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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1916)
THK BKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. Ai'l'lL l.m,. ' "'1 BENSON WOMAN IS BURNED TO DEATH Mrs. I. N. Jones Builds Fire In Chicken Brooder House and Burns Herself to Death. AFTER ATTACK OF DEMENTIA Jfrs. 1. H. Jones, 7 yenrs of age. residing od n five-anc trat t at Fifty ninth and KowIpt avenue, died at yesterday, following an attack f dementia, during hlrh ahe burner) eraelf In a chlrkon brooder houaa, While- her huabanc wan plowing In a fleM ehe gatherer) up aonin straw and went Into the brooder bona, h started a fire. Neighbor rusbfej lo the, woman' reanm and summoned th husband. lr, J, F, Ila'imsnn of Hennon and nnr" were railed, but the burn were too eevere to sr the vlrtlrn'a life, Mra- Joii"a te irvlil by fmir 'bit dran: A. It Jnnea ttt Vnrur.f, I if. fl. J Jonee of Munro. Mich., Mra, .1 I, Brownlae "f Ouraj, ('nlri, and Mm Frank Alexander of Wl itewocil, ft, PREACHER-MAYOR. WHO TALKS HERE TODAY AND SUNDAY. Settlement to Give Play to Raise Some Money for Victrola An enlertalmjietil fur Hie Nodal HMtl. went vl'ifrl fund will be alvn tbla evening at Tiirnrr ball. Thirteenth and Martha rpt, wider Ihe dlrectlmt cf Mlas Delilah Hvrd, Ihe head resident. Tha prngrein Inclndea a collrae play in he, glvn by the freltlement raiitpflr sriup, M . by Mla Helen 'larutt and Mlina f,cla. HoMrea1 tnualcal n'itflbera by .lean fjllhcrt .lone. MH Mlnncha ri'itllo and .Inacph f.ttkuwakli a I'wlnwc danca by Mind Maraaret Huffman and Mlaa liretehcri I,sriadfiri; a acenn from "Tha Merchant f Venice" by Ml PliyMla Tebblns and Mlia Wlccri M'faf. frey, and victrola nntnbera by a machine Mrnwiol by in r.ebranf (yrl com pany. 'ilrl of fha dnmeatle arlenre rlaa will conduct, a sale of lmtne-nad randl'-a, A email edmlaalon char will b made. A j4. Ha-v- ' T ROTARY WELCOMES . NEWEST CITIZENS Dinner m Honor of Naturalized Americans Given at Hen shaw Hotel. James Bates Case, Involving Estate of SSOOsJostponcd fUmnt. of tba Jamca rtatca ciia, which Attorney lcncrl W'llllf K. tlfA a?rt ahoiild caebcat to th attf, liaa twen pfwlpnti'd until Monday becauaa of tb Inability of Ju1 Hry t ''rawford to dlcpoan of mora t"'aln foaltcra. Hate died, leaving bla forlnna to Man And'raon, tba guardian appointed by court. II bad no relative norvdepend enl. Heed declre Hatea waa net con ptent to rnaWa a will and, flicrefor', b aaya, Anderaon baa no clnlm on tba rnonay and It ahoiild b ttjrn'd tivr In the aehnol fund. III.V W .1 IIIM'I.IV Many Apply for Job to Handle Children On the Playgrounds Member of ibe llrnllon board b (.elfiied from He! of IV) Mppllcanla Hie follOHlli fifl'in tibo will take fun ml failon ophI Tbnrcriay for twHvi- p,.j llotra aa anprri Icor of pulillc pla vgrnmn! HiM 'aon ''oineilH MncilrMja't 'I, I'o lofea Hteecc, f'oi'ijxla Hawrly, lean Hi'jtei, Nora allaiadi, In Miller, Alb McMabnn, l.llrn llopklna, Itmnn Mow r1, Alberta I", llnillcy.K A, Myan, May Taylor, KiiHi liln'harl, llanna If, All wood a lid Ann l M'lllen, I'aili iiieiiibcr ,f H,e hoard aeleii1 three of the many applicant. The for mer phin aaa to allow nil npplbaii'a lo lake axamlnallona ami make appoint ni'iiia opr.n lbf eliowlna tb'rn mailc. Tho board rc'cnlly took over the cm ployiiicril of all aupervlanra, Mat ae on Xupcrlnienrtent KnrMah iond'itei the emlnatona and recomineri'led (ha appotnlmenta which were lonflrnned. Here Are Some of the Birds Now With Us Membera of tha teacbeia' tralnln claa of tha ptihllc, aehoola on tVedneaday oh aervad the following blrda In interview park; r'owblrd, robin, hlnehlrd, mvnle war bier, mourning dova, rartnal, phhe, whlte-breaatcd nut-halch, rlilppfng apar row, black and while, warbler, bronze araabela, wren, whllc-throaleil aparrow, flicker, brown thraaher, hawk, goldllncb, r7nllah sparrow. GO EAST TO METHODIST GENERALCONFERENCE Rev. Tltiia lowa, pajilor of the TIM Methodlat church; Ilev. I.', rj. flrown accompanied by hla wife, nd M, 1), i.'nm eron nd wife, Wedneaday nii'ht left for tha aat over the Northwealcm, Kolnn to Haiaioaa, S. V, wher next week Hie general conference of Ibe ileiho.llai church will he held. They ro aa dele, galea of tha Omaha dlatrlct. riurtnir the abaence of Hev. Mr. linr, tha pulpit of the I'lrat Melhodlal church will ha filled by Itov. F", H. Hleln, a Methodlat paator nf Mncoln. lie will preach next Hunday morning and evening. OMAHA SUFFS TO VISIT COUNCIL BLUFFS SALE Omaha volea-for women pnihnalaata will go acroaa the river Maturday to pat. rnnUa the blK aiiffrane "l! M.le hil! bar to tie Kl ven by Council Hlnffs mf. fraglata under Ihfi (llie !lon of Mra Leon ard Kverntt. Mra. It (', iilnney 'and Mia. 1) f, Craig haad ar iu (IiumIih anffrHainin who ara ludplng in the low campMiaa Mra. Humiiry la nwiklnii jeriin ,, hi It. u tley, la, toiluy ami Mra, rraiabrad b,. been wnrklnf In (lie I lc enth ill-lml alt of thla wirk Thern will .m no oritHlilHcd naice of Suffrage diy. May I, in Sriiia-M. Candidates File Expense Accounts Th folio luif ripe rue ac.counta bay been filed by a:cerful and unaU'C'i ful randlddtea: !, W, Walll", $!,; !onld Ma a IKO.S, lienjamln liakcr, $3as; Oaortra A. Iay, 2H, I)avld Mercer, $9; ', K Kotcr, $T3.r; (ieorae Korera, $IM.7 Marry Marrow, W. f. lhatnbera l6f.; II, (. I'oiinaman, IW,2; It. O Honlar, M9 74; '. W. Hrltt, H.71; A. ! 'oiripion, 172; )'. W, Iteed, 115; A. I. Kiillon, 17: f.; f, Hce', $9; K. ti, Holo mm, S:C'; A, I'. Hakeley, IVl.Vr, lUibert I'a'rlck, :AXr, f'harlea A. Goaa, $Z77.3 A, C Ifarle, Harry Klehnrly, 8.7J J. M. Fltaa-erald, W.M; U. A. M(iny, . J. Tl. Madden. A. C. Troup, gl' A, II. I lelow, t!'I; W, A. Itcdick, 4f.0 Harry l;yrne, none; rya f'rawford, 1 Charla J.ellc, f..'l; f ee Katlle, SI7 M0T0RMAN ALLEGES WIFE TAUGHT CHILDREN TO SWEAR lieclarlna that ahe tau(;h' her two email iblblrcn lo drink ahlaky und awmi', Hirry h, Hrown. a tre-t car mo lorinart, b filed ault for divorce from hla Hlfe, Anna Hello Hrown, In dlatrl'l com l. They were married In Council Uluffa In lull, cilie lia a on unaovernahle temper, he aaya. Hot Water for Sick. Headaches Tells why everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It before breakfast. TWO GRANTED DIVORCES AND OTHERS ARE TRYING Headache of nn kind, Ih lauaed h aiilo-lnloxl. aU'Ul--wbb h Incline e!f-i-aiinlnn. I.lver and bimel pooi cnlb-d toklne, aui l, ,1 inlo Ih,- bloiiil, lliiouh the lymph dil' tn, i xciie Ibc heart, which piimpa the bbHid wi f 1 that It mnsieat. In the Mmtllcr iiitMiia und m Ina of the hend, t roilucln' ilnit, thioliblna pain anil lllMl'-r', tll' t hi I In, hi -A mi be- one neroi,i, ,, p,iiiilt-nt i!,-!,, ferrlah and blc. y-cir incule an-.u and al mint ,Niie.'iie y . i . J Then iicl iceoil lo ai etiilllllilc, li -liciili oi the oroilildeii which Hiul ii lv t'li.-M! bin do no il l the blnod of (in ni.lilli ii !.,.ih' A aim,- of hot wi1M with a iphPooii l of rilicetitne plo-epliali' III P, ibalih M-fole tin i!ifnl lot a lilli , mill ii"l vali Hki-c "il,-"!i fi'-tn loir ftctii ail-1 l-.ile "I "f i. Mil He. I- ( 1 1 H III I U 1IM ivnlfv ii. I tr. in-ii tl- inMi" nltii!' niai an I, A.k ... pl.Hii ! 't ''I u-nl'rl l-i.i.nd of Hie- i"i.' i 1, -ei'l.r. ! H u I" e!-. HH ImI i iIC"" ilar m l ' -i U. 1- ' - ;! ! i - ' llliKC Wllitli i toil ICO' -I'll1 Jf v. f. "li I--' ' j i., i , ,, I,. , i. ,i. .i . i i n;i i i ; ,l i.i i' li -" i-,tw , i,,u k 1 1 tf . H-i.i l.l'l-.i s -i , i,l.ll- I iil i- i ... , ... -( I l. ll I-.- II Hi' PUI- .1- I j .,, I i II I li- I . -l,l . WO0DR0UGH MAKES BIG TALK The wldeaprpMrt Idea that tha na tive Auior.i itn InoH.t w ith patronage inrt IH-concoalod Inlcrante on the naturalized cltizpn was rorredrd laat evptiing alien tho Omaha Rotary club gave a dinner In honor of iut-! urallr.ed-lti&ona of Omaha. The rtotatlana, In true Rntarlaa spirit, acted the part of big brother' o the men from gcroaa the sea. Amid the pohxh of mahogany amti mImt ami cut glass and fine. Iiun they tat together and partook of good viands and sang patriotic aonris and had tpee-i-hcs made to them. It wa an Irlahnum, If the record of : hlatory ha correct, who remarked tht "on man'a Juat aa good aa another, be Sorry, an' a dutn sight bftllier" Tha ttotarlana exemplified tha aplrlt which tha Irlahman-or ll may hav been a Pruaalan. a Frenchman or a rtueaian meant to fpre, ih hrolherhoi fif man. I.aleal In (aharvt Tha fnat part of the rvemng waa da voted in fating and tha alnalua of pop ular nonga from the official book. Al atictr Krank Norton and 'Oraln K chan a" Adama tera ao tarried aay hv tlielr feellnai that they paed among the iihlea with violent cnntottlona and ,Of-al eruptlona In a correct Imitation of cabaret alngera. winning grrat applauaa. KVIth the coffee and clgara tha big automobile born at tH apeakera' tahlo honked, and It. K ('. Unity, toaatinaa- tcr. rore and dcliiei.d ii melcuina lo Ihe new i-itliene He i,ihl, mn (he sreal herllnKc which they have In common with the native bom, a heritage of lib erty und oppiii-tunltv found In no other countrj; and he aaxiired them that they ar walconia to thla land and to Omaha, and thai their native-horn fellow i ltlrena ara proud of them and Inlet rated In their aucceaa. I.rralrat of All llllra. f!rpoiia waa made tiy Kugene J flardoa. a native of Hungary and now an American eltlren, who de larad earn- eatly that tha tit In 'American cllUen" la tba gieateat that a man ran aaplre to. Tha fnlled htatea oath of alleglenia aa read by Harry O, falmer. Hlatrlct Judga V. Heara made aoma ohaervatlona upon nnt urnllanl Ion Tha principal addreaa wa delivered by Joaeph W, Wnndrntigli, newly apnntd federal 'Judga for tha dtatilrt of Ne. braaka. "America haa been well railed tha melting pot of dm nation." ha aald In tha ceuraa of a ahott hilt ratneat and i witty talk. "Here different racou, vaa-y. j mg Ideals. Mmbltloiia, strlvlnaa ale j brought together, and out of them are made the American people. The niclj Ins pot ia cruel aometlmea; tta licnt. la tre. mrndoua. Hut out uf It cornea a finer product than can be eci,-eii any otner way, Thn day that nai gone thjoun tha fire of the kiln and become vltrlflryl will wltbatand almoau any amount of wear. Thn clay only half-baked la good for nothing, It la ao with human clmr aufer. ill of Our Family. "Theta ara many people wno come here from foreign landa and they live unto Ihrniaehra Tliev never wora through the outer cruet They neiv-r amalgamate themaelvea with (heir fellona. Thla din ner of Ilia flotary cluh la doing a great work In ahowlng the foreign horn cltUcna of Omaha that they a-- our brother and that we. are all nna family," Tha Greek oath of alb-glanca waa re pealed by all the dlnera at the cloae of tha proaraoi, and then there waa period of hand-ahaklng. fleveral telegrama and lettrra were read i thn a,l jol csll- If of tie' .from fitment it'darlum. Alio a letfr ( from "Pa" n'uie expreaamg hla thanlia to ino etui) ror lirlnalnij 4,0) achool jdun out to the opening game jOiniihii bawe ball tluli. Thla move, ha IS-'id, hia pnAmbly won for Omaha tha cup offered bjy (lovernor fapper nf Kan- aa City to. the city m the Weatera lesun having the largeai attendance ai tne opening fenaa ball game. e . . . M V "! oinea fllarbt Barb. , , Ann -j-a- did the thing up right hr Inviting tha Kotarlana, their wlvea and aweetlurnrta (that la to aay, their wltaaic or awia-lhoarta, aa the Caae may ha) to be the guciia of the Omaha baaa ball cluh any week day. The committee hi charge of tha dinner waa roniponed of lir. K. (', Jlenry, J. R gj i.vibii'i. . ii r.ngiicn ana lUrley (i, Monrhend. I I lire t one I ! j r King a New ja-ovry will eur?' w . ....I. ii m aoMi-,nr ana aooining killn the cold germa All drugglata,-Ad h verHcemciit. lei si- , i- f:l r WMWf m'-no' v;!' . - I I'M' z li A,:: fhy'.1 hi! I "j ' 'i . -. r 4ef7 iM ii '-K y i- - ' : '?f$M4 loP-iNC'' u ill, i - i-lU- --"- , nwv' f-t) 7? ''!- -zl j jf f I jjlJilll ,IMliljJ.lilk . . " ---; jJf 3 , , f Jjtf lf I fjfjjj I , Jjjjj , , jjlllg j - -Ill ' CapyngM , Th fouaa of Ku(ipnn,imr I E'rrI?.--: YOU will want better clothes than ever this Spring to keep step with the new times and opportunities. There never was a season when it meant more to you to know these Kuppenheimer Models and the dealer who sells them. New Saxonys, Flannels, clear-cut nnd dcmi-finibhcd Worsteds, nil the worthy fabrics with the Kuppenheimer tailoring. Prices, $20 to $40. Our new book, "Styles for Men," sent on request. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, CHICAGO Orginafura nf Frtitml ,'we in Man'e Clothing .f'td.a pay ha gAnld a ih . ra ,,( .p. vorcB li l a Milb-i ml,,, , ,.,) .),,!,,, V, Miller en gi..iii,.. vt . i i. :n Jilda I'av a --) a1-' t Una I lie f t duotva luiui Mbnl i lt.l I llailie Hi l.ri l luit , ,. .iti' riia Jall. W II- I i l, u. i ,.,, -.. icaifl'd Ut Mitoioi la in 'v-, ,1, j j,. , ( r , ftt, s ,i , liaa" l'!,'1'! - I I . 'i ,M III, .. 1,: i,lM -l.l -,l-- IUtl Hl ka .U..ui I. i. lu. t,, i .i i t ', . ) a i, el b r. it i - i a-. I imi i .,, ' . r . . -i, ' - c I - a P -! t " ' I I-- ' I , , , . , ' . : S I . I - I .- v h 1 I ' . ' ,1iU!Mliil!l,M'lflM-1!l-,MilUT.I,!::,',l:T!!':,llf'!M,iI!,:li!,,,! m!!"l!!,l!!!'!ill,!r,!,.':!l!,l : !!;;;:, ;;n;!tti!-i! IIJI P!I!I , f:i:.i;l:ii:!:)!ii:!V! ii ii! i :l:!i!j!r i; 'II ir'l.''!!i 1 1 !! !!''!,!MI.'!!!' i;;t' i nil ciriltttf i'ii liililiiiliuliiilillll r - i 1 I a ! i i i, 4, 'I- n la- r, w , hi a a" Jtl Mir i I U e s '"!, tL it 3 A t In b rwl hei . la at it a Wtl tag (U ttl t III v Other distinuisln'il modvh with the Kuppenheimer style and tailoring are tin 14': W i a k. m av. f'Ucaulort Hinch Uack "Ikltsae" "Wayne" "Lennox" "Chester" "Dlakc'Ii - "Derby" "West Point" "Travis" "York" "Suffolk" "Vernon WAtUR MORRIS pension ar tV,;,.. H t I , , I , I I. , .1 I- " l , . ! .t a TmTmon iBUCKHEADS GO QUICK .STIiTSON HATS. MANHATTAN SHIRTS. SUPERIOR V VASSAR UNDERWEAR J UNKj-mciFic! By THIS SIMPLE ML F II 00 j INTERWOVEN HOSIERY. LION BRAND COLLARS ;- MeA?-- 7J.7 j7 i 'm.. i , - I--.. I - . I - 1 1 ...... I Il l , i, t If .,. tii i i. I I i I II.. , , i i - I "it I. k t. .-. , h.l. axj I - i . . i 1... I ft . . . - .... . .... ill,'.,. -I . "- I .." - , W , , - ! . 4 . ' I , , " "' i ,1 , . I I. ) - ,1,1 . ... , fce -- e .'. iOi'ii i. j . ti.ih . i . n - .i i , , 1 1. 's.m t .- . , u i,,-.i...( i , ; ',,';, " v, ' ;.v V..'', V.'i ,f ' i .- . i ,., t a -e ' i 1 " !" no s - t '' ' -- '-a "i i i - ,.. .... I..- , i. - .a. ,ii V," "','!' 4 f I v M sj-'i t 4 t- " - ii tat -f 'K j, i , t . , ... i . ttett ' a , a v i 4 let . I ," -fi "i'i t M'u tl.rf AIU"'I it: I l ii.,.1.1. ii!,.!!i!!'i!i!'!i'!:;::Mr;'i :; '; ;:-.; ! I ) !"S: i;i!iJ!!l!,il:i:,,,i,!1,:i.l1f::il:l;:!T! 1,1 iil' I' (in liiri- i