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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1918)
WEEKLY A representative list of the best of any article refer to the lut Auto LlTery. dUtAN. A. W till N. 14th St Wbtr - till. Aato llwr and storage, TilTH TAXI CO.. Dour lit, mi Fsrnam, rTl care furnished. Al Smith. Mgr. , Auto Painting ROESSIO, W. r. 144 a 40th. Bar. 1441. ? mak old into look Ilk aew one. Auto Repairs. OREENOCaa AUTO radiator repair. I NO, 1011 rnam Douglaa 1001. AMERICAN MACHINh. WORKS. 110 & lllh Deng. 488L Automobile work. eyl. boring, pistons fitted, ant" part mad to order. , BBRTSCHt MFO. ENOINEER1NQ CO.. ft B. Cor. loth end Barney 8te.. old part tnad paw. Mir -wit nnada. toy" p. I66I. Auto Tires. TWO-Of-ONE VULCANIZINO CO, 1111 PfHrt Ht Dootlae 1914 Auto Tops cd Trimmings. ENGLISH. TH08. r., Mil Harney. Douf la III. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tba heat U noaa too too. Attorneys. DICKINSON. CHAS. T. Ill Paston Blk. Ooagfte MM. (-IKHKR. H 1411 rirat Mat. Bank Bids. D. 14 Attorney and counsellor at law. riTZUKRAlD JAMES M.. 101 S7 Wat Bank Bldg Dougls 4501. ' ORAf BKUMBAl'OH. 111-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Red HIT. Oeoeral practice la atat and federal court. HOOPER, E. C, 444 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid Douglas 1144. CLAIBORNE n H . Ill Paitoo Bis Pkone Red ! MATTERS. THOMAS H., Lawyer, III Ota. Nat flank Bids Douglas 4127 Abstracts 01 Title. MIDLAND TITLE 8UA1ANTE1 AB HTRACT CO, 1114 remain St. Douglas '.-leal Adding Machines. UAt.'ltlN AD)N(1 ANB CALCULATINO MACHINKS. 414 Ramge Bldg Doug 144 Automobiles. MOAKFREf HT'IR CO.. 10th and How. Ard. Doug. 1100. Ford ear and rtpalfe. Aatborts Mnts for rorfl fare. al'INTVKai-HATWAR MOTOR CO.. im rernsrn pougia i. H'earna-Knlaht and gal ear SaMIM.K-HaRI MOTOR CO.. llth and Bart Tylr 111. 100 par cant ford rv to Ford owner AMERICAN HTATE BANK, Itt) end far nam ad Block Phone Tyler M Biicuit Manufacturers. TtN BISCUIT CO, Capliol Ae. llth to Utb 8L Douglas ItiS Snow White bak r Mfr of nraraer. vane and eonhle. Blue Print. Vk?T(JBR, N.. 0i Uraodeia Tlualrr Bldg. iwwtalaa 17 ''Blue print 'hat satisfy " Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA 1RAN8FKR COMPANY, THE ONLT WAT." TitHlie Dougla 8t 14th and Jackson, FRD TRANSFER CO., SIT Douglas St Tvler I "Always at yolir arvtne." r'LEY AUTCTExPftESS. lOOm'Howard.'T. 141. tt nsaohtract to do hsullna tnr TOP. Boiler Manufacturers. iAKB. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. ltd and hickory. D loll Mtra. of boilers, tanks. Hnnketekk and nty-aotsylen welding. Electrical Goods, I f a llth. Dougla 11TI. Largest also. irical repair works and contracting pool' mh tn the middle west. Jewelers. JHK.Nftlcli8EN. TH, U)YAL JEWELER. Dondaa 1174. 101 N.' llth Bt . to iveOutToday Beautiful 'Beverly Hills Omaha's newest and most ion, located on the West Dodge road- three-quarters of a -"3 west of Fairacres, and immediately south of the famous rcsny farm. In the Path Caverlv Hills lies directlv :i-wth. Farnam street, when ! :irt of the Addition.' The beat 1: than one mile directly rtlthiest citizens have located suburban homes in the imme vicinity. Beverly Hills was planned by a landscape architect. Near ly five miles of roadways and i;tin boulevard has been oiled; 1,200 elm trees have been t!intedv Building restrictions insure only the highest type cf development. ' ; Come Out Today The best people in Omaha r:r-2-t that you make your c! :.z sites are selling rapidly. C ) prounds all day today. ' , FOR SALE BY 13 Byron Reed - 212 South 17th Street, Jzs 297. Est 1857. REALTORS. COMMERCIAL GUIDE buine houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need below. You ca n depend upon excellent nrice and values- Bottles. RIEKES. 8. SON. Ull-ll Wabattr St Tyler 1013-W. Jobber and dealer In bot ties of all kinds. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASgOClA TION. N. W. Cor. litb .nd Dodge. Doug las 17. pel1 cent real estate loans Drug Stores. POPt DRUG CO.. 1101 Farnam, D. till. Oen. Aft N? AL'S FAMILY. REMEDIES. Butter (Wholesale). aLFALFA BUTTER CO.. 110-24 N. Utb St Douglas 19ns W W Richardson. Pres Cash Regiiters. IsORRIt CASH AND CREDIT RBXJIBTeT CXL. 111-221 City Nat'l Bank Bids. Douglas 44M E. W Hart. Pre Chiropractors. I0TH TEAR IN OMAHA I fired out Ot Con, unental Blk; aew location. 414-411 Bran dele Th. Bldr Dr. L. N. Carpenter. O. till. Cement Products, OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, llth Are. and Ssbler St Colfaa (I. Contractor! (Building). EUREKA BUILDING AND REPAIRS. 1411 Lake. Vbster 1000. Workmanship and service prices reasonable. Confectioners. ROGERS' CONFECTIONERY S4tk n farnam slta Phone Douglas 117 A. B SWEET SHOP. THE. P 1110. Utb Jackson Dainty lunches and Ice errant rny and slspis groceries Delicatessen. ALVORD'S DELICATESSEN, 1117 fa num. f kS6d Picnic lum-hee a specialty Dentists. EADES, DRi O. F., 101 Paxton Block. O. n Not the cheapest, but tbi best Dry Goods (Wholesale). MrRNU HAMMERS DRT OOODS CO,, Itb and Howard 8ta. Doujla 101. Cloaks, aulia, isdles' and men'a furnlahlng. arl goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds f fancy and atapla Dry Oooils Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; heedla work guaranteed. Mlsa Allender. 434 Be 1.17a, . Engineers, Consulting A Supervising. HENNINOSON ENOINBERINO CO.. 111! , Farnam. D. lilt. Skilled munlalpal lm provaoienl engineara: aewer, paving, ale. : light water works, appraliaiai reports ANDERSON A BENNETT, 424 Bea Bldg. Douglaa 1410. Heating, ventilating and power plant. Engineers and draftsmen. Florists. BRANDB18 FLOWER DEPARTMENT, DOUGLAS tOll Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON -M ITCH ELL CO 1114 Martha St Harney 111!. Machine, gray iron, brass, prons and aluminum taatlnga. 0L8EN a SCHLINOER. 140Y Jackson. D. 74l. Brasa. bronis, ana iiummum tin Inga, Fish (Wholesale). 1 BOOTH FISHERIES CO, 1101 Leavenworth St Dougla 111. Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL HOI Farnam. Dougla 141. Hospitals, rORD HOSPITAL, ttth and Douglaa Sta, Douglaa 149, In charge of Dr. Mlcball 3. ' Ford, iurgeon-ln-chlef. Th moat urn plet hospital la tha waat inviting suburban home sub of Progress In line with OmAha'a fntiira extended, will go through the residential section of Oman east, and many of Omaha's winding drives have been built. are buying in Beverly Hills. We selection immediately, as the Courteous salesmen will be on Charles W. Martin 742 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. 'Tyler 187. Groceries and Meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS ' MARKETS. Douglas 2711. Wholesaler and retailers of everything tn establp. Watch for date Of opening In First Nat'l Rank Bldg SCHNAUBKR HOKKUA .OS N. Idlh Douglas 1420 Staple arocrlee and m'Sta W1SI.ER. JOHN. 48!h and Leavenworth. Walnut I4 Pre delivery Hardware. PETERSON A MICKEL80N HARDWARE CO.. THE. 4110-11 8 Utb St.. South SMa. Phone South 171. Ice. OMAHA ICB AND COLD STORAGE Co, McCagna Blk., llth and Dodge. Doug la Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.. 64. Wholesale and retail Ira. llth and Nicholas J. L. Baker. Pre Institutions. Si a lnstTtut iriioi-louTb ' i 6t ost Dnuglaa 7160 PsinS. Oils and (J lass. BARKER BROS PAINT W Douglaa 4710. Unet Farnsm 8t Junk Dealers. AMERICAN JUNK CO.. N. E. corner Utb and Chicago Bta. Dougla 4sa Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BKOb.. 121 Kxchange Bldg.. Omaha. Rtocker an' feeders our specialty. Lurrber INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.. 40th and Leaven wild Harney 414. "Just Lumbering Along." HOAGLAND A CO., OEO. A.. 734 8. Main St PhOne f4S Lumber, lln and dement Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS. DR WILLIAM WtNDLhi. , Physician and Surgeon I120-HI.2I Flrat Nat Bk. Bldg Tyler til. geon, X04 Farnam H Poiigtss 1220 Printers' Supplies. &ARNHART BROS. 4 BPINDLER, ' 1114 Howard St, Douglaa 1076 Printer supplies School Furnitute and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. liol-ll Nicholas fit. Dougla 1111. "Everything 'or achoola.' Printers. OMAHA PRINTINO CO. llth and Farnam. Douglaa 141 Printing, stationery and of flee turnltura DOUGLAS Pi.lNTINO CO.. 101-11 N Utb St Dnuala 1641. Fine oommeralal printing EDDY PRINTINO CO. I THE. Ill Bee Bldg Douglas 1647. Fine commercial printing Osteopaths. ANDERSON, Da MARY r, 101 Bea Bldg. Douglas 1006. Soft DrLts. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK 1101 Willis Ave. Wehnter 171 Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE 107-301 So. 17th. Dougla 101. Offloa, type writer, architects' and engineers' iup pile. Loos leaf dsvlcea. Stocks snd Bonds. ROBT C. DRUB9EDOW A CO. Dealer In Local Securities, Stock ana Bond for Investment 160 Omaha Nat Bank Bids. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OP OMAHA, 111 8. 10th t pnon Douglaa 7661. wa rebuild dead torag batterlss to full sfficlenoy. Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND OUN CO. 1611 Farnam. Douglas 170. outing and camping supplies and outing olotblng. Do It ,Now Buy a Lot and Have Your Own Home nr Beautiful Creighton Park ' -ON EAPFY HOLLO W-r0im:mX5 BOULEVARD JUST NOETH OP DUNDEE OVERLOOKING THE COUNTRY CLUB OOLF COURSE 50TH TO 52ND SEWARD TO CLARK. SALE Saturday Afternoon, May 25 Sunday All Day, May 26 Prices $300 to $500 NO INTEREST AND NO TAXES FOR TWO YEARS 10 OFF LIST PRICES ON SALES DAYS OUR AUTOMOBILES WILL MEET YOU AT UNDER. WOOD AVE. AND B2ND. BRING YOUR $10 BILL AND vC0ME EARLY. Payne Investment Co. REALTORS 537 Omaha National Bank a n Store and Office Fixtures. OMAHA FIXiURK AND SUPPLY CO Douglas 1724. 8. Vf. Joroer llth and Doug la 8 la. Largest new snd used store and office fliture bouee in America. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO.. 101-10-11 S. 10th St. Douglas 001. Skyllghte. ateel ceilings and galvanise'1 .heels. Tents and Awnings. NEBRASKA TENT AWNI.NU Co.. U04 Karnam. D. 3328. When vou think ot tenta or awnings tblnk of Dougla 1121 Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRUB PLkiATlNU. HEM STITCHING AND BUTTON CO.. Doug 1104 Room. 180-37 Panton Blk.. Id floor Typewriters and Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANOE, 1101 Farnam. Douglaa 4111. All make Wall Paper and Faint. TETTER-WALL PAPER CO.. 1414 Harney Phone Dougla 010, Wall p. per and In terior decorations Wboluaale and retail WIRMEfl, O. L.. 1101 Cuming Doug. 1711 Wholesale and retail wall paper and paints Also painting r.,id deeorsllng Undertakers. HUl.SE A R1EPEN. 701 3. 16th. D. 1221 Undertakers snd smbalmers Personal si tentlon given to all call, snd funerals HOFFMAN. LEO A Cor. 14th and Dodge Dougiaa 1101. Eiperta In embalming and funeral directing. Private cbapel. HEAFET HEAPET. 2611 Karnam Har ney !5 Undertakers an emhalmers CROSBY. WILLIS C. 2511-1! N. 24tb 81 Phone Webeter 47 Magn.'td. ANDEREON. CARL A.. 14c; Jackaon. Douglaa 1411. Bpeclallata It Boscb Igni tion systems and Helms .'-otrle starters Mirrors and Resilvsring. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO.. Douglaa OKI! 1014 Cumin St Psckers. CUDAHT PACKINO CO. South 1140. South On. tha. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter, national Patent Co., 183 Brandel. D. till. Banks. OMAHA NATL BANK. Tyler loot 17th and farnam Sta. Pipe Repairing. pTptjtQ -W repair all kinds Special AAlJO attention to mail order OMAHA TOBACCO CO.. OMAHA. NEB Piano Teachers. BELL. MAUDE ORAHAM, Studio 14 Hluta man 8t Phone I'd. Piano and Harmony Sweeping Compounds. (CONTINENTAL KOMPOUND CO., 1101 8. Main 8L Pbone 111. Sweeping compound Dust up). Mr. Suloff, sign Theaters. NICHOLAS THEATER, 147-141 W. B'way. High daaa photo ploy. Vaudeville In sea.on. Wall Paper and Paint. 1 VP JL 111 Main bt. .11 A. Wa handle tba beat In pa,' jnd paints wall Compare Bee Gains with Others Bnildinff. Douglas 1781. ' Council Bluffs Directory Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK." Broadway and Scott Sb Phono 41. Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. 62!) W. B'dway Red 1307. Baths In connection. Observe th number of cleaa lowrj. used on each cuilomer Boots and Shoes. PIERCE SHOE CO.. 410 West Broadway Phone C. Strong Si Carfleld' men ahoea W rig hi & Peters' and E. P. Reed's ladies' shoes, t Dr. Reed's Cuahlbn Sole Shoes. Coa. and Ice. DROGE ELEVATOR CO.. 620 Pearl St Phone 1h Caterer to heat and cold Coal Dealer. O'NEILL BROS., lii W. Broadway. Phone 621 Coal, wood and feed. NEW COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL 4 ICE CO. 01-11 W. Broadway Phone 71. Florists. OARDINER FLORAL CO.. Pbone 623, 19 Pearl Bl Garages. BOLTON. (L. H.) TOURIST OARAGE. 160 161 W. B'dway. Phone 620. Taxi aervice. torage and repair sroik. Agent for Reo and Chevrolet cars , Groceries and MeatsX WINN FLOWER. Ill lstb Ave. Pbone 217 When you wanf prompt service and quality of goods CAM. pN UB Lumber. QUINN (II. A.) LUMBER CO.. 24 and Vine Sta. Pboi.e 117. "Qulnn for duality and Quick Service." REAL ESTATE Investment LITTLE INVESTMENT Almoif new doubl brick flat, near 16th and Harney Sta.; rented $840 per an num; oak woodwork and floors; located right In Una of advanolng values; owner offers this at only $7,300 and says, "sub mit an offer." About $2,600 cash re quired. 2RNEST SWEET, REALTOR.-! Douglas 1471. 12 INVESTMENT CLOSE IN NEW BRICK PRICE, $60,000 High grade modern apartment building within 1 block of 16th and Farnam In flrat class district. All rented at all times. Owner leaving city and haa mads low price and will accept very reason able term No trade. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1514. Realtors. 133 Securities Bldg. CREIOHTON PARK LOTS. $10 CASH, $10 MONTHLY. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE CREIOHTON PARK LOT SALE TODAY. REAL ESTATE WANTED MEET me at V D Wead'e Offloe z 7fi Vy Between Benson and Dundee in MoranimgsicBe Sixtieth Street, Between Western Avenue and Blondo. You Pay $1.00 Down ssssssssssssssssssssssssaasaajssssasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss You get possession of the lot at once, and You may fence or cultivate the lot You may build or not, as you please. You pay no interest for two years. ' You pay no taxes for two years. ONLY 40 CHOICE LOTS LEFT SEE THESE PRICES: $155, $170, $190, $210, $235, $245, $255, $265 Special Sale AH Day Today. Take Benson car to 63d Street in Benson. Walk only a few blocks South on 63d Street to Morning side. We sell only on the ground all day. Bring Your Dollar and Come Today! N. P. Dodge & Go. REALTORS 15th and Harney. Phone Douglas 829. REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL exchange for western land, two full lota and six houses,, corner 15th and Decatur; also full lot and two houses 1425-20 Franklin St JOHN W. ROB BINS, 1103 FARNAM ST. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room and bungalows with 1300 to 1500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 494. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bids. REAL ESTATE To Exchange HAVE an improved choice half aectlon of land lying south of Brush, Washington county, Colorado, -to exchange for clear Omaha Income property up to $10,000.00. Address Owner, 401-3 Omaha Nat. Bank. STOCK of hardware, harness. Implements; seventy-five hundred, building twenty, five hundred. Want western Nebraska land. Clear, give legal number for reply. F. C. Worrall, Mlnden, Neb. WILL trade or sell three sections In Weld county. Colorado; will take clear )..op erty or encumbered property with soma cash. .Minneapolis Rental company, 106 Palace building, Minneapolis, Minn. NIi'S corner lot 60x150. Two block to caf line; clear and taxea paid. Abstract to date. Will trade for good automobile or two cheap cars. Phone Tyler 113$. NEW BUNGALOW WANTED I have Man. well car, almost new. and 3 good Omaha residence lots to exchange for bungalow. I have some cash. Call Red 6243. P.I'll ,11 .tmuha Mtiilani'. n,rin.ll tn a v. change for clear western land. Or eastern I .'..w . .. ,1. Dad. a 411 U TJ 1 A I 1KU. imin. ..If. tB.I. .4, &.,,. .11. ,)IUd, WILL trade 220 acrea! In Weld County, Colorado, for Canada land. Frank Craw ford, Rosetown. Saskatchewan. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. FOIl SALE Equity on 1 lot In Lockwood addition, near 52d and Jackaon St. A. J. Wliler, 1103 S. 62d St. Phone Wal nut 10S7. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN. II A WEEK. PAYNE SLATER CO. CREIOHTON PARK. T 62ND AND SEWARD. Miscellaneous. BUY A CREIGHTON PARK LOT. POULTRY AND PET STOCK RABBITS FOR SALE Flemish Oianta, largest In United States, weigh when grown 12 to 18 pounds; two does and one buck $7; pedigrees furnished. E. W. McQueen, P. O Box 66, River Sioux, la. WHITE WYANDOTTES Winners at Iowa State Fair, Nebraska State Show, Ameri can Royal Stock Show, Omaha Show, C. H. Frame, Vllllsca, Iowa. TEN White Leghorn cockerels, $2 each and up. Chicks, all ages, 15c and up, Hatching eggs, $4 per 100. Gradman'a Egg Factory, 3112 King St. Phone Florence 118. THOROUGHBRED White Rocks, year old and two-year-old pullets and cockerels. Call South 3396. 2,000 DAY-OLD chicks, . Rocks. Red, Or plngtons. Leghorn. Webster 1708. $213 Charles. MINNE LUSA Barred Plymouth Rocks, eggs for hatching, $8.00 per hundred; cata logue free. Ahlquist Bros., Florence, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men ot Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and note aa security. $40, 6 rao., IL goods, total. $3.50. Smaller, larger am'ta. proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 432 Securities Bldg., 16th. Farnam. Ty. $0$. LOANS 'OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. 1 Of SMALLER LOANS. OCT IO w. C. FLATAU EST. 1893. 10 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TT. 150. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths Harry Ma'ashork. 1614 Dodge P. 6011 Eat 1891, REAL ESTATE Other Cities FOR RENT for summer season, eight room cottage on Dodge' Point, Clear Lake, Iowa, N. P. DODGE A CO., Realtor, 15th and Harney Sta. BARGAIN $2 cash, $2 monthly, buys five lots on Long Island, New York, full price $60; only $12 each. Valle, 1480 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. . CENTS A WEEK for LOTS Harrison & Morton C F. Harrison. Geo. T. Morton. s y Realtors. ' 914-J1S-IH OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. TEL. DOUGLAS 114. SMALL RESIDENCES. (1) I rooms, Just completed (out where) you caa rals chickens), 111 8. 13d Ave., 12.150. (1) I rooms, with I lots, bara and sheds, 1101 8. Hi, 12.100. (I) I rooms (suburban), but close ta car and school, list and Center, $2,100. (4) 6-room, all modern, oak finish, 1331 S. 25th, $3,210. (5) I rooms, all modern, square house, 2401 Poppleton. A bargain, 13,150. (I) I rooms, all modern, garage, 1111 Plnkney. $3,600. - 7) C rooms, large lot with fruit and shade trees, paved, 1911 S. 28th St., x cellent neighborhood, only $1,000. (I) I rooms, built right, 4250 Douglaa $1,050. (0) I rooms and sleeping porch (right up to now), on corner lot, 132$ Cass, $4,250. (10) I rooms, all modern, lot 10x15 with chicken house, 4512 Lafayette SU $3,000. (II) T rooms, on corner lot, paving all paid, garage, 2S01 Woolworth, only $3.000., (12) i rooms, paved street, paving all paid, beautiful ahade trees, 2514 Spald ing, $3,000. (13) I rooms, lot 60x165, 2104 Elllston Ave., $1,300. (14) 1111 8. llth St., 10 ft, lot, $3,250. (16) l-room house and barn, 111 S. 17th. . good location $4,260. (1SH) 8. E. corner 25th and Hamilton, two houses renting for $20 and $26 a month, respectively $4,200 for th two. MEDIUM RESIDENCES. (11) rooms and sleeping porch. Just completed and ready to move Into, splen did oak and blrflh finish, 3009 Cass (about a good a thing a we. have far th money), $6,260, (IT) T rooms on boulevard, parking oa three aide, 209 N. 10th, $5,260. (18) 7 rooms In newer Dundee district, house , practioally new and In fine con dition, 6605 Harney, $7,250. (19) 71 ft. front on " Prettiest Mile" (Florence Boulevard); 8-room up-to-date house In- setting of fins forest trees- grounds front into C. W. Martin's beauti ful horn good double garage $500 ts $1,000, under tha market Price $6,500, for quick sale. (20) 1111 Capitol Ave., Dundee district, t room, bungalow tyle if It fit you family nothing better $5,000. (21) 128 8. 36th St., 8 rooms modern, la the West Farnam district, $5,800. (22) Bemls Park home, unusually well ' kept with 4 bedroom and sleeping porch, fronting th parked? alopo of the water reservlor grounds on the east Owner transferred to coast $6,500. (23) 7 rooms, new and up-to-date. Field Club dlstrlot, 100S 8. 38th St., $4,860. (24) -room bungalow in Field Club district Ideal In many ways fronts east on 13d and west on th Central boulevard house laid out right and built right cozy, comfortable and complete back yard practically a park $0,500. (25) 1 acre (Pratt' Sub.), high ant lightly, on main road S. W., $1,000. (26) 14 acre on 60th St road, virgin oil, He well, $5,000. (27) 6 acrea (SW.), lie well. Come out to 42d St., a main road, $4,000. (28) 10 acres, wooded and sightly, near Florence on river road. Surrounding prop erty held at $400 aa acre; thla 14) acres, $2,500. (29) 40 acre, lea road, overlook beau tiful Florence lawn, good Improvement, $16,000. (30) Oood, almost new hot water heated S-room house with one acre. (31) 6, 10 or 15 acre. S. W. from Bea on. He well, $760 an acre. (12) 11 acre very high and sightly, ex cellent view, Is touched by the boulevard, $16,000. (33) 1 acre In beautiful Belvlder (N. W.), $460 for quick sale, (34) Aera and 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, Vs block to car line, fins, $4,600. (35) 5 acres, only 1 blocks to car and paved atreet, 61st and Wright, $3,000. (36) i acre, Just south of Center St., on 70th St., main road to Ralston, $2,500. SIX-ACRE HOME. (37) l-room, modern house, built about four years ago; hot water heat; hardwood finish; with I acres of level, sightly land; on S, 42d St., close In for such a fine, large tract. Only $8,600. No trade. Convenient for Omaha or South Side. ($8) 26 acres, $13,000. Haa good bunga low and garage in Child's Point neighbor, hood would consldet house In Omaha ia pari, mi;ubb. , , TRACKAGE. ($9) 10 acrea Just south of Center St. oa Belt Line, $11,000. (40) 12,000 sq. ft., Burlington trackage, $01 ft front on B. R. spur and 160 ft. on 20th St (Paved). $12,000. (41) About 20,000 sq. ft, corner 9th and Capitol, combination trackage, two levels. This la the only large strateglo piece of , this kind wa know of, $30,000. (42) 95x165 on B. & M., $4,000. INVESTMENTS. (43) $ ft on Farnam, near 26th, rfght on orest; unusual conditions have made this available for purchase $15,500. (44) 60 ft. Farnam. near 26th. on th cret, Join th above. Cannot be dupli cated; teadily growing 1n value; a 10-year tenant available If property I improved. (4$) $60,000, very choice improved busl ness property on Farnam near JOth. (46) $300 a ft, very choice Farnam St property; close to 14th St. (47) $25,000, Harney near 24th, N. aid of Harney; $1,200 a year rental; pay mail return; garage available In rear at good rental; nothing extravagant, but just a plain "good'' investment. (48) 40xl$2 Harney, near 2th. eld 10 room house, needs some repatra, but a good asset and thrown-ln. Land alona worth th money $,500. (49) $0 acre near Hamburg, la.- $10,000. . (60) 10 ft en 24th, near Chicago, double front. Brick flate bring fair return; room for store on other front. A good safe n vestment $10,000. (61) Corner on Cuming, east of 20th large lot, om eld buildings. Not far from new tire concern that will Uvea up the district $10,000. Owned by aa aetata -which they wish to close up. (52) 100 ft. on Harney, near 20th., Business encroaching rapidly en thls-i $4,600. ' (61) Corner en upper Farnam, eaat of JOth. Some eld building paying small return. In the coming bualnea entr i $140,001. (64) 16x6$, near new telephone building, between It and Farnam $60,000. (56) A high Income paying property on Farnam for $160,000. Could consider little good property la part exchange. (66) 112 ft on 24th, near Chicago, with good old .building renting for $110 a month. We think this haa a strategic and growing value $16,000. (17) Nloe little pleoe on Leavenworth, Just off 14th. Can make the right price la part ef aa estate In the process of settlement ' (II) 10 ft. off ef Farnam oa Jlth we have II ft fronting east on 26th: t large eld bouses. Owners might consider mak ing long time lease oa this at fair Interest RESUME. The beet residence purchase In the above list w think la No. II. This haa tha mest intrlnite value." At $1,100 It I a real barcaln. No. $4 la another worth considering. It is unique In having practically two fronts, th back yard being really part of Central Boulevard park. No. 20, 1111 Capitol, la alio goad and we think cheap. ....... Of Investment we thtnk highly of 132 ft. on 14th, near Chicago. The rent of the old building keeps It from being load to carry and la our Judgment Is sure to grow la value. W have never advocated th buying of residence property for a speculation. Lately, however, we have noted two par ticular cases where a buyer of a small residence aold eooa afterward -at con siderable profit Omaha la growing rapidly and houe are very scarce, There never was a time probably when a dis criminating Investor could buy a resi dence aa well worth the money or a little more than the money la Omaha aa now. TT OUT J Harrison cxiYionon Realtors. P.BAL K STATU, RENTALS, LOANS, INSURANCE. Ill OMAHA NATIONAL SOTO. 14 . i t