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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1916)
Tilt; REE: OMAHA, Al'IUL FOR RENT-ROOMS t'.flS 8. MTU ST. Two birge unfurnished rooma with lrov and bath on gceond floor. I'hona Pouglae 78.H). iMMHiUAS 8T.." S'l Two un'furntahed room; elnk. toilet. Hunt, water rur Tilehed, .75. Itooin ttnntro. fbv people WHO hknt rooms! CALL TKK BEK WANT A P DEPT. and find out nil about the FTHNtSHEl) ROOM OUIDE. If a pln that 1 helping many people rcn' their Munn WS'TFP-Itoom and board In private remiiy ny couple; no otner rnnmiTi, When aruiwering etate prict and give pa,rtt't.iar. Addre F 11 si. Hee. HOTELS HOTUL HANFoRD. HOTEL HARLF.Y tilth and I'arnam. 30th and Fernunv special FIhIh to Permanent Ouceta. SAVOY HOTF.L. Ibth and Jackon St. Clean, modern, comfortabl room at moderate prtcaa. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment and Hollaed Atari mm la, " i' ROOM'S "and IjbIIi; funnelled apt. In tha .Mnawoori, .'nil Harney bt.; very tlegira 01,. can n, itrt. FOR RENT HOUSES Ueel. m'H andTijo lsncoLn ni,v6,-ii-roo'm each, hotiee, at t-li'.t ly modern, with hot miT Ik-ii' 1'riue, v. uougia isit FOR KLNT -HU-rooin houae with three quarter haeemeiit, nil modern aicept heat, lurgn int. .'urns Weneter Ml, WLHTl' A UNA Ml. "" 121 ti." i8tb, (? tith, with garage, $"V " K ort. iJ - J I ( m ) M cottage nuiir ssetn ami aiiio electric tight, kmi for cooking; newly nui'iirataa; only lit., wnciii sweci Doughi I47Z. FH hKn'I tM'Oniti modern hmiao at f.2n N. 2JUh Ave., on cur Una. irmulie h California. J'hona I lumpy .'.'i.. ttllj GRANT n't. 7-r. com., limn, i . T. F. jlall. 4W Hairig Hldg Dn( luli NORTH flli1 4-room murium imiipu low; h reaped porch. Well, i'll.t MAY 1-7-room, nil modern, Hernia Turk imiuira m N. inth tft eolith. I'-KOOM "ho'iiin "ill 1MI h. 82d tract; nicely r ranged, Mtwitoil on cur line; pine rent for I-1 per month, and I a bar. i gain at that price, t all tlila office of further Information. Calkins Co., I'uikI t'V.X ntv Nnt'1 Itiink Hldg, I HOOAM mid mill innm, will ha vacant Via v 1, loi ntcd l 2im Jiini'K HI., fllfi per ninnlli' l,l, 11.1m ...-up, im m ...n. wilkln iIIMiiiicc, New ouk fliilnh, 7' OmiihH Niit Hunk lllilif I), fIMK'1, 17)2 ArUor St.," fi-rnom, city wiilnrlu" vrj Ho, 2th, ft-mom moil., m floor, inilK ft AIIU HI I, l. 1,1X11 umim la. j mi nir, ror rnt, linn , ziilh Hi., all rnoma with new iBpr and a modern im room, for lis i "f:r)Tf AUKS "of t"roomi"aaeh to fanC IS. I'h. I.i!7ii7. Toland & Trumhuil. T'olTMBNf-aiM'y 1," 1-rwnn7'U modan MUcplliiiirima. WkTiTAVi'; WHAT YoirWA'Sif7 IIOI HKH ANH COTTAUKH. 1'AUTl.Y MODKIIN. 4-R,-tll2 I'urler Irfike lllvd.,., l4o b -K.-M,t N. 30th Ht J. moi ;f(n exckpt jikat. in.-JHH Haratou Hi SOW -H. Mfi MHrllui HI. 12 M) B-H.-Z2.U' fi t;th HI HI.KI 7-U.-WIH N. 27th Bt 16.00 HTUKTLY MODKHN. S n.-3f,ll N. anth Ht. (new) 211 B- .- K28 H. Hint Ht 27.M N. 2lt Bt, 20 (Hi A K.M5rV. 4oth Ht.., S '0 K.-li32T N. ?7th 8t S0.K) ii-ft.-ra H. ;mth Ava., KO00 7-H, ir,.HI Kedford Ava 2'.W 7-It. f.70 H. ,Wtli Ave 7-R. f77 H. 2Kth Ht 3B 00 t-n,-m Moaon St 2S.O0 t-K. 414 N. Slat St 2fc.H0 H II. 2KI0 Dewey Avp. (cloaa In),.. 32.u0 FLATS, PARTLY MODERN R. 2!2!! Donilaa St 10.OO HTKK'TI.Y MODRRN. , 4 R, 3045 Mown rd Ht M 6 It. l H. m St.. ? 0n .. 7-R.-1.VU H. ?nh tt !8.00 HKATKI) AI'ARTMFNTS. &Tl. Apt. No. 3. I'lyda. 1H0 Ohio Ht 11M W E Tl A VP! OTTIF.ftH. PF.K OUB COMl'LETI! LfHT BKFORK RFNTINd. PORTER & SirOTWELI, Offlc with Amprlcan Security Company, ma H. 17th Ht, Dona. 0U. JIOI'HICS AND APARTMKNT8 S-r hounp, Imit N, 2Uh St., watar and Sn, H'J.frO; B-r. fliit, mod. xcpt ht, li N. 24th St.,; -r. tiaaamont, i howpv Ave., i.ii; 2 ana -r, anm., 70S H. 27 1 h Ht.. IS.00; 8-r. apt.. 70S S. Hith Ht., tHoo. N. Dodia Co., o wnnnen iiiok. MODKR N 1 ToTS FJH, r.. 4S21 I'ndnrwond Ave.. Dundaa. r., cn WchMtpr Ht , T2 ISO S-r., "1c4 IXivenpoi t Ht .Ji.(.0 b-r., l.iu iinure vi 20.00 J'KTKRH TUL8T CO, HiZ2 FiiriiHm Ht. t)nu. RM. KOIICIA RDKN I'jj'u AMi" J'OULTRT' -r.. downtown, nmorad, 12. AIo a ! and a 5 fllka htinualow) and ACRH uikii np, in and 7. Alao b-r.. Call 'ornla t'linenlow and a era, (11 Tel. t). HOI. w Faxton nia. IIOCHKH FOR R1CNT. CRKItm. HONS CO., no bf.f. noi'o. m. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS VV AHA HTM KNT 'U iHlv TN NU CARFAUK. Apt. No. 13, Lufuyi'tlo. 17th Ava. and .lacunar .St.. 2 louma and bath. Niilctly liliiderti, Htcam liuat in wlntnr, Apt. No, 1, iiitmo hulldln. 4 rooms and liHtli, Mi jclly iiimli rn, alcam heat lit inter. jO, Aiixhty cheap rent and no i ar mi p. t'AVNi: HIJkTFK CO., MB Oiimha Nut I Jlunk Hid. l-lti hrli'k attai hed hounc, nnnr i'lft Harney; llvinu romn, dining roirtii anil Kin hen on fimt I lour, 2 Inilrooiim uiid luitii on ni'i'oinl flooi , ouk nml UUxh 1 1 ii I .i li . all model ii. with full alto baae ini n tiiilv t-.i. Ruielv vmuiit and nn rxccpHoiuil I'l.nn for the limlipy. HV:i.T, office ltlt Hunmy M I'oiiulns itrj, I'l.VH, auiuin-linutud a;uriiinni, lihor 4 or A limine, en ret reinniii etreel. JOHV tltniiniNM, I'JiS K A It A M HT. -Ro.M apt.? luo.lrin, 1-S." IMS Maple. Kc at lM Mupie. J. A. lthurf, 4 rattarann Ula, Murik. il S NO, ii'TU ht," roc in tmiilerii flat, oppimlte Vnrd loiiir plitnt, good fur ruumeia; t' r inoiiili. 11. A. WOLV, , l Hmn lm I lou tiM 1 IiiiiiMi imd'in iipertioriil , t ,om won cien I't' it. iii t lie a , i m kuuik, I It-'iii ir "t in av'MiHiMt, N mi. Mil A and l'vev Ae , lai r'ii, ricim l 11 y toom. litttl aiol ill - ' M V hit il . 4 I in a. Han liolrf I i,. i.p I a fll h'H'M l"Ht hpld ( ai I ui,.. I in. i,.ii.t! lie t hoi in .' f....l...n i'ct.ia t Vo-i'i, ltai. ' 1 l . ... r - t 11 fcl IU'( ,i,.o l,ij ril li a ! y m'. v. ,ii.hi i -v IavMi "" . i j i, 1. i'ii l. t SI t K. .1 i M .i i I'' H vl.l I I I . I . ) r-.,,.t. ., , l-.l I .1 l " l . ah--tl . i'i .el i.a .., r - I ll el , A, ,.... ' ,. , ' i-.. . ''' ' Uii,1 leu t f'ill , f'f .,., .... . v I I H'l ' ' (!. ,:v , ' ' 1 I . M 4 le ltH,.,Hl I M 1 ; H i j .. , " I ii i 4 t i -' ' i, i W i t s a i -. . .. p ... i .. a- ..r a, I , . ii, ,f MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Storaa, movea, papka. hoa; t-horee van and men, tl.2 per nour; torag. U per month. Satisfaction guaraulaed. Douglaa it and Tyler 230. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, alnraga and inov. Int. !lf N. 11th Ht. I'l.ona Douglaa m or Webater hm. FlREl'KOOr WAKKHOU8H3 Baparata, locked rooma, for houaahold and planoe, moving, packing and ahliiplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. It a. lth St Douglaa 4UJ. imi,1! iftv RENTAL tntV.V. 4a. WAfeU Phone Dn':glaa 21 for completa Hat of vacant houaea and apartmtnita; alao for tnrage, moving. 16th and Jarkaon Hta, UKTKOPULif AN VAN bTOKAUIC CO, Careful attention (Ivan to ordere for moving nauklng or gtorage. office at Raymond Furniture to , lull and U.J iiowera ai. i none li. u,m. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Pecking etnrege, IIS fan Ave. Tyler 12c. Maggttrd Van and Storage Co. Moving, packing, toraga and alilpplng, J hone Douglaa Mm. I ri Ifli'ti'll Knpreeg Co, Moving .v.e.uv pneklng an4 gtorage, larr remain Ht. Douglaa HI 4. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'P'T Sforre, STollF.rt" jrfilt IlKT. We are mekliig plana to ramodM the hulldltig at 1HI4 l(l llmiiey Ht., putting In a new front and muklng one room H,jtl,l2 with encoud floor and luiipment tinder I he eolith elily feet. Will leuee to ilenlielilc ipiimiiI tda entire epaca or dlvlrt to anlt. - Nl:Jl.',","1',;' v WhltnelMlldg. . .. Modern elore room and heeemant, Hi so. ii h Ht. fln locullon for grocartea nn meat. CONHAD YOtlNO. S'r2 Primdel Theitcr. Doug, 1B7, HToRl', (iiilldlng mid ' hiiicment, ' iliiol LpBvenwnrtli. S, P, O'Hrlcii,. 411) Rue Ming, riione iiotiuliui m nmil elore room Jft2ti 4?aea Hi., xi rent, Conrad Young, x.a uran- net 'Jppiiicr Hid Unnglae iftTi. STOhls l;noMi4 it iKcM-im1 hariiem St. Thoe. F, Hull, 4 llama Illdg. I K 74(4. HT'ilIK, 'model ti, low rent, near poel office, O. )'. Hl-tihlne, IHI0 Clilcggn. k'l OltlC building. Ili lng loom in ra,"1ua ci win. iougiee ie.1. llllefrlllllil'Oue. WltOBniaht tiaepiiieiH." on WtliTU choice locution for billiard and pool, Wright r Irfietiury. D. Ifi2. JIOTIOL fur rent lit ftiivkvllle, "Nafc tlooi 1,iinlne; for liiformiilinti, Mil, Anna Pelereen, rtoeliie, Neb,, Hot 4ii WANTED TO RENT I lifilrolehed II ri and Plata, vVA'NTF,D T) ItfONT Htrh'tly" tiiodorn" five-room Ininxiilow or cottnge; about $'!r,; In good neighborhood. Phone Col in 9'Kll ' Piirn lulled lliinc Hiidl'lnia, W A Ml" IP 11 . ,nl.h..t 4 ,. a .., ,w,r3 ,,r. .... ww, """. nienl, Moel tin alrlctly rnodnrtl, VVeel Farnnm dletrli t, Private ha Hi, run ning hot and cold wnter, enotrlc light When anewerttia give full particular, Ad. Irene II 11,4, line. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED Meal. RRANI) Ni;V I3UNYAfJVH IJRANJ) NEW HUNGAIeOWH RRAND Ni:W BUNUAfnVN Take your choice of two brand new, II modern, IS-room bungalow, oak fin lehed throughout except kitchen, entra Urge living room and dining room, with; panel well and beamed celling; two good bedroom wllh fluent ana pinuiy or winnow, linen iioem in bell; tiled bath with medicine cabinet; nunny aitciien. wn n many bu t- n fee tore; (ull cement beeerncnl and luiiiii rioorea attin; Rngnre rurniica and Kohler plumbing fluturea; decoriiied throughout wllh hlKh giede neper. I''ulj lot and anlld ground (no fill); aoddcit yardi acreen; wiiler tneter and window eliedea, Price t:i,4i) and 13,476; f'lW caeh ana wn mnntniy. full two atorle. with even rooma am) leaping porch. tV'V. HKIO Til F,M ALL W I.ICAVFNWdHTIl I IK 1HHTH, (IMAIIAW lll'HIKHT AUDITION. Hi 4233 and 42.11 Maaon St. Ifevnu wiinl n home of niinllty and fine lliilh tbie bi It. ftood lot liiken a imrt pay. KII'TY, eHiieripu c eiomere to rerer von in. f'HAH, HORN, QWNTOIt, W A LNI'T ilZH. MUST UU SOLD ANY OFFER C0NH1DKRBD AUTO AND IX)T8 TAKKN ON Two room bungalow, one floor, onk floor, ouk nrileli finely decorated, Juet being complcled, corner lot and giimgc, i;ni nwf iiuiki r Ava., In Leavenworth Height. ALSO Ona 7-room houe, 1S24 Rehler, iuth front, elegently flnlehe.1; my hnine. ALL MI HT 0 AT HtJMIC PRICB. FRANK O. 81CWARH, W SAHLKK, ( 'OLKA X 4IH3. THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME, WEST FARNAM. Price reduced from tW.OOO to U,r). Prac tlially brand new; baa everything up to liuit minute: 4 large bedroome, large eleeirtng porch, two riml(l' rmnn, J pretty rirepmce. den. Are you Inlnr eeted In eoinethlng up In lent minute? I In n don t o vol look eeelng th e CHHuHNli), 701 limit, Nel l Ilk. 1) 1474. FIVE-ROOM BUXOAlnV" WEST l'ARNAM DISTRICT Modern In every detail; genuine bar gain at l2.7M).iXl; only Uvim ceeh re. oulred, balance like rent. Phono Doug bin Dtft. HlirLI.R CAUT, keeilne Hldg "JtEDUCEDPRlOT " New 7-r, modern, oak and t.lrch, flnleh tbruiighout, beam crlilng and all built in fratiirea, l.reeecd bili'k fnuiidntloii, eoiiih front, clnee to cer, nret-cleee ma il ilnl (i ml woikiiiMihli, A roinilete home in every detail Keel buy In (nuihii Owner, Douglne lf'J CATHKl'llAj, I I .ST It I (TP."" " " l'lve-inoin atincii bungeUiw alrnoat new, nag Ibn.ughinit, nlc tare fh.oied ailiu where two roome rn be flidelied Full i euient l.aeemniit nl. e lvr lot, enat front tteaionehla inrnui PAVN'I'i I NVI.hTMr.s l liittfANK, Mlt floor Omaha Nat i, In, I i irj. : .'.. lis TI-.RV.1, will buv a ino.lin 1 i. biue, in In i I. hi. a of I trnein r line, in mellent lalbn. 'I dle I. one of tb I" t t.eraeina In the city W. T. SMITH CO,, O S4 'i'i Nit luhk Hldg Wl bolll h-'inee nit ear tvl.oa In lleliaoit i.t tnoaha I I I" in oi .i': W. U M.LU K HONS, INUt KANCA t! i HI Id nio,trii home V a.t g arnein,, I heih. I I N iMH Ave s,.ia, OS TilK 1 lii.t lll -!' Mlt.F. I V- I HON I, ;4r. K liHil;l t " v I U-e. n a- t f. .-r . , mi. Ii a f!t li..,.. ft i. i ai- I ti. i ! " .1,1- m, t." if-- i-. '; o. i. i, ai.-l i.u. i-ii Hi.. ol I ...i ) c . , a. . ,, t ,,,. ,, , , , . (,- ,,,) l . I , l.,. ,,, !,:,,. .-I I i ' i. . i . . i . . , ti , . , , I' I Oil ll" ' ' ,1 1 ".'. .' t ' , n ' " '"" ' ' i i e'l . t t . a ii1 H' rn: i i, o i ' " . "ii. i . . . I it i , . I ' - V - ' l I I I, H I , I, I ,i .,,, , '", in, , t. a i,. ii I . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED NoaiaTT A HOME AND AX ACRE On the rnKTTriSrtT MILK, one t'lo.k nant of Millar park, one block from oar Una, a fine eeven rooin, all modern houea, with HOT WAThai II WAT and an acre of ground.; Owner t goihg away and rnut cell Hr n loday. Till I tii flrl Unto offered, ClmrlcM V, Mortirj & Co., Tylar U7. 143 Omaha Nat'l Rank ntdg i " COMI.'jXf-ED T0"SELl7 Pracllcully new elg-ronm bungalow Wxii. lot 42lit4, all inudern, built fot home by owner, only il't year old; h'S water bent, fmlelied In oak and bit on, t,.t,t ,.,, It' m nb,M.l..l . ' .... ft; , m ,,,mm,,'t,. vwmj liiim III every way. Price, M0, on euey pMymnuie, i,nuatea at 4 I'M N, 2lt Ht. Hevii only bv appolntiiient, I'Fion owner, i uiie tnn, Eufy I'iyrnont The men wllh Ileum mall can buy tin firm, nearly new a-rnom lion at illl N. :A Ht, Thl place la peer JUmle nrlla I'd rk, K'liool, elote und treet cer. At tue piico gen mi ana in lr"n uffeieif It le worth areing all inning. Hen i loday. Fur lube call CrciRli, Sons & Company, imug. am, urn lien Pidf. HUV IN MONTUIaAIRK .'lid Hint llemllton Ht. A rilfty bunga low, Ha lurge room and arrangement will urprlan you The flnleh I oak and run t be heal, Hpi i lnl feature galirr. .IW will buy It ( or term). Jt lie whow you ihl todHV. Tomorrow May be too lute, i ell Doiigln )rW,3, to get RAMI' IHtdM Good ilomij Very Little CaK Five mom cottage with bath) !erg mi, rine anninnery and rrult treea, Price, 'lXti, 1'icat'iiJ 4101 North ttrtb bi Norm & Norris, m rtpe Hldg. Phone tmiglg4Wj. ()XIArip20(r:ASlt 3.".4 Royj-A o-ronin cottage with a large corner lot, i, ot or I run and room garden. Two hlncka from Amp Ava mi car, Prb-e ll.fio A. P. TUKEV&BON, Phone Doug Mi? lUfi t W, O. W, llidg. jiii 1,'ini'; an )!MTATr7. Reduced from l,,'.Vi to II, Mm. Now a letter mil a prb a of Il,2fi0. Five, room houae, liuelnc lot, Cllfiir Hill i r.oi i nap, (IKiiRHW H, WAIAJkCV, I4 Keellna " ''i-HJoM'M'oDF,n'N lioCfiii: ' ror gi.'.vm. Mont New-2:'7 Kmmtt, WI, II. OATIH, M7 Omah Net, Punk Hldg, P 1? HPK"1AL HARUAIw. g room roltage, tollcl, gaa, water, to ft, lot, ll.tli; term, M tab or tot. tar (ur quiiy, k. P. nOSTWI(i!t. KIO PF.B P.LDO. choick. modern cottage), MO Huggle Ht.. out of fiB owner, will gell cheap. ISaay term, 11 11 I. A Mlllclf Vfitt tftl Neville Hlk. none- I7M. Ulh'iJC'ti new bungalow, ready "to move into; nair iiiock to Atne Ave. ear. Price .efiii, nwiier, linrney i,li, i Slt'.ii liuiigrow, oak" flnTaTT. at a gulp, Wnbaler 422H. kunlb. Ilanflr-om Park Corner On block eeet nt ta M. fronting eeet and aoulh. (loud little oonagn, now renting for 1 10 per Year. and room to build two or thro flat org hnngiilow without Inlerfercm a uh it, price, iz.iuii. J. If. Duinont & Co., 4I-H Keelln Jlldg. Phone Doug. (WO " 34TJ 1 AND ARBOR 8T8" A dimdv. well arranKed, g-rooni houae, eci pilniiiilly well hull!, atrlcllv mod el n, onk flnleh, large porch on front hiiii eoutn gum; gernge; uorimr lot; both eireete pitved. Dandy place and at i a h.n a iv ii enow you, 1). V. SIIOLESCO. filfi 1(1 City Nat'l Hunk Hldg Doug 4 e-HOoM bungalow, bmnd new, all "mod" rrn, oea rionre inroiigiiuui; oag rililetl in living iiia nining room; large, light, m.i.n minium iwn uuiue; gooo, looailon, reeirluted addition. A bargain at IJ.uuu. b.uhv leroia, IlLNSON ft CARMICHAEL, 442 Peton Hlk ' lHiug. 1721 e-iiinifti nimauiow, wiin guraga. on very r i jiuiiiie, near biiii ana Wool wnrthAve. Cell owner, lte JKHl. Hlfei..lttneoue. ;K DOWN balance like "rent, buva u-ruoni. ion on, gnnQ nnig li i.orhooa orlce. l2Hi). HM down tii. ........ t. buy 4-room; full lot; near car; good" location. 1 i WILLIAM COLFAX. r. 1ISKV 702-4 Keeilne Rldg HA FKtY " F1RKT, FOR HKl.lAlil.K AND HA FF FlItK AND TOR N A HO INHL IUNCK H1CF O'NFIL'S R. F. e, INS, AUF.NrY. S4 Itrandela Theeter Hldg Tyler WM 4 UiTH, NltW HI NdALoW, " High end iltilii'v location, 4 room electric light, flnn well and eUlern, chicken houae, !'! aah, tiglanca Ilk rem. P. J TF.ftTiFN co , r.r, dinaha Nt pw 5.!0 KAfiY PA YMF.NTS. T mi., oak fin., hot water heat At"'2ntANT fll Hrendet Theeter REAL ESTATE" UNIMPRUVED f lilvamltv ItM : LbD ll..ui.., . Ar-Tnr f....klig" at MlVVldl.fRA' ft .llf..-M. .......a , ... ... " '""' ""' men iiibi ii wa ma lipal lir.llMMltloll on Hie .t..l,-i . u t lliev la,kl (heir blltamai.t l.u III ISiJ boa " ' if ii will noma nut ,xlev yitti will t.iiit-r-1nd why nlh. re are buyli g I'lll I.'l I. ti if' II , l, 'I l t, ' , ll'-l.i.'.o n, ,i ,.Mt I l,H g, (J) Ttlap t; 7t? fm, aha Sal 1 l ank HM ll At 111! I. P'Ulli flint I,, , r loin, e invii. l.p. i Mill.. I'm i e f 'f li 'ioe up Ini lioam fine i ii 1 1' ion i ', og n I'lfi'.VK 1 f..f ' prtnlej (let i'i I"" ei.1 u(, I "la end ecre ..Ik. '.' Arn-st N'rnr Fiuritfrt s, XH HT llfej 8(11,11 IIY MAY 1ST. lliii a, .I ii, us -I- wiin . ,, ,.i t rwve. ki'n "f r"'1 and Hum, t,l, Iliutt FnlrfiplJ Co., t 4 i ...!. S'i Pfc T W It. I H' 1 1 H lit hilt Neva t, I a .lie t i In I ,iUi l. .iii III, mi limn ?s..,g "' 1 ' I' ' I I 'ai'.ia Hi. I t , e llewi nut in a ip "i li. I otil I' lit ii.a e . - il !' I a I , oi i a I, .... ' ,!'t kill t vf I .Hi l.iotl , . ' . T, , , REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS CI0S&IN1NVEST1ENT Kaat of 24h, betwren Harney HI, and St. Mery e, we have a fuel clna cloee In, four apartment brick building, mm renting for till) a month. I.ech apart ment na ftv room with lenarete furnace. No Janitor or hrting charge Thle la nr to grow Into monv end will net or 10 per cent on the price Half i nah, hlen-e 8 per rent, & yeere ARMSTROXG-WAIaSI I CO., v 1 r) fViie m Hoe Hldg. 50 Feet on linrney Botwcon HOt h and 24 ih Trico $33,0(K) llrlck Improvement. One Tenant. Pay fji per Cent Net. GLOVER & SPAIN, Dnug. 1IHK2, llte-'JO City National. NK.AR J4T11 AND DOCrtfjIH. Uio Pi ll hOOT. Full alee lot, i.ll2. lev ail alley In rear and beat vamni buy without dmitit on Dmi lea Ht Could poealbly pell eael fel lor fiO per font. JKFF W, rH'.DIIillD AV HON. Jloiig All.', iaaV. - ... i i . . j... . . , h iC .'u- . REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES WK beve a i llenl wlioHnie an ai ie eiol a third with a email houae on it about B half mile north of Floien' . A nice lying acre with plenty of fruit and ehrulibery. and will tchaiige fur lib cm I ii e or himgelow. PA INK 1NVHTMF,NT COMPANY, f.iti Floor OmeliHNel Hk, Hldg D I7U. VoR HALF, nil TII A PF.-Livery, feed and drey lain end l large loi 1C, D, llrook, (iwuer. I.eeheia, Nub, l.ioii ACItl'h of fine m I ley land, on relf roed Cleer of mortgege, All ran he fnrmnd Price i'.'.i r acre, Will con alder Income properly and ray caeh dif ference W, K. Craig, i;ift ot N,f Pnk Hldg j Onrnba, FOR SALI1 OI KXCHANOK, Well aelahllehed luijlnpaa In ih nlty Met Income per month, ,im. Thl hull na can be Imreeaed bv the right Eerty. For further Information rail at 4 lieellna Illdg, w J "On tlio hills overlooking Ornahaj twonly minutes from (lio biiHiripus crnlrr; nrar Elrnwnod Park; asphalt istrcof, romont walk", pan, watnr, power, olfPtrifily, ornumontal lights, cIoho t onr linn, spIiooI niul church, in a dislrirt of honif owning jifoplo, whoro I ran rnjoy lifo on u modpfst income." The Community Beautiful HAPPY HOLLOW DUNDEE FAIRACRES Large Lots From $800 Up Terms: $8 to $15 Per Month We Mako it Easy for You to Secure tho Lot Be Your Own Agent Yon don't new. a salesman, norn'd a plat to help you. Pick out your lot Then brinff or mail us tho coupon and $10. ... ai icrrm in 1 1 i i i i I v outre- f '""ii' f Ur - C : ' ' " """ ' 1 I m l.'i 1: Z r;i a ! 1 el i i 1 1 in 1 1 . Jt ; ii O r 1 1 I ' I J il eaieak-l i-W fcj ... rtattfhi . '"' "".tt sr 1 ""' mw 111 P i1 11 1 1 "in1" ; ' ' ; 'i , l - tt.; - 'fry -yit?- .'.U: j , , j , , , a 1 ' . . . i 9 tVVm1 '" Mua. i' -ii r ii "' A 1 1 m , i ii ' -Z LJ .1 e I ' 'a "7- m 1m I 1' Z l $2,500 for 100 Early Buyers We have 100 choice Diimh'P Ixils for Kftle on small paymerifs. Prices low, Trnru ho en.iv von won't, mist (ho iiioiicv, V Kivo you tho sdlinR expensp for si'lecting' your own lot. $25 for Helping1 Yourself ' "Grow With (irowinK Omaha" lio Out to D'triili'i Ttuiiiv Pick Your Lot Mnnur or Miiil Ps (ho ('oiipoii ami IO.H0 SAVE m IK) IT NOW! George & Co. Wl.'Mtl ll.tiilt t tu 1 1. tt tig; . ' OMAHA, REAL ESTATErEXCHANGES (ivvM Il will ell or change for Ten property fine North Hid alt-room modern home, nnutheeat corner front. Daub able Ire etlim. AUdrea ti., Doi tie, AlcAllen, Te. WILL mclienwe two brick glorea and a frame cut litre, renting for tw a year, for vacant lot or ncrnige .1. H. ROHINHON, 442 Rep Hldg D o7. WHAT liAVK tOU OK DO YOU WANT? Hee lie fuel. W may have Juat what you wenl. W aril or trade everything, nnywhur. C, J, Mmllh. Tyler b-Vl, il Ku HUh. FOR KXCH ANUK-71 cre, ti-inllB from good town, l'rlie tliA per act. Want gen, mdae up to ti.Otm. Writ A. A llcanc, Hiiilnerd, Neb, JO room apeilmeiit houae renting' lor ,io for fin in or ranch liindu . L. HAHKI R, Iteelme I Id. T)I"I17I9 HI A fine liclgnted Colo luliil, clcur. VWlile.l ileur lliioihii. Iniliiiit ei Mi, llewver, ;tk24 Orand Ave t'olfm 7fi2. CAN eell or eicbange anything you hay f'. i- Canan. McCegue Wlrlg, ALL modern -rnom cnttege; will trade J"J. J'T'Ll-if-iiJi'S SdRti REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROP'TY " iKJNVNTtVNnUl.S'ESS " pi?opj;rtv REDUCED $500 do foot frontage located on north elde of .In i' kmiii etreet, be l it an n 171 h end 1 Ht h Hee three old boiiaee oil It, Whbil will (rry the property for nme time, Owner bee IneiructPd n to cut the price ton for Immpilliile i. Thle la the i lu minal cloee In prutieily In be had, (it flic open evening, ! in A p in IIASTINGH & IIEVDEN, IMI4 llnniev Ht, Plume Tyler W SS FKKT, inth St , I lifkg, from Vladuot, Mai eeiie InvCo , Mni'agua Hldg IVTFr.l lOlWT and adveHIa In will "sell" any eatable real aetata, and the large! number of ptiintl v buyer can fa reeched Jltriiugli the Heal Fetel anrj Went Ad rluldg to all of Oreat.r Omeba-llllC, ANT A 'll lllHCLM riiamvAv) ftie i)ifiie i up in ini et I a ' t e ' , i .. 'E a) j aTaWeftlnnp eMCatfMnnj in I m iiLr U it at I (e a iFF ; REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Beaena. ""8tAT fiirOiTTXi'if In uiEUSosT hUY THIS LOT! $10.") down and llu.00 per month; prlr PIO 00; elee, Wnl.'t; lonelad on f celiac Ht. between Clark and Hurnham, not far from rhrn and car line. Uro. IL WrlchtHe office, Oineha, Duailee. " rn i rou" wa nt a nr.. i'i mu k? Then look at No. AM) Webater Ht ; room alrlctly modern, beautiful pla.e. Long leiiae Auk to ec thin piece iveye Bl till office, THOMAS l M'HAItltY Keelltia Hldg. Hed 4144. HAVK voi bean figuring on bullilltiK In Dundee? Why not look at a Dundee btiiiee alrendv built lluit timet be euld? Heiipoiielile i-iiali (hi vmeiit. belence monthly. Telephone In the. gtenlng nfler 7 o'clock, Wnlmil JO I. tM'NIiMF -Wcll locefed bu, bceiiilfill' View; at 1 1 1 ( ll fcotil, patai mre. ia; pnvln. all paid; cub n il nt harg In rr,i c, A. liriuii'ipl I hona Doug. i( Flrirenee. 'iH HA,I,"(i TIIAHK -4-ai'i "fruit farm wllh d-rnom h"i ae, i, mii noith of I'lorenco, Cell Flnrrnri' Wu or Tyler 1'Mff Itoom 64 Se Nei lie wn y tin ic nm. Fim.nie .'21 FINANCIAL Ileal Kalale, I.neae, Marlal. W arc ready ai all tnueg lo make) loun on first lung) city property gnd cagttnn Nrbrkikt farm Ratct on reqnoit. UNITKn STATIC TUU8T CO., 212 Hon lb 17tb Nt. MONICY TO l)AN ON Apartment huueua. dmible brick houae. int,l boueea, bualnee proneity o) farm lainle l h't'k "rid W, H THOMAS, f' Keellna lll.lg I long e Hltg iloNF.Y lo ii.en, el per "cent oil Omaha' realdeucre and iirnihy fnrma D. i;, IH'i'K CO , PI2 Omaha Nat'l Hank. AH ..... mJ " '" ' . " - - -- -t-s.-a.'S. ts j't3Tcai "' - .-, ..... - - .- , . ... ........ a-h i&T-M ur wmwm y l. . . i i Cr r. If j r 0 l - i iLlIZI?l l.' - If I ' I i i ' f 1 1 liilleLL L ' ' ' ! -Hy e e el f jLJ L. I , j L.T.., J L at e l a I J " j p- ii',, 'l" -H .),)' rr -' -"- -" - ' - ''"UJJ U: , i ; j ' I?" ''' j"' 1 1 f 'ThtT'T 1 " ' ' 8' w TT. :i . . . ii L , ,. y , , , , 1 - s i i-; ; ' I ' ) ' ij i'.'T" ; i I V ii j n M Y;iYT, 'At !rJ : .- ' 'j i" - ' . -i j -2L.iZ , '-JLI, T ' j' y.J t5 lit I I I I . I nil I IXJ,i.'eL4 ' mr.t i - liUl.VO OR MAIL THIS COUPON Ihl Iciupi.ti, a hen prancliteil bolder wllh Ten Ikillera In Ch Thirty-Civ ISillar Fttet rfrunt I'uiuleo prreuiialty gulcctml hf Ih elieel mt a let gietuie, rrnam nur rcfuUr p'l n n. Ky Terina building eel ri' I Inn Ooil I'ntil Iim lent Art Holt I FINANCIAL t TO t for Inline no claa elty residence In ammmt K'.i") up: al farm loan Heiiaiiim'ie conimli.alona PHTKHH TRI HT fC . Hi 2 Farnam Bt. OAe?,HA honiea. Knai .Nnhreaka larm. O Keefe P.ICAL ICHTATK t:0 1 14 Omaha Nnl. Phnoe Dougla ST IS. .Vlii.VtCV lu Iiiiiii on biiiioii"l lurina end rancbe. W' gbm boy gunii farm moiv gngee Klrke lav. Co Oinnhe .S'.J DKI.AY. W, T. (IIIAMAM, Mi'ir: huhi MO.VKT TO l.fiA.S, tin- A eer, on Imprmed piniiefll SllfiPKN CO. Doug. 4.:2t, Mi INK! on blind f"i oily end fkrrn loeii H W, Hinder, City Netbmiil Hnnk Hldg (JARVIN HK0S. 14 Oman Nat'l Hk Hid . CITY end farm Iihim, i, Ti'tj, e i,r ofU. .1. II Duiooiit ' " 4I Keelloa Hide tl'"' lo f h' "i i illiiile il iinio 1 1 . I', D ed, Weed Hldg . mill and I' Sig. MdM'Y HARHIHun" MoKTi'J.S "-L Hid (minh Nat, MenkJ4ldg Alialrecia of 'MOe, ! down your ebe're't mi ahort rmilc. It 7 I'litineoii mm r. fi idf Iv li' ltt Tm DiiiiiBiile nrj Abtii:l 1 ' iv, modern gtiairgct offi et S lilli Ht, Tel. , Mat, flFKH A Hi4THAY"I' t'Ti , "olileet'ebeii '! offll In Nebraek V rlrendel 'flip Horl, a anil Honde, Two l'"irt ortiCra?rf For Snlo, II efio doe In five r"', Ihteieet T f" f ni t payable peud eiiiiuelly on iit a re of good, level 'ertn lend In Weld loortiv Colotedn. value II. (J. H7 mi In fie vein. 7 er ient pi v hie gr-ml enntiBlly, on leg acre of mnt I level fa i in land In Weld county, Colo rado, valug, KIO'. E. T. lloydon, IH14 Marner Omabg. Neh l, Jul MORTHAOK beering 7 eml-an mial, er.i ured hy property velup') 14. Wi Talmaga lioinl Inv. Co., W.O.W, Hldg at pur nfflr by lha wi b rij gi ft tin art) iiranlil M In hilijr, between tlh nml HuwH glrealii, at and gnl.Jer . uung) CKOIKIE x m,, ntv Nat'l. ItjinV l'M Omaha. Af 'A 11 ce j rhi i.. h J A a. I ! ii k ' M u il,' t i " !(. ll I' . "fe r. a- id o r. ft., On to in wli I i. ht' t. t) 'Ml 1 1 i ii luf ifaj. fib I. t u . m t le te ta 15 rim ;b ri I'af hU teg 0i do H i ;l I I I; ' I '' ' ' I ' ' : I". U I til. ' ' " 1 .'d "l I ' I It f,t,' ..-. t I.. . ....IK. II v I at .Vi- . r i I t i a l.i ii i' i. i a i ... , I i "t. r'' p,(St-atl'St,eie5l-j,i !f&xt'