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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1920)
The Omaha ..Daily- Bee VOL. 50 NO. 5& OPPONENTS PLAN FIGHT ON SUFFRAGE Antis Meet at Nashville to Work Out Details of Scheme "To Save the South From Anthooy Amendment." TAKE ISSUE TO QOURTS IF RATIFICATION STANDS Will Attempt to Have Passage Declared Illegal on Ground Act Was Submitted After Election of Legislature. ' By The Aaaoclatrd Tresa. ' Nashville, Tciik , Aug. 19. An nouncement that y (Opponents of woman suffrage would hold a mass meeting tonight to discuss steps "to save the south frcm the Susan B. Anthony amendment and federal suffrage force bills." was taeii as a:i indication that Speaker Walker would not attempt today to force reconsideration of -the action of the Tennessee house yesterday i.: ratify ing the nineteenth amendment. Senator Oscar Underwood of Ala bama and former Governor Pleasant of Louisiana have been invited to speak. '--. Certification Held Up. t One vote cast in the Tennessee house in favor of ratifying the suf fragist amendment stands in the way of certification tq the secretary of state that Tennessee as the neces sary 36th state had completed ratifi cation of the amendment in time for wonlen of the country to vote in November. 1 After , voting against ratification yesterday. Speaker Walker changed his vote from nay to aye for the purpose, anti-suffragists said, of moving a reconsideration of the vote. Suffs Not Alarmed. Suffragists, confident of their abil ity to hold their majority in the house in line, were planning to move reconsideration of yesterday's vote at a time when their entire itrength is on the floor. Opponents of ratification declared today that if efforts to secure a re consideration of the house vote fails, steps wilLbe taken to have the courts .declare the ratification unconstitu tional on tjie grounds that the amendment was submitted to the leg islature after its memDtrs had been elected. Suffragists contended that the stt-J ' f ,ne. r,..11Ao iltic cortlnn of the Tennessee constitution. v , Hearing to Decide Which County Gets Taxes on Live Stock Lincoln, Aug. 19.(Special.) The State Board of Equalization has set Friday afternoon as the date for a hearing to settle a dispute be tween Holt and Antelope counties as to which gets the taes on $50,000 worth of live stock owned by L. W. Arnold, prominent stockman living at O'Neill, who maintains a feeding vard at Meligh. Since the stock was at Xeligh, Antelope county, officials assessed it.- Meanwhile Mr. Arnold had turned in his oVn schedule in Holt county, claiming O'Neill as his home. At the Friday hearing the attorney general's office will deliver a yrit-, ten opinion as to whether $25,000 in oersonal property left by thelate Robert McQuilken of Furnas coun ' ty, .who died in Ireland two years ago. should be assessed in Furnas county, where the property had formally been held or in Douglas county, where the recently qualified administrator lives and has trans ferred the property. Bootleg Prices Take Big ' Raise in New York Citv Xew York, Aug. 19. The lid of drouth was fastened - pretty nearly never to come off on New York to day. There was a boom in bootleg vheer. Trices hitherto ruling at from 50 cents o 75 cents "per copy" bulled trteir way up to. $1.50 arid even $2 per imbibe. Chief Shevlin declared today that as a result of the conference he had jufet had with Prohibition -Commissioner Kramer in Washington some missing rivets have been bolted into place. It's going to be harder than ever to withdraw wHisky from bond. "It will be hard to get under our system," said Mr. 'Shevlin. - Body of Overseas Soldier Sent to Geneva for Burial Gevena. Neb., Aug. 19. (Special.) The body of Frank Bliane Sloan, who died of pneumonia soon after arrival overseas with the A. F.. has reached New York from Liver pool, England, where the body has reposed in the English-American cemetery at Liverpool since Octo- ber 2, 1918. Hhis father. ex-Congressman Sloan, has been advised that it will arrive here within two days- Burial will be in the Geneva cemetery. . Genera Oets Needed1 Rain. Geneva, Neb.. Aug. 19. (Special.) Almost an inch of rain fell here Wednesday and early Thursday mowiing. helping out corn and pas tures. Crops in general are the best in Fillmore county in 30 years. Forest Fires Spreading. San Francisco, Aug. 19. Forest fires were wor'se in Montana. Idaho and California today, high winds in nlaces nullifying the work of weeks of. defensive work. OaWRa P. 0. Uaaw Aat af - Harding Says Is an Accomplishment Equal to Independence - .. .. i- i 1 - t Republican Nominee Declares "Victory Is Dramatic Because It Comes as Reward of Great Final Drive That Now Has Assured Women Participa ; tion in Most Crucial Election in History. Marion, O., Aug. 19. Senator Harding declared today that the grant of suffrage to American wo men would be especially welcome to the republicans in the coming cam paign because "a great moral and social reform, recently achieved, is menaced by the covert purpose of our opponents to attack it." He predicted that voting women would stand with the republican par ty through a realization that it had led in achieving social betterment, while the democratic party "had no toriously refused" to enforce reform policies. Victory is Dramatic. "American women," said Senator Harding "have won the suffrage fight. Their victory is dramatic be cause it comes as the reward of a great final drive that now has in sured to all American women a full participation in the most crucial na tional election in many years. Yet, important as are the issues in this political contest, we may well doubt if history wilL recognize any other phase of it as equal in importance to the fact that in this year the wo men of America for the first time took their, full part in determining the national destinies. "However much some of us may be pleased with the congratulations which assure us today that we helped bring about,, this result, the fact remains that the women won their own victory. Their long struggle against many discouragements has been a splendid preparation for the duties imposed on them. They will be full partners in shaping national AMERICAN KICKS' GATHERING DATA ' TO COMBAT REDS Attorney General Parmer Head Of Underground Organiza tion of Secret Agents. By C. F. Pertelli Inivenal Staff Correspondent. Paris, Aug. 19. (Special Cable Dispatch.) That A. Mitchell Palm er, .attorney general of the United States, is the head of a vast underground organization of1 inter national intelligence agents, was learned by Universal Service through a diplomatic source. Despite Washington's proclaimed policy of "hands .off Europe," an army of American detectives . has been busy since, the armistice gath ering data by which, it is stated, it hopes 'to begin worldwide propa-, ganda to combat the Moscow gov ernment. Several of the cleverest of -the operatives, one of whom distinguish ed himself in the capture of the Zimmermann note to Mexico, by which Germany tried to get that country into war with the United States, actually penetrated into Rus sia by means of "cooked" docu ments purporting to come from red leaders in the United, States. Four other agents, it is stated, were "deported" from the United States on the boat which took Emma Goldman and other anarchists back to Russia. Thev attemnted to e-ain the confidence of Lenine, Trotzky. Kameneff and other leaders of the bolshevist government. Difring more than a year of, op erations, the secret agents success fully sent to the United States a mass of documents purporting to describe the inner workings of com munism, particularly' in Moscow, Petrograd, Novorod. Vilna and Kief and other large centers, as seen in European eyes. N Coincidcntally it is alleged that with the co-operation of "white Rus sians." they have attempted to found a secret organization for combating the Soviets with headquarters at General VVrangel's base in Sebasto- Eol. ' - ' the object of this-secret diplo matic conspiracy is stated to be a fomenting of opposition to the Mos cow government in widely separated centers. It is even asserted that s the day and 'hour of the counter-revolution has been set. This information, when communicated to Paris, is alleged to have been, given, 'weighty consid eration .in influencing the French government toward its fateful step. the recognition of General Wrangel. Poker Games on High Seas ' Are Expected to Pick Up Paris. Aug. 19. Poker zanies on the"liiglTseas may now be expected to pick up. 'S Owing to thousands of comolaints by Americans that the sum allowed them to cross the oceanback to America was not sufficient for their poker losses and bar bills, the French minister of nuances has announced hat'henceforth the sum of 5,000 francs may be exported by each per son leaving France. Hitherto the sum has been J.IJUU francs, or about in American money at the exchange rate. Pas sengers said this was not enough to ante in. Orders Investigation of New Gasoline Prices San Franeisco. Ausr. 19. Instruc tions to proceed with an investiga tion of recent increases in the price of gasoline .were1 received from At torney General Palmer by frank M. Silva, United States district attorney. The telegram containing the orders included notice that a special in vestigator was-being sent to aid in tne work. , ara . lajt. Suffrage programs and policies. However they may divide politically, their moral sense, their sociat. instincts, their orimarv concern for home and family and health and education, wilu be a constant inspiration to an in sistence upon higher and better aims in our national life. Ranks With Independence. "Whoever will consider the prac tical contributions of women to national ' advancement, must recog nize what it means to enlist, now, the full power of womanhood in public, affairs. I look upon the en franchisement of women as an ac complishment to be rated along with our achievement of independence, our preservation of the union, our enianicipation of the slaves and our contribution in 'the world war to the rescue of civilization itse.t. "As to. immediate political effects, we republicans may and do feel se cure. In this campaign we face is sues on which we mav be confident that the voice of womanhood will pronounce for us. Once more the real independence of our nation involved,. A great moral and social reiorm, recently achieved, is men aced by the covert purpose of our opponents to attack it. Enfran chised women will make no mistake m choosing between the republican party, which has led in every move ment for social and industrial bet terment, and the democratic oartv. which has notoriously refused to en force these enlightened policies in tne south, where it completely dorm nates. Nor will women foreet that more than four-fifths of the ratifying aiaies are repuDiican states. SUFF LEADERS IN G. 0. P. ARE HAPPY OVER BIG VICTORY Send Messages of Congratula tions to Mrs. Catt, Interna tional President. Chicago, Aug. 19. (Soecial Tele gram.) Amid great reioicmiz at na tional headquarters of the rcou blican party in Chicago over ratification of the .suffrage amendment by the Ten nessee state legislature, a teWrani of congratulations was today sent by airs. cnnstine .Bradley south and Mrs. Adah E. Bush to Mrs. Carrie J.hapman CatVpresident of the- Na tional Suffrage association and also president of the international asso ciation. . . In the telegram Mrs. Catt was ex tended personal congratulations and deep gratitude for the magnificent victory won. Mrs. bouth is assist ant secretary of the republican na iioiiai committee ana miss tsusn is executive secretary in charge of women's activities of the committee. A republican majority of at least four or five in the United States sen ate after March 4 of next year as a result of the campaign now being made throughout the country practi cally is assured, according to How ard M. Rice,, secretary to Senator Miles Poindexter of Washington, chairman of the republican senatorial campaign committee, Mr. Rice arrived in Chicago today after conferring with former Gov ernor Frank B. Willis, the republi can senatorial nominee in Ohio. Governor Willis' election, he said, is assured because of h:'s strong stand against the Wilson league views. The states of California. Ore gon. Nevada and Colorado will each elect this fall a successor to a demo cratic member of the United States senate and Mr. Rice said tnat in this particular field the republicans would make substantial gains. He leaves tonight for Kentucky to confer with the republican senatorial nonrfnee, Richard P. Ernst. '. Candidates Express Desire for Improved Consular Service JNew York. Aug. 19. The Ameri can Export Manufacturers' associa tion made public letters from Sena tor Harding and Governor Cox in which they express a desire for im provement of American, diplomatic and consular services. ' The association recently addressed communications to candidates rec ommending that , the United States own and maintain proper homes for its foreign representatives and es tablish graded positions with pro motion, i Senator Harding said "America has been greatly remiss in this func tion of government" and addedNthat if elected-. "America's export trade will receive immediate and deeply interested attention." He added that "the diplomatic and consular service and the department of commerce should be brought together in a con certed and efficient effort toward finding markets, developing trade a"hd expediting its transportation through an American merchant ma rine." G. 0. P. Chiefs to Confer. -New .York, Aug. 19. Anumber of republican state chairmen and heads of their organizations will confer at (Chicago on September 1 and 2. it Was announced today. Among states to be represented will be Iowa, Ne braska, South Dakota and Texw. Second Prim'ary Necessary. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 19. Second primacies will be necessary to de termine democratic nominees for congress from the First and Second districst, according to complete re turns from Tuesday's primary. . OMAHA, FRIDAY, POLES FORCE AnfJES BACK Red Soldiers Retreating in Disorderly Panic Along Front Between Vistula and the Bug Rivers. RETREAT TO NORTH AND EAST OF WARSAW ROUT Tanks, Airplanes and Armored Trains Are Used in Counter Attacks Launched in Effort to Save Capital. By The Associated rrraa. Warsaw, Aug. 19. Russian soviet forces are fleeing in a disorderly panic along .the front between the Vistula and Bug rivers, where the Poles are. advancing with success, says an official statement issued last night. . In their counter attack to relieve pressure upon Warsaw the Poles are using tanks, airplanes, armored trains and artillery in great numbers. At Novo Minsk, east of here, and Scrock, to the northeast, 3.000 pris oners, seven cannon, hundreds of wagons and vast quantities of sup plies have been captured, the state ment declares. Red Retreat Is Rout. The bolshevik retreat north and cast of Warsaw, where the soviet forces were closely driven by the Poles, took the semblance of a rout at some places, the communique re ports. On the extreme left, how ever, and in the region of Lemberg soviet advances. are recorded. Northwest of Warsaw, Russian troops, who met resistance at Wlocklawck, where they had de signed to cross the Vistula, bom barded the town for hours, the shells lamaging the "cathedral and the bishop's palace. Evacuate Brest-Litovsk. Polish successes on all fronts, with the exception of the southern battle sector,- where the Russian soviet forces are advancing in the direction of Lemberg, are reported today in me omciai statement on fighting operations. f Russian soviet forces are evacuat ing Brest-Litovsk. the strongly for tified town on the Bug river, 120 miles east of Warsaw, according to advices received today. . Fierce Battle Rages. , : Loftdon, Aug,"l. Fierce fighting is continuing in the region of War- aw, and Novo Georgievsk, the strong fortress about 19 miles north west of Warsaw at the confluence of Vistula and Bug rivers, according to Wednesday's statement by the soviet government at Moscow. In the Crimea sector engage ments are going on with Indecisive results, the statement says. The of ficial report follows : (Jur troops have crossed the River Visla and have occupied Sot slavsk. In the Novo Georgievsk and Warsaw regions fierce fighting continues. In the Lemberg region we crossed the Bug and occupied Busk and Zlochoff. I.i the Buczacz region fighting continues with alter nating success along the Strypa. In the Crimean sector, in the Oriekhoff region we engaged the enemy with alternating success along the River Karachekray. - Poles Capture Lukow. Paris. Aug. .19. Lukow, 41 miles southeast of W'arsaw, has been cap tured by Polish troops in their coun ter attack against the left wing of the bolshevik army, says the War saw correspondent of Excelsior. His dispatch, sent on Tuesday night, de clares the bolshevik right wing also is in a bad situation. The maneuver executed by the Poles was a daring one, the corre spondent declares. It consisted in concentrating heavy columns ,of troops and delivering a surprise at tack against the fljnk of the main bolshevik army. It was completely successful because of the ability of the Polish infantry in marching, and he asserts that "very important con sequences" are expected. Japan Tells China, Road . Guards to Remain on Duty ,Tokio, Aug. 19. Japan has sent a communication to China saying the government is unable to comply with China s request for a with drawal of the Japanese guards on the Chinese Eastern railroad. The communication points out that the guards were stationed on the railway primarily to . prevent possible invasion of Manchuria and Korea by the bolsheviki and that ex- stiug conditions still orevent with drawing, yfhis barrier against bolshe vik penetration." Thisaction, the communication says, was m accordance with an agreement of the powers to out the railroad on an international footing until a "legitimate Russian govern ment, capable of preserving law and order." was established. It states that Japan, therefore, does not feel under obligation to consider China's request. McGraw Denies Purchase Of Whisky at Lambs Club New. York. Aug. 19. Denial by attorneys for John McGraw, mana ger of theew York Giants, that he had purchased whisky' from the Lambs club on August 8. featured today's investigation of the occur rences at the club the evening be fore John c olavin. comedy actor. was found lying injured on the side walk in front of McGraw!s home. William J. Fallon, one of Mc- Graw's attorneys, admitted that Mc Graw "might have gotten whiskv at the club," though the maintained that his client did not purchase it of the club itself. AUGUST 20, 1920. The r RECORD CROWD EXPECTED FOR MARKET WEEK Den Show at Ak-Sar-Ben For Men and Theater Parties For Women Are On -. Program. Plans for entertaining the largest crowd ever drajvn to Omaha's mar ket weeK were completed at a meet ing of the merchants' market week committee in the Chamber of Com mcrce Thursday. The program ex tends from Monday to Thursday of klext week. 1 he fact that so many country merchants have been hold ing back on their orders and now feel well enough assured of the mar ket to get in, is expected to add to the number of visitors. To See Den Show. Monday night the men will be en tertained at the show at the Ak-Sar- Ben den, under the guidance of Penn Fodrea. Robert Trimble will be chairman of the committee entertain ng the wives ot the merchants at a theater party at the Urpheum at the same time.-i A dinner dance at the Field club will be the feature of Tuesday night. Some of the big prizes, which in clude a trip to Europe and a trip to California, will be drawn at this time. , Don Lee, the chairman of this event, will have special cars take the guests out at 5:30 p. m. A barbecue and race will be given Wednesday night at Elmwood park. Roy Moore -is chairman, and Gus Miller and Dr. Frye will manage the 1 barbecue and the races,' respectively. f Oriental Costumes. The closing event lhursday night will be a Japanese garden party at the Auditorium. Roy Byrne, chair man, announces that the women of Omaha will dress in oriental cos tume, and the men in black waist coats and red trousers. More prizes will be awarded at this daice. Many of the business houses will hold style shows and private enter tainments for visiting-fnerchants and their families:' Traveling salesmen are being called in from the road to meet their customers. Much Decorated English . Heroine Will Live in N. Y. London, . Aug. 19. Five war medals, three won by her own serv ices during the war and two con ferred upon her husband, are worn by the Hon. Mr". Digby French, prominent in London society, who sails tomorrow to make het future home in the United States. . Her husband, a major in the Royal air forefs, was killed two years ago in active service. He was reputed to be one of the best pilots in the British service and won the military cross and the distinguished flying cross for gallantry in action. Mrs. French'Tiersclf was a chauf fcuse in the army service corps and performed excellent service in France. To Reduce Toll Charges. Washington, Aug.' 19. Reduction in toll charges through 'the Suez canal will be placed in effect Oc toBer 1, the department of commerce has' been advised officially. The Weather Forecast. Nebraska Clear and warmer Fri day. Hourly Traiperatnrea, Mil p. m 7 .. 70S p. m l 71 p. m . .7 7J'4 p. m 77 .7J!5 p. m 7J p.-nv 74 74 7 p. m. 74 p. m. .tmy,mnp0i 7i I a. a. 7 a. m. a. m. t a. m. I1 a. m. It a. m. 11 eoon t Mall II r). tail.. 4th .aa. Dally aa Suaar. W: Call, Oaly. If: . M. lulaJtf alh Zaaa II vaar). OalW aa..Suada. tiS: Pallv Oal. I2: Suaaav Oal. U- Leap. Year "Yes" GIRL LEAPS FROM SPEEDING CAR TO ESCAPE ATTACK Mary Kracl, North Bend Girl, ' Nearly Assaulted by Friend, She Says. Fremont, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) Miss Mary Kracl, 17-year-old North Bend girl, today in justice court told for the first time of the eventS'-of the night of June 24, which ended in her being found, uncon scious on her doopstep, by her mother. Miss Kracl asserted that she leaped from the speeding auto mobile driven by August Thomson to escape an attack attempted by him and another man, whose ninie she does not know. Thomson, pleading not guilty to the charge of assaujt, offered no de fense and was bound over to the district court for trial. His bond of $5,000 was furnished by his fa ther, John Thomson, and Thomas P. Gaugher. ( Miss Kracl testified that at the American Legion dance at North Bend June 24 she was introduced to Thomson by Evelyn Tout and danced three dances with him. Then sjje was asked to let him take her to her home, five miles rmrthwest of the town, and agreed because she thought he was "nice." A short distance from town the other man was met and invited by Thomson to ride.1 He was intro duced as a cousin, she said. Miss Kracl sat upon Ins lap and they rode on. Near her home she asked to be let- out and said she would walk, but instead they turned off on another road, driving the car faster, she said. "They started again, whispering to each other, and I knew it was not nice," said the girl. The& went as iast as they could and I jumped out. "I didn't care whether I killed myself or not." The other man described bv the girl is being sought by the county attorney. Mail Pouch Stolen From Train Found Near Track St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 19. One of the pouches of mail taken from the Missouri Pacific train that was robbed on the outskirts of St. Louis last night by two men was found to day in a clump of weeds along the railroad track. The contents were intact, the bandits apparently losing the pouch in' the darkness. The loss sustained in the robbery, postal officials said, will not bo known until a check up is made of the contents of the pouches. . The men boarded tb6 train at a crossing and.with drawn revolvers, lined the mail clerks up against the wall. Near the outskirts of the city one of the robbers polled the signal cord, stopping the train. The mail pouches were then thrown out and the bandits jumped after them, dis appearing. To Probe Ratification of' Suffrage Amendment Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 19. Judge Debow charged the grand jury in the Davidson county -criminal court today on the suoject ot efforts to improperly influence or .corrupt the1 iawmaking ' poweK of the state and laid special emphasis on the , fight for the ratification of the federal suffrage amendment by the Tennest see legislature. -Judge Dcbow'sXcharge followed publication by the Nashville Tennes seean and the ' Nashville Banner of two affidavits in which allegations were made that undue influence had been brought to bear on one mem ber of the house who first voted to table the ratificat'on resolution, and later voted for the adoption of the resolution. A single vote decided the issue in' favor of suffrage. 3 MAIL PLANES TO LEAVE TODAY FOR CHEYENNE Pilot Smith to Lead Flyers in Blazing New Route For Western ' ( t-.... Service. , - Under the direction of Pilot Wal ter J.Smith, three aerial rriail "ships" will hop-off at Ak-iar-iJen field early Friday morning for Cheyenne, Wyo., blazing the trail for the open ing of the air mail service from Chi cago to the west. Pilots Smith, Ellis and Leon hardt landed in Omaha yesterday morning .with Pilot Lange. The lat ter flew an aerial mail plane from Chicago to Omaha with a regular cargo of mail and served as a guide for the other three "ships," which flew over the city in battle forma tion. ' The planes will make one stop be tween here and Cheyenne to take on fuel. ' Two more planes are expected to arrive in Omaha within the next 10 day. The "ships" will be stationed at the local flying field and will be used in transporting mail from Om aha to Cheyenne. The planes ope-? rating between here and Chicago will transfer, their western mail at the Ak-Sar-Ben grounds and planes flyinp between here and Cheyenne will fly the mail to Wyoming. Declares She Shot Her Husband Because of Degenerate Tendency San Francisco, Aug. 19. Mrs. Vir ginia P. Clark today confessed to Police- Inspector Drew that she killed her husband, Chester J. Clark, Oakland car man, Sunday morning by shooting him as he lay in bed be side her. The, confession suddenly broke the woman's 54-hour composure, during which she had retold her original story of her husband committing suicide and threatening to kill her. The woman explained the murder by saying that on awakening Sun day morning she for the first time learned that her husband had de generate tendencies.' She fired the shots in a spirit of revulsion on mak ing this discovery, she says. The couple were married after a mar riage . bureau introduction. I tie bride will be held for trial. Efforts to delve into the woman's past life have been frustrated by her refusal to talk about ber family. She says a mother, brother and half sister live in Indian River, Va. Her first husband, a circus performer, named A. L. DcRocha, died in Vir ginia two years ago of influenza. M?S. Clark was living in Hartford, Conn., when she answered Clark's advertisement in a matrimonial paper. He Returns Gift of King Because Sons Penniless London, . Aug. 19. Because his two sons who fought in the war are unemployed and penniless in spite of their willingness to work, the care taker of the landing stage of the Royal Yacht squadron at Cowcs je turned to King George, a diamond scarf pin, the king's gift at the end of the yachting week. "Until those who served his ma jesty's country during the.; war," read the note accompanying the re turned . gift, "are provided with houses and employment, I would rather not accept any gifts from his majesty.". THREE CENTS HARDING IS OPPOSED TO AUTOCRACY Declares Senate Wilt Have' Some Way in Detemyning Foreign Relations if G. 0. P. Administration Is Chosen.' FAVORS RULE REQUIRING MAJORITY TREATY VOTE Says Article 10 of League of Nations Would Break Down1 Orderly Process oflhe Fed eral Government. By The Aaaorlatcd 1'rtaa. Marion, O., Aug. 19. Reaffirming his faith in "party sponsorship in government," Senator Harding said :n a speech today thatis democrat ic critics were correct in supposin3 that, if e!ct(i, he would "permit the senate to have some say" in dc lermining the policy of the govern ment." t i "The senate saved American na tionality in 1919 and 1920," he said.' "when the exerutive proposed to sur render it. If a republican adminis tration is chosen, you can be certain that the senati will have something to ray about the foreign relations, as the constitution contemplates. I ha J rather have the couifsel of tho senate than ajrthe political bosses "I want to have done with per sontl government. I want to put an end to autocracy reared in the name of democracv," The senator also referred to th$ senate filibuster, which blocked sev crai big appropriation bills in the last days of the democratic congress, and said that, while he did not ap prove at that time, the development had saved about $1,000,000,000 bv putting . the 'supply measures over into the republican congress. Suggestions Correct. "In cartoon, in solemn editorial, in many utterances from the plat form," he said, "it has been suggest ed that, in case of a republican vic tory, the incoming president pro poses to permit the senate to have some say in determining the policy cf the government. I gladly pro claim all these suggestions to be lit erally correct I rejoice that the Umted States senate is functioning again. We need it to save America. "If a rcnubJican administration is chosen next November you can be very certain that tht senate, theoret ically, if tiot sctnally, composed of 96 leading men of the republic, will have something to say about the foreign relations, as the constitution con templates. "It has become quite the fashion for unheeding partisans of demo cratic faith to cry out against the senate and the part it plays in t'th fedral government. One might as well proclaim, the constitution a fraud. The senate is in reality the security oi stable, popular govern ment." Preises Past Record. Praising "he record of the present senate, the nominee declared it "had saved American nationality" when the executive branch had proposed to surrender it. He dissented from arrogation of unconstitutional pow ers by the president, and said it was the purpore of the republicans to "have done with personal govern ment" and to "put an end to. au tocracy." The rule requiring a two thirds vote in the senate7 to ratify treaties he characterized as one of the wisest provisions in the consti tution The league of, nations was touched on briefly, Senator Harding declar ing article 10 would break down the orderly processes of the federal gov ernment by transferring from con gress to a foreign council the pow er to decide when the nations should go to war. . t It would be a orry thing," said (fontlnotil on1 rasa Two, Column Fail.) State Authorities J To Combat Airplane Traffic in Liquot Lincoln. AllO 10 -fSnrrtzU A i rnl q n t r i f f i In 1 . n . . -v a. i-M- " '"T""" niai in iivjiiui iiuiu wan ada to lraWa i alrarfr a lem, which the state and national authorities must meet, according t( Gus Hyers, head of the state law en t'orccment division. Recent renorts from th nnrtVi ml nest counties of the state show thai several loads of booze havr hrt4 brought into the state, via the. ai. route, but the state denartmint iti not equipped with such method " and finds it increasingly difficult t4 be at the landing place at the Op portune moment. ( t' Chief Hyers believes that the na tional enforcement of prohibition will necessitate the use. of fast and well-managed planes along thq boundary lines of the country.- , . Collapse of Mountain Top Buries Town in Philippine! Manila, r. I., Aug. 19. Collapsa of a mountain top on this island ii; a recent storm buried an entir Igorote village under hundreds I feet of earth, blotting out the lives oi 70 natives, according to official re cent advices received here. The village was located in thi mountain province within 200 milen of the city of Manila. The top slid down upon the village at midnight No bodies have been recovered. Eleven Injured in Wreck. Shcrbrooke. Que., Aug. 19.--) " Eleven persons were injured when the Grand Trunk mornin? train from Portland, Me., to Montreal rat into a washout near Coaticoool Uue.