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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1915)
TIIK BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1915. POSTAL RECEIPTS SOARING HIGHER Mcit Remarkable Gain in the Hit tory of the Institution is Recorded. INCREASE IS 19.2 PER CENT Receipts at the Omaha postoffico during the month of November, 1815, $135,927.70. Receipts during November, 1914, 1114,006.63. Increase, $21,921.07. AH records were broken by the Omaha postofflce; when the business cf the month of November was counted up and compared with that of previous months. It was found that the business was f21.9Sl.07 greater than in the same month Isst year, an increase of 19.2 per cent. The greatest lnrrriue ever recorded be fore In the postofflce bus1nes was only U l per cent. r-ost master John C. Wharton wes harry. boisterous, hilarious. He bubbled and effervesced. v Spread the Glad New. "Spread It In bit capitals across the front paxe of your paper," he declaimed. "Never before has such an Increase been recorded. It was not even heard of or dreamed of. Give the (lad news to the world." To what do you attribute thli great Increase T" he was asked. . "ririt, to an efficient postmaster," de clared the postmaster, with a Joyous smile. "Neit to courteous treatment of patrons and prompt dispatch of malls. Now let the world know of the excel lence of the Omaha postofflce." T0 you attribute the Increase In busi ness to the excellence of your product, like other successful advertisers?" he was asked. "The stamps sold here aren't and better than those sold In other post offices, are thavT" . "Well," said Jawn C, "I rather think crar stamps have a little better color and the mucilage on them, I think. Is better than that found on stamps sold by our competitors. I know I can fully recom mend our stamps to live perfect satis faction. Once tried, you will take no others. The kind you have always bought. Aeoapt no Imitations." But. taken seriously, the postofflce re ceipts are usually a splendid Index of the business of the community and an Increase la taken to show greater bust- activity. Guests Gather -Up Souvenirs of Stay at the Fontenelle Clerk H. !!. Wllhlte at Hotel Fonte nelle was busily engaged In fastening room numbers on a lot of keys. "What's the big IdcaT" he was anked. "Oh, Just replacing souvenirs carried away by guests," he explained. "We have to do It regularly." It developed that keys and the neat little metal markers attached to them are not the only things carried away by hotel guests, accidentally or other wise. "Match safes, ash trays, pens, Ink, surplus stationery and even candlesticks and electric desk lighting fixtures mys teriously disappear from rooms quite frequently," the day clerk said. "Some guests of the house seem to like to take away a little souvenir or memento ot their stsy with us." ! OMAHA DELEGATION TO ! GO TO REVIVAL AT BLAIR A special trsln leaving Omaha at 6:15 next Tuesday evening will carry a dele-j gation from Omaha to Blair to attend the revival meeting being held there by Rev. Mr. Asher, husband of the woman! who assisted In the Sunday campaign In' Omaha. The special will return the same, evening. This excursion Is undertaken as a part of the booster campaign being! carried on as a part of the follow-up movement to the "Filly" Sunday campaign. gammer Complaint Cared. Dr. King's New Life Pills will rid the system of fermenting foods and poison. Keep stomach and liver healthy. 25e. All druggists. Advertisement Mexican Money a Cheap Commodity The late Xavler Stadler deposited l0 In Mexican money at Tamplco several jeers ago. He died recently. Probate Judge Crawford has just re ceived a draft good for 129 American dol lors In alleged settlement of the entire account. The difference represents the distinction between American and Mexican money end the exorbitant exchange which Is ex acted by Mexican banks, according to the best Information which the county court has been able to secure. PASSENGER MEN TO HAVE BANQUET AND DANCE At the Hotel Rome Saturday 'evening the Omaha Passenger club will give Its first dance of the season. It Is expected that there will be 100 couples In attend ance. Preceding the dance and at T:S0 o"clock the passenger men, their wives snd their guests will sit at a banquet Bufeftt """Coffee n ii i I! 'clicious 35per iiniiiuiznximiTiiniutmiii HORLICK'S The Original MALTED MILK Vnloam you nay "HORUOK'JT you may gmt m Subrntltuto 'Woman's Club Will Give Play to Eaise Money for the Soup ' "ldy Windermere's Fan," by Oscar Vllde, Is being rehearsed by a picked east for presentation early In January ; be the Omaha Women's club, the pro ceeds to go toward financing the penny soup kitchen at Train echooL The ora tory section, which has the work In charge, has assigned the following parts: 'Sirs. Grant Williams will play the part of Mrs. Brlyun. leading woman; Mrs. W, ! C. Lambert, wife of City Attorney Urn. ,tert, will do Ledy Windermere; Prof. E. !. Puis, head of the department of ex- presslon at Belle vue college, will be ; leading man In the person of Lord Darl ington; A. W. Hunt Is booked as Lord I.Windermere, and Dean Kales, a sopho more at Bellevue college, will appear as Lord Augustus Lorton. V Miss Amy Woodruff, formerly of Chi cago, now of the Omaha Conservatory, is serving as director. First rehearsal took 1lace Wednesday evening In the city at torney's office. Three performances will be given, two at the auditorium of the Omaha Con servatory of Muslo and Art In the Metro politan building, and the third at Bellevue 'college. - .Council Bluffs Saloon Men Want to Locate Here Private detectives are busy scanning . the saloon license applications on file with the city clerk's office. One of these sleuths was recognised as having been active a year ago when he took a 1 ; year-old boy ot unusual height around - with him to various saloons and caught , som liquor men unawares. No protests have been received as yet, . but It la understood they will be forth coming next week. Next Monday morning the city com missioners will decide when they will begin to sit as an excise board for con sideration ot licenses, ' A salpon man at Eleventh and Douglas Streets will be advised that unless be re moves objectionable signs from hie place he will not be granted a license for next year. Other signs will be removed. Commissioner Kugel continues to be ought by Council bluffs liquor men who want to open saloons In Omaha. Father and Son Banquet at Castellar Tbe women of the Castellar Pres byterian church spread a banquet In the church parlors on Thursday evening for the fathers and sons of the congregation. The program included a song by a malo quartet, and addresses by Dr. Aiken and Mr. William Foshler. The talk of Dr. Aiken was on the three substances ot the make-up of man. namely, physical, tvntal al spirit us I, using the triangle .' as aa Illustration, and showing that If ens side of the triangle was taking away It would no longer be a triangle, thereby ', llustratlng that If one of the make-ups ; cf life were Uken away, Ufa would be uncomplete. Tbe talk of Mr. Foehler ! wss a story of his life, of the trials and fittally his conversion and bis life's - w ork since. It was very Impressive on those present There were about seventy Jlv In attendance. LOOK TO CONSOLIDATION OF FLORENCE AND OMAHA City Attorney Rlne and Election Com fulssioner Moorbead are working out for tbe municipal affairs committee of tbe Commercial club a proposition looking to ward the consolidation of Florence with Greater Omaha. : It Is believed that the question will be 'submitted at the primary election next prll. Thre is some question whether a short extension of gas pipe Into territory constitutes "gas service" within the meaning of tbe law. In Sealed Carton T Completely Satisfying YOU will be pleased with the appearance of Regan's Toast, delighted at its delicious flavor, and surprised at the care used in making it. The bread from which it Is made is baked for the one and only purpose of being toasted. tit BF v - - 3 rTT Z. fi : txrtx mm That is why you cannot duplicate REGAN'S TOAST in your own k tchen. It sure Is good eating I p Good for Your Baby r" t"T"-i fx k 1 sit i fit '.i I -ta. . . In Sealed Carton Why Doctors Prescribe Toast i h 4 ee f 4e 7 T 4 mm Xumimai' TOAST is prescribed by physicians for invalids and children because it Is such an easily diges tible form of nourishment For the same reason you should have toast, on your daily menu particularly when such splendid toast as Regan's is available. Every crisp crumb is delicious. Ask for It at Your Grocer's Jay Burns Baking Co. Omaha Wholesale Distributors 4 n -sssn TOYS, TOYS, DOLLS AND GAMES AT THE CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE It will be to your advantage to Mt the Central's big foj -land-It mill also be to your nl vantage to make your selection from onr im mense stork, because the assortment in all of the different lines of foreign and ilotnestir toy", dolls and trnmes are so mnrh larger, and the prices ao mnrh lower..- The low prices ar made possible on account of our Inexpensive building and location and a very small operating expense. The Children Will Enjoy a Visit to OUR BIG A substantial coaster, our price $1.70. TQTLArtD s .,., ,l ,1,1 1 , - . ;( ., 1 A strong coaster wagon, nicely made and finished, our price 1.70. See our com plete line of iron and me chanical toys. A neat little folding go-cart with Morocco hood and rubber tires our price 95c. A complete train on a circular track, our price 40 cents. ( 1 ) Sim Tik1 chests, with complete sot of tools, our price, 40. Imltatloa leather trunks with roll ips, stssl looks, hlnares leather handles; our prloe, SOo. a.. iBissjessilesj....!ti''''J"s fr. " 1 7 sYJ. Mahogany finished pianos they produce real music and have fourteen keys; our price, 80. flea miT rnm. plete line of Vi Auto m o biles, Express Wag ons, Sleds, Hobby Horses and Rocking Horses, Tool chests, trunks etc., etc. A substantial shoo-fly, nicely finished and thoroughly well made, onr price, 45. Boe Our. Com plete liine of Air Itlfles. MMMaulriHSMSlHMMa aeantiral Bens, with full kid bodies. 14 la. long, jolated, with b 1 e q a e head aad hands, aad Ions: flow iaT hair out prloa, 0Oo Pnrehaess Ksld and Delivered later It Bo Se sired. ROSEtlDLATT SELLS ILLINOIS COAL SbJiSfrfeS6? 6.00 PER TOM THE SAME COAL OR BETTER THAN OUR COMPETITORS WLL SELL YOU FOR $6.50 WHY NOT SAVE 50c ON EVERY TON ,000 Uft. FEB TOW QUAJLAJTTXED. HOaR DBUTXBT. ROSENBLATT CUT PRICE TSx.xrsT.OsTa bm Coal Co. Pig Pork Loins, lb. ; . . . . Fresh Dressed Chickens. Ib. Steer Pot Roast. .10V4e Young Veal Roast. .......... .HHo Young Veal Chops. .lie Pig Pork Butts ' 1SHS Umb Legs lHe 104c ioy4o Mutton Chops 14Ho Porter House Steak ..ITHo Pklnned Ham 14o Sugar Cured Ham 10,o Kxtra lean Breakfast Bacon.. lSV.o Bugar Cured Baoon lSH rxcux From I to P. M , I-mb Btew lYom to 10 P. M.. Pork Chops........ Deliveries, i30 A. 1L, SO . hC Be 100 KaU Order Filled Fromjlj. Dlim .4 MADffPT 1610 Harney St r" sTms-sJ Phono Douftaa i783 4 f . -,. , . & i J i- !' Din Dnnf i nine iii I IU I Willi a.VSIIVi but - - u4 FRESH DRESSED C1IICUEIIS, Lb. - 10&c No. 1 Forequsrter Spring Umb..lV No. 1 Hlndtpiarter Spring Umb.ll'ia Htrer Iot ltoast VS Young Veal Koast llto Young Veal Chops 14Vje Mutton Chops 14 He Porter House Steak 17 Halt Pork - SSo Skinned Ham ...14,o Hugar Cured Htwn'. r. 104o Kxtra lean Breakfast Bacon.. 180 Bugar Cured Bacon 13e DeUvarles I a nw ) f. w. Mall Orders ruled at Above Frices. THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Woolworth 5c and 10c Store. H3 South 10th SU TeL D. 11307. -eassaBBFafBjnsnm f sv-" leau1 ' " - --'-.- , H e"4 - '' '' . 1 ' " ' i ESTABLISHED 1892. THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES.; Southeast Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. 1MB USE For Results Wont Ads. 1 Saturday Jf 111 ",n Un Overeoats, consisting Of Worsteds. Scotch Flalds, Faacr saUtnreo, Chlnohillas and Blaok, trimmed with Astrakhaa collars, which we nought from a manaf sctnr.r to close ont his wlntar lias. These ehiuld he sold at iia.SO. bat we are wllllnc'to make this sacrifice to vrove the great values we ars srlvmg to people who eome to as to hay their gotfs. 7.80 values la Men's Baits, made Of fine wtol mlatures, bine serges included i ea OC special 4iDD 3.00 values la Bore' Overeoats, made of fine mlatnres, neatly tailored) gg $3.00 valnee la Boys' High Top Vtorra Calf Bhoss, maae with two buckles; black only; special $1.60 values In Ken's Flaaael Shirts, military or flat collars, assorted colors, with RQft two pockets, at B3U 3.00 and a.oo all wool Men's Tests, special, ase 1.60 and 91.00 Ken's all Wool far lined Cave. special , esc 1.00 Men's heavy fleeee lined union suits, at 690 $1.65 COMPARE OUR PRICES and QUALITY Bo Convinced That We Save You From 20 to 85 rEIt CENT. . 20 lbs. Flue Granulated Sugar for...... St.OO With every purchase of $1.00 worth of our gas roasted coffee Ileuieenber you get better coffee from ns and for lens money and you get It fresh dally. We roast It and the people like It. 48-lb. Hack Hunklst Flour, Saturday only...,M. 81.35 Fresh Dressed Chickens per lb 11C Hirloin or Porterhouse, choice cuts, per lb 1J5? Fancy Lamb Forequarters, lb., g Iegs Lamb, lb lST Tig Fork Loin Chops, Pork Steak and Fresh Ham, lb 15 Fig Fork I.oln Boast, lb ll4e Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, lb....Ho Pig Pnrk Shoulder Butts 1H Bevf lionet, rolled, no bones and no wsste, lb 16o aad ITHo No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon by the strip, lb 14ie No. 1 Lean Breakfast Bacon.- by the strip, lb 1340 No. 1 Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, per lb 1440 L.amb Stew or Mutton Stew, lb... So Pork Sausage, lb loo OROOEBT SPECIALS English Walnuts, soft shell, lb... ISO Best Mixed Nuts, no peanuts or black English Walnuts, lb UViO Cranberries, per quart. ...........So Extra fancy Orsipe Fruit........ . .Be Sweet Apple Cider, gallon BaVsO Pure Comb Honey, at.. 17He t cane Jam. (lOo kind), for loo fancy Peanut Butter, lb.......lSio Fsncy Dried Peaches, lb....,....THe Good Prunes, lb. 6o We Deliver Free Xvs ywbera. Kail Orders Filled at Above Frloea. 24th and Cumfaia Sts. Ted. D. 1580. Mr. Business Man: THE U. S. RESTAURANT, 1510 DODGE STREET, is now open to the public under capable management. We undoubtedly serve the best 25 cent dinner in the city, also a variety of ready dishes, fine steaks, fish and oysters at popular prices, no waiting. A courteous treatment awaits you. We want your business and we are going to make a special effort to get it. Once our customer, you will be one of our regulars. Give us a trial E. QUEYREL, Formely With the Elks' Club, Pile the platter high. Small appetites become large ones when Skinner Genuine Egg Noodles are served. One taste and you will always order by name. c.ntfNF& Egg Noodles .djIYal rseSalesslssdlsg Orsssrs' , Writ far radae Ma free Skinner Memufatcturinx Company Lmrsmmt Mmcmrmmi Fmctty in Amtriza 14di a JukM StrMte. OmU Nak. .Tilnsisi Tyke 1525 li All Grocers Sell Tip-Top li7l?iTtl TISADC HAHK u.s.piKtcht Orricv Leek for Tku UUl Buy a Loaf Today HAS ANYONE TOLD YOU TO TRY TIP-TOP BREAD They will; but don't wait Let this boa reminder. The flavor is delightful. The nutritious qualities unsurpassed. Always Fresh at Your Grocers U. S. STEAM BAKING CO.