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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
r THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1919. WITCHES TAKE THREE IN SERIES WITH ROURKES Ja? hawkers Pound Ball All Over the Lot, and Beat Omaha by a Lop sided Score. Wichita, Kan., June 30. Wichita slammed the ball all over the lot while Omaha played town ball and the locals made it 3 out of 4. Score: OMAHA An R IH PO A E (iUlamit, !b i 1 2 Jarkmn, lb t 1 0 Graham, ef S 0 3 Klrbjr, If 5 0 1 Hl. e 4 1 0 NpellmaB, rf 8 1 1 llarltena, Sb S I ft Mauia, w 3 1 1 Milnkle. 4 1 2 3 0 Totalii 33 1 9 24 8 4 WICHITA AH R BH PO A E Wllhnlt, rt 3 t 1..S Mueller, lb 2 I 2 8 Mellrlile, If 5 2 Melnan. rf J 2 2 2 Waahhurn, 2b 4 I 3 A Varjan, 31, 4 2 1 0 Henter, 3 2 1 1 wnha, e 4 3 3 3 'Ho. p 1 ft 0 Narman, p 1 a 0 ft Total! 32 15 15 27 13 0 Omaha . . ft 0 2 0 0 ft 8 1 1 7 Wtrhila ,,..4 3 3 0 1 1 0 8 x 15 Hear by Innings: Two-bare hits: Wllhclt, JHataaB, Si: lnr.van, ., x; npniman. Mavrlflee hits: Mueller, nemrr, inrio, i. DavMe nlav: Reraer. Washburn. Mueller, ' (2 Ulalawm, Mason and Jarkmn. Left on baoeal Wichita. 7; Omaha. . Itenea on ballat Off Carlo, 3; off Norman, 2; off Klilnkle, 7. lilt by pitcher: Mueller. Mrurk out: Nnrmnn, 2. Time: 2 hours. I'mnlres: Krkman and llulhurt. Oilers Take Two From 7 Boosters by Good Playing . Tulsa, June .30. Timely hitting and superb pitching enabled Tulsa to take a pair of pitchers' battles from Des Moines todav, the second in. the eleventh inning. Score: Flrit game A R. H. E. Tim Molnee OffOOOaoS 02 6 2 ' Tulsa 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 x 5 12 1 ' Batteries Musser, Payne and Ellis: Burham and M anion. ,Seeond game R. H. E. Tea Moines . ... 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 (I 2 6 1 Tulsa 0000101000 1 IS 10 0 .Batteries Boyd , and Walker; Shackle ford and O'Brien. Oklahoma Makes it Three v Out of Four From the Sop Oklahoma City, Old. June 30. Oklahoma City made it three out of four from Sioux City by winning the final game of the series, 7 to 3. " Score: fOoux City 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 03 Oklahoma City 00012022 x 7 Batteries Sioux City, East, Lyons and Schmidt; Oklahoma City, Meadows, Mas ters and Griffith. , : Miners-Saints Game Is Postponed; Two Tomorrow Joplin, Mo., June 30. St. Joseph Joplin game postponed; wet grounds, double header tomorrow. American Association. Minneapolis, June 30. Score: -. ...r' R. H. e. Kansas City 3 12 3 Minneapolis 8 16 2 Batteries Graham, Hall and LaLonge; D'irke. Patterson and Owens. St. Paul,. .Tune 3. Sc6rc: R. H. E. ' UIv8tOke f. 4 3 , St! Paul .....- 7 2 Batteries: Howard, Faeth and Lee; Monroe, Browne and Hargrave. Louisville, June 30. Score: R. H. E. Toledo 4 S 0 Louisville a is g Batteries Miljus ' ahd Kelley; Stewart tnd Kocher. . Southern Association. At Atlanta, I; New Orleans, 2. Second game: Atlanta. 2; New Orleans, 0. At Birmingham, 5; Mobile, 4. At Chattanooga, 3; Little Rock, 0. At Memphis, 4; Nashville. 1. . Galloper Light Wins. Paris.'June 30. The Grand prix de Paris was run at Longchamps today for the first time since the war and was won' by Galloper , , Light. r Mastergood was second; Insensible, third, and Rapidan, fourth,. ' . c . B.V.D. Quality Can Be Had Only In B.V. D. Underwear -TpROM raw material to finished product we Ti practise ceaseless care that B.V.D. Superi ority of Fabric Comfort of Cut, Durability of Wear and Accuracy of Fit shall go into every B.V. D Undergarment. -RV. D. Quality is assured only if you in sist on getting the B.V. D.'. Red Woven Label" 5.VD. quality fan only be obtained in MSXUnderww t hasn't tKisf&I Wven MADE FOR THE na mt m 'fi. ft in BV.D. Underwear B. V. D. Sleerolss Closed Crotch Union Suits, (Pat. U. S. A.) $1.7$ the Suit B. V. D. Coat Cut Under shirts and Knee Length Dnwm, $1.00 the Garment THE B.V.D. COMPANY MBW YORK - . Taking 'Em f. flmlf TH1LT73J. He MOweT . pREArii'- IT STT : I v plf t,T FT2-Ms I Loose oice Tne 1 I ffilii. IP7 TO &bS J J 5p(M& IhJ A VAA7LH J IHSIb ) BfcTHDA-y AD SoeAC B(& 7jMWSf A NE5-ilR. J M S V Jt wtDOAJr) cofi ) MwmSn . of At-v- V would fa.b. J V "hTM f 7 vats - wonce Tvre 5acvc viuad seeks Afuier spar m uetvvjiee -ou cro- XJiXJP I J 1 -ep'r "f-P07V.TBET l-ttl II CA(l(ZVAJ(j- HOTp. tOBSV TO E.A0 ' ' - J l'W""V, I i- 1 i ,f : ; ATHLETICS WIN FROM SENATORS IN NINTH ROUND Singles by Walker and Strunk and Thomas Walk Scores Scores Winning Tally; Score, 4 to 3. Philadelphia, June 30. Singles by Walker and Strunk, following a pass to I nomas in the ninth, gave Phila delphia the devision over Washing ton today, 4 to 3. Grover's fielding was brilliant. Score: R. H. E. Washington ...00003000 0 3 C 2 Philadelphia ..02100000 14 13 1 Batteries Robertson, Craft and Ghar rlty: Rogers and McAvoy. Detroit Beats St. Louis. St. Louis, June 30. Detroit buried Dav enport under an avalanche of base hits in th esecond inning, when the visitors scored four runs and won the opening gatne of the series from St. Louis today, 6 to 1. Score: R. H. E. Detroit 1 4000001 06 11 0 St. Louis 0 1000000 01 5 2 Batteries: Boland and Ainsmith; Dav enport, Koob, Wright and Secereid. Yankees Win Twice. New York, June 30. New York won both games of a double-header from Bos ton today, starting an eighth Inning rally in esch to overcome a one-run lead cf the Red Sox. The scores were 7 to 4 and 4 to 2. The world champions fielded poorly In the first contest and lost despite Ruth's home run, with bases full, In the sixth in ning. Pennock went along well In the second game until the eighth, when the Yankees laM As They Come in Toledo th5 is ocwpiEvj sryif x! 1 C fr bunched four hits with a pass for three runs. Score: First game R. H. E. Boston 00000400 0 4 7 '6 New York 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 7 14 0 Batteries: James and Schang, Walters; Sliawkey and Hannah. Scorn second game R. H. E. Boston 00001 001 0 2 4 2 New York 1 000 0 003 4 12 , 1 Batteries: Pennock and Schang; Schneider, Qulnn and Hannah. White Hose Beat Nap. Cleveland, June 30 Chicago defeated Cleveland, 5 to 2, today in a storms game. Manager Gleason was ejected from the field for protesting a decision. Later the Cleveland team delayed the game ten minutes, insisting" Cicotte, had made a balk. Score: R, H. E. Chicago 01011110 0 5 14 1 Cleveland .....00010100 0 2 1 4 Batteries Cicotte and Schalk; Bagby, Phillips, Myers and O'Neill, Nunamaker. Herman Defeats Brandeis Team In Fast Sunday Game Herman, Neb., June 30. (Spe cial.) Te locals defeated the fast Brandeis base ball team here yester day, 3 to 1. Marty O'Toole started the game for the visitors, but was replaced in the seventh in favor of Pendleton. Fitch pitched for Her man, striking out nine men and al lowing but three hits. The same teams will play a dauble-header here next Sunday. Yes, She Figured It All Out. That Mother Eve was up-to-date, You really must confess, For did she not originate, The "loose-leaf" style o dress?' Dempsey, Natural Fighter, Meets Best Manufactured Man in History of Ring Menke Says That Challenger Stands Better Chance of Winning July 4 Battle as He Is More Easily Able to Extricate Himself From Hard Places Owing to His Keener Inherent Sense of Boxing Principles Due . to An Inbred Bent for the Game. By FRANK G. MENKE. Fniversal Service Staff Correspondent. Toledo, O., June 30. One of the greatest natural fighters of all times meets the best manufactured ring man in history on July 4th. Which man has the advantage? "Dempsey the natural fighter by a million miles," is the consen sus of opinion around these parts. "Instinct guides a man destined by nature to be a warrior. He knows in every crisis just what to do. But with a fighter who never cared for battling in youth, and took it up for financial gain it is radically different. He. -does what he was taught to. do by tutors, but when something happens that is out of the ordinary, he is all at sea." "That's about right," spoke up "Pooch" Donovan, trainer of Har vard's great athletes, "Willard is a manufactured fighter, pure and simple. He .didn't care for mixing with his fists early in youth and he really doesn't like fighting an awful lot now. Certainly he doesn't battle for the Jove of fray as did Sullivan, Fitzsimmons, Cor bett, Jeffries and all the others did who began their ring careers in early youth. Vast Difference. "One needs only to watch Demp sey and Willard to note the vast difference in their methods. Wil lard, when boxing along sterotyped lines shows wonderfully well, but when something happens that isn't in the book or when he gets in a tight place he is somewhat at sea. Dempsey on the other hand knows, just what to do, no matter what happens. Instinct guides him. "Dempsey, against the ropes, knows always just what he should and shouldn't do to extricate Bimself without serious results. Willard agairfst the ropes seems quite help less and makes plenty of blunders that a quick-thinking, instinctive fighter will take advantage of. in his training bouts Willard goes along well until something happens uihinht taa ttnnrAA ifir. ThaUJ he Pirates Beat Cardinals, 4 to 1, in Good Game Pittsburgh, June 30 Pittsburg defeated St. Louis today, 4 to 1. It was the tenth anniversary of the opening of Forbes field, and two players took part in today's game that appeared in the lineup ten years ago Adamson, 'Pittsburgh, and Miller of St. Louis, both being members of the Pittsburgh team at that time. Score: R H E St. Louis 00000100 01 9 0 Pittsburgh ...10000102 x 4 8 2 Battery: Tuero, May and Snyder; Adams and Schmidt. Reds Take Two Fjom Cubs. Chicago. June 30. Cincinnati took) two games from Chicago today, 4 to 1 , and 2 to 1. The visitors bunched hits off Douglas for the first victory, while er rors by the locals gave them the second game. Scores: . First game:1 ' Cincinnati 01200001 0 4 9 0 Chicago 00010000 0 1 5 1 Batteries: Ruether and Wlngo; Douglas and Killefer, Second game: Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 1 0,0 1 0 2 6 i Chicago 10000000 0 1 8 3 Batteries: Ring and Wlngo;' Martin, Hen drix and O'Farrell. 'V' Giants Win From Boston. Boston, June 30. New York made its hits count and defeated Boston, 7 to 4, today. Boston outhit New York, but by poor base running threw away chances to score. Score: R. H. E. New York 31010200 07 11 2 Boston 00120000 14 16 1 Batteries Causey, Benton and Gon zales; Cheney, Keating and Wilson. flounders around trying to adjust himself to the sndden shift. Demp sey never falters, no matter what happens. He always seems to, be able to do the right thing at the right time all the time." Started Early in Life. Dempsey began battling soon after childhood's happy hours had skidded. Just about as soon as he was able to lift a pair of fists he began swinging them. Fighting be came a passion with him. When ever he was in battle he threw his whole heart and soul into the task. And why not? For in fighting Dempsey finds ultimate happiness. And so because Jack Dempsey was created a fighter he knows just vhat should be done during every minute of the fray. Dempsey has the uncanny knack that belongs only to natural ririg men, of know ing just where a blow should be struck to terminate the fight in the quickest possible time. He drives to the vital point with the same un erring accuracy of a great surgeon performing a most delicate opera tion. Willard Hasn't Instict. Willard hasn't instinct to guide him. He knows where to hit be cause he has been taught by teach ers. He knows how to guard be cause he has been taught that. And he knows a hundred and one ofher stunts necessary in ring warfare. Each aids him mightily until the un expected happens. When Willard knows not what to do because his teachers, smart as they might have been, could not an ticipate the thousand and one pos sibilities of a ring battle, and so they couldn't school Jess in that way. If that fight on July 4 brings along the unusual, when the unex pected happens it's the safest gam ble in the world that Jack Dempsey will know what to do and will do it and Jess , Willard will flounder helpless until the crisis is past or he is beaten during his mental helplessness. Copyright, 1919, Kid Graves Sees Both of Big .Boys Work With Trainers Sporting Editor of Bee Reserves His Decision on the Winner Until He Sees More of Willard and Dempsey in Action. " By KID GRAVES. Toledo, June 30. (Special Tele gram.) Well, here I am on the bat tle ground after some little delay in Chicago, so that I did not reach foledo until Sunday morning. Sup pose you want to know all about what is going on in Toledo. I dropped into the Hotel Secor at about 10 o'clock and the first man I met that I knew was my esteemed competitor, Sandy Griswold. A few minutes later I ran into Charlie Mathieson, who used to be my boss on the New York Boxing Record. Reminiscenses were in order, but before Jess Willard blew in, Charlie relieved himself of the opinion that Willard was a cinch. "Bat Masterson figures the same way, and for some time he has had $500 posted with Tex Rickard to bet on Jess. Otto Floto of Denver took exception to Bat's opinion and covered the money. The betting on thev'bout is at evens when there is any, but I am informed there is little going on. f See Both Train. The champion and challenger have a unique system of shaming the pre-battle profits. Willard starts his training at 2:30 and Dempsey be gins shortly after 3:30. The bugs watch Jess box and then hustle over to Dempsey's camp, a mile away and see Jack perform'. The champion boxed three rounds with Jack Hemple, two with Walter Monahaif, shadow boxed a round and then stepped another with Mon ahan. For the most part he stood flat-footed and blocked nearly every thing sent at him, but-he sprung a surprise today, disproving-he opin ions that his legs were in bad shape. He took Hemple and Monahan en Takes Good Guesser to Pick Winner in Toledo Big Scrap By TAD. Toledo, Ohio, June 30. The fel low who picks the winner of the big fight correctly is just a good guess er, and don't let any one tell you that li Jcn'f IrnnwG ricrVit nnwr that his pick is only a hope. It's just like tossing a coin. Sport writers who have followed the boxing game for years come here and for the life of them they can't figure this thing out. Of course there are fellows who dropped in with their minds fixed aid won't change. They're like the democrats who are democrats be cause their fathers were. It is prob ably the toughest fight to pick that was ever staged. . K)n one side you have a champion, a big good-natured Hercules. He beat the greatest fighter that ever lived. Some say that this fight was a fake, others argue that it was on the square. Be that as it may. as George Monroe used to say, Mr. Willard won. Willard is big, he is so-big that he actually frightens you. Gee he's big I Every time you see him he seems to be bigger. In the hotel here, in the morning, you often see a six-footer strutting around like a peacock. Her ' looks like a giant strolling among bellboys, cigar girls and cake eaters. Soon through the front door looms the huge form, of Jess Wil lard. The swelled-up guy seems to shrink. He looks like a runt and he wears a silly smile. The huge form is Willard. ' ' The only things in the Secor ho tel that makes, him look small at all are the giant pillars in the lobby. Are you a Jerry to the size of this International Feature Service, Ine. tirely by surprise by stepping away and sidestepping a number of times. Not Too Heavy. This wasn't the only surprise for the sparring partners eifher. He would go along rather easy for a while and then tear loose a punch that would lift Jack or Walter off the floor a foot. He'd laugh like a schoolboy when he did it, but for the most part was very business like. He looks ; good and appears to be carrying no more extra flesh than a man of his size ' needs to have to box 12 rounds. At the Dempsey camp, Bill Tate opened with the challenger, going one round. Jamaica Kid stepped a round and Jock Malone went one. Then Tate came back and Jamaica and Malone in oder, making six rounds in all, two with each. Jack works fast and looks like a million dollars. Malone makes him box fast, but Dempsey seems to-enjoy it. Bill Tate is using his head and feet both now, for he won't let the challenger near him without falling into a clinch. . Ready to Polish Off. Picking the winner of this scrap in advance is going to be anything but a snap. The big boys will pol ish off from now on, just so they will be on edge by the Fourth. I may have a selection for you. on the third, after I see how the men go about the last days of preparation. Many a battle has been lost in those last few days because of over-hearty eating or ill advice from someone in authority. Battling Levinsky is here for his match with Billy Miske on the third at Rossford arena. Basing my opin ion on the dope and past perform ances, I am picking the battler to have an edge. stripling, who stands 6 feet 7? That's-one side of the story. A Big Terry M'Govern. On the other hand we have a black haired Irishman who knows nothing but fight; a big Terry Mc Govern, who has knocked out-everything in the heavyweight class: a terror who knocked out Carl Mor ris and Fred Fulton, both of the Willard build. No one knows how he does it. He just socks them. They are all too big for him until he hits them. He stands over six feet tall and weighs around 200 pounds. He is young his opponent quite past the age of a successful pugilist. Demp hey is all thrills his opponent Now Is a Good Drive It May Not Be Troubling You During: the Warm Weather, But It Is Still In Your Blood. Catarrh is not only a disgusting disease but is a dangerous one, and you should never let up in your efforts to get it out o your system until you have done it thoroughly. Get rid of it, whatever it costs you in trouble and money. Mild weather will aid the treat ment and this is an excellent time to thoroughly cleanse the blood of the germs of Catarrh and be for ever rid of the troublesome sprays and douches that can only relieve you for the time. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable blood remedy, made from roots and herbs direct from the forest, which combat - promptly. .disease By TAD THE" WILPCAT tan, TErVW- GAvGS Awt SMAsHeT- pfioM ah- Qven. FIGHTERS STOP HEAVY TRAINING FOR 4TH BOUT Dempsey Undergoes 'Pickling' Process to Toughen Skin; Willard Abandons Road Work. Toledo, O., June 30. For fear of an injury to his hands on the eve of his heavyweight championship contest with, Jess Willard, Jack Dempsey today was instructed to eliminate all heavy hkting from his training bouts. The instructions were issued at the request of Tex Rickard, promoter of the Fourth of July match, who also intends to make the request of Wfard. Sunday saw the last hard work out for Dempsey and from now on the challenger will ease off rapidly in his training. This is a necessity rather than a choice so far as the Salt Lake heavyweight is concerned for he is so fine physically that there is more than a remote danger of his going stale. This aftarnoon Dempsey plans to box four rounds in which nothing but lieht work fcvill be attempted. Willard, on the other hand, plans to continue his recent ' burst of training speed for at least two days more,unless a spell of hot weather causes him to change his mind. The cool breeze of the week-end put a feeling of snap into the champion and led him to decide to work steadily until Wednesday at least. The titleholder long since dropped all forms of road work with the ex planation that he did not think that it benefited a man of his tremendous bulk. Physical culture sharps are aligned in widely separated camps. Those who think that he shcfuld have done more work admit that he is in' better shape than when he met Frank Moran in New York, but claim that he is woefully short jof the .condition reached when he de feated Jack Johnson in Havana. Some of his most enthusiastic ad mirers claim that his condition clearly indicates that he has been doing secret training in addition to his public workputs, but Willard denies this old Hick of pugilism. The champion is not using brine or any other preparation to toughen his skin, but Dempsey is following this old system and is "picking" his face for the contest as did Fitzsim mons, Jeffries and other earlier day champions.- has seen in all. He is quite blase. We go to their camps every day. One day Willard is slow the next day he appears fast, but he is al ways big. The Bee Want Ads are the Best Business Booster. Time to Out Catarrh germs or impurities in the blood. This great remedy has been used for more than fifty years, with most satisfactory results. It has been successfully used by those af flicted with even the severest cases of Catarrh. It relieves catarrhi thoroughly, for it treats the disease at its source. S. S. S. is sold by druggists everywhere. For the benefit of those afflicted with catarrh or other blood disor ders, we maintain a medical depart ment in charge of a specialist skilled in these diseases. If you will write us fulry, he will give your case care ful study, and write you just what your own individual case requires. No charge isNmade for this service. Address Swift Specific Co., 262 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. 4dv, iE jwriv 1 vStiII Servsng ;V Mtw fmi 'yfnr 'mnf n - t 1 ; After 1 Three Years Expose an ordinary piece of rub'.' M- to the clement ; for three years and it will have lost much of its flexibility. But ynu can take Goodrich rubber embodied in live, resilient form in Goodrich De Luxe Truck Tires and it will ro1; its vi tality fir beyond that time. Ri"'ht in Omaha, Goodrich De Luxe Tin;; on thn 2-ton truck of Hollis & Roffcrf1. dealer"? in hides and furs, h:te h:-cn runninp over three years, turning1 in a milna.CP to dr. to of 000 miles, nnd still have months of wear in their rushed treads. The vitality of De I.uxp Tires, plus Hie extra rubber on TOP of the tread, where it is most needed, accounts for the big economies they afford. Utilize them! it Mileage Adjustment 10,000 Miles We Sell and Apply De Luxe Tires Omaha Tire Repair Co. Henry Nygaaid, Prop. 2201 Farnao St. Phone Tyler 1552. I g$mmP 1 fir- I " NVra 0 1 V! i