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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 24. 1918. C4 D WN YOUR HOME GLOVER & SPAIN, SAVE THIS LIST OF BARGAINS $2,5004232 Grant St, new B-room cottage, all modern. $3,1002579 Pinkncy St., 5-room bungalow, all modern. $3,2002307 South 35th Ave., 5 rooms and sleeping porch, modern bunga low. Full lot and garage. $3,500 4109 North 18th St., 5 rooms and bath, absolutely modern. Garage, $3,6001521 South 25th Ave., 6-room bungalow, modern, oak finish. Gar age for two cars. j $3,850 3327 Seward St., 8 rooms, full two-story; fully modern, corner lot, one block from Harney car line. $4,150 1017 North 33d St., 8 rooms, all modern; on Harney car line. $4,2003316 Hamilton St, 7 rooms, fully modern with vapor heat. $4,250643 Lincoln Boulevard, just north of California St., 7 rooms, well built, fully modern. $5,600 Hawthorne Ave., Bemis Park, 8 rooms, well built, fully modern; hot water heat. Paving all paid. We can arrange easy terms of payment on most of these houses. In vestigate, but arrange with us for inspection. Make up your mind to "OWN TOUR HOME" and start now. DUNDEE HOUSES $ 4,200 Practically new bungalow; 5 rooms and" floored attic with built-in features. Easy terms. $ 4,9501005 North 49th, brand new house, 6 rooms, two-story, fully mod ern, oak finish. First-class In every respect. $500 cash, $42.50 per month. $ 5,000 52d and Webster. A semi-bungalow with living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen on the first floor,' three bedrooms and bath , on the second floor. Owner really keen to sell Wants offer. $ 6,000 Six rooms, modern, in good condition, high and sightly; garage. Must be sold at once or off the market. $ 5,000 50th and Chicago. Seven rooms, modern, well located. Easy terms can be arranged. $ 6,650905 North 49th; brand new house, just finished. Seven rooms and sleeping porch; frame and stucco; oak finish; $700 cash and $45 per month. , $ 5,750 51st and Burt, 7 rooms, modern, with sleeping porch; oak finish; ' paving all paid. $ 6,150 51st and Cuming, 7 rooms, new stucco; two fireplaces, tile bath room. Very attractive and well built $ 7,000 Brick and stucco. A dandy home, well built, just decorated new throughout Has fireplace and numerous other built-in features. Full lot with garage and driveway. $ 7,000 Near 51st and California. Nine rooms, new and modern; fireplace; . oak finish throughout Terms can be arranged. Garage. $11,000 High-class stucco home, 8 rooms, well built, every modern con venience. Corner lot, 100x135. Double garage. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas3962. . .K 919-20 City Natt Bank Bldg. REAL Why Not Start Now? Buy a good lot in Dundee if you cannot buy a home now. One tenth down; balance on monthly payments will secure a good lot near car line and near school, with all street improvements in and paid for, except paving installments not delinquent No better place to live; no safer place to make a residence property investment Plats, prices and full information' at our office. GOOD DUNDEE HOMES No. 1 This is a bungalow newly painted, with garage. Located on corner lot near 51st St, north' of Underwood Ave. Price $4,300. No. 2 This is a good 6-room modern bungalow with all built-in features, located on north front lot 60x135 feet at high point Price$4,750. . . r No. 3 This is a 2-story 6-room modern house, located on Califor nia St, between 50th and 61st Sts. Price $4,750. No. 4 This is a 2-story 7-room modern bouse, finished in quarter sawed oak and pins, located on south front lot 50x128 feet near 50th and Underwood Ave., with garage for one car. Price $5,250. No. 6 This is a nearly new 2-story 7-room modern house, well built, finished in oak and French gray enamel, with oak floors throughout Located on corner lot with garage and driveway, near 6J)th Ave. and Farnam. Price $5,400. No. 6 This is a 2-story 7-room modern stucco house, located H block from Happy Hollow and close to school, on high, sightly point Price $5,600. No. 7 This is a 2-story 7-room modern house, Colonial type, very well constructed and built by owner for his home. Located on high, sightly front lot 50x135 feet, in north part of Dundee. Price $6,400. Reasonable terms can be made on most of the above, terested, call ori us and we will give you all particulars. GEORGE & COMPANY, Douglas 756. If in- f LOOK A GOOD LIST OF HOMES THESE OVER TO SELECT FROM OWNER HAS MADE THE PRICES VERY LOW FOR QUICK SALE. Most ( them ere practically asw I and 7-room bouses, ail have modem convent encee In food location all in food re pair. Cut Out thla Hit. Look them aver aa Boon aa possible, but please do sot bolhar tb tenant. Make an appointment with my of our aateamea It you want to expect the houeea on tha Inside. Ihe terma are about 1700 dowa and th bel mo about tha same aa rent, Including Merest I56 Jones St, T rooms, f,60.. tlii JoiMf Bt, 1 roome, It.itO.M. 123 N. 4th St. I roome, fe.ieo.te. 1011 N. I4tb St. rooms, f 4.100 oe. 1421 Lafayette Ave., roome, I4.J09.0. 1110 Florence Blvd.. S rooma, 11,100.00. 041 N. J7tb St. f rooma, 11.100.00. 050 If. STth Bt. T room. 03.100.00. toil Davenport St.. 0 room. f 3.6A 00. SOI a Slet St.. room. f0.t0O.0O. . 1111 a ltd Bt, room. tt.0OO.0a. TOT; 8. SOth St. T room, f 0.100.0. 701 a SOth Bt, T room, 14.100.00. Til S. 10th Bt, T room. S4.t00.00. lilt a Slet St. S roome, t4.0O0.00. ICS a Sets Are., 0 rooma. S4.i00.00. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, jJM HAJUOTT IT, PHONE TTJf yj y OWN YOUR HOME ,4501 Hamilton St. Thle le a (-room modern except heat houee. In a food neighborhood and close to school and car line. 1140 caeh and tha balance monthly. - 4UT North 4id St. Thla (.room houoa la a bargain (or earn one. la practically new. Near aehool, car and Foatenelle park. 1100 cah and balance monthly. HIS Kremet Thl le a 4-room nearly modern houee on a food corner lot. The place le a food buy. Toura for 1100 eaah and balance inonthtly. Itoo North Hth Thl li a (-room part ly modern houee. In a feed neighborhood and cloee to car line. Well worth the price aeked. Can be bought for 1100 caah and balance monthly. 1111 N. 4(th St. A I -room cottage on a earner lot. Buy and moderate this place and you will make money. Toa can buy for 1109 eash and balance monthly. - S110 Ohio Bt A 4-room cottage In need of repair. That la on a dandy aouth front lot It would pay to buy and fix this place up. Toura for 1100 cash and balance monthly. CREIGH, SONS & CO. ' REALTORS. Douglas MO. (Ot Bee Bldg. HOME BARGAINS Here Is a list of homes that are priced way below their value. Go out and look at them. Don't bother tenants. The houses are ALL in fine condition, simply a CLEAN-UP SALE Com in or call our salesmen they won't istt. $3,100 266S Pieree St A bungslow in walking distance; one mile from 16th and Farnam St. Lot SOx 1 A3 feet, in good neighborhood, close to cr and school Would cost $1,100 to duplicate; is nearly new. (300 cash and 128 per month. $3,850 243C Manderson St, a bungalow built for a home; nearly new; HOT WATER HEAT; living room 26x13 feet, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two bed rooms and hath on second floor; full basement; lot 40x128 feot; shade trees, fine lawn: block to 24th street ear; in fine neighborhood of good homes; house has oak floors and beautiful finish. Would cost $4,850 to duplicate. $400 cash and $35 per month. $3,700 Northeast corner of 27th and Laurel Ave., a bungalow on corner lot; NEW and fine in every respect; beautiful oak finish and floors. $4;300 2085 Fowler Ave., a fin 2-story square house, 21x28 feet, all Urge rooms, living room 27x14 feet, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three big bed rooms with large closets and bath on the second floor. Lot is 60x188 feet; paving all paid. $500 cash and $38 per month. Would cost $5,500 to duplicate. I $4,250 2116 Pratt St., a large bungalow, 28x40 feet, six large rooms, fireplace, built in buffet and bookcasee, sun room. Lot 40x13$ feet, garage and driveway. Would cost $6,(00 to duplicate. Is close to churches, school and ear line. $4,500 Southwest corner 24th and Brown Sts., six fine rooms, alt modern and complete, fine oak finish. Large comer lot, (2x102 feet, shad trees. A food buy. Sundays Call . i E. A. HOISINGTON, Colfax 2202, or M. O. HEADLEY, Colfax 3482. Charles W. Martin & Co. REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. DUNDEE HOME New 2 Vi -story brick veneer house with tiled roof and 2-story garage to match. Lot 75x128, in choice neighbor hood, protected by building restrictions. Price $17,500. This house has living room, dining room, sunroom, breakfast room, kitchen and pantry; 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch;, 2 bath rooms and separate shower; quarter-sawed white oak floors downstairs and up, and all modern conveniences. Located right, priced right. Let us show it to you. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 2 -story modern frame house with, lot 50x130 feet and garage. Price $8,500. Terms $2,000 cash, balance easy pay ments. This house is on car line, in a good neighborhood and has 9 rooms and sleeping porch; oak finish and oak floors be low, white enamel above. All modern conveniences. J. H. DUMONT & CO., Realtors 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. Realtors Payne Investment Company's BARGAINS Own Your Own Home WEST FARNAM HOME $800 Down and Balance $50 Per Month Just listed, a 7-room home, 4 rooms on first floor finished in oak; 8 rooms and large sleeping porch on second floor; finished attic on third floor. Double garage. Paved street, paving paid. This is a snap. BRICK SEMI-BUNGALOW OWNER LEAVING CITY Five-room semi-bungalow, located near Military Avenue, S rooms on first floor, 2 and bath on second. Will sacrifice for cash. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN $600 Down and Balance $35 Per Month Seven-room strictly modern house. Large corner lot; paved street, paving paid for; S large rooms on first floor, oak finish; built-in fireplace; 4 rooms and bath on second floor; full cement basement; hot water heat; east front; property worth $5,000. Owner will sell for quick sale at $4,200. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW $300 Down and Balance $40 Per Month Five-room nearly new bungalow, located south of Miller Park; oak finish,. built-in bookcases; full cement basement; furnace heat; south front; garage. Price $3,600. PRAIRIE PARK DISTRICT $500 Down and Balance $30 Per Month Five-room, strictly modern bungalow, located just east of 24th street, on Saratoga. Full basement; south front; paved street, par ing paid. Price $3,000. OWN YOUR OWN HOME , MINNE LUSA BARGAIN Five-room, brand new bungalow; oak floors throughout; built-in buffet, colonade openings, built-in bookcases, plate rail and panelled walls; bedrooms finished in white enamel; full bos-m--: furnace heat; south front on paved street; one-half block from car line. One of the niftiest bungalows for the price in the addition. PAYNE INVESTMENNT COMPANY ' Realtors " 537 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781. OWN YOUR HOME Beautiful Homes in the West Farnam District We make a specialty of handling West Farnam homes and offer here several of the best for sale in the district. We have a few others which can be sold, but the owners do not care to have them advertised, so if none of these interest you, one of the others might. Will be glad to give you the prices on application. THE T. J. MAHONEY HOME, 312 S. 37th St., 10 rooms, 3 baths, 70x155 feet of ground. Large garage. THE C. J. SMYTH HOUSE, 710 N. 38th St., 12 rooms, 2 baths, garage, 75-foot front. MRS. GEO. PALMER'S HOME, 411 S. 40th St., 9 rooms, li baths. This is a solid brick house with stucco finish. 114 S, 33D ST., 10 rooms,' 3 baths, solid brick house, with garage. 4124 DAVENPORT STREET, 10 rooms, 3 baths, large grounds. AT 36TH AND HARNEY we have a large house with beautiful grounds. FAIRACRES We offer the C. S. Hayward home with three acres of ground, located on top of the hill. A beautiful place with all modern conveniences. Large garage and a wonderful place for the money. A. P." Tukey & Son REALTORS. 620 First Nat. Bk. Bldg., Phone Doug. 502. $500 $500 ATTENTION LOOK AT THIS BUNGALOW TODAY Ready to move into. Water meter In; window shades hung; windows washed; every room beautifully decorated and your monthly payments not any larger than you would have to pay as rent for a house not nearly as inviting as this one. Short walk to car; nice location; paved street; large south front lot 50x127 & ft., cement walks in front and around house; 4 fine shade trees and 4 nice fruit trees; SEE IT. You will really find more than you are expecting in this perfect and complete bungalow. It has front vestibule, nice sized liv ing room, good sized dining room beautifully decorated in panels; kitchen, two good bedrooms and bath. Also a fine large brick basement and floored attic. The house is heated with a guaranteed Rogers furnace; nice lighting fixtures; full sized screens for all windows. SEE THIS HOUSE. We cannot fully describe it here, but we promise you that you will not be disappointed. Your time will not be wasted. Examine and compare the construction; get into the attic and basement all over it. See how it is put together. You will find the best materials and construction. Open all day from 11 to 6 o'clock. Price $2,750. $500 CASH, $31.25 PER MONTH, which includes interest. Why, you can't afford to rent when you can buy on these terms. So don't wait. COME "pODAY. Take the Harney car. Get off at 33d and Charles and walk two blocks east to 3012 Charles St ACT TODAY. OPPORTUNITIES LIKE THIS ARE FEW and far between this Spring. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY REALTORS 61$ Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 1016. $500 $500 NEAR MILLER PARK This Is a well constructed, I-story. 7-room modern house, nearly nsw, hav ing living room across entire front coat closet, with Mirror In door, attractive dining room, with built-in buffet; con venient kltohcn. pantry and lee box room on first floor; all finished In se lected oak. . except kitchen: 4 attract, rve bedrooms. Including enclosed sleep, tng porch overlooking Miller ,park; newly decorated throughout; window hades and brass rods for all windows; birch' doors with glass doorknobs;, hsavy oak floors throughout; stairway to full attic; fine brick foundation; full cemented basement; cement drive way end garaga for one car. This house . la oaly ana block north of Miller park, near Twenty-fourth street, la Hlnno Luse addition, and la something good. Price 11.600, reasonable terma; imroe mediate possession. Ksy at our office. No. 1441 Bauman St. Will be off the market If not eold within a short time, therefore do not fall to Investigate at one If Interested. . GEORGE & CO. Doug. 756 2215 ELLISON AVE. A TTTMF. TTHMF S4.KO0 Six Rooms Sleeping Porch . ...... n ... t w.t Arv. l nio i j , tie. full basement; built-in seat, pan t walla; oak finish: living room, dlau room, den and kitchen on 1st floor: three bedrooms, bath and extra iarge sleeping porch on Id floor; clothes chute; Urge level lot on pved street: near car and boulevard. Call Tyler It and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HETDEK, MM HARN1CT OWN YOUR HOME We wUl sell any of the following prop erties on a small payment down and balance like rent: U01 Miami St., S rooms and bath, corner lot, south front 11,600 ISO! Miami Bt, ( rooms, gas, water and outside toilet connected with sewer 1.360 111! Miami Bt, 6 rooms, gas, water and outside toilet connected with aewer 1.100 1111 Corby St, ( rooms, with bath and barn l.0 . HOT Corby St. rms. and bath.. J.600 ST0I N. JStb 8t. rooms, water and aswer 1.20 :7 and XT1 Dodge St, lot I0xl0 feet, with S frame houses, rente for 140 per month. Thla la bound to increase In value. Price :S51 N. 10th St. 1 modern apart ments; lot 70x0; rents for 11,000 per annum. Price 7.100 Benson & Myers Co., , Realtors slf Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug ',. NOW IS THE TIME i TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME MATERIALS AND LABOR WILL NOT BE CHEAPER FOR YEARS. BUY UNDER THE OLD PRICES ONE OF THESE HOMES NORTH SIDE 13,100 Four rooms and bath, strictly mod ern; chicken bouse; close to car and school; near 40th and Grand. 1200 down and 120 per month. 3,100 Five rooms and strictly all modern except heat: 1 large lots. 60x120 each; all fenced and good barn; near SOth and Plnkney Sts. 1600 down and 116 per month. A snap for someone. 13,750 Five rooms and bath, strlotly mod ern; oak finish; splendid value; can be handled with (260 down and $21 per month. , 13,600 Dandy 6-room full two-story home strictly modern and large lot; choice south front lot; near 24th and Fowler. Can be handled witb 11,000 down. 13,660 With 11,000 down we can give s splendid selection ot 6 and 6-rooro bungalows; all on one floor; with oak finish and all the built-in fea tures. Built by owners for homes; choice lots and Close to car. Don't fall to see our list, as we can give you some wonderful values. 14,300 Three exceptional 6-room bunga lows, strictly up-to-the-minute. In the desirable Miller Park district. About 11,000 down required. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. Six large rooms and bath, all on the one floor; oak finish; dandy sun room with French doors; bookcases, buffet, sleeping porch, everything you could de sire to make one of the coziest bunga lows In the city, and It Is only one block to car; the price Is certainly right, only 14,000, and can be handled with 11,000 down and 126 per month. This sure won't last WEST. 13,100 Five rooma and sleeping porch; oak finish; strictly modern; choice east front lot; near 17th and California. About 1800 down, balance 130 per month. A bargain In nearly new I home. 14,100 Six rooms and sleeping porch; cak finish; strictly modern; close to Harney car and new Clifford Park. About 11,200 down. 15,160 Nearly new, 6-room, strictly mod ern stucco home. Textile shingle roof; choice south front lot, 44x160. 15,600 High and sightly lot with nearly new 6-room, strictly modern, oak finish home; dandy garaga; east front lot, 65x121; paving and all specials paid. About one-half pay ment down. 15,250 Near New Nebraska Medical col lege. We have a dandy stucco and frame 7-room house; sun room, sleeping porch, bookcases, buffet etc.; all oak and white enamel; South front lot 60x130. 11,000 down, SOUTH. 15,750 Dandy east front home on boule vard. Just south of Hanscom park; all oak and birch finish; 7 rooms and outside sleeping porch; hot water heat; full basement, with a separate laundry, fruit cellar, etc. 16,250 Seven-room bungalow home In Field club; sun room, fireplace, etc.; full brick foundation, laundry, etc.; all oak and white enamel; choice aouth front lot 60x128; 12,600 down, or will sell with all new furniture for 17,600. 16,500 Field club bungalow; beautiful 7 room, all brick and stucco bunga low; sun room, sleeping porch, big living room with fireplace, book oases, etc.; finished In oak, birch and white enamel throughout This la one of the beat we have ever had on our list ( OSBORN REALTY CO.. 701-2-3 Omaha Nat'l: Bank Bldg. Ty. 496. HOME, SWEET HOME ' The homes in the following list are all recent listings, and we can as sure you that the property in each case is worth the price asked. DUNDEE BUNGALOW 5 RoomsNearly New On 60th St.. two blocks north of cat line. Oak flniah In iiti. . . ... - ...a .uvu. mil din- lng room, hardwood finish In remainder of the house. Good lot, 60x127. Oarage ',r. wner 18 ouding larger home. Pries 14.600; 11,000 cash, balance monthly 611 SO. 36TH ST. An excellent 7-room, all modern resi dence, with beautiful front and side porch; nice lawn and shade trees, oie block from Leavenworth car, short dis tance from Farnam car. Extensive im provements were recently made to this property. Price. 14,700; 12,000 cash nec essary. 37th and Davenport NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE Built In 1117. Oak finish In sun room, living room and dining room; white enamel In kitchen; bathroom and 4 bed rooms on second floor; stairway to floored attic. Oak floors throughout house. Built in buffet cabinet cupboards, stc. Price 16,250. 123 No. 35th Ave. New 8-Room House Just Being Completed We recommend this home aa one of th best built residences In Omaha. It was being built by a contractor for his own home, but on account of a sudden chanse In bis plans. Is now offered for sale. On the first floor there is living room, sun room, den, dining room, (with built-in. buffet), kitchen, pantry, and rear entr Three bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor. Main living rooms on first floor finished in oak. Floors throughout house of the same material. Bed rooms and bath room are finished In selected birch-white enameled. Birch doors to be stained walnut finish. Stairway to attic, which is floored and of sufficient size to finish off another room. This home will be completed In about 10 days, and price will Include such fittings as electrlo light ing fixtures, wall decorations, curtain rods, shades, walks, yard grading, etc. Garage for two cars and storage room above, located at rear of lot One and a half block to Farnam car line, one-half block to Dodge. 16th Avenue will be paved this summer. Price, 16,500. THE BYRON REED CO. (Realtors) Douglaa 317. Established 116V 111 South 17th Street MODERN HOMES EASY TERMS 3130 South 34th St Five rooms , first floor, three bedrooms and bath on second floor, all nicely decorated; large lot, pufc lng paid. Prioe 13.960. " 3131 Pratt 8t. Two-story, six rooms, oak finish and floors, beam ceiling, fire, place, beautifully decorated. A baragln in a Kountze Place home. Price 14.000. 1331 Ames Avenue Large living room", dining room and kitchen on first floor; two nice bedrooms and bath on second floor; all paving paid. Price 12,150. 3310 Btnney St. This home Is In good condition and located In a desirable part of Kountss Plsee. eight rooms and bath Large lot paving all paid. Price for quick sale 13,350. 1005 North SOth St. 5-room bungalow, all modern, oak floors and finish full basement Price 13,750. 0 i NORRIS & NORRIS 1 4O0 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 42T. .- .iw