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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
13 Friday, April 20, 1917- Th April Victor Record Ll.t Includ.. "Many Noviltia Com Hoar Thorn" -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- Rm4 tht Nw Books in tht C.r- "eulktlaf Library Only 2c Day" -Phone Douglas 137 Here's NEWS from Burgess-Nash WORTH READING THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 21. 1917. Charming New Summer Blouses Presenting some of the most unusual varieties and values- At $1.95 Blouses of jap silk in white, maize, nile and flesh, sports and tailleur models. At $2.50 Blouses of voile and batiste, very at tractively trimmed with pretty laces and embroidery. Tailored blouses of batiste with col lars and cuffs of handkerchief linen, in copen, rose, green and lavender. At $3.95 Crepe de chene blouses in flesh and white, a wide variety of styles, and all are just new. i At $6.50 to $16.50 Hand-made blouses of voile and batiste, with real laces and hand embroidery, Georgette crepe blouses, more charming than ever jabots, frills and simple models. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor F resh Carnations at Burgess-Nash Long stem, fresh cut, white and colors, 3c each. Fresh Rote, 3c Fresh cut, long stem, beauti ful roses, various kinds, 3c each. Sweet Peat, 19c ITome-grown sweet peas, ex quisite fragrance, assorted col ors, 19c bunch. BurgeM-Na.h Co. Main Floor w omen s fibre Silk Hose 59c An uncommon value, with double garter tops and seamless feet, black, white and colors. Women's Hose, 35c Fine quality black cotton hose, full fashioned, full regu lar made foot, extra good values. Misses' Hose, 29c Black ribbed lisle hose, seam less, all sizes, fine quality, very special, Saturday, at 29c pair. Bunge..-Nah Co. Main Floor w t ir . omens vests White Cotton 25c Low neck and sleeveless, fine quality of white cotton, plain or with fancy inserts. Union Suits, 59c Women's white cotton, with low neck and sleeveless, cuff knee; regular or extra sizes; special value,' at 59c. Union Suits, 50c Boys' union suits, high neck, long sleeves; ankle length or short sleeves, knee length, rib bed balbriggan; special, at 50c. Burre.f-N.rii Co. Main Floor w omen's Dainty Neckwear A display that features every new idea in neck dressing fa vored this season; collar and cuff sets of filet and georgette; frilly jabots, guimpes of or gandie and georgette, trimmed with real filet lace; high stocks and cravats of gay-colored silks, plain pique stocks and vests; price range, $1.00 to $7.50. Neckwear, at 50c Pique, organdie, georgette crepe and net collars, also col lar and cuff sets, at 50c. Burge.-Nah Co. Main Floor Gold Plate Walde mar Chains 29c Plain or fancy Waldemar watch chains, full length, com plete with spring and swivel. Another at 66c Gold filled, full length, plain or fancy link; guaranteed to wear for 5 years; complete with spring and swivel. Burgea.-Nah Co. M.ln Floor Women's Linen Handkerchiefs at 10c PLAIN, also with embroidered corners and colored edges, fine linen or linen lawn, 10c each. Women's Handkerchiefs, at 15c Fine linen with embroidered corners or hand-embroidered initials. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.50 Very fine, with hand-embroidered initial, 6 in a box, for $1.50. Burgea.-Na.h Co. Main Floor Tambour Alarm Clock For $1.95 Unusual value, 24-hour clock, with long, cheery alarm, made in tambour style, mahogany-finished case 124 inches longr 2 inches wide, 6 inches high. A dandy clock for living room, as well as an "early riser." At$1.9S. BuriwN.h Co. Floor For Saturday WeVe Reduced the Price on Every Style of White Shoes I j$3.15 T'S our first sale of white shoes this season. The new models of white boots, pumps and oxfords. The daintiest, prettiest models you have ever seen. Women's White Pumps, Reduced to $3.15 Women s dainty white fabric pumps, Women's white sea island duck pumps. Women s white reignskin pumps f . Women's white Ostend canvas pumps Hail All with covered heels, turn square-edge soles , J White Ostend Canvas Boots, $4.45 Lace style, 9-inch tops, turn soles, covered heels, several different patterns, $4.45. Sport Boots and Low Shoes In all we have over fifty different kinds of lasts and patterns, all at reduced prices for Saturday. White buck lace low shoes, white leather soles and heels, pair, $4.45. White buck sport low shoes with ball strap, white neolin soles, rubber heels, pair, $5.45. White reirfskin boots with dark tan russia trim ming, pair, $4.95. White linen duck 8-inch sport boots, white buck trimmed, neolin soles, rubber heels, pair. $5.45. Bi'rg-sr-N:ih Co Canvas shoes for vacation, tennis and outing. best grade of tennis oxfords, $1.19. White canvas oxfords for outing and afternoon wear, $2.75. White canvas pumps, rubber soles, leather in soles, low heels, $2.75. Women's white canvas strap pumps, $1.95. Women's white canvas strap pumps, $1.35. Our Kindercraft shoes for children are the best wearing shoes made. Second Floor Saturday in the DOWN STAIRS STORE Women's Fancy Silk Dresses Receive a Decided Reduction at $13.50 IT'S a group of smart, new styles which were received too late for Easter selling, hence the very special price re duction for Saturday. Crepe de chines, pongees and taffetas in pleated, tail ored, sport styles and cembinations of taffeta and geor gette. Finished with fancy pockets, some embroidered with gold. The newest colors and black. Unusual values, at $13.50. . Children's Gingham Dresses, 59c Plaids and chambrays, combination styles, neatly made and trimmed ; special, 59c. BurffCM-Nwrii Co. Down-Stair. Star. TRIMMED 'Hats at $1.50 A Saturday feature, includ ing lisere braids, trimmed with flowers, ornaments and wings. Burgs-Na.h Co. Down Star. EN'S Silk Hose, 3 Pair, 50c Thread silk with double heel and toe, fine quality, black and tan only, 3 pairs, 50c. No mail or phone orders accepted. 3urcen-Naah Co. Down Stair. Store A Sale of Refrigerators That Is Important to You EVERY make that is featured here is famous for its minimum ice consumption, for absolute sanitary chambers, for simplicity of operation, for its beautiful case construction and superior finish, inside and out, and for every modern improvement that makes for ideal re frigerating conditions. Apartment-House Type Refrigerator Front-door top-icing type, made of ash, natural finish, white en amel food chamber with two wire shelves; ice capacity, 90 lbs., spe cial, $16.50. Top-Ice Type Refrigerator White enamel food chamber, two wire shelves, ice capacity, 75 ids. , special, S13.99. Three-Door, Side-Icing Refrigerator White enameled food chambers, with three re tinned wire shelves, ice capacity 60 lbs., special, $15. 75-lb., special, $19.50. Automatic Refrigerators All are three-door side-icing style, retinned, ad justable shelves, solid bronze hardware, automatic door fastener, eight walls of ice-saving insulation. No. 6 size, ice capacity 75 lbs., special, $29.50. BurfC-Naah Co. Down-Stair. Storo A Most Uncommon Sale of New Tailored Suits for women, large and small, and misses, at $19.50 and $24.50 alt tr h r ViL-V Mr?.-... .WH2 iwv m' ssmaj U. SW5--AV. J4Ea J" 'IT v 'a i Mi I U In TOO much stress cannot be brought to bear upon the real true importance of this offering for Saturday. Suits the handiwork of several of the best suit builders in this country, offered to you, at A Big Reduction from Original Price Suits that were made especially for Burgess-Nash just the sort that will appeal to the woman who enjoys wearing clothes that are different. Suits that embrace quality, distinctiveness and individuality; sizes 14 to 48. The materials include : Point Twills, French Serges, Trico'.ines, Men's Tweeds Gabardines, Black and White Check Woolens, Etc. Tan, Buri...N.ah Co. itmi Floor The colorings include: French Grays, Copens, L ght or Dark Mixtures, also Black Navy, A MERICAN Taf feta Umbrellas $1.00 Tape edge, guaranteed fast black and waterproof, made on a 7-rib, genuine Paragon frame and steel rod, 26-inch umbrellas. For Men and Women Handles are I real ebonine, plain or carv ed, also natu ral wood, some have tassels. We consider Hhe offering most unusual and suggest .e a r ly selec tion, as quan tity is limited. BurgMa-N.h Co. Main Floor lanaTi 4ffl HOT Cranes Linen Lawn 2 lcmd 49c Odd assortment of high-grade stationery, including Crane's linen lawn, priced to clean up, Saturday, at 21a and 49c. Burf.a-Na.h Co. Main Floor Breakfast Sets Skirt and Jacket $1.50 Good quality percale, rose bud pattern, collar and pockets of plain materials, finished with wide belt; sizes 36 to 44. Breakfast Sets, $1.75 Light colored percales, as sorted patterns, out sizes, 47, 49 and 61; skirt and jacket for $1.75. Kimonos, at $1.25 Jap crepe kimonos, plain col ors, floral or striped patterns, large assortment of colors. Buriaa.-NMh Co. Scono! Floor YOUR New Spring Hat BETTER came here Saturday and pick it out. We'll as sure you there's no better place. A style to suit every face. Hats, at $2.00 Burnasco Spe cial hats, soft or stiff. Hat., at $3.00 Burgess - Nash feature hats, soft or stiff. Sutton Hat. You know the worth of a Stetson; many new styles as well as the old favorites, $3.BO to $10.00. BurfM.-N..h C Fourth Floor Men's High Grade Shirts Reduced For Quick Selling at $3.45 THE sale will include all our high grade summer French flannel -shirts which formerly sold at the highest price of any shirt in our stock, and posi tively unobtainable under present conditions, together with tub silks, satin stripe, pure fiber crepe and a big assortment of silk mixtures, some of them are a little soiled. Our inability to buy more of these French flannel shirts necessary to keeping up the line, was the cause of our decision to close them out at such a big reduction in price. Men's Union Suits, $1.00 Knit and athletic styles, big assortment of qualities, assembled In one lot to close "odd" lots and broken lines, at sweeping reductions now, at the beginning of the season; price, $1.00. Pure Fiber Silk Hose, 25c Pure fiber silk hose, all colors, also white, at the mark-down pries of 25c. Men's Pajamas, at $1.98 Silk and other soft materials suitable for spring and summer wear; some soiled, shop worn and mussed, but you will want some of these pajama suits if you see them at the price, $1.98. Burf M.-N.h Co. Main Floor Drug Specials Pond's vanishing cream, 18c. Large powder puffs, 10c. Djer-Kiss face powder, 50c. Djer-Kiss talcum powder, 25c. Face chamois, 10c. Chappedine, 25c. Almo honey and almond cream, at 25c. Burgess-Nash vanishing cream, at 16c. Burgess-Nash cold cream. lc Military brushes, 29c, 59c, 79c, 57c. Transparent handle tooth brush es, 25c. Dr. Graves' tooth powder, 15c. German face powder, 39e. Le Sprit de Eosc face powder, at 75c. White ivory powder and puff boxes, 75c. Medicine and toilet bottles, white ivory case, 49e. White ivory combs, 49c. Colgate's tooth paste, 10c-20c. Sayman's soap, cake, 7c. Pebeco tooth paste, 29c. Burge...waan 10. Main rioor Men's Suits Specially Priced For Saturday in Three Groups at $15, $20 and $22.50 THREE great groups that represent the very best men's suit values you'll find anywhsre in Omaha. Suits that are in variety of model and patterns that will appeal to the young man as well as the more conservative dresser. Every garment is strictly hand tailored throughout, according to our specifications, the Biirgess-Naslh Staimdairdl which means the very best possible at the regular price. The materials are plain blue serges, homespuns and worsteds, in the season's most approved styles, including the pinch-back, form fitting, semi-fitted and box models. Single or double breast ed, skeleton, 14, or full lined. There are all sizes for everyone stouts, slims, stubs and regu lars and we know you will not only find the style and kind of suit you have in mind, but at a special price reduction. BurgM.-NMn Co. Fourth Floor EVERYBODY.? STORE"