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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1920)
THE .BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY,: 'AUGUST 21, 1920. J ( AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1920 FORD COUPE. , Starter, demountable rims. Hasalef aosoroers. victor lock, double , f"il piston rings: In excellent condition; S7$8 cash. IS15 terms. , OMAHA DISTRJHUTORS CORP. 724 South l(h? 8t , TriBr3H7.' FORD speedster, Ameebilt, (ins condition, bargain tor cash. 2563 Taylor. Colfax OME bargains In used Ford cart Mc- - Caffrey Motor Cd. The Handy Tord - ' Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug- iaa 350. ' . ' KINO 1 aport model car wlro wheals etc. ; caih. terms or Liberty bonds, rr ' smaller car accepted aa part payment. Address Box R-68, Jmaha jlee. 'VO TOU want- a food automobile at a bargain price? Air makes and sixes. i Th.CaU Mr. Jonei,,f). 6188. ' -Ii$JPl0Da!:8. BUICK rOH SALE OH I?LAJ?,';..EAST TERMS. CAL. 1. O POUKB AUTO CO.. 3701 8. 34th St. BARGAINS In new and used cars. Also Ford oodles, at Goldstrum Auto Sales, Harney St. Tyler 714. , studebak RR, fine condition, for sale at tsrgaln. Leaving city. Omaha Bae. Address Box R, 96, A "this dixie flyer? W. K KICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. OA$LANT Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. V $30 Farnam St. WE hay '0 Rood used cara to select rrom. All pneea. MEEK8 AUTO CO.. 2023 Farnam. fr ANTED For anot cash. 100 used cart. . qVck action: no delay. Auto E.cange Co.. 5068 Farnam 8CDouglas035. CHALMERS s-cyl 7"-pass. cheap for rash. Perfect running condition. CoL4679. J20 rfJRD RUNABOUT entruck; good condition; for aala. Walnut 6641. 1.917 late model Ford! roadster, A-lcomll- tion. 'call at 257 Harney street. 8CRIPPS-BOOTH . Chummy, eord Urea, fine condition. Harney 2731. FORD tourlnir, 1917, real bargain. Call Harney 2J0 after p. m. JSIS "stUDWBAKER. just" like new. first" clase conoStlqn. Tyler 1465. tANDY service truck for sslo; a bargain. tail ?ir. .leosen, Ty. tn-tn. $!ZW Overland touring atTwholesale. Dg : , CHUMMY roadster. Just overhauled, fine shsrie, ch?ap, Mr, Rowall. Uoug. IQOi. Wanted. WANTED A good second-hand Ford Touring car er Sedan body with top and wlnmmleld, also Ford' radiator. Olve romplpte Information, with price. Box T 1237. Bee. Motorcycles and Bicycles. " HAVE a dumber .of guaranteed re- nu.u oicyciea pricea aa low as au. vie tor H. Roos, 27th and Leavenworth. DANDT I bicycle, ateel rim and clincher tlree. f 15. 2514 H St. So. 3648. HA RLE Y-DAVIDSON In good running condition. Harney 4itl after p. m, Repairing and Painting. HADTATOR CORES INSTALLED. r Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour erv lea for auto truck and tractor. Export radiator and fender repairing; body denta . removed; new fendera made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR s FQ. CO., H19 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies. USKU TIRES, ' ' 20x2. 16.00: 30x3. 46.00. All six in proportion Look over our rebuilta. Opn Sundays. Tyler 2986 SAVIOE TIRES. 0t N. lth St. Keystone Tire Shop. . NEW TIRKS FTR8T-CLASS. Oxt $10.96 " 32x4 $10.95 .SOxliH-.. 13 95 I 83x4 ?.95 3Xl 29.95 I 34x4 20.95 GOODRICH FORD TUBES, $2.60. KAlMAy TIRE JOBBERS, -J.722JMINO. NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. . I 33x4 tM !0x3H -, 12-90 4x4 21.7B STANDARD TIltE CO., 410 No, 10th.' FARM LANDS,. Canadian Lands. . 'I.OOM09 ACRES Canadian Pacific rail road-farm land for aala. 20 ytara' time. Sea me for full information. Low rate excvalon each Monday. John Barber, Agj;nt Keellne ' Bldg.. Omaha. Colorado Lands. FUR THE RENTER . and the, man with amall means that wanta a home I have soma very good places near Cheyenne Welle. iColo., that will suit you . at bargain pricea with ' terma. I. M. BOTTORFF, Phone Harney S835. 3620 Martha 6?.. Omaha. Neb. , Iowa Lands. 160 Lucaa county, la., corn farm. Level tractor land In cultivation. No better in atate. Price, $200. Mortgage. $26,000. 5 per cent; wanta clear Canada- for equltv. 800 Keith county, Nb.. In culti vation. Improved. Price, $100. Mortgage, $2. 000, 6 per cent. Wants Omaha prop ' "erty. W.,J. Good, Caatla hotel. Onjaha. 4 , ; - .M'ch'g3"" Lands. TtTSnn tlivn am CREDIT. Big cpportunltlea for you In Kalkaaita ai'O Antrim counties Mich. Make a hpmaJo .hardwood land, growing bla ofopa of clover, alfalfa, grains, poU '" -toes, ate.! $15 to $35 per acre; easy "ttjns: 10 to 160 acres; schools, churches, markets, rnllroada own your own home: booklet free. Sw;lgart Land Co.. J 1263 T sf Nafl Bap: ,Bldg.. Chicago. III. Texas Lands. X ANTED1 To hear from former resi dents of Hidalgo county, Tex., regarding lands and conditions in the Rio Grande - valley and methods userr in aecuring purchasers for auch lands from northern states. Tibbeta, Morey & Fuller. Hast- : Ings. Xeb. , ' Nebraska Lands. f 219 aires, 6H miles from Omaha, " good set of kuildinss, a fine level paa ture of 30 acres. 80 acre of alfalfa, 5 " acres native prairie, balance under plow. Price, $350 per acre, nothing like it for the money so near Omaha. Only lVfc . r1 mllis from paved roacL, 2 miles from shipping station. Mr. Farmer, act now. 4 . 120 acrca on Military road, soon to be paved without expense to property own , er, and tsAne of the leading highways In Douglas county, well improved. 20 acrrs'of fine blue grass and white clover pastures, wHh living water, balance under plow. Price, $350 rer acre. Terms. . A great future to this place an account of its location., S3 1-3-acrs tract, in high state of ' c'uUivatlon, good pasture. 8 acres of al k falfn, balance under plow. milea 1 northeast of Bennington, 8 miles rrom ' ' Omaha. Price1, $360 per acre. This place 4 won't "last long at this price sla act uick. , . - V - 160 acres upland farm joining the town of Arlington, practically on thai rremont ana Oman highway, lmprove . anents, 3 blocks from business aenter of town; on account of location a np at $350 per acre. Terms. $4,000 rash. $4,000 March 1, 1921, balance will carry back on farm. ( 97-acre. 25, miles from city limits of 1 Omaha, less than mile from paved road. S acres of alfalfa, 12 acrea ot f lover, nice little bluegraas pasture, eaiancw unaer plow, well improved, Souse Is 7 rooms, heat by furnace, has ?ull avmented baaement, one mile to Shipping station. Price, $365 per acre, hia is s good buy, ' Sarpy Co., 156 acres, only 6 miles from , o. Omaha, Ilea fine, in a neighborhood : srhero there la no' land for sale, owned y nonresident; first time offered. Price. I37S per acre. This farm is wrth far more money than the farms' adjoining this, could .not be bought tor less than $nfl per acre. i We will be phased to ahow these, tarmbr at any time and make terms on any of the above. 1- Graham-Peter's Realtv Co., 29 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha N'ab. POLK CO. rARSi. f AT AUCTION, ' v AUO. 24TH, TUESDAY. P. M. , ln tve lte. AT COURT HOUSE, OSCEOLA. NEB., we will sell at puV- .... .. ",. .iin n.(,nr3i oiuarr, regnnixu , less of price, the following described! real estate:- The Southwest quarter of fction 30, Township IS, Rnnge 1, Polk ! Ounti-, Neb. Located about 8 miles i- north-ot Osceola, Neb. . TERMS OF i SALE: 15 per cent of the purchase I.' price cash day -of sale, purchaser to "as sume a mortgage of $1,500 bearing In f , tereat at the rate of per CMt, balance September 1, 1920. Good sufficient - abstract of title togetnsr with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of , settlement. Possession Match 1, 1921. , 4 IMPROVEMENTS: 4-rbora house, barn j , , for t horses, chicken house, doubli corn cr'.b and granary, well and windmill. t acre under plow, an excellent grove , containing IS acres of large cottonwood ' trees, more than half of which are suit able for dimension lumber; balance pas-' . ture. Land lies level. For further In- torn-mtlon address NEBRASKA REALTY ,UCTlON CO., Central City, Neb. Mark Carraher. Auctfoneep; M, A. aUrson, Manager; JoHn 4. Tooley, Centtal City; i Neb-, owner. " - - TOR ALE-r40 acres Douel county. Neb., landt-wlll divide; finest of them all: 100 acres under plow, $20,000 worth brand new Improvements: $38,000 loan, ltp.l years per cent; balance H cash - orH good exchange. Price 1126 per ' sera and worth tho money. .Wire you're enroute. See It today. T. A. Smith, Jul yburr. Colo. i YOUR FARM OR RA"NCH tom-ad quickly intm cash- by our unique '."method. Wrtta tbr booklet. Nebraska .' -Realty Auction Ob., Central City. Neb. BeiVant Ads Bring Results, Mps- HHE G "Mr , VEIX Ol-O' i ;J WOWS WAT FOR, A CAtcX?- VfMrvr vo vou nviNtC OP THOSE FARM LANDS Nebraska Lands. ,24 Acres' Improved Farfti Close to Omahk Located" about Hir'mlles from Q. St.; paved road; has a good,, nearly new -room house; good little ban and corn crib, sranary, largo new chicken house, y brooder house and other1 buildings; 2 seres pasture, 6 seres best native hay, 3 acres alfalfa. acre asparagus and small fruit. The balance in a high state of gardening cultivation. Fries $14,600. on good terms. Dandy 10 Acres - .Tut north of Krug park and 62d St.; lies high and sightly and In a neighbor hood well built up with good' homes. This tls one of the nicest cloee-ln 'acre ages 'on the market and can be bought al a bargain price. , Graham-Peters Realty Co4 ,, S2n Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 55,1. Evenings, Walnut 1103. FOR SALE 160 acres In Custer county, 3 miles from Ansley; good improvements; 70 acrea in corn, 30 acres of sweet corn, balance hayland and pasture; will sell horses, machinery and give possession atjonce J. B. Jones, Ansley, Neb. 4,000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land. $25 to t"5 an acre In half section lota. S. S. AND .R. K MONTGOMERY, t 11 CityNaUonaIBank Bldg. A. A. PATZMAN Farms. 11 Karbsch BIk. Miscellaneous. BROAD VIEW: FARM. " 350 ACRES,' EQUIPPED. $5,600. , Only $2,000 cash gets farm with com plete equipment, machinery, tools. 'wag ons, pair horses, 10 cows, ,10 yearlings, poultry; splendid community near town; rich meadow worked by tractor; 60-cow apring and brook-Watered pasture; 600 l ords of wood, selling nearby market,' $9 a cordi 60 apple tree, 2,000 sugar maples; goo).- 10-room : house anr-barn supplied spring water; magnificent view; settling affairs, owners throws in everything. Including part growing crops; quick action price $5.500; 'only 32.000 cash, balewre easy terms. 4 De tails" page 15 Strout's Big Illustrated Catalog Fnrm Bargains, 33 states. iCopy free. Strout Farm Agency, $31 B. F. New York LtfBldg KansayHyT Mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans CITY AND FARM LOANS. DUMONT & CO. 4H-H Keellnv Bldg.j 1 OMAHA KOMES EAST. NEB. FARM"". O'KEEFE-'REAL ESTATE CO.. 1010 Om. Nut. Bk. Bldg.- Dour. 5715. DIAMONDSiAND JEWELRY LOANS, Lowest rates. 1 Private loan booths. Harry Mala shock. 1514 Dodge, p. 6619. E H. PRIVATE MONEY.. - $100 to $10,000 made promptly. .v F. T. WEAil. We.-id Bldg., 310 S. 18th St. PRIVATE MONEY" SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4228. . PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money, uarvin Brae., 545 umana Hat, Stocks and Bonds. MONEY IS TIGHIt V s : . ,i BUT I will still buy some good farmers' notes at a sub- stantial discount. I will also buy certificates of 'deposit. ; . V EDWIN L. CO YLE 105 S.. LA SALLE ST., - CHICAGO. v. WATERLOO Creamery preferred. 20 snares; win exenange lor ijioeny duuub, uv issue, at ratio of 10 shares for $700 par value Liberty Bonds. Will consider all or any part. Call Doug. 1311. or write Box A-76, Omaha REAL ESTATE WANTED. ,. HOME WANTED ', For cash, B-r. mod. cottage or fcunga low. near 20th & Vlntoh. What hava you? Address" Box A-74. Omaha Bee. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE 7 want -quick 1 Call Tvler 496.' action 7 Just try us. pSftORNE REALTY CO.. 43.0 Bee Bldg. HAVE BUYERS with. $500 cash down. 'List with us. R. F. 'Clary Co.. 24l-6 Ames Ave. .s. iorin vma can. , Colfax 17 s6lo"mon E.a Real Estate ' Investments. Poug. till - . .212 Karbai Ik. ToVbuy or se To .buy or Hetrmaha Keal Kstate aee FOWLER & M'DONALDe City Nafl Bnak Bldg. Doug. lf?6. Eatate JGHRIVER ur.Knte:' 1047-9 , Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. D. 1-118, HAVE Inquiries or homes; do you want to sell your property? List it. with Ct A. Grimmel. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. GOOD vacant lot And cash as -first pay ment on 5-room cottage, web. - 36T7. REAL EST ATE UN IMPROVED. Acreage. 20 ACRES. Improved; 70th and "Mason. Easy tern ma. Will sacrifice. Call owner Web. '2404. - s i ' " vacant rt opcrty.y ; . Miller ParkDi$trict Lots -$700 to $900' We hava a few lots left in this dis trict. They have sewer, water and gas in the street and hava ornamental light ing system. Street Ms paved. 'Term $100 cash and $10 a month. , W. farnam Smith &Xo., 1320' Farnam St. - ' " Poag. 64. SOJJTH Side trackage, 1, or 10 acres. Bomn siao-uaa CO.. uoug. ssss. thf S REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. '"Dun-dee. - ' PUNDEIl ' - ' Double earners, 12d and Farnam. lid and Ixard. Priced right. Alfred Thomas, Q4 First National Bank, j Florencc. NETHAWAT. 1409. Be JVant Ads Bring Results. ? VmERE DID VoO F-1ND EM-,j ' f SLEEPIN&OH A . BANK?" ... VET ;,Frs,n REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN. Dundee. TT DUNDEE 111-South 52d street . .Exceptionally, large living room, fireplace, bo'jJ(es. frencji doors. " Dining room, breakfast mom, uttractlvt? wni,ev enamel kiCchen. Four bedrooms, tiled bath, extra lavatory and toilet. 'roomy closets.' ' ' M' IIoor. aid's room and bath third Artistically decorated, hardwood flnrs throughout, oak finish and ylltu-er.ame,. Furnace hp it, double car garage. Price, ?1".E00: terms. , ; Y GEORGE & CO., 1 t REALTORS b00! Pity Net'l Bk. Bldg. - Tyler 3024. KEAL ISSTAT IN VH,5 IMHN 1-5. l-ORCED " TO s SACRIFICE Two awell Jed pressed brick flat buildings, facing on 2 streets, walking "distance, weat. In- Come over $5,000 per year. 1 Need the money and right party can make their in terms. Hox Y-luas. Omaha Bee. BARGAIN in rooming house, Douglas modern, close in, investigate. 7173. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, eal Estate, Investment, - Insurance, Rent als. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. FARM, horxes and machinery. Ford car. Want land,, city property or truck. J. Mulhall. Sioux Cltyi Is. INVESTIGATE PrDven Exchange System: results guaranteed, Chas. Meth, Fatt.r on BIk. P. 204$, :i' DESIRABLE South Dakota farm.' trade equity for hlsh-grade auto. Doug. 2048. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. LEAVENWORTH , HEIGHTS Just listed 8-room, strictly modem, neaiiy new bungalow in Leavenworth Heights; all on one floor; oak finish and oakfloors; built-in bookcases; bullt-innkfeaturea- In k!tchen; bedroms fialshed inwhlte cpamel, with oak floors? nice floored attlo full -cement basement; furnace heat; basement all plastered. $1,300 cash, balance monthly. Price, v $6,300, Also have a 6 -room bungalow In sam location with sunrobm extra. Payne .Investment .Go.,' Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dg. 1781. Ask For Mr. Gibson. Evenings call Colfax -3327. $750 Cash, Balance Terms, Four-Room-Bungalow, ' .$2,600. Genuine bungalow style, and It's real classy.' Four lovely rooms. Modern ex cept bath aitd furnace. - Has a 'ull baae ment, however, and could f be heated nicely with a vacuum furnaice. . Excep- - tionatly well constructed." About . two years old. For appointment call i Mr. AHMANSON BllON, Tyler 5171, Tyler . 5171, Cathedral District Two Real ! Bargains, ' Only $5,200 and $5,500. 4102 and 4112 California St. 1 Just Ttsted by out-of-town owner, who says sell quick; six rooms each, strictly modern, oak floors downstairs, fine loca tion; paving all paid; close to School - and car. See us today eyre for an ap pointment to see them. , Payne & Carnaby Co., ,. - REALTORS, Douglas 1016. 1 Omaha Nat. Bldg. - v 3419 BURT ST. . $3,500 ' " 'A REAL BUY.' Five rooms a'l modern xcept heat, lot SO.1I6O, only Hi blocka to Harney car lino. Owner leav'ng city Sept. 1, must sell. Terms very reason- - h. w; VOLLAND; EVENINGS WEB. 8726. DOUG. 9685. 610 BEE BLDG. "Close-In Bungalow t F1ve nice1 rooms and bath, strictly 'modern, danty lot, garage, located In the new Montclair addition. Price only $6,000. $1,000 down - OSBORNE REALTY CO.. i 430 Peters (Trust Bldg. Tyler 496, -FOR .SALE by owner leaving (city, Hans corn park, near Windsor school, eight room mpdfern house; hot water heat; corner lot ana garage. Harney 'bZ-M. BEM1S PARK DISTRICT. 8-room house " w!thgrse: large corner lot; big bar-- vai'. irving isorensen. uoug. d. - J. B. jlOBISON, reaU estate and invest ment. 442 Bee Bldg.r Douglas 8097. 5ENSON & MEYERS CO:, 424 Om. Nafl. North. NEAR 24TH AND FOIT hqt Vater HEAT ' $5,500 - - ... a' . . , i six rooms on one noor. in gooa conditio;;." Outside has just been - pairfted:- Beautiful street and handy to car line. This is good , value.' Buy it. 1 1 GLOVER & SPAIN,) .M TJ F4TTflRS r5"lS-20 "Citv National.- Doug. 2850. i S-Robms $7,250 -Close to 'Cr.eighton ! Has reception ' hall. 2 large tlvlrui l raoms. openiog fireplace, dining room and Hitchemmn first floor. 4 good bed " rooms and bath upstairs. Full cement -'.-Basement with atationary laundry tubs. t of plumbing and heating through , out, Situated on south front lot. Pleas , ins) - surroundings. Only T block from . Harney car. Call Tyler to and ask for -y fp Netanit Pv.nlnv. H.rn.v SB7A HASTINGS & HEYDENlcia isu Harnay St. rnonr Tyier BUNGALOW. NORTH Oood location. Kountse Place vicinity, on block from Sherman Ave. car, very well built bavins S rooais on the first flfwip n.W finl.K" Ki.mlri r-.lllnn. f urn I bedrooms land finished 1 attic up: line large lot. 50x263 feet. Cheap, $5,250; , let ns snew yo-j tpis place. D. V. SH0LE9 CO., REALTORS. 91t-lV Omiii C-Hy National. . Douglas 4. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T..BOHAN, 621 Paxtan Blk. Phone Tyler 48. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION T rooms. 373 1 No. t(th Av.J IM required, fie S04S. ' A NOVICfc IS A NOVICE AlTER ALL r- ?T" IttXIPU) W VJfcl UUTCi ITlb l-elC 1 a LOHfj A$0 WT , 'QA.'fcS VVC ' r KlCKCP- HIM OF;,THE SAHtS HALF A A PtfZEN TIMES yOOHD HH ALEEP M MV OOAT OWE M0RNIN6- YOU PULL ALL TWESE orr-. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. ; DELIGHTFUL -BUNGALOW HOME Forty-fourth and Decatur Streets. Five rooms and bath, full basement, modern in every Tespect. Lovely large lot, shade trees, flowers and garden spot. Priced right, call us. Gallagher & Nelson, 513 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 3382. MOVING TO WASHINGTON. N win aive- immediate' possession: large rooms and bath; oak finish on first floor: rooms richly decorated; furnace heaU full .basement, toilet in basement; south front lot. triple garage, paving ,4aid: close to school and two car lines and Florence boulevard. Price for quick sale, s,"i. a ritni'i-, RASP BROS. REALTORS. 210-12-14 Keellne' Bldg. Tyler 721. FIVE room modern - cottage at 3540 Noh 28th St.,- first-class condition., Price $4,500A 750 caan. .. i . E. X AUSTIN, Tv. 785. 1305 First Nafl Bk. Bldg, $1,000 CASH T Mv wonderful home on Curtis Ave. is for sale1. Five large rooms-, tile bath and base tub, nuflt-in features, south frontage, close to nark and blvd. Call Mr. Mead. Dg. 7412J NEW BUNGALOW, $55 oer mo., small cash pyment; modern in every way full cemented - , a . w r:il -1 V... ,Dasemcni; large lot. win snuw uy appointment. Mr. Kniscly, Doug. 1434. Har. 1731 evenings. . Snap for $4,500 v Five large rooms and bath; strictly anodern: floored, attic; dandy lot: $1,000 'cash will handtfc, a OSBORNE REALTY CO., '430 Peters Trust M'dg. Tyler 496. 5 ROOMS, strictly modern bungalow 23th. Fowler. Choice neighborhood, $5,260; 1.600 cash. 5-ROOM Minne Lusa bungalow. Brar.d new. Price $7,300; $2,000 castt. C. D. HUTCHINSON CO., ( Call Mr. Franklin. Webster 3452. $4,500 7-r. strictly modern home, garage. bearing fruit, steam heat, large lot, 25th and Spauldjig; immediate posses sion. W. Ct. SHRIVEtt. D. 1636. ' 1047 Om. Nat'l Bk. Hldg. NEW oak finished home, 7-rooms. sun room, tile bath, double garage, nre- 3 lace, etc., $13,600; Terms. Dg. 1734 ays. i A FEW hoinSs and lots for sale, in Park- wood addition; safe place tor-Hivesi-ment. Norris eV Norrls. Douglas 4370. 208 SEWARD ST. $600 makes' the first payment on this part modern house. Crelgh, 80S Bee Bldg. Doug. 100. MINNE LU8AV homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187 South. FOR SALE 4-room house. 1915 Sou?n 21st. Price 3800. Tyler 1781. . Miscellaneous. COLD WINTER will soon be here. Are you pre pared to spend it made comforta bljriii a cozy, well-buil.t home such as I have to7ffer? Strictly mod ern, 5 nice sized 'rooms; guaran teed furnaces desirable locality; very easy terms. . Phone Carse at Doug. 7412 days New 5-jRbom Bungalow for only '$500.00 down, -balance monthly. Good location. Finished in oak and enamel with oak floors throughout. Call Wal, 5432 even ings, D. 7412 days. Ask for Mr. Cole. - . FIVE-ROOM KLLASTONE You can buy this 5-nom nouse by rsylng me what you now pay for rent. Small cash payment required: thor oughly mudern; brand new; beautifully located. Call Mr. Stackhouse, Doug. 14!4r Tyler 1313 ycvcfilnss. tnfTPTe at tp A VAV UXIIJIJ Brand new 5-room modern home; good term to right party. Wal. 127T P. TP ITTTTT r C.f) -R"' eslat and insffres. 250 Bee Bldg. DougXas $33. Plumbing arid, Heating Engineers The Shop That Gives You' Service Henningson PLUMBING ND HEATING CO. Dopglas 1431. 324 So. 19th St. T Real Estate Transfer i Marie C. Olsen to Robert L. Rober son and wife, 18th, St., 240 ft. s. of Spring sV, e. s 24x127 71...,.$ 1, S. D. Mercer Co. Jo Lewis Silver 00 man, Hamlltonst.. 266 ft. w. of 46th st., s. s.,60xl96 ft.., Lewis -Silverman to Ben F. Burrus, Hamilton n., 266 ft. w. of 46th st a. s 60x196 ft William C. Bullard et al to Vaclav Nudera et al, 13th St., 132 ft. s. ot Martha at., e. a.; 132xl25'4 ft.. 400 550 6,250 Grove Wharton Construction Co. to James J. Atwell, 60th at.. 88 'it, s. of Pratt st., e. s., 40jtl46 ft. I, 6,650 George C. Flack to Mary W. Borg hoff; Burt at.. 100 ft. w. of 48th . st. a,- s.. 401281 ,250 BsnMrs Mtg. Loan Co. Jto Thomas P.lcGinn,.4Mh st.41 ft. s. of Grand a,ve w, s., 87x100 ft George C.FIack to Xena Brunning 2.800 ana nnsbana, 47tn ave.. 40 ft. a. of .Wsjfc at., e. s.. 40x125- ft in L Hllmes to Ema K. Deva ney. ave.. 120 ft. s. of Wool- 6.75J0 worth ave.. e. s., 40x126 ft... Harry M. Christie to Edward M. Slater, a. w. cor. 36th ave. and Boyd st... 300x500 ft William C. Herrold and wife to Peter Plechaa and wife, s. e. corner 30th and Drexel ate., 12Jx 303 ft John T. Flack and wife to Helen Ik Stearns, Spauldlng St.. 126 ft. e. of 46th St., n. a., 80x13 ft Fannie Vogl to Frank Kutak A al, a. w. corner 21st and Oak sts 47.txl5 ft Helen Yatea to A. L. Sutton, 24th . St., 120 ft. n. of p St., w. s., 60x 15 und. ht T i Nellie Enyart Selffy, Admr.', to" John 6,750 4,500 VOO-hSm, 660 4,750 2,000 W. Robinson, a. e. corner 31st snd Burdette sts.. 36x144 ft 600 Charles Ft. Sheonan ano. wlfa ts George Cathro.31st at., 290 ft. s. ot Faeilic tU, w, s., iLoxlto tu. s.100 THAT PlCKClieu WAS DlSAPRJlHTeD IK'LdvB OP YOVJ CHAMOlft-POOT CAH ALOH& WITM. ALflT OF 'FANQf PAIHTEP TFQJ. FOR.x THt 6LITTlt AMl TMSEL HE'S NEfe. 8EEH THE SAME, SINCE TVINC TO COHHVT tSuClOI ALLTHE TIME knocking HEAD- A6A1NST AXOltOCK8 - - LOOKS HO More Truth By JAMES J. A SPREADING The public will not feel the added freight rates .autorited by the Interstate Com' merce Commission. A Government Official. When I found I had to pay another nickel ' For a very light, ethereal cigar, Which I smoke while writing verses, I expressed in muttered curses The extent that I was shaken by the jar. , I appealed to the tobacconist for reasons, . And he told mewith a brief contemptuous glance : "That's the cheapest "we can sell you That we've got to paf a thumping When the Missis bought a purple ostrich feather That is destined to adorn a winter hat, 4 And they charged her nineteen dollars, I determined that I shouldn't stand for that. To the milliners I went for information t ; Why these feathers have advanced at such a rate," "Noiit isn't profiteering," she responded, slightly Peering, "We were forced to raise the price to pay the freight." When my infant son was gyped for half a dollar For a toy balloon tha( used to cost a' dime, ' With expressions far from tender I accused the grasping vender Of a very common statutory crime. He refused to give me back the half a dollar, .' -And remarked, as he retained it in his clutch. ' v "Da balloon me sell da baby not worth half a do)lar, maybe, cut, aa ireignia, mister, cosia awiui TO STRANGE TO Truth is stranger than f iotion, for it, AGE BRINGS "Chauncey Depew accented the D. By the-4ime the child is as old as any nickels that come his way. ; ' OUR NEW " The newspapers will soon be prominent bootleggers. I Copyright, 1D29, By The ' 1 ' ; -"y iJ Goodby to the Irish Twins. And then the mother, who has been laying the table meanwhile, in terferes. "Come off ofyour poor uncle," she says, "and be eating your soup, like gentlemen and ladies. It's fgetting cold on you waiting for you to hnish your antics. Your poor Uncle Larry won't come near you at all, and you all the time punishing him like that." - ' - And then the baby, still sucking her spoon, is lifted, into her high chir. A chair is placed for Uncle L,arry, and they en cat tncmsoup around the kitchen table just as'the very last rays' of the summer sun make long streaks of, light across the kitchen floor. "Where's Dennis?" says ' 1 Uncle Larry, while the children are quiet for a moment. --k. "Oh, it's himself is so rate that I feed the children and put ithem to bed before he gets home at all," says the. mother. "It's little he sees of them, except of a Sunday." "It's likely he'i live the longer for that," says Uncle Larry. He looks reproachfully at the children and rubs his head. And then: "Mother, tell us what kind of a hov was Uncle Larrv when and h, ' ware twins, anrl liverl in Ireland," says little Eileen. "The best in tRe width of the world," says her mother promptly. 'Veren't you, Larry. Speak up and tell them now." . ' And Uncle Larry laughs and says: "Sure I was too good entirely! 'It wouldn't be modest to tell you the truth. about myself." " ' "Tell us about mother, then," ?$ ; DrawiT for H00S:ANt' 6RABBO H5 MATE" SM- 6ttABBIN6 ANYTHING THAT Uirifc A. HOCX- HO F6WT PEr - . VE THCC3W HIM OACn. Than Poetry MONTAGUE THE COST '.4 ; reaji the papers, they will tell you freight advance.' f though I'm one who seldom hollers mucfl. , - BE VALUABLE A but there's not' nearly such a market WISDOM nickel that a child vfu Chauneev he won't h tnrnm - ...... IDLE RICH - , referring - .proudly to the country's . r Bell 'Syndicate, Inc. v little 'Eileen. "Was she the best 'in the width of the world, too? "Sure, I'll never be telling tales on my only twin sister," says Uncle Larry, "beyond telling you that there was many another 111 firreen old Ireland juf like-her, whatever kind she -was. But I can t stay here wearing out my temgue! Look out the window ! I he chickens have gone to roost, and the sun is down. So get along with you to your beds." When he had gone, the Children were in bed, and the house quiet, the mother sat down by the right m the kitchen with a basket of mending ber side her. , ; And while she darned and mended and waited for himself to come home, she remembered and remembered about when she was little Eileen, herself, and the king of the .crossing was just her twin brother Larry. . And this book is what she remem bered. (Rights reserved by Houghton M.ffim Co.) , 1 COMMON SENSE (Copyright, 1920, by International Feature Service. Inc.) . Big Things and Little,. By J. J. ittUNDY. . Aren't you too pleased and happy over smalt accomplishments? - Do you feel pretty good when you have made a little money in invest ments? Inj other words, are you notso overjoyed with the, little successes that you do not reach out for the Tbigger ones? ". ' '. Isn't it a fact that you do not give your vision any leeway, and ou do pot look ahead with intensive plans, extensive enough for. a, big success? You might have made a great deal more money if you lrSd had a great er desire for the bigger things, and you' might have been promoted, fast er where you arc employed haa you shown a disposition to forge ahead andere not afraid of work. Isn't it true you are a little man because you enjoy the little things too much? The man who wants big things is I a great worker, dut. oeiorewat nt is a big thinker. A You never get any farther than your thoughts and plans carry you. What is your end, and aim, and ambition? C Howjijuch time do you spend shirking, worjsj The Bee by SidrieV Smith. fiwr " GOATS "TO. - Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's NewPhase of Revelations of a Wife How Major Grantland Sent the Man His Way. - At the sight -of the closed car gliding toward the limousine in which I sat I felt all the vague fear of my journey south, crystalize into sharp terror Major Grantland's ptrsistent' telegraphing, the torn pieces of the telegram which I had picked up when they had -dropped from Dicky's pocket, the race for it was -nothirrg els which the of ficer had made with this very car passed quickly in review before my mind. What menace to me or mine was hidden behind those curtains? The driver leaned out of the car as he drew it up beside the one I was in, and called out blatantly: "Can you tell me the way. to the Cedar Tesf Inn?" Instead of answering him direct! Major Grantland threw a question at him. . v . "Isn't your name 'Garland.3 "That's my rhoniker," the man re plied flippntly. You work, at tne ceaar run Golf club: "Right you are old top." Grantland Pretends. "Drop that!" the officer's voice was savage. I tnougni 10 seen vr.11 there. If vou're Garland, you know every door in this village. But I'll repeat the information.' It's a block down," he jerked his thumb back the way, we had come, "and a half-block to the right. 'Now get nut of here." "What the the man Degan truculently. . ' . , "I'm r.rantland. Maior Grantland. 1$ that enough for you?" ' It ev dentlv was more tnn enougn for the fellow's mouth flew open ludicrously. , (1T ... u "Oh!" he said taintiy. 1 o'' know. Beg pardon He sDun his car arounq siciiiiuiiy, and in another minute was gone as stealthily as he had appeared Major Grantland turnea to i;icy. "Whprf- these fellows get their booze is bevoad me" he said in os tentatiously careful tones. "Moonshine, I suppose, luck answered as easily. "He certainly was toting a "good one." - "You see, these are the only lights anywhere around," Maj. Grantland went on in elaborate explanation, and I suppose hi betuddiea Dram decided that he needed informa tion." "Well, he got it!" Dicky countered dryly. "I never saw a fellow waKe up so quickly in my young life." Forceful Mrs. Lukens. I felt lik'e screamin-r a protest that I wasn't deceived in , the least by their "elaborately planned chatter. There had been no semblance of in toxication about the driver of the dther car. Whatever his purpose had been, sinister or not, he had de liberately sought us. It 'was a relief when Mrs. Luxens came back, wearing the same air of quiet efficiency. Vtverything is an ready lor Mrs. nr.hiiv, " the eai'H "antl it Is fortu nate that hep room is on the ground floor. There is only an attic up-i stairs in this cottage. Now I know it would only disturb her to meet me tonight, so I II just cut along ahead of you to show you ,where the room is, and then I'll $et but of the way. But there's a fire in the -kitchen and "hot . water, and Mandy will get you anything you need. For that matter, I shan't leave the house un-f til-I know you're all right." "I know your kindness ot old, Maj. Grantland replied. I olessed the thoughttulness which led the womaa to spare me the or deal of an introductiorrW Most women would have driven ine to disraction 'with fussiness. I felt that I should like Mrs. Lukens im mensely. 5 Mai. urantland turned to Dicky, who had been leaning forward talk ing to him through the half-open door of the tonneau. "How can I help you? he asked. "1 can walk," I put in firmly, if weakly. I was determined that I would hot be carried into my ntw abode, like a sack of wheat. Some thing about Mrs. Lukens' indomit able back had given ie five impres- f : i - '11 , : sion 01 invinciDic win conquering physical weakness. I was sure that if she had been in my place she would have walked if her way had been over red-hot coals. "Nonsense!" Dicky returned, put- tirur hie arm aronnn me hut I pushed it? away determinedly. I will not be carried, I said pet tishly," but determinedly. ".Please get out, and trferf give me both your hands. I can manage beautifully leaning on you." I ll, see to the, traps. Graham. Maj. Grantlaoid interposed with in stant acquiescence to my plan. ' Dickey obeyed my request a bit sulkilv. and after a minute or two of slow, labored effort, I sank ex hausted but triumphant upon one of the .beds of Mrs. Lukens "sun par lor (Continued Monday.) Parents Problems. 5. What is the best course to fol low with a child who has sudden, violent outbursts of temper? Sudden, violent outbursts of tem per in a child are an indication of ill Philadelphia Man Is Named lJegro Leader At Negroes' Meeting New York, Aug.' 20.-J. Vf. , Easott of Philadelphia was chosen' last night as the leaeder for the next lour years ot the 15,000,000 negroes in the Upifed States by the Univer sal Negro Improvement association in convention heie. Marcus Garvey, founder of the," movement, for the re demption of Africa for, the'negro race, was elected provisional presi dent of the AfricSn continent. ; . ' 'Eason to!d,the- assemblae h' would do all in his power to bring about pro-negro' legislation in the United States. The day1 is not far distant, he said, when the ne,gro will be a power in politics. Garvey said he will devote his entire; efforts to.' the redemption of Africa ipr the ne groes. Balloon Explodes When It i: Strikes Hjgh Ttfnsionf Wire YriE Anffelpn Aiic 20 An armv balloon exploded when it came in contact with high-tension electric lines near Elizabeth Lake, 75jniles nnriheatt of hore vrtrrrla v. seriou- Qy injuring 'Kenneth Frazier, cadet pilot, A surgeon was aispaicnea 10 the scene from the balloon school at Arcadia near here upon the arrival there of a (carrier" pigeon witna message-from Frazier. health. The child should be taken to a physician for examination The best cure for a specific ''attack" is rest in bed. Do not talk to the child, bjit quietly undress him and put him to bed. What Do You Know) (Hsrs's ehc te J"?' tii snane. Each day The Dm Will publish a, series of questions, prepared by Haperinteoaesjx a. 11. nrrriuo public schools. Tbey cover things which you snouiu iuiw. ' . ... L , nt correct answer received will be reward ed by $1. The answer and the name, of the winner win be pumisnem is inn oj indicated below. Be snre to lv anr l.lrau In full. Addreaa "flll'Jf- tloa Editor," Onih Bee.x ' i 'i V By J. H. BEVERIDGE. 1. What is the Parthenon? S 2. What are the highestlfalls- in the world? , ' 3. How far is the dP from crest to river of Yosemite Falls? 4. What is the proportionate height of i Niagara and Yosemit Falls? '. - 5. What does A. W. O.'L. rneanT (Answers Published Wednesday.) WEDNESDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. What auto has an amcooled en 2. Where is the Pierre Arrow caf manufactured.' uuttaio. . What i the most exoensiv. Amerirn? Simnlex. 4. What is thermost expensive In VnortnH' Rnlla TJnvce. 5. What two cities are terminalr for the, Lincoln Highway? New York and San Francisco. Winner: Hiram Pruckal 4201 South Twenty-second street, Om aha. . I'M THE GUY, ''I'M THE GUYS who knocks, papers "off your desk when he brushes past it and never botherj to pick them Up for you, ,' They're your papers,' nipt mine, so why should I put myself out for you. ' s True, I knock them off your cesk, but I don't do it intentionally. Anyway you shouldr t have them so near the Ttlge that they CAN be brushed off.f 1 Besides, if ! stopped to pick them all uo. it would rake uo my time and ry wti desk delay me. And my time is too valu- f able to me to waste it in ns It may interrupt yory work, and use up your time. Jb'ut what of it. You can work a- Ifttle faster after ward, and make up for it. ,As it is, thj! only one who gets upset over it is you.. .And, you can take it out on me by muttering be hind my back after I've passed by. That doesn't hurt me. I'm used to it. , You ought to be glad I dida't kneck over your inkwelL Then you would have had a mess to clean up. ' And I wouldn't -have helped you in that either. Copyright, 1(10, Thompson Feature Service. WHY?- Doesn't a Magnifying Glass In crease Artificial Heat?' Copyright, :50, . by' the Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) By the t(se of a reading or burn ing glass the'rays of the sun can be concentrated upon a yery small area and produce heat sufficient to melt even the most refractory of metals and other solids. But he glass, as we know, will not produce the same results in con junction with an electric bulb, a fire or any other source of arti ficial heat. " The reason for this lies in the fact that the shape of the radiant body itself the original source of heat must be such that it be brought to a very small round point at the focus of the lens. The sun is, of course, tjje perfect body or, rather, the most perfect body we know- for an experiment of this nature. . It is round and it radiates far more heat than any thing yet invented or discovered by man.. Also, this radiation is constant not flickering as fn the case of a fire and its. power may be gauged by the statement of scientists that every minute energy equivalent to 2,000 horse power is exerted upon ei'ery acre of ground normally exposed to the rays of the sun.' !- If, therefore it were' possible to fashion-st sphere of fire, with a constant radiirfion, it would be possible to magnify the intensity of this heat at a distance with a "burning glass," precisely as we' magnify the heat of the sun. But this has not as yet been accom plished, nor is it probable that it will be, because the. utilization of the wasted energy from the suit ij of far more interest to man kiid than would be the creation of ait artificial sun purely for ex perimental purposes. Mondav Whtf are seal? placed on letters. . . r v