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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1920)
THE OMAtfA BEE ' A KANSAS STRIVES TO SET RECORD IN VHEAT CROP Discrepancy Between Federal ahd' State Forecasters Ex- pelted to Be Cleared by X-f. Report. " Topfcka' Kan., Aug. 20. Mort light OA tti size of the Kansas wheat ' .' crop whether it will be Kansas' ' second or third largest is expected ' tomorrow when the Kansas state board "'of agriculture issues its , monthly estimate. Question has been -raised by, difference of 26,000,000 : bushels, between estimates of state and federal authorities. The discrepancy turns on different means employed in calculating acre "!ige in (Wheats according to a state ' toent trow the Kansas agricultural board. ... ' .Difference in Figures. . The state board says it based its - teporf on the wheat 'acreage as sftown by figures turned in this year y assessors of the 105 counties of the state. The assessors' returns -increased the wheat acreage esti mated, last fall 1,574,964 acres. In its July estimate the state board ustd the total acreage shown on the assessors' reports, 8,943,098 acres. The report of , the federal statisti cian issued on August 10 used the . acreage estimated last fall, 7,725,000. This makes a difference of 1,218,098 acres. v "It is the custom of the federal statisticians not to accept the asses sors' acreage figures until the final report on the yield, after threshing is completed," said Secretary J. C. 7 Mohler of the state board. "This difference in acreage practically 'ac counts for the discrepancy at this time. I am certain that later report ' on the crop will not show less than 150,000.000 bushels." , feidmates 156 Million. v -Meanwhile ; Clyde M. Reed, a judge of the state industrial relations court, who is supervising the strug- ygle the state is making to furnish grain cars with which to haul the 1920 wheat crop o market, has made V public an estimate, based on thresh ing returns, tfcat the crop will ex ceed 156,000,000 bushels. The record Kansas wheat crop was grown in 1914. It amounted to 180,924,885, bushels. Thus, Secre tary Mohler claims, this year's crop ejs the second largest o record, Fed , eral Crop Statisticians Edward C. Paxton's August report said this ,was the tmrd largest crop, his estii mate of 143,049,000 bushels being 'smaller than both the 10t4 rrnn anrl ' 1 . Tne state board gathers its 4 ' d statistics from 2.200 corre spondents, practically one for every township of , 36 square (miles; the federal statistician has 1,800 corre spondents, i V.l Railroads Agree on Embargo on Coal to Tidewater Points Washington, Aug. 20. An im mediate embargo pn the movement of coal to tidewater except upon a definite showing that the coal upon arrival at piers would be unloaded into vessels with reasonable prompt ness, has been agreed upon by the railroads, it was announced today by the American Railroad associa tion. J ' i In a statement the association said that at a conference held yesterday . by Chairman Willard of the Asso ciation of Railway Executives and Col.. D. B. Wentz, president of the National Coal association with rep resentatives rf the commission on ar service of thi American Railroad ..association, tidewater coal carrying : Jines serving Hampton Roads and the north, Various tidewater coal exchanges and the American Whole sale Trade Coal association, it was decided, that such changes should be made in the, regulations of the ' tidewater coal '. exchange which & handles shipments through New " York, Philadelphia and Baltimore as would result in penalizing the hold . ing of bituminous coal by individual members of the exchange beyond the free time permitted in estab lished coal demurrage, tariffs. Agetl Veteran of War Of '65 Seeks to Have His Record Cleared -Hi. ' ' Jl Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 20. Samuel T. King, 74 years old, a resi dent of Joplin, Mo., appeared today ttit United States disciplinary bavacks at Fort LeaVen worth and "sEed that he be locked up as a ' dsSerter, or else that his civil war " reford be cleared. King wept while ! tolling his story to Lieutenant r Colonel Rosenbaum, assistant com mandant of the prison. Colonel Rosenbaum refused to hold the aged veteran and said the matter would be investigated. King had documents to show that he was honorably discharged Febru ary 10. 1865. on a surgeon's certifi cate of disability issued by the ad jutant genial of Missouri. He also showed papers from the bureau of records and pensions in Washington, which stated that he had twice deserted in 1864 being convicted of desertion by a court martial between the time of the two alleged offenses. Should King's record vbe cleared, army officers de clared he would be entitled to more than $20,000 in back pension. He Returns Gift of King f : : n Because Sons Penniless London, Aug? 20. Because his two sons who fought in the war are unemployed and penniless in spite of ,their willingness to work, the care-taker of the landing stage of the f Royal Yacht squadron at Cowes re turned to King George a diamond scarf pirti the king's gift at the end of the yachting week. "!Until those who served his ma jesty's country during the war," read the note accompanying the re ; tamed gift, "are provided with ' houses and employment, I Mould Father not accept any. flfrlJWP his That Gash Buying Pays at Hayden's Is Clearly Demonstrated by the Superior:Ya!ues Offered Buyers HereEvery Day. Toilet Goods and Drugs 5c L i May Facs Powder (all I hade.. Our special cash I price 49c I 35e Woodbury Facial Cream. Our prlca tic tie Maaaatu'or Moon KIM Talcum. Our prlca lSe .JSo Jergen Benio:n . and Almond - r.otlon. Our prlca ....23e BOcf .D'JeY Klaa Rouge. Our price. 40c 60c. El Kado Dtpllatory. Our prlca, at ........ ,. 48o lie Epsom Salts (1-lb. pkf.) Our caan pr:ce . Se dur lln of Btua Beauty Rose Toilet Preparatlona If always complete. Come In and ret a aampla of the Face pow der. 75c Kellog-f 'a Laia. Caah price; Me 60o Gem Razor Bladsa Price. 3S 10c Wllllama' Bhavlof 8ap. Our caah price ,. 1c lie Juvenile orOUTllo Coap. Our cah price t V Zi Tr. Iodine (1-es. bottle). Our cae -price 1.... .10c B. ' n r--4 . THE CASH STORE CORSET SPECIAL ; Extraordinary , Complete line of bras siers and bandeaux; all sizes; pink and white, specially priced at 65c Warner Corsets, pink bro .cade, heavy front graduat ed clasp; 2 pairs hose sup porters: sizes 21 K to 80; former price $6.00, special for . Sat. -cash price) $3.59 atei- Manufacturer's .-' Surplus Stock -OF- t . Dress Shirts . Af- About Half -Price About 100 dozen shirts iu this stock, consist ing of woven and printed madras, crepe and percales. Values to $3.50, Saturday. .'$1.95 e . ' A cleanup sale of men's silk hose in all plain colors and a variety of stripes. Formerly priced to $1.95, Saturday, each $1.00 Dozens of the newest patterns in men's silk neckwear, at one price. Values to $2.00, Sat urday, they go at. . .' . . ,v.$1.25 Summer Clearance Sale Women's and Children's v Values Offered that Will Move Every Garment ' ' v, in our ;X':ti'(Xi August Clearance Summer Apparel 0xt Go the Dresses in Four Special Groups AT $3.85-0ne rack of per-j-caji,' ftingham and Devonshire dress suitable for morning or porch wear; in fancy stripes,, checks and figured ipiqucr, or gandy and dotted 'Swiss col lars. All sizes for misses and women. Values to , $6.50 While they last the sale price is .....$3.95 AT $5.00 One rack xf fan cy figuerd voile, tissue lawn and gingham dresses in floral designs. Fancy stripes and fig ured lawns, light and dark grounds. Some with embroid ered collars and cuffs; others trimmed in organdy, pique and gaberdine. Tunic, plaited, ruf fled and tailored models. Val ues up to $12.50; sale price is' now $500 AT $8.50 One rack of fancy lawn and voile dresses in light and dark grounds; ruffled, tu nic and plaited effects that for merly $oM.upMo $22.50. Your choice while they last--as there, are only 35 dresses in the lot ,ou will have to act quickly. Cash price for Saturday sell- tig will be at $8.50 VT $19.50 One rack of icw Fall .dresses serges, sat ns, tricolette, messaline, geor gette, in navys" and blacks. Trimmed in beads, braids yarn, embroidery and self trimmed. ' Colors, are' navy : aivi black ; sizes for,misses and ladies. Elegant values Satur day at an extremely low price, not .to be equaled elsewhere' to go at $19.50 Boys' School Togs. duly 17 inore days till school . opens Why not get him ' ready now y The Best Clothes Jour money can' buy are here for your selection, values we know you'll appreciate after inspection and comparison. Our personal guarantee backs thequal- - ity of these boys' clothes the same as in men s suits. Hart Schaf f ner i s & Marx Clothes with snap, style and quality like dad's, your idea of satisfaction on a new suit $25.00 and $30.00 . Other. All Wool Suits -two pairs of pants; unsurpassed values;' $15.00 to $20.00 Wpmnrs pure thread silk, full fashioned hose in all new shades; also black and white; Satur day ..,.....$2.69 Women's thread silk, fiber and silk lisle holse; all colors; regular and outsizes; special up to $2.00 values, Saturday ,89c Children's school hose in black and brown; all sizes; special prices : .35c and 49c Special Sale High Grade Blouses for Saturday A special purchase of fine blouses, Georgettes, Crepe de Chines and Tricolettes, in all the latest styles all shades and izes, vYou ;vill be able to select a blouse here for every occasion. At the very4ow cash price $6.95 i i Coats at $19.50 r 1 A wonderful assortment of coats suitable for fall wear,, made up in varied lengths, consisting of. sprt (oats and coats for general utility wear. Ma terials , high grade Polo Cloth, Shetland Wool? Gab ardines, Velours, Tweds and Serges. Sizes for misses', ladles' and stylish stouts in all the popular plaids including navies; values from $29.50 to $40.00, Saturday special, at .....319.50 .ill Also ; guaranteed ' Saturday, at . . . Let us, show you the most satisfying line of boys' cloth ing in Omaha we believe it's here. Children's Dresses Greatly Underpriced Saturday 300 children colored and white dresses in lawns, voiles, ginghams and organdies that sold up to $10 sizes 6 to 14, to go at $5.00 Children's colored an(d white) dresses In lawns, voiles and ginghams; sizes 4 to 14; sold up to $6.59; on sale Saturday at ............. $2.98 Underwear Specials Women's fine cotton vests in whlt or plnpc.with beaded or banjl tops; regular price 35c and ?5c, on sale, at 19 Women's fine lisle union suits with beaded tops, tight knee or lace bot tom; regular price 98c, sale, 69 Children's fine cotton union suits, with tight knee or lace bottom; sizes, 2 to 14 years; regular price 75c, on sale ' ;-50 i Batiste and fine nainsook . night gowns and envelope chemise in wBite, pink, blue and maize; trim med with fine laces or touches of embroidery; regular price $2.98 end $2.50, on sale $1.98 Batist or soft muslin bloomers and envelope themise in white or pink, trimmed with laces or embroidery; . i tt c ..i.'a-t en l regular rico, uu ooic Women's fine cotton bathing suits; black, tr,immed with white; regular price $1,93, on sale Saturday. .98 t We Are Splendidly Ready to Supply Your .Fall and Winter Clothing Needs Suits, Top Coats, Heavy 111,, Qpnffinor' -'ft'1 MarYi-Made 'ni ' Winter Overcoats XT-dll OdldllllCl KS lVld,IA .Every Garment Guaranteed Plenty of snappy models for the dressy young fellows a broad range of .cobsei'vat-iyetyles for older men of mort; quiet tastes assortments broad, enough to insure satisfying selection and we 'guarantee Satisfaction, your kind of satisfaction, on every garment sold. ..,''' .."'' ' See Display of New Fail Models in 16th Street Windows Try On Some of th? New Suits Saturday Final Clean-Up . -of- s Women's rYfnr jQ Children's VXIOraS Women's brown and "black vici kid lace oxfords with a few pat ient colt oxfords made with leather French heels. Sold all sea sn at $7.50 .'. $5.00 Women's black and brown 7vici kid pumps and a few broken sues in oxfords, all made with leather French heels. Sold all season $5.50, at , $3.00 Women's white Nile strap pumps, ith low heels and white Nile cloth oxfords with leather French heels. Sold al season at $5.00, for . . . .$2.50 Men's brown and black gun metal blucher and English lace "Hay den Special," made of the best quality soles and all are v sewed on the Goodyear machine; $8.50 values $6.50 A "cleanup" of all the mn's tanvas shoes and oxfords, broken sizes, for f $1.75 Misses' and child's $3.00 button shoes in white Osterid cloth, with welt soles ; $3.00 values ...I .$1.50 Child's button and lace white canvas shoes, oxfords and pumps; sizes 5 to 11 ....75 1 Saturday Specials in Our Busy . .' i t v Sanitary Market Spring Iamb Forequarters . .17Ke Hindquarters .?8ttcJ r All kinds of choice, quality Fresh, Smoked, Salt and Cooked Aleats at Lowest Cash Prices. Font ix)in r I steer f ot m a . i..,;25ctel4c Saturday in the Popular Price Section 1 m -Omaha's Largest and Finest Display , 1000 Smartly Trimmed New Fall Hats $5.00 ' $7.50 .$10.00 Millinery the equal of very much higher priced models elsewhere . WE OFFER FOR SATURDAY , our largest tand finest display of Children's New Fall Hats Hundreds of Hats to. choose from priced from 1 $2.95 to $12.50 2 : f ' ..lectric Iron, complete wltH six feet of cord and stand, for 85.50 l-incb Electric Fan, for $5.75 .lcavy Splint Picnic Baskets, with hinged cover. for : $1.45 Universal Oil Mop Outfit, for $1.25 ifandy French Fryer, family size, for....M1.00 Galvanized Mop Wringer Fails, for 3.75 Heavy Galvanized H-bushel Measures. .. .81.35 10-gal. Galvanized Garbage Cans. ... .7.: .$2.75' S-gal. Galvanized Garbage Cans, cover lock tops, for v 9Z.HO 1-qt. bottle of Liquid Furnltjfre or Floor Folisli.i for i 49 Any 25c bottle of Oil or Polish, Saturday. .1 Any 60c bottle of Oil or Polish, Saturday 39 Cold Pack. Canning Outfit, Rack and Bofler, combined, for..... , ......$4.50 Kitchen Set. consists of egg beater, potato mash er, cake turner, 1 large fork, 2 mixing spoons and rack to Jiang on, for $1.25 Four large rolls Crepe Toilet Taper, for.. 25 House Furnishings f T" : : 7"7 Cutting ; Dowp Grocery Prices ' ,l8-lb. sack Hpst rVh Ulads l)la- mond H Flour .....jM.W Jl-lb. sack best Hfch GratVaT'ln- montf H Flour S1.7S- 24-lb aaclc Pine Rye Flour J1.2S lha "best White or Yillow Uorn. meal .!3c Th 'belt K'o. 1 Navy p.ans. lb.. 10c The belt Domestic Macaroni," Suu- giiftrl or Ekh Noodles. Dk..' 7Vtc . Fsflcy Japan Hire, per lb No lftnwce tans. Carolene Milk ....He ld-ounc. ans Pet or Wilson M Ik. - for ..,...;,.' ,..(.(...B ls-ounccena Carnation lilk...46c -ounc cans Pet or Carnation. No. S cans Early June Pea., fancy r.lp. Tomatoes or 8weet Sugar Corn, can 12We bars Beat-'JSm-All or Diamond C 8oi Se 1 '10 bars White Borax Naptha So.p. for so Tall cans Pink Salmon 1c Gallon cans Molasses ., " . Kamo As.'t'd Sups, can lOe ' Leo- Jfatt. can.) , ',' DRIED FBCIT STECIALf Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb.... We Choice California Prunes, lb....l7He Fancy 8eadlesS Raisins, lb Wc Fancy Mulr Peaches, lb e Fancy Peeled Peaches, lb ;3fle ' Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb. ...MSe - S-lh. 1ars Pure Mine. Mat Cixsca Layer Raisins, 1-lb. can.-Mc .Shelled Popcorn, lh... T,4e Fri.h Roaeted Peanuts, lb ITt Tnnry Cullfornla Elherta Frerntona Teaches, while thej last, crate, at $13 CAJfDI DEPArTXEST Jimbo Khrce market basket Fancy Klpe To-' "SnHters . 40c Of?K FA M Ol 8 fiOI-DEN 8ANT08 COFFEE, special, per lb 3e Our famous M. A .1. Blend, lb...4Se Our famous Ankola Blend, nothlnc finer, lh 60c Th. best Tea S'ftlnm. lb 17e Choice' Pan Fired Japan Tea, lb., 3 So Fancy Basket Fired Japan. Colour. Ceylon! or Cunpowder Tea, lb. .9e Breakfast, Cocoa, lb zOc ' OM A UK'S VEGETABLE MARKET. 15 lbs. best No. 1 Potatoes AS' Krh Cabbage, large head V Fancy t Corn,- dozen Ifte Wax or Green Beans, lb fte Fancy Ripe Tom&to.i, lb 5e Fancy Cauliflower, lb Wo Fresh Cut Pees, lh Me Bermuda Onlonaglh tee 3 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots. o Fancy Head Lattuce. head 10c Lemons Lemons Lemons FANCY LABOR jnCT LEMONS. THE BEST CREAMERY BCTTER. BULft OR, CARTON, PER LB.. Wo Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb.. for M Fancy Dlry Table Butter, lb... OOc Fresh Ground Peanut Butter, lb.. , for tt'M Pure Hony, pr lb 35c The bjst No. 1 Kgcs. dozen V4c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb..... 30c Full Cream Brick Cheese. ll.....JHe Touns: America Cheese, lb ,.33c New Terlc White Cheese, lb eOe , All heat brands Nut Butters. .. .llVt Salted reanuts, special, lb....S5 It Pay TRY. HAYDEN'i FIRST It Pay. 1 XjxAfsJ"U'iJArVVwMMleMMa