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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1916)
V?. THK HKK: OMAHA, WKDNHSDAV, MARCH Z), 1DIG. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Shippm Are the Early Buyers of Hog. at Pricei Which Were Called Finn. BIG BUX OF LAMBS; PRICES DROP OMAHA. March . 11. PecWpt ware: Cti1e. lloi Blieap Official Monday i.ficO Ketlmste Tuesday .... 7.9') l.i 11. w 23!?. 2".M7 Hi 2,tl ).fi 14.4l 12.?7i )..!' H.vil Two dars thl weak . .15 fwuiie dae laat weok.lo.iM Fame days 1 weeks ao 17.4t Hums daya I weens sko 17.21" fen in daya 4 weeks ago lS.M) Kama day last year.. i1,ik3 The following- labia show the receipt rf cattle. hoc and sheep at tha Omaha live stock market for the year to data aa compared with ,ast year; 191. lftlR. W. Cati! znha rr6.yi i"i.:i )lo .1.S4,L1 K-ii.741 ttl.iieQ ... ... Sheep 661.67S 7!,71 UR.034 Tha following- table shows the avereae prices of bona at the onmlia Live Hiock market for the laat parlanne; 1 aie 131. JitlS. I4J4 ew daya. with com- M-h. 12. ar. It. Alar. 14. Mar. 15. Mar. 1 .War. 17. Mar. Ill Mar. in Mar. irt. Mar. -X Men. 11 Mar. J. kiar. i4. Mar. U. "nr. V. Mar. ir. 7 41 Mar. -gi U ) 27 MV 21 I 14 : jo I r.i 44 mi at, 63 I 4 I 4fi 1 : t" 1 ; 4. t M M I TO M 74 f til I ,". l iHll.ilKIO. 110 17 n 10 II 6 ?V 10 42 73 10 67,10 1. K2I1D & in fil a tt 1 &' I mi I Kt n l M I 19 7 10 4hfl0 J Vl I SI) 7 I. 47 10 ll F7I 1.1 44 B M S 7 T 01 .W I V 47 1 I 4.V ft t.41 7 11 jivw S 41 Ml 7 N 4'10 7'H . Sunday. CATTLE Receipt of cattle U! morn ing were quite literal, but the total for Uie two daya amounla to V.2t head, being 4.SO0 bead larger than a week ao and aver l.un head larger than year ago. Advice from other eelllna; polnta were not overly favorable, ao that the trade waa eatremely alow and dull and gener ally luc lower than yesterday, or around 1SlAc lower than lent week. The de cline waa fully aa noticeable on the good rattle aa on any other kind. Cowe and helfera ranged anywhere from weak to loc lower, and, they, too, were alow seller. blocker and feeder! did not ahow very much change, dealreble cattle of that -acrlptton being about steady. Quotation! on cattle: ood to choice beeves, t.0f.60; fnlr lo good beevee. t' rnj.6; common to fair beevea. tT.T.J 60; good to choice heifer. I7.2r4l.2; good to choice cow a, H.lbUJT fair to good cowa. I 0tru.7&; common to fair cowa, 14 5C(f.2; good to choice feedera, 17. sot, a.jO; fair to good feedera. 17.30ni7.tW, common ti fair feeler, Wt7.3u; good to choice atix kera, r7.7aftS.2iS; atock helf- - - -. . - . L ' a iV..n Of. atock c.ilvra, 7.0fu.; veal calvea, 17.00 H 10.3d; bulla. atag. 10.. fi.W7.W. Hepreaentatlve aalea: Caltle Cteady Hoc leily Sheep Weak, , rmCAOO, March 'ATTIKn celpta. 40O had; ma.rkct ateady; native f. I7.I..41 10 Oi; weetern atcrra, 7.7 4(1 7.'. Ftoi kera and feedera, S. 0 ia ?f: oown nd holf. ia. 47i iiO.iO; ralvea. I. .7. f 0 00. Hfkf!-llecelpt, 1 7.0 head; rnarnrt eak. 6e lower, bulk of aalra, L7tVH'..0. llKht, ln.tutji 10 ( i; ml red. t-. .3f; heavy. .'l.j;J. rouvh, 1 ."jiO.-A. pas, ,.M wr. BIIKi:t' ANI I.AMll.-5-necelpta. 1J.O eail; market weak; wet here, t.fHYitJ.'; woe, 10 'a h. So; lamlia, W.7yttl.M. Kanana til) I, lee Bloek Market. KANSAS CITV. March 2. C'ATTIjB rerln', 11,000 liead; market ateady to 10c lowfi ; prime f'l ateera, '..2T4)' .'; dreaaed cei etr r, .Vf't'i.Z). weatern ateera. . M.iolh'TIl N i.erif (.t"'fl..-.0. cowa, .OOft.t.O; helfera, f7 or(.i.7.; at o' ken) and cd.r. I"..7.".u8 bu.le, G.7..4 .(0; calvea. .. On ,0 00. IK MiH Rccelpta, lJ Oi" hen1; market tcady to 60 higher; bulk of aalea. R'0 henvy, "J. ixav.m: pnekera and butch- ra, t.i).H.7,.; l.irht, I i.liyO.Su; plica, $7. A .i0. MIEKP AND l.AMKf-Kecelpta, V"1" end; market eteaily to 6- lower; lmln, 10.frfii11.ti0: yenrllnifa, 1 iVfijU' '': wethera, 2..g 00; ewea. tn oriyk fra, toikera and evdeig, le.OWlo.f". HI. I.oala I.lve Bloek Market. fiT. IXH'tfl. Mo.. March M.-'ATTLK- Hecelpta. J.100 head; market ateady; na tive beef ateera, IT.nolV 60; yearling ateera and helfera. IS.&otrH.fiO; cowa. tVifiOnj n0; atockera and feed-ra. s Mut i; Tcxaa and Indian ateera. K.2iVfiH.uO; cowa and helfera, 14.004.00; native calvea, .00 tjiooo. m his-ueeeipia. ,ni neaa; maraex atendy; plka and llRhta. 7.2.''u 9T; mlied and butihera, $3.HfirlO.0O; good heavy, f.i.wrtl 1" oo xui;ki ami L.AMHS Iteceipia. iw head; market ateady; yearling wethera, t.iwi IO.40; lam ha, $D.O&11.70; ewea, M.Wtf 1.50. long City Lire "lock Market. HlOl'X CITY. la.. March IS. CATTUK Tlecelpta, 2,1 head; market ateady; na tive ateera, fl.UmtHMft: butchera, HKOTft.flO; rni and helfera 4 00; ralvea, $5.40 i. 2f ; bulla, taa, etc., $'..7r.'u7.2f. H(M)S Hecelpta, 9.0O0 head; market 5c owcr; heavy. $J.II.C0: mlxod, w.Srufl.CO; llrht, ! lic((..V.; bulk of aalna, IB it-m io. HH F.KI' AND IAMHH Recclpta. BOO bend; market ateady lo 10c lower; Iambi, (11 .OOJj 11.2.-.. BEEP STEERS. Me. T .. 1... II .. !... ! .. II... At. Pr. .. I II .. XI S 4 .. HO I 1.1 ..lV i U ..14 i M . UM I li N. 14 .. ... 1 .. 4... A. Fr. . Ill II U .11X4 I 60 61 . 14 TEERS AND HKirERR 77 ........ kit V.l lla 744 4t I M f . IS.. 1 ee 71 I OB I M t M , IH . 4V4 1IK1FKRS. 1 en 1 7 to IN l ...... I 1 t M CALVL'S. I M 1 Ik....... 7M II It I . lo 44 . Ml , 741 , IM 64 t 1 HO i 0 II M , Oi , 41 at 1 40 7 tot U ID I U 1 Ml STOCKERS AND KKEDERS. I. Ifl IN 1 II 7 M I tk IK 41 M t i 111 U r 7.4 7 m HOO8 The hog supply looked fairly liberal aa compared with moat recent Vueadaya. About 2i cara, or 1 '1.000 head, weie leported, putting the two daya total at 23.H74 head. Thia la more tnan I.imi amailer than laat week, but la allahtly larcer than two weeks ago. and a gain of more than S.OoO over the corre sponding daya of laat year. Ktlpuera. on the airerigtrt of report a ft ateady marketa at other polnta, bought a few loada on very flrat rounda at prtcea that were firm to If anything atronger. liearlnh packer orrivra. however, made It lioitatbie for ouiSi to make tnoal of their uurchaaea Hi crlcea that were no null than ateadv. and looked. If auy thing, a Utile eaaier. Shipping demand waa roofin.d largely to the gool light unit huit'her melalit hoxa. although they bought acme hvavlea, paying aa high a ll'W. The firat effera Packera made were anyway loo lower, and while anllera were expecting aome aort of a decline, they thought thia coneeaalon entirely too larite, and hung onto their hoga In hopea pa k- ere would be forced lo raiaa tneir nanua. I'p to a rather late hour practically nothing waa dona. l'-kere had atayed bv their early bide, while aeilera Inalated the coneeealon aaked waa unwarranted, e ni r.ruaMi tn cut Itxiae. Tkinji, ilrannl alona' until about 11 o'clock, when movement ftimlly atarter on a 5tfl0c lower baala. Trade never be came vcrv active, but by noon the big ..,.4 r the hoi had been rlaane4 up, The cloo proved to, be another of the '.lull, weak affnlre that were ao common wei, Wlik nulla a few hoga atlll uneold buyera began to drop out. and . hui tin im tniiM.LiLion there hud been waa aoon wiped out. Some of the hoga which were left for the ffnlah were of the mixed aort which had !een over looked earlier In the dav while othera were of a fairly good kind, on which aellera thought buyera had failed to bid the market. At any rate noon found quite a eurlnkllng atlll In the pena and the few buyera atlll In the field dropped Hielr effera uulll they were aa much aa 1-. i..,r in inure than ono tnatance, With the pucker the market waa fro'lOc lower even at the beet lime, ana a koimi menv horn were bought a flat KkJ lower, if eoitrM early ehlpper pun haaer. many of wMeh wero aleady, helped out the averaae roet aoinea hat, but the general trad waa fully l-.rV.c down and were It Doaxtbte to get the lute aalea, average , ahow nearly a 10c decltno Many of the hon that allowed the moat break were not welahed In time to be quoied and the aalea Hated In thta column really paint the market brighter than It waa. R-.'pre tentative galea No. , U... . lot. At ..ll . :.s ..1:4 . 4 .11 ..I ..4 Bk. Pr. . . I M ! ... M ll ... I 44 ... te 19 t S4 v. to . II.. 44.. U. . .. 71.. 4.. At. ...1,1 ...1I ...JM ...Vu4 ...! ...14 (Ox. rr. hhk ... I at II IM ... 41 ai te ... HH ... w v!l".fi. 7": ewea. fa'r lo good, I7.7."fj. T teprcaentatle aalea: No. Ill fed MlTlbe , '1. Mexican lamha 10 native lamha 110 17 cull liimba Av. . 7S Tr. 11 w 11 u 10 (l 10 00 IIK Kit) MK TO( K MIHKKT GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat ii Strong, Ranging from Cent to Two Centi Higher, With Brisk Demand. CORN RUNS TO HALF HIGHER OMAHA. MARCH . 191- fah wheat waa atrong. ranging from 162c higher. Receipt were not heavy and there waa a aof f l lirit demand to tuka rare of the Ilirht offering. lorn waa ouotej from unchanged to "c higher. The advance waa noleil par ticularly In the commercial gradea. al though there waa a good demand for all other grades, too. The weather at preaent la Ideal for drying o'it the corn and there I a marked Improvement In the quality of the cereal being received on the local market. Oate recelpta were very light and the demand for thla cereal waa not very ac tive, the market remaining practically unchanged. Rye eold 1c higher and barley wa quoted nominally unchanged. Clearancea were, wheat and flour equal to 1.120.0 0 buahela; corn, S7.0OU buahel; oata, lil'iDO buahela. Uverpool t'lnae: Wheat, unchanged to 2d higher; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat recelpta were, 1.O4S.OO0 buahela and alilpmenta. "S.oipO buahela, ngnlnHt receipt of Faii.000 buhel, and ehlpmenta of 2R1.00H buahela laat year. 1'rlmnry corn receipt were, HSO.000 buahel and ahlpmonta, 604.000 buahela. agalnat receipt of .IM.OflO buahela, and ehtpmenta of 376,000 buahela laat year. Primary oata receipt were, 770,000 buahel and ahlpment. M0OJ0O bushel agalnt recelpta of M7,000 buahela. and hlpmenla of ).0o0 buahela lat year. CAR LOT RRCK1PTS. Wheat Com Oat 7 Ik l im 70 r, 14 to ft 1 3 117 37 Ml were reported rd winter; l ive llork la Klahl. rtccelpta of live atock at the five princi pal market yeaterday were; Cattle. Hog. Bheep. Omaha 7. 1.t0 1U00 Kunaaa City ll.'" hlcago 4.) Ht. loula J, no Bioux City J.WM 12.000 ".0ff 1.1110 0,000 ,I0 1J,W hO 600 Total .recelpta. OMAHA 28.200 62.100 3.1,150 OElfRRAL MARKBT. CVholeaale t bara-ed Prleea fcy Oim. for Prodaee ha Dealer. In carton. BUTTKR No. 1 creamery, or luha lie: No. Z. 84c. POULTRY llrollera. live, under two Iba., S0c; hena, lflc; apoolal rooeter and taita, lie; eprlnga, ln'.'greae, lJc; aucka. 14c; turkey. lo, old toiae, 15c; capona. Inc; kumt'uH, earn, ific; aquatia, ll.trWo'; per doaau; plgeona, 11 per dogen. Ullr, imporieu w lae, 440; ooroea- Ic. lu; block. Sua: twin, lllc; dalalna. ltfStc; triplet, IVVvCl young America, 21o; blue label brick, liVo, llmourger. lie; Im ported Krrnch Roqueforl, Bsc, J IS 1 i-iittl-crieaapeaae, P'rtm ; nana- ardn, 11.40; northern, per gal.; Mandarda, l.w; eelcrta, !.!; count. II W. t IS 1 1 rean. per iu.: . airian, ic; nai- Ibut, 16c; ealmon, 17o; black base, 1tii'c; rapplea, K''(j lic; riounner. lc. r roaen, er lb.: Ilallhut, 11c; Herring, ec; iroui, Sc; white, loo; anlmon, Kitl2c; pickerel, tnc; plko, nloc, Hmoked, per lb.: White, 14c. Klpirered, per lb.: Halmon, lie; Hn- riait haddlc. 12c; roe ahad, wa each; ahad roe, tOo per pair. CKLliRY Mammoth. Wo per doB.i! medium, 00c per dog.; mall, 46c; Florida, per crate, 12. il. .... ....... . .1,1 v a HF.iir ctri nine, .-o, 1, . tV,vi No. I. 17V,C lolna. No. 1, He: jno. 2. 2;tc; No. . ltfc. Chuck, No. 1. o; No. t. lH4c; No. 1. loo. Round, No. 1, 1&V.CI No. 2, 15c: No. I, 14c. Plate. No. L locj No. 2, 4o: No. 1, Kc. Fruit and vegetable prices furnlahed by aillnoky A Co.; KRLinvi orangea: tn. do; rom, box; IfaM, 13.60 box; Doe. IJ.75 bog; 1. UM box; 17tH. ams, Uie, 1.1.75 box; 2ooa, Kui, i.a. 4 box. ijemons: tioiuen nowi, 8ikb, Siia, 15 box; rllver Cord, 4.wj pox. Irapefruit: SK. ISJ&tfS.OO box: mb, u.: box; 4la, ISlXxullt box; M. 13.n4j4.00 box; 0. Ira. taia, li nox. iiHiiRnfti; nimium lae, l .Mw i.Tft bunch: medium slae jum- bo, l!'iii.l puncn; regular a me j 11 111- boea, t.'5o(il.76 bunch; extra larae jurn- boea, 13.(f'.7.2S bunch; mammoth Jum- hne. U uttii A 7& hunch. Cranoerrlea: 8ell them. Applea: N'ehtel'a Hen l'avla. 14 barrel; Miaaourl Hen lavi. .i.zr oarrei; lualio lien i.'via, in iioxea, mi.av iM,a, Rome lleatitle. 11.75 box; W. W. Pear- malnea, 11.75 box: extra fancy Wine Kapa. 12 box; Ark Hlack. $2.50 box. btrawherrlea: 24-pt caaee, IJ.50. CIliKK-Per keg, j za. VKOKTAHUM i'otatoea: Minnesota whllea, 11.15 buahel; Colorado white. 11. a buahel: Red River tihloa, 11.90 buahel. Hweet Potatoea: lVlaware, $1.75 hamper: Kauaaa seed, I.'. 60 barrel. tiiilona: Re,t and yellow, sc pound; ripan- lab. 1J.2& crate, ithuiiarn: n a pox. t'auu fluwcr: 13 crate. 1vltuce: 11 doaen. ilrua ael hprouta, iato pound. Cablage: IVjo lb.; new, ao pouno. New iteeta, carroie, Turnli. 1'arnley. Radlshe: 60c doien. Old Reel. Carrots, Turnlpa, Parsnip, llaiioci. 2o pound. Peppera: oo basket. Tuinatoea: 13 25 baket. Cucumber, 11.25 riosen. Asparagua. 14 box. Onion ret Yellow, 12 60 buahel; red, is buahel. Cel ery. Florida: -cloaen crate, ;i; a-aosen crate. 12.1 1: x.ioaen crates, it.ta. CO.MH itt. r. 1 ea.'i case; Airnne honev. 11. SO rase. DATKCt, r-ie; iM-omrnry naiea, sz.ts rase; aturred uatr. I1..5 box; yard datea, 12c pound; new ftga, Kc box. POPCokxno. 1 rue, 40 pound; 40 1 pound packagea. IJ. TO raae. w i 1 V .. 1 . tit . . , 71 1 n- r ruin"., ' ' , " , u mv 7.iuti1. No. 1 roasted, to pound; lumbo, raw, 8v Riund; lumho, roasted, Wo pound. Fll rts. 16o pound. Pecans: 13VjC pound; Jumlioea, 17 pound. Mixed Nuts; lie pound. NEW YORK CKKRAb MARKET 11 07: 1 car, HOfiW. No. 1 hard winter: 2 car. 1.03; 7 rare, II.4W; 4 cra, $1.01; 1 car, 1.01. No. 4 hard winter: 1 oar, 11.01; cars. II.OOV; 7 cara, 11.00; 3 cara. ; cara. Wa?. t-ample hard winter- 1 rata. Itnc No. 1 durum: 1 car. ('. No. A durum: 1 car, 7c; I cara, 9r.c. Sample durum: 1 car, 3 No. 2 mixed durum: 1 car, WWc. Rye No. : 1 car, 17 Ho. Corn No. 2 whim: 1 . jr. Kn white; 7 cara 6Vc; 1 car, 6414c; 4 car. 4c. No. 4 white: f cara li V. K u.tili. 1-6 car, 6MiC. No. white: i car'. DOo. So. yeuow; 1 oar. 0Vo. No. 4 vellow: 1 car, etc: 1 car. IMc: 1 car. rd,- No 1 allow: 1 Car. tic: 1 ear. aO'Ar: 1 ear. w; l-o car. Me. No. yellow: f car. (U: 1 ear, 6!o; 1 car, Btic. Sample yellow: 1 car (dryl. 63c; 1 car, Mo; 1 car. Inc. No. 2 mixed: i Cara. OBc. No. II mi red rara MSc; 1. car, 64'tc; 4 cara. 64c No. 4 mixed: 2 cara. C7c 1 car. t.Vr- 1 rara. Uc; 4 cara, ilHo. No. 5 mixed: 1 car. SIHc; 4 oar. ftc; S car. 61)'c. No. mixed: 1 car. 63c: 2 cara ln: 1 rara. 6''Mic; 2 car. 69u. Sample mixed: 1 car (hot). 2c. Oata Htandard: 1 car, 41e. No. t white: cara, 4oc: 15 cars. 40Ho: No. 4 white: 8 oars. 40c; 1 car. Xta. Sample white: I car, 16c; 4 cars. 3Sc: 1 car. X4c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 1 hard. $1.0441. fl; No. 1 hard. tl.00rHl.0n; No. 4 No. i aprlng.' tl'.OIVl.M; No. 2 durum, 97 lH'it.? jno. .1 durum. isvfiUTe. lorn: No. 2 white. '',; No. 1 white, 64'nt4i4o; No. 4 whl 6;'ile; No. 5 white, W4i'.oe; No. 1 yellow. fri.iWl'V: No. 4 yellow. 214 tiMc; no. a yellow, Wieic; No. yel low, ft7'4ti'i;c: No. I mixed. 6a'4c; No, 4 mixed. 6lttUHc: No. S mixed. &WSlvc; No. 1 mixed. 5HM,7i3c: sample, tviif&c. Onta: No. I white, 4244lc; standard, 41M(-41,r; No. white, 40Si40Vc; No. 4 white. 3StMf4oc. Barley; Malting. 6'i 66c; No. 1 feed, M?iic. Rye: No. 2. 17yi tiwiju; No. a, 80HUH!. Chlcaso cloalne rjrlcaa furnished The Bee by' Logan tt Bryan, atock and grain broker, 115 South Sixteenth. Omaha: t M7 ... 14 SMKKP Yeaterday'e moderate suppl a as followed by a big run today. A I together forty-elalit cara, or about 11. oO bead, were received. Total ao far till week la 1,f-M. belnu 4." larger than week ago and i heavier than two week a ago. but smaller than a year sg liv .OU bead In the end yesterday a pretty good clearance waa made, and H proved to be a very fortunate thing, lor with a till run of lambs here today packers started out to line lo. al pricea up with other markets, bidding aa much aa lorn lio lower on the lixht and bandy weluht offerings and passing up weighty stuff without a irond look. The trade remained t pretty much of a standstill until well along toward noon, when aome of the light and handy weight Itmbi started moving scale ward at a de cline of at least I1-, a number of aales of the good to choice stuff being made at 111 40y 11.60, Movement waa at best very diagisy. and at the very least half the offerlima were atlll unsold at the start of the afternoon eesaton. Good Uinl.a, clipped rertntly. brought 11. V. be ing the first of their class to be offered for some tlnve, and consequently an un certain proioltloii at bast. Othe clipped Urub tf st lacked fmUh were Included In tii stuff that waa carried Into Ui afternoon- The aged sheep supply wa only fair, hut trading waa. If anything, alower than on lambs. One or two aalea of ewctl mad during the forenoon showed little or no d- line, but the bulk of the offerings was si 111 In the pea at lunch time, under iyfj lower bids. Cfuoiatloiis on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to i hoh e bati'ly, 1: 1 . II 0; lambs, fair to handy, ill W -11 ei; lamha, fair to i lii'ii'e besvy. :0.cj 11.15; lanib. fail lii:-d 1- al0u-; lambs, freah lipped, I" n i, yearling, fair lo .i.i.i.e liiiit. lufc-yiOe,. yearlings, fair ui ermlte t.ey. "H 60; weii.eis, fair to tuol , iyj.Uu, ewes. giod lo choli.w. taoiatloas at tha Day Varloaa twsaanodlt lea. NEW YORK. March .-FLOrR Uniily held. W HKAT-r-pot. strong: No. I hard 1.27Vt; No. 1 durum, 11 "t: No. 1 north. em, Ouluth. II 374, and No. 1 northern Manitoba, l Si. f. o. b. New Tork. Fu ture were firm; May. tl.21'. OORN-Hpot. firm; No. I yellow. q, c i. r. ."sew iora. ATS Mia.t. firm; standard. 50c; No. wMte 4alttf. HAY Firm; No. 1, 1 SMrl.40; No. 1. 11 I fl 3u; No. 3. H UuLt; shipping. Hi)-.4.. i iwi""-meany; state, common to chob-a, lr.. 144i:tc; in 4, tVuik-; Pacific coast, WIS. i;t nc; 114. Hi wc. Illltrs-FInu; Rogota, 334U4c; Central Anorlca sc. LfcLVTIIKll-Flrm: hemlock flrsta. lf c: ircnnoi, jsc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: mesa. H.'O 31 bo. fnmily. t-'3 0iX0u; abort cleara, I t'tlv-f. Ui. lit-ef, steady; mess, 117 00f i. .; mini y, i wi is .e. uara, sirv;:, rc'cl'e weal. Ill tnwiU.ikl TALlAlW Steaity; city. o: countrv. IVxtrc: special, iuo. rot ue; pnees not settled; di-vsaed. firm chickens, 104j3oc; fowls, IIS ii -": turkeys, fcxtml. CHKI-Ii-Steady; receipt. 700 boxes; state held enectala, lfculhc; do aver age fancy. IK'ilN'ac: current make aver- run, litiHVac; Wisconsin twins, held, UiiltV,c. IUTTKR Firm; rwoelpts, l.Kn tubs; rr. umtry extras, kl score, Stic; seconds, rjiiUS Firm; recelpta, 21. W casea; freah gathered extras. EWic: extra firsts. :lue; first, tltllSe; seconds. Soy 'c. Chlcago Mlnnenpolia I'uiuth Omaha Kanaa City Ht. Louie .... Winnipeg ,,,, Theae aalea Wheat No. I ha today: 1 car, A rtlclej Open.jHIgh.l Lown Cloae i Safy. "Wheat T 1 I T May. I loS'a 1 S 1 104 1 134 1 09'elO July. lOKS'w lWl 1 OK'4 1 10 1 07 (Will. 1 0W4 1 VMS 1WS 1 OK 1 0 Corn. I May. 73'fl'H T3T4 liW 7SV IVi July. 74',7& fb 74 751' 74S Sept. 74 75 73 75 74 Oata. May. 43Stfi 4ST Z 4S4tT' 43 July. Uti-iAS 43 42!42Sr4 42 Sept. 4-fJ-eJ fct to 40 Pork. May. 22 W 13 IS It K tt II 22 Wl July. 22 DO H6 22 76 23 H 22 U Lard. May. 11 PO-47 11 fiT. n 48 11 (7 11 60-63 July. 11 70-72 It Hi 11 r 11 12 11 75 Sept. U 7 12 00 11 iW 12 00 11 &5 Ribs. May. U M 11 li 11 M It 10 13 OS July. 12 15 13 80 12 15 12 15 13 23-25 CHICAGO t.RAIX AND PROVISIONS NEW YORK STOCK MARKET International Complication! Have Very Slight Effect on the Session. TRADING BRISK AT OPENING NEW YORK. March Fxternil af. fair as n prcaented l y threa.tene I i rtslr) with tl e Teuton c power ar d the omplex condition In Memo appeared to e .ert v.r slight Influence to.lav so far. a. leaat, at they bore upon tie m re rec i lallve aapei ts of tie mxrke . l-rb ra wr? rleiati'd ni-lte gmerallv after an car.v Intetval of vn e tain y. but apex -In It erf were the only etocaa to reglater ntoro than nominal hendway. Trading waa fairly ncttvr during the forenoon, tnoered off malrrlnllv at mlt. day and became I icreaalnglv apalhe'.lc In the rinal hour. Aivan'-ea were ao rnmpllahed mainly at the exnenae of ihn short Intereat wl Ich recently nruulieii forml-lable proportions. Such favor.tea aa Crucible Fteel. Ameri can Locomotive, the Motor and a-mU actlve Induatrlala and eiuipmenta, rose 1 to 4 points, but metals and oils w.-re relative. y larkward, except f'.r lutte and and Ann rl an Zinc. t opaers weie variable, tl e failmn if il.e Anai-nn In directors to Im reiae the dlv Cend nc ln as a restraint. Sugar were again dia tlngulxhed for their n eteoric fllg.ita, vi h new high recorda for Cuban-Am, rienn. which rose 16 (wlnta to ;4 , and S utn I'orto Rico on it Rain of 7 to 11.7. Ral'a and other Inveaiment atocka wen, nealWihln features, but fa rly flrnv addi tional excellent Februarv atatementx contributing to thnt tone. Western Mary land issiiet proved the only no ewor hv exception, both ti c cemm n ard prcferro'l r acting a p.Tlnt or more. Pethlehem Uteel a'ldid another 26 nnints to ita steady revrraal of recent tlwya fall ing t 470 and Mercantile Marine were conalgtnntly heavy. In marked contra t t. the strength of tho 1'nlted Fruit. C tilled Htatea Steel fhu tuated within frnctbinia ilin ta and wa ecllpaed In activity by a half dox.n stoc.ka of Inaaer tirnnil irnpj. Quotations were a point or more tin !.t their treat at the Irregular bwe. T.itat ca of storks amounted to B'jo, oo nhurej. Rcgardlena or t' e ai pr henelon ex preaaod by contrnctnr al the steady riao In prices of In: ri atrrl ted anil Inn further advances In fln'ahel materia a were reported todny from the I ittaburgli district. More orders for rail and otner equipment were placed. D'HjInga In bom a wern without eaneelul fnatijre, aside from advances In St. I,oula ana hun franriaco lastiea. Total sales of bonoa, par value, wer 1.1,2110,000. 1'nltefl states bonds wern linrhKiirf1 on call. Nuinoer of galea and leading quotation on stocks were as follows: Bales. 4i 3. I.ono l.4"0 4 700 17(10 fealaree f the Tradlag ana f loslns 1'rlre an Board af Trad. OIICAQO. March JR. CroD damaae re- Ports aiHeareU chiefly reionslble today ior a aecinea advance in the price or wheat. The market cloaei I ilninu le to s'(,iao net higher, with May at II 11'- and July at 11.10. other leading Stables, ton. all ahowreri irnlna enen u. ,i 7c, oats o to wo anil provlalina ro to 17c. Wheat showed strength right from the start and did not at any timo suiter a reaotlon that waa of much Imnortanee. Advlce-a of fields being plowed uo and of -. r. w,,iT.r aiiung ie-niw more ana more general from the soft wheat atatea, fnd were supplemented by assertions that he eeeded acreage of aprlng wheat both aidea of the Canadian line would be seri ously reduced. According to on author ity the yield In Illinois, Indiana. Ohio, Michigan and the Judith Basin, Montana, seemed likely to amount to only half an average, crop. Ample rains. It waa ssld, had apparently failed to remedy the damaae, especially In Illinois. Kvldonca developed that foreigners were taking- a hand here In the buying of fu ture deliveries of wheat. In this connec tion bulla pointed out that an advance which had taken place at Liverpool waa ascribed to chancr e that submarine activ ity would Interfere with auppllea. Uu lisli significance waa also attached In aome uuartera to an upturn In war risk rate on the Atlantic. Corn rallied In sympathy with wheat. I'tirtng most of the day, however, the com market waa under netting pressure from longs who desired to realise on hold ings and who took advantage of early flrmneea that resulted from weather ad verse to the movement of the crop. I e mand rrom elevator enmpanlea helped to strengthen oata.' Offerings were light. Lower price on hoe had only a tran rlent affect on provUlon. In the Inter dealing the setback were more than overcome by bulge In the value of grain. Prices rallied later In sympathy with wheat. The close was firm at hiSHc net advance. Buying on the part of elevator eom panlea put firmness Into oata. Offerings were light. Provlalona eased off an aeennnf if ii Ing by e altered lours. Ample support. Alaska Ooia Allli-t'halmera Americas Heel Hug&r Aaiartran tia Amerlcaa Ijorormrt Ira American R a K Am. H a K. phi Am. Husar Refining.. American Tel. A Tl. America Tobacro ... Anacenils Copper .... Atchlaoll Baldwin Locomotive llaltlmors utile Hethlehem HI eel Brooklyn Raffild Tr California Petroleum .... Canadian Pacific Iientral I Miliar fheaapaeka a Ohio Chleaso O W IMruo, M. a St. P Chicago a N. W hicago. n. i. a p. nr.. fhlno foppar Colorado Fiel a Iroi Cruclhl Steal PenTer a It. O. pM. iiiatiiiarr ttacurltiea .... Brie ueneral Bleptrlo Great Northern pM Oraat N. Ore etfa Qusiranhalm Exploration.. Illinois Ontrwl Intarsoeoush Con. Corp.. Inaplratton Copper International Harvester... Kansas 1tr Rout barn... I .eh l ah Vallay LoulaTllle a NaahTilla... xlexlcaii Petrolaum I7.ane Miami l iper Mleaouri, K. T. pfd. 'Mlaaourt Pmelflo National Blacutt , National Ul NeTads Ooppae , Now York Central n. r., s. h. a h.... Norfolk a Weatsrs Northern Pacltlo I-aelflo Mall l-ai-lflc Tal. Tsl PannsylTanl Pullman Palace tar... liar Coa. Owpor Heading R (public Iron aV Stool Houthorn Paclfle rioutharn Hallway .... gtitaebakor company . Taanaaaaa CVipoer Tatas Compauff- Tnlnn rtclMa K'ttlon Paclilo pfd t'nltad Htataa Htael... V R. ftel pfj t'lah Clipper Weatarn tnlon Weattnshpviao Rleetrls Montana Power Kleneral Motors ...... Watwah B pfd . International Marina pfd. M.4" Kennecott Oopper I.7H too 1.1'1 tin ll.KIO 14.VX1 00 " 00 lo St HI 1.1(10 "ifi drr 1.S0) "0 , l." , IT.iOO ! i.tiii 4.300 7K) Kl 1.000 ' ' "iee 7l I 90 700 4in luo 1.70 "m "l.iiw I. ioj 1.0(10 "ioi 'line 700 l.K) II, lO 7"0 l.WK) "0 4.KH 1.100 UlK .on 1.300 I. ' 0 cu I. ono Hlrh 3tiS 71, J 7'4 loo v iii" mini 1M h; .1S 10714 '., 475 "ai i IM ws 117 174 4f.i lk -4ii I7S 1S) va 44 V. iosii 17'i 47V 11", M'i '.7a Iw. Clnso. 2014 211(4 14 71 l4 7C, 1W4 itH 1:S, w, l uu 14 in m 4TO "i-iii 17 II 42 '4 'm4 17V. W4 II '4744 '7 1H7 ltlH 43 4 ioi" IT 474 1101, 91 77Vi im kx 44 4'4 47(4 16'4 nw fH Ulri "l4m "tl" JM aiH 7V4 H-4 M 1444 r34 194. 11T 81 m4 714 'ii 71V, 4 4S 144 104 S 111 "ui 141 V4 MS "i'A It II "4 X44 11444 SOV4 " 4.S 7 4HV4 Total eslaa for the dar. IM.OOO shares. Z'4 41 Sa 7714 inn 112H 110 1.1 14 1" l'"S K4 470 1.1 1A7H MS 12t4 l'4 US 4r.v, l"4 14 44 11714 144 4 III '4 4.144 10 '4 I'll 17 47 M 1104 77-4 1 14 liS lot 44k 1KV. M4 1614 114 tH4 Ul4 3414 111 till MS tlw 4S4 teS 142 4 M14 1M4 1144 I "4 014 414 444 W4 li H Coffee Market. NTW YORK, March ,-OOFF1TJ Tho market ft p rofff a futures wa lower tod ty under realising and aome trade selling) of the later oellverlca. There appeared to ne ret par.lruinr change in the newa from Rrasil or In the e st and freglit situation but the talk was that technical conditions here bad weakened during thy progress or tn'a advance, and after opeiv ing at a decline of to 8 polnta, activo months sold off another w nt or t w j during the day. Near poaltlon.s wera relatively easy under Wall atrrct llulda tion with' March selling at 6X2o or 14 points net lower, while Deceunber easod off to 1.46c or 5 polnta under laat night's final figures. The clone was S to 14 point net lower, bales, rag Mur.-n. r.oic April, 1.07o; May, 4.16c; June. 1.20c; July, sat.c; August, k.2-c; rietitemier, 2 fKstober, 8.f-; November, 8.41o; Decem ber, 1.45c; Januans-, S.lic; February. 8.i;ic Kpot coffee, quiet: Rio 7s, 9Tac; Santos 4, 10i,c. Cost and freight offe-s w. ro reported about unchanged ao fur avt Santos grades were concerned and about 6 polnta higher on Rio. Tie official cables repoeta Kant' in changed, with Rio DO rcU higher and Rly exchange 1-i.d lilgncr. I-Trapo rated Apples aad Dried Frails NKW TORK. March 2S-FVAP ORATED APPLKS-lull: fancy, 7,tl,c choice, p'Vu-iSc; prime, sVi'iic. DRIKI FRl'ITM Prunes, firm; Cali- fornlas. u-HHtc; OreMotia, 7Vifti0o. Apr! cots, steadier; choice. SrVulOc; extra choice. 10'mIiK'Sc; fancy, HVu.l2c Peachea, quiet: choice, b'c: extra chol tmc; fancy. 6c. Hntslna. quiet but steady; bxise muscatels. trVtiTc: choice to fancy si-eded, il4tit'c; seedlcaa, li'OIOVc, MR. 'WHEAT GROWER hir,?TTrF,r ! Ff w nrT..TxaAT3i Expert Tells of Value of Proper Window Displays 'Discussion find sum totn'. of correct and proper window llpiaya ot the prea ent day could easily fill the pages of an entire paper, but a mere mention of the Important details will serve to show what sn absolute lieresslty good win dow displays are to the enterprising store. The net result are Just as essen tial or more so than the services of the salespeople," said John K. flraham. with Thompson, Ridden Co. 'Displaying merchandise as practiced by most store In too often neglected snd given secondary place as a sales getter, while hundreds or thousands of dollars are spent on other waysiof ad vertising. If more attention and A small percentage of this same expense be given to the windows the net results would le nearly double. "Window dressing, while simplified to a certain extent In the last rew years, Is still a work that requires careful study and forethought on the port of the display man. 'An attractive display no matter how small, or how staple the article Is sure to produce; while, on the other hand, merchandise displayed In a hurried or careless manner, faHs to secure the proper amount of sales. 'The progressive merchant will see a marked Increase In hl business If he devote more time and attention to his window display he will Improve the looks of tho tore and fascinate cus tomer by twentieth century method." The display window will be opened to public view Thursday evening with free band concert on the streets. cases. KOuS-lllsher: rwceliu :im nrsts, mejiDo; ordinary firsts, 1KL.4J lS"4c: at mark, caaes included, lS'iTlUc. POTATOK! Higher; receipts. SX cars; Michigan. W isconsin, Minnesota and Da. kota white. !i4Kc, POCI.TKY-Allve. higher; fowls. HV; springs, 17V. Oil aad Hoala. H YANTf AH, Pa. Mreh 2 -TL'RPK V TINK li' h t. Sic; re el. us. It.7 bbls.tehlp menta, 14 bbls.; clocks, 7,MS bbla. ROSIN Firm; aalea, 7M bbla.; re el -"a Rf bbls.; shipments. ITlg bbls ' a-m li. 7.57 bbls. Vluola'lons: A. H. lt.70; t . F. F. l4.-u; 11. 4.k6; H. t4.9Vif4.6: I, lii do; c , e,i'.rt 1.1 iu. so. so: n. vv v . "DLUEGTEM WHEAT" VMxetUtJ ft fWiacftreswsa, 5hwf Stnnt, (iSkatttriAt Qmmlitiu mi MUlUg JSraW jalls all the yaar rauag al from I ta le sor bus ha! I Basra rasa No. I Export la Tsooata and Baatf e. CREIGHTON TO CELEBRATE SHAKESPEARE ANNIVERSARY In honor of the tercentenary of Shake speare, Crclghton college will confine the choice of subjects for ita coming elo cution contest exclusively to piece taken from .Shakespeare. The first prelimi naries for the public contest were held recently. From the Junior class Earl Burn, Jame McOann, James Martin, Joseph Osttck and Waldo Shllllngton were chosen; from tha aophmores. Ri mer Barr, Leo Reverldge, Charles Bron gardt, Thomaa Houlton, Harold Llnlhan. Clifford Long and Emmet Randolph gnd Joseph Stanka. These are all under the direction of Father Wise. S. J. Tom Mills' classes, the seniors and fresh men and the premcllo classes will ap pear In the first try-outs today and to morrow. The final preliminaries of the college will he held on Monday. April 3. The public contest Is pet for Msy 10. When all Want Ad other ways fail, try a Be Mamma! Give a . Cascaret Quick, Look at Tongue Don't you see your child is bilious, feverish, sick, constipated? Relieve little stomach, liver and bowels with candy cathartic. Listless, peevish, feverish, drooping. Little stomach sick, breath sour and tongu coated. Mamma, you must act now or your little on will be real sick aoon. Get a 10-cent box of Cascareta at tha drug store, give a whole Caacarot any time. Cascareta are harmless and children love thla candy cathartic which stimulate tha little liver, clean the thirty feet of tender bowel and sweeten the poor, sick stomach In few hour. Mother know that Cascareta act and act thoroughly and that they cur the lit He folk right up. Cascaret 1 beat laxative for men, women and children. They never grip or elcken. Advertisement. I.V B 16 It DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS Kayden's Make the Grocery Prices for the People Ol AMTV FIRST AMI A SAVlXfl OF 21 TO r07c OX Till", ST OF I.IVINtJ. The Best High (Jrade Diamond H Flour, made In Ne-braslta. nothing finer for bread,' pies or cakes, per 8-lb. sack The Best Highest Patent, Health Flour, made in Nebraska, per 4S- lb. sack !. 10 bars Heat "Em All. Diamond O. or Laundry Queen White Laun dry Soap 25c 10 lbn. Best White or Vellow Cornmeal for 17c K lbB. Rolled White Breakfatf. Oatmeal for 2.1c 5 lbs. Choice Japan Rire 25c 3 pkps. Skinner's Macaroni, Ver micelli or Spaghetti, made in Ne braska, at 2.V Loose-Wiles Famous Cookies. Takes and Crackers, made in Ne braska, per lb... 10c, 12Hc, 1.1c 6 cans Oil Sardines lc Tall cans Alaska Salmon 10c Advo .Tell for Dessert, made in Nebraska, pkg 7Hc K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 5c The Best Soda or Oyster Crack ers, per lb 7c W. O. C. or Krumbles, pkg c MacLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb., at 12 c Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa, per lb., at 30c Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, pr lb., at 20c The Rest Strictly Fresh V.ggs, per dor., nt 20c The Best Table ButterSne, equal to Creamery Butter, lb 2;c 2 lbs. Good Butterlne 2,1c S6 Size Fancy Florida Grape Fruit WeaJiiPMtlay, citch 7Hc This sire retails regularly for 12 He and 15c each. Eat Hlshliuid Nnvel Oranges, the most healthy fruit grown, Vctl- ncMtlny, loi 20o, 2.1c, 30c The Rest Roil River Potatoes, per peck, at 80c 15 lbs. to the peck Watch your weights. Fresh Cabbage, lb l4c Fresh Carrots, Turnips, Shallots or Radishes, bunch 4c Fresh Asparagus, lb 20c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 10c Fancy Large Cucumbers, arh. at 12lc and 1.1c Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips, per lb ltc 3 large Soup Bunches 10c Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart at 10c Fancy Head Lettuce, per head, at 5c anil 7c Fancy Rhubarb, lb 5c 3 heads Fresh Hothousa Leaf let tuce for too All kinds of Garden Seed. Buy Your Onion Sets Now. The price will double In i weeks. Wednesday only, quart 8J4c .TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST. Try Cottage Milk Once Then youH point tolt and call for it by name. Those who have tried Cottage Milk prefer it no wonder. It is the milk without that pronounced cooked taste. Cottage Milk is just fresh, pure, clean cows' milk, with part of the moisture removed and nothing whatever added it is simply the purest, richest milk obtainable; Cottage KID Ej LI StarOliati y Unswaatanad makes friends with the first can. Use it for cof fee, on breakfast foods, in cooking, for desserts in any way you would use bottle milk or cream. Cottage Milk is twice as rich aa bottle milk. Try a, can today your grocer bas it, and recommends (t. Scand 1 Oca eta AMERICAN MILK COMPANY Chicago yy ss y s? ss y I XX XX XX I XX XX XX XX XX j Way J x:hL.,iffev1 XXiiLa Mlaea4lt Oralis Market. M I NNKAI'OLIH, March tt. -WHEAT-Mar. ciM-rtod at II lUS'jl llVa; hlh, II UV loa, II. US; Cli'arfl. $1 1, Jillv, blH-liail, .1.12; lilKh, II 14S; 1'W, 1 U.; cl.... 1 14V t' rti-s: No. 1 hanl, ll.lwS; No 1 northern, II lili 1 1T . to aril.r, 1 U ',411 17', : No. 2 nordirrn. 11 1 1.114. t'oHN'-No. I yellow r.'M Ta'jc. (iATS-Nii. I Willie. r,l4l'c bi-t-Uk lx. K.i;sti-.-ws. i.3u; WO, Ij-Jo; Bar Market. NEW YORK. March w Kl '.1 i u Raw. firm: ceutrtfuaal. llv mni.... i lie: rtflnad. firm. 10 Dolnts hluhp) cut loaf t.lbc; crushed, to; mould A. 7 cubes. 7hK: XAXX powder,. T.lsc; y. wUT in, 4vv, in irknuiiita, ie ; uiani'iitij 1. .!SV.'. T.lOo: A. 7c; confectioner'. .c; No. MtMl Market. NEW YORK. Mstroh . M ETA 1 A Iad, 8p4tlter, not quoied. Con-p-r. steady; electrolytic. nearv. ki, lu minal: Juna and later, IJ4 TQl 60. Iron firm and uncliangd. At London: Bjrot opirer. Cut: fuiuresi C1u; electrolytic, fill. Spot itn. ?; future, fliai. Iad, - 4 Wa. ttllpr. iuj. Baak CIarlaSs. OM AHA. March 7.-Hsnk clearlnca for "maoa to.iay re s.r i.r'ia. 1 ,', ami for jno corr4.aponaiiif day last year H.ti, 41 will (laMsa roar era te saraoesllr uawls Blotm Wksal," aa4 fee raur ceemMae 1 will aaall swell sasil for 14. : ar 1 Ilia. k pr st rast tar I! a T. A. McOEX, Tn Bin. I" Wkasal Msva, Strsaoar, Waaalaj-toa. Don't Use Dangerous Antiseptic Tablets It la an unnecrsssry rltk 1'so the safe antisriKlc and nriiiiclile, Absorlrlne, Jr., It kills serine iiuickly and surely without any possibility of harmful re sults: made of pure herbs, non-po.soiflrus, and there Is no danaer whatever If the children set hold ot the bottle. It retains Ita germlclilai powers even when diluted One part of Absortilne, Jr., to 100 parts water and Its antiseptic powers one part Absorbtne, Jr.. to parts water. The ermlcldal prnpertloa of Abeorblne. Jr., have been tested and pruvru both In laboratory and actual practice. Detailed laboratory reports mailed uinm re.iet. I'se Absorblne. Jr., wherever a jmlnient or sermlttiH Is Indicated: to reduce sprslns, wrenches and swollen veins; to heal cuts, bruises and sores. Absorblne, Jr., II J snd V-'.W per bottle at driiKKlais or postpaid. A liberal trial bottle postpaid for In stamp. W. V. VOI NO. P. I. F . l"4 Temple M , ripiuutie.d, Mass. NON-SKID The RIGHT Tire At The RIGHT Price There are no ifs, ands, or buts about Flsk Non-Skid Tires. They're right, . with the right non-skid qualities and the right price plus Fisk Free Service in more than 1 00 Branches. v They still cost less than plain treads of many other standard makes. Sum 3 x 30 3 x 30 4 x 33 Compare Thete Fisk Pricea Grey Non-Skid Casing and Tube Caiing 10.40 13.40 22.00 Tuba 2.60 2.95 4.25 Sis 41 x 41 x 5 x 35 36 37 Catiag 31.20 31.55 3730 Tw 5.55 5.70 6.90 if W I -44 . 4 TraSa f W I li U.lha.aa. Taw ta Ma-skat ( Bay rVk mnmn Fish. Tires For Sale By All Dealers The Fisk Rubber Company of N. Y. Ceoerai Otficet : Ckkopaa FaHs, Maat. Omaha Branch 2403 Farnain St Branches tn Matt Than 100 Cttiet 1