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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
12 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORmWO-EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD KOSEWATE VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR ; 'THS BK8 f UBL18HINQ COMPANY, FKOPR1ETOK. Entered at Omaha poatofflca Bacono-tlaae wetter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Carrier. ..per BMMla, 050 Daily eaS enSv.. Petlf WltaOW BufluW liMIBe eoq Sunday..... we (nates wltkrat Suaaef " e Sunder Bee onlr . ZOO - BnMila. DA UtfM Mil IB BSraaae.... aid wu V c&tnn of addnee or Irrenlarlv Is ellterF M OMl Bee. ClreuleUQB uepanweni. ma ear mi. lit oo 4.00 6.M " 1.00 1.00 .DIM REMITTANCE ton H drift, ign e.- waul ortw. Onle lean mam MM tl Itmat ef eeiHI tocooiu. Penonel eheee. eicept as Omaha eat 0FPICE3. OmaHa-Tae Pre inlklfni. (laum-PmU't do ialsir. CouMII Bliiffe-H H.Mtll m. St. IMKn BIL of .Ceaurjroe. ttmwla UtUe Building. WMbloittm-715 Mln St. W. W. CORRESPONDENCE AdSrae) eeSHBWleellene rtlttlni u aaae and edtterlel aUar to Online Bee. IdlMrlBl Denertlnant . FEBRUARY CIRCULATION 54,592 Daily Sunday, 50,466 Artnn Beelitleo fw trie WU lbe( eee" tlwl H bt D(a nuiiM. cifwuw " Sokeerftere leeetaf tHe city sbmM eave Tb. aulleal to abase. Addmo thensej as alien rMt-' Food hoarding Is not conservation. Muffle the cheer, boys! The legislature is line die-ing. - : ' Standing around or loafing on the job it an other way of encouraging the enemy., , Omaha still has that new Union depot on her little lift, which, though laid aside, is not for gotten. : April showers are coming little behind the schedule, but quite as welcome as the fruits and flowers they promise later on. ', The1 possibility of securing national prohibition as a war measure i calculated to make even peace-loving Mr. Bryan fight for it. , ' ;Now if congress approaches the army bill with th nationat vision shown in voting the sinews of war, the rest is comparatively easy. 'A vast amount of efficient patriotic service can be,rendered behind the lines. The real "slackers" are those wjio stick around and spill hot air. 1 .! Wheat soars to dizzy heights, regretfully dis tancing the hog. When the latter gets used to rare atmosphere it's all off with the speed limit. .Viewed from distant bleachers, it is evident the Allies are playing the lucky aeventh inning and have knocked Teutonic pitchers out of the box. . ;"The little brown jug" lost popularity some years ago, but Its gray stone successor promises tb wear the mantle of favor for .some time to come. .'Some twenty years ago Tom Reed jarred the crowd by calling thi a billion-dollar country. The first war bill of seven bitlioni measures our growing speed. Old Necessity rises joyously to the emergency. A cargo of Cuban shark hides, Utilized as shoe leather, insures appropriate footing for Ameri cas price, boosters. ' Without any visible cause the grain and pro vision pita marked down prices several notches on. Tuesday. Misdeals are bound to happen when amateurs shuffle the deck. A paltry little and a half millions is all the Allies gained on s single wheat order in Chi cago, delivery of which was delayed by ear short age till the price went up. , Some laving! ' Still, because we are in for a heavy load of war taxes is no good reason why the burden should not be distributed equitably and conform to the accepted rules of tmiformity and impartiality. Chicago and New York are wrangling over which has famished the more. recruits and in the meantime the hamlets and villages of the country are beating both in proportion to the population. - Germany advises as officially that there are no submarines in the west Atlantic not yet I As surance Is lacking, however, that we will have ad vance tips when they are ordered to sally forth. In stoppage of street car traffic Lincoln folks have the advantage, aa compared with Omaha, of being within walking distance of one another and also of being all on the same level, with no hills to climb. . Report has it that the entente commissioners intend to search this country for European "slackers" who dodged service by leaving home. How many purchased immunity by absence Is dif ficult to determine, but a census of the number would be worth while as an aid to the finger of scorn. What the Trademark Means . By Clinton L. Oliver Trade-marked goods are those articles of mer chandise that bear a certain design adopted by the manufacturer, which has been registered in the patent office at Washington or at the state capitol. It is a distinguishing mark placed conspicuously on the goods. On some goods it is stamped or imprinted while on others it is a label attached in some manner to the article. ' The trade mark standa for alt that a firm rep resents. It ascribes a known quality to the goods and actually represents the reputation of the firm. The same trade mark represents the same product whether it is in Maine or California. When a trade mark is once adopted the manu facturer will see to it that the standard aet is al ways maintained in order that confidence may be held 'in his product The manufacturer knows that if he sells to a customer once, and the quality is satisfactorv. he-will sell to that customer attain: and if the quality continues to satisfy, other sales ., win toiiow. as a business proposition ut be hooves him to improve on or maintain the same standard of quality that he has adopted. An article may be sold that doea not bear the signature or trade mark of the manufacturer. It may look all right, but it it does not giversatisfae. tion it will not knowingly be purchased again. Yet, inasmuch as one may not be able to appraise the quality of a commodity without a trade mark, he may be induced, repeatedly especially by clever salesmen, who see a great profit in non-trade-marked lines to buy an article which never . gives satisfaction. For when the commodity is not trade-marked and bears only a general name. the manufacturer ran change this general name at will and thus continue to foist indefinitely his interior article upon the public . ' Moving for Food Control' Federal authorities are now cautiously ap proaching the task, of food regulation. This does not necessarily mean putting Americans on short rations, but does contemplate a careful conserva tion, that the danger of' want may be averted, Ample warning has been given us in the experi ence of other countries and we must realize that some of our waste and extravagance in the use of food must be curtailed. We will always have enough, but we must be prepared to do more than this. The world's supply of food is short and the immediate future depends almost wholly on the'trop to be raised this season, for out of our surplus we will have to feed, millions who otherwise' will go hungry.. Americas farmers are aroused and fully aware of what rests on them in this emergency. . The matter of price fixing will come in for due consideration. It is suggested by one Omaha jobber, whose life has been spent in the grocery trade, that consumers at present ire the greatest of !ool speculators and more than any responsi ble for the steadily mounting cost of living. Con trol by the federal government should bring about a more equal distribution of supplies and. give assurance that will aid in quieting popular appre hension. . With , this established and shortage guarded against, prices will adjust themselves. Old Glory Flying Over London. Significant of the sentiment of the British towards the United States, emphasizing earlier expressions of satisfaction with , our course, is the floating of Old Glory on the great Victoria tower of Parliament House", the first time a for eign flag ever flew above that historic pile. The sensation it must create may be understood by trying to imagine the British banner displayed high above the capitol at Washington. A greater compliment has never been paid one nation by another. Cynical comment may be to the effect that we are expected to help England in its hour of need. Even so, but in doing so we are helping ourselves and moving to the fuller and firmer es tablishment of free government on earth an in itiation typified by those banners now flying side by side, as free as the winds that caress them. It does not.involve national coalition, but co-operation in a cause to which both peoples are de voted by a common genius. ' , ;, Nebraska's "Dry"" Law. ' After threshing it over until the very last min ute, thus consuming the bigger part of the time of the session on this one measure, the legislature has finally put its seal upon a prohibition "enforce ment law which, -on the face of it, is "bone dry," and considerably, broader than the prohibition amendment adopted by popular vote. The issue in controversy, if it may be called an issue, turned on the question of permitting the manufacture and sale of non-intoxicating malt beverages and the decision of the legislature is adverse, the rea son for including such "soft drinks" within the prohibition being the alleged difficulty of draw ing the line between the alcoholic and non-alcoholic concoctions. Aside from this, the "dry" amendment would have been self-operating as soon as the new fed eral statute barring the importation of intoxicants should become effective next July and presumably the reconciling of state and federal laws will be a matter for the courts to determine. This much may be taken as settled, that Nebraska will be really "dry" after May 1 to would-be Jmrchasers of intoxicating liquors, and that bootlegging will be a precarious occupation, That the saloon in Nebraska should go out of business, however, was decreed at the polls last November, and made certain by the congressional enactment governing interstate shipments, ao that what the legislature may have done, or left undone, can be but a small factor. . v Control of Railroad Securities, A report by the Interstate Commerce commis sion, juat made public deals with the financial af fairs of the Fere Marquette and the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroads, It is flatly charged that these companies were wrecked through ma nipulations from inside and that the wreckers had the assistance of banks that loaned large sums of money on securities of doubtful value. "Neither rivalry nor regulation nor low rates, nor all com bined, can be found on this record as having con tributed in any appreciable degree to the disas ter," says the commission. This strong language, the commission' hopes, may. serve to warn mi nority stockholders to be ,on guard always. It does not expect to avert everything possible in the way of calamity that might follow unscrupu lous promotion, but believes these examples ought to have some effect. Argument in support of fed eral regulation of issue and marketing of securi ties of common carriers is found in the experience of these wrecked railroads and recommendations for such a law are renewed. The two roads will be added to the long line of signposts on the speculator'a path, but it is not so certain that the plain lesson- wilt be extensively heeded or closely applied. '-' . ' ' They Come High In Nebraska. Other states may boast of the number of men they are sending to serve in the army or navy, though few of them have surpassed Nebraska in this regard, or are likely to, but we have one field that is our own. Our boys are not only 100 per cent efficient for the service, but some of them even exceed the requirements. For example, the navy has just had to turn down another youthful aspirant because he is too tall for Uncle Sam's battleships. This is the second giant from the state who has been forced to remain a landlubber owing to the fact that he had attained a stature not contemplated by the naval designers when planning the 'tween-decks headroom. But what is the navy's loss is the army'a gain, and the magnificent specimens of what the Antelope State can do in theway of raising real man-size men will battle for the right on terra firms. They come high in Nebraska, but you can't keep them out of the service on that account Department of Agriculture Building a Nation's Roads By Tredtrie J. Haskin The British House of Lords resents efforts of the Commons to cut out enemy deadwood among the peers. Three .German princes hold British titles and membership in the lords, while in ac tive service at home; yet the dual role finds cham pions among the peers. The idea that prince lings may serve two warring masters at the same time becomes the scheme of monarchial privilege. American Catholics want it distinctly under stood that the fact that Catholics are fighting on both sides of the battle line- in no way impairs the loyalty of American citizens of that faith. As we have more than Once observed, patriotism knows no distinctions of race, creed, color, an cestry or political affiliations v : - -.'".'."' Washington, April 18. More progressive road laws have been passed in the United States in the last three months than in any year since the establishment of the union. This spring sees the beginning of actual building operations m a great campaign for better roads. This campaign will extend over-years; it will not be finished until there is a first-class road system extending over the entire United States. The task is a colos sat one, but-the nation is working on a new plan which seems to soell success. - The new system was inaugurated by the pas sage of the federal aid road act, a piece of legis lation more important than most people yet real ize, that was made into law at the last session of congress. During the winter the machinery for putting the law into operation was organized, and now with the opening of the spring working season the campaign begins. The federal road act appropriates $85,000,000 of government money to be spent entirely tor better roads; it provides that the states must appropriate an equal amount, barring $10,000,000 of the sum, which goes'toward roads in national forests. More than that, how ever, the states have taken up the idea with so much enthusiasm that conservative officials state that all indications point to the states covering the government money with $2 for $1, so that all in all they will out uo $150,000,000. Thus about $235,000,000 will be spent for road build ing in the next four years under the supervision of the office of public roads of the Department of Agriculture. These large figures do not tell the whole story. The road act will have effects more significant and far-reaching. It should assure three things that means much more to American roads than the expenditure of $235,000,000. These things are foresight, economy and 'expert - supervision in road-building. Nobody at this time has any doubt as to the immense importance of adequate roads. Twelve years ago the states were only spending about $2,000,000 a year on roads, while today it is esti mated that the nation is spending through vari ous channels ?300,uoo,uoo yearly on road-build-ing and .upkeep. When Uncle Sam goes down into his wallet for $300,000,000 a year for any thing it is pretty -certain that he needs it. The amount is more than half the cost of the Panama canal, a project whose magnitude made the na tion open its eyes when it was tirst suggested. Few people have paid a similar amount of atten tion to the road matter, because the road money has been spent a little at a time, here and there, and the impressive total was. never called for in a lump. mere are some pretty sad facts connected with this annual road budget of $300,000,000. We pride ourselves on being a business nation; the world looks to us tor business efficiency before all other peoples and in general we live up to our repu tation. But our road funds have been spent in very unbusinesslike fashion. Experts estimate that about $50,000,000 a year of the annual local road expenditure served no really useful purpose. This sum was an absolute loss, not due to his honesty or malicious intent, but solely to the in adequacy of the system. l. Only about a quarter of the millions spent an nually for roads in the oast have been spent in a way that can be called thoroughly efficient. The federal road act promises to get results for all the money spent on roads. If it can do this it will do much more than through the direct ex penditure of federal money. Ihe law provides that in order to share in the federal appropriation each state must work through a state highway commission. Under the stimulus of this law highway commissions are rapidly being created in the states which did not already have them. Then the plans for new roads must be drawn by competent engineers and aub mitted to the experts in the office of public roads. All the money that the federal and state govern ments spend jointly must be spent efficiently. The example set by this efficient work, the ratio of results to expenditures, can hardly fail to raise the standard of all state and county road work and create a general demand for efficiency. The new system will make available trained men and an efficient state machinery for road building that can be used in all road work, whether the federal government is co-operating or not In order to get the benefits of the new road law application must be made through the state highway board. Individual farmers, townships and counties have sometimes gotten the idea that if they will raise a certain sum of money for road work the federal government will put up an equal sum and have applied directly. All such plans must be approved and forwarded by the state highway1 department Great changes should be brought about by the completion of this ambitious road-building project. Minions upon minions oi oonars win dc speni by counties and states and the nation, yet there should be an actual profit to the American people in dollars and cents. It costs 23 cents to haul a ton a mile on the average country road today. On a first-class road it costs 13 cents and there are quite a few tons hauled over American roads every year. With good roads the farmer can pick his own time for hauling instead of waiting on the weather and being forced to haul when he ought to be do ing something else. With good roads the whole educational and social life of rural counties is revolutionized. 1 We must have good roads: the only question is how to go about getting them. ihe federal aid road act promises to be a long step in the right direction. Its operation will be worth watching. , ! v People and Events The soring onion drive of Texas is on and 100 carloads a day promise to shatter one of the trenches of inflated prices. Francis 1. Kernan, recent v promoted by Presi dent Wilson to the rank of bigadier general, is the man who put machine guns in the army. At the age of 23 years John W. Ferguson was elected mayor on SmHhsburg, Md., and is now serving his tenth consecutive term. For obvious reasons the nature of Mr. Ferguson's political pull with the Smiths is a municipal secret. "Two bits for carrving the rag." exclaimed two young bonehefads in Milwaukee, as a troop of guardsmen carrying the colors marched by. A few minutes later the boneheads saluted the flag on their knees in the presence of a thousand peo ple. Herbert C. Hoover, Belgium's good angel, now food controller of the United States, is an Iowa product born at West Branch, and is heading into 43 years. An engineer by' profession he started up the ladedr of big deeds on the Pacific coast. , One of the earliest obstacles encountered by the garden movement in Massachusetts is an an cient blue law which forbids a citizen from potter ing around his backyard beds on Sunday. The Boston Transcript voices a demand for repeal of "the prehistoric legal fossil." . Fourteen solemn "mourners," bachelors from choice, got together in Chicago Sunday night, and over a big feed lamented the passing of a member into the ranks of the benedicts. Rosettes of crepe adorned the coatsleeves of the bereft and the menu cards carried a deep border of printer's gloom. . A youthful crook convicted of robbery in hi cago pleaded with the court for a chance to join the navy. "The navy is no place for derelicts," said the judge, as he handed the crook the limit. After a Chinook wind melted snow piles on the hills around Helena, newsboya picked up : $20 worth of gold nuggets washed onto the paved streets by the water. The nugget stunt is Helena's long suit ever since Last Chance gutch soothered the town, u -. . .. , ... , , I TODAY Proverb for the Day. . v A barking dog seldom bites.' One Tt'car Ago Today In the War. Italians dropped sixty bombs- on Trleate hangars. A- - Teuton assaults In Gallcla stopped by Russians. Day of violent cannonading fol lowed night of successful French offensive at Verdun. Death of Field llarshal von der Colli, German commander of Turkish army. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raapke and Mrs. A. L. Meyer. have left for a six-month trip to Europe. Nine of the gentlemen who are con nected with the C. B. Mayne Real Estate company surprised him by walking in "Injun Die" and politely saluting him with high, stiff hats of exactly the same shape and style. Mayne was nonplussed a minute and then went down to Frederick's, where he learned the tiles were obtained. and was soon ornamented with one himself. The "Mayne" hat promisee to become a fixture. The new brick building on the west side of Sixteenth, near the corner of Douglas, has been leased to two good firms Kennard Bros, and Hayden Bros. The Indies' Afternoon Luncheon club met at the residence of Mrs. Leopold Heller, 710 South Eighteenth. Those present were Mesdames F. Ad- ler, M. Goldsmith, A. Heller, Louis Heller, M. Hellman, O. Heyn, L. Men delssohn, A. Meyer, Max Meyer, -Morftz Meyer; B. Newman, I. Oberfelder, A. Polack. H. Rehfeld. Selissohn. Rau and urotte. The cornerstone of the First Meth odist church of South - Omaha was laid with impressive ceremony. The pastor is Rev. T. B. Tilton, and the new church will seat 250 people. A surprise party met at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. George Humes on Web ster street. The following were among those present: Messrs. and Mesdames F. E. Bailey, Joseph Redman, Corby, Harpster. John Gannon, F. E. Bailey, Will Brown, O. Ogburn, Cain, Larkln, H. A. Haskell and William Latey. Mrs. Louis BelndorfT has sold her house on Chicago street and will live on capitol-Hill. km This Day In History. 1812 In anticipation of the war with England, the War department arranged the "detached militia" of New York in twa divisions and eight brigades. 1836 Sam Houston defeated the Mexicans in battle of San Jacinto, which decided the Independence of Texas. 1864 Partial bombardment of Odessa in consequence of Russians having fired on a flag of truce. I8tl Robert E. Lee became com mander of the Virginia troops. 1867 Romulus M. Saunders. North Carolina congressman and United States minister to Spain, died at Raleigh. Born in Caswell county. North Carolina, March 3, 1781. 1879 General John A. Dix. civil war commander and statesman, died in New York City. Born at Boscawen, N. H., July 24, 1798. 1892 The French cabinet decided upon war with Dahomey. ending over several days, in Greece. Many lives lost and towns destroyed. 1888 Declaration of war. by act of congress, between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain. The Day We Celebrate. General Sir Archibald Murray, now commanding the British expedition in Palestine, born fifty-seven years ago today. - Major General William' T. Furse. master general of the ordnance in the Brltlstrarmy, born fifty-two years ago today. Dr. clarence A. Barbour, president of Rochester Theological seminary and president of the Northern Bap tist convention, born at Hartford, Conn., fifty years ago today. David C. Montgomery, noted come dian, now reported critically ill, born at St. Joseph, Mo., farty-seven years ago today. Ernest o. Lorenzen, recently ap pointed to the faculty of the Yale Law school, born in Germany forty one years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Today is the date set for the fore closure sale of the Colorado Midland railway. Texas wilt keep a holiday today In celebration of the elghty-flrat anniver sary of the battle of Sah Jacinto. President Wilson nas designated to day aa a day for contributions to the relief of 1,000,000 Ruthenlans, or Ukrainians, In "dire need of food, clothing and shelter," In resDonse to a call from presi dent Wilson a group of leading men from different parts of the country will meet in Washington today to con sider means of financing the Amer ican National Red Cross for its re sponsibilities toward soldiers and nont combatants. - Storyctte of the Day. An Irishman who Is noted tor his wtt went into a public house the other day and called for a glass of beer. The tumbler was not full enough for Pat's satisfaction, so he quietly asked the publican how many barrels of beer he sold a week. 'Ten," replied the publican. 'I think," replied Pat, "If yer stand me a piat I could put yes -on a plan to sell eleven barrels a week." "Agreed," said the - landlord, hand ing him a pint "How now am I to do It?" Pat, taking a big drink at his new pint: "Always All your glasses." London Tit-Bits. "PAAND MA". Pa m to ma, in wrath, ei h. ThlB sosb uurnta livln't causln' ms To think that war la quite joker Juat aa well be shot aa always broke. With "eata" a rooetln' In the eky And money with wtnte that makea It fir You might aa well grab your eword and gua Per ahootln' beata etarvln' 10 to 1. Ooeh durn It all, when I wui a kid, Talnga weren't so high that It made you akM A-turnin' the corner to make enda meet. But now they're blgher-n a million feet. And a-goin' higher each dad-blamed day To peater the cewa In the milky-way. Wntlo we on earth must mopa and pine And let our atummfek scratch our spine. "i By nees. i ll atriKe,", quotn angry pa, f I'm a tired. a' dlggln' to flu my craw While truot-men gobble the hard-earned kale .. - And make our puree look ellm and pale,' "Cheer up, sea ma. It mlaht be worae. It ain't autte time to call the hearee. Bo we'll get out our rake and spade and hoe And dig a hole for-a bean or ao. . H. For. I allow, that In a year or two- Thtnra won't look ao dark and blue, go we'll Juet .keep on aeawln' wood And thlnsa'll come down to where ther ehouid." &jsr4Ngru btkuui-. Alms. Na ' .. Give the President an Army. , Omaha, April It. To the Editor of The Bee: In this crisis In our coun try's affairs President Wilson has soown all the qualities of efficient and forceful leadership. At one step he has placed himself at the forefront of the great statesmen of the world ana nas put America in tne vanguard of the struggle for triumphant democ racy. The president, with the aid of ex perts chosen by htm, has evolved plan for forging a great American army on the principle of universal lia bility to service. If It is enacted by congress our country may yet take a creditable part In the world war. If his plans are thwarted with enfeebling amendments America's contribution will be a sorry one and our influence In the great settlement at the close of the war and in the world a reconstruc tion Kilf be less. We use conscription for war taxes: we even conscript for Juries in time of peace; why not for the peoples army In time of war? , President Wilson has overcome the Prussian spies and the American paeif. lsts. He has yet to capture the trenches held by the politicians In con gress. These men are our represent atives; they should represent us, not Uermany. - - Let us put behind President Wilson the invincible force of American pub lie opinion. Let us speak with a voice that will drown treason, masquerading unaer watever guise. FRANCIS A. BROGAN, Vice President Omaha Branch, Na tional Security League. Beans for the Soldiers. Omaha, April 20. To the Editor of The Bee: In connection with this world war the citizens of Nebraska can do considerable in assisting to mini mize in some degree the horrors which accompany this awful event. What the farmers of Nebraska should do la to raise crops and still more crops, to their utmost, in order to help feed the starving nations. One of the most valuable crops In this connection Is the navy bean. There Is lots of land in our state nicely adapted to the growing of beans. The price will he high for years to come. Let every farmer plant all the beans possible. There is nothing more convenient to feed the soldiers or transport across the ocean than beans. it you are not in a position to shoul der a gun to help rid the world of autocracy do all you can towards helping to feed suffering humanity. E. W. GUNTHER. ' Conservation of Food. Omaha, April T9. To the Editor of The Bee: One of the most important things, under present war conditions, and one that lies at the root of our food problem, is the conservation of our resources by the reduction of the dally consumption of foodstuffs and the elimination of waste. We must be gin now in these matters instead of waiting until dire necessity compels us to payattention to them. Food experts all over the United States should be "mobilized" and put to work constructing "bills of fare" or correct combinations of foods for meals that will be nourishing (keep ing In view the requirements of grow ing children, the sick, the aged and the infirm) and that can be prepared at as low a cost per meal as possible, considering present high prices. 'men tne aid oi tne daily and weekly newspapers (as well as of the monthly publications of all classes) should be enlisted in giving the widest possible publicity to these menus. The people generally do not seem to understand the gravity of the food shortage nor the serious results likely to accrue to them later on. If they continue to' overeat and to Waste as they have done and are now doing there will be grave danger of 'near starvation" for thousands upon thou sands of people, because all the food stuffs that it will be possible to pro duce In the United States this year may not be sufficient to feed the peo ple of this country and of our allies and to carry them along until the 1918 crops are available. In order that the stocks we now have on hand and the, amounts that will" be produced this year may be made to do their full duty we must begin mow to conserve our food re source)! to the utmost R. A. SMITH. come and your property of all kinds into land. It will keep in rising in alue. Don't Improve If Leave it idle. Aa the people grow more bun- ', gry your land will keep on Increasing in value. Of course. It being idle, your Uncle will consider that you are getting no Income, so he will not tax you on what yon have not. Finally, when everything else is taxed to death . and the people are still more hungry for the things that are made by la bor, you can sell and "cop the dough." Take care that no one hears of this game nefore you buy, r.swus they will all wnnt to get in on it and you will hvn t ry more for what you buy In 1'inrl. ut course, afUr vou gi't your "stake" then breeze it about all you can, because then you will be ben efited by Increasing land values. After writing the above, which I thought was an original Idea, I rind that many of our millionaires and such a e already "wise" to this game and are buying up nil the land in sight. 1 hey are keeping it quiet, thousrh, so ho "common hyrd" can't pet "next." I'll let it out anyhow, so wo can all t'xt in on the L. J. QUINHt Protest from a Fanner. Loomls, Neb., April 15 To the Editor of The Bee: Our government is appealing to the American farmers to raise as much as possible. We greatly need to encourago production, yet of late It has become the fashion to clamor for government regulation fit prices of foodstuffs. First came Qtilnby, contributing to the letter box, demanding that land and agriculture be taxed sufficiently to pay the cost of the war. His Idea, if he had one, probably was that this would force landowners to forfeit their holdings to the government on account of Inability to keep up taxes. Highway robbery Is more honorable. The highwayman at least makes no pretense of doing It for the public good. A few days ago the brilliant Jerry Howard tried to make the Nebraska . house go on record as favoring the fixing of a maximum price of $1 per bushel for wheat by congress. Splen did way of encouraging production. In Saturday's Bee F. A. Agnew ex hibits a letter he has sent to Senator Hitchcock. He also wants government control of prices. I suppose he Is al ready having visions of ante-bellum condition as far as cost of living is concerned. He doesn't want to reduce wages to what they were. Certainly not! Now why not play a little fair? Cost of production has doubled withfn the last three years. It Is practically Im possible to secure experienced farm .nanus at.any wages, a nine unwise legislation would drive tne rartner and subsequently the nation into bank ruptcy. When we have an aversupply nobody suggests the fixing of a min imum price. Now when we are suffer ing from a shortage why should we establish a low maximum price and thus encourage waste? Why doea not some ono try to curtail the legitimately-earned profits of the manu facturer or the Inflated pay checks of .the laborer? It would be as Just As a rule they have shorter hours and better pay., The result of the November election in one of the Dakotas should have given Qulnby, Howard, Agnew and company a hint to proceed with cau tion. Nobody wants a national non partisan league in control of the af fairs of this nation, yet sufficient Drod- dlng by the above brand of statesmen might arouse a slumbering giant. H. A. SWANSON. A S-week'Old calf was nibbling at the great In the yard, and was viewed In alienee for some mlnutea by the city girl. "Tell me," Ihe natd, turning Impulsively to her hoetees, "does It really pay you to keep a cow as email aa that?" Harper's. , . How to Beat Uncle Sam. Omaha, April U. To the Editor of The Bee: Of course, you are a pa triot. You would not do a dishonor able thing to evade your full 'duty to help out Uncle Sam in a pineh. You would pay every tax he levies against such wealth as you have and you would not He about the amount of your wealth or the size of your income. Yet yeu would like to know some way in which you could legally evade pay ing taxes even to Uncle Sam in a pinch. Come close. Never wh'sper it to a tout I will "put you next" to a sure game in which you can evade paying your Uncle a single penny. This Is perfectly honorable, because he himself says you may do It What is It? Listen! Invest your money in the things he says shall be exempt from taxation. Perfectly plain simple honorable. What are they? Well, his bonds are generally free from taxes, but when hi credit Is good he demands a pre mium on his bonds, and the Interest don't amount to much. I can give you a tip thai; will beat that into a Joke. There are In the United States alone about (90,000,000,000 (ninety billions; just think of it) of land values, which your Uncle Sam, In the goodness of his heart says shall not be' ' taxed. Isn't it simple? 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