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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
( 6 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 22, 1920. SIMON -BROTHERS HAVE LARGE FOOD STOCKS ON HAND Nw Warehouse Equipped With All Modern Contriv ances for Handling the Enormous Food Supply. If Omaha should &er be cut off from the rest of the country, as were some of the French and Bel gian cities during the war, the pop ulation would not begin to suffer from hunger for many weeks-even months. A visit to the immense , wholesale warehouse of Simon Bros, company at Eleventh and Dodge streets, would reassure anyone on that point. Six floors and the basement are piled high with canned goods of all description, boxes of dried fruits, bags of beans, sacks of coffee and numerous articles of nonperishablc food. There are 300 carloads full of canffed goods alone. This multiplies out to the remarkable figure of 8.640,000 cans. Altogether the ware house contains about 325 cars of goods in sacks, bawls, boxes, bot tles and cans. This stock is valued at $1,500,000. Sell. to Large Territory.' Only a small part of this is con sumed in Omaha. Twenty traveling salesmen, representing the firm, are selling goods in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. Their routes are in dicated on big maps stuck full of colored tacks, like those on which, in other days, the progress of the allied battle line was marked. By this system the office can always de termine exactly where each salesman is on a given day. Seven Years in Business. Simon Bros, company is one of the great commercial enterprises which aid so much in keeping Omaha in the front rank as a dis tributing center, fiye million dol lars worth of grocers' supplies Are handled thrrfugh their jobbing house each year. Although the big warehouse is one Simon Bros.' New Wholesale Building v , .'mTSflf lien iRtvv. of the city's new buildings, the firm has bcn in the grocery .. jobbing business for seven years. They formerly were engaged in the re tail grocery business in Council Bluffs. Their start as jobbers came through the purchase of the 4ock of the Raapke Grocery Co., in 1913. This business grew so thatm two years they moved into new quarters at 1119 Howard street. Two months ago their new fire proof warehouse was completed at a cost of $325,000. Now they are established in the most modern grocery warehouse in Nebraska, having a-floor space of 135,000 fee I Brothers Supervise Work. Four brothers work together for -the success of this enterprise Louis Simon is president, Edward is vice president, Jake, manager, and Max, superintendent. Every detail of the work carried on by the 60 einpjoyes is under their personal supervision. One of the interesting features of the building is a lecture room, with blackboards and tables, looking much like a school. "Here." said Edward Simon, "iS- where out salesmen learn new points about their business. Whenever we take on a new line of goods, -hethcr it be soap, coffee or any other food stuff, it is necessary for every man selling it to have full information about the particular article. We call in special agents of Ae manufac turers and have them tell the whole force about their product. Then our men cah go out and meet the retailers, armed with the facts." Modern Shipping Floor. i The shipping floor, is the busiest part fof, the warehouse. Six freight cars can be loaded or unloaded at the dock each day At this time of the year Jhe moveme'nt of goods to the country merchants begins to get very heavy. Truck loads of food supplies are shot down in the big elevators trom the storage tIoor$ and sent out along' the railroad tracks that extend along one sidfcj of the building to the waiting cars. 1 Cleanliness is strictly enforced about the whole building. The walls all in white, 'and the floor? are kept as clean as a good housevSfe's kitchen. Sanitary bins of galvan ized iron' are used to protect the spices and similar products from dust and air. Refrigerating Rooms Important Six large refrigerating rooms ply an important part in the warehouse.' Here the cornnieal and breakfast foods jire kept cool and sweet. Soon supplies of dates and other Christ mas goods will begin to accumulate. These will all be kept in perfe'et con dition by the refrigerating apparatus. In a great built-in humidor are 3,0,000 cigars nd an immense number of cigarets. These articles keep moving in and out in 'constant procession as the salesmen turn in their orders. The trade territory of the Simon Brothers company is soon to be ex tended tp include Wyoming. Its importing business also will be en larged with the restoration of nor mal conditions abroad. , Prince of Wales Dances x With Ten Pretty Girls Perth,West Australia, Aug. 21.- When a deputation of soldiers wel comed the prince of Wales here the president smi'ingly said that the vis1: to Australia was due to the "digger" mi France having taught the prince the national game played with two coins. The prince, amused at this reierei'.ce to "two up," ac cused the president of ragging him. "! have not ncen long enough vet in Perth," he said,' "to get my own back," The state ball was the first public dance that th prince has attended in Australia. He danced with 19 pretty girls in succession: ' Syrup Factory' Will Be Established Here By Simon Brothers Louis Simon,' president Yf the Simon' Brp'thers company, says that he intends to establish a syrup factory here in a few months. The company now puts up its own spices and extracts, to insure their purity. "Within a few years we expect to expand our syrup factory, into a general business of putting up pre serves and jellibs," said Mr. Simon. "We will thus furnish a new market for Nebraska fruit. A candy factory and a coffee roasting department will be operated in conjunction with this," he said. r W. S. Bunch Co. White Coating, Spraying, Sand Blasting ....and.... STUCCO HOUSES MADE WATERPROOF ' ! We Make a Specialty of White Coating Ware Houses and Garages , DOUGLAS 562 Most of the tea that is raised in Burma is pickled and eatery as a condiment. SIMON BROS. Plumbing Steamfitting 1 i We take this op portunity to com pliment Simon Bros, on their rapid rise in the whole sale grocery game and we wish them success in their new home. The plumbing and steamfitting in Si mon Bros, new home was installed by Grunwald. B. GRUNWALD 4 1110 Farnam St. Douglas 1811. a mellow, all Havana smoke one that YOlNwill thoroughly enjoy. Try one! That's all we ask. ZZ 10c " 25c Longfellow. 1 - 1 C f Imperials J JC J L . FRITZ BRO. CO., Cincinnati, Maker. JZA Mb Burroughs Machines have such an extraordi nary reputation for long life and continuous operation that some folks have wondered if Service in the ordinary sense of the term was a large part of the Burroughs Idea. It is a most important part and has often been mentioned by purchasers as one of their reasons for selecting Burroughs Equipment. Burroughs Service is fourfold, thus: efofe Purchase: 1. Engineering Business into the Machine. 2. Engineering, the Machine into a Business. rj After Purchase; - Y N 3. Applying Modern Practice to your Ma chine. ' V 4. Keeping your Machine up to 100 Ef ficiency. 1 " BURROUGHS Adding Machine Co. y 115 So. 19th St Where fruits and vege tables grow of finest flavor and texture. 5 mo,del plants "in the Heart of Michigan" 8 'J,4 acfce4, r .m. m h r m m a bbmhhk m mm m Yr- b i j ir i w i and V High Grade Vegetables ( 'Hart--ls a long message to "millions of homes expressed in om word, HutU-Is 2l story,, of service in ohe word. -Hart--ls an epic' ofvaccomplishment in one word. Ha--Means millions of satisfied customers.. ! , ' Hart Brands are certified by the National Canners Inspection Ser- vicea$ heing canned under proper sanitary conditions and of good dille quality. This assures you that they are RIGHT. JVe need not assure ourselves, for we KNOW. W. R. ROACH & CO. General Offices Grand Rapids, Mich. SIMON BROTHERS CO, Distributors ( if) : f7 sk. r " -jCi i ii Q