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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
THE BEE: OMAHA, A Series of Saturday Sales Offering Gertaf !500 Women's Suits-Kftiitl I In the Best Styles This Season, (M (Th Jfni Worth Up to $65.00, at $O.OT This is positively the best sale of its kind that we can remember. If we were to place every one of these in regular stock and tag them with the regular prices you would gladly pay them and you would be paying as high as $65.00 in many instances. Now imagine getting any one of these exquisite suits for $19.50 and you have a fair picture of the wonderful values we are offering here for Saturday. It is absolutely impossible to describe them, because they are all different, and one is just as much entitled to description as another FOR THEY ARE ALL VERY BEAUTIFUL. The Materials and Styles Are: Check Shepherd, hair-line stripes, and an as- sortment of black and white. Tricotines Smart as they can' be these are positively the most artistic styles we have shown this season. Gunnyburl That wonderful fabric that has so many devotees this year. Linings of figured silk in beautiful quality. Gaberdines Plain tailored and belted effects t very stylish. THE COLORS ARE: Chartreuse, Beige, Copenhagen, Purple, Gold, White, Grays, Rose, Greens, f Orange Tan, Blues, Eookie, Cream, Burgundy, Browns. One of the Big Facts Is-All Sizes in This Group,34 to 52 Poiret Twill Shown in beautifully embroid ered silk and wool twills big pockets and belts, also the charming plain-tailored models. Serge Plain tailored, belted models and some elaborately trimmed with buttons. Also beautiful white serges. Sport Wool Jersey Showing all the new color features; button trimmed and with large collars. ttfe ffHIS GIVES every woman an interest in this sale. We can fit the tall and the short, the stout and medium figures and Blender figures A SUIT HERE FOR EVERYONE and a price that is simply wonderful. Your Choice on Saturday at $29 SO Second Floor IT Sale of Drugs Azurea Face Powder, special, the box, at... y. ...... 75 Java Bice Face Powder, the box. at & .24 Pond's Cold Cream, 50c size jar .............28 Madam Ise'bell's Cream. 60c size. at. .r... ..'.!...? 2! Ida May Face Powder, the box, at. .1 Dorin' Brunette Rouge, the box. at .-.v......24 Dier-Kiss Talcum Powder, the box. at. ...... . . ... . . . .24 William's Talcum Powder, the box, at .10 Mary Garden Talcum, the bottle ........... 39 Jersey Cream Soap, 10c size cake, at .7 Melorose Natural Rouge, 60c size, at - Cream Oil Soap, 10c size cake, at 6 Rubber Sheeting, yard wide, $he yard .28 Household Rubber Gloves, the pair, at... ........ ...24. Listerine, S1.00 size bottle, at ....,.;. .j... .59 Lustrite Nail Enamel, 25c siz6 tit v:vv ' u Ricksecker's Toilet Water, 60c size, at .39i Mary Garden Perfume, original ty-oz. bottle, at. 89 Dj er-Kiss Vegetal, special, the bottle, at ..... 89 Mentholatum, 25c size, jar, at. .16' Stanolind Paraffin Oil, the bottle .49 Pure Witch Hazel, full pint bottle, at . ..18t Phenolax Wafers, 30 in bottle, at . ... .... . 2lt Aspirin Tablets. 6-graln, genuine, per dozen. . . ... .16 California Syrup of Figs, 60c size, at . .-.:. 29c Lysol Antiseptic, 60c size, at .-... 29c Large Powder Puff, regular 25c value, at .-, . .12t Special sale of Fancy Toilet Soaps, too many kinds "tH mention. Eastman Kodaks And Photo Supplies Here in Complete AMortmeat, j Main Floor I Sale of Cut Flowers Remember a birthday your wife's anniversary ok make this Saturday's home-coming a particularly pleasing! one by bringing beautiful Cut Flowers to brighten upVhfj i UU1I1C. LONG STEMMED Roses, all colors, a uozen ww.'. ... Large Bunches of Sweet Peas, all colors, a 9C J vl. ... .. .... Aui v,uiiw ..... ....,,.....- . . Cut Flow.r Department, Mam Floor, Entrance to Pomp.Ln Room. Children's Coats Maker's Samples 150 In The Lot Worth $10.00 to $20.00 Choice on Saturday $5.00 VERY HIGH GRADE Coats everyone of them some of the smartest styles it has ever been our privilege to show. They come from one of the best New York makers and every one is simply fascinating in its style and makeup. The Styles: Large Collars, high waisted and shir red effects and full skirts; all nicely lined. Sport styles in great variety also. TfoMi&eriftl: I SU Poplins, ,Wool Poplins, Taffetas, Serges, .Velours, Gaberdines, Fancy .Worsteds, Shepherd Checks, etc. IN FAOT, there fa such a wide range that everything of note is represented Sizes 2 to 6 and 8 to 14 years. The price we ate asking, $3.00, hardly covers the cost of the material. And Don't Forget This, No Two Alike . i Seeond Floor In the Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women Smart Coats and Dresses, $15 and $25 POPULAR PRICES for apparel for Misses and Small Women, that possesses "youthful" lines so much sought alter oy every woman. The Coats Coats of Velours, Feather Fluff, Gaberdine, Poiret Twill, Serge, Gunnyburl and bright sports effects the latest and most effective styles. For example, one coat of Feather Fluff, in old rose, with stitched back, collars and cuffs. Big square collar and great array of fancy buttons for trimming, $22.50. Beautiful Dresses Made of Satin, Serge, Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Taffetas and combinations, in a variety of trimmings. One model of Navy Blue Taffeta, with large barrel pockets and "jupe tonneau" tilhouette, trimmed with Paisley on pockets and cuffs. Twisted cord belt and large square collar with over collar of White Geor gette, at $22.50. A Splendid Showing of Suits Suits at every price, and in every good style all the best materials are employed. The most beautiful trimmings and buttons and braids. Prices range from $16.50 to $75.00. Second Floor Put Your Furs1 In Storage Place them safely our vaults, where neither moths nor thieves can get at them. The cost of stor-, age Is very moderate, and the sense of security in valuable. If you desire tor: have them altered or re paired we will do this; work for you now at very moderate cost the sum-n mer season being our com-., paratively dull time. When you want them in the fall they will be ready for yoa instantly. nn it Mrnxr Store Your Fur. N Women's Coats $18.75 THE MOST ATTRACTIVE STYLES of the sea son, shown here in complete assortment, at the mod est price of $18.75. New Gunnyburl, Feather Fluff, Poplins, Serges and Gaberdines. Colorings are Rose, Apple Green, Gold, Tan, Copenhagen, Navy and Ruby. Coats that you will want for cool evenings and motoring and sports wear. Coats that are splen didly made and finished and possess all the newest ideas that Fashion has adopted for Spring and Summer. - Coats that would readily bring much more money than we ask for them. Charming Dresses at $25.00 Made of Georgettes, Satins, Crepe de unines, etc., in an tne most popular color ings. Double collars with white over col lar; stitched and belted, with big pockets and flare sides. The latest "silhouettes" are shown in these models. Second Floor BOSE BUSHES Shrubs mi' Hardy Perennials 5e This Sale starts at 8 :30 Saturday morning and if you will profit by our exper ience, you will heed our admonition to COME EARLY. . The recent rains and warm weather, has put the soil in just the right shape for the planting of these Shrubs and Bushes and you simply cannot equal this price any where that we know of. This is the overstock of a prominent grower including thousands of Rose bush es, in the following varieties Killarneys, Richmonds, American Beauties, Climbing Roses, Garden Roses and Tea Roses. Twenty Different Varieties Ornamental Shrubs, such as Lilacs, Hydrangeas, Wygelia, Dulcia, Spirea and many others. Phlox, Blue Bells, Columbine, Yucca, etc. THE STOCK IS ALL HOME GROWN, adapted to this climate and in healthy condition. This is the best offering of Bushes and Shrubs we have ever made, and that means a lot. Your Choice, Saturday, 5c BaMmonl Women's At Very I ft lo WashablKK We mention, as especial Adler's and Perrin's Wishal new spring shades, wits pr pair guaranteed washable ; 6 VerySpeial! One line of these glcjees, Saturday only, at $1.50 ajpai Kayser Si From our complete line mention as especially atte gloves with black backs, at l these, like all other Kayser 1 teed by the makers an l b; Women's V hit Ai a great attraction fo Sat) dozen Women's White Kid G ves, more than $1.60, according t fs limited quantity lasts, only $ .00 Child en Here is an extraordinary spe for Saturday. Only a limited ju Overseam Kid Gloves, in tan or w' These should sell at from two t1 going to clear them out for on S s -Mainl r DI WIS J;;ik;l SETS THE PACE ship FOR CROWING OMAHA Ladies' Neckwear An Attractive Showing Two very special lots of Georgette Crepe Collars. Lot 1 On lot consists of a large square collar, hand embroidered, Venice and filet lace trimmed ; reduced price 98 Beautiful lay square-back collar, trimmed in pretty filet lace effect, at 98tf Square-back filet-effect medallions, em broidered, very dainty; reduced price...98 Lot 2 Georgette collars, hand embroidered; trim med in frilled net 50t Embroidered Collars, very dainty; also plain square collars, trimmed in Venice filet com bination effect; each, at 50 Ostrich Boas A most excellent value, in black and colors; up from $3.25 Wall Paper! Are You Going to Paper This Spring? t Living room, hall and dining! room patterns; suggestions ofj character and decorative value all this is new; cut decorations) with each. Your choice from! 00 patterns, very special, ron, ai 184 JJed Koom Papers Really tha most original and newest til fects in the city. A large asj noranent or ail colors. Wortn 20e roll, only 11 c Also a showinr of lifhtiand dark colors, full eombinatuws auiuiDie ior any room in npe nouse, roil, at st Main Floor Third Floor