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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1916)
BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAKV11 ?. 11 PERSONAL Kl'-MDM'! oi.-et sru-i'. aiitgical corsets a spoialtv. Wel'Mirr Siitiih-rlniid Hid, ltth unci Howard RedtJPZ. MASsAiir. AM' Kl.r'.C 1'HIC ttATlfe. chlror.odv. Mlrsea (Irsv and Head. IW ?14 Haird Plk ., lTfn and Douglas. P. iti.S. JcTHAW hats dyed; look like newTI'l'iinee Paradise and aigrette cleaned and dyed. Dora Eiscle, P. !-'. 11 City Nat. Rk. f V. T us do youi dry 'cleaning and press ing Our rrlrr s re right. CUT Pressing C 1 u b. 80. Nevll I I ock. Tel. Bed : Fr.RSOS AU-MiRwa Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment, open a. m. to t p. rr.. Douglas 7U. 401 "are Blk, Pteam and shower hatha. Massage. Red r?7. Room y.1 Karbach Blk. MAFSAOE Miss Webster. 4i Paxton Plk. P. !t'7.fflcehotira10 to I. RHEUMATISM treated successfully: re u lUgue ra nt'dDr.JHowjier, 814 BceBI 1 g SCIENTIFIC massage, oil Bee Bldg. fb-ri Tolir1 WTl FOR 1ENT ROOMS Farnlahed Rmtni, ATTKNTION. HOOM HUNTERS: It you fall to find the room you desire among; theae ads. call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant roosia In all parts of the pit jr. If more convenient phone The Pee Wast Ad Iept. and rive your name and address, and a llat will be mailed to you at once. New llata are Issued every week. f?EV furnished room In new home, one block from car. private family, two block from where vou can play golf and tennis free. Colfax 1M. See ua for desirable rooms. OMAHA ROOMtlNU HOl'SR ASSN. 43SIlsrsg Blk. (16 ft Har.) Doug, 7406. T"VO furnished rooms In private family; ex-eJlent location; gentlemen only. Wetister 4Me 106 PARK AVE. Large south room, mod ern. Private fa mlly. Harney 1823. JJICELT furnlahed room, cloao In; alT modern. S31 B. ti Ft ?03 8. STK ST. Strictly first-class rooms. Harney 1M6. llouaekeeptngr Aooma. SO. 2TH, 310 Two-room aulte: clean, . well furnished, first floor, modern, run ning: water. V block from Farnam car, walking distance Harney LARGE' outside, 1 and J-room furnished Apt a., for houaekeeplng, $3.f to $7 per week. Lincoln Apta. 21 Chicago St. .Tyler tern. 2 SUITES ol housekeeping rooms left In new apartment to desirable couple; electric linht and hot water heat. Har ney 6757. I,IGHT housekeeping roome. single or ensulte. newly papered, modern. 2721 Jackson. Phone Harney IMS. FRANKLIN ST., 415 Rooms, with or without housekeeping. Walnut JTO 8. 2UTH, 36193 houokeeplng"Yooms. partly furnished; modern. Tyler 2352 W. Board and Rouma. NICE, newly furnlahed connecting aulte of front rooms, suitable for couple; will serve board. Call Webster 7172. GENTLEMEN, with or without board, at 8217 So. 12th. Call Tyler 2H70-W. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE PEE WANT AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that is helping many people rent tbalr rooms. HOTELS HOTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL HARLEY. 10th snd Far nam. 20 th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Quests. SAVOY HOTEL, loth and Jackson Sta. .Clean, modern, comfortable rooms at moderate prices. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and House Apartments. yni) PEWEYAve., 3-room furnlshdaj)t. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. 28 JACKSON ST. ' T -rooms, strictly modern, oak floors and finish, good, ' close-in location, excellent A.RM STRONG-WALSH CO line Bldg. Tyler ISM. Keell 114 No. th. brick, lt-r.. $80. IIS So. Slat, modern, 8-r., $. Douglas, modern. rooms, 3J. 308 So. 41at, modern, 7-r., 2S. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 6M. 248 DODGE, t-rooro modern house, flrat class condition, very cheap rent. 27.60. Vacant April L OccupanU will rtiow houae. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster 4875. FOR RENT A airictly modern nine-room cottage, bungalow style, at 408 North 89th street. For terms see H. Fischer. 41 City National Bank Bldg., or call Douglas lttt. IM0 LINCOLN BLVD. 11-roora house. strictly modern, with hot water beat. Prioo 860. Douglas 1818. 623 N. 88TK VM r.. t baths, modern, 50. Doug. t47. U1S GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, 8. T. F. Hall. 4M Ramge Bldg. Doug. 74o4 ionlh. BI'NQAIjOW, t-room and sun room, new, garage. $30 on year lease. 1637 Ho. Zolh St. Red 1W1. 1112 ARBOR ST. 6-roora, city water, gas, paved M.. $13. Berks Muail. D. 6M7 or R7i COLORED rooms, 842 S. 24th, rear, SU. Douglas 191& 1814 Park Ave. 7-r. modern brick. H. 6970. MUcrflnnriiua. PAYNE & SLATER CO. '"OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." HOL'SES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. S-r.. all So. 33rd St., gas and water. .815.00 R-r.. 313 No. 3;rd Ht, water ana gas ut.w 3-r.. 713 o. 34th St.. water, good lo cation 8.00 3-r.. ?VT6 Seward St.. water. Ran and toilet 9.00 6-r., 15 Peratur, reduced to 12.S0 MUUKRN KXl'Bfl lir.AT. 6- r.. 23 Franklin St.. a bargain for 3O.00 7- r., J112 California St., close In.... 20.00 ALL MOUEKN. 12-r.. 2621 Harney St.. ablendld lo cation to rent furnlahed rooms..,. 80 00 6-r., 14 So. 31st St., good cottage.... .50 10-r.. i6 So. tli St.. conveniently arranged for two families 40.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 8-r., 4220 Harney, 4 bedrooms, garage 86.00 -r.. 62 Ho. 4th St., nice yard fci.flp DOUKL13 IHtlCra AND Tc.nKAtC.0. STRICTLY MODERN. 8-r. and aleplng porch, 1 So. Jh St., east front, weat Farnam dis trict, reduced to 41.80 FLATS. 3-r.. 1410 No. 17th St., city water.... 7.00 3-r.. 14l0ii No. 17th St., city water.... 7.00 - APARTMENTS. ' Steam heat, hot and cold water, rta. refrigerator and janitor service In cluded. THE LAFAYETTE. 17TH AVK AVII JACKROM T !-r. spt.. No. 3. 1st floor, $J0.( and 826 00 l-r. apt.. No. 23. 2nd floor, 22.60 and 27.&0 THE CAKLYI.E. SOUTH 1HTH ST. i-r. apt.. No. . 3rd floor. S. E. 135 and U We have othera. Call for our com plete list printed weekly PAYNE & SLATER CO. "Omaha's Rental Men." 18 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. FOR RENT. For R. R. man. l.Vi 6. th St.; new plumbing and electrlo ligh $30 per mo. 4-room flat, modern, 816 N. lth St.. 8t' per mcinth. Nice storeroom, 27th and Cuming 8ts., 81 o per month. J. B, ROBINSON. 442 Bee Bldg. Doug. 89ST. FOR GARDKMINO AND POULTRY. i-r.. downtown, colored; $13. Also a an! a 8 (like bungalow) and AC'RB GROUND. IH and if. Also -r.. Call lorula bungalow and acre, :4. Tel. I a. ll'C. Eecilnga. Wal. 27. HOUSES FOR RFKT. t'HKUIH. SONS A CO Utfc BLDG. DOUU. . FOR RENT -HOUSES l laeellaneoaa. Ill l '(' A M COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. t-ll. IMS Catter iJiko Hlvd S K.-M.i .n, pt ..-P..-- 714 Hickory St a. l; Tut Tllcknrv St 8-R. P. JRth As V 'Ur RN EXCEPT HEAT. M! ."' I Marilia St '"- - "" Mar-ha St 8-R - fi'f N. 27th 6- i. 14 I harlea St I H - 1 11 S. th St 7- N. rth St n-R. i V. soth St., (new) 8- R. pts S. th Pt 7-K-31J1 Corbv St.. (new) i!-R -4.M.-. N. 4'th St f-ll. IIH N. 17th St '"-H.-4.vrr Franklin St -R. 4T4 IKe St 7-H. MR. 'th t 7- K. lim S. 2th St 8- R. 414 N. 41st St 8-R. CfiJO Dewey Ave FLATS. TARTLT MODERN. 8-R W13 Reese St 5-R. .11 1 V "ttVi 8' STRICTLY MODKRN. 5-R 2"i S. .Iith St 7-R. 1301 S. 2Sth ft 7- R 1.t"3 S. 2th St 8- R 4"12 Harney St.. choice .814 , is m . ltVi . . 1801 . 12 'O .. U Oi .. '.oo ,, IM . M l . 16 . 26 0 . .iJ . 17. to . 2" .. ;;..iio .. 8n ) .. ;l6 ft .. .. 37.7.0 .. 25 00 .. 3.: 12 110 1260 26.00 27.50 26.0ft X.iiO HEATED APARTM KVTS. 5- R. ??IR . arnam St s ) and S3. 00 THE ' VOVK 24th Msson. 6- R. Apt. No. 4 3J.K) and t7.50 CARPATHIA 24th Mason. 2-R. Apt. No. a flv.oii and 2.1 00 We have others. See our complete printed list before renMna-. PORTER & SHOTWELU s. JJ1!8'-!, Pouglas ROlS :iT5oUOLAS 8 rooms, modern, tsl. FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS Wral. FINE steam-heated nptirtmcnt. either 4 or 6 rooms, on West Farnam street, JOHN W. ROPRTN!. IHQf FARNAM JT. 4-ROOM and bath apartment In Llnwood. 3S11 Harney; very choice; east front; 2d floor J"J?-JL!L2.: MODERN 6-room apartment. Including sleeping porch. W&11 1 oca lad. Harney ISM North. FIVE-KOOM steam heated apartment, very desirable: the Chula Vlata, 8otb snd Poppleton Ave., 143. (A 1-3 Bran deta Theater Hldg. Poua. 1571. mi NICHOLAS 4-r. moil flat, steel range, gas stove, water paid. 81". RASP BROS. Doug. 106.1. Miscellaneous. MONTH FREE RENT CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 8-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. except heat; good neighborhood: III. so. D. K. BUCK. 912 Omnlig Nat. D. 6228. MODERN, steam-heated apartment, near P. O.; 118 upwarda. O. P. Stebblna. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and I men. 81.26 per hour; storage, 33 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pougla 433S and Tyler 830. FIREPROOF WAREH0U8-. Separate, locked rooms, for household goods snd pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80 S. lfith St. Douglas 4163. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 8V4 o. Harney 1887. MOVING AND STORAGE. PACKING. SHIPPINO AND FURNITURE REPAIRING PIANO MOVINO A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURB 8TORB. Douglas T7S6. OMAHA Truck, Van snd Storage Co., moving, packing, storage and shipping. Phone Douglas 1498. FIDELITY servIce FREE Phone Douglas 2bS for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, niovinff. l?th snd Jackson Bis. t P PVPH Express Co. Moving, """" packing and storage. 1807 Farnam St. louglas 6148. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Packing, storage. 15 Cap. Ave, Tyler 1200. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'PTY g tores. STORROOMS. Three dandy fine storerooms at 24th and Leavenworth; one of the beat loca tions la rtty; rent very reasonable. Calkins .& Co., Douglas 1818. City Nat. Bank Bldg. RAND new up-to-date storeroom on Capitol Ave., Just off 16th street, steam heat, toilet and lavatory, light fixtures In hardwood floors, plate glass win dows. To be ready April 1. Cackley Bros. DESIRABLE) small store room 1520 Cass St., a rent. Conrad Young, a Brun dels Theater Bldg. Douglas J571. DE3K ROOM cheap. 414 Ik. e Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1X73. STORE ROOMS at 1809-1811 Farnam St. Thos. V. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7408. STORE, modern, low rent, near post- offlce. G. P. Stebblna, 1.I0 Chicago. BTORH building, living rooms In rear, 200a N- Mlh. Douglas 18U. Offices aad Delc Hoom. SMALL office and apartment; low rent; near poetofflce. G. P. Stebblna. EABTront suite of rooms. Wead Bldg. r D. WEAD. 310 S. lHth St. LARGE light basement oh N. KtlT" SU vrl g lit A Las bury. D 162. FOR RENT SUBURBAN 6 ACRES 81 blocks from Council Bluffs Omaha car line; 6-room houae; will rent cheap if taken at once. THOS. L. M GARRY. 428 Keeline Bldg. Red. 4344. WANTED TO RENT Furslakrd Hoaees and Flats, Want to Rent Furnished Apartment within reasonable walking dtntance to t arnam scnool, auth and r arnam; man. wife and 11-year-old daughter. Can uae for six weeks and possibly longer. Want something good. Phone Harney 27. I nfornUhra Hoai aad Flatf. WE have proertive tenants for homes In all parts of the city. F. D. WEAD, 3tu -s. lull. Wead Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wmi, $4,650 Near 42d and Pod Sis. well built, strictly mod.; large living room acroaa the front, with ftrtplare; big dining room, large kitchen, pantries, etc., on flrat floor, hardwood finish and floore; three verv big bedrooms, finished In while enamel, bath, on aec nd floor; mahogany doors: fine humvtare cut glass knots. GREAT BIG BARGAIN. D. V. S1IOLES CO., I5-1 JtyNat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. Near Creighton College- We are offering a well-built 7-room 2 atory. all-modern house, large living room and dining room finished In oak and four good sized bedrooms on second floor; also porch that can be uaed lor two sleeping porches. If you ara looking for a home in this dlattict be sure to nave us show you this. Price 8ii.7:V). lliatt-Fairfield Co., Omaha Natl. P&nk Bldg. Doug. 4'1. WEST FARNAM, $3,700 fix-room house on Farnam street, near 4J.1 street, aouth front lot, hojae nearly new, oak flnlxh first floor, fur nace nest. Well built. W. II. THOMAS & SON, Poiia IMS. Keeline Bldg. FrlA"f1'TICALLY new, all modern liunga low, mar Deaf Institute, at '231 Wirt Sr : almost a glvu-aiaay at li '.'M. on hkv trrin. l.o-.U II over and call l'uughn X'.l Monda. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Vt eat. WILL take general contract for your new home and relieve you of all detail and worrv. Will work out a plan to aim Tel. Benson 122. F. S. Trulllnger. NEW bungalow of five beautiful moms at Tth and Pewey Ave., at a bargain. Call Tyler I .VI any day or evening Small payment down. REAL EST A I rv Kli e and YcneraTTnaiir ance Art Thatcher. 1217-1S City Na tlonal Bank Bldg. Douglas .twi. Mortfe. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottsga alth bath; 'arse lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees Price fc',3&0. Located 417 North 29th Bu Norris & Norris, 400 Pee Pldg. Pbonepouglaa 1274. PRAlKiE I'ARK STUCv'O. beautl7uT south front. 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch and tile bnthroom. vestibule, large liv ing room hi loss entire width of houae, with built-li bookcase, large dining room wl;h l.e-imeil celling, brick foun- riatlon, crinented baaement. eplendld shade, shrubbery and hedge, paving taxes all naid f. cash, balance 8 monthly. B. J. Scanned. & Ware Block. Pong. ?9S or Colfax SMI TrtTLLER paUTT Five rooms and Bun room, strictly modern bungalow, located near 14th and Brown Sta ; oak finish throughout1 full cement basement; hot water heat; has bullt-ln bookcaaea, buffe'. kitchen cab inet, fireplace and all closet doors are mirrored. You can bu" this at a bar- 'pAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Rth Fl. Omaha Nat. Hk. Bldg. P. lTXl.o BUY FROM OWNER BELOW COST Five rooms and bath, entirely modern cottage, excellent condition, storm sash, shades, etc. Close to car and school. Will rent for 3 per month. Can be bought on easy terms. See owner at 28f Corby St. after 8 p. nv GREAT BARGAIN Well equli-ped modem cottage, full ce ment basement, beautiful yard. Spe cial Inducements for cash, as owner Is leaving city. Tel. Wehmer 893. CHOICE Improved acreage, anap, 4 acres. all In fruit, bearing, l mile norm or Florence on paved road. 8-rooin house, bsrn. 86000. R H. LAN PER YOU, Tel. P. S76. 202 Neville Block. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 8-room cottage, toilet, gas, water. So ft, lot. 1 ..IK); terms, 800 cash or Ford car for equity. 8. P. BOSTWI'-X, 800 BEK BLDG. NEW 7-room home, garage; cathedral, Bemls park district. See owner. Make commission. Harnov 44X2. HIOOM cottage, corner lot, iV)x128. 3343 Pratt St.. for W. H. Gates. 47 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 13M. Aouth. A DANDY FIELD CLUB HOME rooms and den. all modern, nice baaa nient, everything In good condition, ele gant lot, paved street, close to school and car line, splendid neighborhood. Price onlv $3,800. C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Hanscom Park Corner One block east of Hanacnm park, fronting east and south. Good - little cottage, now renting for $180 per year, and room to build two or three flats nr a bungalow without interfering with It. Price $2,100. J. II. Duraont & Co., 418-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. "SO. NEAR UANSCOM PARK Living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom on flrat floor; bed room, bath and sun parlor on second floor; oak finish; modern; elegant fix tures; full cement basement. Price $3,000; 8300 down, balance terms. Brand new. Just ready for occupancy. O. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. FIELD CLUB, $3,750 Six-room, all modern home at the N. W. corner of 36th and Maroy, Just on block from the Ieavnnworth car line. This is a reduced price for quick sals and very easy terms oan be arranged. Do not ask the tenant to show house, but see us. ' GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 39H2. 919-20 City National. FIELD CLUB BUNGALOW. Just Hated a (-room strictly modern bungalow In the Field club dlstrtot. This Is an exceptionally fine place, built of solid stone, modern, on paved street. Owner leaving city; will sacrifice this place on easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 51 h Fl. OmHha Nat. Hk. Bldir D. 1781. ONE ACRETMPROVED NEAR BELLEVUB BOULEVARD; ONLY V. BLOCK TO CAR; NEW 8 ftOOM IH'NfiAUlW; ELECTRIC LIGHT. HOT AIR FURNACE. PRICE ONLY 83.2M); EA-SY TERMS. PHONE SO UT H 28 1 1 A BNAP Swroom house, electrlo lights, gas, bath and furnace; permanent side walks, paid; 1ft mlnules' walk of Wth and Harney Sts. No. 814 S. 27th St.. near Ieavenworth St. Harney 1445. Rob ert Robert sonj FIELD CLUB, new home, 7 beautlfuT rooms. Nothing finer In equipment or finish. Will sell to responsible party on easy terms, or will consider ex change at actual value, for cottage or vacant lot. 8ri.2aft. Call Tyler 911. SIX South Omaha lots, $160 each; $W down, IS month; pr cent; same lots originally cost $' and worth $J00 now. WILLIAM COLFAX. Mtarctlnnroua. ALL BARGAINS. Hanacom park, 8-r., modern, hot water heat, oak finish; rheap for cash, or exchange for smaller house. Six-r., modern, good condition; paved street; close In; I blocks to car. Small raah payment, balance like rent. cedar St., three small cottages on one lot, three blocks to car; only $l,2. Mx-r., monern but neat; van Li .amp Ave.; bargain. WKJGHT LASBURY. I'uugif&a in. 3400 CASH, $27.64 PER MO., will buy a dandy new bungalow, 8-r. and bath, oak finish In two front rooms, oak floors throughout, a number of special fea tures, full cement basement, furnace heat, hlgh-gtade plumbing and lighting fixtures; lot 4orl5.i. 1 blk. to car and school. Price. 82.". RASP BROS., 1fl Mr'agueBldg-. Doug WX (BOOM' LAKGAIN NEvv-. s-KOOM. ETORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT 13 400: REASONABLE PAYMF.NT BENSON CARMICHAF.L. POfOLAH 1723. 43 PAXTON RLK. 8AFETT FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFr FIRE AND TORNADO INHL'K ANCK, Is E E O'NEIL'S R E. "lNS. AOTVCT. 834 Brandels Theater bldg. Tyler 10M. S-R. OLD HOUSE LOT 44x132 $1,800; $200 cash, balance monthly, on paved street; good location; snap. H. A. WOLF (14 Ware Block. Douglas 868 HKVKN rooms, hot water heat, splendid shape, paved street, excellent neighbor hood. Best reasoiia for selling. $2900, I-'kjO down. Call evenlnga. Colfax vr,. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Wfit. 2IA ACRES, rlose to esr; easy terms, tlyrlle Deuel. Colfax JL after 10 a. m. North. Come Out to Minne Lusa and see the wonderful development go ing on there You will find the best lots offered In Omaha at $ to 3"uo. Kewer ronine. w aisr mains walks, gi ailing and seed ing all t'Hl'l f..i. I-'.'.') lei mis. CHARLES W MARTIN . CO., u II' I REAL ESTATE UMMPROVED (aatk. OFFER WANTED On a fine east and south front cornel lot, 77x138 feet, surrounded bv fine shade trees, lorsted near ?4th and Martha; onlr two short blot ks from ir line, conxenlent to aood s ho.l. islth mi 8-room modern house on It: rented b good tenants. Price only 8.1.IOI. Oaner very anxloua to seM snd aants offer for Immediate ssle. Room to build 3 bungalows If desired. See us about this at once if you are looking for a bargain. GKOKGE & COMPANY, P. !2 City Nat. Rank Hldg. (5 anion vlxts 8UI0 TO $."00. $1 IHltt'N. 5u CF.NTS PER W'KKK Buy one, two. three or four of them. They are located on the South Side, near good car line. Make your garden and atari your little cottage at on.e. SIII'l.KH A CARV. Phone Poug4W3. H Keeline Bldg. WILL BUI LP TO SUIT. Have 13 first choice lots In Leaven, worth llelghta Add.; easy terms. Poug. 2-wi. Carl Bolen. 14 Paxton Bldg. FINE lots. Han. roTt and th streets; Walking distance; only $.W0. eaav terms. Mrs. II. L. liawver, SS.'4 Grand Ave., Colfax 7B2. MIeellaeoa. 11 ACRES on car line. No builJlngs. $2s0 per a. lays good THOS. CAMPRELl Poug. 4823. Hi Keeline. PHONE Patterson. Doug. rM7, for list of lots, 3n and up REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS "The Dewey Apartments" 33d and Dewev Ave. West Farnam District 14 Apartments Income $(5,10 This beautiful apartment house Is for sale and we will take as part payment good farm near Omaha. The building is entirely rented and la tho most com plete and modern building of Its kind In the city. HASTINGS A HF.YDEN. 11.14 Harney St. Flat or Apartment Site We have 110 feet south front on Cali fornia, between 83d snd 841 h. This la an exceptionally good location for either flats or a small apartment house. Price only $3,000. Terms If desired. A. P. Tukey & Son, Phone Doug. 502. 1.VT7-8 W. O. W. Bldg a i no II CLASS SMALL INVESTMENT A double flat building of 8 rooms and bath, In one of the best rental districts of the city, renting for 3730 per year. Within easy walking distance and should be seen to be appreciated. A small payment cash will handle this elegant Investment. HASTINGS HEVDEN. 114 Harney St. $90,000 Close In, downtown corner, fine site for beautiful block. F. D. WEAD, ?10 S. 18th St., Wead Bldg. . REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Beaisoa. START YOUR HOMhl IN BENSON I . BUY THIS LOT! 810.00 down snd $10.00 per month; price J?b0.00, slse, 60x128; located on Locust St. between Clark and Burnham; not far from school and car line Geo. R, Wright. Bee office. Omaha. Dandee. REW two-story brick and stucco home of ( rooms and sleeping porch: with bullt-ln buffet, flreplaca, bookcases, kit chen cabinets and other foaturea; oak floors throughout: oak finish downstair white enamel upstairs. Owner Walnut 1141. dTTndee. Corner 49th and laard. graded1, side walk, city water, sewer, corner, $0, Inside lots $.00 to 860, GEORGE O. WALLACE. 814 Keeline. BEaTjTIFUL brick and stucco homes being built In Kvanston, south of Podge St., lit Dundee. H. II. Harper Co. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES HARDWARE or lumber yard wanteT7or good 80-aore farm, well Improved, 24j miles from Deer Psrk, Wis.; 46 mllea from St. Paul; nice location, good soil, to trade for hardware or lumber yard of about same value $90 per acre; deal with owners only; give full psrtlculars In first letter. W. E. Dinginan, Owner, Deer Psrk. Wis. OREAT BIO BARGAIN. 160 acres fsrm land right close to town. Price $3,600. or will exchange for new house or bungalow In Omaha. Ad dress O 898. Bee. See us first. Ws may have Just what you want. Ws sell or trade everything nywere.C,l.Snilth.Tyler 1591 TRADES. TRADES." TRADES. Farms and Omaha properly for ex change. J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Blk..Omaha EIX houses and farm to exchange KeoT farm. Toland aV Trumbull. Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchsnge anything you have to offer. C. J. Canan. McCarue Bldg. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROPTY $5 FEET, 16th St.. $ blks. from viaduct, $6,600, McCague Inv. Co.. MoCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy on ninthly payment a small store room, with living rooms above, In Central school district. Phone Had ',Sat FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loa as, Mvrtaages. WE are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 213 South 17th St MONEY TO LOAN ON Apsrtment houses, double brick houses, single houses, business property snd farm lands at 6, 6V and 6. 6, 6' AND 6 W. H. THOMAS. 228 KeellneBldg: Douglas 1148. $ TO for loans on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also fsrm losns. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO , 1621 Farnam St NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages; Kloke Inv. Co , Ornsha. OMAHA homes. East Nrbrsska farms. OKEEKK REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha Nat Phone Douglas 87l. MONEY'TO lOAN, twr 6 years, on Improved properties. RHOPEN CO.,Doug424. MONEY" on "hand for city and farm loans. II W. Blod.r, City National Hank Bldg OAK VI N BROS. wy.,M., $100 TO $10. 0m nisds promptly. F. D. Wead. Wesd illilg., lath snd Farnam fets. 6 T CITY LOANS, C. U. Carroerg. $18- 12 Brandris Thsater bldg. CITY arid fuim loana, 6 1. per rent. J. H. Dumont a Co.. 416 Keeline Hd4 5r MONEY IIARKIHON MORTON. 1 kiii Omaha Bans blag. FINANCIAL Itaeki aad KoaSa. Two First Mortpapps For Salo fl.OHi due In five years. Interest per cent. i.a.ih!c sctiil annually, cn o a rt's of gornl. level farm land in Weld couniy. Colorado; alue $4.r0. fcxl due In five years. T per cent, pay able semi -nnnusllv. on li acres of rood level farm land In Weld county, Colo rado; value. $3,oO. E. T. Hoyden, 114 llarnev St.. timsha Nebrsaka. K E two 8l.a mortgages iliawlr.g 6 per cent Interest: sTun-d on Tennessee Und; due In 8 ami 4 carv alii trad for good ni"tmMI, or what have ynuf r,tresN c'-. ii,nta Bee. MoHT' .AiVk heat ing V yer "cent semi annual: sfi'iircil bv propertv val ued $is; .J. TnliiMge-lrfomls Inv. Co., W O. W. HMa. , Ahttrani. f Title. flimrnntpp Abstra t Co. We ran bring - uown .''in ' subtract on short notice. R. 7 Patterson Bldg. 1). 847. K'l'Mf 1? Tlt tluarsntre an.) Abatra.'t S 17th' St Tel. D. MS7. REED ABSTRACT Co.."oldear arafraet office In Nebraska. Brandels Thea, REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE i i CK AirE Vli'iafle on T " Tvg 104: can be bought at a bargain. C. A. tlilmmel. 849 Dmaha Nat. Ilk. Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Laali, FREE FARMS IN ARKANSAS. 180,14 acres of government land open for homestead April Jii; hosted along and near the Missouri and North Ar kansas railroad: Ideal for fruit poultry, stock or general farming; some timber. Write tor particulars. J. C. Murray, O. P. A., Peak U Harrison. Arkanaaa. Coloramo Laalla. A GOOD farmoFl60 aulas, located In the Platte valley, near lulesburg, Colo. This farm la all Irrigated: a fine proposition for sugar beeta and fall and spring wheat. Will sell or trade for farm In Iowa. Nebraska or fond land In South Dakota. Address Y . Bee. loaaa I . d . 4MVA.Fowa finprovej farm. Price $18S er acre. Will take part In Income property and carry balance on land. W. K. CRAIG. 1S17 City Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Illsaaaola tasta $40 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, nesr two good railroad towns; one halt under cultivation, balance us for pasture and hay; ran practloally all be cutlvated: good soil, good set of buildings; this land lll produce 89 bushels of com per acre; country la thictly settled; complete set of ma chinery ; 87 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 8-yar-olda: 4 good horses, 16 hogs, chickens ana everything on the farm goes at 66 per acre. One-half rash. Immediate pos session can be had. SCHWAB BROS., loan Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. M la so a rl JI-m n da. iATRTsTTATtM" In Dent Co.. Missouri, 1 mil to rlllsg. 18 miles to Salem; highly Improved, good barn and silo; good buildings; 110 acres In cultivation and meadow; win ter wheat goes with place If sold at once; soma fine Umber; good orchard. Price $30 per acre. W. 8. FRANK. $01 Neville Block. Omaha. uTtSAT" BARGAINS" 86 down. $6 monthly", buys 40 seres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri Price only $176. Address Bog 80S, hix colslor Springs, Mo. Nebraska 1-anita. Omaha Office Established A rah L. Hungerford, the Northwest Nebrsska land man, tor the convenience of Omaha clients and prospective f.atrons, has established an office at 804-1806 W, O. W. Bldg.. of whloh Mi. E. P. Snowden, well known Oraahan. and his son. 10. W. Snowden, is In charge. Messrs. Snowden aV Snowden aru th official Oinaha representatives of Mr. Hungerford and all those seek ing Information relative to Dawaa county and northwest Nebraska are re spect fully requested by Mr. Hungerford to call at this Omaha office, where Messrs. Snowden and Snowden will gladly give Information and furnish you with descriptions of places, facts, fig ures snd prloes on Dawes county land. Own a home In "The Land of Inde pendence." 'The Garden Beyond the Sandhills," and your future Is assured. 13U4-13H5 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE-J.&O-acr stock- farm; two sets of buildings; five never falling wells of water: all fenced and cross fenced; good house and large frame barns. Owner prefers to sell fsrm stork and machinery right together. For further particulars address J, M. Pains, Gaudy. I .ok an Co., Neb. BARGAIN improved quarter section, one mile from Tecumaeh. Not much cash required to handle. Possession If de sired. AV. T. Smith Co., CM y National Bsnk Jl1g. FOUNl -acre unclaimed homestead; good soil; ample rainfall; artesian water; near free Umber. Price $Mu, filing feea and all. J. A. Tracy, FL sood half section of land close to OaalTalu. Keith Co., Nebraska? If you do. I can deliver It. Room k77. Omaha National Bank. Omaha, Neb. Jl 840 acre relinquishment for sale; five mllea from R. R. town, ten miles from another. Write Lock Box $48. Val entine, Neb. $50 A. ."enjoining HeraTiey. all fine valley Intnl. Improved. Prb-e $22,600, worth $35,000. Write DC. PaUersonOmaha. CAN give some excellent trade on good J.SnO acre Brown Co.. Neb., ranch. Will price this at actual value. Kelyea A tilfford. 816 RaingeBldg.. Omaha.Neb. 160 ACRKS hay land, black" soil 4" mOea north of Overton, Mawaon county. Nab., to trade for Omaha income property. P. J. Tehbens, tub Omaha Nat l Bank. W laenasla La a da. LPPKR WISCONSINBeet dairy sad general or oil stats In the union; settlers a sated: lands for sale at low prices on eaay terma Ask for booklet 84 on Wla conain Central Iind Grant. Fxcellent lands for stock raising. f Interested In fruit lanis ask for booklet on apol orcharda. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Sou Line Railway, Minneapolis. Minn. i 'WISCONSIN farm to trade for Omaha property, either Imnroved or vacant. KrMf. tfhl-lda.Wa l?u.tjl- Mlaeellaaeoas. BUY Kits VTTll TIIK MONKY TO INVFT. Fsrm land ads plaoed In these col umns reach the kind of people all over the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lands. Quality and quantity are both found In TUB HKP.S country circulation. Th subscription rate for The Bee la much higher thsn any other Omaha newspaper. Naturally The Be la read by a class of well-to-do farmers. Send In your ad and reach aoin ral buyers. HA VK YOU A "FARM FRSaLEt Writ a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City, la.. Jour nal. "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday for one mouth, giving sixteen ada on twelve different dsys for $-'; or 60 words, $1; or 75 words. $n. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, KjO.OOo readers daily In four great sta tea. "FARMS, acreage and city property for aale and eirhange. C. R. Combe, tut) Hrandt la Theater Bllg pous.JWhl. FRF.F, Ll T -too" choice Miiin7-Wta D'aCT cholca farms. Borer. JJ Sec. Bldg., K . MJnneajw.lla Minn. WHEN YOU PLAN TO SELL THAT REAL ESTATES WHATf List your propsrty In rHH PICK'S Big Houae, Horn and Heal Fsiate Qulde. buyers f real es tate are exscUng usually. Value muat b there, and apparent trU ahould be an Inducement but make tl.e information definite sud you will gel responsee from perHns reallv interrsted in vour oner, if yuu run it lu THE BttlC. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Kee aale. NOTK'K T FAIlMr.RR. Bargain for cash while they last. Don t fall to eome this week. Closlna out the last of my well matched mares, from 6 to 8 year old. some In foal weiahlng from l,00 to S.Ono lbs. per span; also 6 llgbl buslnrsa horses. I have Sold 148 horsAa and mules sine the first of the year, and as the huvera that have bought them are all well Pleased I hop to see rou esrly and do by you as I hare by them sell them under a full guarantee or your money refunded. I also have 4A yearling and t-o-yesr-olds on the farm that I will sell and ship anywhere In Neb. or Iowa fre of charge. Barn in rear. 114 S. J4th St. Idy owner MUST Sr.l.T. HARNKSH. $2,7iS) worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price : II.OOO worth of single har ness to rinse out st one-half regular price. Harness shipped auujert to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNSON -DAN FORTH CO.. IMS-tl M N. 1th St. Near Clark St. ATTKNTION" 4 head of young inera In foal, $ head of geldings weighing S.ono per span, 4 and 6 years. Alan 4 sets of bsrneaa and a wason No reasonable rssh offer refused. $01 8. 2fth Call barn In rear. ONK team of good work horaea. weight about 8.800, rheap to rash buyer. Call at 8M lHuglas. POULTRY AND PET STOCK aloNKIY'ln chickens :' rite fot Johnsons frea catalogue. Poury Know-How, bout th pay-for-ltself Old Truaty In cubator, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter. Neb. TlGKONH pay far "better tha VhTcMrna'i always penned tip: little space needed to start; free book explains a II. Majestic SquabCo.. DeptM. Adel. la. LAST" shipment of this season Pfin ported Japanese fantnil goldfish. fce each Max Gelaler Bird Co.. 1iil7 Farnam St. EGGS from fine Anconas and Houdana; also from lieautlful Mlver Camplnea, Blue lllbbon winners Benson 1M-J CARlfOF" BABY CllTcks. ' a new-book frea for stamp. Geo, II. Co., 1116 Harney St., Omaha. fTtRALKTliomiighbreir'Scorch collie rnip, well marked. 1758 F St., Llnooln. BA RfTftD hock eitsTlhatcnlngrordef now. Tel.Penson8a-J. MXf irraln, 100 rbs.,$1.76."Wagner. SnNNlC AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE AtiTO CTJiHiN(r HO'tTSfT ! Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 8X10. 1816 Otalmers roadster, run 400 miles; sacrlflc. 1818 Cadillac touring, elec. ennlp $175 118 Slevena-Duryea touring, six cyl.. 8Mi Til AUTO SHOP- 'Servlce Flraf," 1W1-8 Jackson. Tyler WS, Auto repairing and gen. bl KMmithlng, auto siirlnsK made and repaired. BIOOKRT VARIETY Ol' FORD CARS IN THH CITY. Wage Earners Should Buy Acres Now You never will be able to buy aorca for less money Hum right now. Just think, you can buy an acre, equal to ( to 8 city lots, at tho same price that you can buy one city lot, ami on just aa easy or easier terms. Why not begin now to buy an acre or two in the best located acreage tract near Omaha t Benson Gardens Located along West Main Street, Benson. Paved road all the way. Jitney service free to everyone living in Benson Gardens, who are employed down town. Just think what these acres will be worth in the future. See us at once Call us by phone, Tyler 50, and we will send you reading matter and plats telling you more about Benson Gardens. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR. By direction of th property committee of the Board of Regents of th Univer sity of Nebraska; bids will b received until 4 o'clock p. m., Monday. April 10, UilS, at th offlo of th undersigned, for construction of an Agricultural Fjngt neeiing building on the University Farm campus near Lincoln. Aeparat bids will b reoelved for Installation of heating and ventilating, plumbing and electrlo wir ing for said building; all bids on build Ing construction and the several Instal lations of equipment must be In strict accordance with plans, drawings and specifications now on fll In the office of the siiiierlntendrnt of constriction in the University Aumlnat ration building at IJncoln Bidders must apply to and con fer with the superintendent on all mat ters concerning construction and bids thereon and must In all rases uss ths blank prepared under Ihs direction of said superintendent for. bidding purposes. Approximate rest of said building In cluding equipment above mentioned Is $140,000. Bids must be accompanied by hank cashier's checks or certificate of deposit pavab!e unconditionally to- the Board or Regents of the University of Nebraska. In the amounts and for pur poses slated In the 'instructions to bid ders." accompanying plans snd spei.i fi rst lona Bids must be scaled Slid pliilnly marked on the outald cover, "Agricul tural Building." or, "Engineering Build ing Equipment," as the caae niav b (heating, plumbing etc.). The right is re served to re led any and all Ths University of Nebrsska. J. S. DALIOX. Secietary, Station A. Lincoln. Ml-a-O.A-.M. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Notice la hereby given that Mealed bids will be received by the St. Paul's Evan gelical Lutheran congregation up to Mon day, May I, I!il6, for the erection of a ohurch six miles north of Fslls (Ity. ac cording to the blue prints snd specifica tions now on file. church six miles north of Fslls City, sc coinfa tiled bv a certified check of YM 00, payable to Ihs order of Mr. J. Ricschlck, Falls Cllv. Neh. The congregation reserves th right to retoct any and all bids All bids should be addressed to Bcv. Theo. Hoemann, Fells City, Neb.. Route I By order of building committee. J. Frlti. F. Wlttrock, J. II Bauer. J. A. Bauer, Rev. Theo. Hoemann. Mlt HARRY DUVAL GETS BIG JOB ON THE ROCK ISLAND Harry ft. Duval, a former Omaha buy and a brother of Eugene Duval, general agent for th Milwaukee in Omaha, ha been appointed division freight agent for th Rock Island, In charge of the company's Illinois lines, with head quarters la Chlisgo. Mr. Duval left Omaha about five years ago after several years of service aa contracting freight agent for ths Rock Island. He went to Chicago for th earn company and aim then be has received a number of promo tions, finally landing th position of di vision freight agent. Key to the Situation Be Want Ads. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE USF,I VAWA I slightly iihcd Maxwell tour 8 1 1 : I ft Knger "s." com eulp., $ pas. i.w 6 Good Fords from $ J2T to Ivm I lflj Vella 40 lwi. t ifl A Crow car at a bargain f;:. 1 lil;l tvrrlan. 6-passennrr '-') 11813. 6-pase. Stmlrbaker $nat 1 Chalmers-Detroit roadster, extra equip 1-111 International, good shape im llixio -vl. Maxwell roadster $ (V 11813 Flanders 30, 6 pass $:2i 0. W. FKANCIR AUTO CO., 116 Farnam. I'hone loug. 8n$. OF.NF.RAL Motor Companv truck. Iwn ton capacity, good condition, t an b bought right. Call Douglas 34. HKilAL louring car. electric light and starter, splendid condition. $47i. T. G. Northwall Co.. Douglas 1707. WHKRK can I get a good used cart Industrial n.irage Co., xoth and Har nev Sta USFD CAR HAI'.'IAINt AT MURPHY Q BR I KS AI'Ttl CO., H14-in8FariismSl. BUY from oaner large 6-passenger, fully equipped, excellent condition. iiaW. Pee Ilol.rwi, tMnahatiarage. atomobllea Wanted, W A NTKI i to buy, 11)16 or 'i F"ord. iHjug. l a a Asia ReSMatrlagr aad Palattasx. KUR. Auto Radiator Repair r"er1-e. and r rices right. SIK 8. lth StD.78i0, $100 rewsrd for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Rsysdorfrr.ll0 N. 18th. J(5r MU Rll I Y Auto repairing, liF 8. 17th St. Tyler Kft. night.Red 7i. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 8f0 Far. D. JOOlf Aatfl llrea and Snppllea. I'TTtES at cut prlcea. We carry the largest stock of atandard makes, at cut prices. In Ihs west. Modem tlr repair plant. Skilled labor employed. Repair all makes. DUPIJCX TIRE CO., IRI8 Famnm 8t. T. 4871 BEND for" frea gmpi if WlOD'S KVICRIjOC. SF.LF Vulcsnlslng Fshrl Patch, for blowouts and punctures: guaranteed to hold. Jos. BrtnkbaUts, lall t hlcaoSt., Omaha. AUTO TIRFJ3 RTtRUILT $2.00 TO $6 08. DUO TIRli tX.. 1611 Chicago St. KlectrleAataiotllee. Valfer Anderson, xp't" refn ictre A batteries Storage. 1-.10 Farnam. D17. At'TOMOBi'i.r; insurance. fir. Theft Liability and Property Damage at Lnweet Rates. KII LT, ELLIS A THOMPSON. 818-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2818. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES HARLEY- DAVIDSON HlOTORCTCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rons, "Th Motorcycle Man." 8708 Leavenwortn LEGAL NOTICES NOTICH TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of th Board of Commissioners of State Institutions until 11 a. in. Monday, April 10, litis, for furnishing supplies for Hospitals for the Insane at Uil.oln, In glesld and Norfolk; Feeble Minded In stitute at Hra trice. Soldiers' and Bailors' homes at Mliford and Burkett, Industrial school at Kearney and Oeneva, Indus trial home at Mliford, Or t hoped lo hos pital and penitentiary at Lincoln, Hoe- F.ltsl for Tuberculous at Kearney, School or Blind. Nebraska City, and School for th I leaf at Omaha. All supplies are to b delivered as ordered by the respective superintendents. Unless otherwise specified supplies must ba delivered free of charge at railway station where Institution is Iocs ted, ex cept that at Institutions having trackage, carload lots must he delivered f. o. b. cars on Institution tracks. K.ach bid muat be acoompanled by a certified check for $ per rent ol the amount thereof, payable to tha Board at Commissioners of State Institutions, snd by samples when requasted. Samples snt In car of the board muat be accom panied by itemised invoices. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will b Immediately returned, as will also those of th suc cessful bidders upon ucreplance of a bond conditioned upon the performance of the contract. The Iward reserves th right to reject any or all bids and to accept bids in their entirety or by individual Items. Bidders not bidding according to speci fications furnlahed by the board must ststc plainly on the bid wherein It dlf fern from specifications. When an article is specified "best for not more than" a certain price the prlc mentioned la th maximum which will ba paid for th article, but the board re serves the right to select sn article of fered at a leas price if, in its Judgment. It la enual. Bidders ara limited to one ssmple for each specif (cation. Ri'ARP OF COMMISSIONERS OF STATE INSTITUTIONS, By I.eo Matthews, Secretsry. Lincoln, Nebraska. March 17, 1tl. M'JSdlt Protest is Filed Against the Bemis Park Playgrounds Ths city council received a protest from residents of Bemls park, request ing that th playground be abandoned because it la a nulaauce. The document was referred to Commissioner Hummel for Investigation and recommendation. Text of the protest follows: We. the undersigned property owners, fronting and adjacent to the playgrounds In He in la park, moat earnestly petition your honorable body to abate what we ronalder a nuisance, for the reason that the psrk is so small that the playgrounds are placed right in our front yards and ths noias inada, not onlv by the small children, but bv the older ones, on sum mer nights, when our atndows roust b open, Is unbearable. The screaming and yelling continues until l! and 1 o cl.. k in the nishl. I-ai' summer tha poln wers railed on a great many time to clear tha park. Again asking you not to place the slides and swings on th rounds ths coming year, w are, eta