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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1919)
THE . OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 12, 1919. INVESTMENTS Real Estate Values always move upward in a growing city. The growth of Omaha is STEADY and SURE. Watch for the Business Property Bargains and when you see one don't hesitate to INVEST. ' iZ A REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN. Dundee. TWO GOOD ONES ; DUNDEE $7,500. Practically new. Bl Itvlnn room rranitfiiirnt, with fireplace, bookcaaei, and beam cclllnss. Large cheerful din Inn room an(t sun room and convenient kitchen on first floor; thre. oil ofd rooms with extra large closets, sleeping; porch that will accommodate the whole family and Dcautuui nam room on sec end floor. Corner lot. fin. garage. 18.800 cash will handle. Yearly pay ment! on principal. 9,iin0. Never before advertised. On Chi. raao St.. near 61st. Larue living room, dining room, .un room, and kitchen iin first floor. 4 bed rooma. dandy en closed and heated sleeping porch, tiled bath on awcond floor. Brick fireplace In living room. Oak woodwork. oaK floors upstair and down. Unusually large light basement with flrat class heating plant. Laundry tube. Budd lnatantaneoua water heater and toilet. ' l.ot 40x131. Oarage and cement drive, way. Beautifully decorated and com- (let. In every detail. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1636. 833 Securities Bldg. . ATTRACTIVE DUNDEE BUNGALOW MUST BK SOLD, account owner leav ing Omaha. Nearly new, well built. 7 rooms, modern. Living room with brick fireplace, beamed celling, built-in book cases; attractive dining room, built-in buffet; convenient kitchen with all bulit-tn features; 1 large bedrooms, tiled ,' bath, 1st floor; 1 large bedrooms, stor age room tnd. Finished In oak, birch and whit, enamel, oak floor through out. Full cemented basement, vacuum 1-.maf 4tmrirv tllhs. extra toilet, etc. Oarage, cement driveway. South front lot. 50x12$ ft. On. blocK to car un.. Convenient to Dundee school, near Hap py Hollow; Property shown by appoint ment. Price and ternuuon application. Do not fall to ae. tbl. property If you are looking for a classy bungalow. GEORGE & CO., tOJ City Kat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7t. HIGECTASS DUNDEE , HOMES. buy a l-tory and ttlc, I Toom, modern frame house, located on . Urge corner lot, Mxl35 ft. In Happy ' Hollow addition. Double gang.. Choice location. ma ., 14,00t buy a new, 1-story arrd attic, I room, modern, colonial house, fin ished in birch, mahogany and old Ivory with eak floors throughout. Large corner lot, 100x131 ft. 1 bath room and ahower, maid- quarter. Id floor. Must b. een to b. apprcla;ed. 114,500 buy a new, i-story and attic t-roonv stucco houae, with tiled roof, finished In birch, mahogany and white namel. beautifully decorated through out. Vacuum vapor heat, tiled bath room. Garage, All ready to occupy. Kast front lot, near Happy Hollow. For terma and location, see GEORGE & CO., so? Cltv Kat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. TS. dundeEand happy HOLLOW. NO BETTER PLACB TO- LIVE, NO HAFER PLACB TO MAKE A RESI DENCE INVESTMENT. Chols build ing lota can be .bought from us on term of only one-tenth down and ba -ance on easy monthly payment. A11 Dubllo Improvement, Including water, ewer, ga main, cement sidewalk, curbing, paving and street light have been Installed and paid for except paving- Installment not delinquent. Hi NOT 8TAR NOW TO own your own horn, by purchasing a lot on our easy payment plan? If you do not have cash to make down payment, LIBERTY BONDS will accepted at par in lieu thereof. ' - GEORGE & CO., .0? CltvNafl Bk. Bldg Poug. 7 St. South Side. i-llOOM house and lota In So. Omaha, close to packing houae, $1,600. Has $300 mortgage. Will ell. Good terma. Cail Mr. Brown. ' INTER-STATE REALTT CO., 1516 City Nat. Doug. C23- Miscellaneous. West dodge bargain.- 5 ACRES HIGH LY IMPROVED. i tt Wednesday w. listed this tlve place, located Just north of W. H. McCord's country home on Dodge street. On the crest of a hill commanding a wonderful view of the west part of Omaha, and right In the lln. of present devcloputfnt. Th. house has rooma and bath. I modern.vjvith th. exception of etectrlo light, and this can be se cured any time, a th. acrvlco la .lesa than U0 feet from the present Improve ment. Good basement, furnac. heat, double Karaite, with spacV for cow under, neath: chicken house 16x20. About 100 bearinng fruit trees. J.000 raspberries, and othor small fruit Th. Improve ment were built only a few years ago. at a coat of 15,000, and tha land In thl vicinity 1 aelltng In excess of U.J00 per acr. today. This Is th. first tlm. of fered, and w. predict a quick sal. for this property at th. price JM0O. THE BYRON REED CO., Don, tT 1613 Farnam St. . REAL ESTATE WANTED. Bwant desirable I. and 7-room mod rn home t th. right prlco. For re sults call OSBORNE REALTT CO., , Tyler 496. i,fc.T jour bargains with us. W want homes. Investment and acreage. Phon. Dougla 41S. We will send our salea man for a personal Inspection. McCague Investment o. LIST juur property .for .sale with J. B. Robinson for Quick .ale. 443 Be. Bldg. Vlion PoUK. 8T. ' ' -J ' IV HAT HAVW YOU u a good horn., wall lorn ted. for rush. Address, AJ'IB' , REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES TcTany real estate man who ha. a buyer of a Colorado horn, of JI0 acre. I wilt please him and protect you. Wrt. me. 8. o. KaKestraw, BARGAIN; 12 cash, $2 monthly buy five lot. on Long Island, New York; full price 160; only $12 each. Vaile, 1480 Prpndway. New Torn i iiy. FINANCIAL. 11. ill to tlO.OCO MADE promptly. F. D. v..d. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. Re at Estate, Loans & Mortgages. TlToii aix per cent mortgage secured by forty acres eastern Kebraska, land, valued at 16.000. E. H. LOUGEE. Ino. $3 Keellne Bldg. CITY AND "FARM LOANS. IU and per cent; loans for March . iv? Pr cent. Diimont ft Co.. Keelln. Bd S7.To.rT .k sai.r 11.600. D.r cent. payable monlnly. Good aecurlty. Lib eral discount. Box 6031. Omaha Be.. No Delay Closing Loan. W. T. GRAHAM. Be. Bid. DoUg. 1633. "". WYXrf v MTV PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas JfcJsojLedinejMjj. OMAHA HOM ES EAST. NEB. FARMS O KFKFE REAL ESTATE CO. " ' Private Money. SHOrEV ft COMPANY. lOJg. 4211. . sTocks and Bonds. FOR 8 ALB II share Pl.rsen " Telegraph -Transmit. r stock at $169 per shara. Sell all er part, ' !' O. KRIEGER. Hitchcock. OkL Pond How. 14?1 First Nst. Bank Bldg. illAVB two share of William S. Bora Potash Company stock which 1 will dis pose of at $125.00 per, share. Address hox Y 232. Omaha Bee I B'licTa'cd elTLiberty Bonds. Mack's bond 1! )'. 131 Urat Nat. Bk. Bldg. FINANCIAL. Miscellaneous. FA KM LOANS Unlimited Time-Am irtl xntlon plan If desired. No commission charged. A. J. Love, Jr.. 80s w. o. W. Uidg, Omaha. FAlRrvTAlRANCH LANDS. , Acreage, ACRE TRACTS I ACRES. 14 mile west, and north of Full-acres, east front, on main trav eled road to Bar son. Prlc $5,250. f.'l! ACRES on Calhoun paved road Just outside Florence city limits. Two fl.,e building sites. Price $6,000. Nkacres, 10 blocks norfh of Benson car line on Orphanage road. Price, C600. GEORGE & CO,, oj City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7.'.6. CLOSE-IN ACREAGJE. 17 acres, good improvements. ni mile . from Omaha city limits, and paved road;'l mile, from street car line. Price, 1 11,000. A good buy, either for list or as speculation. J. H. DUMONT & CO., Realtors, 416-41$ Keellne Bldg. Phone, D. 690. ACREAGE 4 acres near 64th and Grover Sts.. fenced; 0 cherry trees. Price for quick sale, 41,760; (300 to 1600 cash, balance monthly. Cheapeat acreage close to Omaha. t acres north of Krug park, ahort distance to paved road: fenced; land lies fine; high and sightly location. Best buy In this district. Price $2,600. Terms. J. L. HIATT CO., AAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE 0 TYLEH 5 ACRES, $5,000 7-ROOM HOUSE At Benson. Wa can offer you 7-rooms and bath electric lights. acre fruit. Running water. Level land. Phon. Tyler 60. , . , HASTING8 A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Ht. 40 ACRES near Fair Acres, good Improve ments; possession next March; priced to sell. Nilsson. 423 Securities Bldg. Arkansas Lands. FARMS, $36; rich level, drained bottom lands, $20; wheat corn, alfalfa," cotton, grow perfectly;" no rocks: no overflow; no bltxiards. mild, healthful climate; grassy outrange; well watered: plenty timber; tenants, tlmbermen waifted; ex changes; Mississippi Valley Farm Agency, 1012 Chestnnt. St. Louis, Mo. JANUARY 7th Our next excursion to McGehee. Ark f W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. IRRIGATED LAND, $25 AN ACRE. Located In the famous San Luis val ley, where we raise 30 bueUels wheat, B0 bushels barley, 60 oat and 150 to 260 sacks spud per acre; our pea, al- , falfa fed hogs, sheep and cattle are tha finest raised in America. I offer 3 pieces of $20 each, partially plowed for spring crop, In quarters or halves, . to actual farmers, at $20 and $26 an acre; $2 to $S cash and balance out of your crop at the rata of 26 per cent each year until paid; land located close to bVst town In valley, near R. R., good road, market. , C. A. SMITH, ' MONTE VISTA, COLO. FARM FOR SALE On account of old age I will sacrifice choice 44 Sec, 820 a., 7 miles to rail road town. 3 sets of improvements, land all fenced and crossed fenced, 14 head horses, ft mares, 3 horses; harness, all machinery to run 'this farm. Soil auitabl. for corn, wheat, potatoes and alfalfa. This farm 1 cheaper than they are asking for raw land here. Price 66 a. with etocks and machinery etc. For particulars address Box 79, D. P. W. P., Logan county. Proctor. Colo. LAND MEN, LISTEN! LAND MKN, LISTEN! An old ttme land boom Is starting; best prospects In years; thousands are coming to Colorado: get In now! Our Denver location best In the state. We handle both irrigated and dry lands. Attractive prices, easy terms, fin. seller. Good facilities, liberal commissions and honorable dealing. Make- this year count. Write today for details. PIONEER LAND CO.. Inc. 41S Ideal Bldg. DeV-er, Colo. Iowa Lands. IOWA LAND SNAP. Half section, $92.60 per acre; best hay land; not improved; 60 miles from Omaha. Improved land same locality worth $176. Must sll at once. W. T. Ornham, 604 Bee Bldg. Kansas Lands. 160 ACRES, Franklin county. Kansas; well improved; new barn, 7-room house; 36 acres wheat. Prlc. for immediate sale $12,600.00. Bargain. Writ, for description of this farm and other farms ranging from 40 acres up. If you will make a trip to Ottawa. Kan., and ar. looking for a good location, you can not help but b. pleased with the farm In this territory. Write today. Frank B. Mansfield, Ottawa, Kansas. IMPROVED 60-acro ranch In Weld coun ty; 80 acres in alfalfa, all nice smooth shallow water land; large reservoir and Independent water, all fenced; will sell at a bargain, time on part; also unim proved Platte river bottom land joining station In Logan county, with Independ ent water; tracts of 160 to 800 acres. J. W. Phares, WaKeeney. Kan. ' 80-Acre horn. Southeastern Kansas; well Improved; black land; will .xchang. for Omaha property. i S. 8 & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb FOR SALE 2880-acre ranch.- 6 ..mllea from Winona, Logan county, Kgnsas; smooth, living water; Improved; price, $15; terms. Accept Liberty bonds. A. Unrein, Hays. Kans. Minnesota Lands. CLOSING up corporation, will sell 4,276 acres St. Louis county, Minn., lands None better for (took and dairying pur poses. Including all mineral and over $10,u00 worth of standing timber at $6.00 per acre. Easy terms. Can be retailed from $10 to $15 per acre. Gary Land Company. Inc Duluth. Minn. Montana Lands. 640 ACRES near Miles City, Mont, suita ble lor 'nixed farming and stock rais ing; close to school; $9 per acre; easy terms. Milton R. Wise, Lewlstown. I Montana. NeDrasKa Lands. TWO WELL IMPROVED CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS AT THE RIGHT PRICE! r 100 acre y mile from town, has a ' dandy good set of improvements, . 15 i acres alfalfa. 25 acres of fine pasture, balance under plow, and A-l. place to handle live stock. Price for a short time, $140.00 per acre, about one-half cash, balance terms. f 160 acres, located 6H mile from Cen tral City, nicely Improved, 60 acres fit the very best of pasture, balance under plow, 0 acres seeded to wheat looking fine. This Is an ideal grain and stock farm In a fine neighborhood. Price for 20 days only, $125.00 per acre, one-half, cash, balance good terms. The above farms are located In th. Great Platte Valley, good black loam soil and the very best of pure water at a depth of ftotn eight to twenty feet. POSSESSION MARCH 1. See M. A LARSON. Central City, Neb. $14,000 BUYS 360 acres, 5V, miles from town 3.500 population, 200 acres tilled. 13 acre spelndld pasture. 25 acres valuable timber, good S-room house. concretajMsement, barn. 40x128; springs and creek, abundance fruit; Including 40 head of cattle, 4" horses, all crops, sugar tools, potato digger, potato planter, disk harrow, land rollers, grain drills, weeder, $ sulky cultivators, sulky plow, horse rake, manure apreader, scales, cream sepsrator, mowing ma chine, grain binder, corn harvester, hay tedder, disk harrow, wagons, alelghs, cutler, harnesses, hay racks, engine, ensllag. cutter, many small tools; $5,000 cash: free list: I per cent milk $3.87 per 100, 'Kts 87o do. Ellis Bros.. Springy 1 1 le. N. Y. . $36 ACRE'S, $ sets of improvements. 1 - mtles north of Florence csr line. All level. Want well Improved 80 or 160. What have you? M. IL SPICKLER, Fort Calhoun, Neb, FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. ' SPLENDID FARM BARGAIN MUST BE SOLD BEFORE MARCH 1. 160 acrea of choice land U mil. from Clarks. Neb ; S acres alfalfa; 60 acres under cultivation, balance hay and pas ture. Seven-room house, barn for eight horses, granary, double cribs, mtichtne and cattle shads, chicken, bog house, and windmill MAKE AN OFFER! W. A. DAVIS. CLARKS. NEB. $6,000, 560 Acre Ranch, Dawes County Write us quick for a description and photos of one of the best combination ranches in Nebraska. Located only five miles from Chadron, a corking good town of 3.600 people. Ranch, -well im proved, with two good sets of buildings; 460 acres of choice farm land, no sand 4 miles of river front, plenty of timber; a land of cattle, 'hogs, alfalfa and corn. A country where It is" a pleasure to live. This is a genuine bargain and quick ac. tlon is necessary. Easy terms. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA. NEAR OMAHA FOUR or FIVE dandy farm bargains within LESS than five miles of Omaha; 120 to 160 acrea, also a 320-acre; thev are worth more money. It will take $16,000 to $30,000 to handle; money or government bonds. If you are dcslrouu . of a good, ; close-In farm. It will pay you to look these over. ORIN S. MERRILL CO.. Realtors. 1015-1016 CITY NATIONAL BK. BLDG. 640 ACRES for sale, four and one-half mllea from Dlx, Neb., Kimball county. Good (-room house; barn for 12 head of horses; granary, cattle sheds, good ce , mented potato cellar, hen house, new coal house, holds eight tons, outhouse, 14x14. Good well, new windmill, new hog house, ten acres hog tight, 200 broke up: 146 acres in fall wheat goes with place. Writs to W. E. Lohman, Owner Dlx. Neb. BAKGAIN In Cheyenne county (Nebraska) wheat land: Half aectlon, 11 miles from Peetz, Colo., 15 miles from Sidney, Neb.; 86 acres now in fall wheat, all goes with land: 290 ac. tillable, all fenced. Price, $37.60 pe acre; good terms. Also have other Nebraska and Colorado lands for sale. Call on or write M. A. Shlpman, Jr.. Peets, Colo. , FOR SALE. Stock Ranch Bargain. Possession March 1. 1819. 600 acres fenced and good Improvements, 1 mile from Well fleet, Neb., 200 acres broken. Small payment down, 10 years' tlma on bal ance. Price. $14,000.00. POLLARD BROS., Farnam. Neb. FINELY IMPROVED 160. Has about $8,000 worth Improve ments; land In No. 1 condition; 6 miles from Elkhorn and Millard. The Albert Schroder farm: good terms; $235 an acre. J. A.' Gibbons, Elkhorn. Neb. I HAVE five Improved farms In Holt. Cus ter and Thayer counties that will aell on terma of 10 per cent down. Balance 10 equal annual payments. They are bar gains. Mlcheal, 610 Electric Bldg.. Omaha. FOR .SALE y, section of Platta valley land, 2V miles of county seat. Good Improvements. $100 per acre. Will carry back half on farm. If Interested address P. O Box No. 1, Plattsmouth. Ntt. 160 ACRES 10 14 miles N. W. of Omaha P. O. ; possession this year If sold Im mediately; easy terms; $200 per acre. A bargain. F. D. WEAP, 810 South 18th Bt. WRITE me for picture and price of icy farm and ranches In good old Dawts county. A rah L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. 80 A. of good land, well Improved, close to Omaha, reasonable. Apply S. Nathan Dodge Hotel. GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr. Pease. 211 Brandels Theater Bids MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A LARSON. Central City. Neb. C. D. ARMSTRONG, Realtor, specializes In Nebraska farm lands. 325-6 Securities Building. Oregon Land. IRRIGATION. "In th. Heart of th. Rang." Th. Jordan Valley Project, Malheur County, Oregon; an empire in th. mak ing; the land of opportunity; 20.000 acres open for entry; fertile soil; plenty of water; land with full water right: $71.00 an acre; terms: homestead entries nearby. Write for literature and details to Jordan Valley Farms, 822 First Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb Next excursion January 6th. South Dakota Lands. THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA has five million acres of fertile prairie more than its farmers can sow. ready for cropping next spring. The stats will help1 settlers get started raising high priced grains.- Get bulletins. Department of Immigration. Chaa. McCaffree. Commissioner. Capitol Q.50, Pierre, 8. D. CHOICE, well improved 160-acre farm for i aal. by owner, 1 mile from good Cath olic town, having parochial school. A bargain. For particulars address Box, 63, Bonesteel, S. -D. Texas Lands. The new Shattuck branch of the Santa Fe railroad will open for settlement and development a wheat and stock-farming section In Northwest Texas near Okla homa state line. Thirty miles of rail road now completed. Land, of a prairie character, ready for the plow, no stone, stumps, nor brush to be cleared, at attractive prices on easy terms? Climate healthful, rain falls during growing season. Write for free Illustrated fold er glylng experience and results set , tiers have secured in short tlma oh small capital. T. C. Spearman. 950 Railway Exchange, Chicago, III. Washington Lands. WASHINGTON NEEDS DAIRY. POUL- TRY. STOCK FARMERS. Washington, the State of Opportunity. Invites you. Conditions Ideal for dairy ing, poultry and stock. Cheap lands, expanding cities, good markets. For 'free book write I. M. Howell, Secretary of State, Dept. H-6. Olympla, Wash. Wyoming ' Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 pet a.. Including paid up water right. Henry Levi & C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha '"ai. Miscellaneous. BUFFALO COUNTY LAND. 160 acres on the Wood River valley, miles from Amherst, 3H mtles from Rlverdale. One-half mile to school, 140 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture. Farm well fenced and cross fenced. Price .$19,000. $2,000 down on contract, settlement March first. $6,000 mortage to run four years from March 1 at 64 per cent, can be assumed. 160 acres 7 miles south of Poole. 120 acres under cultivation, 40 acres pasture. This is an Ideal table quarter priced at $t5 per acre. $1,000 on contract, settle ment March 1. Can secure a loan on this land of from $4,600 t $5,000 It pur chaser desires. 80 acres improved, 9 mile from Kear ney on th. Wood River valley, price $6,400. v ARTHUR COUNTY RANCH. 3.360 acres all well grassed, 14 miles north of Lemoyne, Neb. This place is 11 fenced and cross-fenced. About 400 ' acres of valley, good alfalfa land. Now this Is one of the best proposition In the country. ,183 head of cattle consisting of 135 steers, will be two years in the spring, 10 three-year-old steers. balance good big cows. it head of horses, mostly mare bred to a good big horse. I brood sows, good ones. All kind of machinery such as wsgons, buggies, mowers, hay aweeps. rakes, 4 sets of harness, $ good stSMies, In fact everything goes. About ISOtona of hay. Can glv. Vsseaslon ' once. - This Is all shallow water, running from I to 20 feet. In valley. This ranch Is roll ing and In the sand hills. In Arthur county. There Is $5,600 against the land. Will clear It or carry mora back Price $55,600. Plenty of feed on place. C. K. DAVIES, Kearney, Neb. ton. Investment Co., Tyler Ml. FARM AND RANCH LANDS, Miscellaneous. BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING A FARM read "Farm Loans and City Bonds." Hartford Bldg., Chicago. . 20c a copy; $2 a year. AUTOMOBILES. ANNUAL .HOUSE CLEANING of used cars Must make room for our Vew 1919 Models. 1916 Hupmobile 1916 ONE OF THE BEST PURCHASES ON THE MARKET TODAY. Late Model HUDSON 8UPER-SIX.- FIVE WIRE WHEELS. EQUIPPED WITH NEW FISK NON-SKID TIRES. t 1918 Ford Sedan Cost $1,050 with many extras. Heinze electric starter, shock absorbers, bump, ers, Perry lock wheel. Run but very little. $750. 1916 Mitchell Touring Overhauled and repainted $400. 1914 Marion Touring Would make dandy runabout $260. 1917 G. M. C. 2-Ton Truck Overhauled and repainted $1,000. 1917 Dart 1-Ton Truck Overhauled and repainted $700. 5 Brand New 2-Ton Dart Trucks At cost prices. Selling at $3,057 our price $2,200 for quick sale. VICTOR MOTOR CO. ' Ask for Mr. Scrlpps? Douglas 6486. 2525 Farnam St. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE USED CAR SALE AT THE JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC CO., AND 8ELECT THE CAR YOU WANT. MANY SIZES AND ALL PRICES. OPEN EVENINGS UN TIL O'CLOCK. CADILLAC BLDG., FARNAM ST., AT 26TH. An Extraordinary opportunity for you. We have some excellent value in almost new cars. You can buy one of these at about one. half what they cost new 1918 1917 1918 1917 1918 1918 1918 1918 1917 1917 1117 1917 1918 1918 1917 Bulck, E 44, new. Hudson, speedster. Oldsmoblle, new. Hudson, super. Monroe, new. Chalmers, sedan. Dodge, sedan. Ford, sedan. Bulck, D. 46. Liberty, touring. Patterson, touring. Allen, touring. Chevrolet. Maxwell, Chevrolet. THESE CARS ARE ALL GUARAN. TEED TO BE IN PERFECT SHAPE. REMEMBER WE CARRY THE STOCK AND MAKE THE PRICE. Auto Clearing House, Doug. E383. J 2032 Farnam. Cadillac Re-NEW-ed Gar OUR CADILLAC RE-NEW-ED CAR SALE WILL CIOSE MONDAY EVENING. We have a few cars left whicji we are offering at attractive prices, considering that they have, been re constructed, repainted and ; in many instances fitted with new tops. And these Re-NEW-ed Cadillacs are GUARANTEED by us. There is only one Cadillac. In a Re-NEW-ed Cadilja you can obtdin the real Cadillac advantages and exclusive Cadillac features. Type 55 Cadillac Chummy Roadster Reconstructed and repainted. . f Every worn part replaced. Five good tires. This car as good as new and GUARANTEED. Type 55 Cadillac Repainted fitted with new top. Reconstructed and in perfect condition. GUARANTEED to give satisfaction: , We also have a few cars of miscellaneous makes at right prices: . FRANKLIN SEDAN. Looks -like - " new. Just repainted. Good tires and beautiful upholstery. In good me chanical condition. 1 STEARNS-KNIGHT A mighty fine . car. Has a brand new motor and will be. sold at a remarkable price con . 1 i i i Rinennrr lis rpai vaniR. . DON'T DELAY. We have just the car you want. If youj do not wish to take it out now, we will arrange to store it for you. Jones-Harisen-Cadillac Co. Cadillac Bldg. Farnam at 26th. AUTOMOBILES. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., - 2059 FARNAM. Overland Roadster, Model 75-B newly painted . . .' .$375 Overland Touring, Model 83 Overland Country Club '. Wllly-Knlitht RoadKter, like new.,., Saxon 6, 1916 Saxon 6, 1917. New Ford Tires Oldsmoblle Touring, special paint Job Dodge Touring, a good one Studebnker Six, like new . Hup Touring Mitchell Touring, 1916 Model Velio Touring, Electric Lights and Starter Maxwell Touring 1916 Maxwell Touring, i 1915, Electric Lights and Starter Overland Touring, good running order Ford Touring, 1!'17, new seat covers and newly painted Ford Touring, 1910 Ford Touring, 1914, thoroughly over. 375 475 650 400 600 600 660 650 600 600' 360 350 260 100 396 275 hauled, repainted and equipped with new top. ENCLOSED CARS. 250 OUR BEST OFFERINGS IN AN EN. CLOSED CAR IS A 1917 HUDSON SU. PERSIX CABRIOLET (THREE.PAS SENGER CONVERTIBLE). WHICH MAY BE USED EITHER AS AN OPEN OR ENCLOSED CAR. HAVING ADAPT ABLE TOP. THIS CAR HAS BEEN DRIVEN BUT A FEW THOUSAND MILES AND IS AS GOOD AS IT AP PEARS. PRICE, $1,600.00. Paige Sedan, 1917, excellent tires and fully guaranteed In every re. spect, looks like new, runs like new and la practically as good as a new car $1,40.0 Studebaker Touring with special winter ton 60 Ford Sedan, like new 700 Ford Sedan, electric starter, de. mountable rims and lota of other extras 75 WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., 2059 FARNAM. USED CARS 1918 Hudson Super Six $1,260.00 191 5 Chalmers Six, 7-pass 850 00 1918 Page Six, 7-pass , HOO.OO 1918 Dodge Sed,an, fine shape.. 1.050.00 1918 Saxon Six, chummy 660.00 1918 Overland Country Club.... 6J5.00 1918 Maxwell, winter top 55O.O0 1918 Chevrolet, touring 450.00 1918 Ford Sedan, like new 725.00 1918 Ford Coupe, lota extra.... 685.00 191K Ford Touring 475.00 1917 Haynes' Model 37 1,160.00 1917 Hudson Super 1,060.00 1917 Page, 7-pass 660.00 1917 Maxwell, touring S25.00 1917 Overland, country I.. 450.00 1917 Saxon 6, 5-pass 336.00 1916 Ford Touring a bargain. MEEKS AUTO CO., MIDDLE STATE GARAGE. 2026-8 Farnam St. Douglas 4101. SLIGHTLY used Panhard one-fjn truck, complete with winter cab. painting, etc., $1.0000. 1-ton Panhard, same equipment. In cluding body. $1,200. Defiance 1-ton. $1,446. All guaran teed same as new. STANDARD MOTOR. CAR COMPANY, Carl Changstrom, Pres. 2020-2022 Farnam St. Doug. l.Oo. BRING your bonds or stamps to 2503 Farnam and drive a car home One Scrip'ps 8. like new. at your own price, on Ford sedan. In tip-top shape; a bargain. 1917 Ford roadster, Just over hauled. $300. Open Sunday. Bonds and stamps at face value. , Phone Doug. 8212. AM ERICA5T" Railway Express Co. will take bids on weight basls for steel vehicle aprlngs, auto arts and acces sories, machinery and parts, etc. Bids close 1 p. m.. January 14. 1919. i'or : particulars call at Sales Bureau. 1109 Hnrney St. A. W. Kelgel, ageni I tuKD TOURING CAR, 1917 model. fi i-ood condition. Call Benson 144 J. Sale 7-Pass. Touring AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS. 1918 Hupmobile, touring. Ilk new, $9:'5 1918 Reo 6, seven passenger tfii 1918 Chevrolet, touring $'100 SIS Ford, touring $476 1918 Ford, coupe, starter $725 1917 Ford, touring $360, $390 1917 Allen, touring $450 1917 Saxon 4, roadster $200 1917 Chevrolet, touring, extra. 1$:I25 1917 Studebaker 6, 7 passenger. . .$75 1916 Hupmobile, touring $4X5 191$ Empire, touring $:I0 1915 Dodge, touring $495 1914 Ford, touring '. :..$21 Best ttme to buy used cars. Will be higher Jn the spring. Usual guarantee ot money back If not satisfied after 21 hours' trial. Open Sunday. to s. TRAWVER AUTO CO., DOUGLAS070 1910 FARNAM WE offer real bargains In used cars; all have electric lights and starters and are In good condition mechanically: Oldsmoblle "8" Touring, 7 passenger. Oldsmoblle '8" Touring, 6-passcnger. Oldsmoblle "6" Sedan, nearly new. Dodge Sedan, wire wheels, nearly new. Bulck D-45 Touring, fine condition. Bulck 87 Touring, just overhauled. Moon "6" Touring, good bargain. Commerce Truck, demonstrator. 1913 Cadillac Touring newly painted. WILL DEMONSTATE. OPEN SUNDAY , 10 TO 1. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. 2559 Farnam St. Tyler 1770. $75.00 FORD-$7S.OO. Balance in monthly payments, will buy a used Ford car of real value. Ford repairing and Ford parts. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. " HANDY FORD SERVICE STATION. Doug. 3500. 15th and Jackson Sts. FORD Sedan, 1917, self-starter, Lee punc ture-proof tires. First-clans condition. Must sell promptly. Will take $550 cash; worth at least $650. Call Henry Dethlefs, South 3065, for furtheh infor mation. MEEKS AUTO CO. " Used cars bought, sold and exchanged We buy for cash and sell .on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage.. 2026-8 Farnam St. Douglas 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. 8TANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 202O Fsrnam St. Omaha. Neb. LATE model Ford touring car, with lot of extras and enclosed top, at a bar gain. 3309 Sherman Ave. Tel. Webster 5305. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flsk. Write for prices. Mention sizes. K AIM AN TIRE JOBBERS, 2U16 FARNAM FOR SALE Chandler touring car, perfect mechanical condition; equipment, in cluding tires, good as new. W. E, Le Vey, Fontenelle hotel. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs: service station for Rayfleld carburetors, and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1102. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO., will store your auto. Rate for Ford cars. $3 a month; large cars, $5 a month Douglas 4 3 IS OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO- SAXON 6; fine condition; 6-passcnger, new tires, winter curtains. $600.00. W. R. McFarland. Douglas 534. Sun theater. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th andJackson. Ford Agents. D. 3600. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 2059 Farnam St. D. 6035. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. FOR SALE cheap, nearly new 6-passenger sedan. Will take Liberty bonds In part payment. Tel. South 806. - QUALITY USED CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILCO.. 2562 FARNAM. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. x . TRAWVER AUTO CO.. ' 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. DODGE sedan. nearly new, perfect mechanical condition, priced right for quick sale. 2559 Farnam Bt. (Tyler 1770. 1917 FORD CHASSIS. PERFECT CONDITION, GOOD TIRES $265. TYI.i:R 218. 2054 FARNAM. Ford Market. 2230 Farnam. 2230 Farnam. 25 New Ford Bodies. $135 Eaeh FORD town car body, 1917 model. F.. P Barnum, 2122 Cuming St. D. 8014. SIX-CYLINDER used Loler for sale or - trade for Omaha lot. Har 3029. Tires and Supplies. TIES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED 8.000 MILES. ' 30x$ $ 7.50j30x3tt $ f 5 32x3Vs 10.25 32x4 11.76 33x4 11.5034x4 12.00 ,We furnish the old tire. Agents wanted. 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. 1516 Davenport Street. LATEST . improved dry-cure retreader, makes non-skid, ribbed trucks and plain treads in one mold. Positively th best retreader out. tall or write Duplex Tire Co.. 116 S. 17th St GAIN more mllea; have your tire re treaded by O. & O. Tire Co. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles Powell Supply Co.. 2051 Farnam St. FORD light delivery, good running or der; will sell cheap. H. 6786. Painting. F. P. Barnum Co.. 2122 Cumlmt. 1) 8044. High grade Automobile Painting. Repairing. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired nd rebuilt; large atock used radiator New Ford honeycomb radiator. OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE WORKS. 1818 Cuming 2064 Farnam. EXPERT radiators, fenders and autu bodies; repairing at reasonable prices. Prompt attention given to garage work, hip your radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE OARAGE. Doug. 7390. 218 S. 19th St Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leavenworth ' Horses Live Stock Vehicles. For' Sale. FOR SALE Registered 4-year-old black jack with white points, weight about fl&O nnnnil.. urall hrnlr. mtA wnnA breeder. f-ajtt. Grave, R. F. D., No. i. I lairiaz, no. HorsesLive Stock Vehicles. Don't forget the big auction uf over 100 horses and mules at stock yard's stable uext Thursday, January 16th. If you want to buy horses, this la the place If you have horses to sell bring them to this sale. We can sell any kind you may have. I. C. Gallup, Auctioneer. NOTICE to farmers, selling out harness stock, sacrifice. Owner In France. See bargains at residence, 2124 Luke St. PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Industrial H in solicits your old clothing, furnllun.. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St I WILL share freight rates with anyone shipping an automobllo to New Orleans. Address Box A-1S. Omaha Bhc' POULTRY AND BIRDS. QUALITY CHTcksTof egg-laying strains. In order to place a better grade of poul try on our middle - west farms ana ranches we are offering at cost day-old chicks hatched from egKS selcctc from producing flocks of our Poultry Exten sion Department Experts. Write today for particulara. M. C. Peters Mill Co., Omaha, Neb. Maker of Peters Quality Feeds for Poultry. DAY-OLD CHIX, BOOKING NOW. For spring; delivered alive, prepaid. 8. C. white and brown leghorns, lHc. Rose and single comb reds, barred snd white rocks 20c. Black Mlnorcas, 21c. Leftovers, 15c. Edward Stelnhoff, Leon, Kan. Acreage Improved and Unimproved . Will take LibertyTtonds at 100 cents on the "dol lar" on any of the following Florence Acre New 4-Room Cottage Only 2 blocks to car line; south front. Ideal for raising poultry and fruit. Now in alfalfa. Price $2,600. $260 cash, balance easy. West Benson Acre New 4-Room Cottage Sightly location, fine garden land; just the place for suburban home for a man working in town and living in the country. Price $2,400. $260 cash, balance (22.60 per month. Benson Gardens 2V2 Acres New, most attractive B-room bungalow on corner. This is a home you will like. The ground is perfectly level and a fine rich soil. Close to paved road and jitney Ittie. Price $4,160. $500 cash, $37.50 per month. Benson Acre Snap House unfinished. 16x36. A dandy cor. ne acre; good corner, not far from pave ment; cement block foundation; ready for stucco outside and partly plastered; doors and windows all in. Price $1,350. $135 cash, balance monthly. Anything in Acres in Larce or All unimproved acres can be purchased $10 down, ?10 p;r monf-,. Special terms on three or more acres. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 50 PRETTIEST MILE The owner of the beautiful home at 5603 Florence Blvd. is coir pelled to sell at Once. This is one of the most attractive and best built homes on Prettiest Mile, and consists of eight large roomsVliving room 1 is extra large with fireplace, built-in book cases; dining room has built in buffet; large sun room; kitchen has built-in conveniences; four larjn bedrooms, one of which is a sun room; house is finished in Birch-mahogany and white enamel, with oak floors throughout; best of hot watei heating plant, double heated garage; two large corner lots. This horn; must be seen to be appreciated as it was built for a real home, and i; complete in every respect. Price is less than the cost to build four years ago. On Florence Blvd. near Ogden Street; seven rooms nearly new all extra large rooms; large living room and sun room finished in oah and white enamel; oak floors throughout; fireplace and built-in buffet; full east front lot and garage. This house has been built for three yean and can be bought for 1,200 less than price to duplicate today. Owner'?, price $6,000. We also have several very attractive and extra well built bungalows, on PrettiestMile that can be bought at less than original cost. MINNE LUSA ust one bungalow ready for sale in this addition. Large living room with fireplace; dining room has built-in buffet, kitchen has built-in conveniences; two extra large bedroom; very large attic; the finish is oak in living room and dining room, with oak floors throughout ; kitchen and bedrooms white enamel. This is a nifty bungalow and must be seeno be appreciated. Very easy terms. v , Sundays call E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 3472, or M'. O. Headley Col fax 3482. Charles W. REALTORS. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. : KIMBALL COUNTY - NEBRASKA ' FARM LANDS FOR SALE BY UNION PACIFIC . RAILROAD CO. Six full sections- just north of Bushnell, Ne- braska, on mam line ot Section 3, Townsh ' 637.98 Acres. Section 5, Townsh 638.10 Acres.v Section 6, Townsh 630.97 Acres. Section 9, Townsh 640.00 Acres. Section 1, Townsh ooT.92 Acres. Section 3, Townsh 636.24 Acres. Prices Low, Easy Terms, 10 Years Time, Inferest . at 6 per cent. For full information apply lo J. A. GRIFFITH, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. POULTRY AN6 BIRDS. WRITE A HONG Love, mother, home childhood, patriotic or any subject. I compose music and gusrantee puhlli i tlon. Send words today) Thomas Mir. ".. 37 Hcupcr Hlk.. Chicago. IICH.MUZUNE HcBt renury In poultry" sickness, best aid to egg production. Al drug and seed stores. Makers, Ooo II Leo Co., Oinnhs. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur Ity. $40 6 mo., II. goods, total. $3.50 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Security Bldg , ltiih & Fs Hum Ty. 664 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEW ELRY AND LIBERTY BONDS. n C, i'Z O W. C. FI.ATAU. EST 1892 6 ,C T FLRSECllRITY BLDG.. TY. $50 Lowest rates PrivaTe loaiTbonthsH(irrr Maleahock, 1514 Podge, D. 6S1 Est. 18l DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Automobiles. MX'AFFREY l it-Till '"ci'i" loth'iind How " ry. Doug 3500 ,ird car and repair Authorized genu for Ford car. M' i nt y it is-"ha y w a r d m i roRc6;; 2427 Farnam Douglas 2406 Stearns-Knight and Regal cars. S A M PL B- H ART M OTOR CoT 18Thand Burt Tyler 613 100 per cent Ford serv ice to Ford owner. AMERICAN STATE BANK. lMh and Far nam. Wead Block. Phon Tyler 80. properties: Benson Way 3 acres $1,450 3.74 acres .$'.700 4 acres . . . 5.44 acres 2 acres (each) 1 acre 2 acres (corner) 1.36 acres on lake 1 acre, close 1 acre Grant St Benson Acres 2 acres ..$2,000 . .$2,200 ...$760 . . .$K0O ..$1,860 .. $1,100 . . .$f0 ...$950 . .$1.20f ...$70t 1 acre Florence Way Only 2 Blocks to Car 1 acre (2 fronts, trees) $S,"it 1 acre (2 fronts, corner) $90( 6 acres (3 fronts) ,.... ,$4.60f Half acres $600 South Omaha On or Close to Car 2 acres, on car $1,700 1 acre, on car $S50 V 1 acre, on pavement $850 2 acres, corner $1,050 1 re $625 6 acres, fine $3,260 1 or 2 acres alfalfa (each) $726 1 acre, close to pavement, car. school. church $900 . Small Tracts Spp TTs Martin & Co. Tyler 187 Union racmc itanroaa. 15 North, Range 57 West, 15 North, Range 57 West, 15 North, Range 57 West,. 15 North, Range 57 West, 15 North, Range 58 West, 15 North, Range 58 West,