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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 22. 1920. 5 B A v 1L . in. 7 I' ffJ mm ti f l How to Make Jellies '. By LORETTA C. LYNCH.' i With every indication of higher trices in the fall, the thrifty house wife is making some jelly. 'True, me com 01 sugar iS nign, and in many sections fruit is none too cheap, but the "other fellow" must pay the same pnCe approximately as vou, and in addition vou must pay him for his labor, overhead and merest on investment besides. The task of making a supply of elly for the family pantrv for wili er is not difficult, if the" hnuw wife uses judgment. In the first place, too much should not be attempted at one time. The care 'one exer cises is apt to arrow lax if an never- ending quantity seems to be staring one in tne face. A.I . . .notiier suggestion is the group method of working. Several wome should plan to help each other. A large1 enamelware cook pot wi oe neeaea. i in or iron wii: he ai tected by the fruit juices often t the detriment of one's stomach Then one should have several vard of cheesecloth, which may be folde to several thicknesses and Sewed in to a three-cornered bag. uniy trom iruits containing pectin can jeny ne made. I nU-ss a frtu contains pectin one is but wasting time in attempting to make jelly from it. A fruit ripe or over-ripe is not nearly so good for jelly "idKing as a irur. mat is under-ripe nemrniner tins wnen choosing you fruit. irruits known to contain pectin are apples, cranapples. currants quinces, cranberries, grapes and blackberries. If you want to make jelly of peach parings, the parings must be cooked with apple. Rasp berries combined with currants are the makings of a much-prized iellv The fruits should be washed and then cut into pieces and cooked in a very little water until soft as with apples, or. in the case of grapes and currants, the fruit should be crushed until the juice flows. No water is equired. When soft the fruit should be turned into the icllv baz. ore iously wrune out of hot water. Tin -i tii ... .. nag snoiiia re nung and the juice allowed to drip into a larce how At the end the bag may be squeezed to extract the remaining juice, but this juice should be caught in an other bowl. Jt will make a cloudy jelly good enough tor spreading be tween the layers of jelly cake. The ryiiice should be measured in any convenient measure, ror each meas ure of juice allow three-fourths of ka measure of sugar. Mix with juice ana boil until a little dropped frona a spoon will just hold its shape on a plate when allowed to cool. When the jelly is ready, pour into small glasses or jars previously dipped into hot water. When cold, pour melted parafine over the glass to the derith of one-fourth of an inch. Irish Lace a Feature i mmmm d fts. J Or mnA What's What By HELEN DECIE By CORINNE LOWE. t N e w Y o r k. (Special Corre " spoudence.) The riot of Irish lace is certainly a feature of dress politics this season. This familiar weave is used on all man ner of new frocks, blouses and lin gerie, but here we see it asserting a new right. It is to become the under skirt of this charm ing little frock of taffeta. The taffeta is in itself worthy of our attention, for it is a striking pattern of stripes in blue, black and white. The charm ing irregular yoke alio is of Irish lace. This frock is de signed particularly for the young girl, although it is not too festive for Jjer older sister. --t Measuring Cups. Keep a standard cup in the suear bin and another in the flour bin in stead of the custoniery broken le tups of varying sizes usually used there. Charcoal for Stains. A hopeless discoloration of a blac1 crepe de chine dress can be concealei by moistening the stain and rubSing charcoal over it. Do You' Know II r. Throe Question a Day for the Houtewife. 1. Is milk a perfect food for adults? 2. How much time to allow for roasting lamb? 3. How to remove scorch marks from linen? These questions will be answered tomorrow by the HOUSEWIFE. as Answer to Yesterday's Question. 1. Butter was used more than 2,000 years ago, but usuall a medicine or as an ointment after bathinir. 2. To keep onions from smelling while cooking, boil them ir, an uncovered saucepan. Open the kitchen windows at the top. The odor will not go through the house. 3. To clean brass. When you have no brass polish, rub it thoroughly with a mixture of vinegar and salt Each of these household problems has been worked out bv tho author, who has not onlyaken a course in scientific housewifery and dietetics at Columbia university, and written and edited women's newspaper and magazine features for years, but is a practical house- Keeper as wen. The most brilliant epigram attrib uted to the late Lord Fisher is: "Do right to any man; don't write to any woman." In the eighteenth century letter writing had become on the the fine arts; in the nineteenth century it be- stan to be but a pleasant duty otten iong drawn out and in the twentieth century the one-time epistolary art is almost telegraphic in brevity. Yet, although there is little time for elaborate correspondence in these busy days, the old rules still hold good regarding prompt re sponses to letters which require an swers, fastidiousness as to the qual ity of the notepaper used and the maintenance of a certain reserve in -expression, no matter how impulsive )niav he the emotions of the writer. (Copyright, 120, by Public Ledger Co.). t( Handy in the Kitchen. A usePul kitchen tool is made of a stick of wood about 10- inches long apd three-quarters of an inch square. Around one end, a sheet of sand paper is tightly wrapped and tacked. The other end is shaped for a handle. This is handy. for sharpening knives or sandpapering cupboard doors that stick. As the paper becomes worn, it can be cut along the line of the tacks, and the worn layer peeled off. In the . Selection of a Piano ) One Should Consider Beyond Surface Values Many pianos are made of the ame kind of ma terials and equally attractive in appearance, yet having no comparison in tonal or wearing qualities. One of the greatest values in the piano market today is THE KNABE "Since 1837 the World's Greatest Pianorr We cordially invite you to see and hear this wonderful piano at "Th House of Pleasant k Dealing" I MICKELS . Fifteenth and Harney Omaha At KNABE and other PIANOS Going Away? J Let the Omaha Printing Company supply your lug gage needs. Our bags and suitcases are the most com fortable yet they possess all the qualities of dura bility, roominess and style. Omaha Printing-Company Thirteenth at Farnam TT Picnicking Joys It is the duty of every home man ager to occasionally "drop every thing" to take advantage of the glorious weather and give the fam ily a day in the woods or the park. Such excursions will remain precious in the memories of children. It is further the privilege of every house wife to so plan her work that she will feel free to tak'e advantage of several iileaf summer days. A few years ago ecn the least pretentious excursion caused a great amount of extra work and readjust ment. It often was a physical im possibility for the busy housewife to manage even a half-day's pleas ure trip Vith the children, for she didn't have the strength to spend a day before the picnic in the kitchen "making ready" for the event. In these days ot progress and pure food laws, however, high s-alaricd chefs are employed to prepare foods of all kinds ready to serve. A picnic haskci, the dchi-ht of old and young, can now quickly be packed. Some of the most delicious foods may be packed, can and all, as they come from the grocer's. What a pleasure it will be to be ready to join in the picnic spirit the next time the business members of your family express the. desire to have a dinner in the woodsl It's just the simplest thing ever, too. Like aft valuable accomplishments, however, it requires thought before hand. Put in the bottom of the basket a can of veal or chicken loaf, a can of Vienna sausage and a can of sar dines. A bottle of horseradish cream or horseradish mustard will make a splendid relish, and mall bottles of grape juice or grape flavored lemon ade solve the problem of what to drink. Also take some cookies. Two Turkish girls were among the 20 graduates this year of the Ameri can Collece for Women in Constan tinople. ' Last Week Of Our Rem detati Sale Wednesday, September 1st we have to turn over our store to the cabinet makers, the decorators and the electricians for a short time. At the end of August our stock must be reduced to the minimum to save handling and breakage during the remodeling period. The new fall selections are on the way. Hre Is a Wonderful Chance for the Careful Shopper. Buy that Gift Now! Clocks BUY ' NOW Right now is the time to buy a reliable Clock for your home Seth Thomas Clocks, New Haven Clocks, Session Clocks, Ingraham Clocks, the very cream of good, reliable American clocks. Mahogany, oak, fumed oak and enameled clocks. These prices below will sell them all, and out they must go before remodel ing our store. All 8-day Cathedral strike and hali-hour strike, and every clock the best on the American market. 25 per cent discount on all clocks and all makes , 8-day Mahogany Mantel Clock, Colonial Style, Cathedral strike and half-hour strike. Regular price $24.00. Sale price $18.00 8-day Fumed Oak Clock, Square Style Cathed ral strike and half-hour strike. Regular price, $18. Sale price $13.50 8-day Euameled Clock, large dial, beautiful. finish. Cathedial strike and half hour strike. Regular price $11. Sale price at $8.25 8-day Brushed Brass with all four sides bevel-e4-glass. Seth Thomas make, quick silver' pendulum. Cathedral strike and half-hour strike. Regular price $46.50. Sale price '. l.... $34.75 8-tfay Imported Westminster Chime Clocks, in solid Mahogany, silver dials, no more beau tiful clocks re matje for the swell homes. The movements in these clocks are made to last 100 years. Regular price $70.00. Sale price $52.50 30-day White Enamel Wall Clock, one of the very best office clocks made, runs 30 days with one winding and guaranteed to kep time with the sun. Regular price $21.00. Sale price , $16.75 This is your opportunity. DT TV I :ymWJRnZ I 111 T I Snappy Diamond Sale You will probably buy a nice stone some time this winter. You can save 20 if you choose it'now! $75 clear white Diamonds during Remodeling Sale v at $60; $700 Gems at $560, and so on. Watches Our entire stock of reliable and guaranteed Watches, Howard, Ham ilton, Elgin, "Waltham, Hampden will be closed out at this Sale. If you are going to buy a good Watch, buy right now and let us save you some money. 48 Ladies gold filled wrist watches will to on tale Monday. Tuesday and WertneKrl.iv ik.i. ..u.kiq movement with 20-year gold filled Queen IsabJia shape case, iinn oraceiet ana riDDon bracelet so you can w- tv-fn. Out Sale price. $15.75 PEARLS This is surely and truly your last chance to buy Rich efieu la Tausca and Bluebird indestructible Pearl Neck- 1 a n aa of Ana Vialf if li a ; n i . ' vx mc lcguicu pnue. oepiemDer 1st our remodeling takes a start. Every Pearl Necklace will be! sold at these prices. Read every item and buy now Only 107 Shopping Days to Christmas. Reg: Price Special Prire Richelieu Pearl Necklace, 18 inch $24.00 $12 00 Richelieu Pear! Necklace, 24 inch 30.00 ' 15.00 Richelieu Pearl Necklace, 30 inch 35.00 1750 La Tausca Pearl Necklace, 15 inch 24.75 1 123a La Tausca Pearl Necklace, 13 inch 27.75 12,87 La Tausca Pearl Necklace, 24 inch., 40.00 20.00 Bluebird Pearl Necklace, 15 inch 14.00 7.00 Bluebird Pearl Necklace, 18 inch 18.00 9.00 Bluebird Pearl Necklace, 24 inch 21.00 10.50 1 You will benefit by coming in early while the selection is at its best. Elgin Ladies' Wrist Watches, 20-year gold filled case. You can have one of these with chain or silk ribbon bracelet. Sale price $27.75 Solid Gold 14-karat Wrist Watch; 15 jewel; American movement, guaranteed reliable time piece ; octagon shape and small size. We can give you silk ribbon or chain bracelet. Sale price $32.75 1,000 Gentlemen's Watches go out in this sale regardless of cost before remodeling and enlarging our store. Elgin movement set in 12 or 16 size, 20-year, gold fill ed, guaranteed case, engrav ed or plain $17.75 17-jewel Elgin movement, patent regulator, Brequet h a ij spring, compensated Balance wheel, safety click, double brace mainspring in a very strong, dustproof Silverine screw case 115.75 15-jewel Patria Swiss watch, 12 size, Edge Royal 20-year gold-filled case; a tery reliable time-keeper and beautiful thin model watch, yours for ....915.75 This is your time to buy a watch, the profit is all yours. 25 Per Cent Discount on Our Large Stock of Gillette Razors $5.00 Gillette" Razors, sale price . $3.75 Stock of all other Gillette Razors 25 per cent discount during this remodeling sale. CUT GLASS Just look and read what $1.00 will do for you at this Remodeling Sale, each and every article worth many times the price we ask you. Colonial Cut Glass Oil Bottle, Remodeling gale Price ...... ..$1.00 Pair Cut Glass Salt and Pepper, Silver Tops Remodeling Sale Price '. $1.00 1 Cut Glas Syrup Sanitary Pitcher, Remodeling Sale Price $1.00 t Cut Glass Flower Basket, Remodeling Sale Price $1,00 1 Cut Glass 8-inch Fruit Bowl. Remodeling Sale Price $1.00 1 Cut Glass Beautiful Nappy with handle, Remodeling Sale $1.00 1 Cut Glass Bud Vase, real swell, Remodeling Sale Price $1.00 I Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer, several -designs, Remodeling Sale Price $1.00 1 Cut Glass Combination Sugar and Creamer, Remodeling Sale 1 ce $1.00 1 Cut Glass Marmalade Jar, Remodeling Sale Prrce $1.00 I Cut Glass Horse Radish Jar, Sheffield Holder, Remodeling Sale Price . $1.00 1 Cut Glass Sty)on Tray, Boat Shape, Remodeling Sale Price $1.00 1 Piece Sheffield" Salt and Pepper, Remodeling Sale Price $1.00 I Sheffield Tea Strainer, Remodeling, Sale Price $1.00 1 Sheffield Napkin Ring, Remodeling Sale Price '$1.00 1 Cut Glass Mayonnaise Dish, Remodeling Sale Price. '. $1.00 1 Cut Glass Night Bottle With Glass, Remodeling Sale Price $1.00 .1 Cut Glass Butter Dish With Cover. Remodeling Sale Price ..$1 00 Buy one or as many articles as you can use for Christmas, you will save a lot of money, and each and every one of these articles must be out of our (store before remodeling and making our store laiwer. We have put articles of the best Jewelry on our $1.00 counter. One look will convince you, one look and you' will select a number of these splendid bargains for now or Christmas. Gentlemen's Watch Chain, gold filled, guaranteed to wear 10 years, soldered links , $1.00 Gentlemen's Waldemar Watch Chain, warranted 10 years, nifty designs, for $1.00 Gentlemen's Cuff Buttons, plain or engraved, beautiful selec tion : v.. $1.00 Gentlemen's 2 blade gold filled Pocket Knives," plain or en graved for 1.: $1.00 Ladies' gold filled Pocket Knives, very nifty aind useful $1.00 Gentlemen's Tie Clasp, gold filled, plain or engraved, splendid quality tor $1.00 Gentlemen's Stick Pins, set with Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, etc. $1.00 Ladies' gold filled or sterling silver Lingerie Clasps, per pair. .$1.00 Many more articles will be cold at this Remodeling Sale for $1.00. We are not going to carry anything over during our Reconstruction. Now or never it the time to see us first. 1 0.000 Cut Glass Pieces Will be sold and the price will be cut in two, just one-half of the regular price. Seeing this wonderful stock of the most up-to-date cut glass will make you want it all. We are not going to carry this stock over while remodeling to enlarge our store. SO OUT IT GOES Cut Glass Flower Basket, large Cut Glass Candy Jar, large , Cut Glass 12-inch Square Vase Cut Glass Spoon Basket with handle - Cut glass Celery Tray, swell and beautiful Cut. Glass 12-inch Round Vase Cut Glass 8-inch Salad Bowl Regular Price $5.00 $3.00 j $5.00 . $4.00 ' $5.00 $5.00 $4.00 Cut Glass 8-in. 3-cornered 3-foot ed Berrv Bowl $4.50 Cut Glass 12-in. Footed Orange Bowl " $8.00 Cut Glass 8-inch Relish Dish, 3 compartments $4.50 Cut Glass 12-in. Fruit Bowl on high foot .$9.00 Half Price $2.50 $1.50 $2.50 $2.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.00 , $2.25 ' $4.00 $2.25 $4.50 Special Sale of Ice Tea Tankards, with cover and 6 Ice Tea Tumblers. Regular price $12.00. Sale price $6.00 R0DEGAARD BROS CO. At the Sign of the Crown Up the Golden Stairs 16th and Douglas Mail Orders Are Promptly Filled