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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1919)
11 A "REALTORS" OF OMAHA MEMBERS OF THE OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD: - Adair. Helgrcn A Atwine American Severity Co, Armstrong WaUh Co, Cherlee I. Armstrong C' C. Beavers Itcaforil-Johtnton Realty Co. llrnaon A Myers- bemnn ft Carmichael K. H. .flcnner H. W. Binder C. I), Birkett A Co. Warren 8. Klackweli ' John R Hramlt C. G. Cnrlberg Harry M. Christie William Colfa Creigh, Sona A Co. N. P. Dodge A Co. J. H. Dumont A Co. First Trust Co. John F. Klack J. A. Fike Amoa Grant Garvin Bros. W. H. Gates George A Co. Glover A Spain Wilson T. Graham C. A. Grimmel Harrison A Morton Hastings A Heyden . Investors Realty Co. George F. Jonea J. N. Kopiets Paul W. Kuhns Howard G. Loomia C. W. Martin A Co. McCague Investment Co. McKitrick Real Estate Co. Nebraska A Wyoming Jnv. Co. J. J. Mulvihill Norris A Norris Orin S. Merrill Co. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. O'Neii'e Real Estate A Ins. Agency T). C. 'Patterson Payne Investment Co. rayne A Slater Co. Patera Trust Co. Porter A Shotwell Co. Rasp Bros. Harry U. Reed E. S. Kedick Co. 0. C. Re.tick Byron Reed Co. John W. Robbins J. B. Robinson Chas. L. Saundera W. L. Selby A Sona 11. A. Senn W. V. Shelton Co. . V. Sholea A Co. Shopen A Co. Shuler A Cary W. Farnam Smith A Co. Nathan Somberf I.. D. Spaldinir Clinton I). Stuht Stull Bros, Krnest Sweety P. J. Tebbrna V. H. Thomas A Son A. V. Tukey A Son F. l. W ead World Realty Co. Kdward F. Whams Co. Horry A. Wolf Henry F. -Wyman Wilson A Warren THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 12, 191y. HELP WANTED MALE. - Miscellaneous. GOV KtiN.Ml-.NV railway loan cit ric tml other "exams" convtng everywhere aoun, I .at our rlvil service expert, furmer government examiner, prepare you. Write today for free booklet, R-125, Patterson .Civil Service fjchool, Rorhea- " t-r. K. T i.ARN $26 U'KKKLY. spare lime, writing for newspapers, megatinee. Experience unnecessary, details free. Preaa Syndl- rate. 170. St. Louie, Mo h li A K E AI.tTK f IRBMEN, $UO-$iO()' monthly, experience unneoeaaary. Write, , aend atamp for requirements. Railway, addreaw hotiTT-191, Omaha Hee. lifi a deivcllve; exee-lleiit opportunity; , good pay; travel, Write C T. Ludwlg, . . , II' . .. 1-11.." ,-!.. V f . VANTKb Kxjierlonced - girl. bag sewers for' bB factory work. M. C. Petere Miir Co. i : V ANTKD Cwkired porter for barber shop. Apply" To irlanflger, Plaekstone Hotel HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. Ilundreda of V. 8. government permanent poslttc-ns open. $90 to $125 month. Short hours. Experience unnecessary. Common education sufficient. Write for Hat. . Franklin Institute. Dept. 669 1 Rochester, N. T. EDUCATED WOMEN FOR SALARIED AGENCY V - WORK Ona of the oldest and moat reliable Lyceum Bureaus In America has several ularled positions open to young women, educated, refined, not over 36 years of age, ana or pleasing appearnnce. int.ii ' grade fascinating work. Free training achoot. Wrlta enclosing photo, glva road experience ali In firat letter. midland Lyceum bureau. noma fiffic Fleming Blda. DE8 JbtOINES." IOWA. THESE POSITIONS ARB I'OSI TJVELY OPEN. Bookkeeper, wholesale $110, $100 Bookkeeper, small office $ 75, I 80 Stenographer, must ba a good . penman and know how to figure discounts, nice office, good future 75 Stenographer, wholesale f tS, f 80 Stenographer and bookkeeper.! 75. I 80 Stenographer, ' good beginner..! 60, t 6S Tvplat and office clerk......! 65, I 0 Office clerka 60, I 65 TUB MARTI COMPANY, , - . Employment Specialists, . 1I2 W, o. w. mug WANTED Young ladlea' to learn how to -. operate Comptometerg and Burrouhs Calculating and bookeeplng machlnea. ' A good position absolutely guaranteed - to every graduate. Time required to a complete course, weeks to S moniha. Day and evening classes. Call and see us or telephone Douglas 7415 for par ticulars. OWOUAK SCHOOL OP' ACCOUNTINO. Second Floor Wead Bld.. 18th and Farnam 8ts. btenographer to department manager, 15 bookkeeper, cornmlsslon ftrm, $75 to $85; etenographer, advertising firm, $85; sev eral temporary typists, $76; several tem porary of floe clerks, $G5: etenographer, beginner, $50; stenographer and billing clerk, some experience, $50 to $60; of fice clerk with multlgraph operator, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First National tiana mag, CTilNUGRAl'HEHS $100. $90. $S5, $S0, $75: atemig. and clerk, good future, $76; general office clerk, good penman, $75; bill clerk, mm atenog. :work, $50. vsAffa mnPF.RKNCK COMPANY ' 118S Firat National Bank. BOOKKEEPF-RS, nM75T : ' Office clerk, figuring discounts, 176. TJIB MARTI COMPANY, r . 1 1 gg W. O. W. BUlg. ' jbJXPERIKNCKD salesladies with good record In business, no others need ap. - ply. Phlllpe' Department Store, Jtth, & O, South Om.aha. , VE CAN place several good stenographers. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co.. 1016 City Natl. Bk. Professions and Trades. A FAT PAY ENVELOPE And work in- congenial pleasant sur rounding!. ' Does It Interest yout , TVe need experienced operators on women's houae dresses and aprona and men'a ahlrla. The work la not hard, the machines are power driven and working conditions are Just as pleasant aa we can make for our girls. You can obtain hot lunchea in our cafeteria at a moderate cost; aomethlng which will appeal to you on a cold win ter day. You will find associations here mighty pleasant and lota of other girls who will be most congenial. Hon as are from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. XTalkjlt over with our employment department what they have to tell you will lutereat you. M. E. SMITH & CO., Itk and Douglaa St., Entrance, TELEPHONE ; OPERATORS. , . PERMANENT 1 POSITIONS UNUSUAL . OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent Increase In salary. Work Is clean, pleaaant and Inter- ""meals AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., 613 New Telephone Bldg. 19th and Douglas. WANTED. Experienced pressera on ladles' house, dresses and aprona. Ideal working con dltlona; good pay and congenial sur roundings. Apply Employment Dep't. M. E. Smith St Co., th and Douglaa Sta., entrance. VANTED Operator for beauty parlor; to take charge In full; Marlnello operator preferred, Saleswomen and Solicitors. ALESLADY FOR NEBRASKA, SELL ING NATIONALLY KNOWN FIVB CENT CONFECTIONS, SALARY AND EXPENSES. GIVE REFERENCES AND EXPERIENCE IN FIRST LET TER. ADDRESS, BOX A 11, OMAHA BEE. fePiiCIALTY salesman wanted; one who can produce results; we will pay two hundred dollara a month for the right man: oar business Is aelllng farm light i plants. Give references In firat letter. Address Box Y 295. Omaha Bee. v'AN f ED Experienced waitresses. Ray mond Hotel, Pasadena, Cal. Will pay part of far. ' Household and Domestic. CHOOi, tjlRL to help with Unlit housa- work, for room and board, small family. "Mrs. .A. F. Johnson. 2860 California. Hitrnev 5912.. V ANTED Competent cook, small fami!; good nagea. '.131 South 8tu tU Har- ney. 2152 W'AviKD fierienced maid. - referencea . reiols-ed. - Mia. Tom McShane, Harney HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. El. DERI. Y white woman, to care for 10-month-old haby. Room, bourd, $5 per week. Call. Webster 17C5. EXlKRiKNCEi ijiald-for general house, work, no laundry, good wages. South 34 S716 Wo. S5ih St. WANTKD A white maid for general housework; no washing. Harney till. Ill South 35th Ave. COM PKTKN'T girl for goneral housework; references required. Mrs. J, B, Fraden burg. Walnut 743. G1KJ. to aist with housework, email apartment. Harney 40a2. 107 South ll.ith St. WANTED Ulri for general houawork on farm $10 per week. Telephone Douglas '4313. Write 340 Bve Bids. Omaha. WANTKD AT ONCE Competent white girt for general housework, references. Call Harney 6368. WANTED-t-A competmu houae maid, white, at 9520 Farnam; good wages. Phone Harney 640. WANTED Elderly lady wishing good home and board In return for care of infant child; some wages. Colfax $556. Glitl. for general housework. i(rs. Orr, 133 South 38th St. WANTRD Viirl for general housework, lit North 34th. Harney 4S8. Gll'.L for general housework; three In fain ily. Harney 4398. 579 South 2th St. WANTED A competent'eook and second girl Mrs. C. N. Dicta, 42$ 8. 38th St. BXPBllIKNCKD MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $10. HARNEY 6568. GIRL for fcenerat housework; no washing. Call South 9:.. 2211 F St. Wanted a good girl for general housework, good wages. Call Doug. 89S9. G1KL for general housework, small fam ily. Webster 1407. Competent girl tor housework, best wages, good home. 8532 Harney. GIRL for general housework. Ily. Harney 7068. Small fam- Hotels and Restaurants. COOK WANTED. Experienced white lady cook, at once; ateadv place; good wages. WRITE OR TELEPHONE 30, W. W. HOCKENBERRY. OAKLAND, IOWA. Trade School. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. TKI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1402 Douglaa St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Three glrla to addresa envelopee and fold circulars, $1.26 a day. Call after 8:30 a. m. at Bee office. Ask for Mr. Ragan. WANTED 5 bright, capable ladlea for 1810 to travel, demonstrate and aell deal ers. $26.00 to $50.00 per week. R. R. fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co , Dept. 943, Omaha Nen. WflJE A'5a?E woman to take charge of cur local trade; $3 to $4 a day ateady. No experience required. Pay starts at once. Write today. American Product Co., 804 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. SCHOOL teacher wanted to act as corre sponding secretary for eastern houae. Wil! reuulre about two hours a week of spare time; good pay. W. C. Mallory Co., 109 Frqwnell St.. New Haven, Conn. WANTED Names women and girls, 18 to 46. wlBhing to become Omaha post office clerka. $1,000 first year. Ad dress, Box Y 294, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wares while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Phone D 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladlea to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. EDUCATIONAL THE) mid-winter Verm OF BOYLES COLLEGE , Is now open In both the DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Yet It Is not too late to enter. Begin now and get that mental train ing and discipline that will double your earning capacity. Complete .courses tn Accountancy, Machine Bookkeeping, Comptometry, Shorthand and Typewriting. Stenotypy, Railroad and Wlrelesa Telegraphy, Civil Service and all English and Com mercial Branches. Write, call or phone (Douglaa lt!) for large Illustrated catalogue. Address: BOYLES COLLEGE, Bovles Building. Omaha. Neb. STOP work; learn a trade; fit youraelf for the future; no book work; quick and easy; free catalog. : National Auto Training Ass'n. 1814 N. 20th, Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Buslneas. Day and Evening Schoola. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890 INSTRUCTIONS In French by a French man. For terms and partlculare address Mlsa May Wetherlll Studio, 16 Arling ton Blk. LEARN Moajer shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College Bee Bldg.. D 6528. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. FOR KENT Modern 9-roora bouse. Weat Farnam district, 3640 Harney St. Ap ply W. J. Burgess, Boyd theater. COMFORTABLE room for lady or couple, reasonable, garage. Company main object. Colfax S424. FOR RENT Nice, clean, modurn fur nished rooms. 2606 Douglas St Housekeeping Rooms. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms; water furnished, no children. ,Ty. 1808W. Board and Rooms. NICELY furnished room, well heated, In private family; breakfast and evening dinner to a couple employed or a gentle man, Harney 1046. -References. 25til DODilfc; southeast room for two, KooU board. Harney 6143. ' Nice room for two, breakfast and eve ning meal. $8 25 per week. Harney 1615. hotels. HEATED rooma, $2 60 week.. Apartmetita with kitchenette. Ogden holel. Coun B FOR RENT HOUSES. iSTEAM-HKATKD ROOMING HOUSE. Nos. 120-22 S. 26th St. Do not miss this chance to secure a place finely ar ranged and best location for a success ful and comfortable rooming house; steam heat and hot water furnished by us. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 153S. 233 Securities Bldg. FINE ROOMING HOUSE OPPORTUNITY Centrally located, 405-7-i 8. 25th Ave.; three modern brick flata 9 rooms each; good chance to engage in room ing house business on- large acale. can be rented separately If desired. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler l.',3. ' 333 Securities Bldg. CLOSE IN 11 ROOMS. HOT WATER HEAT. 124 8. 24th St All modern, In good repair; especially desirable for rooming house. Oak finish, large yard. Rental. i5.00. GEORGE & COMPANY, 0! City Nat. lik. Bldg. Doug. 756. West. 1919 Dodge St., 10 rooma, modern, well 'arranged for rooming. CITY TRUST COMPANY1 Phone Douglaa 7S9. " IIS to 160 Omaha Nat" Ban&T'BId. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. 2424 Jones St., 9 ruom modern residence. In good condition, cornnr lot ctoae In. CITY TRUST COMPANY Phone Douglaa 79. 245 to 210 Omaha National Hank Bldg. 11-RoOM houae, atrlclly modern, fine for rooming house, $35. 2623 Capitol Ave. 8. room, strictly modern, $30, 160$ S, 29th St Red $. Flat, Uiii Leavenworth, 6 rma. . . .$0.00 ISliS Douglas St., 9 rms tii OO JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglaa 654. FLAT 2305 Leavenworth, i mis., $20. 2668 Douglaa St., 9 rooms, $3$. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS $54. North. FOR RENT Dandy 7-room houae, mod ern except heat and electrlo lights; good location, at 26th and Blondo, near good car Una and achoot; has eome fruit trees. Call and aee me at once. Theo. E. Peterson, Real Estate, Loans and Investments. 401 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 7024 Evenings Doug. 5664. Omaha, Neb 6-R., 2517 N. 20TH. Upstairs, good loca tlon; modern ex, furnace, $16. Has tings A Heyden, Tyler 50. 1-ROOM cottage, $9, 2408 Seward; 8-room house, all modern, $26, 2013 Grace. Tel. Red. 682 or Tyler 1812-J. 3-ROOM house, good condition, $7 per month. 6424 N. 83d Ave, South. Hanscom Park, Near Windsor Sch'l Six rooms and bath, all modern, large lot, $30, . Call Mr. Codington, Tyler 46. or today, Colfax 2783. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. A FEW bnusea for colored. Good loca tions. F. D WEAD. J10 S. 18th St Tyler 161. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 72. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY CRE1GH SONS A CO., Bee. NICE 5-room cottage. 836 S. 21st St. Red 4129. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 4211 8. 24th. modern except heat. Miscellaneous. 2704 Farnam St., 12 rms., all mod., excellent location for rooming house $60.00 211 N. 28th Ave., 8 rms., mod. ex. heat 20.00 2712 N. 26th St., $ rms., partly mod, , lt.OO FLATS. 911 N. 24th, 3d fir., 7 rms., mod ex. heat $11.00 2310 Cuming, 3d fir., 7 rms., mod. ex. heat lt.OO 1520 N. 24th St., 2d fir., t rms., mod. ex. heat 13.60 A. P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS. 620 1st. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 602 HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 4.r 1916 S. 43d St $12.60 t-r., 706 N. 18th St. (2d floor).... 12.0(1 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-r., 2846 Blnney St. (2d floor).. 10.00 $.r 620 N. 17th St 16.00 7.r., 702 N. 18th St i 22.60 , STRICTLY MODERN. t-r., 1919 Chicago St . 35.00 AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 202 S. 17th St. Doug. 6013. 2216 DODGE ST.. 9 rms.. $30. 2408 St. Mary's Ave., $ rms., $35. 405-9 S. 26th Ave., rms., $40. 191 Capitol Ave., 10 rms., $50. 2556 Harney St., 11 rms. and garage for three cara, $75. 320-22 8 26th St., 11 rms. each, (team heat and hot water free, $90. 405-7- S. 26th Ave., 9 rms.. $40 and (46. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1530. 333 Securities Bldg. 1308 N. 40th St., 6-r., modern. ...$35.00 3230 Emmett St., 6-r., part mod.. $12.60 1909 Castellar St. 6-r., pt. mod. ..$10.60 452S N. 40th St.,' 6-r., pt mod. .$10.60 251S S. 6th St., 4-r., city water... $ 7.60 3219 Franklin St., 4-r., pt, mod... 7.00 4538 Franklin St., 4-r., well $ 1.60 1002 Lindsay Ave., 4-r., well $ 7.00 Creigh, Sons & Company, REALTORS, Douglas 200. 60 Bee Building. 6 ROOMS, 1105 S. 29th, pt. mod.. . .$12.60 6 rooms, 1110 Farnam 16.00 6 rooma, 618 S. 13th St., modern,. 17.50 rooma, 1407 N. 17th St., mod.... 25.00 10 rooms, 1029 8. 30th avenue... 26.00 6 rooma, 2232 Laito St., m, ex. ht. 22.60 7 rooms, 939 N. 26th, mod. ex. ht. 30.00 BENSON A MYERS CO., DOUGLAS 746. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. HOUSES FOR COLORED 6-R., 2503 PnN rick Ave., water, $9. 7-R., 2813 N. 37th, mod. ex. furnace, $12.60. Hastings It .Heyden, 1614 Harney. $10 109 8. 28th, 4 rooms. $36 2022 St. Mary's Ave,, rms., turn. RINQWALT BROS., Brandels Thea. Bldg. 6-ROO.U cottage, modern except heat. Phone Webster 6373. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. 6-P... iitV, N. 21ST Close In, In modern except furnace: good condition, $20.60. Hastings A Heyden. 114 Harney St. NICE three, and four-room flats, $8 to $10 per month. Harney 4322 WANTED Desirable young lady to ahare small apartment. The Helen, Apt, it. South, 4-ROOM brick apartment, modern exoept .heat. 174,8 South 27th. $17.(0. 8. P. Bostwlck, Bee Budg. Miscellaneous. PAYNE ft 8LATER COMPANY, Omaha'a Rental Agenli 61 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldk. D. 101. FOR RENT SUBURBAN. 2V ACRES and 4-R. houses; good condi tion; located In Benson Gardens, west of Benson, $25, Haatlnga 4s Heyden, Tyler 60. 4 4 ACRE3 and 3-R. houae, garage, chick en house, m miles northwest of Ben son $16. Haatlnga at Heyden, 1614 Harney St FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. Ask to aee our ilst of stores for rent. Below are Just two of them. 1111 Harney, 22x90 $41.00 111 N. 24th St., 20x60 26.00 A. P. TUKEY ft BON REALTORS. 620 1st. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 602 STORAGE GARAGE. Located In West Farnam district; two floors 89x132; equipped with first-class elevator and steam-heating plant. A. P. TUKEY A SON, REALTORS, 620 Firat Nafl. Bk. Bldg. Ph. D. 502. FINE new etore room and basement at S7th and Leavenworth Sts.; steam heat; for particular, aee Conrad Young, 121 Brandels Theater' Bldu. Dour 1571. FOR RENT A atcam-beated (tore room. 23x; full basement; 121 a month. lOtb and Douglaa. - 1116 per mo., 116 8. 15th St., 20xi ft., full basement, steam heat. D. 6842. WORLD REALTY CO. MODERN atore, liith St., near poatoftice. low rent. Q P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago Garages andfearns. GARAGE for rent; M a month; Blvd. and Tort St. Douglas 1466. Miscellaneous. BUILDINGS AND STORES FOR RENT. 421 8. ibth Ave., 115. 4134 Hamilton and 4 living rooms. 120. 1106 Sherman Ave., 14x60, 120. 713.16 8. 25th St.. 20x60, 120 and !5. 611 N. 16th St.. 2d fir., for photo gal lery ahop and market, 625. !J2S Cuming St., 22x60. 135. 3102 Sherman Ave. corner Wirt, for first 416 8. 11th St. 22x40, commission dla clasa grocery and market, 140. trlct, 66. WHOLESALE. 1011 Farnam St, three floor, and base ment 6.800 aq. ft, steam heat ARMSTRONO-WALSH CO. - Tyler 153S. 333 feecuritiea Bldg. - FOR RENT Business Property. Office and Desk Room. WANTSD Desk room by February 1. Write parl.rulars to C. D. Huetead, Ter. mlnal Building. Lincoln Neb. HURRY There are only a' few vacant of tlcee left In the Bee Building Key atone Realty Co. WANTED TO RENT. 6 OR 6-ROOM bungalow or email apart ment In first-class neighborhood. Phone Room 63S Wellington Inn: MOVING AND STORAGE' FIDELITY . STORAGE CO., 16TH AND JACKSON, DOl'O. 28. 8TORAGE MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATE?. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACaNI HOUSES AND APARTM rlSTS, . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for houathojd gooda and planoa; moving, packing auC dhlcplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE! CO. 806 8. 16th. Dougbis 4163 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WEST FARNAM 8 ROOMS MODERN, ' $5,500. 8-room, strictly modern home, Just north of Farnam St., facing Turner boulevard and Turner park; tiled vesti bule; large living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; 4 bedrooma and bath aecond floor; maid: room on 8d floor; oak throughout; furnace heat. This la well constructed home tn good repair. Owner Is leaving city and has cut price to $5,500 for Quick sale. If in terested in a real good buy at the right price call J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL phone eo TYLER 00 vvv BANK BLDtl. . WEST FARNAM BARGAIN Seven moms and enclosed sleeping porch, large living room with coat hall, fireplace, bookcases, beamed ceilings, cplnnnade to dining room with beautiful buffet, sun room, kitchen with built-in cupboards; three bedrooms, finished In white enamel, oak floors, tiled bath with base tub, etc. Floored attic, full base ment, press brick foundation. Furnace with oil burner attachment. Dandy gorage; paving and all specials paid. Price only $7,600 for quick sale. Osborne Realty Co., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 491. $3,850 OAK FINISHED BUNGALOW Brand new bungalow on large corner lot, eouth front, and near car, in west part of city. Full basement, complete ly modern, and all decorated. Paved on both sides. Easy terms and will take some bonds at face value. Call and have us take you out. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON COMPANY, : 12 World Herald Bldg, Doug. 1734. Five-Room Bungalow, West Farnam, $3,900. Large living room and dining room, paneled and finished tn oak; butler's pantry and kitchen In maple; 2 bed rooma, bath and large floored attic. Furnace heat. 50 foot lot fronts aouth on paved atreet. 2 blocks to school, 3 blocks to car. $1,000 cash. SHULER & CARY, Realtors, 1 Phone Doug 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg. WEST HARNEY HOME This la a wen built, 2-story and attic, -room, modern house, finished In quar ter aawed oak and pine, having 4 rooms on the 1st floor; 4 bedrooms and tiled bath on 2d; 2 rooms on 3d. Oar. age room 2d. Finished In oak, birch 36th St. Price $11,000. Reasonable terms. Must be seen to be appreciated. GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 768. CALIFORNIA STREET BARGAIN PRICE RE DUCED TO $3,800 Six rooma and sleeping porch, strictly modern, lot 40x150, paving all paid; 5300 down, $35 monthly will handle. Osborne Realty Co., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 490. FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 8-rooin house, parlor, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and pantry on first floor; four bedrooma and large attic on sec ond floor; large screened front porch; full basement, cement floor, 3 rooms; barn that holds two cars. East front, lot 33 1-3x160 feet, on paved street; one block to car; near fcood school. Price, $4,000. 70 8. 36th St. Phone Harney 335. TAKE LOT ON HOUSE. Clifton .Hill district, close to car, 6-roorn, good repair. Can use lot as part payment; $2,350. " W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. FOR SALE A splenld 9-room house, on 37th St., near Farnam. -Can be bought this week for $7,250; la worth $9,000, and will aell for that. before April 1. Harney 2666, before 12 or after 6. NEW, 7-room,-oak finish, larje loT double garage; price $6,750; terms, 6137 North 24th St. NORRIS SOR KIS Dokgtas 4270. MINN14 LUSA homes and lota otter tbe beat opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. North. MILLER PARK DIST. NEAR 24TH AND LAUREL AVE. We have had an opportunity of list ing one of the awelleat little bungalows In Miller Park district, consisting of five rooma on the first floor. Every Inch of the floors and wood work throughout the house I, of genuine quarter aawed oak. Large living room, dining room and kitchen, combination bedroom and aun room, bath and spare room. Large floored, attic, all finished. Full cement basement. Furnace heat Fruit room, coal bin. Laundry ,-on-venlencea. Solid press brick foundation to the bottom of basement. Large lot, 45 feet frontage. South front on paved street One-half block from car line, three blocks to school. Owner just lost his wife and la compelled to sell at once. House vat-ant Shown only upon appointment. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtor,. 5J7 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 171. Immediate Possesion $100 cash or Liberty Bond The owner of thia 4 room cottage at 2310 Ohio Street wants It sold this month and If you have not the money to make the first payment of $100.00 he will ac cept liberty bond at par. This place la partially modern and la a good buy at the price asked. It la on a good sized south front lot plenty of ground for gar den and chickens. Thia place at 3230 Emmett Street la va cant ,o can give you possession at once. Buy this 6 room partially modern house on the payment plan by paying down flOO.OO or a liberty bond will be taken at par. Pleniv of ground ' for a garden. CREIGH, SONS & CO., Douglas 200 (18 Bee Building REALTORS NEAR 2STH AND CUMING STS. Nice 4-room houpe, part modern, pav ing all paid, price only 11,100 00. Terma arranged. Rasp Bros., 212 Keellne Bldg, Tyler 121. ESTATE IMPROVED. North. ' FOR SALE Fine house at 4114 North 2lst St; in Oak Chatham addition, be tween SprnRue and Sahh-r Sis; seven rooms; sleeping porch, full bnsement and attic; front porch screened in; all modern; lot 4:!xi;i2 ft.; twenty feet parking. Price $l.oo0; :000 dWn, bal. terms, or have you a nood 6 or 6-r. bungalow to tnide in? See me at once. Theo. E. Peterson, Real Estate, Loans and Investments. 401 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone. Douglas 7024. Evenings Doug. 5664. Omaha, Neb. 12-ROOM UP-TO-DATE HOUSE FOR $5,500. Thfa property cost owner upwards of $7,500, and owing to death has to be old. the arrangement Is vrry nice, five rooms on 1st floo wlrh highly polished wood work, nicely decorated, five rooms on 2nd floor, two sloeplng rooma on 3rd floor with hpat, larse baserwnt with laundry, fruit room, toilet and lavatory, one of the best oC heating plants, no troublo keeping house warm, house is In good order, about five years old, has a large garage, lot 60x14 with Iron fenco at llil3 Lothrop street. Uo out and see It. Koy 1st door west. W. H. GATES, M7 Omaha Nat. Hunk Bldg., P. 1294. iM ILhKR PARK ACRE HOMJ!. A full acre with fruit and shade trees cornering on 2 fine streets only 1 block from Miller park, good 6-room house, fine oak floors, only part mod ern. You can sell off 4 or 6 lots and have your house almost for profit. This is the biggest bargain we have seen for a long time. Price, only $3,000 (raw acres 2 miles from car have sold for $1,000). Remember, this is only X block from 80th at. car and Milieu park. If you forget to look this up you will be the loser. ' RASP BROS, 212 Keellne liMg. Tyler 721. DUNDEE SPECIAL $5,20 flere Is a good modern home In Dundee. No. 4923 Webster St., close tn car line and school; siSo of lot 50x 135 (more ground can bo secured); 1st floor has large reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry and refrigerator room; Sd floor lias 4 bedrooms and bath; good cement basement ; oak finish downstairs and plna upstairs. This must be sold quick In Qrder to rlnsi an estate. C. A. GRLMMEL, Realtor R49 Om. Nat. Bk. Bids. I'hone T. 1616. CHICKEN RANCH Four-room house, bifilt in 1917, electric-lighted, brush brass lighting fix tures, chlrken house for 200 chlrkens, equipped with m sts and roosts; chicken yard, fenced with six-foot woven wire; large garden space; houso newly decoi rated ; immediate possession ; price $1,550; $100 cash, balanoe $17.50 per month, which Includes interest; near Grand Ave. car and Central Park school. No. 4609 Fort Ht. Liberty bonds ac cepted. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tol. Domr. 664. MINNE LUSA RESIDENCE ' 7 rooms, strictly modern; two stories, located in Minne Lusa. Three large rooms on first floor, four large bed rooms, combination sun room on sec ond floor. Oak finish and oak floors throughout. Large lot, south front, on paved street. Dandy large garage with drive. Owner has reduced the price to $C,000 for strictly cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. f.37 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Hldg. D. 1781. $3,700 CASH'BUYS $4,500 HOME. 4 Beautiful two-story, six-room, ak fin ish home, strictly modern in every de tail; splendid lot, 60x1.12; one block tn car; handy to Monmouth Park or Holy Argels schools; certainly one snap. In vestigate. Now vacant. Owner has left city. Osborne Realty Co., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldu. 3ler 491. WAREHOUSE ON WILL BUILD TO SUIT TENANT. We have several very desirable lots on trackage In the wholesale district on which we can build any size building de sired. Consult us for trackage property. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doua-las 8963 91S-20 City National THE ABILITY TO ''SEHT A GOOD THING MARKS A MAN'S SUCCESS Hore Is an absolutely modern, six-room houBe, well located, In first class condi tion, has been built' only a short time and everything - complete going for 12,900.00. And can be obtained prac tically at "rent" terms. CITY TRUST COMPANY Phone Douglas S9. !46 to 260 Omaha Nat Bank Blda;. - $300 DOWN i $3835 BINNEY ST. S-rooms with built. in bed giving 4 -room accommodations. Practically now. Elec tric lights, well, cement basement. Price 1,700. , HASTINGS A HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. 5 ROOM modern house, east front high - sightly; .paved street,, oak floors throughout; two front rooms finished In oak. Roomy closets, full cement base ment; good furnace; Liberty bondH'ac cepted at par for part of cash payment. See owner, 4714 N. S4th Ave. EIGHT rooms, modern, near Creighton univ., $35. G. P. Steblilns, 1610 Chicago. South. BEAUTIFUL HOME CHEAP 1 WEST OF HANSCOM PARK Here Is an opportunity to purchase " a fine home, unusually well built, at $5,000 lens than cost. Has 8 rooms, fin ished in quarter aawed oak and birrh; excellent hot water heating plant; fine ffarage, 16x18 ft. Beautiful corner lot, 62x140 ft. Surrounded by parking and fine shade trees. Only 1 block to car line find good school. Must be seen to be appreciated. Prlc $12,000. For terms and location se GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 766. BRAND NEW BUNGA LOW NEAR FIELD CLUB DISTRICT We have three 5-room atrlctly mod ern bungalows, all on one floor. Living room and dining room, finished with oak floor and oal4 wood work. Bed rooms and bath finished In white en amel and oak floors. Built-in buffat, bookcases, plate rail and panel walls. Large floored attic. Full ce ment basement. Furnace heat. All laundry conveniences. The price has been reduced to actual cost on these thrco bungalows. The location la beau tiful. Shown at any time. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. r,;t7 Omaha. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. ftJjSl NEW 6-R. BUNGALOW .$500 CASH. And easy monthly paymenta will buy a practically new, very attractlte bunga low at 2559 Pierce atreet. It naa large sun room (can be used aa bedroom) finished in oak, living room and din ing room, both finished In oak; buiitin bookcases, colonade opening, etc. Kitch en, two bed rooms and a bath room; full basement, furnace heat, laundry drain. House is nicely decorated. Price $3,350. THE 3YR0N REED CO., Douglaa 197. ' 1613 Farnam St REAL REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. OWN YOUR HOME Below are the real reasons why you should. K-p them and you will agree. 8073 South 33rd St i room two atory dweiilng, oak finish, built In buffet, book caat-s right up to the minute. Gar age. Price $4,260, or will aell furnished complete very reasonable. Easy terms. 8061 South 84th St 5 room bungalow, corner lot, $3,700. 3009 South 84th St., 6 room two-atory semt-bungalow, $4,000. 3017 S. 2tth St., 5 room built in features, fire place, $4,260. Easy terms on all. Open for Inspection between 9 and 6 o'clock. C. O. CARLBKRO, 321 Brandies Theater OPPOSITE HANSCOM PARK 5-ROOM MODERN HOME, 125 FEET FRONTAGE, $5,500 Owner Is moving out of the city on ac count of change in business and Is of fering hla homo that has a hot water heating plant and 125 feet frontage at auch low price. Has garage for two cars. See us about It at once. Phone Walnut 262 today or Tyler 60 during tho week. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. NEAR HANSCOM PARK $850 DOWN AND $35 PER" MONTH 6-room atrlctly modern bungalow, all on one floor, located three blocks from Hanacom Park. Oak finish and oak floors. Cement basement and furnace heat. Floored attic. Large lot on paved stieet. East front. Paving nearly paid. Owner has offered to sacrifice this m $:i.r,00 for quick sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. r,.!7 Omaha Nat'l Hk. Bldg. 1. 17X1. HANSCOM PARK SNAP OWNER SAYS SELL Eight-room, strictly modefn home; choice lot 60x140; only one-half block to park; cIoro to both East and Weat Side car lines. Cost $5,500; will sacri fice for $3,650 cash. Osborne Realty Co., 701 Om. Nat- Bk. Bldg. Tyler 498. HANSCOM PARK ' HOME, $3,200 9 room modern home in Hnneom park district, part oak finlnh and maple floors. This place is all modern and nicely located. $260 rash, $30 per mo. Owner has slashed price for quick sale and someone is going to pt a snap. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON COMPANY, f?12 World Herald Bldg., Doug. 1784 HANSCOM PARK, FIELD CLUB, A SNAP AT $6,000. Seven rooms and bath, just like new: oalt finish, fireplace, bookcases, sleep ing porch, grarago, only one block to car. A bargain for some one. Osborne Realty Co., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4H. 8-UOOM modern exoept heat. Boulevard near Leavenworth. -$30.00. Bargain. O. P Steblilns, 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous. INVESTMENTS. 1. Corner, upper ' Farnam, east of 20th, $145,000; partially Improved. 2. 66x08. on 19th, between the new million-dollar telephone building and Far nam, $66,000. 3. 100x169, on Harney, near 20th, $45,000 4. 33x132, on Harney, near 15th, with good 4-story building, $50,000. Can give poBseeslon. ' 5. 44132, corner 12th and Harney, old stores pay carrying charges, to settle estate. Want an offer. 6. 20,000 aq. ft. trackage . In central wholesale district, $35,000. Wide paved streets and track on two levels. 7. 32,000 aq. ft. Burlington trackage, $12,000. 8. 66x120, with 3-atory brick bldg. half of it, downtown corner, $20,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Om. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tol. D. 314. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE BUNGALOW.- Excellent east front location, in restricted residence district. Pav ing paid. Stucco construction, pressed brick foundation. five elegant rooms, on one floor. Large attic and basement. Large living room with fireplace. Finely fin ished in oak and enamel. Com plete in every detail. Well worth tiie price, $5,500. Call owner. Wal nut 1580. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. Corner lot 79x133 ft at street car transfer point. New brick Improvements, well rented. Room on lot for another building and tenant waiting for It. Present Income nets owner over 8 per cent on entire purchase price. Ask for full description. Price $20,600. Terms $8,600 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. J. H. DUMQNT & CO. 416-418 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. CLASSY STUCCO BUNGALOW. Fine location on paved atreet Close to car and school. Six fine rooma, beau tifully finished In oak and enamel. Tastily decorated. Garage and cement drive. An attractive place at an at tractive price. $5,000. Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1722. GKOCERY AND MEAT MARKET. One of the best opportunities In this lino to be found. This business will stand the closest investigation. Rent onjy $65 for a large double store. Will aell at Invoice. Fixtures and atock about $7,700. This will clear better than $5,000 a year. See LEWIS A CO., Succesaora to Williams, 411 McCague Bldg. We Buy Liberty Bonds OAR'TJ E, storage and repair business, corner location; rent only $25 a month; room for 80 cara; the repairs and stor age business clears the owner $300 a month net. Owner sick, must aell; worth $1,200. Price only $650 cawh. See LEWIS & CO., successors to Wil liams, 411 McCague Bldg. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS LOOK AT THIS! A story and hnlf cottftB. livinir room, (lining room, kitchen an1 den downstair. Two bed rooma and bath upntalra. Gar age for two carfli Fruit and shade trees. Everything In splendid condition ready to move In. Price $3,450. Terms. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler U36 SSS Securities Bldg. 7 ROOMS, hot water heat, double garage, on car line, $2,860. Bargain. Close state. O. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW DREAM Just elegant well-built B rooms and bath, oak finished, beautifully decorated, fireplace, book cases, buffet kitchen oab In t. furnace, laundry etc.: also attic; paved atreet, south frot, near cur Una in Mlnno Lusa. Be sure to look at this one. Price and torms are right P. J. TEBBF.NS CO., 06 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone P. H8 GARAGE A real proposition tn garage, loom for TO cars, rent only $1$, doing a ca pacity bualnesa. Also have a big repair business. Price on this for quick sale $f,000; eoine terms. See LKW1S & TO, 411 McCague Bldr, We Buy Liberty - Bonds Flvi room atuoco, oak fluora throughout oak and whlta enamel finish. Fine lo cation. Price 4,600 or terma. BENSON & CA.RMICHAKL Doug 1722. 642 Paxton Block. 6-room house; cluue in; only $3,000. Lot 40x140. W, II. OATKfi, 47 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. FOB RENT AND SAM". HOUSES. COTTAGES & APAKTMKN ITs. AMERICAN SECURITT M. 202 S 17th St Onuglns (013 WE SELL, rent, Insure and nnk-j inana b city property, north. MITCHELL INVKSTMtfNT f.'O . ' 54th and Amee Ave Col. HI B.UIGAINS In homea. Inveatm nta , pvr ertlea and acreage near Omaha. Hare", son A Morton. 916 Omaha Nat Ilk. H'd. REAL ESTATE-BusInesaPiot.r:iy WAREHOUSE FOR SALE. 5 atory and basement 66x132 feet, concrete- loading platform on U. P. trackage. Hoe us for price and terms. World Realty Company, Doug. 5.142. Sun Theater Bldg. WE NEED small homea or imall n.v,it nent property i H. A WOLF CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler . BUSINESS (property and Invee'menn. A. P.T-UKET A SON. ' 420 First Nation!,! Bank Hlrtg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT BUY NOW INVESTMENTS WORTHWHILE. $2,500 Store building and cottage In good condition, near 118th and Leavenworth. Full lot, paving paid. Leased at $40.00 $5,500 Str Louis brick flat, close-in: two apartments of (Ive rooms each; cheap rent at $50. $6,500 Brick store building on Cuming street, leased at $55.01). $7,500 Brick flat near Crnrkson Hospital extra well built; rented very cheaply at $65 per month. 17,800 18-room brick flat near 26th and Harney: two tenants at $70.00 per mo. $10,600 Brick store building on South 24th: good tenants at $100 per month. $26,000 Apartment house built in 1H1 7 : good location. Wept Farnam Ulstrlrt. Gross rental, $.1,060. 1 $33,000 Brick store building, community center, on carllne; gross rental $3.J80 and always occupied. High-class property and a permanent Inveefment $50,000 In the heart of the wholeaale district; five stories and basement; well constructed, Sprinkler system; electric elevator. About 100 per cent less than cost to build. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 8962 SIS. 20 f'lty National SAFE INVESTMENT $.10,0o'o buys a 2-story, duplex, orlck of 8 rooms each, having hot water heat, located on . Harney, bet. 20th and ftih Stb., In a coming business district, whare ' values will increase -rapidly. Terms. $,700 cash; balance at ihi and t per cent. , $35,000 buys a 2-story, substantial brick building, nearly new, with stores below and small apartmenta above. Well located on West Farnam St Gross yearly rental over $4,000. Pays nearly 8 per cent net on $40,000. Seasonable terms. $50,000 buys a 3-story and basement brick bullldlng, with stores below and living quarters above. Close-In on 16th St. Gross yearly rental $6. 1C0. En cumbrance $23,000 at 6 per cent. Owner could use good residence, well located, as part payment for equity. We can offer attractive Investments on either Douirlns, Farnam, Harney, Howard or 16th Sts., which yield aood returns, and located where land values will increase steadily. May we submit cur list of close-In offerings, if Inter ested in down-town property? GEORGE A CO., 902 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 75ii. INVESTMENT HARNEY ST. 140-foot front on Harney Btreet. east of 24th; gross Income, fiiO per month, which paya taxes and a small return on capital. An exceptionally good lo cation for a business requiring large floor apace, or a good buy to hold for a rise In value. Price and terms on ap plication. TWO CORNER LOTS. Corner lot. 4xllS ft, ,wlth aubstan- tial brick Improvements bringing In enough to partly carry me properly. Price, $115,000; reasonable terma. In exceptlenally good buy for use or as an Investment. Corner, 58176 ft, with 'cheap im provements. 'Owner wants an offer. If Interested ask us for full Information. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-418 Keellne Bldg. PhoneDeoo. A SAFE INVESTMENT WITH A SPECULATIVE FUTURE Practically new brick building, con sisting of four 4-room and two 5-room, strictly .modern flats; hardwood finish; furnace heat; tenanta furnish own heat; corner lot 53x104; paving paid; 2 blocka to Farnam car line, in a district where values are rapidly fncreaalng; always rented to first-class tenata and shows close to 10 per cent on price of $18,000. If Interested In an absolutely safe In vestment call us. We can recommend this. J. L. HIATT CO., QAl FIRST NATIONAL PHONE 63 BANK BLtXl. TYI 29TH AND FARNAM, $3,250. Full lot and two cottages'. A teal snap. Property in this neighborhood is sure to raise in value, and this piece is a bargain now. Terms arranged and bonds 1 taken at face value. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON COMPANY, 612 World JleraBldr Doug. 1734. 21ST & HARNEY STS. $425 PER FOOT - 50-foot lot facing Harney street. Harney street will soon sell for $1,000 per foot. Other Harney street property priced at $700 per foot and his;her. Some terms. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON COMPANY, 612 World Herald Bldg, Doug. 17.14 1'OKCED SALE CASS ST. East of 18th. Two good propertlea. Owner out of town and says sacrifice for caah. See our Mr. Clary for detaila. Osborne Realty Co., 7fll Dmihl TVTqi'I Hsnk HMrr 1 CORN Kit TWO blocks p. o. $4,000. Oreat bargain. Close estate, O. P. Stebblna, 1610 ChirB.ft. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT HIGH-CLASS NEARLY NEW APARTMENT Income over $7,000 on per year. rreei! brick, well built and fine localloh. This property could not be duplicated for $0.. 000 but owner will take $47,600 for oulck sale. The best apartment house bargain In Omaha. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON COMPANY, Sll World Herald llhlg Dong 17S PRACTICALLY. NEW APARTMENT BLDG. Not fur ocfe In a dlntrlet wii.rn vrnun,' values are rapidly Increasing. Earl apartment has four rooms, private screen. cu -jjpn-n r ,ia iiiea nam. uaK woonworK. vacant Owner has severs I parties who nave appnen ror firat vacancy. Rentab $4216.00. Price $81,000. Half caBh, bal a nee o per cent. NO trades. . Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 16SG( in Securlll.-s Bldg WONDERFUL OPPOR TUNITY, FARNAM ST. AND 24TH ST., 99 YEAR LEASES. On two wf!l .orated properties, Ownet by nonresident. Consult us. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas SBt-.a, sts-tn Htr National Double Brick, Rents $1 Price $7,500. . INVESTMENTS SAFE AND SURE Close In on Dodge Street, incil hrl, 1. building containing two complete ten room houses,', leased to one tenant. Hi v enty foot frontage on Podtte and so close Ir, that ground valuo is climbing every day. Will net hundsoma return. ' Hall cash will handle. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler JJ36 383 Securities Bldg REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. For Sale or Trade 20-Room Mod. Hotel Located In a good town In eirfit cen tral Nebraska. Tho only hotel In town of 700 population. Thia hotel was re modeled six months ago and la In tri class condition and well rented. What have you to offer? Give full descrip tion lind location in first letter.' Addres M A. Larson. Central City. Neb, TO EXCHANGE My I corner buildings, distinctively high grade and new; the last word In modern appointment and equipment. Prlco $JO0,0O0. Very best Residential section of Chicago. Jnst End avenue. Total rental $24,120' yr Palling health demand outdoor work Want A-l farm; prefer pne stocked foi operation. L. J, White, 2 a LaSnlte St.. Phlr-aift. - - - . Kt-il EXCHANGE 160-aire alfalfa mid fruit ranch, near the city of Roswcll. N. M. Prloed $400 an acre, jind will trade It clear for land In the northerr states, Improved farm preferred, or goci Income property. Will assume rensona ble amount Put up any live nroposi, Hon that you may have Address, s Mack, Tracy, Minnesota, 1,444 ii-Ai'UE ranch nSlalnt, iHiTl braska; small Improvements, fenced and cross-fenced; 2 wells, windmill. 4." acres broke; 4 miles of Dunning. WII carry S60 cattle; $12.60 per acre; Vi t 2-8 In trade and carry balance on lam for 5 years. C. E. Hnnoy, Plntlsmoutlv Neb. WANTED Party with i,000 to $111.0(10 tc Join small syndicate in lijylnT close-In busineea property for Immediate - im provement. In heart of Or.-.aha'a utun' business center. Call anil apo . : F. H. DRAKE, "11 Brandels Theater Bldg .. Quia ha.' Ned. WANT apartment or business property ir Omaha, in exchange fir free and deer lots, only Sw miles north of 21!d street, New York City,. 6 cent fare to subway. Address Kent, 11 West 4.1th St., New York City. WELL Improved Irrigated sO acres ol land, "fcty miles west of Julesburg, Colo., for small drug stock In thriving. No braska town, Central Nebraska pre ferred. C. W. Way, Owner,' Hastings, Neh. REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. "North. " " FOlt SALE CASH At a sacrifice Lota 2 and 3. Block 10, Cloverdale addi tion, .48th and Seward Sta., on Hapyy Hollow boulevard;, all taxea paid, cieur abstract and deeda for $500 cash.. Phone Walnut 3r.h. WEST Farnam -building lute aa low us $395: $10 down, $5 per month;, all im provements Douglas 5074. South. Miscellaneous. VACANT LOTS VERY CHEAP. lth St.. and California, corner lSSvS. present old building bring $780 per annum. Price $0,000. 24th St., near Blondo, 7 feet frontage on 24th St, at $35 per front foot. On 38th St., north of Farnam ft. Corner lot. Ideal for apartment hous. or terrace, at $G0 per front foot. H. A. Wolf Co., Electric Bldg., Tyler 85 RKAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. HERE'S A GOOD BEN-ON HOME. For a very reaaonable price; 6 rooms and bath; modern except heat; new ar age fine lot; good neighborhood. A snap at $3,200; $200 casb is all that -. required, balance $20 monthly. COLFAX 719. Dundee. New, Attractive Dundee Brick Residence. Fronting east In new part of Dundee; two blocka from car and two and one half blocks from Dundee school; 8 rooma. Bleeping porch and aun room; large attic; built two years and II now offered for sale at considerable lesa than It would coat to duplicate. Owner will consider a small bungalow aa part pay. ment. Price $14. $00. A decrease in owner's family prompta him to aell f thia time. SHULER & CARY, Realtors, Phone Doug. 6074. 504 Keellne BMg DUNDEE 7 ROOMS, MODERN, GARAGE,- $5,500. 7-nx-m. strictly modern boni on cai line; largs living room. . dining room and kitchen first floor; 4 tad rooms ami bsth second floor; larirt floored m(ic; cemsnt drivewsy; garit; paving; pM: south front; dandy location. Btnt buy in Dundee Shwn bv appointment "only, J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONS PO vW BANK BLDU. TYLER v'J