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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
pnty of Satisfaction and Exceptional Savings t "V ... I r . Selling Knit Underwear Right at the Seasonable Time At prices which are extremely moderate, to say the least. The best makes, and shown here in complete assortment, for women and children. We are the sole agent for the celebrated "Munsing" Union Suits, which are the best to be obtained. $1.00 $1.25 Women's Silk Top Lisle Body Union Suits, all sizes, at $2.00 Venetian Silk Bloomers, pink only, all M CQ sizes, only 1 i,s' $2.00 All Silk Embroidered Vests, very spe- $1 gj $1.50 Venetian Silk Vests, silk beading tops, tf 1 in all sizes, at P.17 $1.25 Venetian Silk Lace Trimmed Camisoles, 1 A A all sizes, at tfl.UU 85c values in Women's Cotton Lisle Union Suits, CQ. tight and lace-trimmed knee, Saturday 07C Special Union Suits for Women, cotton lisle, OE- worth 50c, at 00 c Cotton Lisle Vests for Women, worth 85c, spe- OC. cial, at ,oc Kayser Vests, hand crochet yokes, pink and EQ- white, at OJ7C "M" Suits for Boys and Girls, all styles and CAr sizes, Saturday, at UUC Odd lots of Children's Union Suits, good values, for ODC Children's "M" Knit or Muslin Waists, Satur- OQ- day, at AI,C Children's Vests and Pants, worth 19c, Sat- Oi urday, at , U2C Main Floor and "Prince Charming," Will Be Here Saturday fARdQTQlld. Bringing Beautiful Hats for Little Girls I Cinderella will be here seated on her throne on Saturday, from 10 A. M. to 12 M., and 2 to 4 P. M., and with her this year her consort Prince Charming. She has made so many little friends each season she has come to the Brandeis Stores, that we anticipate a great throng on Saturday, so if you want your little girl and little boy to see her you had better come early. The "Cinderella" Hats Are Simply Wonderful and will certainly grace any charming little face they frame. Never were there so many and such a varied selection and the price, as you know- $2.00, Always 0 if Stamped Dresses, Towels etc. In Art Embroidery Sale A VERY SPECIAL offering for Saturday in this Art Em broidery Store unusually low prices. Children'! Stamped Dresses, all ready made. Pique and Batiste, ready to embroider; sizes 2 to 12 years. Values 75c to $2, at 59 Stamped Bath Towels, Pillow Cases, Night Gowns, Linen Towels, Centers and Pillows, values up to $1.00, choice, at 39 Boudoir Baskets, with cretonne, In enamel and mission finish; regularly 75c to $1.00, choice, at. . , 25 Third Floor W&igHave Just Arrived The Princess Cinderella sent us, from Fairyland, a message to the effect that one of whom she thinks a great deal, will be with her this season, to stay with the Brandeis Stores as a permanent resident "Billiken," Who Brings Children's Shoes and the best Shoes for little folk we have ever seen we have installed them in a special department in the Main Floor Specialty Shoe Shop and after you have come here Saturday and paid your respects to the dainty little princess and her consort go down to the Shoe Store and see the smiling Billiken and Get one of the Souvenir he will pais out to good boyt and girls. BILLIKEN SHOES are five-roomed apartments for little feet, with a room for every toe. All sizes from infants' to grown boys' and girl's THE ACME OF GOOD SENSE COMFORT AND STYLE, at a reas onable price. 1 1 (icrpmu I IB HIKEMl 5000 Untrimmed Hats for Women, Values up to $5.00, at $1.19 and $1.69 We have just completed a big purchase in Chicago that enables us to quote this price, just at the time when you are ready to trim your second hat. An endless variety of the very best quality China Piping or "Lisere." Beautiful Hat Shapes In wonderful Sailor Shapes, Revolutionary Tricorns, Smart Mushrooms, Narrow Brim Hats with turned down edges, side roll shapes and, in fact, every and any shape you may be looking for. Every Hat exceptionally well sewn and properly fin ished and nearly 75 per cent of the lot are BLACK ; which is so much in demand. In addition you will find gold, cherry red, navy, sand, purple, etc. Second Floor 49c to $1.50 Trimmings. 19c and 39c On Main Floor Bargain Squares From the Big Chicago Purchase also thousands of novelties in Burnt Goose, Ornaments, Wings, Flow ers and Fancies; the assortment is so varied that it will not permit of individual description. AH styles and all colors. Two big lots, 19c and 39. Main Floor Bargain Squarw for Tail Candy Fine Sweets at Low Prices Our home made delicious opera fruit roll, rolled in chopped nuts, a lb., at 29c Made while you wait in our can dy square; Cream Chip Cocoa nut Square, vanilla and choco late, lb., at 19e Special Cream Peanut Nuggets, vanilla, strawberry and choco 1 late, lb., at 19c . Old Fashioned Black Walnut . Taffy, at, a lb 29c Fresh Maple Confections, cara mel glazen, maple gems, maple cocoanut balls and maple pen ochio, a lb., at. , 25c Our Chocolate Fompeian Bitter Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Chocolates, nut and fruit cen ters, a pound box 29c Main Floor, Pompcimn Room Stylish Gloves lodest Prices I s Kid Gloves p icially interesting for Saturday, 'ishable Kid Gloves. In all the II prettily stitched backs, every il i ; at $2.00 and $2.25 a pair. ial for Saturday c res, not in all colors, priced for t pajiv" Bt Silk Gloves i line of Kayser's Silk Gloves, we attractive, beautiful white silk s, at 85c a pair. Every pair of raer Gloves, absolutely guaran n I by us. hite Kid Gloves Saturday only, we are offering 60 11 vts, imported from France, worth li .parent market quotations; while this ( 00 a pair. en's Gloves jj special attraction in Children's Gloves ed quantity of Children's Light Weight : ir white, ages from 1 to 10 years only, two to .three times the price we are ort Saturday, at, a pair 391 jiia Floor Beautiful Georgette Crepe Blouses at $5.98 to $10.00 NO ONE NEEDS an introduction to the best blouse material of this or any other season Georgette Crepe and no one will need a second invitation to buy these fascinating styles, once they see them, at these prices. Frills, large and small large fancy collars with imitation filet lace. ' Some in fancy colors with embroidered designs. Square neck, some V necks. Large pearl buttons are employed very effectively. One model shows horizontal tucks forming from collar and continuing clear around. There is an unending variety of styles in this display. All the most popular colorings; sizes 36 to 44. Some are beautifully bead trimmed. SMond Floor v Recipe File Mara Floof, Stationary Dept. 3x5-in. oak Card File, equipped with 100 cards and A to Z index for address-, es or cook ing recipe index for the house wife. Special, at 39c Foods Are Very High You Know It Then Why Not Keep Them Properly? The best Refrigerator you can buy is none too good to keep the foods you have to pay so much for. Bohn Syphon Refrigerators (Seamiest Porcelain Lined) Are the very best we know of. The cold, dry air of a Bohn Syphon Refrigerator is reliable and will keep the foods you deposit in it in per fect condition, helping to reduce the high cost of living. IT POSITIVELY SAVES ON YOUR ICE BILLS. It is real economy to purchase the Bohn Syphon Refrigerator. Prices From $45.00 Upward Very Special for Saturday WHITE LINED, three-door type Refrigerator, ash case, with golden oak finish; heavy inside case and well insulated ; all hinges and latches solid brass, nickel c QO plated; 60-pound ice capacity, priced at ' Buomont 8K6aaS& "BOHN Here's Great News for Boys Unrivaled Offers for Saturday ' WE HAVE established the rep utation of the "Du-Plex" Suits they are BEST that's settled because with the double knees and seats, and two pairs of pants to a suit, they will outlast any suit we know of they are su premely stylish as well, and the price range from $5.00 to $15.00. Now Here's a Very Remarkable Offering About 300 Suits, short lots and odd suite that we have grouped together from regular stocks many suits with 2 pairs of pants REPRICED FOR SATURDAYryour choice t $5.00 a Suit All Bizes to start with, and a wonderful little price for them. A Corking Sale of Boys' Waists, 45c Hundreds of Sample Blouses, tot-ether with many from our own stock that are slightly mussed. Regular collar' blouses, Eton collar styles, sports collar styles and neckband styles. All standard makes, K. & ., Bell, K. & S., and Cadet ONE DAY ONLY, at 45c Each High School Boys' LonzTrouser Suits. J 10.00 The snappiest models, real smart patterns in the newest fabrics. Sizes 14 to 19 years. Wash Suite in "Trench" Styles Nobby styles, just arrived, with cuff bottom pants, in variety of colors; Sport Suits with sport hats to match. Also Navy, Middy and Norfolk Suits with navy cap and all wash suits, 8Se to $5.00. Top Coats for Youngsters Prices from $2.80 to $10.00. Every new style, every new fabric, every new coloring- and lots of them come and see. Third Floor OurSemi-Annual Sale of Linoleum Begins Here on Monday Next Details will be published in Sunday's papers look for them. This has become a standard event with hundreds and hundreds of women and they wait for the wonderful offerings we are able to make because of our immense buying power. With linoleum quoted at sky-high prices in the wholesale market you will simply marvel at the figures we will quote on Sunday watch for them. 2000 Pieces of Fine Dinner Ware To Close Out Saturday Delicate pink rose design, with green foliage, full gold trimmed, fancy shape, Less Than Half Price. We are desirous of making room for the incoming shipments and so we have quoted these remarkable prices to make new owners for these pieces quickly: Large Water Pitchers, each, at Large Covered Dishes, each, at Large Meat Platters, each, at Covered Butter Dishes, each, at v All size Plates, Qr 50c 50c 50c 25c All size Bowls, at Large open Vegetables Dishes, each, at Water Pitchers, medium size, each, at ......i,... .... Cups and Saucers, pair at ...... . Medium open Vegetable Dishes, each, at A- I Fruit Saucers, each 25c 25c 20c 15c 5c Main Floor DI mmm. M.n mMm Jl "I fflh fA rfffl MNJ h 1 foSS 1 L flhl FOR CROWING OMAHA I I a I i