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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1917)
J: f I ; INDEX TO WANT ADS : . Page ! AGENTS AND CANVASSERS. AUTOMOBILES , Automobiles Wanted Automobile Livery and Garage , Automobile Tires an Supplies........ I BUSINESS CHANCES ' COMMERCIAL GUIDE . EDUCATIONAL FARM AND RANCH LANDS ! FLORI8T8 I FINANCIAL : DEATH NOTICES ... FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Fousehold good Pianos and Musical Instruments Stores and Office Fixtures Machinery and Engines Cameras nd Kodaks Sewing Machines Typewriters ... Lumber, Building Materials . Nurseries, Seeds FOR BENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms Ay....... .... Housekeeping Rooms . Board and Rooms FOR RENT APTS HOUSES, FL'RN. FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FOR RENT OAR AOES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTT..., FOR RENT SUBURBAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HOTELS HORSES. LIVE STOCK. VEHICLES ... LOST, FOUND. REWARD MEDICAL MONET TO LOAN MOVINO AND BTORAOB PERSONAL POULTRT AND PET STOCK REAL ESTATE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED ....... REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT ........ REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANTED ... REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROP REAL' ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS.... REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson Council Bluffs Dundee Miscellaneous ....... 8ITUATION8 WANTED SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats.. Furnished Rooms and Flats..,. WANTED TO BUT Want Ad Rates (Counting Bit Words to the Line.) No Ad Taker for Lew Thsa Two Line Local. CASH WIYH OBDEB " lo par tine .......1 time la per line..! or more consecutive Insertions CHAROE to per line r 1 time lo per line.,1 or more consecutive Insertions 7o per Una... SO consecutive Insertions ' v SITUATIONS WANTED.! two per 'line per week CARD OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES lOo per line...,. ....each Insertion (Minimum charfo 69 cents.) Ont-of-Town Rates Cask With Order (Count Six Words to line) Financial f ISo per line 1 time Help Wanted J to per line I or more &Ch". I on.eeutlTO Inaction. , ' (to per line 1 time All Other J to per line I or moro Classifications consecutive Insertions US a THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con venlently bring or send In your want ads. Ask tor Want Ad Tsksr and you will receive the same good service aa when delivering your want ad at this offloe. . FRONB TYLEB 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVE NINO EDITIONS 12:00 M MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. fl.lM.I R.I m annlUaHAS w y-nnaA- 4-j-8fc-ctfjJ& i -Maaw DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. HLOMBBRO Arthur C. aged 26, Dec. St. Services at Hoffman funeral home, Monday, t p.' m., Rev. Charles W. Bavidge officiating. Interment Forest Lawn cem etery. Deceased Is survived by his widow, Mrs Edith; his mother. Mrs. Julia Blom berg; also one slater, Mrs. Elvira Butter, and on brother, C ii. Blomberg, all of Omaha. HH1NK Elisabeth, C, December 20, 117. Age It years 4 months and 27 days. Funeral aervlcss will be held from Brailey Dorrance .chapel, Nineteenth and Cuming streets, Sunday, December 28 at S o'clock p. m. Interment, Laurel Hill cemetery. Friends tnvtted, LLIS Mrs. James Carpenter, aged tit years, at the Lord Lister hospital, Decem ber 21, 4:20 p. m, ' Funeral will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. II. F. Hobson, 4201 Mason street, Sunday afternoon at t. CARD OF THANKS. WE hereby express our heartfelt thanks to our friends and the friends of our dear sister, Catherine M. Wollgast, for their sympathy extended to us in our bereave ment, alio for the beautiful floral offer tngs. Mrs. M. Horetman. Mrs., Helen Orabhert FtTNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 24 ft. Har. D. 247. E. L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director T. U Fer Mgr., Sid and Cuming Bts. Pheno Douglas 677. 'to ambulance. HULSQ A RIKPKN, undertakere and eu balmera T01 S. 14th. Douglaa 1324. JOHN k. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and emblamer. 2H24 Leavenworth. D. 1869. FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, xr e are lu position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere In the United States or Canada. Heea awobeda. Florists. VorX LEE L. LARMON 114 Douglas St. Do glaa 1244. LARGEST sssortment of fresh flowers. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP. 411 P. 14 D. -loi THE FERNERY. 601 8. 14th St. D. 2084. ROGERS. Flpr'-t, tit 8. 16th. D. 1400. BATH, National Florist, 1804 Farnam, Bt. A. DONAOHUE. 1 Harney Doug 1001. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were is sued today: Names and Address. Age. Arthur J. Freed. Omaha......... It Clair St. Smith. Omaha....... It Arthur M. Scheef, Omaha.............. SI Inger Smith, Omaha..... .It Albert A. Sage, Omaha-?..... 24 Frances N. Mahoney, Omaha. Alfred Blhler, Omaha Harriett B. Schults, Omaha.... Allen Boyd, Onawa, la . L . Mildred Stamm. Sibley, (a....... Ray F. Reel, Omaha........... Florence J. Thompson. Omaha. Joseph 'Marshall. Omaha....... Jewell Hartgrone. Omaha BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Deaths Maggie A. Hopper, 74, 1(30 Maple street; Frederick Krolstrad, 8V 2612 Q street; Nellie McNelly. 42. aoeplTal; Swan N. Larson, ft, hospital ;8aby Denture, I daya, t64 North Twenty-eighth avenue: Mary Butler. 75. hospital; Marlah Williams, 66. Twenty-fifth avenue and Harney streets ; Doris E. Lutton, I, 2164 North Fifty-ninth street, - Births Peter A. and Plna V. Kern. Sill Leavenworth street, girl; Joseph and Mary Kavan. till South Twenty-third street, boy: Albert 'and Stella Asbton, 4540 Emmet street, boy: Jesse T. and Mable B. B tenner, 2217 Wirt street, boy; Frank and Katharine Jesse, 4506 South Thlrty-seodnd streeLboy; Halvatore and Rosa Brecl. , tttt Sooth Twenty-fourth street, girl; James D. and Opal Penney, 1200 North Twenty-otxtb street, hoy. ' ' ' . . ' ; ' BUILDING PERMITS. Bt Michael' church, 141? Ogdea atreet !rame charrh, tt,600. lmlu LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA eV COUNCIL BLUFFS 6TRF 0T RAILW -T COMPANY. Persons having lost some aril would do well to call u the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway com pa. to ascertain, whether they left t In the 'street car. . Many articles each day are tamed In and tbe company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner " f , LOST-FOUND-REWARDS LOST Pay envelope containing HO bill, and small pocket book, containing email change on cross-town car. bet, Ma ana L ana zstn and Farnam; name on envelope May Long. Till Harney 1771. Reward. IF SOU lose anything and will advertise It here you win surely recover it ir louno by an honest person. u you una any thing of value the honest way la to ad vertlse for the owner. PURSE lost containing nearly 10; also personal cards and Masonic receipts of owner. Reward or !. tall Tyier nil LOST One "Borsallno" hat at II. 8. Senior Hop.; Initials W. V. B. inside. Call Web. 3361. FOU.NI A gentleman's gold watch, with on initial engraved. Col. 1768. LOST Black lynx muff, Wednesday even Ing, Pre 12th. Liberal reward. Har. 4788. LOST A bunih of keys. Reward If re turned to 4S4 Brandels Building, FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods, "io-PRICE" WINDUP of our Christmas Furniture Sale. Dressers, 19 to $14; buffets, 110.60 to $14.75; rockers, 82.26 to $4; davenports, 119.75; plenty of stoves at 15.65 to IS. Railroad fare free to out-of-town buyers within fifty miles of Omaha on purchases of 10 or more. . STATE FURNITURE CO.. Doug. 1117. Cor. 14th and Dodge Stl. OUR CHRISTMAS SALE. Itahoxanr candlesticks, sleet, lamps, duofolds, chairs and tables, chiffoniers, suitcases, bags and trunks, china closets. rugs. THE LOTAL FURNITCRB CO. 223 N. 16th St. Douglas 4177. BAROAlNJlN STOVES AND FURNITURE. Beds, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, clna and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum. 1839-1847 N. 24th St. Webster 1407. Open till 1 p. m. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses mads from your own feathers, summer nd winter sides; cost lees and last longer than cotton or hair beds. Phone us for sample. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467 CALL F. H. STEIHENHON. HIOH-CLASS MERCHANDISE. Auctioneer. Licensed and bonded. Phone Web. 4471. RUSH right down and get your share of all kmd of furniture at raerlflre. flN. ltn. t'OR SALE Complete set of furniture for 6 rooms; also Vlctrola. Call Doug. 7B84. Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE. Two Western Kractrlo Hawthorne D. C. generators, type K. V. C. 6. 26kw., (00 rpm., amps 200. V. N. L. 120 V. F. L. 126. One switch board, S-panet, tach equipped with two single throw. - t-pole, 200 amps switch with enclosed fuses attached. One t-pole 200 amp double thro switch. . One Reliance type S ammeter. One Cutller-Hama)er voltage controller. One Foos kerosene engine, 20 hp, 260 rpm, with six-foot fly wheel, 1-Inch face. One Foos kerosene engine, 20 hp, 100 rpm, five and half-foot fly wheel, 1-Inch face. One 20-foot line shaft equipped with one 26-Inch pulley, t-lnch face, two 86-Inch pulleys, 1-Inch face; one 44-Inch pulley, 4 Inrh face; two friction clutches on line haft The above equipment Is In good repair, ready to be put to work and will be sold at a bargain. Address, F. A. KIMBJtOUOH Village Clerk, Bholton, Nebraaka. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. . MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th and Harney 8ts. Doug. 1162. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Bent anywhere Rental applies on purchase. Remington Typewriter company, allneteenth and Douglas streets. 1 x TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 months for 16. ventral Typewriter Bxchanga. 1I0S FaVnam. Guaranteed typewriters, 110 and up. Write for lint. Midland Typ. Co., 1404 pongo. Store and Office Fixtures. WE HAVE moved to new location. We buy, ell and make desks, safes, showcases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co., 8. W. Cor.' 11th and Doug. Phone D. 2724. Miscellaneous. LEFT ever, too lady'a Rutwian pony cost, 235; 70-100K diamond ring, t0; 40-100K ring, ISO. Fine cluster ring, 275. Three men's fur coats,, reasonable. Friedman's, 1211 Douglas. S WKCOND-HAND wagone tor sale cheap. 437 Ramge Bldg. P. 6406. . ABOUT 20 good storm windows, Nllsson, 422 Securities Bldg. SWAPPERS COLUMN f ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIMET Trade those articles of furniture, cloth ing, personal belongings, etc., that you have no need of. Got something you can uae. Special rate for ads In Swappers' column S6o tor a 2-line adv. S day and So per newer for ill letters received. Business ads regular rates. FILMS developed. lOo a roll, one-day serv ice. Kaae Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., loth and Harney. 8 WAP floe buffalo overcoat for motor bi cycle or old model 7ord. Box 8. C. 2S0, Omaha Bee. 2500 I'ltiCW & TKEPLE j.layer piano to trade for live stock or Ford car. Box 8. C. 281, Omaha Bee. WANTE& TO BUY JENKINS5 uare deal guaranteed. For your used suits, o'coati, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks, or suit- case, I will call and pay best price. Doug. 6 3 6; Rea. Dou at 0 a J. DESKS ' DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. I). 4144, OLD CLOTHING AND SHOES. WB PAY THE HIOHEST PRICES. DOITOLA8 6021, DIAMONDS 40t B. 15th St SOL BERGMAN A CO. BOOKS bought Kleser. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDKON, aide, knife, sunburst . box e pleating, covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. . IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINU CO.. 200-806 Brown Bldg. Douglaa lt3t. VAN ARMAN Dreaa Vleatlng and Buttona Co.. 686-7 Paxton Blk. Douglaa Slot. Baths. CENTRAL Bath Institute; electrlo and plain hatha; massages of all klnda; expert at tondants. 1604 Harney. Douglas TOtT. UASEU8U bathe, manicuring, physical cult. Mlas Walker, 224 Neville Blk. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY'wd, THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bts. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Chiropractor. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 1461. Chiropodist. Carrie J. Burtord. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4517. Dancing Academy. Ta T iiva School. Popular Ballroom LC JjUAtt Dances Claea Monday Eve 111 8. 18th, Phone Walnut 103T' KEEP Dancing Academy, private lessons, classes for adults and children. D. 7660. Detectives. BUTTON Detective Agency (Ino.) "We Oet Reaults.' 420 World-Herald Bldg., , Paul Button, Mgr. - - OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. tOO Flret Nat. Bk. Bids. Phone Tyler 2510. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evldeuce secured In all cases. Tyler 1126. 9. D. JOLLY. 611 Paxton. Red 1136. Dressmaking. TERRY Dressmaking Co 20th and Farnam. Dressmaking, Mlas Sturdy, Doug. 7160. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No. pain. t21 W, O. W. Bldg. DR. TEFFT, the well known Omaha den tist, has moved to 402 Brandels Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rms., 308 Rose Bldg. D. 21K4. Fixtures and Wiring. DUitKIN Electrlo washing machines. electrlo Irons and readlna lamp. 2322 Coming St Doug, 261t. ANNOUNCEMENTS Historical Costumes. The largest stock of theatrical and maaque rade costumes In tbe country for rent or sale. Theo. Lleben Bon, 1614 Howard. Household Specialties. CTF. ADAMS, 622 S. 16th. D. 2007. Under new management We want to see old friends snd meet new. Open Sat evening, Tour credit 1 good. Agents wsnted. Insurance. NATION L AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. 11-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 281t. Jewelry. DIAMONDS IWSa at small profit OROBS, 402 N. 16th. Bt, LAR8EN JEWELRY 8TORE, 204 tt N. 16th St Phone Red t62T. Lowest cash prices. Lumber; and Building Material SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Orose Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 2614. Masseurs. MISS BARTLETT, masseuse at the Central Bath Institute. 1606 liarney. Doug. 7U7, Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WF.S80N, 414 Brandels Bldg. Office Phone Tyler 2060. Res., Hsmey 4741. Mrs, J. P. Mustek, sulphur, steam and euca lyptus baths. 202-J Rose Bldg. Ty. Z36J Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert VVeldinj? of All Metal. H. W. LEVERING. 609 a 12th St. - D. t67t Piano Tuning and 'Repairing. THATCHER. CHAS. H.. l0t Harney. Doug. (Olt. Expert tuning and repairing. Pianos rebuilt and reflnlahed. Estimates free. W. R. Dalbey, piano tuner. Douglas 021)7. Pianos for Rent. 22.60 per mo. A. Hoape Co., 1611 Douglas. Printinsr and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Prg. Co., bU 8. 13th St. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., 622 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 66tl. STUKOEa & STURGES, U. 8. and foreign patents ancr trademarks. 830 Bee Bldg. Removal. Dr. F. W. BolandTphys.. sur.. 616 Bee Bldg. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Songs. WRITE THE WORDB FOR A BONO. -s. We write musle snd guarantee publish er's acceptance, feubmit poems on war. love or any subject Chester Muslo Co, 103t -Wilson Ave. Suite 614. Chicago. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 214 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2422. . Theatrical Costumes. . THEATRICAL GOWNS, full dress suits for rent 204 N. ,17th, John Feldman. p. tilt. V Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly bv Exnerts. The W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney St. Towel Supplies Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 428. Voice Culture. Albert Haberatro Basso oantarrte, teacher or ainging, tecnnique ana repertoire, oiu dlo 431 Securities Bldg. Tyler 2467-J. 'Wedding Stationery. WEDDING - announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 444. Xmat and New Year Cards. XMAS and New Year Greeting Cards, latest designs, 226 per doz. up. Special atten tion to mall orders. Brandels Card Print. Ing Dept. BUSINESS CHANCES A REAL BARGAIN ' Must sell before Christmas, bank rupt stock of all kinds of hardware, including manicure set, carving set, William & Rogers silverware, and berry .spoons, enamelware, some very good scales, thousand pairs of Barney & Berrj nickel plated. ice skates at 50c and up; also 300 rrkirs ballbearing roller skates, at 1308 N. 24th. - WANTED Man for old and well-established loan, Inaurance and real estate business. Will sell all or cart. Might consider cheap, clear land - Nebraska or the Dakotaa. Owner must go west. This Is sure a rare opportunity. Box t820, Omaha Bee. , PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND .PAY. BOOKS AND ADVICB FREE. ' 1 Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best result. Promptness assured. v Watson E. Coleman Paclfln Bldg., Washington. D. C. INVESTORS' OPPORTUNITY , Shares of an established dividend pay ing Independent oil company rhay be pur chased on a basia to return 16 per cent year Income; opportunity knocks at your door but ones in a lifetime. Take ad vantage of this offer at once. Mend for details. W. J. Pierce A Co., 42 Exchange Place, New Tork City. AGENTS wanted to handle on liberal com mission the stock of a largo eatabllshed company engaged In the business of pro ducing, refining and distributing petroleum products. The stock Is a safe conserva tive Investment, with a great money mak ing future and is an easy seller. Address Butte 601, 80 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE Owner going to war. Will sell at a sacrifice. The only candy kitchen In Clartnda, ' la., doing a fine business, well located In a nice brick building. Rea sonable rent wilt accept part payment from right party and carry back balance. Addresa Box 46. Clarlnda, la. SUBSTANTIAL . manufacturing compan? wants party to establish branch office and manage salesmen; possibilities unlimited; 2800 to S600 capital needed; you handle own money; will pay expenses to Chicago aa explained. Secretary, 418 S. Dearborn, Chicago. OPPORTUNITY for party with 12,000 to 26,000 to Join me In oil Investment; won derful possibilities; no speculation; com pany how has good production; will as sums expense of personal Inspection; prompt action necessary. Address Box Y 228, Omaha Bee. SMALL Oklahoma oil company now pro ducing, drilling and paying dividends will sell a little of Its treasury stack to hasten development of Its large proven aoreage; par value, Sl this ta safe, and stock bound to .Increase; also dividends. Ad drees Box T 828,- Omaha Bee. ' '1 ' " 11 - i OLD established abstract business for sale, located In northeastern Nebraska. Owner la going Into the Service. Jl, 650.00 annual business. Price 12,600. Addresa Box Y 820, Omaha Bee. ' OIL production in Great Coastal Zone aver ages SOS barrels dally by government bul- letln; well down 1,609 feet; unlimited possibilities; investment absolutely safe. Shares SI. 26; Information free. Three Rlv- ' era OH Co, Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED state distr tore for Perfection 6-tn-one Vitallier, Liectrlo Super-Heater, starts cold engine Instantly. 26 par cent ' gasoline saving guaranteed. Attractive distributors' proposition. International Motor Products Co., 2033 Michigan Ave., Chicago. HOTEL 'tor rent containing 28 rooms; steam heated throughout; lighted with gas and electricity; completely furnished and equipped ready for business; a rare opportunity; for particulars address, 2017 Washington St., Lincoln, Neb. V HALF INTEREST In a grocery store In town of 16,000. Good business and best location In town. Must leave for higher climate only reason for selling. A bar gain for some one. Address Bog Y Sit, Omaha Bee. WANTED Local representative, broker pre ferred, by large oil company In Bale of stock and choice oil leasee In Kansas and Oklahoma; bow. drilling SO wells; un equalled opportunity; references required. P. O. Box 86T, Kansas City, Mo. OFFER.any part of 1,000 shares good sound stock In well established oil company, paying monthly dividends; no rtsk; stead ily advancing; par value St; must sell to protect other interests. Address Box Y : S1&, Omaha Bcf BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Drug store. Will sell on easy terms to right party or exchange for western Nebraska land or small acreage close to good town. Write owner, L A. Peterson, Venango, Neb. . HAVE large holdings Eastern Kanaae; somo oil lesses adjoining production; will sell cart form company or sub-lease on lib' eral drilling contract Address Box T 320, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Pantalorlura; 23.000 yearly profits. No competition. Building, lot. and buslnees. including modern machinery, Complete 22,300. R. D. Steward. VlUlsca, la. LADY has block bankable oil stock; loan value 60 to 76 per cent' pays handsome dividends; par value II; most sacrifice. Address Box Y 127, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Plumbing shop, cheap if taken at once; good profits and business; good reasons for selling. Write for further In formation to Box T 222, Omaha Bee. TOY BALE; Small stock of dry goods and groceries for sale cheap; total Inventory, 21,250. Address E. E. Classon, Trustee, 217 Karbach Blk. FOR SALE RestauranL Only one in town. Good opening for bakery. Must sell at once. Address P. O. Box 85, Olen- vllle. Neb. WANTED Reliable man with 23.000 for best business opening In Omaha; good for 1500 a month and up; permanent. H. Morton, 1302 Ooddard Bldg., Chicago. WANT partner In established real eatate, rental and Insurance business; no Invest' ment P. O. Box 796. BLIC1HTLY used Powers 6a moving plctuv macmne. owanson as loian supply no.. 106 S. 14th. MOVINO PICTURE machines, new and re built all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 201 Nat'I Bldg. MOTION picture machine (new aad re built theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 10S S. 14th St JOE F. GODFREY, leading rodae. auctioneer or middle west write box 712. umana. TO OET In or out of business call on OANOESTAD, 24S Bee Bldg. Doug. 2477. BUSINESSES furnished and sold. All states. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO, 1126 W. vO. W. Bldg. Red 3286. Rooming Houses. 6 -CHAIR barber shop, Omaha. , Best loca tion. Fine chance. See OANGESTAD, Suite 2.41 Bee Bldgr. - D. 2477. 30-ROO.Vf, steam heated, close In; clearing over 1150 a mo. 21,200. GANQESTAD, Suite, 248 Bee Bldg. D, 2477. FOR SALE) Rooming house, close In, filled. I will sell at half price. Must leave city. A money maker. Investigate. Tel, Tyler 8271. , FOR BALE t rooms, well furnished, loee In, walking distance; cheap for cash. If taken, at once. Leaving city. Tyler 2015. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED Position by first olass mechanic and welder. Expert In electrical gener ator, starter and battery. 11 years' ex perience. Box 262. Utlca, Neb. WANTED Situation as clerk In hotel or psssenger elevator conduotor. 1108 8. 10th Bt. S..m Nelson. Red 684t. VAN of -family, with college education. waata situation, 2100 or better. Box X 218, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED houseman wants day work. FollHh floors, carpets, windows. Houseman, Tyler 26X9-W. t EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position driving private car. Dg. 4861. Clark Stttzer, College student wishes -ork after 4 p. m. and Sat; clerical preferred. Web. 7462. Female. WANTED Poattlon as housekeeper by mid- dle-agod lady for, widower with children, references. Web. 126t. INTELLIGENT colored girl wants position. Can do ordinary bkkpg. Webster 8680. LAUNDRY and house cleaning by the day; satisfaction given. Webster 3680. WASHING and Ironing and house cleaning. rv Tyler 2167. BUN. WASH. reaa. white woman. D. 7700. Washing & ironing done at borne. Wal. 22Ct. DAY WORK wanted. Harney 6690. COLORED woman wants day work. Web. t30, COLORED woman wants day work W. 1760, Laundry and Day Work DAY work, col. woman. Web. 6206. Call after S p. m. Col. woman wants cooking or clean. W. 2221. FOR a good woman for day work. W. 6872 COLORED woman wants day work. D. 6007 WHITE woman wants day work. Web. 1683. EX-COL. ladys wants day work. Web. 6226. PLAIN & fancy clothes laundered. Web. 4283. Col. woman wants bundle washing. Web. 1712 DAY work, ep. colored lady. Web. T461. DAY work and bundle wanning. Web. 1727. DAY WORK WANTED Webster 2S27. NURSING by day, week or nr. call 6. 1266. LAUNDRESS wants work. Exp. Web, 2633. WANTED Day work. Call Webster 4842. FIRST class day-work. .WebeUr 3712. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. CREDIT manager, 2126; -accountant and credit man, 2125; bookkeeper, 2100; book keeper, 286; stenographer and clerk, $85 2100; general office man, 286-2100; ship ping clerk, $100; stock record clerk, pre fer mttn about 46, 275. ' WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSOCIATION. f , Originators of the Reference Business. - 736 First National Bank Building. IF you are qualified and want a bank po sition, eonsult vs. Out of town banks are calling on us dally for bookkeepers, stenographers and posting machine op erators. THE CHARLES B. WALTERS COMPANY 1424 First Nat'I Bank Bldg., Omaha. " BOOKKEEPER excellent future, 2126; bookkeepers, 2100, $00, $86, 276, 56; stenographer, 200; office clerk, 280. WATTS REFERENQH COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building. . OMAHA GOVERNMENT clerk examinations January c, iioo month; thousands want ed; sample questions free. .Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 285 L, Rochester, N. Y. WE have many good Jobs to offer to steady people. No tritiers. American Melting Pot Rooms 14 15 Patterson Blk., 8. E. corner 17th and Farnam. I WANTED Experienced bookkeeper, one having a knowledge of the grain busi ness preferred. Address Box Y S24, Omaha Bee. ' FIRST-CLASS DRAFTSMAN ...S125 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT 2160 THE CANO AGENCY, 80S BEE BLDG. FOR A HIGH GRADE office position see us. CO-OrERATIVE REFERENCE COMPANY, 1016-16 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Professions and Trades. FREIGHT HANDLERS, APPLY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO , UNION STATION. WO MEN, light machine shop experience, acquainted with Punch Press-Screw ma chine and Drill Press work. Fifty hour week, steady work. NELSON LOOSE LEAF CORPORATION. 25th and Leavenworth Bts., City. WANTED, A GORDON PRESS FEEDER. One who can make-ready. Apply Em p. Dept of M. K, Smith Co. Factory en trance tth and' Douglas Sta. BOOKBINDER, thoroughly experienced on Loose Leaf work. Steady 'position. NELSON LOOSB-XEAF CORPORATION, 26th and Leavenworth Sta.. City. USE OUR DEPENDABLE 8ERVICE In se curing a high class commercial position. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Expert auto mechanic Handle Ford exclusively. No lay offe, Good salary. Write The Cornish Garage, Lyons, Neb. - , WANTED Wood . pattern makers, ti to - 68 cents per hour, to hours per week. Open shop. American Steel Foundries, 2000 Broadway, East St. Inils. 111. WANTED Experienced paper atock keeper and cutter for permanent position n large printing establishment In the state. Addresa Box T 822 Omaha Bee, LEARN barber trade, low rates sow. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglas Bt WANTED Turkish bath man, white. Apply Turkish Baths, St. Joseph, Mo, . HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN SO TO 40 TEARS OF AGE, CAPABLE OF EARNING S,000 TO S5.000 YEARLY, TO SELL THE OLD ESTAB LISHED LINE OF MONITOR 8TOVE3 AND RANGES, AND THE NATION ALLY ADVERTISED PATENTED CAL ORIC PIPELES8 FURNACE; SALARY AND EXPENSES OFFERED TO THE RIGHT MEN ACQUAINTED WITH THE HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT TRADE IN IOWA. NEBRASKA. AND KANSAS - NO PREVIOUS BXPERIENCE IN FUR NACE BUSINESS NECESSARY; ONLY "TOP NOTCH ERS' AND MEN WHO KNOW HOW TO "LIVE THEIR JOBS NEED APPLY. A BRANCH OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE WILL BE OPENED ,IN OMAHA. CALL UPON OR WRITS TO GEO. D. CLINTON. FONTENELLB HOTEL. OMAHA, AND ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW. THE MONITOR STOVE AND RANGE CO. ESTABLISHED ltlt, CINCINNATI OHIO. WANTED We want first claea salesmen to call on farmers with a good proposition; compensation is liberal and earning dos slbllltlea are great. We have conclusive evldjjnce to show any worker that our proposition is worthy of his best efforts. Wo want high grade, reliable men who are not satisfied with less than 2100 per net. previous selling experience. while desirable, la not essential. Everv new salesman Is trained In the field under direction of one of our successful men; and when we put our organization back or a man he la bound to make good. Ad dress or call, 114 Phoenix Bldg., 6th St nq marquetie Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. EARN $2,000 to 20.000 a year, estahllahlna- business of your own, supplying farmers direct from wagon with the highest grade household necessities manufactured. No capital or experience required. Cash comes In every day. All that you must have is a team- or auto aad a willingness to wot-K. uuaitry. and your railroad fare to ' plant or branches, will be paid. Room 21, G. W. Helnrlch, Pres.. Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Additional salesmen for special ty worK wun retail merchant; prefer ex merchanto or those experienced In selling dry goods, clothing, medicine, etc.; proposition built to fit. present day needs of retail merchants; will return aggres sive salesmen from 2200 to 1600 monthly or better right now. Firm established 26 years; has ample resources. Address Dept. F. L., 602 Great Northern Bldg.. Chicago. CLEAN-CUT, "aggressive salesman; thor oughly experienced' in high class sales work, to represent prominent manufac turer; our proposition embraces salary, expenses and double bonus on sales; state age, experience and past average income to insure interview with. Sales Manager, Box Y 821, Bee. SPECIALTY SALESMEN TO BELL AD VERTISIN8 SERVICE TO BANKS AND MERCHANTS; EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR TUNITIES FOR WILLING WORKERS. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY; COMMIS SIONS PAID DAILY. UNIQUE ILLUS TRATING COMPANY, TRIBUNE BUILD ING. NEW YORK CITY. STOCK SALESMEN. ' HIGH CLASS OIL and agricultural company of unusual merit, desires serv ices of salesmen lo 210,000 class. A-l ref erences required. Three Rivers Oil Co.. 818 Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. SAVESMAN to sell union made suspenders, , bolts v and garters to large department Stores and big trade on strictly com mission basis for Nebraska and Iowa. Must give reference and understand line. Good chance right party. Address Louis Katzenberg, 414 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN Side line, free pocket samples. Patent punchless check. Big seller to restaurants, lunchrooms, hotels, soda fountains. No competition. Also com missions on reorders. Standard Check Co., Manufacturers, Transportation Bldg., Chi cago. SALESMAN Experienced, any line for un excelled NEW specialty proposition to general trade. SPLENDID commission con- , tract for 1918 in Omaha. Vacancy Jan uary 1. 235 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., 13751 Continen tal Bulk! In e, Cleveland, O. SALESMEN Experienced or Inexperienced; city or traveling. Bend for our free book, "A Knight of the Grip," and list of open ings. Immediate employment service ren dered members. Address nearest office. Natl. Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept 43S, Chi cago, San Francisco, New York. SALESMEN Do you want to aell the fastest selling salesboard proposition on the mar ket today? Consignment proposition. Com ; mission paM promptly . IOWA NOVELTY tel.. ' Corner Broadway and Fulton Sts Keota, la. SALESMEN Side line, drug and depart ment store trade; straw hat dyea, cleaner, Panama bleach; beautiful window dis plays; wonderful literature; big commis sions tor hustlers. Write today. Pana atrawla Co., 456 Broadway, New York. SALESMAN wanted; high grade I traveling salesman capable of earning 23,000 and expenses annually; staple Una to general merchandise trade Attractive proposition to dealers,. Address Sales Manager, 612 Hearst Bldg., Chicago. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade In Nebraska to sell a NEW proposition of MERIT. Vacany now. Attractive com mission contract 235 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., Wholesale Jewelers, 82161 Carlln Bldg., Cleveland, O. GROCERY SALESMAN to sell our grocery supply by sample direct to consumers. Experienced salesman only. Otve refer ence with your reply. Menko Wholesale Grocery Co., Kansas City, Mo. ARE you looking for the best 1918 Big Money Making Side Line, where you can earn $50 weekly; that can be sold all year round. No samples. Write Ad-Lee Nov elty Company, Dept. 4, Chicago SALESMEN Excellent permanent position for capable saleameti In Nebraska for 1018. Staple line far general retail trade; liberal commissions, $35 weekly advanced. Rice Co., 482 Williams Bldg., Detroit. SALESMAN for Businesa and DeLOxe Art Calendars, check cases, leather, wood, cloth and metal specialties, signs; all or part time; liberal commission. Economy Advertising Co., Iowa City, la. SALESMAN with Ford to demonstrate Bear Crank Release; no more broken arms; sample on approval. Write- Bear Mfg. Co., 100 Bear Bldg.. Rock Island. lit SIDE LINE SALESMENA necessity for merchants; large demand; liberal commis sion; pocket samples, Wlrth Saiesbook Co., Dept. A 25, Chlcsgo. SALESMAN who has had bookkeeping ex perience. This Is a high grade sales po sition, well worth consideration. " WATTS REF. CO. 1188 1st Nat. Bank. Ace. and Canvasser. TO SELL guaranteed fast selling house- hold necessity. Easily mage $25 to $40 per week. You are not asked to rk or send i penny of your money either for sample outfit or merchandise at any time.- You simply get the order, by showing sample. We s Ml you com mission check every Saturday: We tfa. liver all orde-s direct o customers. First class money making proposition for energetlo men- and women. Cascade Merchandise Corporation. 824 : C. Smith Building, Seattle. Wash. $50 A WEEK to special agents to travel by automobile ana introduce auo-canaiepower coal oil lantern for farmers, dairymen, hucksters, gardeners, contractors, army camps, etc We fufntsh the auto free. Write for particulars. Thomas Mfg. Co., 4330 Drew St., Dayton, O. AGENTS 240 a week; startling new hosiery proposition; guaranteed for one year; must wear 12 months or replaced free. G. W. Noble mads 235 In one day; sworn proof. Write for terms Guaranteed Hosiery Co., 6(32 Drew St.. Dayton, O. . DISTRICT salesmsnagers to sell stock In going concern, strictly commission basis. Must have Ai references; permanent posi tions. Apply Clarke, Long & Co,, Dept. J, 60 East 42d St.. New Tork. AGENTS A golden opportunity selling Tauco. "Quality Ivory" combs, brushes, mirrors and other toilet requisites; $10 to $44 weekly; best season: sells on sight. Yanoco Ivory Co.. Leominster, Mass. LARGE manufacturer wanta representative to sell shirts, underwear, holsery, dresses, waists, skirts direct to homes. Write for tree samples. Madlaoa Mills, $02 Broad- way, New Tork, MAKE $100 weekly In small business. - New, never advertised before, ataa or woman can start any-vhere. Full partlcu"--s free. Craycroft, 631 Cory Block, Fresno, California. LOOK, agent, here's real money for you; big .field: sells on sight; brand new; partic ulars free. Harlln Co.. Manning, la. Boys. TWO boys over 14 years of age to carry morning papers. CaU 251$ N. 24th St. Lake Station. Omaha Bee. , s BOYS WANTED Apply at Peterson Bros. 1714 Doug. 1044. Trade Schools. MEN Learn barberlng. flying aviation me chanics; we prepare you and the army needs these tradesmen badly; you can make big money. Write or call for cat alog. Moler system of colleges, 119 South 14th, 6W Omaha, Neb, HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or write. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BAR3ER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn In six weeks, no books; easy to learn: free catalogue. National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. BE an auto and tractor expert hi a few weeks; earn 290 to S304 a month. Our big free book Vxplalna. Rahe's Auto School. 2130 Oak St., Kansas City. Mo. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. lOSt F rnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED LABORERS! WAGES, 25C PER HOUR. ( APPLY WITHERSPOON ENGLER CO CHICAGO & N. W. ELEVATOR CO COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. AN intelligent person may earir 2100 month ly corresponding for newspapers; 240 to 250 monthly in spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects sug gested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo. CARPENTERS Anyone with tools; assem ble phonographs; home work; motors and parts furnished; large profits; send stamp for particulars. Arion Phonograph Sup ply, South Bend, Ind. ATTENTION, farmers, if you, want help e can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 916V4 W. Broadway, p. 43L FREE shipments south daily. Apply 822 8 in HELP WANTED Male and Female. Al PROPOSITION Men, women, boys and girls; agents' spare time; big money. Make money In your spare time selling "Usalyte" Indestructible Gas Mantles; saves 1-3 gas; equals the light of 2 oth ers and outlasts H dozen of any other make; retails at 15c each, 2 for 25c; one dozen sent postpaid upon receipt of Jl to agents, or on consignment if references are satisfactory. J. I. Robin, Mfr. and Patentee, 130th St. and Park Ave., New York. CIVIL service examinations In Omaha soon. Men desiring government positions, de partmental, postoffice, railway mail, cus toms; wxlte 'for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former government examiner) 524 Kenols Bldg., Washington. WANTED Immediately; names, men, wom en, wishing to become government clerks; 275 month. Box Y 254. Omaha Bee. WANTED Lobby porters, maids, bus boys and Kitchen men Henshaw Hotel HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. CASHIER, 275-285; stenographer, 275; stenographer, 285-2100; stock record clerk, 266-276; general office clerk, some ex perlsnce, 205; typist and clerk, 230; stenographer, some experience, 260. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business. 734 First National Bank Building. YOUNG lady to 'take orders and so licit by telephone; must have fair education and ability to think quickly. Address Box 974 Omaha DCC. IF you are qualified and want a bank po. anion, consult us. out of town bank are calling on us dally for bookkeepers, stenographers and posting machine op erators. THE CHARLES E. WALTER CO. 1424 First Nat'I Bank. Bldg.. Omaha. STENOGRAPHERS, $100; 190; $20; $75; Jtso; b!i; stenographer and bookkeeper, $75 to $80; bookkeeper and general office clerk, $75 to $80; dictaphone Opr., $70; eteno. ana cierg, lau. WATTS REF. CO.. 1132 1st Nat. Bank. WE have several splendid openings for ste nographers, . bookkeepers, office clerks, cashiers and swltohboard operators. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE COMPANY, 1015-16 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and office cierks, use our DEPENDABLE service in securing a position. THE MARTI COMPANY, ' 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants women clerks. $30 month; tbousands war appointments; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 657 K. Rochester. N. Y. v COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer. Agpiy Wednesday morning. DOUGLAS MOTORS CORPORATION, 2670 Farnam St. OFFICE CLERKS $50-$76 BOOKKEEPER $60.00 THE CANO AGENCY. 000 BEE BLDG, Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to-young ladlea to . learn local and long distance telephone operating, permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement, , good wages. A sal ary Is ocfd while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves .with tbe working condition cr any other details are specially invited to accompany the applicant ApW to C F, Lambert, 1807 Douglas St. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKERS TO SEW ON SILK AND WOOL DRESSES APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPT. M. E. SMITH ft CO., STH AND DOUQA.AS ST. , ENTRANCE. WANTED Stenographer, Council Bluffs, good wages, must be skilled; state wages. Thoa. Q. Harrison, RogeTS Building. LEARN barber trade; 14U2 DodKe Bt Saleswomen and Solicitors. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $75 to $160 per month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 514. Omaha. Neb. Household and Do.nestic. WOMAN who will appreciate good home, comfortable room with board, small wages; light work In family ot S. Red 8208. RELIABLE girl for general housework; small family, good wsges. Wal. 465. WANTED Girl for housework In small fam ily; good heme. Wal, 8687. WANTED Refined young girl to help with general housework; pleaaant home. Harney 2239. 220 8. 21st St. Hotels and Restaurants. WASTED Side waitress and head waitress; high wages; ticket advanced' wire Hotel Paddock, Beatrice. Neb. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladlea to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. -TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS In Omaha soon. Women desiring clerk ships, postoffice, government depart ments, steaographera, write tor free par ticulars to J. C. Leonard (former govern ment examiner), 624 Kenols Bldg., Wash tngton. WOMEN wanted, full time, salary $24. sel ling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; 60c an hour spare time; permanent; experience unnecessary. International Hosiery, Nor rlstown. Pa. You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a.Bee Want Ad. ' EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL , NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, ahortband. stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commex ctal and English branebca. Catalog tree BOYLES COLLEGE. . Douglas 1645. ISth and Harney Sta Vagy Sent School of business. Day and Evening Schools, 224 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6800 You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. - EDUCATIONAL "TO. ASKS AGAIN FOR MORE "STENOS" Dure more. Bovles college has re- Iceived urgent call from Washington, D. C, to rusii training 01 mure ste nographers and typewriters, both men and women, to fill government posi tions, caused by the war. Many Boyles graduates are now in Government service. Some arj sta tioned right in Omaha. The initial salary now paid by Uncle Sam is $1,100 to $1,200 a year. NEW CLASSES JAN 2D The Mid-Winter term opens Wednesday, Jan- 1918, in both day and night sessions. Commercial, stenographic and secretarial courses. Also telegraphy, civil service, etc. The demand for well-trained office men and women was never so great as now. Scores of attractive posi tions (stepping stones to higher places) are opening every week with the best firms of Omaha and sur rounding territory who are calling for Boyles' graduates. Catalogue free. . Call, phone or write. BOYLES COLLEGE . Phone Douglas 1566.' 18th and Harney Sis.. Omaha. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. 20TH AND FARNAM.' Special low rates to permanent guests. HARLEY HOTEL CLAREMONT INN. 17th and Jackson. , Transient guests, 21 a day. Permanent guests, 25 week. Doug. 3721. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to - find the room yon desire among these ads call it The Bee office lor a Room List. Gives complete description ot vaoant rooms 111 all parts of the city. New lists issued every week. MODERN- furnished rooms at the Sunshine apartments, equipped for light housekeep- . Ing; hot and cold water. For men only, t Low rate. Office, 608 N. 17th St. 2 WARM, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $3.60 per week; also 2 rooms, partly furnished, ft per month. Heat for cara of furnace. Phone Web. 2214. LARUE, comfortable room In private fam ily, Hanscom park district, suitable for one or two; block to car line; walking distance. Harney 1461. STEAM-HEATED rooms 22 wk.. also apta, wun Kitrnenets. ugden Hotel Co. Bluffs. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE front rooms; large south windows; light housekeeping or sleeping. 25T2 Bar - nay. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for rent. Call Doug. 885lT 2218 Leavenworth. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern. 2224 Pratt St. Web. 3113. Board and Room. EXCELLENT location, walking distance; 26.50 per week; homo baking; board, $5.00, 2543JTapltol Ave. Phone Douglas 7341. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. DUNDEE HOME FURNISHED $ rooms, all modern In excellent repair. Garage. $75.00. Full particulars, rail THE BYRON HEED CO., (Realtor) 212 So. 17th St Dougas 227. WELL furnished house at 3862 Harney St., $100 per month. Call Har. 603. FOR RENT HOUSES West. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. CENTRAL. 3-room apartments, choice, modern In all respects. Apply J20V4 N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. FOR RENT Good mod. 2-story house, full basement. 4600 Dodge St. Call H. 6803. NEW modern house, south front, convenient to both car lines and school. Wal. 1677. 8-ROOM Two baths. West Farnam die trlct. $45. Phone Douglas 2247. - WEST FARNAM 323 N. 22th Ave.. S rms., two baths. $43. Douglas 2047. 3228 HARNEY STREET S rma. all mod n, $60. E. H. Benner Co., D. 2406. 8-ROOM brick flat on West Harney, $50. Nllswon. 422 Securities Bldr. 208 SOUTH 41ST: hot water heat, $25. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. North. 22 ROOMS. This place is In a central location and Is just right for a rooming or light hoatse. keeping proposition. Owner will make a long lease. This is worth Investigating If you want a money making location. Ad dress 616 N. 20th St. For rental call CREIGH, SONS ft COMPANY. Douglas 200. Realtors. 548 Bee Bldg. STUCCO BUNGALOW. Nearly new, oak finished stucco bun galow, near Miller Pak, $35.00 per month. BEDFORD. JOHNSTON CO. 232 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 2140. $16.00 5-r. cottage, 3304 Franklin. $20.00 -r., mod. house. 1807 Lothrop. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. , D. 1294. 6-ROOM, new, modern house, at 1701 Willis Ave.. $30. One block to car line. I. H. Willis. 162$ Victor Ave. Phone Web. 157. 1579. . 6-ROOM Cottage strictly . modern except neat. zbs Franklin atreet. $1$. L. Harris, Douglas 1525. 2114 MAPLE $-r., dandy all mod., $32.60; uiiuoii, e-r., . moq., garage, 417, RASP BROS., 210 KeeTlne Bldg. Tyler 721. ROOM strictly modern house, hot water heat, 6340 N. 25th Ave., 1 block north of Fort street. THREE-ROOM house, gas, water and toilet. None better for price. Harney 6214. South. DWELLING on northeast corner of Leaven worm ana zttn Ave. 7-room strlotly modern, fine condition, perfect hot water heat. Rent $40. J. I. Kemp. 2412 Jones. Dg. $313. SIX rooms, bath electric lights, chlrknn yard, garden, only $12. 4017 8outh 2Jth. Phone Web. 2804. 4718 S. 24TH ST. S. Side. Near postoffice. a. n. jtpnner to., u. SUS. S. 28TH ST. 7 rms., modern,". Miscellaneous. V HOUSES ALL MODERN 28JS. Parker St. 7 rms $20.00 2(07 Phnrlua St1fl rmm ... 25.00 ... 26.00 ... 30.00 ... 30.00 ... 20.00 2226 Mason 8t. 10 rms 3523 Lafayette Ave. 8 rms. 1103 Park Ave. 8 rms 80S S. 81st St. 8 rms 1301-6 ueorgta Ave. 8 rms. 30.00 2408 St. Marya Ave. 2 rms,...., 610 S. 27th St. 7 rms 2024 Wirt St. 10 rms , 4601 Florence Blvd. 7 rms....,, 2556 Harney St, 10 rma, 122 S. 24th St rooming house, 14-r 516 Park Ave. 7 rms 25.00 25.00 40.00 60.00 0.0S 20.00 40.00 HOUSES PARTLY MODERN !.?! 2l.X ev-A."" mm aoiv Vila, ir, Ol. O I IIIM , 4124 Grand Ave. 5 rma, 4140 N. 48th i St. 6 rms.. 1823 N. 20th St. 4 rms. 1655 N. 18th St. S rms.... 2663 Pierce St. 9 rms. 181? rtavannnt IB tt -. 15.40 ... is.ou ..... 16.00 16.00 2.09 25.04 FLATS MOD! AND PARTLY 25.0 1611 N. 24th St. 6 rms .14 aa lAli 0 Au o. ........ 11. UV 1056 S. 20th St. 4 Zeis If bo 1484 S. 16th St T rms ! enea .vu- d. viu ou v rms is.i win St. I rms, 1624 Wirt St 5 rma.. 2623 SflH rm. 27.S4 31.00 85.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH" m Tyler 1536. Realtors. 233- Seourltles Bldg ' 2212 MASON St.. 2 rms,, all mod. .. .221.00 -uz is. ua St., t rms., all mod.... 26 00 .SI1J'?.rd St - 1 " mod 25.0O 1,... l3,th !- 19 ms mo- Bt. 20.00 2331 Fowler Ave.. $ rms., med. ex. ht 13 00 408 N. 2Sth St., i rma. mod. ex h t 21 60 ' 2413 S. 18th St., 7 rms. mod. e. h 18 00 81T S. 25th St.. 3 rms.. part mod.... 8.00 ... BIRKETT ft COMPANY. 250 Bee-Bldg. TVinrl.. ( WE WANT more houses and apartments to Kant fttA a n S U a e w ' we nave practically cleared up our big list ta conclusive proot of the efficiency of our rental service. If yoo want to keep your place rented sea Payne ft Slater Co.. Omaha Rental Men! $1$ Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug, fot A ,..7V - 1 1J