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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1917)
THE n OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 23, 1917. 3 C FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, T PARTLY MODERN. 5-R. 501 Martha St' $10.00 I-R. 6016 North 43d St 16.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 7- R. -1909 California St 25.0.0 STRICTLY MODERN. 5-R. 5S7 Franklin St $21.90 8- R. 133 Park Ave 10.00 1-R. 39-01 North 17th St 30.00 3- R. -151J No. 40tth St S5.00 7- R. 934 South 33d St 35.00 8- R. 659 South 26th Ave 36.00 S-R. 621 South 19th St 40.00 8- R. 113 North 40th St 45.00 9- R. 2610 Dewey Ave 35.00 8-R. 3716 Lincoln Blvd 40.00 8-R. 1306 South 35th Ave 15.00 FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 4- R. 3115 North 24th St 112 50 4- R. 604 South 18th St 14.50 10- R. 706 South 13th St 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. STOECKER, 823 South 24th St. 3-R. Apt. No. 15 , $33.00 5- R. 145 No. 84th St.... $5,5.00 PORTER & S 1TWELL. 203 South 17th St. our. (013. Offices with Home Bullden. HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 3- r. 601 Martha St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 7- r. 1909 California St 26.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 5-r. 4537 Franklin St 21.00 8- r. 221 Park Ave 30.04) - 8-r. 1901 N. 17th St 30.00 8-r. 1612 N. 40th St 35.00 7- r. 924 8. 33d St 35.00 8- r. 669 S. 26th Ave 35.00 8-r. 621 8. 19th St 40.00 8- r. 112 N. 40th St....... 46.00 9- r. 2610 Dewey Ave.............. 35.00 8-r. S714 Lincoln Blvd 40.00 8- r. 147 N. Slit St 65.00 9- r. 626 8. 24th Ave 35.00 FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 4- r. 1115 N. 34th St 13.60 4-r. 604 B. 18th St 16.60 10- r. 705 8. 13th St 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. 1-rrapartment No. 15, 823 S. 24 St. 23.00 PORTER & SHOTWELL. 202 8. 17th St. Pong. 6012. i ROOMS-201S Clark St (10.00 4 Room 11M Blaine St (.00 3 Rooms 1821 N. 17th St., bath and gas 12. BS 5 Rooms 616 3, 13th St., bath and (as 17.59 5 Rooms 1110 Farnam St., bath and gas 15.09 5 Rooms 919 S. 12th St...' 13.69 5"ttooms 1110 N. 23d St 13.60 4 Rooms 2615 Parker St., modern except heat 15.00 8 Rooms 8014 Mason St., modern. 30.00 10 Rooms 1411 N. 17th St., modern. 25.00 10 Rooms 2413 Cass St., modern. 40.00 11 Rooms 1029 S. 80th Ave., mod. 25.00 6 Rooms 2918 Fowler Ave., mod. 25.00 8 Rooms 939 N. 2th St., modern. 25.00 BENSON A MYERS CO.. REALTORS, 424 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglas 746. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT 330.00 9-R., 32.60 9-R., 36.00 6-R., modern. 45.00 10-R. 60.00 3-R., garage. 60.00 10-R. 55.00 7-R., 210 South 30th St., modern. 214 South 30th, St., modern. 8710 Mason St., furnace heat , 3008 Farnam St., modern. 6120 Burt St., hot water beat, , 3004 Farnam St., modern. 631 North Slat St., modern. GEORGE AND COMPANY, ' Realtors. Phone D. 76?." 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 2023 LOCUST St. 7 mis 318.00 611 S. 17th St. 7 rm 18.60 1807 St. Mary's Ave. 2d fl., 6 rms.. 18.00 6415 Leavenworth St. 6 rms,....; 15.00 209 S. 25th Ave. 7 rms. mod 30.00 FIRST TRUST CO. OF OMAHA, Realtors. 400 First National Bank Bldg. ' Ty. 500. 113 NO. 25TH ST. 6-R MODERN 1705 Castellar, 6-r mod, ex. Jieat ., 209 So. 27th St., 6-r, part modern . . 3031 Emmett, -r, city water 2014 Bancroft, 6-r, part modern .. 4530 No. 40th St., 6-r, city water .. 3412 Evans, 6-r, well 4803 Charles, 6-r, well CREIGIi, SONS & COMPANY. REALTORS. Douglas 200 508 Bee 321.50 14.60 13.50 10.00 11.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 Bldg. 207 S. 24TH ST., 13-r mod... 360.00 114 N. 34th St 10-r., mod 45.0s 1113 Park Ave., 8-r., mod 95.00 1927 8. 35th Ave., 7-r., barn 18.60 2627 Seward, 8-r., barn 17,60 1017 8. SOth Ave., 6-r., mod. ex. ht. 15.0 1416 Leavenworth, 6-r 17.1 2635 Cuming, 8-r 11.26 3108 Maple, 3-r. 8.50 F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 18th St. D. 171. 191$ DODGE ST. 10 rooms, modern, good location for rooming house. 911 South 20th St. 9 rooms, modern, extra lavatory and toilet on both floors. CITY TRUST COMPANY, 16th and Harney St. Phone Doug. 789. M PARKER St., 7 room 120.00 809 So. 31st, 6 rooms 30.00 611 Park Ave. 1 rooms 40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler, 1636 333 Securities Bldg. IF YOU are looking for a house to. rent, - large or small, call ' REALTORS 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 502. PS EE RENT TO FEB. 1. -1619 Capitol Ave., 9-r. all mod, 326. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. HOUSES In all parts of the city. CREIOH. 80NB& CO.. 608 Bee Bldg. PAY your r.nt only to Sbopea dt Co, Realtors. ' Doug. 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. ELWOOD 49th Ave. and Ddge St. "OMAHA'S M08T BEAUTIFUL APART MENT" is now ready for ocoupancy. Here we offer the most complete and up-to-date five-room suites In the most ele gant reinforced concrete building ever constructed in Omaha. If you appreciate elegance, comfort and service, arrange to inspect this building at your earliest convenience. Drake Realty Const. Co., 919 W. O. W. Bldg. Tyler 671. DUNDEE. 4-R. APT., WITH 5-R. ACCOMMODATIONS. NEW. 706 N. frffth, Just completed; one In-a-Door bed and dressing room; the very latest; strictly up-to-date; select residence district; high and sightly lo cation; Apt. now vacant, on S. E. corner, all outside rooms; large porch; 1 blk to car and stores. Do not fail to see this today. , OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. "UNDINE APARTMENTS." Located at 9662 Dewey 'Ave.; three rooms and bath, with five-room accom modations; gas range and refrigerator furnished. Rental 132.60 summer and 142.60 win ter. There is only two of these apart ments left out of 26; one rents at $32.60 summer and 942.60 winter and the other one at $37.60 summer and' 337.50 winter. You must act quickly. TRAVER BROS., S19 First Nat'l. Bk., 16th and Farnam Sts. WE'LL KEEP YOU WARM At the BENBOW, 44th and Dodge, brand new, 5-r. apt-., with 6-r. accom modatlons, delightful sun parlor, 2nd floor, south snd east exposure, abundance of HEAT. Talk with our tenants there; also heated garages. Price $50 summer and ii winter. Open this afternoon. . PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors 116 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone P. 1014. "iTVniKE APARTMENTS." Located at 2652 Dewey Ave. Three rooms and bath -with five-room accom modations, gas range and refrigerator furnished in all apartments. Rental 132.50 summer and 342.50 wla ter There Is only three of these apart ments left out ot 35. You must act qU'CkTRAVER BROTHERS. , $19 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. 16th & Farnam. '. SAVE COAL CAR FARE AND LABOR. . - . U . Uamm.n a t 91tt anil ,DVt IV l"W v - -' Farnam. fireproof building, plenty of neal, 0si erii-o . .... city. Prices roost reasonable. Ernest Sweet. Owner. D 1473. , FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. WE have a few more desirable aparUueuta, three rooms with five room accommo dations at the new UNDINE COURT. 26th Ave., and Dewey Ave. Every apartment has an abundance of light and having every appointment for the comforts of the tenants. Summer rates, 333.50; winter. 942.50; for appointment, call at apartment building or phone Douglas (89. TRAVER BROTHERS, 819 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 6886. NEW " 3-R. APT.. WITH 5-R. ACCOMMODATIONS. , Consisting of living room with In-a-Door bed and dressing room, dining room with In-a-Door bed, kitchen and bath, very choice. 315; Dewey, 3301 Dewey, good lo cation, excellent janitor service; $35 sum.. 142.50 winter. Call Janitor, Harney 1945 HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 2533 DAVENPORT, close in., mod., hot water heat; 8-r., could be u-ed for two families; $36.00. E. H. Tenner. D. 8406. MOVE TO THE HAMILTON Fireproof, right down-town; plenty, of heat; one to six rooms: reasonable. D. 1412. ' NEAR 24th and Harney, $ rooms and bath in new apartment house; references; $39.50 In winter. Douglas $140. , 3531 DAVENPORT ST. 4 rms. hot water heat, $30.00. E. H. Benner Co.. D. 8406 North. 4 ROOM apartment, corner, first floor very light, will be ready about January 1, steam heat Janiton winter rate, $32.50; Maple Court. 18irMaplo St. P. 2802. 4-ROOM new semi-basement apt. with heat, $22.60. 1819 Maple St D. 2802. South. $16 NICE 4-room flat; modern except heat; water paid. 1415 Vinton St Call Colfax $600 and Douglas 79. Miscellaneous.-' PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Specialists In Apartment Management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORES FOR RENT The large store rooms in the new Ma sonio building will soon be ready, Douglas and 19th Sts. We are receiving applies- tions now. This Is a clean, atttractlve lo cation, and especially desirable for shops catering to ladies' trade. 9 Room at 212 N. 16th St., good for cloth ing, gents' furnishings or lunch room. HARRISON MORTON, (REALTORS), 916 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STORES FOR RENT $25.002719 Leavenworth Street ' 60.00 707 South 16th Street 70.00617 South 16th Street. 75.09611 South' 16th Street. 100.001506 Howard Street, 20x30 ft., steam heat GEORGE AND COMPANY, Realtors. Phone D. 756. 903 City Nat Bank Bldg. FOR RENT-BUILDING IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT 'American Hand Sewed Shoe Co. build ing, northwest corner 12th and Harney street, about 39,000 square feet. GEORGE AND COMPANY," Realtors. V Phone P. 756. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 172 6T. MARY'S AVE., 18x40. .... .$40.00 1219 Farnam St, 18x47 75,00 111 8. 13th St, 2d fl., 2,300 sq.ft.. 86.00 FIRST TRUST CO. OF OMAHA, REALTORS. 400 First National Bank Bldg. Ty. 600. 1409-11 HARNEY ST. 44 feet frontage In the heart of Omaha's best business dls. trlct. CITY TRUST COMPANY, 16th and Harney St. Phone Doug. 789. 425 8. 25TH AVE $11.00 I 1064 8. 20th Ave., 22x66 26.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. MODERN store room with basement 607 H N. 16th St., $40. Nebraska & Wyoming Investment Co., 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. 3 -STORY and basement building, 1301 Far nam street, 32x132 ft. Store ami basement, 2419 Leavenworth, $50. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 Farnam Bt MODERN store and basement; 624 8. 16tb St; $70. Nebraska and Wyoming Invest- ment Co., 122 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. ' FIRST floor shop, three living rooms above, modern, $16. Tel. noon, Douglas 3849. STORE room, Sun Theater Bldg. Realty. Realtors. D. 6342 World Office and Desk Room. FOR RENT Steam-heated rooms In the Bromley Bldg.; also one entire floor about 60x80 ft; a well-lighted, splendid room for a light mfg, business; rent cheap. I. O. Hammond, Agent 210 8. 13th St OFFICES, $20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL' BANK BLDG. , FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts. Tyler BOO. Miscellaneous. 60x60 FEET storage room at 2415 Cuming St., second floor. Ideal place for work shop. Douglas 2832. WANTED TO RENT Furnished Apartments and Houses REFINED family, with Infant children, de sires furnished rooms for light housekeep- ing; must be heated and centrally loca ted; permanent tenants. jox my, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN wishes desk space, where, phone calls would be eared for. Box 9831 Omaha Beei MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. lltb St Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY. Service FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND ' STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Yout moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture 8tore. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doag. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOU8E. Separata locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S. 16th.v Douglas 4161. Globe, Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 280 or Douglas 4338; Jp PCCTl Express Co., Moving . j. .XVjil7 Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2743. Poug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED - West. 5-Room Bungalow Modern Except Heat , Goocl Lot $2,400 $200 Cash, $25 Per Month This house Is In good condition. Just 8 blocks fromgood car service, is on paved street and nice neighborhood. Close to good school and church. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St WALKING DISTANCE. 7 rooms, nearly new, sun parlor on 2nd floor, large floored attlo, hot water heat best of plumbing, toilet In basement,, beautifully decorated, everything In tip top shape, built by day labor for home; every comfort; located one block from Cretghton university. It Interested in a nice home make appointment C. G. CARLBERG. 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN West. WEST FARNAM HOUSE JUST "PEACHY" FOR SMALL FAMILY HOTEL ORlGENTEEL N , BOARDING HOUSE. We have nearly finished extensive re modeling and modernising of a very sub stantial brick building on West Farnam Street, at an expense of nearly $3,000. When completed it will be one of the most attractive, convenient and up-to-date houses In all Omaha, with two com plete bath-rooms, new electrlo fixtures and new decorations throughout, first clsss heating plant, and all floors and woodwork In nicely finished condition. The arrangement is exceptionally fine for rooming purposes and there is every convenience for solid comfort. Building will be ready for tenant January 1. There are 15 good rooms, every one connecting with hallway. This means large new porches, splendid basement, fine parlor, den, large dining room and kitchen, 11 In dependent bedrooms, at a rental of only $83.34 per month, or $5.55 per room, right In the heart of the high-priced West Farnam District. Make applica tion at once if you want something extra good. PAYNE & SLATER CO., (Realtors; ' 616 Omaha Nat'. Bldg. Doug. 1016 WEST FARNAM HOME AT-A SACRIFICE. Seven room and a sleeping porch, fire place, bookcases, beamed ceilings, buffet, '--beautiful sun room, extra beseplufs throughout; full brick foundation; toilet and laundry tubs In basement; dandy gar ages lot 48x130; paving find all specials paid; eest over $8,600; will sacrifice for $7,600. This would make an Ideal Christ mas present for your family. For ap pointment call OSBORNE REALTY CO., T01-1 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. FIVE-ROOM bungalow; near car line ad joining Lockwood; modern with garage; high and sightly looatlon; large lot $3,600. Small down payment from reliable party. SHULER & CARY, (Realtors) Phone Doug. 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg. ' SIX-ROOM bungalow, new cathedral dls trlct; paved street; built last spring; a bargain at $3,650; has all modern de tails; easy terms. i SHULER & CARY REALTORS, Phone Doug. 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg, 2960 Harney 40x132 ft. of ground 10 room house, 16,600. 915 Omaha Nat. ,Doug. 314. HARRISON & MORTON. NOBBY 6-r. cor. home, strictly mod., oak finish, oak floors, 3 blks. to car, 13,700. F. D. Wead, 810 S. 18th St. DOUBLE brick flat West Farnam. Nllsson, 422 Securities Bldg. North. . KOUNTZE PLACE BUNGALOW Just listed, a' (-room, strictly modern brick bungalow, located near Kountsa park; 6 rooms and bath on first floor, and room furnished In attic; quarter sawed oak finish floors built-in fireplace, bookcases and buffet; south front; on paved street; nice garage; handy to car and school. This is one of the nicest places In the city for the money. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 887 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. COTTAGE SNAP $500 Down $25 A Month (-room, strictly modern cottage, located near 26th and Boyd, all on one floor; south front; furnace heat; close to car and school. Owner leaving city for Cal ifornia, la willing to sacrifice home for $3,300. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, . (17 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1711. $200 Down $25 A Month NEAR KOUNTZE PLACE 7-room, strictly modern cottage, located just sast of Kountsa Park; 6 rooms on first floor, 2 rooms and bath on second; east front; paved street, paving paid for. Priced at $2,400. A genuine snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 037 Omaha Nat'l. Bk, Bldg. D. 178). New Home At Sacrifice NEAR MILLER PARK Seven llarge rooms, semi-bungalow, all the built-in features, oak fnlsh, modern in every detail, built by carpenter for home; south front lot; would cost close to $6,000 to duplicate, for quick sale, $3,900. Owner has left city. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. CLOSE TO MILLER PARK. MODERN, TWO-STORT HOUSE, t BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH AND BATH ON SECOND FLOOR; COMBINA TION 8TAIRWAT, BUN ROOM; LIVING ROOM, DININO ROOM AND KITCHEN ON FIRBT Ft,OOR. OARAGE; PAVING PAID. PRICED RIGHT. AT $4,600. ON TERMS. PHONE DOUG. 107 OR HAR. 4649. -v . AFTER looking at MINNE LUBA 100 dlt feront buyers decided that It was the beat proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOUwllI corns out today you will understsnd why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler Itl. OWNER joined army, will sacrifice 7-room modern house, exoept heat; close In; north of Cuming. $600 down, balance like rent 719 Mill Bt. Council Bluffs, la, NEAR SHERMAN AVE. Five-room bungalow. For sale cheap. --All modern. E. H. Benner Co., D. 8406. NEW, Modern (-room bouse; paved street; Harney car line. All oak. Will sell $260 down. Call D. 2628 days or WaL 677. South. WALKING DISTANCE ) We have two cottages, one- 6-room and one 4-room, both in good condition and a bargain at the price, $2,750. Tou can live in one and by renting the other make the property pay for Itself. Located 2433 8. 20th 8t Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS; 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. BRAND NEW. Large living room, with built-in book cases, cloak room with mirror door, din ing room with built-in buffet, kitchen, pantry and rear entry, large front bed room, finished In white enamel; sun room, bedroom and bath on second floor; ex terior frame and stucco; will decorate to suit purchaser; located 2802 S. 34th St. Price $4,250. Well worth $4,500; will sell $200 down, balance term C. G. CARLBERG. 110-313 Brandeis Theater Bldg. SIX-ROOM MODERN -HOUSE FOR $3,500, AT 1117 SOUTH 2TH ST. Five-room modern cottage at 14th Ave. and Blnney St. for only $2,600. On easy terms. . Oood five-room cottage on Miami, near 22d St., large lot and garage, for only $3,100; paving paid for. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. Hanscom Park District A strictly modern, 2-story residence with five nice room on the first floor and three bedrooms on tho second floor; large lot, with paving all paid. Located 2130 8. 34th St In an excellent neigh borhood. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Dougli la 4270. i ONE (-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot! fine condition t live In one and rent the other. Prloo for both, $1,760. Very easy terms. No. 1431 8. 10th Bt NORRIS NORRIS. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. Stucco Home Bargain In Field Club District Seven rooms and bath, fireplace, book cases, buffet beamed ceilings, hot water heat; choice south front lot. 60x128. Owner has moved, asks, $7,000, but wants offer. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nt. Bk. Bldg. Tyter 496. STUCCO BUNGALOW. 1 rooms and bath on one floor, large living room and dining room finished In oak, built-in cupboard, oak floors, tiled bath 'room with medicine cabinet, sleo trto light fixtures and decorations to suit purchaser. A big bargain at $3,650. Lo cated 2809 So. 34th street. v C. G. CARLBERG. 310-312 ' P -andels Theater BldgL WANTED Reliable party to organize stork company, to start factory, manufacture safety store flue, out of sheet Iron and tin. No brick required. Will exchange patent for shares, want to get Invention on market small capital, and sure seller. Or I would consider royalty proposition. References exchanged. ST. V. Melsha Monowl, Neb. ' ONE 6-room and one4-rooiu cottage, both on one lot; fine condition: live In one and rent the other. Price for both. 13,760. Very easy terms. No. 2413 8. 20th St. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. Miscellaneous. A $1,000 XMAS GIFT If ydii buy this two-story stucco six room house at $4,600, you will be saving yourself $1,000, as the house la worth and could not be duplicated for less than $5,600. Large living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen on first floor. Three bedrooms and bath on second floor. Hot water heat. Fine plumbing and lighting fixtures. Beautifully decorated. Double garage. Owner la leaving town and has made this low price for quick sale. v ill make reasonable terms. It will be worth you while to investigate this. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. CHRISTMAS BARGAIN $500 Down $25 A Month 6-room, strictly modern bungalow, all on one floor, with two extra rooms fin ished In attic; full basement, furnace heat; south front; large lot; close to car and school. Priced at 13,600 for, quick sale, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, (37 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. ' 8 EXCEPTIONAL HOME BARGAINS. 5- rm. cottage, modern except heat, corner lot 1723 N. 82' St., only $2,300 6- rm. coUage, all modern, corner lot, 1802 N. 82d St., only 3,350 t rooms, all modern with garage, 4246 Farnam St., only 4,250 Above prices are one-third under the aotual value. We believe the-!, to be the best HOME BARGAINS In Omaha. Small down payment and easy terms. Rent will pay for them. McCAQUE INVESTMENT COMPANT. Phone Doug. 415. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3,160. Rea sonable terms. Call owner. Douglas 1791 W, FARNAM SMITH Co.. Rest luitate and Iosursnoe, 1129 Farnam St. Dong, 1(64. R. S. TRUMBULL, .101 lit Nat Bk, Bldg. D. 1714. REAL ESTATE BW Pr'pty tWO store buildings on Sherman Ave., wiUt flats above, for 110,600. One Is a bVlcJft costing over $10,000 to build. Present rental $106 a month. W. H. GATES. 147 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. TOUNO A DO'IERTT, City . Real Eate, Douglas 1671. : 121 Bnndels Theater. K A. WOLF. Realtor, Ware Blk. Speolallat in downtown Business property. REAL' ESTATE Investment . TRXDE IN TOUR , LIBERTY BONDS FOR REAL ESTATE AND GET 8' TO 10 FOR YOUR MONEY $ 3,00043x132 on Cumlsjr street Rental, $33 per month. 6,600 Frame flat near Crelghton college, always rented at $90 per month. $ 6,500 Brick flats, 17th and St. , Mary's Ave., rental, $50 per month. $ 7,800 Brick flats, 26th and Harney; rental $70 per month. $ 8,500 Brick flats near Crelghton college; rental $90 per month. 1,500 Brick flats near high school; ren tal $76 per month. $10,600 Brick flats, 24th and Dewey Ave.; rental, $106. $10,500 Brick store building on 14h St; corner lot; rental, $105, No trouble 'to handle; permanent tenants: no upkeep exoept taxes and Insurance. $1 4,000 Leavenworth Bt. business property; five-year leas at $125 per month, $6,000 cash will handle. $11,000 Brick flats, northwest eoryr IJd and Capitol avenue; "three apart ments, ,1 rooms each. Pays 7 per cent net, jt $11,000 Brick flats. West Farnam district, large corner lot; excellent property, well rented. $5,000 cash; balance 5 per cent. $30,000 Brick storj building, large lot, two high-class tenants. Rental, $3,000. $30,000 Downtown business property. Two blocks from our office. Present rental, $2,650 a year; right in line for Increase in value. $8,000 cash will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors) A MOST SATISFACTORY LITTLE INVESTMENT Double brick flats, almost new, near 25th and Harney; hardwood finish;' a beauty inside and out. Rents at $840 per annum. . Practi cally no upkeep expense." Priced to sell at once. Only $7,800. Never offered before. See this at once. ERNEST 8WEET. D. 1471. Down Town Investment 8 NET We are offering for sale a three-story and basement new reinforced and concrete brick building, on a full lot, 66x182 feet. In downtown location, that is leased for 3 years on a basis of 1 per cent net. The tenant pays insurance and taxes. The In vestment would be 186.000. About $36,000 in cash would handls the deal. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNET ST. PHONE TYLER 60T BUY THIS CORNER! It Is the southwest coriecr of 46th and Nicholas Sts. 46th street frontage 150 feet, Nicholas street frontage 120 feet and boulevard frontage 150 feet. It s a fine corner and price Is right. Three 6-room cottages are on the property now and the rental will more - than carry the Investments. For price and terms call CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, ! Realtors. Douglas 300-. (01 Bee Bldg. i You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. , REAL ESTATE Inreatment Safe Investments CLOSE IN -DOUBLE BRICK, $11,500 Practically new. Finest pressed brick with sawed stone trimmings. 1 rooms and bath on each side. Quarter sawed oak woodwork and floors. Baths have tiled floors and walls. Porcelain plumbing. Hudd hot water heater. Building alone cost over $15,000 to build and lot Is easily worth $5,000. Rent $111 per month. Price, $1,(00. Three Double Brick Houses 6 rooms and bath each. Oak woodwork and floor. First class plumbing and ' heating plants. These houses have been built less than a year and are in abso lutely perfect corjilttlon. The location Is first "class with every prospect of a steady Increase in value. Rental, 11.650 per year. Price, $26,600. Mtg. of $13,600 now against property may be assumed or paid. Owner might consider up to $5,000 In good house or vacant lots as part payment. Armstrong-Walsh Company ' (Realtors) Tyler 1536. 33$ Securities Bldg. FARNAU STREET SPECIAL, $31,001. Present rental ef $300 per month ean be Increased to $400 by some building altera tions; to be sold to close an estate. JOHN W. ROBBINS, REALTOR. Sole Agent 1101 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE 11x112, brick buildings; for sale or for rent; all or part E. H, Benner Co. D. w 8406. REAL ESTATE To Exchange (B6) Clear 73-room hotel in the business center of Omaha, clearing from 1500 to 11,000 monthly, modern and completely furnished. A bull nose thst will appeal to a practical business man. For land of equal value. Price $8,600. Come and spend a week In the office if Interested to avoid publicity. Trofer Omaha income. Desire an even deal. C. J, Canan,, 310 MnCague Bldg. , 17 ACRES In California, near Los Angeles, to trade for land In Nobtaska or South Dakota; located 88 miles east ot Los An geles, Just outside the city limits ot On tario, on paved road; has underground Ir rigation system; 7 acres In bearing apple and pear trees In fine condition, balance open land; excellent soil; will rent for $30 por acre. Price, $8,600. What have you to trade, about equal valuer HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. EXCHANGE or sale, wholesale prices, your choice from thousands of acres In hlsh- lands, South Central Florida. Write Flor Ida flood Homes Co., Scarrltt Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo TEN oity lots In Oklahoma oil fields. Mil climate, a good chance Tor on. ian or trade for diamonds, can nea nui, si Paxton block. HAV8 10 acres, feeler county, vslue $3,100; will trade for equity In city prop erty. Wilson, jit b. loin EASTERN North Dakota and cheap Colo rado lands for sal and exchange, Mueller, 1310 Stout Bt. Denver. Colo, REAL ESTATE Unimproved West WILL take tew hundred dollars and small car for choloe Bemls park let Or wilt trails even for good car. We ean deal; lets get together. Lot easily worth $1,100. 8830 Omaha Bee Miscellaneous. FIVE LOTS For quick sale, will take il each; terms, 60o per week. Telephone Doug, 3636 or Wal. 1665 In the evenings or on Sunday. LARU1S Garden Lots near car line, pared street $125 to list. 11 down. Doug. 4011 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN t DUNDEE HOME iy2 Blocks From Street Car 2 Blocks From Happy Hollow Club Lot 60x140 with east front, modern house; 1 rooms, sua room and sleeping porch; garage and Joint driveway. Pries $7,600. All pavlpg paid. This house has oak finish, oak floors and brick mantle In first story. 4 bed rooms snd bath finished la white enamel upstairs; full basement with furnace, fruit cellar, laundry and toilet In base, ment; floored attlo, and Is protected by building restrictions. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS, , 411-11 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglss $10. Benson! TWO-ACRE IMPROVED POULTRY FARM . BENSON Ih Benson Acres, fine south slope, cor. ner. New house with room tor t rooms (3 rooms and pantry now flnlshsd), extra large poultry, house, barn, hog shed, oave, well, soma young fruit Owner ottered $1,000 tor inside acre. Wants larger tract. Price $1,100. Includes 10 Whits Leghorn chickens and 4 good young pigs. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 16l Harney Bt, 10 ACRES, weet of Benson; highly lm. proved; stocked witn - cmokeni, cow, horse, utensils; easy terms; priced low. Call Doug, 1111. Mr. Browne. Dundee. DODGE STREET BARGAIN A two-flat brick building, renting for $80 per month, located east of 24th t. The regrading of this street will mean big Increase In values. Offered for a short time at $11,000; reasonable terms. BEAUTIFUL MERCER PARK Where every lot fronts on a boulevard. All specials In and paid for; served by three car lines. Every lot a perfect home site, having frontage from 60 to 75 feet. NO FRAME HOUSES PERMITTED In this exclusive residential district Prices and terms very reasonable. $50 CASH Balance only 115 per month, puts you In possession of a splendid 4-roomed house, with large 'garden space, chicken house, chicken yard, 30x60 feet fenced with 6-foot woven wire; has good well, close to Orand Ave. car and Oentral Park school. Price $1,600. Tour Liberty bond accepted as first payment. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Street Tel.: Doug. 1064; evenings, Colfax 1073. 1 HAVti onu ot the best lots in Dundee, highly restricted In a negthbrhood where they are putting up from $6,600 to $36,000 homes. I will consider an automobile or an equity in a nice bungalow as psrt pay ment on this fine lot; else of lot 100x136 feet, equal to two ordinary city lots. Ad dress Box 6544. 'NEW 1-room residence, oak and white enamel finish. Nllsson. 4s -itM Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. MUST BE SOLD OWNER LEAVING CITY la Dundee's new residence district, we have a new seven -room, two-story house. Large living room, dining room and con venient kitchen with pantry and Ice box room on first floor. Four good slsed bed rooms, including finished sleeping porch, and bath room second floor. Stairway to floored attic. Decorated throughout. Full cemented basement, (luarnnteed furnace. Oarage and cement drive. This house is located on corner lot 50x135 feet; Is oc cupied by owner who has been transferred to St. Paul and must sell. Price, 15.400; $650 cash and balance monthly. See us promptly. GEORGE AND COMPANY (Realtors) Douglas 7 56. 2 City Nat. Bsnk. DUNDEE STUCCO HOMH This Is a two-story and attic seven-room modern house, finish In oak ami white enamel, located convenient to the carllne near 53d street, next to a $16,000 home, lias large living room with brick fire place and beamed celling; dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry, lavatory and toilet first rioor; four bedrooms, bath, sleeping porch, second floor, stairway to floored attic, full cemented basement, hot water heat laundry connections, garage. children's plsy house, combination cement driveway. South front lot 60x135 feet, af fords one of the best views in the Dundee. Price, 16,500; reasonable terms. Imme diate possession; key at our office. Owner " non-resident GEORGE & COMPANY 1 (Realtors) Phone Doug. 766. 0! City Nat. Bank. Florence. Last Two-Acre Tract In North Side Acres Located 3 blocks from Forest Lawn line and boulovard. Faces east. Fins build ing site, ground slopes east and Is all In alfalfa, A very desirable neighborhood. Call Tyler 60 atul asll for Mr, Manvllle, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Acreage. Hog Ranch Thirty-five lots outside the city limits, close to school, church and car line, In a nice, growing neighborhood. This would make a fine place to raise pigs and poultry. The soil la fertile aetd suitable for gardening. The owner Uvea In Cali fornia and has , Instructed me to sell these lots tor lees than $100.00 each, with a reasonable down payment and the bal ance payable weekly or monthly. If this piece Is too large It might be divided to suit purchaser. Tou could not find a better place for a hog ranch. Tou may telephone me at Doug. 2606, or Wal, 1665 In the evening or on Sunday, DO DOE STREET ACREAGE. 40 acres, 6 miles west of city limits, high, sightly, gently sloping. I acres fine shaded pasture with running water, bal ance tn cultivation, fair improvements, some fruit, ft mile from Dodge street on main road. Terms $3,000 cash, balance annually. , O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE COMPANT, REALTORS. 1911 Omaha National Bank Building. I Telephone Dourias J71S FIVE very fine garden lots, close to car line, close to school, just outside the city limits, where you do not have to nay city taxes; an Ideal placo to raise pigs, ecultry or garden; the owner has moved to Cell fomla and says sell at once; price $01 eafhl terms, 60o a week on each lot. Call Wslnut 3466 today or In the evening. ACREAGE. I acres north of Krug park, fow Mocks to paved road. High, lightly location. Price $1,(00. Terms. HIATT COMPANT. Tyler M. 145 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. X CAN taWa you out today and show you the beet ( acres for the money that can be found west ot Dundee. It can be sold with reasonable down payment and tho balance in ( years. Call me up at Wal. 16(6. 10 ACRES west ot Dundee, high and sightly. Writs me today and let jne tell you about this bargain. Address Box (119, Omaha Be. 4 LAROB tots, north part ot Omaha; price $1(( each; terms, 60e per week. Address Bog (1(1, Omaha Bee, REAL ESTATEWANTED IF YOU WANT CASH AND WILL SELL CHEAP I WILL BUY YOUR COTTAGE BUNGALOW HOUSE, FLATS OR STORES THAT YOU DO NOT WANT, TIRED OF HOLDING OR ABOUT TO LOSE FOR WANT OF QUICK MONEY Give full description in first letter and best price. BOX 9826, OMAHA BEE. WE ARM SPECIALIZING ACREAGE tracts In and around Omaha. Have wait ing clients to buy or exchange. List your now. We will Inspect at once. Let us get to It early. INTERSTATE REALTT CO. H. H. BROWNE, MGR. 113-14 City Nat. Doug. 331$. Wanted to'BuyReal Estate I have about V an acre In the Dundee district It is an Ideal place to build a , beautiful brick or stucco home. I would ' consider turning this In as a part pay. ment on a 6 or 6 room bungalow. Ad dress Box 5661 Omaha Bee: WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for ( and (-room houses and bungalows with 1300 to ;500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 106. 701 Oma. Nat Bank Bldg. HAVE calls for Dundee homes and would like exclusive listings on a few bunga lows and houses from $3,500 to $12,000. C. A. Orlmmel, 849 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. HAVE calls for Dundee homes and wAukl like exclusive listings on a few bunga lows and houses froml3,500 to $13,000. C. A. Urlmmel. 149 OmNat. BJc Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. THE Investors of Omaha will always find us with a stock of ( per cent first mort gsges, secured by Omaha residence prop erty or Nebraska farms. H. H. LOUQEK. INC.. 638 Keollne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OH MORE.. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSOCIATION. H. VV. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Be nk Bldg. $3,500 MTG., bearing ( pet. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at $9,;oo. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. V. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. "EW cvfF OARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. O 10 LOANS. CP MONET HARRISON 4s MORTON. v 916 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Omaha homes bast neb. farms. O'KEEFB R. E. CO., 1011 Omaha Nat'j. (100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages UONEV to loan on Improved farms ana ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERO, 111 Bran- 1 Al. ffhaet. T31 r OC itt4 a uratri mil?. as. voo, LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS A SON, Keellne Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. CORN AND COTTON LAND. Cheap, easy terms, S. E. Arkansas. Ex curslons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Free liter ature. W. 8. i Frank, 201 Neville Blk. Omaha, Colorado Lands. FARM LANDS OPPORTUNITY -Eastern Colorado along the Rock Island lines of fers splendid opportunities for securing good low priced farm land Just ready for the plow. Many farmers paid for land with 1017 crops. The Rock Island has no land for -ale. but Is deeply Interested In locating Industrious, earnest settlers along Its lines. Write today for free illustrated literature and complete detailed Informa tion. L. M. Allen. Passsnger Trafflo Man ager, 736 La Salle Station. Chicago, III. LAND SEEDERS. K' It will pay you to come nt once and see what I have If you wish to file on gov eriment homesteads. M, 8TRAU8BERG, 1810 Stout St.. Denver, Colo, (formerly is U. S. Land Office service). Florida Lands. FLORIDA We will build your homo on rtcK farm near Jacksonville, at only $6 monthly, Write Jacksonville Heights Co., Jackaon vllle. Fla. IowaLands. W ACRES lmprovedrl"V, "miles " from Atapleton, la. Price $30,000. Terms, A13.000 down, balance 6 years, 1 per cent '6 per cent dft If full payment In cash la made. Mrs. J. II. Stewart, P. O. Bog 16, Scottabluff. Neb. Louibiana Lands BUY A, LOUISIANA FARM NOW. Am offering great bargains In Louisi ana alluvial lands; buy before big ad vance, which Is a certainty; have small or big tracts; write me what yon want Woodcock, Ravenwood, La. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 oash and $5 monthly, no Interest ot taxvs; highly productive land; close to three big markets. Write for photograph and full information. 1UNQR. A-lll, N T. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo UKKAT BARGAINS $5 down, $6 monthly, .buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $220. Address Box 883. Springfield, Mo. . DANDY 40-acre valley fiirm, $t5; easiest terms; many others. McUrath, Mountain View, Mo. Nebraska Lands. 340-ACRE BUFFALO COUNTY FAflM JTOR , SALE. - About 1(0 acres In cultivation, I0 acres pasture. Oood 6-room houses on good foundation, well built barn for 11 horses with good hay mow, granary, ohlcksn house and hog house. Fenced and cross fenoed, well and windmill. The farm Is some rolling and some rough, but all good soli, Is In a fine state of cultivation for fall grain. Located about SI miles from Kearney and ( miles from Amherst Pries, 16.600. This farm will carry a mortgage ot $4,500 to 15.000. This is on ef the best buys 1 know of in Bii.'falo county, and with present prices ot farm products, this farm should pay the purchase price with less than three crops. la an excep tional proposition snd will sell. C. K. DAVIES, KKARNEV, NEB. 640 ACRES graxlng land In Oar tie Id County at $7.50 per acre. Bargain for someone, lias some Improvements. W. It. HATES. 647 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. I, 1114. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments ( sores up. We 'arm the farm w sell you. Tbs Hungerford Potato Growers' ' association. 16th snd Howard Sts Omsba. Douglae $371. 130 ACHES, 8 miles northwest ot Blair; new house, large barn, fenced and other im provements; worth $200 per acre; will eell for less. Call Red 8156, or 611 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE 480 acres of grasing and al falfa bottom land In Lincoln county, Neb, Near a good town. Can be divided. Ad dress, A. J. Van Anda,, Pawnee City, Neb. '' ' 330 ACRES, Lincoln Co., Neb.', a bargain,' JOHN J. MULVIH1LL. REALTOR. 200 Brandots Theater Bldg. Phone Pouglas Vs. $0 ACRES, nearly level, Improved,' between Oakland and West Point, Neb., at only $110, on easy terms, O, A. Hull, Oakland, Neb. , WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, (50 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A C. M. Rylander, 354 Omaha Nat'l. CLIENT will pay $:I30 cash for the poorest 160 acres in Nebrssks, with a perfect title. C. J. Cnnnn, McCagu Bldg. CLOSE-IN, 60 acres, dandy apple orchard snd farm land; modern improvements. Nllssoii 433 Hccurltles Bldg. RANCHES ot all siies and kinds, easy terms. A. A, Patxmail, 901 Rarbach Blk. LIST your lands for quick results with C .T Canan. 110 McCague Bldg.. Omsba. New Mexico Land's. FOR SALE 320 acres 8 miles from Dem ing N. M (-room house, excellent pump Ing plant, bearing fruit, trees and shade, in finest chVinste. Am widow, can't manage it alone; would be ideal home for parents of son, stationed at Cnmp Cody; $11,000 part cash, terms on balance. For further information address all correspondence to Mrs. Effie Hicks. Denting. N. M. Oregon Lands. THE JORDAN VALLEY In southeastern Oregon, Is a beautiful, fortlle district that -you ought to investi gate. Many shrewd farmers are buying : theso, because their keen business fore, sight tells them that lnventmont will pay big returns from the natural Increase In the value of the land alone, to say noth ing of the big crops. that they can pro duce. Prices low; tefms esay. j Ask me for authentic information, ab- solutely free. , , Too ste cordially Invited to ! call at Room 113, Union Partfltf building, to see our excellent snd extensive exhibit of products grown In ths Union Pacific, country. J R. A. SMITH, Colonisation and Industrial Agent Union Pacific System, . Room 1319, U, P. Headquarters, . (mana, iveDrasKa, new Jordan valley project, heart of the range. Got on the ground floor with IS acre Irrigated land In connection with open rang,.. You can grow stock successfully and cheaply. Excursion Dec. 1$, Send tor bulletin. HAR LEY J. HOOKER, 940 1st Nut. Bk. Bldg.. Omsha. Texas. NEW FARM OPPORTUNITY IN ON 13 OF THE GREATEST STATES IN THE UNION. A new line of the Santa Fe im tapplni a rich and fertile trslrt seo tion of northwest Texas, near the Okla homa line, where already many farmer have MADE OOOD with wheat, hogs and live stock. Here, If you ACT NOW, you can get first choice get In on the ground floor of a great opportunity. Tou can get In AHEAD of the railway and the 1 'oplet ' " the railway will bring. This i the cb'ance of a lifetime for a man of V moderate means. A certain number of thrifty, far-seeing farmers can acquire) good land at an astonishing low figure and on long, easy terms. Why say good bye to good rent money every year when en me money Invested here will pay ' bis; returns and make you OWNER of a fine big farm? If you have confidence that a great rall.oad like the Santa Fs would only recommend what it considers good ' thing and because it wants to sea new territory developed and wants newcomer . to PROSPER and PRODUCE then writ me TODAY for particulars about this district. Cllmato Is pleasant rainfall oomes in the growing season, winters are mild, stock can run In open year around.. Schools, churches, telephones,, good roads. Everything fere but enough men with their families. The farmer's BEST CHANCE is on good low-priced lend raising products that bring big returns. Will you be one ot the fortunate first comers to reap the advantages ot a sec tion that has. been, inspected by a Santa Fe agricultural agent and pronounced RIGHT? Twenty-dollar-an-Hsra land her has made 26 per cent ' yearly on In vestment, compared with 6 per cent on $150 land In Illinois and Iowa corn belt Write me for our free Illustrated folder with particulars, giving experience of farmers now here and results they have achieved In short time and on email capi tal. C L. Seagraves, Industrial Commis sioner, Santa ft Railway, 1114 Railway Exchange Building. Chicago. FIVE-CENT AN ACRE CASH. ' ' Texas school lands tof sale by the state , at $3 per acre; 6o per acre cash and n more for 40 years, but 1 per cent Interest Send 6c postage for further Information- INVESTOR PUBLISHING CO., Dept. 17, .San Antonio, Tex. "