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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1918)
EU E F. MGHT IEEZY BITS OF NEWS B ALL THE LATEST WAR NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE 1 i Women Cleaning Street Lights Green Bay, Wis., Oct. 19. Green Bay citizens were startled when -' r'rs. Cecily Beaucourt, armed with 1 box of tools and cleaning rags, 'passed from corner to corner in the downtown district cleaning arc lights. She is one of five women do ing this work here. "It won't be long until women are doing every sort of work that men have been doing," said Mrs. Beau court. "Every time I clean one of these globes I pinch the kaiser on the nose, and if it annoys him I would just as. soon clean globes every day : ol my life." Two Killed in Sham Battle. Camp Lee, Va., Oct. 19. Two soldiers were killed and 13 others seriously injured here today in an .accidental explosion during a re hearsal of an attack in a sham bat tle. Free Lunches Restricted. San Francisco, Oct. 19. Free lunch counters maintained by sa loons, hotel bars and other places will be allowed to serve only wheat less crackers, olives and pickles hereafter, the federal food adminis tration for California announced to day. ' Contradicts Report. New York, Oct. 19. Health Com - u missioner Copeland tonight contra- dieted health authorities in Wasn 't Jngton who estimated the number of oases of influenza in New York at 500,000 and fixed the number at lees than 125,000. Army Post Prints Paper. "Indianapolis. Oct. 19. Fort Ben jamin Harrison, near here, now has a newspaper called The Harrisonite, published from the army post print "shop. Capt. Edward Maher is edi .. tor-in-chief and Sergt. L. T. Swal low managing editor. The Harri sonite, tbe editors announce, will not deal in politics, adding: "Our states- men and president know what is ' needed at this vital hour. The watch- t word of the army is Tame the Teuton.'" Wheat Raise to Be Urged. Washington,' Oct. 19. President Wilson will be urged to fix a min imum, price of ?2.46 a bushel for No. I northern wheat or its equivalent Chicago delivery, by representatives oi theNational Wheat Growers' as- '. sociation at a conference Monday In a brief to be presented to the president the growers declare an advance in the present fixed price is necessary because of the increased ',. nost of production. t :,W'-i;?aj;s Homage, to LiUe. . ' ' Paris, Oct. , 19. The earl of Derby, the British ambassador, in the name of Gteat Britain, placed a laurel wreath on the iille statue in the Place de la Concorde, com memorating the liberation of Lille by the British troops. The wreath was decorated with the colors of France. and Great 'Britain and bore the inscription: "Homage to the valiant martyr city of Lillq' $100,000 SUIT ECHO OF OMAHA- CIIADRON CASE Former Mayor Fisher One of Nine Defendants in Con-' spiracy Case Alleges' Damaged Reputation Allen G. Fisher, attorney, and former mayor of Chadron, Neb., filed in district courtSaturday aft ernoon an action against John C. Lynch, Edwin D. Crites and Newton Rule for damages in the sum! of $100,000, in connection with the famous Omaha-Chadron case, which began during May, 1917. ' Fisher was one of nine code fendants .in the alleged conspiracy case. He was held on preliminary examination before County Judge Slattery in Chadron and the case against him-was nolled when called for hearing in Alliance a year ago this month. The petitioner alleges that he has been damaged in the sum asked for, by reason of injury to his law bus iness and reputation; that he was brought into public scandal and dis grace and that the defendants con spired for the purpose of injuring his good name and fame. Lynch, one of the defendants in this .case, was ousted as commis lioner of Douglas county. He was t prominent figure in the Omaha Chadron case, his chief interest be ing to break up the, Omaha Detec tive association. v Crites, another de fendant, was county attorney in Chadron during the sensational' af fair, and he filed the charges against the nine men six from Omaha and three Chadron men. Crites alleged lhat there was a conspiracy to com promise himself with Mrs. Robert Hood, his client, in connection wilh he domestic troubles w the Hood jousehold. Fisher was attorney for Hood, and in that .capacity he recommended engaging operatives " f the Omaha Detective association. Bolsheviki in Caucasus Surrounded by Cossacks ' Amsterdam, Oct 19. The Don Cossacks volunteer army and other detachments have surrounded the , bolsherjk forces in the northern Caucasus, says a dispatch from tier, y . " . ;, Lockwood "Flu" Victim. : New York, Oct. 19-Haroli Locl- wood, motion picture actor, died from Spanish influenza at his home ere today. Lockwood was featured ki juvenile parts. He. was 29 years The Omaha Sunday Bee VOL. XLVIII NO. 19. ltt?.TVS?2n&S-lmll' OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1918. awJfaTO SS ! FIVE CENTS. THE WEATHER: . For Nebraska: Partly cloudy Sunday and Monday; probably unsettled in touth portion; not muck change in temperature. Hourly Tminitiirra. Ij S a. m 53 1 p. m ,M a. m 5.1 p. m. . ..55 1 a. m ...5S i p. m .....57 S a. m fti 4 p. m ,..(8 V a. m 51 5 p. m. 59 111, m 5i 6 p. m , ...5 It a. m St 1 p. m 59 It m 63 j . . - . can wiiiiLP w k 1 . I A . I - art GERMANY'S REPLY DENIES WILSON'S. CRUEL TY CHARGE Proposes Investigation of "Atrocities"; Accepts U. S. ' Conditions With Exception of Continuing Sub marine Warfare Until Peace Is Restored; Official Note on Way. NOTE LIKELY TO BRING PARLEYING TO GONCL USION Basel, Switzerland, Oct. 19. The answer of Ger many to President Wilson's last note will probably be published Sunday afternoon. Amsterdam, Oct 19. The official text of President Wilson's note to Germany has been received and an agree ment has been reached in principle regarding the reply, the Frankfort Gazette states. x The foreign affairs committee, the newspaper adds, has been made acquainted with the definite terms of the reply, which, it is understood, will be handed to the Swiss minister at Berlin Saturday afternoon or evening. V Germania, according to a Berlin, telegram, says Ger many's reply to President Wilson' will most strongly protest against the accusation of cruelty and will suggest that it would not be a bad idea to propose an investigation of those cruelties. X MC UEI1UAU ICIJ, Hit. utnaoifwij adds, further will justify the L-boat warfare as a reprisal against the enemy's starvation blockade. The German reply will give the allies to understand that Germany is not ready to bow to a peace that will destroy her future, according to the Cologne Gazette. ' Germany, the newspaper says, is ready for a peace of right, but not for a peace of might, i I May Recall U-Boats Conditionally. The dispatch of Germany's note has been delayed, owing to a differ ence of opinion which occurred at the eleventh hour, according to a dispatch received here from Berlin. It is said that Germany will make a very conciliatory offer regarding the suspension of submarine war fare! ancl probably, will recall condi tionally all submarines." Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 19. Germany's reply, to President Wil son will be dispatched this evening, according to information here to day from a diplomatic source. Although the German press is prohibited from discussing the mat ter, it is understood that Germany accepts President Wilson's condi tions generally, with one exception. She declares that the submarine war fare must continue until the war's end.' She denies having inflicted cruelties or carried out devastating measures beyond the scope of mili tary necessities. Conditions Disquieting. Washington, Oct. 19. Diplomatic dispatches today, based on advices from Berlin through Basel. Switz erland, say Germany's response to President Wilson s note was held up at the last moment after a five-hour session of the war binet Tues day, with all the military leaders present, and after semi-official news papers had announced, that the re ply would be sent immediately. It was learned, the dispatches declare, that the questions involved were so serious and the conditions in Germany so- disquieting that the imperial government wished to take further deliberations before a final decision. The Vorwaerts publishes an arti cle which says at the factories in Berlin the workmen openly assert that a ministry headed by Haase and Ledebour will shortly be formed to represent the .working class and be supported by the workmen's committees. Huns Have Hot Scrap. London, Oct. 19. (British wire less Service) Iiteresting particulars now are" available concerning the re cent happenings in Germany lead ing up to the sending of the Ger man reply to President Wilson's questions. According to Essen Zei tung, the decision to reply affirm atively was taken at a dramatic (Continued oa Pag Two, Column Two.) Holland to Get Coal For Stopping Export . Of Food to" Germany 'The Hague, Oct 19. Announce ment was made at the American le gation here today that the United States government had offered to place at the immediate disposal of the Dutch government 100,000 tons of coal monthly ior the next 12 months or untiHhe end- of the war. The coat is to be shipped in vessels sent from Holland. The only cori dition to this offer is that Holland cease sending food to Germany. J German Defense of Submarine ' Warfare Regarded as At tempt to Continue Dip lomatic Discussions. i Washington, Oct. i9. Beyond press dispatches from Switzerland saying the new German note would be dispatched tonight, the State de partment had no intimation what ever of the time or the nature of the German response to the president. Officials heard without comment the report that Germany would accept President Wilson's conditions "gen erally" with a reservation that sub marine warfare must continue to the end of the war. About the State department this was regarded as an indication that the Berlin government, without don ceding the surrender that it has been told must precede an armistice, would seek to continue diplomatic discussions in the hope of eventually weakening the t position of its en emies and winning the earnestly de sired negotiated peace. It was reiterated that only a com plete acceptance will satisfy the UniteM States and the allies, and that an effort by the Germans to evade the issue would cause-the president promptly to refuse to con tinue the correspondence. er rour iearsi BOND COMPANY HOLDS SESSIONS BUT CANT AGREE "Heads" and "Tails" Still Dis agree on Settlement of Claims of Former Com pany Employes. Although a meeting of directors of the Lion Bond and Casualty com pany was. in almost continuous ses- ision up- . midnight, frnday, and all of Saturday forenoon, no settlement was effected between tnTtompany and its former employes, as far as could be learned. George Brown, former superin tendent of agencies, was in confer ence with the officers of the company for several hours both days, but it is alleged they refused to settle with him and are in possession of a let ter he wrote to former Vice Presi dent Shaffer, when the latter was manager of the Minneapolis office of the company. Shaffer, who affiliated with the suborganization offormer employes, known as the "The Lion's Tails," and who was summarily discharged by the company, turned the letter over to Vice President Luikhart. Mr. Brown's Statement. Before making a settlement with Brown, the company is said to be insisting that he give an affidavit concerning some inside matters of (Continued on Pass Two, Column Eight.) Belgian Naval Coast Operations RouseFire of Huge Guns Still There Monster Hun Coast Weapons Thought Removed, Roar Defiance at West Deep. London, Oct. 19. The operations on theBelgian coast are described in a thrilling narrative issued by the ad miralty. There had come a rumor from up the coast that the Germans had removed the heavy batteries with which the coast was armed, but in the afternoon when a reconnais sance was made to the head of West Deep, mile after mile of big guns awoke. and blazed at the slowly crawling screen of smoke in which the ships had massed themselves. Shells of all calibers, from six to 11-inch, roared out from the coast and plunged into or burst upon the sea and spat leaping fountains of water. Only dne burst was near near enough a ship to drop frag ments aboard it and between the spouts the smoke-making, , motor launches, each dragging a swelling tail of vapor behind it, moved un hurried, the .men leaning from the rails with landing nets, scooping up fish killed by the explosions. In the evening it was the turn of the coastal motor boats, the small est of all. Their function was to pay a visit to Zeebrugge, where the old cross channel boat Brussels was reported lying ana sink it where it lay. The boats, working up to speed, swung around in a curve that bad the point ol the mole with the light house and searchlight for its center and drpve in towards the beach at Hoyst. just east of Zeebrugge. At 700 yards the bulk of the Brus sels was visible, clear enough against the mole in the moonlight, with its two funnels standing against a big store she'd. The airplanes had ceased flare-cropping and were bombing,- and to this accompaniment the first torpedoes. were, fired. The second torpedoes were then let go at 400 yards and the boats, bearing away seaward, - heard and saw the bursts ofthree of them. Independent observation by an officer in the leading boat and by a torpedo specialist in the last boat agree that one torpedo hit the tar get close to the stern. No boat was hit and there were no casual ties,, r -. " ., V - Concealment of Cow . Four,. Year 8 Supreme. Feat of War at Lille London, Oct. 19. The Daily Mail's correspondent tells this in cident about the deliverance of Lille: "What is said to be the 'supreme feat of the war at Lille' was the successful concealment of a cow for four whole years. This cow is now being decorated to meet the British troops." TECHNICALITY MAY RESTRAIN OMAHA CHARTER Petition Filed to Prohibit Elec tion Commissioner From Submitting Charter to the Voters. LIBERTY LOAN WILL PASS SIX BILLION MARK LAvalanche of Subscriptions the Last Day Insures Suc of Fourth "Sale of War Bonds. Omia's proposed new home rule charter, for which plans have been made to submit to the voters on No vember 5 for approval or rejection, will have to run the gamut of the courts. John Paul .Breen, attorney for Marion O. Cunningham "and other electors and freeholders," Saturday afternoon filed in district court a pe tition in equity, which, if sustained, would have the effect of restraining the election commissioner and the city from submitting the proposed charter next month. The petition relates that a consti tutional provision,,fequires that 30 days shall elapse between the time of the advertisement of the char ter in the official paper, and the date of submission to the electors. Mr. Breen explained that another alleged irregularity is that the law requires that the city charter convention shall file 25 copies of the proposed charter with the city clerk, while in this instance only onecopy was filed. He bases his chief objection, how ever, on the interim of only 23 days between last advertisement and election day. "Our law covering this mater was written after the California law." Mr. Breen stated. "In San Diego a similar charter was held up by the courts because 28 days would have elapsed between date of last adver tisement and election day, while the legal requirement was 30 days." The case probably will be heard next Tuesday morning, as an early decision is necessary on account of the election wofk now being pre pared by the election commissioner. Leaves to Collect $2 And Gets 30 Days More Thomas Dolan, laborer, who was arrested Friday and sentenced to IS Ways for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was put to work unloading a car ai coal at the police station Saturday morning. After working a short time, he left without per mission to call upon a former em ployer who he said owed him $2. He was picked up by officers again during the day, and . this morning drew 30 days more from Judge Mad den. - .. .. , - Thomas C. Byrne, State Liberty loan chairman, announced at a dinner given at the Omaha club Saturday night for the local Lib erty loan chairman, that the state had gone over the top with $71, 000,000 to its credit. This is un official, but is considered a mod est estimate of the state's sub scriptions. Nebraska's quota, in round numbers, was $70,000,000. Washington, Oct. 19. Over sub scription of the fourth Liberty loan semed assured tonight when the three-weeks' campaign closed. While official reports were lacking, it ap peared that again the American peo ple have given not only what 'was asked, but more in order that the war against Germany and her al lies may be carried to a successful conclusion. Indications are that the number o individual subscribers will far ex ceed 20,000,000 and break all records i for distribution of war bonds for either this nation or any other. . I How far the total will run above the $6,000,000,000 goal officials would not attempt to estimate. It all de pends, they said, on whether big financial interests at the last mo ment file the big lump sum sub scriptions expected" of rtiem, and (Continued on Page Two, Column Five.) PERSHING'S BOYS HACK THEIR WAY THROUGH ENEMY American Troops Distinguish Themselves in Furious Fighting in' Le Cateau Regions Where Germans Had Orders to Hold Line at All Costs; Hun Hordes Continue Flight BULLETIN. Paris, Oct. 19. The allied armies have reached the Dutch frontier. v By Associated Press. With the American forces North west of Rheims, Oct. J9. Perhaps the most glorious page of American military history in this- war has just been . concluded in the Champagne battle, in which two divisions of United States troops the Second and the 36th have done their in adequately heralded part of forcing back the German hordes facing the famous city of Rheims. The work of the Americans was more notable because one of the American divisions, the 36th, entered the terrific battle at an important point. Although new to fighting and without having ever having heard shell fire before,' the division with stood the most bitter German counter-attacks without flinching. The efforts of the two units were so noteworthy that they were praised publicly in an order issued by Gen eral Naul, in command of the 21st French corps, with which the Ameri cans were brigaded. The -general said: "On October 3 the Second Amer- BULLETIN. Wth the Allied Armies in France and Belgium, Oct. 19. The bewildered and shattered German hordes all day long have continued to give ground under the sustained pressure by the British, French, Belgian and American troops. In dications received at headquarters are that the German army believes that it is being withdrawn entirely from France and Belgium.' Bruges was reported late this evening to have been cleared of the enemy. The Belgians are pressing on beyond the city, closing the neck of the bottle reaching to the North sea, but the bulkaof the Germans undoubtedly have escaped from the coast S In the eeliter of the front toda? the Germans were retreating so fast that contact, if secured at all, wai only between advanced patrols and small groups of the enemy. On the flanks, however, there has been hard fighting. In Belgium, the allies have been engaged in severe encounters. Nevertheless they have gained ad ditional miles of ground. ' - Americans in Furious Fighting. In the area north and south of Le Cateau furious fighting is re ported and the Americans have again distinguished themselves. By dark last night they had penetrated a depth of two miles; today ithey made further progress against strong opposition. The Germans here had orders to hold the Jine at all costs and the Americans and British had literally to hacktheir way through. . The enemy divisions have been, well whipped and from prisoners it is learned tha. no reserves' are back of them because retirement in this section of the line is expected to take place assoon as the other di visions to thenorth get far enough back. . North of Le Cateau the British have been engaged in equally hard, fighting. Here also the Germans ' had to be riddled before they would give ground, but posts now hav been established by the allies east of the Selle river and some ground has been gained southeast of Neu villy. London, Oct. 19. The British and American forces in the region ot Le Cateau have successfully con tinued their advance, says Field Marshal Haig in his communication tonight. Southeast of Le Cateau they have penetrated to the'high ground west of Cantillon and also have-reached the west bank of the Sahibre and Oise canal. The text of the communication follows: "This morning the British and American forces operating in con junction .with the French between the Oise river and Le Cateau con tinued their advance with success. Our troops have reached the west bank of the Sambre and Oise canal noith of Oisy and gained possession of the high ground west of Ca tillon. "In the operations in the past three days in this sector'the troops of General Rawlinson's fourth army have completed an advance of from (Continued oa ro Two, Column Three.) GERMANS CLOSE FAN THAT THEY 0PENEDIN1914 Occasion Now Not So "Fresh and Joyous" as Crown Prince Dubbed It When tfie War Began. By Associated Press. With the French Army in France, Oct. 19. The German retreat so far as the high command is able to con trol it, is a movement inverse to that of the invasion of 1914, when German columns, pivoting on the fortress of Metz and wheeling to the left, came around through Bel gium in a movement like that of an opening fan. The fan is closing this time and it is hinging on a crowded pivot, while the columns representing the ribs of the fan, instead of pursuing the ad versary, are being pursued, pushed, hustled and harassed. Consequently the regularity with which the fan was opened at the beginning" of the War and wTiich, ac cording to the crown prince, was "fresh and joyous," is absent in the inverse movement. Marshal Foch withholds from Ludendorff the leisure to operate his elastic retreat at will. The enemy is able to select only positions where resistance is vital to the success ot-the retiring move ment. ' These positions are for the mo ment on the right wing in front of Gcuraud and Pershing and in the region , of the Sisson front of Debeney. American Soldiers Laufted For Triumph in Champagne ican division, having arrived dur ing the night in the sector of the 21st army corps, attacked the forti fied crest of Blanc Mont and cap tured it in a few hours, despite ,the desperate resistance of the enemy. In the following clays it made an extended advance on the slopes to the north. "The 36th division, a recent forma-J 1 . T uon ano as yet incompletely or ganized, was ordered into the line on the night of October 6-7 to re lieve, under conditions particularly delicate, tru Second division and to dislodge the enemy from the crests north of St. Etienne and throw him back to the Aisne. Although be ing under fire for the first time, the. young soldiers of General Smith, rivalling in their combative spirit and tenacity the old valiant regi ments of General Lejuene, accom plished all the tasks set for them. "To all the generat commanding the army corps is happy to address the most cordial expression of his recognition and his best -wishes for future service, but the past is proof of the futurje." , German Troops Reported -To Be Leaving Brussels Amesterdam, Oct. 19. Evacuation of Brussels by the German troops has already begun v according to a statement made by M.' Heinrich, a Belgian deputy, to a correspondent at Rosendaal on the Dutch frontier. The correspondent reports that Heinrich himsel has already reJ turned to Brussels. H Vn 7 U - ' ,1 I i f v. - I . n v- II Teutons Take 15,000 ; Captives in Lille .Flight-' With the British Forces in France, Oct. 19. (Havas) During the last 15 days of their occupation of Lille the Germans took awoar. into captivity 15,000 ol , th habitants f the city, - .