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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA. I'll I DAY. APIi'II, js. l(li. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE rOCXDRD BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSKWATKR, EDITOR. Th Bw Publishing Company, Proprietor? FEB BUILDING, FAR.NAM ANt HKVF.NTKENTH. Fntered t Owthi poatofflco aa econd-clg matter TEIIM8 OJT SUBSCRIPTION. by carrier By mall per month par year, th.fiO 4 00 ,. 09 awl 4 01 .Ilee Jrm l.M t'ally and Hundav Baa. three rear In advance . 110 M ftmd node of choose of addra.a or Irregularity In 1" vry io rnin, riea, nreniatlon Uepartment. REMITTANOtt Remit by draft, esprr or poetal order. Only two rent stamps received In payment of amall accounts. Personal checks, ecpt on Omaha and caster) PaJtf anil ftundar Isajly without flunday Evening and Sunday Evening without Hunday.. Evantng without UunUay,. Punday He only... Omaha The flea Building. Kouth Omaha 111 N street. Council Bluffs 14 North MaJa Street Lincoln-! Mttla Building. 'hl.o !l eopla ) Building. New fork-Ron ni 11"., t8a Fifth venu. ft Loula Mg New hank of Commarra. Waahlna-ton 7 Fourteenth trat, N. W. Addrata rommunl'-ailorui relating to news and dl yriai wiTir to umuii pea, rouoriat i 'apartment. MARCH CIlltXUATION, 66,628 Daily-Sunday 60,628 Dwlcht Wllllama, olruulaUon manager of Tha ta Pubilah.loj oompajy talng duly aworn, aa that tha average clreulailun for tha moots of March, IKK, woe a.i dally and tU.M Munday. liVliiHT WILLIAM), Circulation Manager, tubaoribad In my praaoiu and awuia to bator ma UU ad d of April, UU. JUllk.ilf UUMTKIU Notary fubllo. tubacrliser leaving tha city leinporarll) houiu ! Tbe lie) mailed to them. Ad tra wLU bay (.banged often a request!. Ireland, though allfhtly dlgfigured, i gtlli fit tha ring. Those Rotarlans of Omaha ar raising omt 4utl Tbi speeding habit muat not b permitted to trow with growing Omaha. Justice Hughes' allenca la ao Increasing ourca of worry to tha noise-makers. Spring poata mesa well, but tbelr ideal lack tba aupport of tba waather bureau. A report on tba condition of Nebraska' two vice presidential boo mi would not bo out ol order. However, tba courteelea due a veteran Inaure Mr. Bryan a aeat In the reportora' aectlon at lit. LouU. Ready to join tba abort ballot movement? Or do you need a few mora demonitratlona of Hi neceaaityT Deiplte the war coat exhibit of 190,000,000, a day, deluded tbeorlita Initial war maka for protperltr and thrift. And it la worth noting that Sir Roger C inent I a native-born eon of the United King dom and not a "hyphenated" brltUber, Btatlatlca ahowlng three unmarried crlmlnala to one married crook In New York astlll further f mphaalrea'the reatralning Influencei of a mat rimonial bobble. Looking over the aworn atalementa or ran dldatea' expenaei In the primary campaign, the inevitable concluaion la that ao me body l do ing aoma tall lying. Another inalatent note haa gone out from the State department. Colonol Bryan'a fanioua recipe of a year of converiatlon la altogether too abort for an Inaiatent administration. The moat rampant of Brltlnhera, If capable of appreciating a newa aroop, muat feel aome what grateful to Germany for the detalla of aoa and air ralda which a cenaorlous government denlea to tba home reporter. Chalk Hall county up aa the banner county for Intelligent voting In the recent republican primary. In Hall county the wrltten-ln vote for Hughea outstrip the votea for candidate! whoae namei were printed on the ballot. Tha democratic World-Herald li already be coming alarmed leal the "amut-mllla" may be brought into action In the Nebraska campaign. Heretofore that paper haa claimed monopoly of tha "amut-mlir biiilne, which it evidently wanta to protect against InfrlnKement. In the latent official aummary, Nebraxka la Vnt down aa the third corn-producing atate, lilt nola leading the column. Rut Krbraaka haa a vaat acreage yet to be brought under cultivation, while Illlnol la practically up to Ita limit. N tiraaka will paaa lHlnula aonie of then di Ooverement reporta ahow thai the price of meat animals admin t-t 4 3 per rent In a niotiih and II 1 ptr out during tb twelve montha ending April li. A (ew weeka a a etockmea and packer told a romiititir of coturem that t'tey were nut gfltlpg their da Who got the iea moor) T Teachinj Treason. Thirty Years Ago ,Thia Day iu Omaha Ca ailed tim a ftlae. ""' 1111 A a' i 'l ltk f !. i.l la f..,! t Ma Hunt a '' aisl ervka a th tta i fr.-. ( if t' A IMnr t ' ;t .' f lit M(lnl. iiiiii t r iii.n 1 ttwa !. V ! Il4 I 4 Wwntt tf f a- '! e l 'i - M W 4Muih , r, m m.m lh kfvtkif t VAiO,i t l f.i. tu : tri fl o.'itkt t . mtt .'!. wfuea J . 1 1 vi. Vl'. h I H"ht Of ' I- . ! I I . . Ik l nil ". Iwl li,lg w. U(,t, 1, B!l.1,.iKMMf tm t. aa .v o MtuH'f r. k (.t i !tH A a.ia M a a fnwi tvu Vi ai i- nlt ! u w ri'M a a .) r i4 at In l i- W. a. I'wjssttAa a4 tH a aatk a I t t I f-W l'WiW ttH!w trm kf r Ka tWl aa Um-i kaai tit) ta a ! "You do solemnly awear that you will aupport tha constitution of the United Ftatea and that you abeo lutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any forelim prince, potentate, atata or aoverelfc-nty, Hnd particularly (by name) to the pi lnre, potentate, data or sovereignty of which y it were before a cltliten or subject; that you will support and defend the constitution and laws of the United Htatea aKalnst all enemlea, foreign and domestic, and hear true faith and allegiance to the eume. Ho help you, God." After hearing thia oath recited, which he, himself, had adminlMcred to the naturalized cltUena who were the Rotary club'a special gueatg for the occasion, a Judge of our district court, called on to make eome observations about naturalization, said In ao many words: "If, by chance, our country should have to go to war and you should h called to arms and have .o fight against the country from wlthh you came, If you ahould find ourselve opposite your former countrymen and should aim high so ss to ba sura not to hit any of them, I would not blame your as y , I would not blame you, If you should fire In tha air." Whether or not Judge Searg realised what he was gnying to the clasa of new American citizen, he was teaching them a lesson in treason, and If (hey were to act on hi Insidloua suggestion under such circumstances, they would be Inviting court-martial and summary punishment. Evidently Judge Sears does not, or did not, realize that in war time failure of one company yes, of one man to do hie full duty might mean the loss of the battle and the defeat of the cause for which tba nation in warring. This Is not a quibble of words or a differ ence in politics. It is a question of what la tbe essence of patriotism for a Judge of a court of law surely must know tbat when tbe citizen Ij enlisted ss a soldier it la for him to fight 'or till flag against any and every enemy country on earth. If thia judge were holding Judicial office Id Germany, or Oreat Iirltaln, or France, or any of the warring nations of Europe, and pub licly declared that he would not blame tbe aol diers fur firing In the air, if tbelr line hap pened to full opposite to a company made up of former friends or neighbors, we do not believe hi would long sit on the bench. In our own civil war It was often family against family and brother against brother and the bonda of blood had to be severed when the uniform waa donned. No man who deliberately "aimed high" when the command waa given to flra could excuse himself by any such speejous pleading. That doctrine la the doctrine of treason and nothing else. The Ree Is aa anxious aa any to keep this country at peace with all the world and to help our newly naturalized cltlzene work out their salvation and ours in tbla land of freedom which they have adopted. But they must, aa they really do, place America first, come what may, and it la not for any of ua to plant in tbelr minda the aeeda of treason and disloyalty. Crux in the Submarine Warfare, Secretary Lansing ha clearly reatated tha American position on submarine warfare. He emphasize tbe point that warning muat be riven by a submarine warship to a merchant vessel under all condition. He does not admit tbe right of a belligerent to aink a neutral ves sel under any clrcnmatance. This revert back tc tbe case of, the Frye, tbe first of the war, which 'has been somewhat overshadowed by the more aggravated Instance of submarine activ ity. Secretary Lansing also laya great atresa on the absolute right of tbe ship's company to safety at all times. Tbe statue of armed mer chantmen Is given more full consideration and explanation, so that our attitude on this point li now unniiHtakable, and the privilege of flight and the tight to resist la Insisted upon. The sending of tbe note to all embassies and legations la intended officially to notify the world of the American position on tbe question. It should be possible to conduct tbe aubmarlne campaign effectively along human line; If not, It must be abandoned, and thl 1 the attitude of the I'nlted States. , ' Democratic Split on the Philippines. The house caucua of democrats haa been unable to agree on the Philippine bill aa it came from the aenate, and a lively issue has teen raised behind the closed doors, where the work of congress Is secretly mapped out. Many member of the majority party balk at the pro posed perfidy of the measure the president drov through the senate. These men realize the ob ligation of the United Statea to the Islanders, the ti'ore binding because it ia moral rather than igal. and they understand the dangers of fol lowing the plan proposed by Messrs. Wilson and Hitchcock. Opponents of this Iniquitous meas ure w ill at least have a hearing before It la dra rooiud through the lower house by the party CAUCUS A powerful lobby of mestizo polltlrlana is buay, not only at Washington, but throughout the country, seeking support for the Hitchcock bill. Thtie will become the ruling clim.. in the UUmK khoiilil th United States withdraw Its piote. toratc, and will be permitted to devote lheuiH lvra to the exploitation of the full blood liative on a scale lieer practiced before. Their keen Inlereat In having the independence" of the nallvea l up l quit ctimprehrnaibla, Moi material Hiti rt-U vt the I nind ftlaW-a are involved in thr malti't r'or eaiuple. all the KtltpUio imitiey now In UtruUtlon reals on Die credit r lHtln !! h? tha prearnc ' our It.ivef umi'Ul. Atl Uaue of I '.'. (' 0 uf Klli- I uui .,.ii.U i entiiei oned l thi rvuntrt, chltH li v lugs baulix. and Ihrae become irlhie- thi n mnnit haul ! n ilie fl at MauiU Aiitvruan .ti'al rmpUveJ Mi tha laltud t!l l a !!, aM Aiot-i li'n rrautcttt tiivie, l at tH Hmuii'ui 1 our tuvrr&iuent, ill ba tpit to en. lit cm ,oUai lo lue en- I I iMit'f il in Mmo, bm I ftiir l:ii glf lip pt.l. tvitalr r rvm a lal and politu at fui ef t. Id ilaoq II t,hi' k till U atui'liu tn of !m 4 to il i it is ii.ltetei'W Saw TvU t l fifty Im'4, tn tha smouat vf la e-voi" Warts- ( pee rrut mt n4 In! kelci la at w, troin'it th I Ikeal rn.a ef lh aeaaoa, IM1 Aa hani, tf t alt tr tk to8trf tn li aa4 ra4f trkt for m4 wtltta Lost Stars and New Stars Oarratt T. laraiaa. THERE) la no known Instance of the midden or In atantaneous dlnappearance of a star. Jn fact, with tha exception of tha vanishing of atars which had first been seen to make their appearanea. I. ., "new stara." there la no certain record to prove that any reoognlied member of the starry host haa aver dlaappeared. A conalderabla number, however, have faded, while other have brightened because they belong to th large claaa of tbe variable stars. The star Megrez, at the Junction of the handle and bowl of tha "Great rlpper," for Instance, was once, on tha authority of Tycho Brahe, aa bright as the other six star con stituting the dipper figure, but at present, a you may ace any clear night. It Is relatively faint. Tha Intercatlng legend of the "Ixat Pleiad" Is, no doubt, baaed upon another Instance of a gradually fading atar. which was once plainly vtslhla to the naked eye, but has now becouia too faint to be no ticed without optical aid. There la uncertainty, how ever, aa to Jut which of tha Plelada It Is that for merly shone more brilliantly. Some think It la Plelone, other Asteropa, and still other Celaeno. Rut no one of these thru stars Is Invisible, under fa vorable circumstances, to a keen eye. Tha brilliant topaa imr Retalgeuaa, In th ahnulder of Orion, although ordinarily of mora than the ftrat muKnltude, haa occaalonally sunk considerably below (bat magnitude, Tn IM2 It waa the hrlghteat star 1n the northern hemisphere, and In IsM It again blasod un with great brilliancy. It 1 probably hundrede of tlmca greater than our aun, but Hecchl thought, from the character of Its spectrum and Ita erj-entru) changea of bright nees, that It ta approaching extinc tion. Tha Inhabitant of th planets that Retelgeuaa rules ar to ba pitied! Their sun may hurt for million of yeara yet, since the agony of a star I vastly pro longed, but already Its radaatlon hsa become ao vari able that their seasons must be In fearful disorder. Hut there la a far worse raa than that of Bertal getise, 1 refer to Mlra "the wonderful," In the con stellation of the Whale (Cetus). In a period of about 331 day this aalonlahlng alar changea a thousandfold In brlghtneaa, being at one tlm far below tha rang of the naked eye, and not brighter than th ninth magnitude, and at another time rising to a degree of brightness but a single step below tha first rank. Aa It fade It turns red, and when It brlglitens again It la like a ruby flaming Into a diamond, A flee e outburst of white light marks the culmination of each struggle of that hopeleaaly dying aun, avnd then It fndc snd slnka sgaln Into a atate of ex- hauation. Ita planets. If It ever hsd any, must long since have perished, their death,. atrli kn forms periodically Illu minated by the fitful glare, Ilka stiffened victim of a maaaacr, left near their expiring camp-fire. While no long known and recognized tar haa, far aa record a show, aver suddenly disappeared, new tar have suddenly buret Into sight, and afterward faVtd rapidly away. In 1901 an amazingly brilliant atar made Ita appearance almost In the twinkling of an eye, far as nakad-ey observation waa con cerned, at tha border of th Milky Way, In th con atellatlon Perseus. For a little while It waa nearly, or quite, aa bright a Hlrlu. It soon began to fade, and In a few months It had changed, wholly or par tially, Into a nebula, Invlslbl to th naked eye, and It still exists. Thl marvelleu phenomenon 1 generally believed by aatrononiara to hav been caused by a collision in open space between two previously Invisible stars, whose Invisibility may hav been due either to their axceaslv remoteness or to their slight brightness, Wa know that th atara are atl In motion with valooJtlee sufficient to causa an Immense outburst of heat and light If they ahould run agalnat on another, and th fact that at least fifteen new star hav been re corded since the acientlfla observation of th heaven began make It aeem probable that oolllalon do occa alonally occur. Even the near approach, without collision, of two great atara would suffice to prodiur a similar e&taa troph through the effecti of their tidal strain upon each other, In IB7I, In the tlmeof Tycho Brahe, a naw star, even mora brilliant than that of 1901, burat out, also at th edge of the Milky Way, In th constellation Caastopela. There were no tclescopea and no spectroscope thnn, and when the atar faded beyond th reach of the naked eye tha precise place that It had occupied wa lost; but Tycho, with hla Imperfect Instruments, made meaaurea of Its place which today aerve to tell ua ap proximately its location. There I no visible star ther today. Baltimore's Goodby to Billy Baltimore American. For two months hsa Rev. William A. Sunday con ducted revival aervlres at the York Road tabernacle. It ha kept every appointment, ha not missed a sin gle service, but with unflaglng energy, with seal and with wonderful carnestneas has callod on alnners to quit their sin, to lead upright, decent Uvea, to make better records on earth and to prepare for tha here after. Thouaunda upon thousands have hit the trial, hav promised to he good and It remains for them to keep their prominrs and to prove that th leeaons learned at Ihe tabernscle are going to hav a per manent effect. Mr. f mid ii y and members of his party hav entered Into tha soetnl life of tha city and have held religious services in the homea of some of the leader of Balti more society. In these homes he ha been treated with the utmost consideration, ahown every oourteay and haa arouaed among throe people a true Interest In the work he la doing. Not a few of thoee who henril him in theae homes have'made frequent vlalt to hla tabernacle and nome have Joined In the hitting of the. trail. To the critic of his language and his method Mr. Numlay haa made, no replica. In this he ia wtaa. No one who knows him, no one who haa coma In cLuaa contact with him, can have a doubt of his alocorlty. He la, without a doubt, the greaieet evangnluit In the world today and no man living could hav done the work he haa done in Haltimore In th iaat twu inunllia In In letter to the American Mr, Sunday thanks Ihe people of Baltimore for their hnaollaltty, for their enlhuaiaam. tr Ihelr lilierallty, fur their encourage ment, for their loyal support. It haa been a great t;m fur him and who hil nay It haa not been a great and good time for Haltlmnre? Ilia work will prova itaelf. If 11 bi of mnn It will mini to naught, but If It I'" of tied ye laniiut ntrrthrnw II. Ualllrmwa . gmltpced to Mr, tum.lay and to alt hie m May their lampalgna In other rltlaa be wttemlett with lb Minn auccvaa that haa marked than tajiipain In tuitimore. Twico Told Tales 7 irv v Indaatrr end Peralatenec. COUNCIL BLUFFS, Ia April 2S.-To tha Editor of The Bee: I received your check today for the amount of the sec ond prize awarded In the Shakespeare puzsle. In thanking you for this, I nleo wish to say that I enjoyed working on it, despite the fact that I went over the entire Hat four tlrnea, a rather tiresome task. A it la the first time I have ever sent In an answer, I was greatly ur- prlaed and pleased at getting a prize when they ar always so many answers. PHYLLIS a WHKHLETl. Who Wrote Abakeepearef OMAHA, April W.-To th Kdltor of Tha Be; The Chicago court the other day that decided that Bacon wrote the plays and sonnet of Shakespeare had all th evidence en that aid. Other than that William Rhakeapesre waa a wander fng actor in London In th time of Queen KUzabeth and that there ar six of his signature extant (beside those found lately by Prof. Harriett and hi wife of th University of Nebraska) to ordinary document on oourt records relating to property, ther Is nothing to show that he wrote the greatest of all literature) and much to th contrary. It seema that In lf97 (Hhakespear died in 1816) rthakespeare waa given a thou aand pounds and sent from ixmdon to Bt rat ford on the Avon, which was a long, long way In those days, Thl ws done In ordor to Induce him to Incur the risks entailed by allowing hi name to appear upon the play. For had Queen Kltzav bcth known that 8lr Francis ftaoon, sft erward Viscount Bt. A loan', had writ ten them, she would have cut off his head, since sha was determined to pun ish tha author of "Richard II," and alia Is reported to hsve said, "Brest thou not tht I am 'lllchard 11 " There 1 no evident tlitt Shskeie tie ever earned as much ss ten slilllkiics In any week while ne livtt m lonJn. Of the three llkeneaaea extant of Hiiuk. pear, known aa the 4tra'ford, the P'Avonant bust and tha wood rut lit the first edition of the works In HU, known as the lroehout print, not orm of them can bo called authentic. "It seema almoat Incredible," says Iuirnce, "that people with eyes to s should have looked on thl so-called portrait for 800 year without perceiving that It constat of a rldltnilous putty-faced mnak, fixed with a stuffed dummy, clothed In a trick coat." If on will notice, It will be seen tha th coat 1 Impossible, be oause th front and back aro composed of th same left arm. and the right-hand side of the forepart I obviously the left hand side of tho back part, giving a harlequin appearance to the figure. Bacon' aotentlflc works ar under hi own name, and they are I'e Augment! and Novum Organum. The flrat 1 about better advanced teaching, and th aeoond. refer to th new logic of science; that Is, th Inductlv method, aa n ad dition to th book of ArUatotl, called the Organum, which treat of peou latlv or deductive or old formal logic. On th title page of "De Aug-mentls," publlahed In 1646, and aa the frontispiece to the play of "King lUnry VII" In th Latin edition, published In Holland In Wl, th same wood cut appears. In both w aee that ridiculous coat on one of th figure of the dummy Phuke spe&re. To the left Hlr Francis Usoon stands himself in the garb of a philoso pher and with grand Roaecruclan rosnt upon his shoes to prova It. On the right we see 'him again, but tbla tlm d l eaned In the boot of tha actor and In his ift hand he shakes a apear. The turning wrheel in th center of tha picture shows th emblem of many hf the plays, Wil liam Shakespeare could not even wrlle hi own nam nd the clerk had to do It for him. It generally appears ss "Wllm Bhxpr" and then Shakespeare put hi mark aa an "x" or a blot, Borne twenty year ago the people thought Ignatlu Ionnelly of Minnesota crazy when he ald he had found the key to decipher Hhakeepeare and clulin lng the authorship for Bacon. Hut he wa right, for Bacon algna the piny in cipher often, and in very many wuya. Not only by aecret numbers, as ";V secret letter. Ilka "hlc," "hlg,'' ' "hoc," "hog," or take thla from "Klrur Henry IV": "I have a Gammon of Bacon lo be delivered a far a Charing i'ro." There are hundreds ef these ciphers that show that Bacon meant that the people ahould know that he wrote the playa and sonnets when the time came that it would not be dangerous to his rerxou. GBOrtQK P. WILKINSON Editorial Snapshots Hatred el Pawllrto, i-jtna iril hat ,it.t u u y lie lha f.vina t troi maw He tti. la a liskt tilling alt nf tha laical ml, and b Wlui.a .tuMliM waa a 4 wm t( !? -at nfvmnt tnt be waa 'tln)r ohau"'i ba e'i'. Ha rdtixrt tfta t waa li-iii iij ! . read a ei'ltc ta vf rat "I r eaaaemewl." k fc'aa t ana.t ta'l t'i h ahi. ka t t waa t a a t.iuai . 1ium Mi l.i , tii'tt VV ware ail rl.astm t It.w not.-k) r" ia f lha t ' aa flaw ita a t',fitil Mteplaveit atbt, ! '''a ' v l ! eiraeia iit i i ,a l-.l lii'la tki!4 t ttaM A n4t..l twkta iwtina w.Hiaa auj ktw Hunt (or a t iet Tka in - t f aiHitk alia e..t ' ik ibl ai,t I ! t -r r.,r laa.ti- at. t. . lt ! alai Oka, an4 s ka t w uM ti-t a wk e-wai tu k .uw. iiv,.t. nii itu! aa. wl,-k4 owl thtna rare M um fa4 Ik et.u. !!,' ' K"4 lte t h d wma ai4 Ik tHira naa r ' I " t n4 bar at I ' w-y i-i T"f MI lltt. New York World' Nebraska has votej In favor of total abstinence from Bryan Ism, Houston Post. Recalling the beautiful way In which Nebraska acted Iaat Tuea day, we would be glad for the dear little state to eome down and take dinner with ua next Sunday. Ixmlavtll Courier-Journal.' The fic tional father dislikes the suitors for hla daughter's heart and hand and kicks them down Ihe front stepa. The real life daddy wonders which of them Is adequately prepared to relieve him of th expenae of Mabel. Cleveland Plain I'ealer: A Pittsburgh poker plnyer held two straight fluithe within thirty minutea, and died violently a few nunutea later. Thla country lan't what It once was'. In former tlmea lie would have ped out much sooner. at, !vu!s tWpuhllr: If Colonel It.wae. veil contetnplatea th number ef people In Vebiaek who wrwte Juatlce H iglica' name on tbelr hallol a In the prvud'-nital primal r election he may become i-unnld-erwbly mure alu. era la hla ilm' i:i"ti tbat ha la ftM a iand)lit Chicago HeiaM If the tox'i 'r In o to iih loer Carienaa wilt pmb aa I-r v Wviils lilmaote lip l tie It a l.t lelr I the 11 ' lU i., I t f clita lha ttiintrttxte l.tlni if , l ear.l l) aiabl-'ihuieiit of a i"rniiiituunl a v- f inll.txl roi.kuf.h p;el. h ll Iwk i i. . Firt uti t itwa t,n tWi.t trf h t h piiaia Inal a r-uihual a-mm i Ita t- table l min i ef a ntr e m-ia Hafuit, w.n t.k.ei be i,W( wi.iia tie Ui a ....!..! a'' 1 1 a him w a ia' Ike war I WotU ke a lUmi t li aiiiti oi'.n !. ., Ik niii, I, .ianr u Sew,- meb.-w Ikat lr nlit a. i: tiikH lai uf u. iaxi m f,a r. tn v v aa aNn ky It a p.anij kraita fi,i. rl wa a- t wiitt eur ae. u" .i ef i,a a n ta-a',a ai I ka-'.aa 1 1 ! aiaa l t u 4 : ' i if r t.i.i a a. 14 iaaai t'(a lfr . t p ,t kmi aca at ak tff i.a a iha eikar kt.ja k4n , H r-,f. 1 ..i..( Ikat ta -,.' I - a 1 ' k. .- . 4M aair C. a'arj I Itii'tl t th aia; LINES TO A SMILE. ' The conk wanta to borrow something from th library, fchall I let her have It?" "Certainly. If sha gets Intereated In a story she may stay until she flulabea It. (live her one of thoae long Kngllsh novels In four volumes." Kansas City Journal. "'Vlli you dance thla dance with me?" "Mother haa forbidden me to danc with you." "But she la out of the room." "So It wouldn't be any fun. 'When she comes back I'll give you a dance.' Loulavllle Courier-Journal. "Where's your little brother?" "He hurt himself." "How?" "We were seeing who could lean out of the window the farthest, nd he won." Boston Transcript. "The ordinance for all vehicle to curry a light was one much neded, especially on the roods. They ere not enough lit up." "But a good many of tho speeders are." naiwiuore American. doean't care what happens to bis ward robe when he makes up his mind to slide for second baae'-tt ashlngton Star. The imatl datiirhter was lndustnomly Ironing her doll clothes when her mother entered. "It's wrontr to work on Sunday, lluve you forgotten the Lord see you?" "This iHn t work. And if the Lord docs aee me, he knows perfectly well this iron In cold." Judge. "Mister, I'm a stranger In town, loat and can't find my way to depot." "Better settle right advlaed the booatnr. Cttte In a better place, I'm tho here, my friend." "You coitldn 1 lo-'-Uill.Hl.urKh Post. PEAR MR .IMHbiiLS, SHOULD A fiiRL CHASE AFttR A MANf -PAUtwe- 5AMfJ NO NOT IF HCS COMlWq YWR WAV! i,5wflo WIHUr The new cook Is a .tewel, dear, Mr, Willis Ye, but I'm aTralil that I must dlachaige her. Willis What's the matter? Mr. Wlllla I'm auspicious of her. f wont to the library this afternoon snd spent three hours In th" reference rooin and couldn't find any of hers. Judge. He I suppose you women will now hsve to have all sorta of military touches about your new spring costume. Hhe Well, why not? Hon't we wives hav to fight to get them? Baltimore American, "I understand your husbsnd hn equipped his factory with a pitltnolor, Mrs. Nurlch," "Well, I suppose h hsd to; they han dle so much heavy frnlght, don't you know." Buffalo Kx press. "Parents often disagree about, raising children." "Yes. A mother like a boy who wouldn't get a sieck of dust on bis I'lolhes. And a father llke one who "(Senator. I wish you'd recommend this young msn for office." "But 1 know of no office I could net him " "That's all right. I don't really vnt. him to get miv office, Hul he wants to marry my daughter, nnd If he hs dime anything shady In the past I'd like to have facts brought out," Lotil.nllle Courier-Journal. Little Lemuel Ray. psw, ate all Hie word In Ihe dl' tlonsrv? Paw No. I guess not, son, Cvery lllllo while a new word come Into lire, Little lymuel Then what Is the very Inst word, paw? Psw I don't know, son, 1 1 nml ssk your mother. Indianapolis New, A POETIC KICK. K. L. rtoberts, In Judiio, No carping critic, I, of dress; All feinnle garb looks good to me; 1 deem esi h style s gresl suei ess. No matter what. Its slinpn my be I hold that women folk sre fee" To wear the styhs they wlh lo wear There's Just one tiling from which I flee! Bustles re mote tbsn I csn bear! Tight garments cause me no distress, Nor slits which show the rounded knee; In low-necked gowns I McqulcH' e, Although they court cetiislrnpbe Hy showing (wenly vertebre; Huch thltiKH make women seem more f 11 It Hut one tiling fills me with entiiil; Hustle uta mote thnn I oin hear! The style which none would lulu sup press, J view Willi Mpprnhallve tjlee. I like tlm lacy gowns, and - yes I like the shortest onis I see; Nor do I care to whiit degree A skirt limy swirl or cling or l'lmr: But heitr oh hour my fl rut decree; Bustles are more Ituiti 1 cim be11! ' KNVOV. Mv love, I'd go upon spree if you should ever, ever dure To he ft hustle-devotee; Hustle am more Hum I cuu heui ! mm mum Absolutely Pure No Alum No Phosphate j mm? Ml "Sir If IF ' 1 f -A,ri-. itikeli rtoMkagMjgMB iaWailk 'A- .Va u-i- III 1 TT7 ItlllittMtl TheFiiieFlavor iltatuYUiFoi'et Eat a piece of broiled Supreme I lam, and you'll never forget its delicious flavor. There's mildness, and goodness that can't be described. You'll just have to taste this toothsome slice to know how good ham can really be. It's of the same quality as all IbodPuoducis There's Supreme Boiled I lam, and Su preme Ilacon cured and smoked with every care. Supreme Lard, Supreme Mutter and Supreme and Supreme Poultry. Supreme Canned Meats, Su preme Cheese, Supreme Peanut Butter allgood as good can be. A Supreme dealer knows that his customers will be pleased with any Supreme Food Product. "!t'$ alwayt $aft to $ay Suprtm" Morris y Company 'Mm 8. T. Waieh, JO LaavaawurtU, Omaha, Ma. W, . Wataoa. li Cuuttba', Omaka, Man, 4. ahairar. a. a Omaha. Hak. 11 W0 Is an ideal beverage, most refresh' - ing and gently stimulating. It tones your system. Phon DoutU$ l$$9 anJ hav a can) itnf fSom LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., Diitiirutom r a SN ar' VrjmS-f