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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
TJTK BFIK: OMAHA. VKr)XI'PAT, nFXTCMKETt 22, 1915. p c tint Wl at jr. Are wh F pes At def tori, of f the era' fall the i M he f elu! mc Fe otn pi at . r rx- en elm I my ma we dis f agr lea wit the Mr ti In re tuu Wit! eaii l c the VAro Iks Vi riot wei mil di cut MO i tha iai an i AU; il -i yet eat le or, i Ur wll In pn ! V . f an st et to f til t vl cn in 1-1 i i si ! Jt ASftDITH ASKS MOTHER MILLION Common! Member Then Aiki Why Send More lien to Be Led Like Those at OsUipoli. EIDKOID OPPOSES THE DRAFT LONDON, Dec. 21. Premier As qulth made his lonK-exreeted state ment on the allien' military position In the House of Commons today In connection with the Introduction of supplementary estimate" provtd- for the raisins of the numerical strength of the Britten arrojr from 2,000.000 to 4,000.000 men. The houM was crowded and the pre mier's sch was listened to eagerly nd stlenrty. In the peers' gallery, lore Fisher, the former first see lord, and Bart Derby, director of recruiting, ec cupled the moat prominent position above the clerk. The prime minister declared that at thoiigh the British fighting forces In the various theater new amount to mora than 1.2f.fl00 men. the war's demands were juch as necessitated calling- out the empire' "recrultaMe maximum." , Irtafc Aa-ataet Draft. Although, th fwmler did wot put hlm elf on reord ruber for or acainat conecrtptlotv t- i . Ktdmond, leader of the I Hah natl at the does of lr. Aequlth'a tv i".Mit a onbhefl by declaring that tr mtVmallsta would op Dose conscription y every means ta their power. And J4m iHllea followed with a sever arralifKant tt the British war leadership, lnqiitrV: -What is the tins of sending more trW te V led llae those responsible for th ftetrte Bar and Ansae failures?" " SEVERAL SLAIN IN RIOTS AT JUARE, " ONE IS AMERICAN (Continued from Pace One. I Villa soldiers reached Juares in desper ate condition from lack of food and In arrears In pay. They refused to sccept the Surrender to the ids facto govern ment, arranged yesterday, until the agreement was signed by General Man uel Ochoa, An International street ear was attacked and passengers. Including several Amer- ' leans robbed. Stores and saloons. were , looted. Trafflo across the Rio ' Grande , was Interrupted' and during the afternoon . United States soldiers guard along the I river doubled. -.'' ' i During the afternoon the emissary reached Mexican Consul Garcia with the I Information that Oenarel Ochoa had ! promised to sign th agreement to sur render and turn his men ever to the d facto government, but lets In th day this formality had not been consum mated. Oautrds at Rare Track. ' American ewneni of several hundred thoroughbreds Quartered at the Juares )ocfcey club hastily crossed to the United BUI Jliirini Ilia rtnttns After tha first outbreak, OeUerai Ochoa sent guards to the race track. RegardlMg the casualties In Juares, Genera! Ochoa eald tonight that seven rioters rre killed in on store where they ' had murdered th Chines . pro- WIIamm billet . W. hr4M ( WAIlM with ".j,. ten known killed In Juares. pone but Alfonso Garcia, acting mayor of Juares Federal xjaped from a mob by jumping aboard with nit street car bound for El I'aao. Several Mr. W,f the mob pursued him. and others natl or smashed the windows with stone. A coo" tourist automobile tn another part of the town was atoned, and rushed for ths In ternational bridge. Meanwhile the exodus f civilian Mex icans te the American elds had begun. A steady stream ef refugees for some time continued, to cress, many under' tbs burden of household effects. fast ii Incident. , WASHINGTON. Dec. ZWRiotlng among I he Villa soldiers at Juares Is regarded py Slate department official a an In cident that will not affect the general situation In northern- Mexico, , there th d facto government rapidly Is extending Its authority over th territory formerly held by .Villa. Reports from Juares toe night Indicated that the' Carranmo. au thorities would suppress disorder among th soldiers without serious difficulty. General Villa' whereabouts still Is un known here. Th Stat department's re ports are conflicting. On Is that when he left Chihuahua with his 400 man, he meved northward. Another says that he turned towards ths south. Confidence In the assurance of Villa's agents that be will com Into th United States, and th fact that hi wife has left El Paso for th east, apparently Intending to go to Cuba, has csueed officials to cling te the belief that the missing man soon will appear on the American side of th boundary. Trevla Move Nerth. Reports received et ths Mexican em bassy say - General Trevino is steadily moving his Carransa army northward from Torreon, repairing the railroad as b advances, snd that his vanguard la at Bant a Rosalia, a short distance south of Chihuahua. No word baa beea received that Gen eral -Rodrtgucs, who recently has been Villa's strongest leader and who has been operating in Bonora near the Chi huahua stats line. Is a party to the sur, -nder of Villa forces under the agree ment announced at Juares yesterday, ifovernment officials realise that with flodrigurs In the field there would re main sn outlaw fore of sufficient num bers to be a menace to rural order, but do nut think he would be strong enough la offer a military problem. Advices to the Mexican embassy today ' alicwtd Carransa still at rJaltlllo. SWEDE STEAMER RELEASED BY BRITISH AUTHORITIES UjXDON, Pec. ' It. The Swedish 'imrr l4Lockhlm, formerly the Holland American liner Potsdsm. which was r- ntly taken Into Klrkwell by th British authorities while bound from Gothen burg for New York, was released. After some of Its malls had been removed. Thia Is th first ease of the removal of malls from a veasel en route from Haeden to the United . States, although some time afo tha Baodttih government omitaind that Ainericao-bouad mall from fiNic consigned . by .way ef J iL.tii had been opened. tn the last iMniix il rounlry. i . - ' Tn rrt Itr f.rlM. ',!.! i-a 1 1 grip Laxative Broroo Qui i in rnu,a th caua. Tber Is only oi Kromo Q ilnlne." K. W. Grove s sign-J-.I9 ou txji. iJc AJ"ertim;ineot. Godblessim! NORWEGIANS WANT A GLIMPSE OF FORD Public Considers Him Dreamer and Looks '.on Some Other of Party . with fJnjpioon. 0BJECTI01T TO BCnWIMMEB LONDON. Dec. 12. The Norweg ian peace party declines to have anything to do wiih the Ford peace expedition, according to dispatches to the London morning papers, as long as Mme. Roslk. Schwlmmer ia connected with the movement. Some of, the dispatches state that a de mand has been made for her expul sion, declaring that It la Impossible to give tha movement a neutral ap pearance while a Hungarian. woman 'Ja an act I re member directing opera tions. Tklak reri at Dnlmrr. - The Chrlstlania correspondent of the Times says that the main Impression mad on th Norwegian public Is that Ford is an Ideallstio dreamer, a sort of Tolstoi whom honesty and unselfishness sr beyond question while noma of hi fol lowers certainly fall to gtv that attrac tive impression. . A dlspatoh to the Mall from Chrlstlania states that the managers of the mission announced today that th Ford party would start for Stockholm Thursday. It also becam known, according to fh dis patch, that Mme. Schwlmmer had sent out Invitations to 100 prominent business men, bankers and others of Chrlstlania to at tend receptions and other function! s4 tbs Grand hotel. 'rlas to See Ferd. "This attempt to stir up a semblsaoe of Interest in the mission met with no suc cess." the dispatch declares, "the only thing the people want Is to see the man ,wne Is willing to spend tXMXXMHO to end the war, .but Ford remains In biding. Another reception was given today, but neither Ford nor Mme. Schwtmmer at- tA-ndea. Fifteen members of Ford's trav. sling office staff are to b sent back to ths united States tomorrow. y Th latest scheme to end the wsr Is said to be that Mr. Ford I to approach armament makers la th belligerent coun tries ana by offering them ordere. seek to Indue them I cease turning out eo.utu. ment for ariniee." Mareairati of Oe-eaa Steassera. AirlMd. Salle. tviifumtaii KKW TORK krlalMlit)nra t'K Krwlrrlrk ViU., PIHAKI, VuiliiU OIWKJV' tteawiwla KNU4....H utMt Veril. rhKjniANrA bieil)orl (110 J4KUtk KlMlut..., .' Fadden & Bittner (For Year With It. Kdw. Zeis. ISO I Ksrnaut St.) Useful and Christmas Gifts For Particular Men. A Few Suggestioiu From Oar Xmai Gift Chart rajantas . - Canes'- Hosiery Waistcoats HandhcVchlefs Hath Kobe . KUIrU liaU I nibrrllaa r nil crv. car Gloves Nrceweer Phoenix Hosiery fov Men and Women. All GifU HeeUly Hoxed. We suggest that you select your gifts early. 511 SO. The Only Store In Omaha bhowing Both DunJap jusd Stetson Data gef ZWEIDINEK PLANS ANCONA AGREEMENT (Continued from Page One.) develop to an important stage until aftef receipt of the next. formal com munication from Austria-Hungary, which la expected some time within the next week. Given Carte Blanche. Juat what authority Baron Zwledlnek has been given by his government baa not been mad known. It was recalled today that relations betwen th United , States and Germany were seriously j strained when the German ambassador j waa given virtually a free hand to con- duct the-negotiations. In some official. quarters ths belief prevails that It was th negotiations conducted by Count von Bernstorff which prevented the situation from becoming more serious than It at one time admittedly waa. Baron Zwledlnek Is virtually now In th same position as the German ambassador then found himself. It is considered that with a knowledge ef American views and th advantage of personal contact with United States of- flclals th baron might b able to ae- ( compllsh more than eould result from exchange of diplomatic communications. Th charg la known to hav had word : ef soma sort from his horn government. ! It also Is known that his attention was j called to the reply which was made to th first American note. , Won't Dlaeaaa -Ooafereae. Neither Secretary Lanalng nor Baron Zwledlnek would discuss their conference today. It having been agreed that beyond allowing It to be known that the Ancona case waa under discussion the matter should be regarded as confidential. Word of the receipt tn Vienna of ths second American note had not been re ceived at the State department tonight However, th communication was started over the cables Sunday afternoon to Am bassador Penfteld. Normally thlrty-el hours is sufficient for a diplomat! cable mesaag to reach Vienna and con-1 sequently Ambassador Penfteld should i have received the note some time today and It .should 'reach the minister of for eign affairs tomorrow. INVITATION TO HOLDERS OF AMERICAN SCARES LONDON, Dee. S. The Ixndon Gasette publishes today a government In vitation to holders of American and 1 Canadian dollar securities to place them at th disposal of the treasury, either by sale or loan. Th accompanying memor andum says that no purely sterling securities will be accepted and that It Is essential that all securities tendered be expressed in United Statea or Canadian currency or If expressed In sterling that Appropriate FlNg MAT AND 16th St. URri.tHINO oooo thy shall be eonvertible at th holders' option Into dollar securities. Allies Form a Joint Relief Commission NEW YORK, Dec. a The entente allies have formed a Joint relief commis sion with headquarters In Rome to co operate with the American relief clear ing house In Paris for the relief of suf fering In Serbia, Montenegro and Al bania and of refugees In northern Greece, according to cable advices from Paria today. , The plight of the people of these coun tries has msde the formation of such a commission urgent, it Is stated, and every effort will be made to forward re lief through th base st Rome. Arrangements are being made to charter an American vessel to carry sup plies from Marseilles or an Italian port to Antlvarl, Montenegro, for transship ment to Scutari, where they will be distributed. DEATH RECORD. Franklin Meeker. BLAIR, Neb., Dec. xl. (Special.) Franklin Mackey, aged 26 years, son of Benjamin Mkckey of Chicago, died of heart failure last evening at the Blair hospital. Accompanied by his father, he arrived here on the evening train for treatment with Dr. Morris Nielsen, who had been the family doctor. At tha office he took suddenly wore and was taken to th hospital, dying a short Urn after. Th body was sent to Chicago for burial. Mrs. Edward Lather. FREMONT. Nb.. Deo. S. (Special.) Mr. Edward Luther, wife of a wealthy stockgrower of th Hooper vicinity, died at her horn, northeast of that plaoe, Sunday evening. She waa a native of Germany and was 45 years of eg. A husband and three children survive bar. Bhe came to Dodge oounty In IKS. Rev, lohm . Stakr la Deavel. LANCABTTCR, Pa Dee. XI Rev. Jabn R. Stahr. president of tb general synod of the Reformed Church of th United States, and former president of Franklin and MKrsball cottages, died at bis bom tonight from inflrmltlea Incident to old age. He waa It years old. Pictures, 50c up. Frames, 50c up. Framed Pictures, 5c up; Ivory Plaques, $2.00 up. Candle Sticks, $1.00 up. Electric Lamps, $3.00 up. Shades, 50c up. Tapestries, $1.00 up. Cordova Leather Goods 50c up. Brass Articles, $1.00 up Mirrors, $1.50 up. Pohlson Novelties, 25c up. Vases, $1.00 up. Desk Sets, $6.00 up. Xmas Cards, 5c up. Flowers, 25c up. Fine Pianos, $175 up. Player Pianos, $390 up. Grand Pianos, $455 up. Used Pianos, $100 up. Piano Benches, $10 up. Piano Stools, $2.00 up Piano Scarfs, $1.75 up. Company The Victor Store 1513-1515 Douglas St. Cigars Sherman & McConnell Candies Sherman & McConnell Thermos Bottles Sherman & McConnell Fine Box Paper Sherman & McConnell Razors Sherman & McConnell Perfumes Sherman & McConnell 42d mn list Are Your Boxes of Christmas Handkerchiefs Ready? Hardly any one completes their list -without selecting one or two boxes of good kerchiefs. Pure linen handkerchiefs, fine quality, with hand-embroidered initials and cor ners, 15c. Imported Irish linen hand embroidered corners, ini tialed, 25c. Maderia, Armenian Lace, and French embroidered handkerchiefs, 50c to $15. Party Dresses For the Holiday Dances these stylish new creations are lovely, $16.50 to $50. v Ribbon Bags In Various Styles A Fan Bag made of light blue brocaded satin, with gold lace and French roses for adornment. A Kensington Bag of rain bow ribbon and silver lace topped off with a silver clasp. A striking design is a bag of black and white finished with white lace. Candy Special For Christmas Week, GOc Chocolates, 39c a lb. iTke JlorecBve Ckriinva j Jtirif . XMAS CANDIES... An endless variety of Xmas candies in artistic boxes. Prices to suit all purses. Fruits and nuts, fresh stock every day. Crystal 16th and Capitol Ave. COAL Bargains We aaTe 70a 50c to $1.50 on every ton. Just a few of our many kinds. Compare our prices with our competitors. Iowa Nut ...$4.00 (ImI Quality.) Iowa Lump $4.25 (Thoroughly ereeasd.) Specialty $4.75 (lump and JTut.) Cherokee Nut $4.75 ' (The Qeanlae.) Rosewood Hard Coal $9.00 (from Arkansas.) far mroaoas ana Mot Water r lasts. sVesswood eoa for ton will Inst as lonr as Boraaton Sard Coal. You save $1.TS oa erery ton. ROSENBLATT TEL. DOUG 530 Who will be a good fellow to this family? Mother broken hearted! Chil dren worse than orphans! De serted by a father who la still alive! ilo tell them THE FUn I.KY is the new, wonderful, dle covrel. cure for the I.lquor and I'm Hahit It will brlns riTHBK BACK. Sanitarium at 111 Rarnam, Omaha. Phone Har ney 1741. jThe Best Bargains in Men's and Ladles' ClotHlao, Hats, Caps, f uralahlnga and Shoe 1- or Uie whole family at J.llelphand Clothing Co. S14-810 North loth 8c THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER osdn,Beldzn & (a The Store for Shirtwaists An attractive gift is a 'Negligee, a Kimono or a Pullman Robe from far off Japan.- Many beautifully embroidered by hand, on cotton, wool and silk. Japanese Robes, $5.00 to $37.50. In addition a complete showing of Blouses, Petticoats, Sweaters and the popular knitted novelty, The "Queenia Shoulderette." Second Floor Christmas Shopping Made Easy Gifts Men Really Like Found Here BATH ROBES made with the military collar and silk cords or with the shawl collar, belt and buttons. Many new color combinations used this season, the new shades of blue, soft grays, greens, red, lavender and tans. Ranging in price from $3.50 to $20.00. GLOVES are always appreciated; a pair in a holiday box what nicer could you give to a manf Glove certificates issued for any amount. EVERY MAN will wear a good shirt. Choice patterns in silks, French flannels and madras. NECKWEAR, the Old Reliable. Ties are known to please. Every conceivable color and pattern from 50o to $2.00. A Few Linen Suggestions That, Make Appreciated Gifts 75c, 18-inch Real Cluny Lace Center Pieces, 50c. $1.00, 18-inch Real Cluny Lace Center Pieces, 75c. $2.75 and $2.50 Maderia Embroidered Scarfs, $1.89. Candy Co. Phone D 6258 AMUSEMENTS. omasa's- nrm cmrrn Dally Xate15-l5-60e ls-as-Ao.7M JSAJf BBDINl'S Pi PARISIAN NOVSL.TT. L.TT, "Puss-Puss" Kiura Chora et M.kodioo Maeara. , Barwltdaiinf Arrejr of Burprlaae. Pwttltr the Burlsouaa Burtaaaua mar nra it 4. Come an4 hais lb. Omaha Of? MlaaJm.. Tired hoppers1 Matinee Week ' Days. (nxaw-aV Phone Doarlas 494. Tha Beat ef VtadeYllle. Delly Matlna. J 16. Krerr Nliht. 111. Toil week" Talephone Tal," Kran Tawtr ty. laas Tack Bam, "Tha Aurora of I.ltai Kui.d DarooDd. Mr. aaa Mr. Norman puihpa. Bruoks and Bswan, Orphauaa Traral Weakly. Price Mat, Gal Wry. 10c. Beat ifeat (Eaoapt Saturday aad Sunaar). 1M. Kiaht, loe. lie, t'M an4 la. S-Komicil Kops-S Mil. Selbial & Coj i Mot of ran- "A CyoltnT sTOTeltyl And Other Aets ef Merit. "Th Losing 6am" A feature rUy With Darwin Xarr.l Spseial Dntil Xmat Santa Clans will ? resent a titt rom ths Bmprees Xmas tree to ev ery child who at. tends oar Matinees a emission B's'd Seats loo Bxtra. Phone d. tea HIPPutTmslOc TODAY Xst Ohaaoes te See the Sensational Artlstto Masterplsoe, "THE CHEAT" Wtth rajmi W11D and BSSSUS KATAXAWA. CENTRAL TAXI CO. Vp-to-dats llinouslnes or. touring cars. 8iectal rate for shopping- by hour. Our vers look like private cars; they have no monoa-rams, carry no meters and our chauffeurs wear no uniforms. PHONE DOUGLAS 862 STAND PAJlTON HOTEL. Hymie lkrky, Preeldeiit. 35c Real Maderia broidered Doilies, 25c 25c Real Maderia broidered Doilies, 19c. 75c Real Maderia broidered Doilies, 50c. Em- Em- Em- AMUIEMBNTI,, Something's Wrong 'Way Wrong! Here we are riving you one of the film masterpieces of motion picture art a picture that In the essence of high-clues photography, set amidst the most beautiful of surrouridlnRa, enacted by a superb cast and carrying a story of mou than pasnlne; interest, and our buslnetis la "rotten" if you will -pardon the expression. Now, then, we are not ' "cry babies," and It Is not because we do not enpect to make money on this picture that we are talking- to you in this way,' hut because we want you to see this wonderful production, which ran for months at the Astor Theater, New York, at a dollar admission and which, while it costs us excessively bl(B film rental, we are not raisins; our admission a penny during its en-g-acement here. W are proud of this picture and also of the presentation we are Klvlns- It, and if you pass up this wonderful film spectacle you are missing; one wonderful picture. It's 'way out of the ordinary It's really magnificent so, even If li Is Christmas time, come down ana spend two hours with us. W as . surs you you won't regret the time. There are nine reels to this pro duction and it Is called "THE ETERNAL CITY" AND FEATURES PAULINE FREDERICK Please come down here Is a picture you should see by aU means. IT IS HERE TODAY AND THURSDAY. BOYD $ti. The most beautiful piotnre ever shown In Omaha. SDWXir AXDBST la TSTS B CLOT ED TAOABOST9 rirst Photo-Play la Color. Afternoons, 10c; Stlghts. loo, Sua, Beg-laalnr Xmas Day Por Two Weeks, "TH BATTX.B OBT OP PBAOB." Seats How Oa Sals. 6th Big Week Only S Mora Bays Dally Mats, 1:18. Beery Bvav. SilS. PXICBSl Mata, 8 So te S1.0O BTnsa, tot t M KRUGSS aUs-a-Cless D sftovts Prts ys Beepeetasl. lORTHBEOS Oeaevlevs knmu and Sport Borth, oe-stars, TI?.civS?i Th "Parish Priest" in cnu 4ft Jas. A. Bean IEZT WfteU' W "Jhorea Acrts" WEEK .-a..a. a. afcsstmC-aa . .a-.A . jV ... . . f