. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Lester and Lora Moor. 3018 Pratt atreet, boy; Jacob and Molly Llpeey, hos pital, girl; William and Veronica Donovan, hospllal. glrl Sherman and Katie Kelley. S0 South Twenty-seventh boy, Harold and Rose Richards, hospital, boy; Ralrh and Flora Farrar. 3910 South Four teenth atreet. boy; Joseph and Frances Svlhovec. 1251 South Fourteenth street, boy : Samuel and nay iarnun, huim,j, Henry and Bessie Orduna. hospital. Herman and Elizabeth Keys, hos girl: boy: pital, bov: Paul and Alice mww, 4361 Patrick avenue, girl; Carl and Flor ence Wettermark. hospital, boy; Frank ind Rerlna Wels. 421 South Thirty, eighth street, girl; John and Fisher. 110 8 atreet. boy; Oscar and Helga Larson. 2422 Hurt street, girl. Deaths George L. Van Sony. 9 4.. South Seventeenth street; Adolph Vanden hrouche 41, hospital: Fred W. Slusher. In: fan" S!4 North Twenty-fourth- street; Dora Schmidt. S3. 2419 South Twenty first atreet; Saun Casey, 30 223 Norm Thirteenth atreet; H. Moore. 39. hospital; ZtffVra Or.e. Infant. 1433 North Eighteenth tTt. , """"jkaf "The following "persona were issued per- ""joeH-miiton. 37, Omaha, and Leona Toung, 40. Omaha. John P. McCaffrey. !. Omaha, and Almee Hushaw. 24, Omaha. ! Erwln H. Hinckley, 24. Omaha, and Helen J. Johnson. 22, Omaha. j Fred C. Tex. 20, Omaha, and Blanche J Kidder. 22, Omaha. ; Frank R. Ball. 23. Creston. la., and j Irene Sweeney, 23. Creston, la. Chas S. Zlmmer. over 11. Chicago, and Orace Lenhart. over 18. Beatrice. Neb. , Charle. T. Foreman 11. Alvo, Neb., and Dorothy McKlnnon. 20, Alvo, Neb. 3T. FOUND AND REWARDS. .-OlX ARTICLES LOST on'street m i tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re ftore lost artlclea to rightful owners., OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. . LOST Pair of Torlc lens, tortoise shell nose glas In Flltton Optical case Re turn to Bowen Furniture Co. Reward. LOST In downtown district weled fra ternity Pin with initials w . R. A. on b"k Rewatd. Call Harnoy 4362. OLD-FASHIONED barpln with 6 email diamonds, old family keepsake. Doug. . 143$. Llbtrlreward. rdSTCollle dog with black collar brass studding. Return to American Railway Lxpress. Tteward. - . .. - LOST Pair gentleman's tortoise "hell bi focal glasses. Reward. Har. 6314. Room 51. , "- ..riwith 3 rings LOST-Tuesday p. m.. purse with 3 rings .ml small change. Phone Webster bus. Reward. - BLACK" blTTpur'se containing $15 Vr"'n llh and Harney and Empress. Doug. m. .. LOST Park blue trlcotlne suit coat. Re ward for return. Har. 638S. LOST Jet "brooch, dairy design, downtown district; reward Wal. 5786. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO AVIATORS: Don't'oVcrlook'tbe Oma ha to Crforrt airplane race: the firs, in the state; ;xcellent opportunity tor manufacturers to demonstrate 'hen Dimes. Race starts from Omaha te tween and 6 o'clock on the morning of Ssptenibe 1 Each plane must land at Grand ls'.and where the major will give the.v their clearance card-. The next lending la the goal at Craw f,rd. Eai plane to circle over t he eliy once and lend on the landing fnld inCrawford city park. $1,000 tc the first. $500 to tn second, and $300 1 to th.- third. Gasoline, oil and hotel bills while in the c'ty during the fair to all To 'ers. Free license to carry P"ge" ti all con ,-ata..ts and no planes allowed U carry nassengers during the fair ex- cTc'e thA?r aorTaeCTv1,te'ad to" j'o'Jn iTt'hlsAhe fir-, race of . klnc l.n , Z ' k- forward. The line of traVel will be from Omnha to Fremon , Columbu" Grand Island. Broken Bow AU'ance and H.en to Crawford Write a for further Information. Crawford Til-State Faf Association, Aran L. Hungerford. r-iesident: Dr. B. . Richards, secretary. Crawford. Dawea covnty. Ne. raska. L CONCESSIONS Woodman picnic, Te-Ce?m.EehSN-b .August 27 Five eoun ties. No gambling. Wr.te R. . Rey nolds. , . PERSONAL. THir-SALVATION Army Industrial home TH.filcU, vour old clothing furniture, magasfnes We collect. Wo distribute Pone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will fal" Call and Inspect our new home. 1 110-11121114 Podge St. Reward Lost: w. J. coiim.. . heavy ret; gold crown tooth: scar left side face. Working four miles from Omaha June 13. Charles Ailing. Guth rie. Okla. El.KCTRlO baths. Swedish or elec. mas ease. In home, or will go out. Web. 2911. URSE takes patients, priv. homes. Wal. 6 5 74. ' JjASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordion Pleating. TrrSrri"AUC.UST 14 TO AUGUST 29. 'M5BR. PLEATING ft BUTTON CO. 180l.m.SecodFlo Psncin.' Academies. SUMMER TRANCING RATES. VT?1 PTM'R School foV Dancing. IVEjIj-A liN S-t 242 Farnam. D. 7850. Ciass at 8; danclnir at p. m. Momliy. Thur. Sat. Pi ivate lesonsany tlmo. "Dentists. f5rBradbuNPln213Ii-0l":-B1' Detectives. VTTkTn"7 national detective AGENCY. Incorpoiated. Douglaa 1107, Arlington Blk.Omha. Ne AMESa"lLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi iecured in all cases. .Tyler 113. Bureau, Ralltvav Ex. Bldg. Pom- 80 5- Night, Col. 465. "Chiropodists. Ea'irle J. Burford. t;o"Paxton Bid P. II 3t- HaulingT "Trucks for hire Tour h.ulln ntraeted tav. "rvlce. b-at !.Pliiiit, Tyler 197Q. "Patent Attorneys. lNTinNATl IN I PATENT " CO.. Ptent aMorneva pro-ure. buy and aell pat ents 171$ Dodge Ft, Omaha. announcements. Hemstitching tnd Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all ues and styles; hemstltchirj, plcot edging, eye let rut work, buttonholes. pennat ta Meal Button and nesting Co.. JOI Krowja VUf Douls 1 Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug fU. Boom 31. Douglas Blk . nth and Dodge. Insurance. WE WRITE fire, tornado, automobile. In d'.rnlty. Durglary and all other forms of Insurance. Edward F. Wllllama Co.. sn-04 Omnha Nat. Bank. Doug. 430. Jewelry. T-VT A ITAMnO We pay the otst rrlce with prlvlleie to buy hack at small profit. OHJSS JEWELRY CO 403 N. 16th St. Uoug- lau 5049. Gas Stoves Connected. CONN ECTIONS, t2; home piping. H.ll. Paintmg Pjperhanging FaiNTINO, paperhanglng. piasteilng. walnut 46i. PAINTINH, paperir.g; lowest prices. Douglas S3ZZ. I A1NT1NO and paperhanglng. Wj"l. 5452. Kodah Developing n4Jr'Di!l1ins- FILMB developed; printing and enlafginB. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. ' Safes. Q A C,t?CBAR(JA'lNS. 12th A Farnam. OVT EjO j. j. (Krlght Sife Co. Sewinsr Macnines. SEWING-MACHINES We rent. rTRlr, atl needles anl parts. MICHEL'S Hth an! Harney. Douglaa 1973 Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 2,th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. SAFETY raior blades sharpened, new ra zors, rator blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening ; Co.,J522 H Dodge. lj3 N.l 6. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto 1rug Store. 15th end Douglas Sts Omaha, Neb HATV cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat W.irka, K.07S Farnam St. Work guaranted. rx63 .f VEHOR'l. piano tuner. Call Webster 2M1 at 7 a. m. Just back from Minne apolis. KEEP'S Hotel Rome, reopens Saturday, Aug. 2S. Call Douglas 2581 or Harney 2792. PIANO class lessons for bi'ginncrs. BOs; graduate experienced teacher. Colfax 2383. FULL dress suits, and tuxedos for rent. 109 N;16th St. John FeldmamD. 3121. OM A H a" WELDING CO. "The Ca-eful Welders. ' 15th and Jackson. p.4397. wifiiDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing 'o. Tel. Douglas 644. City Mattress Co.. mattresses remade. H. 7162. DRESSMAKING, ailk shirts specialty. Ty.5J29. . RENT Hoover sweeper. Tel. Webster 42S3. I WEAVING, old rugremadef yjer It.'-3. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. Htlv P. 28. RENT electric vacuum cleajiers.D.57 18. ChS8SMAK 1 NO -All kinds". Web. 6612. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION "AUCTION Complete seven-room home of furni ture will be sold i at the residence at 405 South 29th atreet Tuesday, August 24 starts- at 1 p. m. sharp. The owner having sold hla home Is now going to sell his entire home of furniture and furnishings at auction, consisting of parlor and living room fur niiure, several large rockers, massive leather rocker, library table. 3 extra good 9x12 rugs. 1 Brussels rug 8-3x10-6, several small ruga, good oak dining room set (table, buffet and leather-seated chairs), drapes, linens, bedding, 3 good Vernls Martin and Simmon beds com plete with springs and mattress. 3 good dressers and chiffoniers to match, 1 hall rug 6x9, ice box, dlshea. cut glass and hand-painted china, pictures, window shades, sanitary oourh and pad. chicken wire and lumber, ark Jardinieres, step ladder, garden hose, lawn mower and hundreds of articles ton numerous to mention. This Is a complete home of furniture and nothing will be withheld, everything goes. ( Remember the sale Is at 405 Sotlth 29th street Tuesday. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer; AUCTION AUCTION Extra high-grade and staple furniture, pianos, talking machines, rvys and fur nishlngs of 5 good Omaha homes. Southeast corher 18th and Webster Streets. Wednesday, August 26th atarta at 1 p. m. sharp. This Is a big sale of extra good fur niture from 6 extra good homes. Watch the pApers for details. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell call Doug. 3286orTyler 966. FOR BALE New and second-hand furni ture business; good location. Reason, poor health of one of firm. Must be sold at once. Hansen ft Patterson, 418 West FoiirthSt., Grand Island. Neb. 2 DRESSERS, Vernls ' Martin bed. dining table and choirs, 9x12 rug and other fu'nlture. Priced right. 3JU North 19th St CLOSING out at factory prices all over furniture at our factory. 4320 So Aiii.u uui ai lory u iiei an uvri- stuffed furniture at our factory, 4320 So. 41,1, C . n a f na. u.ltl A a f.rtnru price; first com e first served. OLD and new furniture bought and sold. See us. Eureka Furniture Co. Phone Web.4 206. 1417Nrth 24th FCSNITURB bought and sold. EurakT Furniture Co. Web. 4206. 1417 N. 2tth. Web. 4206. 1417 No. r4th. COMPLETE furnishings for four rooms; price reasonable. 810 No. 33d. Har. 6770. MAJESTIC steol rnnge. square oak dining room table. Call Colfax 549. BEAUTIFUL walnut Queen Ann bed. $60. Colfax 34S8. IVORY wicker breakfast room table. 40-ln. quarter-sawed oak top. Wal. 3090. NEV mahogany floor lamp. Har. 39f,9 OAK dining room s7t. Walnut 57267 CHINA cabinet, $25JWebster 4454. FURNITURE oj 8-room house. 2034 Maple. Pianos andMusical Instruments. WONDERFUL bargains In phonographs: save $50 to $100. S5c records. 45c; records exchanged. 15c. Sehlaes Phono graph Co.. 1404 DoilgeSt. AHOSPECO.-iLs!: Pianos for rent. $4.00 per ni' nth. I DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions. renairinK. t none narnev znu. ueo. A. Sml th, 2761 Davenport St. PATHE phonograph, like new, Including 16 records; $100 cash; leaving city. 837 S. S4tlt FINE orchestra" violin, banjo and piccolo, bargaln. 2416Davenport. Tyler 4633. MAHOGANY Vlctrola. $25 "records," bar gain. Tyler 2099. WHITNEY after 6. piano, $160. Walnut 1741, MAHOGANY piano and cabinet cheap So. 728. I LAYER PIANO almost new. 20 rolls and bench,ch-'ap. Douglas 9048. LARGE, beautiful $160 mahogany phono graphy Just like riw, $i5. Wal. $941. PIANO. Smrih-Barner"$1257 Dg. 9464. FINE sither harp. $7. Walnut 29bl. VICTROLA. fine shape. Doug 7041. EMERSON piano for sale. H. 3631. UPRIGHT plano.Col. i4. UPRIGHT flANo $90. Harney 8868. Typewriters ind Supplies. - TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, eold. rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our price before rou buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typrewriter Exc. Douglaa 3120. 19H Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of- typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office StipplyCo. 1404 Dodge. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "all makea." 205 S. 18th St. Tyler 2414. ROYAL typewriters, all models, for rent. RoyalTypewrlter Co., 318 8. 19thSt. PROTECTOGRAVHS. F ft E.'a; "bargalna. 3zc isevine mag. Miscellaneous. OLASS FpR SALE. PIZES 6x7, 6x8, 8x10, BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS. ETC. CALL MR. HADLEY, TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathera, sum mer and winter aldea. Pillows renovated and made up In new featherproof tick Ing. 1907 Cuming. P. 1467. ATTENTION YOUNG'LAWYERS! Law office equipment for Bale. Call at 31S McCague Bldg. before Aug. 26th or Dhone Douglas 1324. Mrs. Dundey. j KlENDLING "and lumber.-Webater 4(1. J FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ONE velour suit, trimmed with beaver collar; brown checked suit. velvet coat. heavy collar. 2407 Browne, Colfamt. LADIES' ellk dresa. site 40. army over coat, slxe 40; drophead sewing machine, punching bag and rowing machine. Bar gain. Doug. 83S. WE buy, aell aafea. make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., S. W. CjJTjlltb. and Douglaa. D. 2724. ALFALFA, sweet clover, r.,1 clover. SIS per bushel. J. Mulhall, Sioux l lty, la. 1 H. P. variable apeed motor and 1 H. P. 3-phase motor. Tyler 3507. HANDSOME reed baby bugy, almost new. Phone Douglas 9f41 COAL wagon for sale. I'hon Red 3402, Council Bluffs, la. A LA ROE rafe for sale or trade for small safe. Tyler 1774. KINDLINiSyoort for haunn-:. 115 So. 16th. KINDLING and lumber. " Web. 459. DROWN retd biby carriage. Wal. 3104. SWAPPERS' COLUMN. OVERLAND. 5-passenger; good condition. Will exchange; part payment and parlor furniture. Wal. 906. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Naw desks; usedlesks bought, sold ami traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. 1). tlli. LIBERTY BONDS Bt'CCHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. H21 FlrstNaCl Bank Bldg. Tyler Si4. WILL buv second hand ciothirir, shoes and f u rn 1 1 u re. Ty. 2 S 9 A .7. a v e tt70 5 N. 16 V ANTED TO BUY 12 chairs and library table, 8 to 10 feet long. Webster 182:. BEST prices, furniture, clothing. Ty. S59. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. CHEMIST with aU yeara' experience In chemistry and essay work wants con nection with reliable firm; best of ref erences. Address Box R-65, Bee. REFINED white chauffeur wishes posi tion In private family. Beat of refer- encea. Address Box X-57. Omaha Bee. LINOTYPE apprentice operator wishes ad ditional apprenticeship In Omaha. Phone Walnut 5719 COMPETENT truck driver or chauffeur, wiMIng to work, city references. Web. l',04. EXPERIENCED carpenter Dg. 6606. wanta work. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lota of good placea are always advertised. Don't mlsa them. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED laundress with references wants work Tuesdays, Wednesdays. 46c i r-r hour, carfare. .Mrs. liysseti. Tyler 2957. , MiMAN wants day work. Cali Afro American Employment Agency 2522H Lake. Web. 6976; j LAUNDRY Day work: exrerlenced. Webster 3254. BUNDLE washing. Price reasonable. Web. 2461. BUNDLE washing, day work. Webster 1495. CLEANING, day work, experienced. Web ster 3254. DAY WORK wanted; experienced. Web ater 3955 WANTED Day work, experienced. Doug lee 8368. DAY WORK, all kinds; references. South 4461. BUNDLE washing; day work. Webster 3948. DAY work wanted, colored lady. Web, 2498. . BUNDLE washing, experienced. Webstef 1508. A DAY work wanted; experienced. Web. J6450. LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning. Webstsf 1324. COLORED woman wanta laundry Web- ster 6111 . DAY work, laundry, colored laundress. Webster 3002. BUNDLE WASHING ; ster 694J). soft wat?r. Web- EXPERIKNCED laundress. Call after 6. jV'ebster 150S. WHITE laundress wants day work. Tyler 4277. . BUNDLE washing wanted. Websterl3"9. DAY work, exp., colored lady. Veb. 3S8. IRONING, clearing, half days. Web. 2222. DAT WORK Call after" 6 p. m. Web. 4953. LAUNDRY, day work, exp. Web; 6787. I BUNDLE washing wanted. Webater1349. ! PAY work, laundry, ertencd.jveb4448. DAY work wanted, experbm'ed.JWeb;645l. BUNDLEWASM 1NG wanted. Web. 240L Dafwork laundrjrexperlencd. Tyler 1871. B U N D L E w a a h i n g, Webster 3303 BUNDLE washing; aoft water. W'eb. 6949. DAYWORK,housecleanln. Webater 21. DATWORK, Exp. colored lady. Web. 386$. BUNDLE washing wanted. Web. 619. LAUNDRYwnrk. Mrs. Gibson. Col. JJ81. WANT LAUNDRY work. JVeb. 1256. DAY work. housecleaning. x5129. BUNDLE washing." Webater $303. HELP "WANTEDALE. Storesland Offices. TrXveLtNG salesman, mfg. firm, prefer, specialty e:p.. $200, exp. and com.; trav eling salesman, staple commodity, estab lished trade, $200 and exp.; traveling salesman, food products. $150 and exp.; hkkpr.. small Jobbing firm, $160: record clerk, construction firm, out of town, $110; ass t bkkpr,. smtill mfg. firm, $126; ass't bltkpr., financial firm, $125. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 736 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha Nebraska. U'ANTEP Young man between the agea of 25 and 30 years; good opportunity for advancement for one not afraid of work and capable of handling details. Box Y 1236, Bee. . YOUNG man with clerical experience. Standard Oil Co., 1912 Farnam St. Professions and Trades. ERICSON, NEB., a village of 250, d'awing tra-ie from an unlimited territory needs a good experi enced butcher. Butcher shop and equipment, ,Tood ice supply and ice hou-.e a"' available; splendid opportunity; liberal patronage as sured. i7or further information .-uldress Ericson Community Club, V. H. Breeden, Pres. MEN WANTED IN SHIPPING DEPT. APPLY SHIPPING CLERK LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. 12TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED Experienced FORD AND ' FORDSON MECHANIC capable of holding position of shop foreman. CADDOCK & BURKE, AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE, Walnrt. la. WANTED. MEN. Helpers In factory. Also ran use husky boys over 16 yeara. Steady work. Applv west aide entrance 7 a, m. , WEEKLY PAY EVERY SATURDAY. SEE BUPT., SKINNER MFG. CO., 14TH AND JACKSON. PIPE organist for out-of-town movie 8et. 1. Phone Tyler 2940 or write Thornburg, 2318 Deer . Park Blvd., Omaha. CHANDELIER makers and aplnnere. ateady work, highest wagea. Apply to the Bailey-Reynolds .Chandelier Com pany. Kansas city, mo. TAILOR WANTED. So. 1326. 4926 8. 24th. HELP WANTEP MALE Professions and Trades. MAN to order, maintain and manage disc record stock in our Omaha wholesale branch. State age. previous employers, duties, salaries and salary expectation. Liking and understanding of music necesfarv and acquaintance foreign tongues desirable. Must be good cor respondent snd have sales ability Columbia Graphophone Co., 1017 McGee St . Kansas City. Mo. " YOUNG MEN. We have several openings for young men to learn telephone switchboard In stallation work; llherat starting salary, with opportunity for advancement In an Interesting Job. Apply Room 216, Telephone Bldg.. 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. OUR practical home study Instructions will quickly qualify you for positions re quiring knowledge of higher account ing and finance Payments convenient ly arranged. Chicago Institute of Ac counting, 816 J, Monadnork Block, Chi cago. YOUNG man. study law Eve. downtown sessions. Untver. of Omaha Law Dept Thorough course; nominal tuition. Sec, 4U4 Omaha National Bldg. FIREMEN, brakemen. baggagemen, $140 J2O0; colored porters by railroads every where. Experience unnecessary. 718 Ky, Bureau, East St. Louis. Illa. YOUNG with some experience in un dertaking business, who is a careful au tomobile driver. G. H. Brewer, 4fitl9 South' 24th. MALE HELP WANTED. Men for mines, mills. Homesteada near. Write Homeseekers Ref. Co., Denver. Colo. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 1J0 SO. 14TH ST. CATALOGUE FREE. WANTED F'.rat-class buicner. Rees St. Grocery, 2540 Reea St. Tyler 4982 TWO GOOD roatmakere; ateady work. Z. Hlstich. 4925 S. 24th St. So. 1323. BUSH ELM AN wanted; 1325. ateady work. So. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN One who is intelligent, conscientious and a hard worker to represent a re liable and well-established company in Nebraska. Salary and bonus with ex penses advanced. In reply give reference, past sales ex perience, age and telephone number to insure prompt in terview. Box R 67, Omaha Bee. Salesmen Wanted Anywhere In state of Nebraska or Iowa a few experienced salesmen "to sell five-year oil lease land which is of five-acre size and in Devaul county, Texas; that U no longer an unproven field, hut has wells now producing (which have come in the past 30 days) an extra high grade oil and seven more drilling within a radius of 10 miles of our holdings. Furnish best of reference as to com pany, gfologiral and title of land. For particulars call at office, 202 Ne ville building or phone Douglas 3600. F; E. Hunt Oil Lease Co. By W. S. Frank IF WE CAN SHOW YOU BY ACTUAL SALES REPORTS THAT OUR MEN WHTO WORK HARD. CONSISTENTLY, AS WE INSTRUCT THEM TO DO. ARE EARNING FROM ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A WEEK AND ITPWARn WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED? AN OFFICE DEVICE AND THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS NOW ATTEST TO THE MERIT OF OUR PRODUCT. EXTRAORDINARY HIGH COMMIS SIONS AND RAPID PROMOTION TO THOSE GENTLEMEN WHO "MAKE GOOD." REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU ARE NOW OR H.AVE BEEN SELLING LOOK INTO THIS. THIS IS A CHANCE FOR CAPABLE SALESMEN TO CONNECT WITH A RARE OPPOR TUNITY. J20 NEVILLE BLDG. SALESMEN PROMINENT MANUFAC TURER HAS OPENING FOR FOUR . MIDDLE-AGED MEN: EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SPECIALTY SALESMEN: WE MANUFACTURE STAPLE ROOF ING SPECIALTIES; EXPENSES AD VANCED; SALARY. BONUS AND COM MISSION; WILL ONLY CONSIDER AP PLICANTS WHO CAN SHOW ME Al REFERENCES AND SUCCESSFUL RECORDS. IF YOU WISH TO CON NECT WITH SOMETHING BIGGER. WHERE AGGRESSIVENESS AND PEP WILL SUCCEED, PHONE ROOM 524, CASTLE HOTEL, FOR INTERVIEW. I WANT 100 mtp and women quick to tnke orders for Comer raincoats and wi.terproo aprons. Everybody buys. Mc Crary's profits last year were 15.218. New styles, wonderful bargains, direct f'om manufacturer to wearer. Barnes made $523 In 30 daya. Tremendous prof Its for you. $2,600 a year for three average order day. $10 a day for your spare time. No delivering nor col lecting. No capital required. I furnish everything Im-'udlng a beautiful sam ple coat. Wrl'.e quick for liberal offer. The Comer Mfs. Co., Dept G-156 Day ton. O. WANTED Tailoring Sales Agent. Make big money from very start; $60 to $75 weekly. Largest made-to-measure tailor ing house, furnishing an equipment of COO woolens, wants you to take orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Biggest mer chants In many towns have started with our line. If you want to establish your self write for full particulars, giving your experience as salesman or tatlora sales agent. E. Brooks, sales manager, Lock Bo No. 4S3, Chicago. WOULD YOU Be Interested in an exclusive tire prpo neitlon Selling direct: attractive values; old casing accepted at $3.50. We carry all stock for you. Proposition Bells them. Chance to build up permanent big paying business. Territory going fast. Someone will get yours. Why not you? Write at once for particulars. ANDREWS A BURTON CO., 1429 Cherry, Kansas City, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED With established retail trade by leading manufacturers f cotton gooda ut every description In white, colors and prints. At prei'sit selling Jobbing only. Liberal commis sion. Excellent opportunities. Samples wr.lghing 20 lbs., easily carried as a side lire. Keystone Textile Mills. 640 Broad- way, N. Y. ICNERGETIC men, every city, town and village, can make $50 to $100 weekly handling a new automobile apeclalty that sella on sight to every autolst. Our folder tells bow to build an agency business It's free. Good Will Service Co.. Al 1 lance, Ohio. SELL TIRES direct to car owner, 30x3 non-skid, $11.75. Tubes $2.25; other sizes In proportion. Guaranteed 6.000 miles on liberal adjustment basis. Big commissions, experience or capital un necessary. Auto Tire Clearing House. 1500 West 15th. Chicago. SALESMAN WANTED New eccldent and health policy: special; different; In class by Itself establish paying business; whole or part time; unusual commis sions and service; permanent renewals. Address Salea Manager, Employers' In demnlty Corporation, Kansas City, Mo. SALESMAN Experienced In any line to aell general retail trade In Nebraska; unexcelled specialty proposition; na tionally advertised line; splendid com mission contract: liberal weekly advance to producers. The Continental Jewelry SALESMEN selling "DavYs" Clothes" to measure direct to consumer exclusively. Greatest quality line In America; popu lar prices; country-wide reputation. Men wanted who can produce. Give particu lars first letter. References. P. H. DayyTallorlng Co., Cincinnati. O. SALESMAN, local and vicinity, now call ing on retail and Jobbing trade, to rep resent Chicago' largest manufacturer ladies' ankle length bloomers. Give full d tails to lines you now handle, etc. La Mode Oarment Co.. 1141 S. Crawford Ave., Chicago, Til. 1600 MONTHLY selling new patented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to 50 per cent gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford. Sold on money-back guarantee. One sample free. Stransky V a po rl xer Co.. 307 Pukwana. B.D. SALESMEN Side line men making small towns: new Idea; no saie; no nuinnn. no samples to carry; $5 commission paid on each trial order taken. .State carried and territory covered. Keeney & Sons Co.. 700 E. 40th JjtChlcago. SALESMAN Season opens September 1st and territories are now being assigned. Selling our popular priced rugs on the side offers exceptional opportunity for good profits. Manufacturer, 2058 N. 6th SreePhlladelphla.a. YOUNG MEN We offer a business oppor tunity and a financial future with one of the most progressive manufacturing Industries in America. If you are in terested In a poaitlon with a future call Poug. 6555. WANTED Men to qualify for district mansgershlps unasslgned territory. Ex ceptional and unusually large commis sions. Apply by letter. Vice Chancel lor, tit B, Monadnock Block. Chicago, 111. SALESMEN wanted; laces, embroideries; only men now steanny iravenim in towns need answer; 121, per cent com mission. Samples light. Merk & Co., 416 Broad way, New York. . Bee Waiit'Ads Froduce Results. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN wanted to sell Polson-s patches, tubes and fan belts to Jobbers and dealers. Special prices. Liberal com mission. W. J. Poison Co , Kansas City, Mo. SALESMEN Sell our peanut and nail gum machtnes, salcsboard ansni tnients. ion different inds. large commissions, collect as you ko. Iowa Novelty Co., Mu!lln BIJg..Ceilar Rapids, la. AGENTS Large manufacturer wanta agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waist, shoes, clotbinff. etc. Write for free samples. Madtsun Mills. 503 Broadway. New York. SALESMEN calling on cigar, confection ery, drug and billiard trade in sell Zln 7An confection. It's a prize. Write today. Premium Novelty Works, 700 East 40th Street. Chicago. WANTEP Experienced salesman who has trnveifd in Omaha and the Dakntaa. Prefer one who has had experience Ui handling suitcases and bags. Box 1239, Bee. SALESMEN HlKngradellne salcsboard assortments; fast sellers: no samples. Jewelry, candy, sporting goods; commis sion; plve territory, references. Anco I'o.. 513 E. 43rd, Chicago. SALESMEN and women, Neb. territory, experienced men making gnod monev; wc teach th unexperienced. Call L UUI Saturday, Sunday or Monday morn ing. WANTED-Saleamen with established trade In Nebraska, to carry 34 samples men's welt shoes. Can be carried aa a aide line. E. B. Plekenbrock A Sons. Dubuque, la. MEN Aqo under 55; experience unneces sary; travel: make secret Investigation, reports; salaries; expenses. Write American Foreign Petectivo Agency. 603 St. Louls: DISTRIBUTER viTnted In ev'ervto'wlT1Sr Speedollne. $30il to $f00 per month; ex clusive territory; automobile free to workers. Speeuollne Co., Dept. 70, Dal las, Tex. SALESMEN Inexperl-nced or experienced city or traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. ;'56, Chica go, III. WANTED Two shoe salesmen, ex perienced men only, who are willing to work. Pierce Shoe Co , Council Bluffs, Iowa. HIGH OLA SS "m A N I can make a lot of money for you if you can put up a straight proportion straight. If rot save your stamps. G. Lovegrove, Tulsa Okl. SPECIALTY salesman on silverware, runs and blankets; can use couple of good men out of town work. C. F. Adams c?i- 6g3 So. 16th St. SALESMEN Fastest $5 seller to homes; biggest money maker ever Invented. Savage Mfg. Co., 17 So. Campbell, Chi cago. DRY COOPS a a les'm en Tell " D r e s s alfap ro n on commission basis. New plan. No samples to carry. Write Gerlach Mfg. Co.. 2436 North Ave.,Mllwaukee, Wis. SALESMAN with car. good proposition To right man. Rubber City Sales, 2064 Farnam. Agents and Canvassers. ARE YOU making $4,500 per year? If not we will show you how. Fred Wolf gang made $5,000 last vear. E. J. Goel let averages $90 weekly. Mrs. Walton of Indiana makes $250 each month sell ing guaranteed made-to-measure Lib erty Komblnatlon Storm-Auto and Top Coats; 54 samples to select from; big cash commissions in advance; no de livering or collecting; we furnish com plete selling outfit free. Write at once for particulars. The Liberty Raincoat C., Dept. F-7i. Dayton, O. MlfUTES pay dollars demonstrating new $10 adding machine. Wonderful inven tion. Adds, substracts, multiplies, divides, automatically. Whirlwind in speed. In falllbly accurate. Work equals $200 ma chine. Five-year guarantee. Offices, stores, factories buy from one to dozen. Enormous demand evervwhere. Big profits. Write quick for trial offer and protected territory. Calculator Corpora llon, Dept, 31", Grand Rapids, Mich, RAINCOAT AGENTS Fall season"" open. $i.00 paid for each average coat eold. No delivering. Display reverslbles, leath erettes, doeskins, serges, scotch tweeds, rubberised overcoatings. All kinds for either sex. Cordes already making $70.00 weekly. Russell $S5.00. Willis $15.00 daily. No Investment. Just send for samples. Parkir Mfg. Co., 313 Book St., DaytonOhlo. AGENTS wanted who" cali"onthefamily trade, such as tea. coffee, brewery or grocerymen, having their own wagons, to sell 18 per cent and 25 per cent non beverage alcohol. Blood remedies. Sanc tioned by Internal Revenue department. Credit extended. Big monev and a re peater. Dr. Chas. D. Camp Co.. Stanley Terrace andVan Buren Sis., Chicago. GENERAL representatives and subagenTs wanted to handle Rug-No. a 100 per rent salea article selling to every hi ne. pub lic place, etc. You can earn $ti0 to $100 wetkly right alone;; opportunity to build pumanent business. Send for our sales plan Its free. Mephlsto Products Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. SANITARY wlre-frrfi) brushes! ri listless mops, dust I can furniture dusters, etc., are the big money-makers of the vear. Exclusive territory and free samples for live salespeople. North Ridge Brush Co., 125 Clark St.. Freeport, III. AGENTS "Hop-SUx" (nonalcoholic). Beverages bring back yesteryear's pleas, ant memory smiles. Secure exclusive control there immediately on this in cteaslngly permanent winner. Transo Co . Greenville. Ohio. TELEGRAPH operators and agents. Can use several experienced men; permanent position; minimum rate 5Sc per hour. Apply by wire or letter. Supt. C. G. W. R. R Clarion. Ia. AGENTS $75 to $100 a week represent ing our splendid line of Men's Guaran teed Tailored Neckwear: particulars free. E. L. Kelser Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS 90c an hour to advertise and distribute samples to consumer. Write quick for territory and particulars. American Products Co., 445 American Bldg., Cincinnati, . AGENTS Wireless umbrella, neweBt in vention; $2.50 per hour to hustlers for orders. No Investment. Write for 5 atyle outfit. Fall line ready. Parker Mfg. Co., 80S Tent St., Dayton, Ohio SELL NECESSITIES Everybodv needs and buys the "Business Guide." Bryant cleared $S00 In :l() days; tiutellus, ."60 In 26 days. Send for sanmle. It's free. Nichols Co. . Napervl 1 le, I M, UNDERSELL retailers on an article every body needs: sells Itself; no competition; over 100.000 sold last year; 100 per cent profit: $10 to $26 a day easy. Halvor sen. I OS W. Lake, Chicago. WATER STILLS Write for free booklet giving prices and descriptions of our heavy copper water stills. I'.oyer & Co., D-775. Fa rna m J1 1 d g. .P I!-?" b- .uTfTntS. wnnderfui seller. 96c profit every dollar sales. License unnecessary. No stock to carry. Sample free. Mission, 2810 W. rico, Los Angeles, Calif. ClIEWING G I'M Sell to country stores good business built up tiulrkly; U flavors. The Helmet Co , Cincinnati, O. Boys. WANTED. AN OFFICE BOY. APPLY MORRIS & CO., SOUTH SIDE. BOYS f orushers. Moon Theater. WANTED Messenger boy. Apply Live Stock National Bank, So. Side. BOYS forushers. Moon Theater. , Miscellaneous. 50 MEN WANTED FCR GENERAL YARD WORK APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH SIDE. WANTED PACKER. For all kinds of merchandise; must be Eble to pack china, glass ware, e;.. ; Catholic; splendid op portunity good salary. Address Box D-93. Oir.aha Bee. A MAN to work In ".rug store; must be willing to do all kinds of work and ttome delivery wo--lr: someone with store experience prefe-red. Drug store at .".2d and Arbor Sts WANTED---A steady, reliable young man to work from a. m. to 1 1 p. m.; cigar store. Reference required. Bol rtn cirf i-n 13? I Farnam. COIORED porter. Rogers Confectionery, HELP WjNTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED MRW FOR SERVICE IN HOUSE. PERMANENT POSITION. GOOD SALARY. APPLY Sl'PT. BALCONY. BURG ESS -NASH. WANTED NIGHT JANITOR APPLV ROOM 25. W. O. W. BLDG. WANTED A married man to work on farm. Must be steady and well recom mended. With few or no children. Good wages. J. J. Lult, Jr., Papilllon, Neb. WANTED Office boy. reply In person. North American Life Ins. Co., third floor Farnam- Bldg. WANTED Man old or young to do cashier work from 6 to 12. Sherman & McConnell Prug Co., 16th and Harney. MAN to wash floors and wlndowa. Wlae MemorlalHosp!tal. EXPERIENCED porter. Blackstone Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS. $0-$115. Tvplsts Cashiers Maids. Etc, EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU. 1911 Harney St. WANTED Typist for billing Apply Mc-Cord-Brady Co., 13th and Leavenworth. YOUNG lady for cashier. Shrman & Mc Connell I 'rug Cn.LUth and Harney. EXPERIENCED cashier "wanted. Apply cafe manager, Con&nt hotel. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent poaitlon T No profession today 'Vfera better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long dlatance telephone work, f The work is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual -vaca tlons with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employee. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while in training. Rapid advancement. Parents Invited to investigate working conditions. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary. Room fil6. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglaa Streeta. ANNOUNCEMENT We have openings for five cap able young women vishing to take up Long Distance Telephone v ork. Apply to MISS BELL, 318 Telephone Bldg., Between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. American , Telephone & Telegraph Co. GIRLS WANTED IN OUR ICING AND PACKING DEPT., STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY, 7APPLY AT ONCr.. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED 15 WOMEN AND GIRLS Experience not r-ecessary; good pav while learning. Clean, airy, pleasant surroundings. West side entrance. WEEKLY PAY EVERY SATURDAY. See Superintendent, SKINNER MFG. CO., Hth and Jackson Sta. ENGRAVERS First-class, s.'i round engraver: also apprentice for script and plain letters, recutting mach no work; steady posi tions. Send f"'l particulars to Missouri Embossing & Engraving Co., Kansas City, Mo. NURSES" If you are one and want a resf with Jood pay call Dg. 56S1 Saturday, Sunday ur Monday morning, WANTED Pupil r.urses; 2-year course, $20 monthly; uniform, room. board, laundry and extra provided; grammar school education or better. Woman's Horpltal, 4C0 E. :i:d St., Chioniro. 111. TEACHERS Hundreds rural, grade, see. ondary, college, university. Salaries high. Quick results. Writ" qualifications. Cllne Teacher Agency, 1440 E. 60th, Chicago, ill. WANTED Rural teachers; salaries" $100 to $130. Apply tn County Superintendent of Schools. Glasgow, Mont. GIRLS wanted, to lenrn nursing, 3-year course, i;ny jjosintai, rvorioik, Neb. TWO nurses' aids (white). Clarkaon Hospital. GIRLS 'WANTED". Burgess Shirt Co. Dg. 4113. GIRL for sewing in fur dept. Apply Mr. Mick. Dresner Bros., 2217 Farnam. Saleswomen and Solicitors. OPENING FOR WOMEN A nationally known corporation will have several vacancies in September suitable to well educated women, be tween the ages of 25 and 40, who are free to travel extensively. Positions are with regular sales organization, now paying permanent workers an average of $75 per weelt, and offer railroad fare, salary and commission to start. Per sonality more Important than experience. Preference given t-ach-rs. Give age. education and experience in first letter. Add'ess S. J. Olllflllan, SS E. Washlng ton St., Chicago. III. MILLINERY SALESWOMEN, EXPERIENCED. PERMANENT POSITION, EXCELLENT SALARIES. HA YUEN BRilS. MR. FISCHER. WANTED SALESLADIES STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. THE EMPORIUM, 310 SO. HTH. WANTED MalesHtiles for vegetable dept. Apply Manage, Grocery Dept., Haydnn Bros. . MILLINERY salesladies wanted. Drahos- . .... ,?nt n,if,l.. c l.UIIIg OHl .-""o ' ""' Household and Domestic. WANTED at once, cood white girl or woman to assist with housework. No wa-hlng or cooking, good Dg. r;o:i. WHITE gin or woman for general house work; one who will go home nights p-eferred; good wages. Harney 47. WANTED Girl for general housework, good wages. Apt. !09, St. Regis, 37th and Jones. Har. 4127. WHITE girl for general housework. Ref erences. No washing. Good wages. 5122 Burt. Call Wal. 238. WOMAN to asslslt with house work; high wages. Pouglaa 6 orj oui. J 1 M. WANTED Girl for general housework, no laundry, good wages. Wal. 5173. WANTED An ' ' . r'e. ee.t on d '"f gen nera! housewi r-o'i - :o ev l 'i" "I GOOD cook. Apply to Mrs. Fred Daugh erty. Har. 2660, HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. COMPETENT woman for general house work. No laundry. Har. 2650. WANTED Girl for general housework tjood wages. Harney 4227. WANTEP A gcul cook, good waves. Har. 1!!5. ' j WANTEP A competent nousemaia. nar- ney 206. Hotels and Restaurants. WAN'TED-GIRLS TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES; SHORT HOURS. GOOD SALARY. AP PLY SUPT., RALCON'Y, BUR-GESS-NASH COMPANY. WAITRESSES FOR SHORT HOUR WORK AT OUR SODA LUNCH. STEADY WdRK AND OOOP PAY. APPLV SI PT UN BALCONY, BHANDEIS STORES. WANTED At Y. M. C. A. lunch room. a white woni.i'i for washing silver and glass. Be Mr.i. Baker. GIRL for dining room work. Mercy Hos- pltal. Council Bluffs. V!ione 57$. HEAD waitress wanted. Apply cafe manager. Hotel Conant. GIRLS to wait or. tables at soda foun ta'n. Beaton Drug Co. TWO malda for floor work. Clarkson Hos pltal. Misceilaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6592. WASHMAN. experienced; steady position. Bell Laundry, Leavenworth, Kan. GIRL wanted for relief work. Apply Wise Memorial Hospital. Tyler 1671. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. CLERKS, (men. women), over 17. for pos tal mall service, $135 month. Examina tions, September. Experience unneces sary. Kor free particulars, write Leonard fformer evil service ex imlner), 90 Equitable Bldg.. Washington. MEN. women, girls wanted. $135 month. Government jobs Thousands of vacan cies. Write Immediately for list posi tions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2JS-G, Rochester N: Y. WANTED Men, ladles snd boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Cltv Barber rollene WANTED Bookkeeper, stenographer, male or female, mnnufaciurlna plant. Apply Purity Mfg. Supply Co., 1014 EDUCATIONAL. TWO OPENING DATES io:o FALL TERM. EOYLES Bl'SINTCSS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY AUGUST 30 SEPTEMBER 7 Day and Nlht School. Write, call or phone Douglas 1555 for free catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. LEARN tire repairing and retreading; also tube repairing and all rubber vul canizing In the only exclusive tire re pairing school in Omaha. Three weeks learning. $15. Write or call NATIONAL TIRE SHOP, 17th and Capitol Ave. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BUsTneSS EFFICIENCY, OMAHA'S EFFICIENT BUSINESS SCHOOL. Day and night school. Douglas 7774. Cor. Hth and Dodge I. O. o. F. Bldg. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Hank Bldg. Douglas 690. Music. PIANO class lessons for beginners, ROc; graduate experienced tea. her. Col fax 2383. BUSINESS CHANCES. For Sale, General Store. The best business in the state of Kansas. Sales last year $130,000. Stock will invoice $35,000.00, overhead ex pense 12 per cent. Business this year will run fully $150,000. Must sell account of wife's health and other Dusincss interest. Town, 2,000; county seat, wheat, corn and stock, wonderful crops. Box Y-1238, Bee. 83 1.000 IS 3 MONTHS N. E. Gibbard. Michigan, aged t'Jt Ir'a rned tir surgery, has shop in small town, writ-: "Cash receipts fnr May. .1 una ami J'llv 19:!(., were $:50.0UO." Profits neari;- '$18,000. Chas. Evans. Indlinn. carpenter past 50. now making over MoO wuck in his tire HUrRery shop. Jehn W. Blair. Ohio, banked $S,00O a hove ex pansys in one year. Fleming of New Zealand traveled 11,000 miles to iarn tire sureery. re ports earn i MRS for 1:1 rm.nths of over H,00. Tire surpf ry eauy t learn. Taught in 2 weeks; IS, 000. 000 t'tes wear ing down daily. Car owners demand this new and better repnir method, be raune it adds from 4.000 to uJ'OO more miles. Any man can Rurceed. Tan start in this bij? paying business with very little capllal. I-enrn tire surgery and quickly e t into automobile industry the business that nirikrs men r ch. Get lull particulars. Write to Haywood Tire A Equipment Co., Capitol Ave. In dianapolis, Ind. RIVEHFinU CEMETERY AT CRETE. NEIi. On accuvnt of the age and failing health of tho crescnt owner all unsold lots and block ; l.i Riverside cemetery at Crete, Neb., and the acreage belong in thereto that is at this time un platted I offer for Pale on favorable tei ms. The cemetery is del jjrht filly situated, well I.r.proved. splendid shnde ar.d a most resMul quiet Hpot bordering the Hlue liver nigh and siKhtly. It is the principal cemetery at Crete. Nrb. ; In fact the onlv ono except the Roman Catholic e-metrti It has been in usj since 1 S79 and i on tains beautiful slopes and monument I will sell this prop erty at a verv reasonable price. Jt is a fine bu ness opportunity for anyone. Call on or addrts Theodore Hadon, f?r , Ci eto, Nb M ASTER " OP THEM ALL. Mas' or f-e! and portable ovens com -hl.ied witn oui master doughnut equip ment is ;odav netting our operator a profit of 'torn $500 to $2,500 a mouth, ar.d ww can trove it. The must m -idem, complete, sanitary (finished -n white enamel) snd practical bakery out fit on the ma.ltet today, producing the highest qualitv of bakery goods. No baking ex.ierie'u e required. Thorough investigation invited. 1 2.000 to $-1,000 capital required. ()eal direct. Write today. Mtste Oven Co., 431 S. Leir h:)rn. Chicago TO AN i.NIM VIDL'AL "nr "group of business men we hwt a genum biiftu .-s oppor tunity, operating Jarvis Specialty Eat Pi) ops, or if vnu art- opera tint? r't;i 1 rants and want to inrn use your profits. Install the Jarvls system at an expense 1 not to ex. eed Jj.fiOG. Our chain store idea is in opera 1 1011 on a provt-n piying basis, snd, as exercised in our way should, on an investment of about $'i,ono, net a pro? it of $1 &011 per monih. In reply. atate nullifications fully, or. het tei flt! conn- to Chicago and make complete irvestigation. Jarvis Corpora tion. 2 i 2 V. A'if.Un Ave., Chicago. ONfcf ""of "the be- t paying bakeries 'n northwest n Nebraska. Nellgh. Nob., located SO mi's west of Kellgh. nuiin line C. N. Vr".; county seat town of 2,000 with no competition, coniits of lunch, soda fountain, confectionery and bakery; monthly sales from $4,500 to $5 500; pp-ntv large enough for two pr.rtles; all modern with the best of everything to do with. C. A. Bangs, NUghNeb. LA ROE mar uf art tiring corporation wants capable nr n to open branch office .nd manag sa'rsmen; $H0) to $2.oon nr sary ; ha n -lie you. own minify; exclusive rights : patented article ; money ma ktn,i pi si-lhtlUtea, unl'mlted. Wilt pay ex penses to Hnltimorn if you ijualify. Ad- dnss Mr. Cti..mer. Sa !em.i naKr, 60, V Eutaw St.. Halllmnre, Md. I-'KEE TrxHS srhr.01 land oil lease permit--, h rcres. reord 'l in your name., as hmni j far co-operative development. AbnerJ Davis, Trustee, Fort Worth, Te J BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. A complete moving picture theater ou'iii. -ii'e chairs, screen, machines, i'tk. post i r boards, stage, stage equip ment, drop curtains, in fact a complete outfit, all in first-class condition. Ad dress K. M. Stuntcbeck. V more. Neb. rem SALE OR TRADE. Stcatl nianufuciiiring business. Money maker, with email capital. Will consider Omaha properly In trade. Cs'1 on or ad dri .is. J. M. Kyde M West St. Blair. Neb uNi.Y known -p showing all rjovel Tixhk. Or ah.." a New Mexico ' an Louisiana oil, and other valunbli Information free. Don't invest before oea lK II. It V. Wilson Mgr.. rhiragi Traffic Texas. Asku . Hoffman' Bldg., Houston TOT. KALE l.oaiuv. ne,u- hlg oil wells ol In shallow tool, cm give drilling con tract or se s'lilr proiueiion l'0-barr. well; enrns about $1i1imm'0 venrly. For Inlornr. tion a.1,1- ess nil l.e;i,,s nd P .luehoii o. il E. Murdo!;. Wichita, Kan. WE OFFER wonderful opportunity "torV llilile nia.i to make from $,io to I0 v.tekly at horn in spare time. Direct by mail proposition. No experience needed. Cnplti.l f,.Ulteil. only $i;j, Mutual Co., Minneapolis. Minn. DON'T mlas this opportunity. An In-depend-nt fortune for you. Haven't the money to handle tie prop, sitlon. Wood consider a good car aa pirt pavment for Interest or all. Phone Web 1 403 after 7 p. in. and Sunday phone Web. 1S55. Ei ill SALE Complete set of oak bank fix tures, in. iroo.I conditio!'. Nest of 60 Victor B.if.'ty denosit box's, .lingered nickel. Farmers l;unk, Nebrsska City, Neb. WE have oi r ;) men selling stocks "and other sect It lea tn the central states. What have on, to offer? H.inkera In vestment TrUst. 9"5 Plum er Bldg., St. Paul. Minn GOOD established srneerv and meat market, stock almost '.;.no, fixtures $7fn, Jof) rent per mouth for 5-room modern house and store. Inquire of i' .1 Sml'h. fill N :th S: e-ALH ''R RENT-.i i.Iv fu. nltui ' "factory n t he n is: four Vears as furnlti pood business, r. :t!h St. ' faetnt ref tr; competition. 4 320 So. FOP. PALE OR RENT A r.nt-1 or jr. rooms with cafe in cornier ti'i-i in a good ' wii. Will .-ell . h, up. ilox V Kin Bee. AW business or property- sol. I ouickly f.o 'ih: no publicity, old lel-abl- licensed I rokers Chicago Business and Realty Exchange. .127 s LaSalle. t'hl. s-o REST APR ANT for sale, vickneya' rcHson for selling; plnc doing i-n -d business; wUI p. -11 cheap for cash. Pong. ; f. 9 . FOR SA LE Good cleia itoik of "general morcb'i noise must be sold at once. Box 1 "S. Silver Creek. Neb. FOR SALE Ahni-t one grosahaif gallon Mason ja'r, silently used, eoo.l rondi t l'-n ;;i ! l. T-le; loin- T: ler 45.S0. Oni'GS. luiil.lnr. I-- cr-'-m piilor for saif. .1. r Men:-.. Vlr-mln. N-. T() yj In or out of business, s -a LEWIS --., 4U Mrongue Bldg. So SIDE Go, id paving 14-r.iom rooming bcoso for sele. So. MINING picture show for sale, equipped Webster L'lf. newly GARAGE for sale with equipment. Call llr, Hark, Wal. "5(15. 2-CHAIR barber shop for sale! 104180. 13th St. Tyler 3S51. NEWSPAPER FOP. "SALE flie Stuart (towa News, at half price. SMALL grocery store for tale.-D. hilt. FOR RENT ROOMS. Fnrnished Rooms. fHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 10no, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. SINGLE rooms for n-fen only; running hot and cold wat-r; walking distance. Brown Apts.. f.n N list. Doug. 6644. NP'EI.Y furnished room, private home, for gentlemen: walking dlsta-uce; reference. Harnev 3K7S. ROOMS FOR RENT Fine location, near Hanscnm park, furnished or unfurnished. CaUHarney 1117 after S p. m. LARGE room for refined couple In mod ern home; kitchen, dining room privi- JegfS.CoL 1929. FCR RENT Furnished "front room ,"t earn heat; privft te family ; traveling man pre- frred. OnllHarney 4932. COOL, comfy rooms, separate or ensuite, modern, private home. Har. 2373. NICELY furnished room, modprn, home privileges. Phone HarneyT422. COOL, attractive rooms: fine location; also garage. Phone Weiister 6338. STRICTLY modern room, walktng dls tance. H. 7241. 24 S3 ST MARYS Large modern room, reasonable. 3 OR 4 M ODE RN""f urn lshed "Too m s CoN fax 4 537. P o A U P and room. 619 6 oT2 6 h"A T)g. 8095. 301H DODGE Comfy, ino4-n room. H. V24fi. NICELY furnished room, modern, home j.rlvlleges V)b South 2?th st. HOME for 2 gentl-meiv "Har.104l. ' RpjOMSfor2rent.:$ 25th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO furnished lijrht hous-keepln? rooms private home, no children. 3112 Cali fornia. H. 4341. 110 So. 2Sih Ave I ' asonable. 1 room, housekeeping. CHii So. 2S!h, 2 or 3 well-f urnif h:d modern rfomF. 2712 HOWARD 2 front rooms, bath-room floor. 2 MODERN rooms, private home Har. 7d4S. MOPKRN". everything furnlshfd. 2119 Sher- monAve. Apt. Board and Rooms. (124 S. I5TH-HOCC1, board; private family. mlly. Hi Tyirr 4 126. ROOM and board, two young men. Capitol. Unfurnished Rooms. ONK OR TVO linrurnlhed rooms to rent. 271S U St. Telephone So. 4J72. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT Eight-ro: ni modern, furnished house, d-'tmlo gaiage. sbown by appointment on!y AMOS GRANT CO., nrAT.TOF.3. Prand. Th Kl.lg. ;m -3.4.1;. i Pong. S!0. FOR RKXT. Nico 5- rotim modern butiga low for rnt furnished, at 1 474 Lothrop street, (or "ft l'er month. Jmiuire iif Lothrop Ftreet. V-l)sier 2ii.yX. Unfurnished. 6-ROQM houe for rent, 2?r- Frftnrls. Miscellaneous. STaNDERSON, 27fi? 4 -room s'rirflv mod ern, first floor, nlre yard, Col. FOR REN T A PT S. AND FLATS Furnished. F.T.-HEUDOR APARTMKNT HOTKI,. r.mvf nientlv located. Furnished HiiuuKliom. .'-'ilten of two and three rooms, wl'li comltlnation tub nod .shower hath. Kit-henottoa completely -'yulpiied. Wi-nklv rental inrlrdes light, he.-it. vas. tei, pfione nnd ninld service. An ld"al home f'tr ir,i,se whi desire comfort :inl se vlre. par'Tiicnts shown by nppolnt mcnu PodKO and 18th. Tyl ir 4200. Unfurnished. FOR RENT Tin 3-ronm npartrnt-K. ;. -rn.-Mi e rnimodation. Tlrnt ronrtitinn. Close In. AIpo 2-rom apiirtment. Newly detorated. Call Doug. 1533. I to i.MS, unfurnished ; an;m' tl Iikt- an n part rnnt ; pepar.'. tn kiti'lu-n ; gootl m,!Khl(rhond ; in' huiing hat, rcferent'i exchanged. So. A i '.. LET ui rent your house or flat Benjamin A Frankenberg. t'2A Bee Bldg WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTKli Rooms or ap;ir:ment suitable for occupation by li'.irher chinr.K the school ear. Rtf-Tcnces pr,-ferjbiy fiom tra'lors roiiilr.. Write ad-dr-ss. tcl-'pl one tiunihor. tTina. to Miss 1-;1I..iIm th Hvan, i-'Olf, Oliio, chair man wlfare committee. Omaha School 1'orunt. yut'NO couple with child 2 years want ftist or a-cond floor private home, pre fer north of Lothrop; beat of reference glveil.Web. 3161. j'QR RENT Business Property. Kdlt I.KASR. 17.000 square feet, whnlisn!. Ele vnlor. (iprlnklered. etc. lrnam street 1,'low !!h an. I lmh St. Very low rental. Mrt'atfue Investment Co., A Rents. ;i i(li Irm kntv property, four lots with of flcj and slieii.. 13ih and California. V FARNAM SMITH & CO. Douglas in U r. 1: V 1x i