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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
e Omaha Daily Bee The Sunday De i$ the only Omaha newspaper that fives its readers four big p " e 9 of colored comics. TIIE WEATHER. Fair o. Trams, at t.i SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BTsw stead. to.. So. VOL. XLV-NO. 160. OMAILV WKHNTaSDAY MORNING, DECKMWOU 22, 1915 TAVKliYK PAOKS. r PRICE FOR VILLA 'ALIVE OR DEAD' AND HUNT IS ON With Money and Promotion ai In centive! Carranza Soldiers Stage Strenuous Search for Bandit. CORDON BETWEEN HOI AND U. S. If Chief is Caught Constitutionalist Leader Will Take Personal Part in Trial. COURT MARTIAL TO DECIDE LAREDO. Tex., Dec 21. Advices from the Interior of Mexico tonight said a cordon 9f Carranza soldiers has been stretched over the territory north of Chihuahua City, where General Francisco Villa was recently reported. In an effort to prevent his escape to the United States. This Information was contained in military dispatches to Carranza had- qaurters In Nuevo Laredo, made public there tonight. Should Gen eral Villa be captured, it was said, he would be held for court-martial and General Venustlano Carranza would take part personally In the proceedings against me insurgent leader. Reward for VIII. Officers and soldiers loyal to the de facto government have been told that Villa's capture will mean ma terial promotion and large reward, it was said by Carranza officers across the river, and every available body of troops has been placed on the lookout for Villa "dead or alive." Definite information regarding the whereabouts of General Villa is lack ing on this part of the border, although reports In Mexican circles credited him with having left Chi huahua City yesterday apparently on the way to the American border. CriMol on the Job. A strict censorship has been placed on news regarding the milltatlons in the -vicinity of Chihuahua City, but it was officially announced that Gen eral Trevino had not yet entered the city. Million and a Half Enlist in One Week LONDON. Dec. 21. James O'Qrady. member of Parliament for East Lredit and a member of the Joint recruiting com mittee, contributes en article to the Daily Sketch recording the progress of enlistment under Earl Derby's scheme. , Mr. O'Grady says that the first week produced only 127 recruits. Matters slowly Improved, but even up to the end of November the response was not satis factory. We therefore resolved," says he. "to bring off a spanking- rally, a the result of which the figure Jumped from 74,000 on one day to 336,000 on another and dur ing the last strenuous week, 1,539,000 men attested. ; while during the whole nine week of the campaign aome 2,500,000 at tested." Baltimore Officials Dislike Vice Report BALTIMORE. Md.. Dec. 21. Mayor James H. Prestcn and the board of esti mates, the governing board of the city, at their meeting today protested against the report of the vice commission al leging bad moral conditions in Baltimore, made public yesterday. "No such condition exists." said the mayor. "As a general picture of Balti more life and as a picture of the moral conditions in Baltimore the report is scandalous and untrue." . The Weather Forecast of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For . Nebraska Fair Wednesday and probably Thursday; colder Thursday or Thursday night. Tor Iowa Fair Wednesday, probably becoming unsettled by Thursday;, warmer Wedneaday in west and central portions. Tamacratare at Omaha, Teaterdar. Hours. Deg 6 a. ra z a. m a 7 a. m a. m 2s a. m 27 10 a. m 29 11 a. m IW 12 m S 1 p. m 37 2 p. m 39 3 m 41 4 p. m 41 6 p. m 4) t p. m 40 7 p. m 4u 8 d. m Si Comparative Local Hrrord. 1915. 1914. 1913. 1312 Highest yeaterday 41 W S2 4? lowest yeaterday T7 2 12 21 Mean temperature U 22 82 Profipltatlon .. flft Ort Temperature and precipitation depar-. turaa from the normal: Normal temperature 23 Kxceaa for the day 8 Total deficiency since March 1 120 Normal precipitation 04 inch JftcJncy for tha day OS Inch Total rainfall since March 1. ....M Inches ijeftcleDcy slnca March 1 1 M inches Peflrlency for cor. period, 114.. 3 1 Inches Deficiency fur cor. period. 1913.. 6.30 Inches Raaor4a froaa atatloaa at T P. II. -Station and State Temp. High- ftaln- of Weather. ( p. in. mi. Ian. Cheyenne, partly cloudy. ..43 44 Imv.nport, clear ....SO 84 Xienver. clear M 74 .V) .0) .on .0 ilea Moines, clear x. North i'latte, cloudy i 4t On alia, clear 0 41 furijlo, part 4 RapM City, part i-kudy....4.i ;,4 Phlt l-ake. l""ir 44 Jit j-hf-rldnn. cloudy Si 4 mi,ui i lly, i luudy A - 4 YuJcillil-f . clear "5 4 .IK) .) ,11 1 .0 .t .IP .0 Jit SEYERAL SLAIN IN RIOTS AT JUAREZ, ONE ISAMERICAN Heavily Armed Mexican and United States Troops Line Opposite Sides of Rio Grande -River. TRAINMAN SHOT OFF CAR Generals Turning Town Over to Carranza Government Finally Gain Control. SOLDIERS REFUSE THE MONEY EL PASO, TEX., Dec. 21 Heavily armed Mexican and American troops lined opposite banks of the Rio Grande tonight as the result of riot ing in Juarez. One shot from south of the bor der, believed by the United States military authorities to have been fired on American troops toppled George A. Diepert of El Paso, a brakeman from off the top 06 an El Paso and Southwestern railroad freight car. He was dead with a bullet in his heart when a corporal's guard reached him. His tralnmates fled at the shot. Later the train was pulled out of range of Mexican cavalry that moved along the bank of the Rio Grande. Two Mexican Shot. Shortly afterward two Mexicans were hot at the Mexican end of the Santa Fe bridge, by Mexican custom guards. Reports of fatalities In Juarez varied from two to ten. Karly tonight ic was stated at the Car ranza consulate that the generals In Juarez who had turned the town over to the Carranza government had con trol and were In conference upon . the election of a military leader to take full charge and appoint a paymaster to rc- recclve 100,000 pesos in . Carranza paper currency with which to pay off the sol- dlers. . Unofficial reports from Juarez wero that If an attempt waa made to ray off In Carranza currency rioting was sure to bo resumed. During the afternoon the report gained current that General Francisco Villa would reach that city about S o'clock but early tonight he had not appeared. Andreas O. Garcia, Mexican consul, an nounced that Villa had been located at the Bostlllo ranch, west of Chihuahua City; that ha would not coma. to the border and that ha intended to continue opposition to tha defacto government. Obregon on War. Carransa official stated that General Alvaro Obregon wsm enrout from Her- mcsillo to take command in Chihuahua They axnect . Obregon to. reach .her to morrow. An ordar sstMd bjr El. Faao police to night, forbade Americana to cross tha river to Juarez. ' The trouble arose when three hundred (Continued on Pag Two. Coluum One.) Pulmotor Fails to Revive .Twelve-Year-Old Intoxicated Lad It takes considerable in the way of intoxication to aatonlsh the crew at police headquarters, but It would be putting it mildly to say that they were astonlahed yesterday afternoon when 12 year old Ladielaua Voecika, 1019 South street was brought in all stewed up llko Hungarian goulash.. The youngster waa found by Patrolman Charles Jensen, in an alley between Ninth and Tenth, near Leavenworth, surround ed, by fifteen empty half pint whiskey flasks. He wa dead to the world and police aurgeona who examined him used the pulmotor to Induce respiration. In stead of being detained in a cell, he was taken to the hospital, so serious waa hia condition. Later hj revived' somewhat. and la now out of danger. The police want to know where he ob tained the whiskey, and are working with the Juvenile authorities on the case. Hia parents did not know where he got the stuff and were aa surprised at their son's condition aa were the police. Bargains in Booze Are Offered in Old Who-wah-wah Town IOWA CITY, la., Dec. B. Bargain counter sales of Intoxicating liquors were opened today in the tan aaloons of Iowa City, which must close tomorrow night under a law parsed by the last legisla ture, providing that aaloons cannot oper ate within five miles of an educational institution. The t'niversity of Iowa is located here. Holmes Admits Held Up Aurora Editor TORK. Neb., Dec. IL Speeial Tele gram.) H. H. Holmes, who has been In the Lutheran hospital for tha last three weeks suffering from two gunshot wounds which he received when he attempted to hold up Night Watchman Kpringer, made a oonfeasion to Chief of Police v'lnney today, that he held up Clark Perkins at Aurora, on Thanksgiving night. Aa soon as ha is able to be removed he will be taken to Aurora for trial instead of being placed In Jail here. Hunt to Command Chicago Detectives CHICAGO. Dec. IL Mayor Thompson lata today announced that Nicholas Hunt, formerly an Inspector In the po lice department, would be appointed head of tha detective bureau. Hunt will succeed Captain P. V. O'Brien, recently nuspended. but who was reinstated and allowed to resign today. The change Is regaided as Part of Mayor Thompson's I uinuunced campaign to "clean up", Clil r.go. ADVOCATES OF PREPAREDNESS Congressman Mann of Illinois, who pledged republican support to the president in preparing for defense, and Mrs. William Alex ander of New York, who is heading a woman's movement in the same direction. :'k , -so.wsinjimiuiinn,- vt . ,r"- ' - aff m., I..!... --l f j nfT. I Tiiiioi mit iirn n r-m rnnrr i n- ' i ' - ,-1 DR. BAXTER NEXT UPONJHE GRILL State. Board of Control Find Cloth ing Delivered at Hastings Asylum Below Grade. SUPERINTENDENT IS INVOLVED (From' a StaltCorrespnjent, LINCOLN, Dec'81. (Special Tel egram. ) Another superintendent of a state Institution Is on the carpet charged with mismanagement. This time It is Dr. M. W, Baxter, who. it is charged, has permitted contractors to deliver clothing to the state insane asylum at Hastings, of which he is superintendent, very much below the grade of the samples submitted. Commissioners Gerdes and Kennedy and Secretary Mathews of the board of con trol, have been in Hastings for two daya checking up the clothing and comparing It with the samples submitted. - It Is said that some of the clothing. Is WVper cent below tha quality of the "samples. J. H. flpotta, a local dealer, who se cured the contract. Is said to have agreed to take back the inferior suits. . Whether Superintendent Baxter is di rectly responsible for the deception can not be told . until tha board of control completes its Investigation, but a aya- tematlc investigation la being- held, and it is said that it has been shown that the superintendent had relieved the stew ard of the institution, whosa duty it is to receive and have charge, of all sup plies, from handling the goods which, it is now claimed are below grade, and took'4he duty .upoa .himself. ' Reichstag Votes Ten BillionJVar Credit BERLIN. Via London). Dee. '2L-The Reichstag today passed the, aecond and third readings of the war credit of 10, 000.000,000 marks which the .government had requested. Only nineteen socialists voted in the negative. , ,".- Before the vote waa taken Frlodrich August Karl Oeyer read a brief state ment on behalf of the socialist minority explaining their negative vote,- while Pried rich Ebert, the socialist leader, poke In behalf of the soclaJInt majority, and announced amid lontr aptlause that his wing of the party would vote "yes." OMAHA STUDENT GIVEN SCHOLARSHIP AT HARVARD CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. a. (Special Telegram.) Milton E. Peteraen of 2 Bristol street, Omaha, has been awarded a Harvard college scholarship. The scholarships are given for marked ex cellence In study. Petersen Is a senior and prepared for Harvard at the Omaha High school. Free Dolls For the Kiddies The Dee ia again making a lot of little onea happy by giving away each week one of those big handsome d o 1 1 th kind the girl yearn for and dreamt of aome day owning. Cut Out the Pictures That'a All. , : : .;'.-:--..'.-.-i-v , i' ' y ' ' ' . ' ' a 'f"fi.-'?'Svvx' ' :S'-?rV-.;:i; , ,. Z- '. ZWEIDINEK PLANS ANCONA AGREEHENT It Ii .Reported Charge Has -Been Given Free Hand in Settling Matter. . HE CONFERS "WITH LANSING .WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. pend ing 'racelpts of Austrla-Hungary'i reply, to the' eecond American-note regarding-the sinking of the- Italian steamer Ancona, Baron Erich Zwledl nek,' charge of the Austrd-Hungarlan embassy, .Is 'forming a. basis to con duct informal negotiations with Secretary fanning looking toward an amicable settlement of ' the con troversy. An Intimation to that ef fect was received at the State de partment today after the charge had conferred at some length with the secretary. It is understood Baron Zwledfnek Is attempting negotiations similar to thnsa ennductoH h Cniint vnn rien- . . . . , IUB aiuuttBuur, iui- lowing the sinking of the steamship Arabic. It is considered improbable, however, that such negotiations can tContlnued on Page Two. t'ol jmn Three.) Santa Claus Will Make Rounds of the French Battle Trenches PARIS. Ic. 21 Anyon In Prime may send a Christmas parcel weighing up to two pounds to a soldier st the front without paying postage on th package. A bill conferring this privilege, wMch holds good from date until January t, was unanimously pained by Parliament today. Letters are always rarled free Th families of soldiers have not waited for the passage of this law, but have been overlooking for aome time past th mean of transportation to th front with Christmas paekws. They hav sent cold chickens, in- at. pies, hams, every variety of ctke, sweetmeat and pre sered fruit, and every imaginable thing besldea In tha way of wearing apparel that would keep out wet and cold. Probably loft.OuO men from the front will spend Christmas with their families. Th military administration has be-n ccnerotis with leaves and soldiers are now allowtj slx-diiya at home, not HOUSE WILL GO TO EUROPE FOR THE PRESIDENT Confidential Adviser, at Wilson'i ' Request, to Leave Soon for Warring: Lands on Diplo matic Mission. NOT PSACE VENTURE AT ALL MAei Journey to Convey Informa tion to American Ambassa dors, He Says. TO GET THE "ATMOSPHERE' NEW YORK. Dec. 21. Colonel K. M. House, confidential adviser of President Wilson, stated late today that he will shortly sal) for Europe at the request of the president. Colonel House declared that the sole purpose of hln trip would be to deliver to certain American ambas sadors Information regarding this government's attitude on varioua International matters now pending He now denies emphatically that his trip will In any way be n peace mis sion. Wall Within Fortnight. Colnnel limine paid he exported to antl j from here within the next two wreks aiVl prot'Bbly would be in Europe about six or eight wcckn. "I am going to Europe at the request Of the president and the secretary of state for tHe purpose of taking Infor mation to some of our ambassadors," he said, -in order that they limy hnve a more Intimate knowledge of this govern ments attitude regarding certain phnsoi of international questions and in order to obtain from them their pnlnt of view on these matters. '"It is not advisable to bring home at this time any of our ambasiiadnrs from the belligerent countries. It has ben found Impossible to convey or obtain by cable or correspondence quite the correct atmosphere." l,anlnar la Reticent. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21.-ecrrtarr Lansing tonight declined to add anything to the announcement by Colonel Hoime that he waa going to Kurope at the re Quest of the president and the secretary of state. From other sources, however, came the Intimation that official questions which Colonel House is to take up with Amer ican amhaxsadora at the capitals of belli gerent powers were of such an extremely delicate nature that they coud not be discussed. It was auggaeted that Colonel HovsV abatement' should ba taken at It fac A-alu. -andaamMittonir to ta whether heoHll enake triform!' Inqi'irUe -oon-cerninr tha prospects of peace, elicited nd reeponee. Y.M.C.A. Secretary designs Because of Pool Tables Put In t HASTINGS. Neb., Dee. 21. (Special Tel egram.) E. J. Alcorn, assistant secretary of tha Young Men's Christian association today resigned his position rather then manage tha pool tables which were re cently Installed following the religious re vival aa a moans of keeping young men. especially the oonverts, away from public lialla. . Mr. Alcorn said pool table were con trary to hia Chriatlan beliefs, so ha eouli not consistently tend them. The associ ation Is well pleased with the pool table experiment, tha officer declaring that they are doing just what waa intended. Sarah Bernhardt is Reported to Be Dying LONDON, Dee. 32,-Sarah Bernhardt I reported to be dying, according to a din patch from Paris to the Telegraph. Mm. Bernhardt hna never fully recov. cred from the shock following the am putation of a limb last February. Re port of an Improvement In her condition were invariably followed by others that her health wua failing. On December 6 she became seriously ill, her physicians announcing that aha waa suffering from congestion of the lungs. She s now 71 years old. GERMAN STEAMERS ARE SUNK IN MARMORA SEA LONDON. Dec. n. An Athens dispatch ' Reuter s Telegram company says that I British submarine has sunk the Oer- msn rteamer I-eros and other craft In tl of Kmmor. The steamer Leros wss owned by the reutscho Levants line. It was 2,67a tons and 191 feet long and waa built In IM, When last reported it was at Con stnt'nol. counting the time of going and coming. Formerly the period was four days. Tha American aviator IJeutenant William K. Thaw of Pittsburgh, Her-g-ant Norman Prince of Boston, and Sergeant Elliott C. t'owdln of New York have het-n allowed eight daya In America, exclusive of the time for the voyage. They are on board the steamer Rotter dam. While Christmas In Paris will be leas gay than uaual, th mothers, ss Is In dicated by th erowded shops, ar buy ing freely for th children. Th govern ment will not permit restaurants and cafes to remain open later than th ususl closing hour of 10 30 o'clock and there la no more reaerving at high prices of tables in noted restaurants for mid night suppers.' Also there will be none of the on time street frivolities. - The church services will be unusually 1m-prewl-. e. BRITISH ABANDON AMMUNITION AND CANNONTO TURKS Enormous Quantities of Shells, Guns and Tents Left Behind by English in Gallipoli i Flight. SO SAYS TIIE OTTOMAN REPORT Asquith Says Loss in Withdrawing from Place Light in Men and Equipment. ANNOUNCES THREE WOUNDED 11ERLIN, Pec. 21. (Via Wire less to Tuckerton) Enormous quan tities of ammunition, cannon and tents were taken by the Turks on the withdrawal of the British from Hip positions evacuated on the Gal lipoli peninsula. It was officially an nounced In ihe Turkish headquarters report dated December 20, from Con Manlinoplc. In the British attack on the Seddul Hahr front which pre ceded the withdrawal from the other sectors the Mritlnh suffered enor mous losses, It Is declared. The st.ttcmrnt follows: The Statement. 1 "Turkish troops during the night of leremher U-l, after heavy art'llrry preparation, beaan an attack again the enemy's positions near Anafnrta and Arlburnu. The enemy In order to check this attack made a gencrat attack along the whole Seddul Hahr front, which com pletely failed, with enormous losses. "In view of '.ho certainty of Turkish success In advances towtrd the north, the enemy, during the night of Decem ber 19-W. hastily withdrew part of Iris troops. The enemy was unable to Impede the pursuit by the Turklrtt troppa, so that no enemy troops now remain at Anafarta or Arlburnu. "Kniirmous quantities of ammunition. cannon and tents were taken.. An enemy hydroplane waa shot down and the occupants taken prisoners." I.oae Three Men. Tlie only additional details of the with drawal of the Hrltlah forcea from the Qal- llpoll peninsula revealed from -British sources today were thoae gleaned from Premier AsUlth's speech in tha House of C.'ommnnn In which he stated that tha Itrltlsh losses were confined to three men wounded, a few guna abandoned after being rendered useless, and an insignifi cant amount of stores -which were left behind. . ' , From Turco-Gertnan sources, however. several contradictory details raarhod txndon. , Th Constantinople "cfflcial communication gave tbe Turkish side of tha withdrawal arid H was-somewhat am plified by a Constantinople flftpairh. cir culated through the Sarlin wlralcM.-, . Laaeea' Knoraae-as. . Both these dispatches claimed "enor mous British loaaea" on the Heddul Bahr front and the taking of an immeasurable amount of booty st Buvla and Ansae from the Turkish account It appears that tha retirement was aided by heavy fog, while terrific British attack a from the Seddul Bahr position which has not been abandoned provided a diversion. Aside from the text of these dispatches, no fresh details have been published n ten don and all the London newspapers re frain from speculation regarding the man ner of the withdrawal. Mrs. Wilson Reads to the President HOT SipnlNdS. Va.. Dee. n. Quite a large honeymoon colony has gathered here sines the arrival of President Wil son and his bride Kunday and they ar sll planning to stay over for the elabor ate, Christmas celebration In which the White Mouse couple are expected to par ticipate. A long walk in the cold Virginia moun tain air and ' a fifty mile automobile drive to neighboring springs ocrupted tha president and Mra. Wilson most of the day. They stopped during the drive at famous old hotel to see registers signed by Thomas Jefferson and other notable figures In American history. Late til the afternoon the president worked for more than an hour on correspondence and tonight Mra. Wilson read to hrm from the store of books brought sjtong from Washington. Secret service men were busy again today warding off photographers and moving picture men who contlnae on the alert In spite of th president's order agalnat them. Knocked Off Bridge by Train, Two Unhurt SlOirX CITY, la.. Dec. 21 -Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson of Dakota City Neb., late today had a remarkable escape from death when their automobile was knoi-ked twenty feet Into Perry Creek by an Incoming Milwaukee passenger train at a trestle crossing. They received only minor Injuries. Mr. and Mr. Anderson were en route to the combination bridge over the Mis rourl river on their wsy home when the" accident occurred. Both were able to drag themselves from the demolished car and climb th bank of th creak to the trestle above before members of the train crew could scslst them. Babies in Germany Facing Starvation WASHINGTON, Dec. a. The Ameri can Red Cross transmitted to Secretary Lansing today a petition from th cttl sen's committee for food shipments, ask ing that aafe conduct be obtained from th entente allies for shipments of milk for babies In Germany and Austria. The committee, which was organised with headquartera in New York for the pur pose of supplying this milk, declared that hablea In the Teutonic countries wer threatened with starvation. RUSSIANS TAKE VARNA UPON THE BULGAR COAST ChiefBlack Sea Port of King Ferdi nand's Country Captared by Naval Forces of the N Muscovites. DEFENDING GUNS SILENCED Bombardment Hurls Town in Ruins, the Garrison Suffering Heavily. FORCES ARE LANDED; IN CITY L.OND0N. Dec. 22 Th Daily Chronctcle reports the capture) of Varna, Hulgarla's chief Black Sea port, by thn Russians. It sayg the bombardment of the Russians sil enced the Bulgarian guns and laid the town in ruins, the garrison Buf fering heavily. The Russian then, according; te the report, landed Infantry and artll ery without loss and in sufficient force to hold the town against Bul garian attack. .' Varna a few miles south of the Roumanian .border. Is a railway ter minal. ' Reports have been current for a long' time that the Russians would attempt an Invasion of Bulgaria from the sea and It has been said that forces for this purpose were con centrated at Odessa. Grinnell College is Given Check for Fif tyThousand OR1NNELL. la.. Dec. . (Special.) President 3. H. T. Main announced today the receipt of a check for ISO.OOO from an anonymous dontjr In the east. When askaj concerning the Identity of tha giver Mr. Main merely smiled and said: Tell them Santa Clans put it In our stocking." Grinnell college Is conducting an ag gressive and successful . campaign for new endowment for needed building and equipment. Recently a parcel of land In Kansas City, valued at tlfiO.OOO, was turned over to th eolleg for t pur- poe of, financing tha start of ' a new men's dormltofy system. - . J Tha alumni of th college raising ' fimil n. 1. MnilMIKtlAII tit a WtBWtlfl. ' cent hew recitation- building, the on-' traction of which will ba coktmsneed . xt spring and which wltl coA, Com pleted and equipped about $2EP,000,, - Can Sell Horse Meat fc as Food in New Yorkrj NEW YORK, Dec. 11 Sal of horse meat for food 'will be permitted In New Tork after January 1, the board of health announced today. Commenting upon the revocation of the section cf th sanitary cod which prohibited the us of horse flesh. Commissioner Emerson said that while the' health department do not exactly recommend it, no harm can be. ' seen In its use. The home never haa tuberculosis and . almost never communicate a malignant I disease to hunTan ' beings," h said. I "Hereafter old horses, tnatead of being sold for their bones, which are worth little or nothing, will be fattened . and disposed of for meat." Dr. Hmerson announced that special precautions will be taken to prevent tha ale of horseflesh in the guise of veal or beef. ' , THE WANT-AD-WAY ail suat "1 a4 a rood soUott. . I aead kbs, mighty bad Ihie wrent oould easily k fUlad By uslag a Waat Ad it aaidcyrs woald taa taa tlsssK a at tbs Was AS glavo ' TBy avr hav a vacanor Or with a aw sl tak a aaea Tow 11 find uaJiy real good ulairal Xrtok at tbs ads each day. Tw'U g th plek of aU th aaa U ye as th Waat AA way. Da vau ned mor help in bulnsf If you are looking for. a clerk, bookkeeper. atnographr, salesman or manager: you can utilrklv fled any on of them, by using a "Help Wanted" Ad 'in THS OMAHA BI1E. . Tb beat no It Ions ar always - Tcrtlsed in THK Hf.K. If ou wish to mah more monev It will iay yon, to read the "Help Wanted" col umns of THK OMAHA Bit 10. Talaphon Tyler lo- your ad in nd sjusX XotkS (EYTRYBODYj (m rot rail I A ief haaM J U. A. L:iil. Lccal Korecaater.