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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 21 mi. UfTK YTID on 11 VV A fc tut ini o 4 E Horses Live Stock Vehicles We will haul your live stock. LIVE STori: Tn a vippB i n '09 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas' 250$. For Sale. AUCTION sale Saturday. March 30. at 1 l. m., Ralston. Neb.. SO head of Holsteln and Jersey cows, heifers and bulls. All are from Wisconsin. Williams and Davis. 18 FINE pigs weighing fto 75 to 100 lbs. to in excellent condition. Phone S. Zl IS. OKSES tor sale. 1711 Webster Street REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Field Club Special Extra Good Home Owner having removed from the city offers this fine home at price of 14,400, which Is less than the cost to produce It today. Lacated at 3812 Mason St.. sur rounded by new homes, convenient to car and school. - Has five good sized rooms on one floor, wlh provtsion to have more room In large attic, when desired. Every thing Is first class and up-to-date. Oak finish, built-in features, full cemented basement, artistic .brick foundation, textile shingle roof, furnace heat. Come out to day and look it over. Will be open for Inspection. Call Douglas 5013, 202 S. 17th Street. PORTER & SHOTWELL, REALTORS. WEST FARNAM J5. 700.00 Two-story frame house, 8 rooms and bath; floored attic; attractive reception hall, parlor, sitting room; din ing room, kitchen, pantries, on 1st floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; furnace heat, gas, electric light, good lighting fixtures; oak finish on 1st floor, pine and enamel finish on 2d floor: lot 45x119, with alley; one-half block irom Farnam street car line; good neighbor, hood, paved streets, paving all paid. This residence was built for present owner for his home and is now In splendti con dition. Don't fail to investigate. C. A. GRIMMEL 849 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ph. D. 1616. WEST FARNAM HOME $6,200 buys a good frame and stucco house, nearly new, located at 606 South 40th St., having 7 rooms: finished In oak on first floor, with built-in features. This house is well built, In good condi tion and worth the money. Price 16,260. Easy terms. Do not disturb occupant, but see us if Interested. GEORGE & CO. Doug. 756 Prairie Park District ' $500 Down and Balance $30 Per Month 5-room strictly modern bungalow, lo , cated just east of 24th St., on Saratoga; full basement, south front; paved street, paving paid. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 137 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. D. 1781. EIGHT-ROOM UP-TO-DATE HOME Four rooms on 1st floor, finished In quarter-sawed oak, pleasant kitchen with pantry; four sleeping rooms on 2d floor, finished In birch; stairway to attic, nice larg basement with one of the best hot water heating plants, house Is extra well built and good as 'new, lot 60x124, for 85,000. x Good seven-room modern up-to-date house on east front lot 60x140 on 41st street near Dodge for $5,500, W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. REALTOR Web. 2688. $4,500 R rooms, fine oak finish, four extra large bed looms, big light basement, full lot "29th, near Leavenworth. Hous) could not be built for 15,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha National. Douglas 814. WEST FARNAM STORE 3257 FARNAM This splendid modern store room will bo available May 1st. This roou: is strictly modern In every particular. Lat est show windows, steam heat an elec tric lights. Price $65.00 flat, heat and jier furnished. FAYNE & SLATER CO. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank. D. 1016. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $4,350 7-room, strictly" modern home, near 33d and Poppleton ave.; living room, dining room, kitchen, first floor; 3 large bed rooms and sleeping porch, second floor; large 60x150 ft. lot; one block to car line. Price cut to $4,350, and is the best buy In this district. J. L. HIATT CO., Qflfl FIRST NAT'L. PHONE Q fvUpK. BLDG. TYLER OO SPECIAL BARGAINS, two seven-room modern houses; both In very good repair nnd well located: near 33d and Cuming St.; almays rented. Price for both $6, 250. Two 8-room houses and One 4-room house close in on lHth St., rents for $65 per month. Price for quick sale $6,600. These properties belong to non-resl-M'lnnta They are anxious to sell this spring. 1. V. Hammond, 210 S. 1,1th St. EQUITY $330 on $875 lot. northwest corner 43d and California Sts. for $100. You can buy balance of lot at $10 a month. Will taks diamond ring or stick pin write box Y 451, Omaha Bee, LARGE, close-in corner for sale, very cheap; or exchange for good 6 to 8-room home, west or In Dundee. Box 4 5 83, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Large two-story stucco, oak finish, corner lot, worth $5,000; will sell for $4,250. Phone Walnut 2812. North. FLORENCE BOULEVARD Excellent home, large grounds; first floor has large living room with built-in bookcases and window seats, fireplace and beamed celling. Dining room with paneled walls and beautifully lighted; these rooms are finished In best quarter Rawed oak. One large bed room and tiled bath on this floor, kitchenette, etc. Second floor has stairway leading from front hall, has two large rooms and bath, screened porch, back stairs, etc. This is a most excellent property and well f.rranged for two families if desired. Has best hot water heating plant and full basement. Fine lawn and shrubbery. If you want something good, see me for appointment to look at this one. ' F. H. Drake 4 Sole Agent, Douglas 3703. 716 Brandeis Theater. A REAL GEM. One of the niftiest new bungalows In town; 5 beautiful large rooms (living room, 12x18); nearly all finished In the best of oak, with bookcases ami other special features, all handsomely dec rated; exceptionally nice lighting fix tures and the best of plumbing and fur nace; full cement basement, conven iently arranged; very fine south front lot; paving all paid: near car and Kountie park: value, $5,000. Price for thfaweek lssf4.260. cash or terms. (De- are losses). Call Webster 4C61 or RASP BROS., REALTORS. 210-12-14 Keeline Bids. Tyler 721. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. SEE HERE . 8 ROOMS, MODERN 22D NEAR LEAVENW'TH $500 CASH Balance monthly payments. Well built, well arranged. Equally suitable for family or for rooming house. Good east front lot. Paving paid. Observe the terms and the close-in location. Haven't advertised before. Call early Monday. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. 34TH AND CALIFORNIA PRACTICALLY NEW $5,750 Living room, dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen on first' floor; three large bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor. Best of oak wood work downstairs; birch and white enamel above. Oak floors In every room In the house. Fine east front lot. Paved street and alley. Terms. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. CLOSE-IN 7 ROOMS, $5,000 Park Avenue Near Dewey. Living room, dining room and on extra room and kitchen and pantry on first floor; three good bedrooms and bath on sec ond. Oak floors and finish. Extra front lot runs through to 30th giving double street frontage. Paving paid on both streets. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW DREAM 7 ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR Good construction, oak finish, all dec orated, large living room, fire place, book cases, large dining room, built-in buffet, beamed ceilings, music room, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath and linen closet, kitchen built-in features, gas range, full cemented cellar, furnace, etc., latest lighting fixtures and plumbing; corner lot, paved Btreets, 30th and Newport Ave., In Mlnne Lusa. Be Bure and see this before you buy. Price and terms very reasonable. TEBBENS, The Realtor Phones D. 2182 or Colfax 2795. $6,000 8 rooms, oak finish, good attic, double garagt, 78 ft., east front lot on "Prettiest Mil." Owner has $7,000 cash in prop erty. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha National. Douglas 314. BEAUTIFUL CLOSE-IN HOME WORTH $7,000 PRICE $5,250. Very fine home near 30th and Farnam, quartered oak finish, center hall and living room fall length of house; 4 bed rooms on second floor, and attic finished. Owner leaving city and reduced price for quick sale. A bargain either for home or investment as will readily rent for $60 per month. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. 222 Keellns Bldg. Douglas 3140. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW ' FOR $2,500. Hard wood finish, hot water heat, lot 38x200, with some fruit. Eight-room modern house, at 2865 Man derson, with full lot, house vacant and owner very anxious to sell, been asking $3,000. Six-room modern house at 2115 Sherman Ave., for only $3,250; lot 62x124. W. H. GATES, $47 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Near 30th and Manderson $1,900 $350 CASH 6-room cottage, modern except heat; large lot; 1 block to car line and school. Owner must sell and has made terms of $350 cash and $25 per mo. J. L. HIATT CO., Qflfl FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q fvU BANK BUILDING. TYLER OO TWO JOE DANDIES, $3.350 New 5-r., strictly mod., oak fin ished bungalow; beautifully decorated; fine cor. lot; street paved. $3.150 Beautifully finished bungalow of 6 rms. and bath, oak finish, book cases, cupboards, etc., full cemented base ment; nice lot, paved st.; both of these are near cor., school and Miller park, and great bargains. Easy terms can be arranged. See us at once about these. RASP BROS., OWNERS. 210-12-14 Keeline. Bldg. Tyler 721. A BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $150 CASH. 5 rooms, oak finish, nice location, com pletely modern, large lot, 46x146 feet. A snap at $3,150, andmonthly payments like rent. Get located now. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. 222 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 3140. MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW, $4,200 Especially well-built, 6 rooms and bath, strictly modern, oak finish, beautifully decorated, paved street, near carllne; 2877 Newport Ave. Can be seen between 3 and 6 p. m. Sunday. Don't miss It. TEBBENS, The Realtor 605 Omaha. Nat. Bk. Phpne D. 2182. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW, $3,500. All modern, oak finish, fire place, col lnnade bookcases and very large lot. Only $300 cash and $30 per month. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. 223 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 3140. A RARE BARGAIN. $500 cash and $27 monthly will secure a very choice new 6-room all modern cottage, 2 blocks from car line; this Is one t the choicest offerings on our list and must be seen to bt appreciated. MITCH EL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames. Colfax "17. OWN YOUR HOME NOW. 3621 Hamilton, oak finished - $3,150 Acre with good Improvements ....$4,000 1841 N. 23d, only $1,300 2 full lots and 6 houses $6,000 JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM ST. 7-ROOJ4 house, modern except heat nice lot; sireeis paveu ; n. toin di.; price i duo, iMlssun, s?ecurmes uiuk. KoUNTZE PLACE Modern 6-room house, full basement, .aige Int. close to cat Prlc nasi) Nr.rrls Norrla. D 4270 OAK bungalow, 6 rms.. brand new, all mod., very attractive, $3,150; only small amount cash, bal. like rent D. 3140. FOR SALE OR RENT 2731 Baratogi St., strictly modern 6-roora cottage .aay terms. Call Colfax 1630. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tvler 187 South. 2802 S. 34TH STREET. Large living roorrf with built-in book cases, coat room with mirror door! large illnlng room with built-in buffet In oak; kitchen, pantry and Ice box room finished In yellow pine; oak floors, oak stair to oii(l floor; extra large front bedroom finished In white enamel; sun room and bedroom finished in yellow pine; tiled bath room with medicine cabinet. Will decorate to suit. Exterior stucco and frame. Price $4,250. Should be $4,500. C (r CARLBERG. $10 Brandeis Theater. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South 3052 SO. 33D STREET. 7-room frame and stucco cottage; living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor; two nice bedrooms, sun room and bath on second floor. This house is just being completed. Purchaser may se lect decorations and fixtures. Price only $4,000. C. G. CARLBERG. 310 Brandeis Theater Bldg. REAL BARGAIN $950. 3-room house, maple floor, oak m.lsh. full cemented basement, cement wa'ks, city water, electric light, one and ore half blocks from 24th and A St.. or rlth street car line. S. O. Norqulsl. 322 Neville Block. NEAR 34lh and Martha, nearly new. all modern, oak finished bungalow; book cases; beamed ceilings, screened porches, choice 60x128 east front lot; street paved; a big bargain at $3,950; cash or terms. See us before buying. RASP BROS., 210 Kountse Bldg. Tyler 721. MAKE A NOISE like a buyer; lot 20th and Vinton; double frontage. Owner here from California for a few days. Box 4219, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE 5-room cottage and garage, 4037 S. St. Would take light car In part payment, rnong pomn goi CLASSY home, with garage; nice lot; 1 blk. east of Hanscom park, $3,000. F. D. Wead, 310 South 18th St. 10-KOOM house in Hanscom park district; nice home for big family. Call Tyler 2123. 1314 S. 26th street. Miscellaneous. OWN YOUR HOME BARGAINS A brand new brick house built by owner who Is a construction engineer. OAK FLOORS THROUGHOUT. Large living room, firs place, breakfast room. 3 large bedrooms. Closed heated sleeping porch. Kitchen floored with velvet ce ment. BRICK OARAGE FOR TWO CARS. Lot 70x130. Fronting east on MILLER PARK. Owner going to war. Priced for a short time at $9,000. Can make terms. For quick sals list your homes with us. NEW BENSON BUNGALOW , Five root..s. stucco; strictly modern; has all- little conveniences that only an owner who takes pride In his home would de sire. Lot 60x1(4 feet. 3V4 blocks from car. Very desirable. Price $3,350. Terms can be had. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS South front, i rooms, all on one floor; house 2 years old; has large living room; built-in buffet; paneled dining room; two large bedrooms 14x14 ft. Oak floors and finish throughout. Only $3,850 fr this fins house. Can you afford to rent? FOR QUICK SALE LIST YOUR HOMES WITH US MODERN COTTAGE Just west of 24th St. on Sahler street; close to Ames avenue ear barn; a dandy horns with lot 44x150 feet. Ample- garden apace; 5 rooms, fully modern.' Fries only $2,200 en terms. Investigate. 5-ROOMED BRICK Modern, In good repair; located west of 20th street on Oak; a real bargain at $2,450; large garden space; reasonable terras. TWO 5-ROOM HOMES Your cholcs at $1,600 and $1,700; terms $200 cash, balance liks rent; lots 60x160 feet; good shade. These are bargains. ASK ABOUT Oun building lots In all parts of the city In our well developed additions. Also a good selection of large garden tracts at $10 cash, - balancs $5 per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. Tel. Douglas 1064. Evenings, Colfax 1078. BUY ONE OF THESE ' FOR YOUR HOME CLIFTON HILL DISTRICT. A very attractive 1 -story, 5-room bung alow, located In a neighborhood of good homes. Fronts south on a good paved street: just half block from carllne; lot 60x130. House was built In 1912 and has all the desirable features of a home. The living and dining rooms have oak floors and finish. Good fireplace. Can be had on easy terms. Price, $3,700. , FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Oak floors and woodwork downstairs. Birch wood work and maple floors upstairs. Fine west front lot 62x128. A good home In an ex cellent neighborhood. Price, $5,250. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. A beautiful home Just off Farnam street, lot 66x136. AVest front, large trees. Music room, large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. All woodwork and floors quajrtersawed oak. Second floor. 4 good bedrooms and tile bath. Maid's room and storeroom on third floor. Billiard room, laundry In cellar. Threo fireplaces. Many built-in features. Price, $10,500. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., REALTORS 205 S. 18th St. Douglas 722. NEW HOME. 7-room, frame and stucco house, on California St., near 38th St., all oak fin ish fully decorated; fireplace; built-in bookcases, buffet, sleeping porch. Price, $6,300. Easy terms. $2,600 for 6-r. modern house, all In good condition; Kountze Place. $5,000 strictly modern 8-r. house at 21st and Lothrop St. Has hot water heat, sleeping porch and new garage. This Is an excellent corner, near the seminary. $4,500 for strictly modern house at 1329 S. 28th St.; 8 rooms, furnace heat, all nicely decorated; hardwood floors throughout. WORLD REALTY CO.,. Realtors 2nd Floor Sun Theater Bldg. Douglas 6342. Theater entrance. r $4,850 Largo corner lot, close In, near two car line. Fine oak finished, 7 -room nouse, garage. Owner says has $7,000 In it. Must sell. Paving paid up on both strets. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha National. Douglas 814. BUNGALOW. New, 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely .decorated? fine location; near car line. Price, $4,000. Terms, $600 cash, balancs monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Blk. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. U29 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. -IEAL ESTATE TRACKAGE A CORNER trackage lot in a wholesale dis trict opposite the Iten Biscuit Co, will sell $3,500 less, ss the one sold across the street. Easy terms. J. B. Robinson, 442 Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. TWO DUNDEE LOTS. $1,000. These are located In the north part of Dundee, south front, high and sightly, gas, sewer, water In and paid for. The best lot bargain Wing offered In Dundee today, JOHN J. MULVTH1LL, 200 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone D. 86 North. GARDEN LOTS $1 DOWN $1 PER WEEK ELMWOOD GARDENS ADJOINING ELM WOOD PARK We will call for you and take you out Lots $195 and up. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors 616 Omaha Nafl Bank. Doug. lOlf. VACANT NORTH" 1 Have 6 full lots on Plnkney street, south front, at 25th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can glvs terms. TRAVER BROS. CO.. Douglas 6886 819 First Nit. Bk Hid South. LOT for sale, 47x168; 4Vi terrace, S. W, corner 23d and Martha. $850. Frank Mlchalek, cars Register of Deeds' Office, Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots, located south, $125 to $200 No Interest or no taxes. Near car line. $5 down, 60c per weak. Phone D. 6074. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant on main line U. In town of 800; only restau rant In ths town; doing good business; will sell reasonable. Address R, Bee office, South Side. WE WILL buy your horns or business property snd pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electric Bldg. Tyler 65 BUSINESS properties and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist. 15th snd Dodgs Sts. Douglas 415. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Benson. 5 ACRES WELL IMPROVED NEAR BENSON Good 7-room house, barn, chicken house and granary. Two acres alfalfa; young bearing fruit trees; entire place fenced and cross fenced, hog tight. Price and terras ars both right. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. I-ROOM modern house, fine 60-foot lots and an abundance of fruit of all kinds. Will make terms. Must sell. Call Douglas 2285 days, Benson 234 evenings. 4-room cottage, 3 lots, fruit, etc. A snap at $2,400; $400 cash, balance monthly. Call Walnut 1629 or Douglas 2819 Monday. Dundee. DUNDEE HOME Six Rooms Sleeping Porch $5,000 $750 Cash, Balance Monthly Located at 4914 Chicago St. Flno south front lot, 60x135. Living room with fire place, large dining room, built-in window eat, kitchen with gas heater attachment and refrigerator room on 1st floor; 3 nice bedrooms, bath, linen closet and sleep ing porch on 2d floor. Also large attic. Basement Is cemented and has good fur nace. HASTINGS & HEYDKN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYL5CP. 60. WHY NOT START .NOW! Buy a good lot In Dundee If you ran not buy a home now; 1-10 down, bal ance on monthly payments, will secure a good lot near carllne and near school, with all street Improvement In and paid for, except paving Installments not de linquent. No better place to live; no safer place to make a residence prop erty Investment. Plats, prices and full information at our office, GEORGE & CO., DOUG. 756. BEAUTIFUL PRESSED BRICK HOME. HAPPY HOLLOW BOULEVARD, $15,000. Tiled roof, vapor heat, large garage, and fine lot. Might take In smaller place. An Ideal home In an Ideal location. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. 222 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 3140. DUNDEE LOTS Have several well located lots In Dun dee that we can sell you as low as $1,250. Un paved street, cement walks. Will make easy terms. HASTINGS & IIKTDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 30. FAIRACRES Near two acres on beautiful slope. $4,600. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. Acreage. ACREAGE WEST. X mile south of Dodgn St., 4 miles west of Elmwood Park, Va mile to school. Lies high, sightly. 8 acres pasture, shade and spring stream, 32 acres In cultivation, some fruit. Fair Improvements. On main artery leading west. Th's 40 Is bound to Increase In value. Price and terms upon application, 5 ACRES. Specially well located, high, xiirh'lv well Improved with fruit, 3 acres In culti vation, modern houxe, hot- water heat, pressure water system, electric lights, barn and cement floored garage, chicken house, corn elb, etc., cement walks; entire tract fenced chicken tight, 14 mile to paved road, close to school, l',i miles to csr line. Price $6,000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS. 1016 Omsha N"'--! Building, Douglas 271 5 "TWO ACRES Northwest of Minne Lusa . Two Blocks of Car $13.75 Down $13.75 Month This ground lies fine with a general east slope; faces east: only two blocks to car line, fine place for a future home; poultry and fruit. Price $1,375. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ion Harney street. 6-a., improved, near Florence, $4,250; will take small property In exchange; 1-a., 3-r. house and fruit. 39th and Neb. Ave., $1,760; $200 cash, balance monthly;'' 1-a.. lays fine. West Center way; very cheap; 3 flno H-acre lots, west of Fort Omaha, $10 cash and $5 per mon. ; will start a big garden snd a home. Let us show you these. RASP BROS.. 210 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. A LAROiC suburban tract of ground outside city limits, near carllne. Idesl place to rals poultry or garden. This Is a 260-ft frontage for $610: win sell oo easy Urms Telepnons Walnut $461 REAL ESTATE Other Cities BEAUTIFUL KANSAS CITY RESIDENCE 11 room.-.. furnished. Lot 43x138. Thoroughly modern, strictly first-das', stone veneered, 20 minutes ride to business section. Bargain $6,000. Address 2739 Harrison, Kansas City, Mo, COTTAGE FOR SALE Toklo Cottage Glen Park, Colo. Good slie. good condition, magnificent view. Bargain tf taken soon. Address Box Y 439, Omaha Bee. , REAL ESTATE -To Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 ac, X miles south of Paxton, 1-Mlh Co., Neb,; all Improved and rente I. 1-3 crop delivered to town. Price f.0ii. Will take. In modern home around .'4. QUO. Jltge. $4,000. 1,440 ac, Thomas county. Neb., ra-ch; 200 hay land, no bare spots or blow-outs, wind mill, supply tank, cheap at $10. Mtge. $4,000. lSOac., Jones Co., South Dakota, cUar. Price $16. Will tako In Omaha residence; fine huy land. 160 ac. 40 miles from Jacksonx llle, Florida, cut-over timber land, clear Price $15. Take In Omaha residence. SEWARD BROTHERS, 578 Brnmlelx Bldg. Douglas 3x4. Colfax 4I!3. B l G M 6 N EYf N FLAX. Have party owning several quarter sec tions of prairie land in North Dakota and a number of new gasoline tractors. Will sell all on easy terms or divide to suit purchaser. Land is gently rolling and good soil. Box Y-4H3. Oma ha Bee. 10 ACRKS Fine Improvements, 176 thor oughbred chickens, horse, cow, 117 Ford car, grain, hay, etc., $10,000, Will take $4,000 or $5,000 Clear home In city as part payment. Call residence, Walnut 162$ or Douglas 2S1K Monday. WE have acreage to exch. for home ,u e'ty, What have youT Call Mr. Browns, 1NTKRSTATK REALTY CO.. SlS-KCIty Nat'l. Douglas NKAR Crelghton Unl., J r.. strictly mod. house; paving paid; to exchange for clear land; acreage or small house In Omane, 213 Keeline Bldgt Tyler 731, Omaha. CLKAR 160-A. unimproved Jones Co., S. D., for clear modern house. Seward Bros., 678 Tlrandels Bldg. Douglas 3640. HAVK 60 aures. Wheeler county, value $3,600; will trade for equity In city prop erty. Wilson. 317 S. 15tn. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow has five-room houses, one 7 room, modern house, one $-oom niodern house snd i modern store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also nrei mortgages ; prices are right snd property In first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 113 City National Bank Building. WbJ HAVE SKVural good reliable buyers for 6 snd -room houses and bungalows with $300 to $600 down. Call Osborns Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701' Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages, WIS want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. II. LOUGEE. INC., 638-40 Keeline Bldg DIVIDENDS of 6 PER CENT"liMORET One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDO. ASSOCIATION. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. VV. 11. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg. II. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgags loans. City National HsnK Ming. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Onia ha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. $716. LOW RATES O. O. CARLBERO, 313 Brsn- dels Thester Bldg. P. 686. 52 HARRISONN&TMORTON. 5o $11 Omaha Nst. Bk. Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOAN3 6, BV, and 6 Per Cent. J. IT. POMONT Co.. Keeline Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. 1). W e a d, We ad Bid gjjj 'iJJiL rnan1 Bl-, ijONKY t ToanTon Improved farms snd ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. "Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Douglas 422$. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. APRIL SND. Our next excursion to McQehes. Ark W. f4. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Canadian Lands. 5000 ACRE BLOCK rich deep black soli, close to railway. Sacrifice price $7.60 per acre, easy terinB. Fortunes can be made by buying Canadian land. Write for our list of bargain! In Cattle business. SCOTT HILL CO., Winnipeg. Canada. Colorado Lands. COLORADO OFFERS to yju many npportunlllrs to obtain excellent lands mlltnbly ' for agriculture, stoekralnlng, dairying, etc., at reasonable prices. Rich, productive soil, and Ideal climatic conditions, Denver Is a strong "market town." When looking for a change of location remember Colorado, especially. Ask me for authentic Infor mation, which will bo sent to you absolutely FREE. Tou are cordially Invited to call at room 112, Union Pacific building, to see our excellent snd extensive exhibit of products grown In the L'nion Pacific coun try. R. A. SMITH, Colonization nnd Industrial Agent. L'nlnn Pacific system. Room 1319. L'nion Pacific HtadijUurlors, Omaha, Neb. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP ilomeseekers' excursion to Colorado points every first snd third Tues days. Writs for fres farm booklet and special land-seekers tales for parties of five or more. Immediate possession snd eight years' lima on our lands at 4 per cent. ' THE TWIN LAKES" LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 36Flrst Nat'l Bldg., Omaha. " COLOR A lib KEA LKSTATE AT IN V EST MENT PRICES We have listed a limited number of profitably operated rsnehes, which afe earning from small portions of cultivated land good Interest on price asked for property. Colorado Springs houses for rent or sale. D. V. Donaldson, 10 and 11 Ua zetle Bldg.. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 160 ACRES In Kiowa valley. Colorado,-37 miles from Denver, 2 miles from good town and high school; fenced; new small house; barn; well; almost all bottom land. Surrounded by highly Improved farms. $42.50 per acre. Terms. Reynolds, Covey &. Reynolds. 624 Exchange building, Den ver, Colorado. Owners of Kiowa valley lands. Florida Lands. FLORIDA We will build your home on rich farm near Jacksonville at only $5 per month. Write Ja. Heights Co., Jackson- vllle. Fla. Iowa Lands. FOR RENT 160-aers Ring gold county farm, $7 per acre, or will sell at $130 per acre, one. half mile of Benton, Iowa; good six-room house, large barn', shedded on two sides, and other outbuildings, on main traveled road; land lies gently rolling, creek running through same. N. E. of Section 1. townh1p 6s. range 31, Ringgold County, la. Write or see' owner at room 422, Hotel Loyal, Omaha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Land FOR SALIC 15 acres well Improved; less than 3 miles from Council Rluffa ponfcf flee. Possession at once. W, II. Becker. 3519 X 19lh St., Omaha. Minnesota Farms. COME now! It's Jut the right time to select your future homo from our latds which. because wo want settlers, vu are selling at low prices and on the terms. You'll be ready, then, to get golr.g this year. Malt plans now Arnuld. Commissioner, Iron Rungs Railroad, f07 Wolvin Uldg, Duluth. Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL .MIS.-HHMU KAK.v',. $2.50 insh and $2.50 monthly; i.o In tercut or taxes. Also nn Inteieit In out great development project which within the next few months should ray you unt hundred dollais for every dollar you In vent llluhly productive land, close tu three big msrkets; phumgrnph and full Information free. M I'NC.liR. 11. 31 7. N i i. ire num . Kanxas city Mo $5 down, $5 monthly buys 40 seres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $::0. Ad dress Hex 22. Springfield. Mo. Montana Lands. FOR SALE 2.100 acres of first class bay and grain land, good water rlKhta, clone to town and railroad; 4SU acres in alfalfa, . hay ; 4oo ncrr plowed ready for irlog rrora. ,u wasie In ml on pine. Price t"n per re l'"or particulars call on or olilrms U. tl. KARNS WORTH, Dillon Montana, Nebraska Lands. FARM 1 OR SALE. S30 srrei, 200 acres In cultivation, 40 acres alfalfa, CO acres pasture, 40 acres In fall rye. Farm fenced and cross-fenced, extra good hedgs posts. 15 acres fenred hog tight, flood well, windmill and els. tern. 6-room house, good cement snd brick cellar; nearly new barn, 32x24, with haymow, room for 13 horses. Granary, good chicken house, hog house: pit silo, 10x30. Garage, l'0xS4, with cement floor. 6H miles from Amherst, 4 from Water town, 4-mlle to school. Telephono and rural route. Price $60 per acre, one-third cash, balance 6 years at 6 per rent, C. K. DA VIES, Kearney, Nebraska. DAWES COUNTY RANCH. 1660 acres deeded land, 200 acres school land, located 10 miles from Chadron. 300 acres good farm land, 176 acres now In cultivation. 26 acres In alfalfa. H&lsnco good pasture land exceptionally well grassed, all good hard soli, no mini, Con siderable timber on place. Oood stream running through ranch. Farm excep tionally well Improved, new 10. room house, shedx, granaries and other buildings. Price $16 per acrs. $6,000 cash and will carry the balance at 6 per cent, The first live buyer to see this place will buy It. It's a genuine bargain. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., 154 ACRES FOR SALE Combined slock nnd grain farm within 3 miles of Be atrice, Neb. This farm of which 100 acres Is tillable, the balance being pasture and hay land, wl.i be sold at public auc tion at ths farm on Tuesday, March 26. nt 10 a. int, to settle an eMnta. Possession at once. For further Information write or pholis E, L. Iteveloiie, Beatrice, Neb. 66 ACRES irrlgnTed land, Lincoln counTy, 6V miles from Hersliey. rich Platle valley land, all under tile ditch; 3-ruum house, barn, eto.i 9 arrjs of alfalfa. A bargain at $3.9110. One-half cash. Immediate possession. Wl Itu & Hoover, 464 Omaha Nstlonal Hank Bldg. NICE 40-scrs trait with Improvements, Sarpy county, between Orotna and Springfield, tur Immediate sale; $176 par ocre; terms. Good renson for selling, Possesslot April 1, Address owner. Box 4j4X,Omaha Bee ' $3 WHEAT Msraronl wheal makes 30 to 40 bushels per sere; have 400 acres first class wheat, com, alfalfa land, eastern Nebraska, $135 per acre. All nr part. Ojod terms; Owner, Box .4660, Omaha Bee f,6 4 0 A CR ES"FORSA L ETl AKOA i N All of section 31-16-61 Cheyenne Co., Neb. $2,000 cash, balance can run 6 years 6 per cent. Make best offer at once. .Tohn A. Pope, Cedar Rapids. Iowa. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 82U-acr Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.) $50 per acrs, C. IC. DAV1ES. KEARNEY. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo.' Antlll, Blair, Neb. WHITE me for pictures and prices my farms snd' ranches In good Old Dawes County Arsh L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. RANCHES of sll sises snd kinds, east terms. A. A. Pstsmsn. $01 Karhach RIM North Da .ota Lands. 7.000 ACRES IN NORTH DAKOTA Partly under cultivation; evry section fenced; haa srvcrul sets of buildings, soli a heavy black lonm with clay subsoil. Lays gently rolling. Price $26 per acre. Will be worth rioubln that ' amount In a few years and Is a splendid colonization prop osition. Small down payment If sold to parties having facilities to retail. Box Y 464, Omaha Bee, 6,000 ACRES IN BURLEKiH COUNTY, N. P. Black loam soil, clay subsoil-; some buildings; land partly under cultivation: all fenced; nice lake with some timber and several springs. An Ideal place for stock and grain farm, Low wholesale price and eaay terms to responsible parties. Box Y-465, Omaha Heo. Oregon Lends. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of th isngs. (let on thi ground floor with SO seres Irrigated Isnd In connection with open range. Tou c-n grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion ever;- tv . wicks. Mend for bul letin. Hsrley J. Honker. $40 1st Nitlonsl Bank Bldg. HOME scakors, attention! Como to Oregon and enjoy, mild climato year round; fer tile farm lands; $50 to $160 per acre; write for listings and Information. Miller & Waller Coryallls, Ore. South Dakota Lands. 160 ACRES. South Dakota land; must sell cheap. Box 46, Omaha Bee, Washington Lands. COME TO W ASlUNdTON. Mild, healthful climate, unequaled op portunities, In western state. Favorable locutions for dairying, stock, poui.ry. fruit, grain, etc. Detailed Information In official, 120-pngo Ilomeseekers' Gulii. For free copy write I. M. Howell, Secre.try of State, Dept. II 11, Olympla. Wash Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have some of the choicest land In thi heurt of the viry best sec tion of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Wrlt for booklet and map. John S. Owen Lumber Co.. Owen, Clark County, Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHKA'I LAND Wyoming farms, 160 per .. Including paid-up water rlphts. Hem) Levi A ;. M RvlSnder. 664 omahs Nat'l Miscellaneous Strout's New Spring Farm Catalogue Describes hundreds m 0 n c y-maklng equipped farms doxen states. On page 24 Is 10-ncre New Jersey fruit and poul try farm; hourly trains to Philadelphia and Atlantic City; good 2-story house; nearly new poultry houses; 200 hens in cluded to settle .slat." $1,800. with $600 down. New York village dairy farm, page 13, has 166 acres; 9-room slate roof.'d house: big barn, including 17 cows. 12 young stock, pair horses, liens, hogs, tools, wagons and machinery. Aged own er's price for all $5,200; easy terms. 200 acre Maryland stock and grain farm, page 32, on macadam road, 4 mile .to village-high school; 160 acres rich cecll loam tillage; 10-room house; basement barn 70x90; tenant house and outbuild ings; 30 acres wheat, 40 acres new clover, pr. horses, 15 cows included by feeble owner for $12,500; 1-3 down. Write now for your free copy this big money-saving catalogue and easily find the farm you want. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. '"I'J' Souln mh at-- Omaha, Neb. CHOICE FARMS, Nllsson, 422 Homo BldtT FARM LAND WAITED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us if you wsnt to keep It B. P. 8NOWDEN A SON. M !; Doualas $371. GOOD Omaha lneom brick flat for land. Price $12,000. Mtg. $5,500: Inc. $1,000 per year. 211 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. ilr. Pease. FARM LAND vAi. t&D WAXtliD To hear from owner of farm fof sale: state price and description. S, J, Williams. Indlunupolls, lnd. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Ruaineas Men ul (Unarm. KDUNlTURli plsnos snd notes ss security. $40, 6 mo.. 11. goods, total, $3.iu. Smaller, larger tm'ta proportionals ratt. PROVIDKNT LOAN SOCIETY IjjL"-' rttl"J J111"- ''mam Tv. . LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JKWLLRV" I Vt SMALLER LOANS. 0r x V W. C. PLATA U, KST. ll2. TH FI.R, SECURITIES BUM), I . 5(i DIAMONDS ,.ND JKWKI.RI LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths Harr Malashoek. 1514 Dodge. I) t61 Km. AUTOMOBILES TRAWVER AUTO CO. We Are The Used Car Men 1917 Bulck Light Six 1916 Hudson Six 40 1917 Chalmers Six 30 .... 1917 Saxon Six .......$701 701 65f 60C 1917 Maxwell touring 456 1917 Maxwell touring, worth the money jftij 1917 Bulck Four roadster All dune cars are electrically coulpped and In perfect mechanical condition. UT- SPECIALIZE IN FORDS. 1'ORDS FROM $175 UP. v,r"nd,:frwL lTwo J Tourings. Hvo 1917 Tourings. ,T. -,, - . Two 1917 Koa.l.ters T 0 d TrUcks' Two 1916 Tourings. Tw Tourings. Every car sold under 24 hour trial snd money back If not satisfied. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 Farnam 8t. Douglas $070. RADIATORS Ursckud and Isuky tadlaiors repaired and rebuilt; large stock used rndlators un hand. Masheo. flinders and lamps re pulred like naw. Highest prices paid for junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRS AUTO ' WORKS. HI Cumlm St. omahn K.h A KEA 1. )AtlilAl'v Maxwell touring car, fully equipped, ex cellent condition, only run 3,000 miles Pries 450. F. Rogerson, S01? Chicago St oma ha. SO .UK REAL I'MEl CARS AND TRUCK BARGAINS. STANDARD MOTOR CO., '2020 Farnam St. Carl Changstrom, Manager. O.CALITY LSElT CAki Studebaker-Wllson, Jno. W's havs ths best bargains. Bee us st --?-'L"iV?!f!?JlT!''!,JL"Jnn4 '6th Ave. KELSEY 'Streamline'rbody makss"oid"ForA nuw.x Sol 8, Uuldstrom Co.. distributor, 2667 Fsrnsm street, Talephons Harney t646. ' $"7 J1'' 1 'd tour,n3"r7Tt)od ooniltlon, ALL kinds of cars for hire, wlth ur wn. out driver, by th mlls'or by th hour. Fords, lOo per mile. Douglas 1390. N. brsska Service Oarage. cumTnq aAitAaE71'4TTclSlSTrT8f d 2632, Storage, day and night - ervlct, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. BARQAINS IN USED I'uAlTcARa McCaffrey Motor Co., jlhnd Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug .nlio UAilUAlNS infused ears? ' ORR MOTOR BALLS CO., 4t'th snd Fsrnsm. , Harney 14 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. lOu USED CARS; quick action; no dulay. Al'to r"x changs Co.. 2107 Farnam Si niu n.u NEW ford cars for sale, monthly payment If desired Answer strictly confidential. 6 J" FuhllsUIng Co. OAKLAND Seiialbl. six.- 1 1 MAH8H OAK I ND CO., 23JiOFarnsni St. BAT TICRI KS'CHAROBbA NtTS EPaTh FD Bvr RcMdyBattery Station. 1206 l-arnm 4-OVUNm-fK COLE. TOimfNOTRTXT 'Jll0:-..:,' north soth. MUST sell Mpeedster at once, Al condition! UARAoSTuood LOCATION ANDHEAK 6415 NORTH 30TH. ' Auto Bodies. DEALERS WANTED-" Ford Truck Attachmen $40 THE CAMELFORD DOFS WORK OF $3,0 TRUCKMAKER The Camelforrt Is the only that converts a regular Ford Into a gui.r antoed one-ton truck at the extremely low price of $60 F. O. B., Chicago In dally, satisfactory service for thousai rts' of firms all over tho country. Ca.Tcs one ton as well as any $360 truck maker. Reliable dealer can make big, brisk profits field unlimited auto not esoentlal. Reply stating your full qualifications and territory wantod. MAREMONT MANUFACTURING CO. SOLE MAKERS. S16-18 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago A..L'S rHa T,MB TO i'AINTTOUR AUTO. WM. PFE1FFER AUTO A CAR RIAGK WKS.. 2626 Leavenworth. Tv. 1. Auto LivejynGarages. RENT a FORij DRIVE IT YOVrseLfT lOd a mile, 35o per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sundsys and holidays.) FORD LIVEUT CO .. . rv'"gl'i 3f,22. 1314 Howard St. Auto Tires and Supplies. "SAVE" 35 TO 40 Offer holds good until April 1. Look at these prices nnd figure It out where we sre saving you money. Ws have a large stock to supply all demands. Orders are coming In fast, let yours come along with the rest of the savers. Take advantage of this and supply your tires and tubes for tfte season. Wo arc expecting an advance. PRICE LIST , These prices on non Skids. Size Tires Tubes sije Tires Tube 3'x3 6 63 1 0 34 19 40 3 40 30x3 1 1 69 1 95 84x4 'A 22 75 3 80 32x3 V, 12 70 2 20 5x4i 25 25 4 00 31x4 16 65 J ;,0 30x4'., 37 00 4 2 !2x4 17 40 2 76 3fiX5 2 75 4 75 3x4 16 C 2 95 37x5 31 60 6 23 10 per cent less for plain. State whether straight side, or clincher. We require $1 deposit for each tlrs ordered. Balance c. o. d. Subject to examination. A special discount of 3 per cent for cash accompalned by order. Write for dealers prices CHICAGO TIRE SALES CO. : 1522 W., 12th St. Chicago. 111. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 3H!IO Miles Ouarnnteed. 30x3 $7.75: 3"x3iA $x.75: 32x314 $105: 33x4 $12.35: .34x4 $13.25: 35x4i, $16.50 Writs us tofay for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tirs Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO, 1616 Davenport St. Omahs. D 2914. FORD TIRE8. 30x3 1 t.45 30x3H 11.10 Guarantee. ' THE TIRE SHOP, 2516 Farnam St. Douglas 4J7I. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, AI.iT'sizEl NEW 30x3 Firestone. $8.00; Ford tubes $2; NEWv30x34 Non-Skid Flrestones. $13. J?LA,1L!i!iJTIKo?,??JJ?i cuminq. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON YOUR TLRE3 U. A a. Tlrs snd Vulcanizing Co.. 141! Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. TIRE price wreckers. This is no 2-ln-l tlrs. LUMH NAT IN TIRO- .fflCffOD 422 S. 13th. Agts wsnted. Omaha. 'Neb. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tlrs troubles. Powell Supply Co., 2051 Fwoam 8U