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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
I t t I JL r ' i 1 ' it - , i : THE BEE.' OMAHA, TUESDAX, JUL 1, iai. ; - ' 1 WITCHES TAKE THREE IN SERIES WITH ROURKES ' eaasMSMaaiVISaaaai iajhaw'xers Pound Ball All Over , the Lot and Beats V Omaha by a Lop sided Score. Wichita, Kan., June 30. Wichita slammed the ball all over the lot while Omaha played town ball and the locals made it 3 out of 4. Score: OMAHA AB R BH PO A B nialaaan. tb 1 S 8 0 1 JitrkHon, lb 1 (lrhsm, cf A 0 Klrhy, If 5 0 Hair, e 1 Hpellman, rf 3 1 Harhenu. Sb ... J Masiui, sa 8 Shlnkle, p 4 1 0 9 1 8 1 t 0, 1 1 8 0 0 1 8 S 0 Totals 83 7 0 U S 4 WICHITA ABRBHPOAI WUhott, ft 8 8 15 0 0 Mueller, lb 2 1 8 J MrUrlita, If 8 8 Meloan, rf 5 Washburn, Jb 4 1 S 8 0 Varyan. Sb 4 8 1 0 3 6 lleri.r.' 3 8 115 0 wash, a 4 8 8 3 1 0 Carlo, p ,...1 0 0 0 1 0 Normal?. d Total! 3 18 13 87 IS 0 Omaha 0 0 8 0 0 0 3 1 1 7 U 4 S 3 0 1 1 0 8 x 15 Score by Innings: Two-base hits: "llholt, Melotin, 8 1 Varyan. Newasha, t; flpellmun. Sacrifice hits: Mueller, Berjer, Carlo, 8. Itoublo play: Berger, Washburn, Mueller, tt Glelason, Mason and Jackson. Left on ba mi Wichita, 7; Omaha. 6. Banes on balls: Off Carlo, 5; off Norman, 8 1 off Rhlnkle, T. lilt by pitcher: Mueller. Htrurk out: Norman, S. Time: t hours. Umpires: Eckoian and Hulhurt. Oilers Take Two From Boosters by Good Playing Tulsa, June 30. Timely hitting and superb pitching enabled Tulsa to take a pair of pitchers' battles from Des Moines today, the second In the eleventh inning. Score: Firat same R- H. E. pes Moines .... 0 0 0 0 ! 02 2 fulsa, 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 X 6 12 1 Batteries Musser, Payns and Kills; Burham and Manlon. Second game H. E. Des Moines ,...0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 4 1 fulsa 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 10 0 Batteries Boyd and Walker; Ghackle .ford ind O'Brien. Oklahoma Makes it Three Out of Four, From the Soo Oklahoma City, Okl., June 30. Oklahoma City made it three out of four from Sioux City by winning the final game of the series, 7 to 3. Score: Bloux City 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 03 Oklahoma City 00012022 x 7 'Batteries Sioux City. East, Lyons and Schmidt; Oklahoma City, Meadows, Mas ters and Griffith. Miners-Saints Game Is Postponed; Two Tomorrow Joplin, Mo., June 30. St. Joseph Joplin game postponed; wet grounds, double header tomorrow. Gov. Lowden, Illinois, Vetoes Boxing Bill - for Ten-Round Bouts i, f T ii ii ' Springfield, 111.,' June 30. Gov. Frank O. Lowden today vetoed the 1. ... ! Kill n v,. isle rr ( rf 1 fi-i"11tl A fights in Illinois under supervision of commission of three. He held that the bill was unconstitutional as passed by the legislature, which can not re-enact the measure at this ses sion. Pirates Beat Cardinals, to 1 in 6ood Game Pittsburgh, June 30. Pittsburg defeated -St. Louis ftoday, 4 to 1. It was the tenth anniversary of the opening of Forbes field, and two players took part in today's game that appeared in the lineup ten years . ago Adamson, Pittsburgh, and Miller of St. Louis, both being members of the Pittsburgh team at that time. Score: . R H B St Louis ......0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 I 0 Pittsburgh. ...1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 x I S 2 Battery: Tuero. May and Bnyder; Adam and Schmidt, Reds Take Two From Cubs. Chicago, June 80. Cincinnati took two game from Chicago today, 4 to 1 and 1 to 1 The visitors bunched hits off Douglaa lor the first victory, while er rors by the locals gave them the aecond gam. Scores: First game: R. H. E. Cincinnati .... 1 t 0 0 0 1 04' ' 6 Chicago 0 0010000 0 1 6 1 Batteries: Buether and Wlngo; Douglas and KUlefer. Second game: R H E Cincinnati .....0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 a ' fl Chicago .......I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 8 Batteries s Ring and Wlngo; Martin, Hen drlx and O'Farrell. Giants Win From Boston. Boston. June 80. New York made Its hits count and defeated Boston, 7 to 4, today. Boston outhlt New York, but by poor base running threw away chances to acors. Score : R. H. E. New York ...S 1 1 0 S 0 0 07 11 3 Boston 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 14 IS 1 Batteries Causey, Benton and Con soles ; Cheney, Keating and Wilson. TTormnw Tpfat.9 Branrleis. Herman, - Neb., June 30. (Spe cial.) Te locals defeated the fast Brandeis base ball team here yester day, 3 to 1. Marty O'Toole started the game for the visitqrs, but was replaced in the seventh in favor of Pendleton. Fitch pitched for Her man, striking out nine men and al lowing but three hits. The same teams will play a dauble-header here next Sunday. Now Is a Good ' Drive It May Not Be Troubling You During the Warm Weather, But It Is Still In Your Blood. Catarrh is not only a disgusting disease but is a dangerous one, and you should never let up in your efforts to get it out of your system until you have done it thoroughly. Get rid of it, whatever it costs you in trouble and money. Mild weather will aid the treat ment and this is an excellent time to thoroughly cleanse the blood of the germs of Catarrh and be for ever rid of the troublesome sprays and douches that can only relieve you for the time. S. S. S. isv a purely ' vegetable Diooa remeay. made Irom roots , and herbs direct from the forest, which combat promptly - disease Taking 'Em f (kf THJCTTSfcl. MO VET" pv ORgAtcX- IT xT3" I ' lR mT HeAD na.orvs J toQS UK wr 1 f 3DF TO 5De? J J 5PAJf, IN A VMATC.H l S i c.c -cmcK J - -C M z ) ? ( -- Sz f y 1 l r3WP 4 sB vTttxjMr) oofi ) Aopen-xEB. v 'fwAty' VwofUFAH. ) W rgJr I 7 xfJ -"" wAreu. - aj oTiie 7V Jack ATHLETICS WIN FROM SENATORS IN NINTH ROUND Singles by Walker and Strunk and Thomas Walk Scores Scores Winning Tally; Score. 4 to 3. Philadelphia, June 30. Singles by Walker and Strunk, following a pass to Thomas in the ninth, gave Phila delphia the devision over Washing ton today, 4 to 3. Grover's fielding was brilliant. Score: R. H. E. Washington ...0 0003000 0 3 1 Philadelphia ..02100000 1 4 IS 1 Batteries Robertson, Craft and Ghar rlty; Rogers and McAvoy, ; Detroit Beats St Louis. St. Louis, June 30. Detroit burled Dav enport under an avalanche of base hits In the second Inning, when the visitors scored four runs and won he opening game of the series from St. Louis today, 6 to 1. Score: R. H. B. Detroit 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 06 11 0 St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 2 Batteries: Boland and Alnsmlth; Dav enport, Koob, Wright and Severeld. Yankees Win Twice. New York, June 30. New York won both games of a double-header from Bos ton today, starting an eighth Inning rally In each to overcome a one-run lead of the Red Sox. The soores were 7 to 4 and 4 to 2. The world champions fielded poorly In the first contest and lost despite Ruth's home run, with bases full, In the sixth in ning. . Pennock went along well In the second game until the eighth, when the Yankees bunched four hits with a pass for three runs. Score: First game R. H. E. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 i 1 New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 7 14 0 Batteries: James and Schang, Walters; Shawkey and Hannah. Score second game R. H. E. Boston 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 01 4 1 New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 4 12 1 Batteries: Pennock and Schang; Schneider, Qulnn and Hannah. , White Hose Beat Naps. Cleveland, June SO. Chicago defeated Cleveland. 5 to 2, today In a stormy game. Manager Qleason waa ejected from the field for protesting a decision. Later the Cleveland team delayed the game ten minutes, insisting Cicotte had made a balk. Score: R, H. E. Chicago 0 10 11110 0 6 14 1 Cleveland .....0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 02 1 4 Batteries Cicotte and Schalk: Bagby, Phillips, Myers and O'Neill, Nunamaker. American Association. Minneapolis, June 20. Score: R. H. 12 IS Kansas City Minneapolis 2 8 Batteries Graham, Kail and LaLonge; Burke, Patterson and Owens. St. Paul, June 20. Score: R. H. E. Milwaukee 4 2 St. Paul 6 7 2 Batteries: Howard, Faeth and Lee; Monroe, Browne and Hargravs. Louisville, June 30. Score: R. H. E. Toledo 1 2 0 Louisville (1(0 Batteries MlIJus and Kelley; Stewart and Kocher. Indianapolis, June 30. Score: R. H. E. Columbus ,3 t 0 Indianapolis .4 10 3 Batteries: Sherman and Wagner; Cavet and Leary. Time to Out Catarrh germs or impurities in the blood. This great remedy has been used for more than fifty years, with most satisfactory results. It has been successfully used by those af flicted with even the severest cases of Catarrh. It relieves catarrh thoroughly, for it treats the disease at its source. S. S. S. is sold by druggists everywhere. For the benefit of those afflicted with catarrh or other blood disor ders, we maintain a medical depart ment in charge of a specialist skilled in these diseases. If you will write us fully, he will give your case care ful study, and write you just what your own individual case requires. No charge is made for this service. Address Swift Specific Co., 262 Swift . Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Advs , -".. . ". - ... vt As' They Come twisv ocMjif sryte ( r r jeekt a ?uier spot in ''ME HO TP. i.oa?V TO READ Base Ball Standings WESTERN LEAGUE. Won Lost Pet. Oklahoma City 32 20 .615 OMAHA 29 26 .627 St. Joseph 24 24 .600 Joplin 2 26 .600 Dee Moines 26 26 .500 Tulsa 28 30 .183 Sioux City 22 28 .440 Wichita 24 31 .436 Yesterday's Results. Tulsa, 5-3; Des Moines, 2-2. (11 Innings.) Wichita, 16: Omaha, 7. Oklahoma City, 7; Sioux City, 2. St. Joseph-Joplin Rain. Today' Games. St. Joseph at Joplin two games. No other games scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won Lost New York 16 19 Cincinnati 37 21 Chicago 32 29 Pittsburgh 31 28 Brooklyn 28 29 St. Louis 26 32 Boston 19 35 Philadelphia 18 - 34 Yesterday's Results, Cincinnati, 4-2; Chicago, 1-1. St. Louts. 4; Pittsburgh, L New York, 7; Boston, 4. Today's Game. . Philadelphia at Boston. Brooklyn at New York. St. Louis at Pittsburgh. Cincinnati at Chicago. Pet. .666 .638 .525 .625 .491 .448 .352 .346 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pet. .654 .603 .679 .536 .619 .444 .411 .269 New York ; 34 Chicago 35 Cleveland 33 Detroit 30 St. Louis 27 Boston 24 Washington 23 Philadelphia 14 18 23 24 26 25 30 33 38 Yesterday's Results. New York, 7-4: Boston, 4-2. St. Louis, 1; Detroit, 6. Philadelphia, 4; Washington, I. Chicago, 5; Cleveeland, 2. Today' Games. Detroit at St. Louis. New York at Washington. . Chicago at Cleveland. Boston at Philadelphia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. Pet. .614 .611 .671 .871 .(08 .500 .382 .326 Louisville , . . St. Paul . ... Indianapolis Columbus . . . Kansas City Minneapolis . Milwaukee . . Toledo .35 22 21 ....33 ....32 ....28 ....28 ....27 ....22 ....14 24 24 27 27 34 29 Yesterday' Results. Minneapolis, 8; Kansas Ctty, I. Louisville, (; Toledo, 1, St. Paul, 5; Milwaukee, 4. Indianapolis, 4; Columbus, t. GADDOGK MAY BE REFEREE OF BIG JULY 4 WRESTLE Ed "Strangler" Lewis, and a mountain of baggage consisting of apparatus, with which he -perfects his famous "headlock" and other holds, will arrive in Omaha today, according to a telegram received from him by Gene Melady. : The, "Strangler" says he is in the pink of condition for the Independ ence day bout with Joe Stecher, and confident of winning 'the match in short order. He will work out at the Athletic club until the day of the match. ' Stecher is expected to come to Omaha Wednesday and continue his preparations for the bout. He has been working industriously and never entered the ring in better con dition than he is today. Reports of his condition have heartened mat fans and he is being- quoted an odds-on favorite in the betting. Caddock May Referee. With the arrival of the two prin cipals . in Omaha, the selection of the referee will be given first con sideration. Stecher still insists that a Nebraska man be chosen, and Lewis is equally as determined that an outsider be chosen. Should the selection of a referee be left to Gene Melady, as the ar ticles provide in case of a disagree ment, it is not unlikely that Earl Caddock, the champion, will be the third man. Caddock would prove a big draw ing card if selected as referee. With the possible exception of Stecher, he is the : most popular wrestler that ever appeared in an Omaha ring. His followers in Omaha are desirous of seeing the condition in which he in Toledo SB ; " ( ""rtillV . BARRING OF THE RABBIT PUNCH WILL BEOEMAND Willard's Favorite Blow Asked Not to Be Allowed Before Challenger Enters Ring in Big Fight. Toledo, June 30. Barring of the rabbit punch, one of Champion Jess Willard's favorite deliveries, will be demanded by Jack Kearns, manager of Jack Dempsey, before he allows the challenger to enter the ring with Willard July 4. Kearns made known his decision tonight. The punch is a blow delivered to the back of the neck while the men are fighting in clinches with at least one arm free. Both Willard and Dempsey have been using it with punishing effect in their training bouts and Manager Kearns claims that while the blow is a favorite with the champion, it is not at all im portant in Dempsey's repertoire of punches. Such a delivery is barred and has been forbidden in big fights. The rules of the Toledo boxing commis sion are silent about this punch. They insist upon clean breaks and prohibit the kidney punch while the boxers are clinched. The blow, however, is permissible under the Toledo rules if the boxers are not locked in an embrace. Kearns said he will request Ollie Pecord. referee, to see that the punch is not delivered and will in sist upon having an understanding with Willard to that effect before the day of the contest. Dempsey was measured for height this afternoon by William Muldoon of New York, whose figures gave him six feet, two inches. Dempsey did his last boxing to day, when he finished four rounds. The challenger plans to loaf about his camp, eating and drinking what he pleases, merely taking light walks to keep his muscles loosened. The cut over Willard's eye was opened today while he was boxing with Walter Monahan, but the blood was quickly stopped. The champion does not believe the wound will bother him to any extent even if opened in the Inde pendence day contest. He boxed six rounds this afternoon and plans to continue work with the gloves tomorrow and Wednesday, resting Thursday. The total receipts passed the half million mark today and there was indication that all records for re ceipts for any form of a one-day exhibition or entertainment would be broken within the next 24 or 48 hours." Not more than one-third of the seats have been disposed of to date. y Betting on the result is not as great as has been the case in some previous heavyweight champion ship contests. There is a noticeable absence of Willard backing while there is all kinds of Dempsey money, with the result that the chal lenger's supporters do not ask odds, being satisfied to cover Willard coin at about even money. returned from overseas and would give him a royal welcome. . Neither of the principals feel un kindly toward Earl and he may prove the happy solution to the fight now being waged over the referee. Fans Like "Breeze." The "North Pole Breeze" invent ed by Manager Charles Franke of the Auditorium and Carl Marfisi, who is assisting Gene Melady in managing the show, is proving a great drawing card. A system of fans circulating the air over 40,000 pounds of ice will Keep tne building cool no matter what ti tempera ture may be on the outside. The Bee Want Ads are Uie Best Business Booster; Copyright, 1819, Takes Good Guesser to Pick Winner in Toledo Big Scrap By TAD. Toledo, Ohio, June 30. The fel low who picks the winner of the big fight correctly is just a good guess er, and don't let any one tell you that he isn't. He knows right now that his pick is only a hope. It's just like tossing a coin. Sport writers who have followed the boxing game for years come here and for the life of them they can't figure this thing out. Of course there are fellows who dropped in with their minds fixed and won't change. They're like the democrats who are democrats be cause their fathers were. It is prob ably the toughest fight to pick that was ever staged. On one side you have a champion, a big good-natured Hercules. He beat the greatest fighter that ever lived. Some say that this fight was a fake, others argue that it was on the square. Be that as it may, as George Monroe used to say, Mr. Willard won. Willard is big, he is so big that he actually frightens you. Gee he's blfl Every time you see him he seems to be bigger. In the hotel bere in the morning, .you often see a six-footer strutting around like a peacock. He looks like a giant Bee Juniors Team Standing. DIVISION 1. Won. West Dods Dairy 6 Suburbas ' W. O. W 4 Kalman Insurance S Locust Street Merchant ...3 Fort Omaha Merchant ....3 Charles Street Merchant . .1 R. A. M. s Lost. 0 Pet. 1.000 .867 .600 .600 .429 .42 .200 .000 Last Nlhf Results. Woodmen of World, I; Suburbas, 16. R. A. M.' forfeited to Kalman Insur ance Co. DIVISION t. Won. Lost, Farnam Candy Co. 6 0 Dorcas Street Stars ..7 2 Leavenworth Merchant . A . 4 S Omaha Taxi S 4 Omaha Bee 3 4 Slocra Junior , 0 7 Pet. 1.000 .857 .571 429 V.33S .000 Last Night' Result. Leavenworth Merchant, I; Omaha Taxi, I. Slosr Junior forfeited to Farnam Can dy Co. Omaha Be forfaited to Dorcas Street Stars. DIVISION . Won. Meyers Bearcat 6 Rlvarview Cubs 6 Walnut Hill Merchant ....4 Deer Park Ramblers I Krua Park Slusger 1 Vinton Cubs 0 Lost. Pet. 0 1.000 1 .833 2 .667 2 .600 5 .167 S .000 Last Night' Result. Meyer Bearcats, It; Deer Park Ram blers, 10. Krug Park Sluggers forfeited to Walnut Hill Merchants. Vinton Cub forfeited to Rlvervlew Cub. In one of the hardest fought games thus far this season in divi sion 2, of the Omaha Bee Junior base ball association, the Leaven worth Street Merchants Juniors won from the Omaha Taxi, formerly the Liberty Bells, by a 9 to 8 score. Throughout the entire contest both teams displayed some wonderful playing and the game was not over until the last man was out. Other games in this loop were of the forfeit order, the Omaha Bee forfeiting their game to the Dorcas Street Stars, while the Slogr Juni ors did likewise to the Farnam Candy Co. In division 1, the Surburbas took the W. O. W. team, formerly the Brandeis Juniors, to a 16 to 9, trim ming, while the Kaiman Insurance Co. won a forfeit game from the R. A. M.'s on account of the latter team having but six of their players on the field. - The Meier Bearcats, by winning from the Deer Park Ramblers, 16 to 10, tightened their lead on first place in division 3. The Krug Park Sluggers forfeited to the Walnut Hill Merchants and the Vinton Cubs alffo forfeited to the River view Cubs. A l meeting of the managers of each division will be held Wednes day evening at the Y. M. C. A. at 8:30 o'clock. This meeting will be tor managcri only. - International Ftatur Service, Ine. strolling among bellboys, cigar girls and cake eaters. Soon through the front door looms the huge form of Jess Wil lard. The swelled-up guy seems to shrink. He looks like a runt and he wears a silly smile. The huge form is Willard. The only things in the Secor ho tel that makes him look small at all are the giant pillars in the lobby. Are you a Jerry to the size of this stripling, who stands 6 feet 7? That's one side of the story. A Big Terry M'Govern. On the other hand we have a black haired Irishman who knows nothing but fight; a big Terry Mc Govern, who has knocked out ev erything in the heavyweight class: a terror who knocked out Carl Mor ris and Fred Fulton, both of the Willard build. No one knows how he does it. He just socks them. They are all too big for him until he hits them. He stands over six feet tall and weighs around 200 pounds. He is young his opponent quite past the age of a successful pugilist. Demp hey is all thrills his opponent has seen in all. He is quite blase. We go to their camps every day. One day Willard is slow the next day he appears fast, but he is al ways big. Southern Association. At Atlanta, 2; New Orleans, 2. Second game: Atlanta, 2; New Orleans, 0. At Birmingham, 6; Mobile, 4. At Chattanooga, 2; Little Rock, 0. At Memphis, 4; Nashville, 1. B.V.D. Quality Can Be Had Only In UN iD. Underwear TjROM raw material to finished prblii!twe practise ceaseless care that RV. D. Superi ority of Fabric Comfort of Cut, Durability of Wear and Accuracy of Fit shall go into every B.V. D Undergarment. B.V. D. Quality is assured only if you in sist cfti getting the B.V. D. Red Woyen Label BVD. quality f&n'only t . obtained in D.lXUndarumtf ' MADE FOR THfc S. V. D. Sleevelets Cloeed Crotch Union Suits, (Pat. V. 8. A.) $1.75 the Suit B. V. D. Coat Cut Under skirt! and Knee Length Diawsn, $1.00 the Garment KST RETAIL TRAJC THE B.V.D. COMPANY NIW YORK By TAD THtr NI LPCAT C'iftS uxc- P-ipr TEtW- OArvOf AWO SMAsHCTi Pdo iva AW. 0VETL THE vwiU-AflO PEOPLE Ape THe CHAM P J" PANG-eP-OWj LET-IT A. E. F. RIFLE TEAM IS ENTERED IN NATIONAL MEET Government Markmanship Contest to Be Held at Caldwell, N. J., Au gust 4-25. Washington, June 30. Among the competitorsfAt the national matches the gnient marks manship contests 5e held on the navy range at Caldwell, N.'J.r from August 4 to 25, will be a team of riflemen selected from the American expeditionary forces. Fresh from participation in warfare, and in the A. E. F. and inter-allied competi tions at Le Mans, they will repre sent the actual service riflemen at their best. The decision of the War depart ment to authorize the attendance of representatives of the A. E. F. was in line with a recommepdation from General Pershing. A regular team of 17 members and a number of in dividual competitors will represent the overseas torces. Galloper Light Wins. Paris, June 30. The Grand prix de ram was run at Longchamps today for the first time since the war and was won by Galloper Light. Mastergood was second; Insensible, third, and Rapidan, fourth. 3 $lV?nrli:N Nat If, ,Wnved of mence&ON jfj hastsuI I' ityance. - Still Serving y After . Three Years Expose an ordinary ; piece of rubber to the elements for three years and it will have lost much ' of its flexibility. , - But you can take . Goodrich rubber embodied in live, i resilient form in Goodrich De Luxe Truck Tires and it will retain its vi- tality far beyond that time. Right in Omaha, Goodrich De Luxe Tires on the . 2-ton truck of Bollis & Rogers, dealers in hidw and furs, have been' running over three years, turning: in a , mileage to date of 12, 1 000 miles, and still have months of wear in y their rugged treads. The vitality of De Luxe ' Tires, plus the extra ' rubber on TOP of the , . tread, where it is most s needed, , accounts for " the big economies they afford. Utilize themt ! Mileage Adjustment 10,000 Miles . i . : ' ' j ' '' ' We Sell and Apply Deluxe Tires Omahar Repair Co. Henry Nygaard, , Prep. , 2201 Farnam St. ' . . Phone Tyler 1552 V, 1 t lat Nat r or. me con) BON JLi HASxWht irnm Attn- , 'ciated Ass dispatches. . ' 'if. 1 - 1 jem