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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1918)
fiirT.J-: ( HE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER IV 1911. ' r ; r 'DCiniAM onmo i in iiiuiH niiuii.i ; MAD JUMBLE AS GERMANS FtEE Foe Hurries to Escape Being Bottled Up as Allied Armies ; , . Advance Up Channel Coast. With the Allied Armies in Bel gium, OctriS. The allied infantry made rapid progress today and , p.erced into the German front vbe : yond Wynghenc. The Germans are , hurrying eastward through the pas sage between Bruges and the Dutch border and trying to escape being bottled up. Only one good toad exists in this passage, this being from Bruges to Eecloo. It contains a mad jumble of trans ports and flffing men. The Bruges Eecloo road is un- le fire of the Belgian guns, which also are shelling the back areas, dropping shells into the masses of the fleeing enemy. The passage between Bruges and Holland, which will be made nar rower by the advancing troops, un doubtedly will constantly come in fo treatment by the heavy artillery as more allied guns are rushed up. The. Germans in Belgium already have met with defeat and those flee ing from the coast are faced with the great danger of capture unless they win the race they arc making to escape. If the passag is closed the Germans, rather than turrend tn bodily, mav try to escaoe by t crossing into Holland, where it is sure they would be interned. One thing, stands out above oth ers. The coast of Belgium, so vital - to the German submarine opera 'tions, is fast being cleared of the , enemy. , . It would appear from reports re ; garding the cavalr operating on - both sides if Bruges that th- horse .men even now are endeavoring to , cut off the fleeing . any. American Casualty List The following Nebraskans and Iowans are named in the casualty list given out by the government for Friday afternoon, October 18: DIED FROM WOUNDS. Mike Montello; next of kin, Joe Montello, 1717 Tenth street, Omaha, Neb. WOUNDED SEVERELY. ' William J. Mulligan; next of kin, P. J. Mulligan, Dubuque; la. WOUNDED, DEGREE UNDE TERMINED. Theodore E. Loving; next of kin, Albin Loving, Albert City, la. MISSING IN ACTION. Theodore H. Rhombert; next of kin, Mrs. Victoria Kunst, Dubuque, la. Killed in action, previously re ported wounded severely: Privates Verden L. Leonard, Brooks, la. Fred H. Foreman, Oakland, la. The following Nebraskans and Iowans named in the casualty list! given out by the government for Saturday morningJJctober 19: 1 KILLED' IN ACTION. Private Thomas M. Murray, next of kin, Mrs. Ella Keplei, Cedar Rapids, la. . WOUNDED SEvELY. Sergt Frank P. Werner, next of kin, Mrs. Martha Werner, Winfield, la. Don J. Killcn, next of kin, Mrs. Effie Killen, Carlisle, la. William ,A. Kurkowski, next of kin, Mrs. Louise Kurkowski, Grant, Neb. Edwin W. Nordgren, next of kin, Swan Nordgren, Lynch, Neb. Clifford W. Riggs, next of kin, William Riggs, Anselmo, Neb. William Bert Skinner, next of kin, Jchn F. Skinner, Berwyn, Neb. WOUNDED. DEGREE UNDETERMINED. Sergt. Ray S. Seeley, next of kin, Mrs. Alice Seely, Anamosa, la. - Stewart M. Blank, next of kin, Mrs. J. Blank, Coin, la. Ralph E. Dray, next of kin, Alva Dray, Modale, la. Allen G. Poppino, next of kin, Sylvester Poppino, 4535 South Twenty-Sixth street, Omaha, Neb. MISSING IN ACTION. Charles C. Lahoda, next of kin, Mrs. Carolina Johnson, Plattsmouth, Neb. The following casualties are re ported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: Killed in action, 124; missing in action. 71; wounded severely, 191; died from wounds, 14; died from accident and other causes, 4; died of disease, 31; tiied from airplane acci dent, 1; wounded, degree undeter mined, 12a. -Total, 561. Kllleil In Action Lt. John A. Bachman. Buffalo, N. T. Lt. David Putnam, Brookilne, Mass. Lt Cloo Jopiion Ross, Tltusville, Pa. I.t Paul R. Splane. Los Angeles, Cal. Sergt. Elmer B. Bartell, Zeandale, Kan. Sergt. Parmelius Donlas. Southbrldge, Mass. . Sergt. Lewis O. Dreyer, Honesdale, pa. Sergt. Louis W. Gelger, Oalena. Ill Sergt. Otto H. Karbowskl, Galveston, Tex. Sergt. John Keller, Salem, O. Sergt. Graham McConnell, Philadelphia, Pa. Sergt. Burdett Nary, Hillsdale, 111, Sergt John J. Kechlin, New York, N. Y. Sergt! Tonney Vince, Flint, Mich. Sergt. James W. West. Kansas City. Mo. Cyp. Clarence B. Bratoher, Venius, Tex. Corp. Joseph P. Brogden. Topeka. Kan. Corp Roy O. Brown, Wichita, Kan. Corp.' Gordon Anderson Duckett, Detroit. Mien. Corp. Martin F. Hanavan, New York, N. Corp. Peter J. Harding, Violin, Tex. Corp. Roy R. King. Iantha,' Mo Corp. Purley E. MeCloskey, Agra. Kan. Corp. Michael J. McGulre, Haverstraw, N. Y. , Corp. Fred Lewis McKenney, Hunter, Okl. Corp Edward J. Malone, New York, N. Y. ' Corp. William M. Muhllng, New York, N. Y. Corp. Arthur L. Peterson, Long Beach, Cal. Corp. Joseph R. Ralble, Overbrook, Kan Corp. John Wenzinger, Bluffton, O. Bugler James P. Stroud, Locust Grove, Okl. i Mochantc David N. Dean, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mechanic Charles X. Hanlln, Osawatom le, Kan. Mechanio Stere Torcheak, Middle Branch, U Wagoner Charles Ed Young, Sentinel, Okl. i Sim A-ndorson, Alexandria, Ina. Emil L. Barak, New York, N. Y. Oftrtrsro Norria Bonkhnltz. Franch VII- lag". Mo. Frank Bowden, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Bruton, Golden, Mo. Harry C. Cahill. Dayton, O. Frank C. Champion, Georgetown, Tex Oeorirs K., Church, Danntson, Minn. Ernest W. Crosley, Middletown, Conn, Valentine Davis, Weston, Pa. Hugh B. Dewitt, San Anselmo, Cal George E. Dick. Staunton, 111. Howard W. Draper, Adams. Kan. Harry Dickinson, Wickenburg, Aril. Newton J. Dudley. Pleasant Hill, Mo. Guy L. Dugan. St. George, Kan. Nathan Felnbloom, Hamburg, N. J. Olaf Fiske, Colfax, N. D. i Thomas J. Flannery. Darby. Pa. Jimmle Clgns. McKlnney, Tex. Mount E. Colson, Prattville, Ala. Victor W. Haglund. Isanti, Mich. Roy Harris. Nacona, Tex. Jacob T. Hartman, Baltimore, Md. Thomas P. Hogan, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, Georeo Henry Koehler. Lackawanna, N. Y. Henry W. Holle, Amherst, O. Helmcr Hovland, Handrum. Minn. Theodore Jallo. Roacan. Minn. George E. Kallemoyn, UniVerslty Place, Nob. David O. Klngsley, Truxton, N. Y. Edward Koehler, Eckman, N. D. Charles F. Lane, Winston-Salem, N. C. Aruthur J. Lavlnge, Sanford, Me. John Lleghtheart, Philadelphia, Pa, John Leszcelnskl, Detroit, Mich. Frank J. Levandosko, South Amboy, N, Joseph Liebman, Kansas City, Mo. Ludlow Luther, Cincinnati, O. William II. McAllister, Tcuiawanda, N. fNew November Numbers of 1 o li ff WWW II if 1 II If 1 fcl- sSZ 1 Lashanska Sincfe fyia Curly Headed Bathy" Just the softest, sweetest lullaby that ever crooned a drowsy piccaninny into slumberland. Every yearning note of Lashanska s rich soprano in .; this familiar melody is a vocal caress of tender mother-love. 77744 $1.00 4 Ac Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes Oscar Seagle, noted for the lyric rich ness of his splendid baritone, is at his best in this wonderful old English lovers toast. On the other side, "Loch Lomond," by Seagle. A 6071 $1.50 New York Philharmonic Plays Liszt's Immortal i ""Second Hungarian Rhapsody" One of the world's supreme musical composi tions, played by a world-famous organization of musicians. On the back, Tschaikowsky's 44 Waltz of the Flowers." , A 6070 $1.50 Hara you heard the wonderful record of General Pershing's to ice made in France? Any Columbia Dealer will play it for yon. New Columbia RtcvrxU mm Sol thm 10th mnJ 20th f Eary Month COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New York y "The Lury of Music" Every home should have this en tertaining book about good music and the lives of great musicians. Written in a simple, charming style, by Olin Downes, Boston's leading musical critic it is an interesting, instructive volume that every member of the family willenjoy. Publishedby Harper's on sale at all Columbia Dealers. t -V ,s" i nv nk ek m r ( ,.,.,.11,. Henry P.-McCann, Brooklyn, N. T. Henry F. McCausland, Lawrenceville, III. Thomaa I. McClanahan. Payette, Idaho. Thomas C. Mcflraw, Jamestown, N. Y. Edward J. McKenna, Providence, R, I. JameB Matrglo, New York, N. Y. Jack MaRlerko, Floral Park. N. T. Charles Francis llahon. Manayunk, Fa. Henry E. Maples. Hoyt, Okl. Clyde R. Martin, Sprlnafield, Mo. Horace Matthews, WashlnBton, D. C. Jacob Matulls. Yonkers, N. Y. Lawrence A. Mayle, Moatsvllle, W, Va. . Kara A. Mayo, Sclma, N. C. Hans Miller, Cairo, 111. Willis Miller. Norma, Okl. Thomas W. Murray, Cedar Rapids, la. Emllio Orlando, Cleveland, O. Raymond R. Ransom ftflchester, N. Y. Tandy Reld, OvertoriT Tex. John H. Rolan. PortaKeville, Mo. Alvle D. Rutledge, Gillette, Tex. Albert Martin, Philadelphia, Pa. Howard W. Shue, Schaefferstown, Pa, William M. Smart, Mulvane, Kan. George-H Smith, Providence. R. I. Max Smith, Eden Prairie, Minn. Warren N. Smith, Scottsville, N. Y. Charles Edward Straker, Evansville, Ind. Taul Vanfleet, Chatham, N. J. William H. Stoll, New York, N. Y. I.awreuce W. Swanson, Lake Elmo, Minn. Fred Clayton, Swartwood, New York, N. Y. James J. Tansey. Brooklyn, N. Y. Olo Tdvten, Trail, Minn. James J. Toomey, Chelsea, Mass. Jeny V. Tyler, Everman, Tex. Spencer Wallace, Rearden, Tenn. Albert J. Walsh, Jersey City Heights. N. J. Taylor B. Weaver Brlnkley, Ark. Owlen J. West, Mildred, Kan Bill Wllburn, Drumrlgrht. Okl. ' Frank J. Williams, Clma, Cal. Harvey Williamson, Springfield, Colo. Boyd Wilson, Meadowsland, Pa. Louis Wilson. Chauncey, O. Amel Wlttkfcpp, Hurrah, Okl. James J. Wynne, Now York, N. T. Fred V. Yocam, .Toplln. Mo. Died of Wounds Received In Action. Lt. Joseph Edwin Froblaher, Arlington. N. J Lt.' Bryant Mudgett, San Antonio, Tex. Lt. Charles C. Rlticor, Leesburg, Va. John J. McMackln, Philadelphia, Pa. Herbert E. Macon, Madera, Cal. Edward J. Newman, Chicago, 111. Mark Walsh, Serantfin, Pa. Benjamin F. Keith, Philadelphia, Pa. Abraham Ohren, St. Louis, Mo. Jesse C. Reeves, Medicine Lodge, Kan. William J. Homines, Caston, Okl. ZZ72 ALL NOVEMBER Columbia Records Advertised in Accompany ing Ad Now on Sale at Our Store. We Invito ft fm You to (m cHear Them THIS NEW POLUMBIH U CRAFONOU Choice Mahogany or Oak case and twelve selections, 6 Double Disc Records $17.60 ui f H For the entire outfit. Terms only 25c weekly -We have other mod els in Grafonolas at $47.50, $60, $90 and up to $250 on terms to suit the purchaser.' v NOTICE It unable to call' at our store, just drop us a postal or phone Douglas 1623 and we .will eend a selection of Records on approval or give complete information re garding our easy payment plan on Columbia Grafono las, "The World's Greatest. Phonograph." , Our Grafonola Depart ment is at your disposal whether you wish to pur chase or not. Schmoller & Mueller Farnam .Piano Co. D. 1623. TP Harlow H. Vincent, Salt Lake City, Utah Roiand O. Whltelty, Yearertown, Pa. Emll Yeake, Winona, Minn. Died of Dlseew; ' Corp. Amos E. Dtlter, Tremont, Pa. John A. Anderson, Reynolds, N. D. Roy L. Helmbaugh, Akron, O Charles P. Morgenthaler, Brooklyn, N. Y. Octave Rock, New OrleanF, La, Joseph Shepard, Leatherman, N. C. Ben Smlth St. Louis. Mo. Charles Zeman, Baltimore, Md. Robert McCoy, Princess. Ky Paul A. Marino, New York, N. Y. George H. Martin, Brooklyn, N. Y, C.ust W. Martinson, Detroit, Minn. Willie Moore, Westpolnt. Miss. E. M. refers. Mikado, Mich Stuart W. Pierce, Richmond', Va. Abe L. Puek, Warne, N. C. James B. Reynolds, Philadelphia, Pa. Lukn Robinson, Latexo, Tex Charles S. Rooks, New Bedford, Mass Ezra T. Rowe, Hart, Mich. Raymond Rynbrandt, Byron Center, Mich. Henry R. Schak, Cleveland, O. Tlemon Schepel, Holland. Mich. Henry N. Sneatl, Crystal Hill, Va. Orvllle I. Stocken, Battle Creek, Mich. Harry H Surran, Culver, Ind. Samuel Joseph Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa. Orvllle VanBussurn, Uniontown, Ky. Claude I). Wlaenbaker, Valdosta, Ga, Charles F. Young, New Orleans, La. Mike Zlotcha, Hamtramck, Ulch. Died from Airplane Accident. Lt. Henry Edgar Fulghum, Hapevllle, Ga. Died from Accident and Other Oanses. Sergt Thomas Corvan Ingraham, Moun tain Grove, Mo. Charles A. Debont. Washington, Pa. Claude Isom, Kansas Hy, Mo. Orvle L. Jones, Santa Rsa, Cal. Missing In Action. Lt. Donald Johnston, Harrlsburg, Pa. Lt. Claude Rosco Lucy, Ellington, Mo. Lt Roland S. Tait, St, Louis. Mo. Hi Frank Walther, New York, N. Y. Sergt. Charles Christie, Long Island City. N Y. Sergt. Fred Sexauefr Astoria, N. Y. Corp. Obadlah H. Harrison, Brooklyn, NT., Corp, George C. Hancock, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corp. Charles J. Hayden, Latrohg, Fa. Corp. George T. Olson, Dubois, Pa. Corp. Frederick Vandeusen, Greenwich, Conn. Corp Clarence L. Walters, Columbus. O. Millard M. Alderton, Reynoldsville, Pa. Charley Alexander, Custer, Ky. John E. Anderson, Virginia, Minn. . Raymond E Barnes, Akron, O. Edward A. Bates, Boston, Mass, Hugh Bates, Homer, Tex. Luty Belskl, Shamokln, Pa. Reeco N Biffle, Wetumka, Okl. Joseph Bourassa, Cambridge, Mass Nicholas F. Bozzella, Brooklyn, N. William L. Buellovey Chicago, 111. Giovanni Capocetta, Sharpsvllle, Pa. Charles E. Carberry. Brooklyn, N. Y. Van A. Cornish, Klamath Falls, Ore Jerry Cutrona, Lodl, N. J. Alexander C. Donna, Grand Rapids, Mich. Arthur Edgerly, Mattawan, Mich. John C. Elder. Farmtngton, Ga. Johannes Fandpleh, Maudlin, Mont. John Fasso, Chicago, III. Bert Fountain, Remus, Mich. Grover M. Fox. Bellflower, 111, Harry B. -Frost. Hackettstows, N. J. Burton A. Gavlatt. Detroit, Mich. Earl Heywood Grlawold, Jersey City, N. Arcenlol Gutlerres. Walsenburg, Colo, George V. Hall, Poughke, mrte. N. T. Christ Harry, Seattle,' WriSh. ' Joseph Lee Hanard, Belmont, N. T. James H. Henry, Philadelphia, Pa, Peter C. Hlgglns, Wyandotte, Mich. Charles Hlslop, jr., Manchester, N. H. Floyd Holmes, Lansing, Mich. Daniel J. Irwin. Woodhaven, N. J Victor Jawarowskl, Detroit, Mich. Herbert J. Johnson, Milwaukee, Wis. Henry Just, Nelllsville, Wis. James D. Kealy, Poughkeepsle. N. T. Emll H. Kellnske. Elm Mott, Tex. John Kernan. Rochester, N. Y Palmer C. Klingbell, Clinton, Wis. Henry J. Kugler. Jacksonport. Wis. Charles C. Lahoda, Plattsmouth, Neb. John H. Larson, Tulsa, Okl. Rtibcrt Lavornla, Los Angeles. Cal Lester Leatnan, Lancaster, Pa. Skeem Lebleu, Gosport, Ala ' John U. Lehman, Fllmore, U. T. Wlllard H. Lowman, Concordia, Kan. Cruz R. Martinez, Morencl, Ariz. Joseph F. Meehan, Brooklyn, N. T. Fred Monticelli. Uuerneyvllle, CaL Fred Monroe, Haverhill, Mass. John Nedzelskl, Erie, Pa Henry O'Connor, Middletown, O. Joel F. Parmenter, Acton, Mass. Jerome Payton, Crlbbs, Okl. John H. Phillips, Keyport. N. J. Curtail Trading Session as "flu" Preventive Omaha Grain exchange members have taken notice of the influenza situation In Omaha, and as reiulj until there ia a break in the aeveriti of the epidemic there will be a cun tailment in the length of the dailjj trading sessions. . British Aide Flu Victim. Washington, Oct. 18 Major, the Hon. Charles Lyell, principal aide to Major General MacLachlan, mili tary attache of the British embassy. died here today of an embolism following an attack of Spanish in fluenza. He was the second mem ber of the embassy staff to fall a victim to the scourge, Capt. Angus Macintosh died Sunday. . Major Lyell, though only 43 years of age, had been a member of Par liament and served as parliamen tary private secretary to Sir Edward Grey and to Mr. Asquith. As a soldier he served in France, where he suffered ipm severe shell shock, which led to his detachment and assignment to Washington. Burial will be at Arlington Na tional cemetery next Monday. Y. Silk Underwear Specials Saturday we will offer extra ordinary values in Ladies' Silk Underwear. JULIUS ORKIN, 1508 and 1510 Douglas St. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c MERCHANDISE STORAGE Separate Locked , FIREPROOF Rooms for Household Goods, Etc. Heated Piano Rooms Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163. 806 So. 16th St Hosiery Specials Saturday we will offer special values in Onyx brand hosiery. Regular $1.00 quality 79c Regular $1.75 quality $1.25 Regular $2.00 quality $1.50 JULIUS ORKIN 1508 and 1510 bouglaa St. Visit Our Columbia Graf onola Demonstration el Now COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AND RECORDS. Nothing makes W lovelier gift, nor a more patriotic one. HELSING A HELSING, Wahoo. Neb. Gaskill Music Company Nebraska City, Neb. Complete stock of the new est Columbia Grafonolas in all the popular wood finishes. Come in today and buy your Grafonola and also hear some of the latest records we now have in stock. The Columbia Grafonola and New Records will bring Happiness into your home all the year through.") We are showing a most complete line of Colum bia Grafonolas, as well as records of the world's best music. Opera House Pharmacy, Schuyler, Nebraska. VISIT OUR DAILY CONCERTS K0UTSKY- an . . ... ... South Side. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA AND RECORD DEPARTMENT. Come in and see our large display and hear us play the records. Sold on payments if desired. BERG SuiTS MB'" The Newest Styles In Autumn Clothes v Models that xxpre8s the latest fashion features in every detail Fresh from the great work shops of "The. House of Kuppenheiiner" Ton would never know that woolens were sky-high and go ing higher, by the prices we are naming here, and now is the op portunity to buy The Best All Wool Clothes Made , SUITS AND OVERCOATS at prices yon will not be able to duplicate later V Suits Men's and Young Men's Models. $20 $22.50 $25 and up to $50.00. y and full lined models, single and double breasted models. ' Overcoats Early fall and winter weight. $20 $25 $30 $35 and up to $75.00. 14 lined, full silk, satin and Italian lined, single and double breasted models. New Military Fads and Fancies for Young Fellows 1415 Farnam Street 8 : If, il,1 1 I i t I - a n j li Style Supreme Button Boot To wear with smart street jH I costumes. You'll be pleased Call ui I with the dainty grace, the pa- zp mm I trlclan sllmness, the ele- zL I4 I gance of this boot ,JC'(Jfizl Fry's Footwear Superior- Zy ywsV I 'r lty Is Instantly apparent. El fri ff J Priced from- J" jV ( (g ! up il iiiiiiiiiinniio Live in Patriotic At mosphere Every Day wjj Through the Music & of a Columbia Grafonola Enjoy the songs of teeming pa triotism inspired by our boys "over there." We invite you to attend our demonstrations of the No vember Records which we hold daily. Woodward-Thomas Drug Company AURORA, NEB. CHOOSE THAT COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA NOW To Brine Holiday Cheer Into Your Home .... On Christmas Day and All Through the Year Patriotic shopping during October and November is going to help w jf uncle cam materially, ana we win neip you ao your un. who m "j day for a demonstration of the newest Columbia Grafonolas .and No- vemuer recorua. M. L. BRAUN. Tekamah, Neb. 0m Without Music One Is Lost ' And Why Be Lost when it's so easy to own a Columbia Grafonola then, too, the Columbia Records produce any music you desire instru mental, vocal, etc. Sold on easy terms when desired. Q STREET PHARMACY FRANK J, HERMANSKY, Prop. South Side Dealer. -: 272S Q Street. SOLVE THE GIFT PROBLEM WITH A COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. Shop Early for Your Columbia and Recordr. Then you may be assured of just what you want. There will be 1 mi no worry concerning late nmpments. iou win Know mac ine kui suua if) tion is settled most pleasantly. We shall tnke great pleasure in demon if strating our most complete line of Columbia Grafonolas and Novem ber Records. 1 J. L. OLSON, Stromsburg, Neb.- 1 HARTMAN'S 415-417 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Nglr Columbia Grafonolas and Records Lowest weekly or monthly payments Come in and hear the latest records. Stop the"Flu"! I ForQuickRettefr P f Dnlm Aoniv v v v. Daim i I- (Catarrh, Cold, Croup) I Telegraphic and mall reports from all sections I tell of marvelous results in quickly relieving In- f lammation in throat, head or lungs preventing ' pneumonia. Sold on Money Back Guarantee f I Buy a tube or jar, use it and if you are not sat- 1 isf ied we will refund your money. - - - e Tube 35c Jar 65c i I' 1 AT ALL SIX Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores fTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiml Don' wnrrvaMrfTCi Resinol lasmi ml., . 1 J -1 I, too, thought that nothing would dear my skin. I harl nri n femedies and nothing helped much. ...a. 1 I i" n 1 ui wucn i nnany tned Kesinol Oint nent and Resinol Soap, I could feel an nprovement in a short time. The pimples and roughness gradually disappeared until my skin was clearer and fresher than ever. Tor sale by all dealers. Wh, don't you try them? " Hip ' -k Robert W. Patrick Candidate for Judge of Municipal Court. Born In Omaha. Lived in Omaha all his lif$ A Rood lawyer. A just judge. He will see that the court is the peer man's court, the purpose for which it was created. When Writing to Oui advertisers Mention Seeing lt in The Bee JEFFERBS FOR CONGRESS