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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1918)
BEST OF ALL COLORED COMICS FOR YOUNG AND OLD WITH THE SUNDAY BEE gpy,;THE Omaha Daily Bee Yts VOL. XLVII NO. 293. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1918. 20 PAGES 0 TrslM. si Hsttlt, Ntwi Stiisi. Etc. is. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. mm m n dkmib ; . ,". .o ARTILLERY FIRING INCREASES IN FURY ON WESTERN FRONT Remarkable Aerial Activity Continues, With Both Sides Acting on Offensive; American Airmen to Aid in Defense of Paris; Germans Shift Forces in Toul Sector. In the battle zones in France there have been numerous local engagements, particularly in the Somme sector. The Germans under cover of a heavy artillery barrage made a raid on the British lines at Bucquoy, on the line to the southwest of Arras, and captured prisoners. " In the Kemmel region on both sides of the Lye river, in the Flanders battle field, there has been heavy artillery fighting, while on the Scrape river," in the region of Arras and south of .the Somme, between Moresuil and Montdidier, the big guns have been in action, according to the official statements. .AIR FIGHTING .INTENSE. The remarkable aerial activity along the western battle front . continues with both sides initiating air righting and bombing operations. If the Ger . mans repeat their attempts to bom bard Paris from the air, Americans will feel a keen interest in the attacks because American aviators now are tiding in the defense of the French capital. Trocps Facing Americans Shifted. The German troops that faced the Americans along the lines of the Toul sector have been replaced. For some time the Teutons there were units whiph had been withdrawn from Russia.- These now have been replaced by Bavarian reserve regiments. It is probable that the men withdrawn have been hurried north to participate in the coming renewal of the great German offensive in Picardy and Flanders. In spite of Berlin's p'romise that the German forces would not penetrate further into Russia, a large Teuton army is reported to be within 25 miles of Kursk, in the Dnieper-Don region. SON-IN-LAW OF PACKEE SWIFT IS IMPRISONED Chicago, May 24. Interment of Count James'Minotti began this after noon at Fort Sheridan, when Judge , Baker, in the federal court of appeals, declined to continue the $50,000 bond on which the count has been at lib erty and ordered him held until the court hears' the case June 12. Count Minotto tonight was started, in the custody of army officers, for Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Wilson Refuses to Do More For Woman Suffrage Cause - Washington, May 24. Woman munition workers in Washington who joined the National Woman's party headquarters in urging President Wil son to give further support to the federal woman suffrage amendment were informed in a letter from Secre tary Tumulty today that nothing they could say could increase his interest in the matter, and that he had done tverything he could with honor and propriety do in behalf of the passage of the amendment. The Weather : t . , For Nebraska: Unsettled and cooler Saturday, probably showers. ' Sunday fair; warmer in west portions. ' TemperatnrM at Omaha Yesterday. ' Hour. Deir. 6 a. m 63 t a. m 65 7 a. m.... 65 8 a. m 66 t a. m 69 10 a. m 72 11 a. m 76 12 m..' 78 1 p. m 80 2 p. m 83 2 p. m 84 4 p. m 84 5 p. m 85 6 p. m 84 7 p. m 84 8 p. m 80 Comparative Xocal Record. 191S. 1917. 1916. 1915. Highest yesterday .. 85 74 89 80 Lowest yesterday .. 61 48 64 63 Mean temperature ... 73 61 76 66 Precipitation 43 .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal. temperature ' 65 Excess for the day 8 Total excess since March 1 '.....384 Normal precipitation 13 inch Excess for the day 30 inch Total rainfall since March 1. .. .3.44 Inches Deficiency since -March 1 ...... .4.31 Inches Excess for cor. period, 1917 22 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. 2.98 Inches Reports From Stations at 7 P. M. Stat Inn and State Temp. High- Raln- of Weather. 7 p. m eat. fall, pavenport, part cloudy 80 82 2.02 Des Moines, cloudy 83 84 2.00 . Podge City, part cloudy 94 9 .22 North Platte, clear .... 88 S8 .06 Omaha, cloudy 84 SS .43 Pueblo, rlear .....86 S .no Sapid City, cloudy .... 72 74 T 3heridan. cloudy ...... (6 68 T Sioux City, pt. cloudy.. 84 84 .08 Valentine, pt. cloudy... 84 86 .00 " v. T Indicates trace of precipitation. 1. A. WELSH, Meteorologist, GERMAN POWER MAY BE BROKEN IN NEXT BATTLE Washington Confident Allies II Win and Foe Be Forced Thereafter to Fight on Defensive. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 24. Renewal of the German drive in France indicated by Premier Lloyd George today to be imminent, finds American mili tary opinion here absolutely confi dent of the outcome. There is not a doubt in the minds of high officers familiar with the situation . that . the enemy will be repelled with loss and the offensive power of Germany fin ally broken. There are those who believe that the end of the war may come this year as a result. Others however, foresee, a long defensive struggle by the, German ,army while efforts to secure peace on the best possible terms are made by the Berlin diplo mats. German Position Weakened. In assessing the situation as it stands today in France, officers here point out that the German position strategically is far weaker than it was when the drive was launched in March. Their lines are now shaped so that there is constant danger of flank attack from several points that might mean disaster. To guard these points, ample reserves must be held, whatever call for more men may be made from the fronts of attack. American manpower sufficient to replace by far the larger portion of the losses of British and French in the bitter fighting which stopped the first German rush has been carried to the fighting zones supplementing the considerable American force which already was in France. Ex cept for the finer points of trench warfare, the new American units are ready for the battle. They are re garded as fully prepared for the form of action in which they will be engaged. Bee Sunday Features The very best way-to top off Sunday breakfast is by reading The Sunday Bee. Tomorrow's issue will be brimful of entertainment and eal inter . est substance. If not a regular subscriber, order your copy today. TRAPPING WILD ANIMALS IN NEBRASKA A staff writer will tell you some surprising facts concerning Omaha's importance as a' fur market and what it means to the west. WOMEN IN WAR TIME Our corps of brilliant women writers will present a budget of good reading well worth preserving by any woman in Nebraska. There will be a display of original Red Cross art pictures of unusual local interest. HARRY LAUDER IN THE WAR ZONE That lovable fellow, de lightful comrade and international favorite, who dispels gloom and chases dull care, continues his splendid war story. OMAHA FOUNDERS WERE WISER THAN THEY KNEW Here's a carefully prepared article about Omaha that will be pleasing to every home owner and real estate investor in the city. THE SPORTING WORLD Tomorrow's Bee will offer three pages of live sport news and features the biggest and best sporting section west of Chicago. THROWING HAND GRENADES AT FORT CROOK How the sol diers at an Omaha fort are training to fight the Hun is graphically told by a clever girl writer on The Bee staff. . OUR COMIC HEAD-LINERS The Bee's comic section is incompar able. Tomorrow, Little Jimmy, the Katzenjammers, Bringing Up Father, and last, but not least, Happy Hooligan. The Sunday Bee is one of the Sunday essentials. Don't miss it. KING VICTOR EMMANUEL CABLES HIS REPLY TO PRESIDENT WILSON'S GREETINGS TO ITALY Washington, May .24. A reply from King Victor Emraailuel to President Wilson's greetings to Italy oh the occasion of the third anniversary of Italy's entry into the war, made public, today by. the .State department, said i 4 . r. "On. the' occasion of the celebration of 4-1 . t4.?.kAfeM' i. Ti- n!..'n JIM wie aumveuvoi y vo, xuuy o cuuonv,c iuw mo war, wmchls being held in the united btates, I am pleased to send you, Mr. President, and to the 'A&a people, my own warmest greetings anbtttiose of the Italian people. "Tfeie"ars"agQ Italy took up arms for the sftme idaT'causes to which the powerful Americao repp6licy.later gave her moral and materiaLjauppofUiThe. national conscious- RAISING OF MMY ENLISTMENT ME UNIT PROPOSED Men Between 40 and 55 Would Be Available in Non combatant Branches Under Baker's Plan. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 24. Another move toward full utilization of the country's man power was made today when Secretary Baker sent to con gress the draft of a bill proposing to raise the maximum age limit for vol untary enlistment in the army- from 40 to, 55 years. ' All men over 40 so enlistee) i would be' assigned to non combatant service. In a letter to Speaker Clark, asking that the Bill' be pushed Secretary Baker said: "Every man above the age of ' 40 years who is enlisted in noncombat tant branches of the service will make available for duty with the line troops a man within the prescribed age limit for all troops. "Many men whose long experience as mechanics and artisans will make them particularly valuable to the va rious staff corps and departments may be thus secured instead of younger men without such experience and the efficiency 'of the staff corps and the departments thus will be increased." Thousands Have Applied. There probably are 7,500,000 men between, the ages of 40 and 55 and many thousands of them already at tested their desire to serve by bom barding the department with applica tion. While the'great majority of the men in this qlass undoubtedly will be restrained from enlisting by family and business ties, the number at lib erty to join" the colors is expected to be more thaw.'Sufficjent to meet the purpose in view.' : ; - . , . , Staff corps positions include many duties behind the front. Every head quarters unit includes a . number of positions for which the older men will be just as well suited as thi present occupant8';whr under.: the, new plan would be released for-Jine- duty. Official etsimates are that a modern army to, be maintained as an 'efficient unit must teye betw.een 40 and 45 per cent of its actual strength on duty be hind the fighting 'zone. This means that of the first 1,000.000 men sent to France 400,000 serve along the line of communication,, in hospitals or at the various headquarters and debarkation bases. :i:i'Yi7'7:'r7t'' (By Associated Press.) ness, rebel to every attempt of violence from whatever side it might come, leagued Italy with the nations fighting for the sacred prin ciples and rights which we want completed with the liberation of our oppressed brothers from the foreign yoke and with the vindica tion of our legitimate safety and existence, without which no sound peace can be as sured. "Today on the battlefields of France is being- concentrated the brotherhood in arms of America and Italy. May this concentra tion be the happy omen of an even more close co-operation between the two nations in the future in the field of progress and civilization." 4 - A A Zrlt l A Costa Rica Declares War on Central Powers San Juan Del Sur, Nic, May 24. The government of Costa Rica has declared war on the central powers, according to advices re-' ceivd here. ITALIAN BANNERS RAISED AT FORTS OMAHA AND CROOK Nation Honors Ally as Local Italians Celebrate Anniver sary of Their Motherland's Entry Into War. . New York, May 24. Secretary of War Baker announced in an address here tonight. in celebation' of Italy day that American infantry, American machine gun units and American artil lery soon would be fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Italians on their front. Local Italians Patriotic, For the first time in the history of Omaha army posts, the Italian flag was flown Friday beneath the Ameri can flag on the post flagstaffs. The occasion was Italy day, so designated by President Wilson. Patriotic exercises attended the raising of the Italian flags at Fort Omaha and Fort Crook. A large Italian flag was also flown from be neath the stars and stripes on the federal building. " Throughout the business section of the city red, white and green, Italy's national colors, were displajed. Parade and Banquet. All Italian organizations in the city gathered at Eighteenth and Harney streets and paraded to the Swedish auditorium in the afternoon, where a program which included speeches by Mayor Ed. P. Smith and Edward G. Maggi of Lincoln, were given. Gaspar Saitta officiated as grand marshal of the'parade. The celebration was concluded with a banquet at the Hotel Fontenelle in the evening, at which several promi nent speakers were heard. Governor Keith Neville, ,who was to have been the guest of honor, sent his regrets, pleading a previous en gagement. Mayor Ed. P. Smith also begged to be excused, but ex-Mayor James Dahlman was on hand and re ceived a hearty welcome from , the audience when introduced by Toast master L. J. Piatti. Captain Glidden Pleases Audience. Captain Glidden, Fort Omaha of ficer and balloonist, attended the banquet as the personl representative of Colonel H. B. Hersey. Local Chairman S. Caldwell of the Red Cross told of the work being done by that organization and pro phesied that the $300,000 mark will be passed in the present drive. Maher Makes Patriotic Address. Major G. Maher delivered a pa triotic address, as did E. G. Maggie. Rev. Father M. A. Stagne, of St. Ann's church, delivered a patriotic address in the Italian language as did A. Rizzuto, S. Cippola, S. Pecce, J. Bova, J. Pistore, Toe Sesta, Antonio Venuto and A. Gioffia. WILSON POSTPONES FINAL DECISION ON TAXATION PROBLEM Washington, May 24. President Wilson tonight postponed a final de cision on whether congress shall be asked to start work immediately on new revenue legislation. Harry Lauder's Own Story of War Zone Experiences Will Be Found on Page 6. MISS LOSK SAYS 'NEVER' INTENDED TO KILL RIVAL After Testifying She Could Re member Nothing About Shoot ing, Admits Efforts to Keep Liaison Secret. (By Associated Press.) Waukesha, Wis., May 24. Grace Lusk, after testifying that she could remember nothing of the killing of Mrs. Mary Newman Roberts, for which she now is on trial, was forced to admit on cross-examination today that she had sought to keep her rela tions with Dr. David Roberts secret for more than two years. .During this period, she admitted, she had warned the veterinarian to be careful in talking to her on the tele phone, she had sent him letters in care of his secretary, she had on one occasion urged him to register under a fictitious name with her at a Chicago hotel and they had a mutual agree ment that their letters should be un signed and should be destroyed as soon as they were read. Miss Lusk also admitted that she had not con fined herself absolutely to the facts in several statements made in unmailed letters to Mrs. Roberts regarding her intimacy with Dr. Roberts. Cannot Remember Killing. Although she could remember noth ing regarding the actual shooting of Mrs. Roberts and declared that she "never, never, never." intended to do it, she admitted that she had'a clear recollection of events immediately be fore and after the tragedy. She de clared that Mrs. Roberts had threat ened to have her driven out of town and had likened her to a woman of the streets. After the tragedy Miss Lusk told of going to her room and firing her pistol out of the window to see whether it had "jammed," with the intention later of using it to take her own life. She had no recollection of firing the first shot into her body, but fired the sec ond because she no longer cared to live afterbeing told that Mrs. Roberts was dead. . Miss Lusk testified on cross-examination that the first time she had urged that Mrs. Roberts be told the truth was on May 18, 1917, a little more than a month before the tragedy. Quizzed About Unmailed Letter. On the cross-examination, which was conducted by Walter D. Corrigan of Milwaukee, a letter addressed to Mrs Roberts, which never had been mailed, was read after Miss Lusk had admitted writing it. This was the let ter introduced earlier in the trial by the state over the protest of fhe de fense that their client could not be (Continued on Para Two. Column Fire.) SLAYER LEAVES GRIM LEGACY Veiled Threat Accompanies Handkerchief Pierced By Bullets Which Killed De Weese TO VICTIM'S FORMER HUSBAND Salt Lake City, May 24. Howard H. De Weese, who was shot here to day for the murder of his wife, Fanny Fisher De Weese, left a grim legacy for his wife's former husband. It was a silk handkerchief and the bullets, which passed through the heart of De Weese, first passed through the bit of silk, which he had pinned over his chest. Before his execution De Weese secured the promise of the warden of the state prison to forward the handkerchief, together with a note to Fisher in New York. The letter dated at the Utah state prison, last Monday, reads: "Mr. H. W. Fisher, -150 Second avenue, New York: "Greetings: , "In accordance with customs ob served by certain people I herewith conform with precedents and laws governing the conduct of aforesaid AMERICANS ABOARD TRANSPORT KILLED IN U-BOAT ATTACK Men Unaccounted for Probably All Victims of Explosion in One Compartment, Admiralty Fears; Steamer Bound for Cork Torpedoed and 37 Members of Crew Supposed to Have Been Lost (By Associated Press.) London, May 24. The British armed merchant troop ship Moldavia, with American troops on board, ha been torpedoed and sunk, according to an official bulletin issued by the admir alty this evening. Fifty-six American troops accounted for, says the official The Moldavia was of 9,500 Peninsular & Oriental Rteam Navigation company. It was built at Greencock in 1903 and was OMAHA AND STATE PLACE $2,000,000 RED CROSS GOAL Manufacturers Reporj $20,-' 157, and School Subscrip tions So Far as Tabulated Total $$10,062.66. Washington, May 24. Red Cross subscriptions today took the second war fund $22,000,000 closer to its goal of $100,000,000 and the total tabulated at national headquarters tonight was $86,689,000. ... Reports told how a wave of indig nation sweeping across the nation with the news of latest hospital bomb ing exploits of the Germans in France, had played a great part in making the day the most successful of the cam paign and officials count even more confidently now upon an immense oversubscription to the fund. Rush of Mney in Omaha. Omaha and the state have arrived at the closing day of the Red Cross second war fund drive with the as surance that both will go over the top with a bound, Friday evening tabulation of actual returns of each and pledges was close to $250,000. And Chairman Judson of the state committee, with $878,679.70 in actual cash reported from 67 coun ties outside of Douglas county, pre dicted that the state will raise $2,000, 000 instead of its quota of $1,300,000. Some of the big committees can vassing the city reported Friday. The manufacturers' committee made its first report to headquarters with $20, 157.68, "and still going." This was considerably more than the total ex pected from the manufacturers. Several firms increased their sub scriptions. Orchard & Wilhelm com pany, which had subscribed $500, raised this to $1,000. Membership in $1,500 Club. The Bemis Omaha Bag company, which gave $400 early in the week, contributed an additional $600 through the manufacturers' committee, and, not considering this enough, called up headquarters and added another $500, thus gaining membership in the "$1, 500 club." The Omaha live stock commission men and their employes turned in the magnificent sum of $7,066. people. I have rigidly adhered to my vote. You have violated yours. Therefore, put your house in order. The allotted time customary in such cases is yours. The souvenir here with (by the-warden of this institu tion) will doubtless serve to convince you that time, distance, political in fluence, or money, cannot change the inexorable workings of things de creed by men who do not hesitate in risking all, even life, for things they have sworn to uphold. "The Ubc, through one whom has proven loyal, bids you 'prepare.' It is WriUCn- "J. E. W The initials affixed at the bottom of the note stand for De Weese's alias J. E. Warren. The "Ubc," De Weese explained just before his execution, was the initials of the "Universal Brotherhood Club of New on the Moldavia have been, tun statement. tons gross and owned by thef 520 feet long. Crew Saved. The text of the admiralty - statwl ment follows "The armed mercantile cruiser Vol davia was torpedoed and sunk yesf terday morning. "There were no casualties amon, the cr$w but of the American troop'' on board 56 up to the present hav not been accounted for. It is feared; they were killed in one compartment by the, explosion." - ' ( No, Panic Shown. i The Moldavia was torpedoed withv out wsrning. It was a moonlight" night and although a good lookout was kept the attacking submarine wat not sighted before the torpedo struck Most of the men aboard were is their hammock's when the explosion occurred amidships. The sailors and soldiers alike showed no panic, -' They fell canilv into line ana" awaited orders. .When it was seer that the Moldavia was settling down;' all on board were taken off by the escorting ships. ' , ! ' ' ; ' -t The men lost all their belongings but were supplied with new clothing at the different naval ' ports where they were taken.. Probably Drowned Below Decks, j It is believed that the Americas soldiers missing from the Moldavia were sleeping on the bottom deck and were overtaken by the great inruiE of water after the explosion when) they, were trying to reach the mainj deck. It also is presumed that somfl of the ladders were destroyed. . V The vessel was struck below ttW . bridge. It steamed ahead for lom(. time after being struck and at first it was hoped that the water tight, compartments would , enable 'it tt reach port. ; ".' : . . J Cork Steamer Torpedoed. . .V t Queenstown. May 24. The Corfc steamer Inniscarra, bound from. Fish guard to Cork, has been torpedoed and sunk. Thirty-seven members .01 the crew are missing and are sup', posed to have been lost. - f Five survivors of the disaster hav been landed. They, are the, captain the chief officer, one steward and two! sailors. " : The Inniscarra was ' struck amid- ships. She listed immediately .and foundered in four minutes. The Inniscarra was a vessel ,ot , 1,412 tons. It was, built in 1903 an belonged to the City of . Cork Stea Packet company. ' ' .' Sunk in Collision. . ' Washington. Ma v 24.The" Unite States ship Wakiva, a ; converted yacht, was sunk in European waters in a collision May 22 with a loss oft w, a. iioyt, carpenters mate, fettle boro, Mass.. and Joseph M.' Farley, fireman, Chicago. An announcemen today by the JMavy department, say the Waktva collided with a navy car go carrier. Ensign W. W. Lovell of Brooklyni N. Y.,.of the navy: Fireman' Bernard F, Stiefvater of Everett, Wash.", anrt Water .lender Charles R. Moore' o Somerset, Pa., were lost in. the sink ing of the American steamer, Williamt Rockefeller, recently torpedoed in th war zone. , No Details Received.'. Sinking of the British1 armed met chant cruiser Moldavia, with a prob able loss of 56 American soldiers wast I LI . . 1 J diiuuuuccu in a- cablegram ronignt from the British admiraltv to. th Waii ucpai uuciii. io ucians were given but the understanding here is that the, ship was moving ' between England: and France. , At a late hour the department had! no further information to indicate1 what American units were on board' the vessel. Many men are in training! in England and it is possible that the; Moldavia was carrying a contingent' bound for the front. ' f . The Moldavia is the third transport? carrying American troops to be tor-i A . . XT- J - . - M -f pedoed and the fifteenth troopship1: sunk by the Germans. Of the vessels? carrying Americans the Antilles was the first to meet with destruction by'i a U-boat. It was sunk October l (Continued on rg Tiro, Celuu VtrCl h