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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1915)
THE KRK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. DFXV.MBKIl 4, 1915. 19 MEDICAli piles. nsTtn-A rrnv.n. Dr K. R. Tarry euree pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal d'eeaaea with testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRT, 240 Bee Bldg. KIT PTTTR V. ueeessfully treated U 1 X V IV Xi wlthout a, surgical operation. CatI or writ Pre. WW 4 Matheny. SOS Bee Bldg.. Omaha. RHEUMATISM treated successf ully re sults guamfd. Dr. Bowser. 914 Be Bid. FARMS FOR RKNT 73 ACRES for rant, 13th and U. Lake club. Carter WANTED TO BUY WE ARE on the market for 100 carloads of country-mixed scrap Iron. Write for prices. A. B. A I pern, 7th and Douglaa. WANTED To buy on monthly paymenta, email store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district. Phone Red 764. Ptrlctlv high carte piano. Web. 87W. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Heed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 614. REAL ESTATE LOANS 1"0 TO 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Weed. Weed Bldg., 18th A Farnam Eta. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6. per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co., 416 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad wtll turn second-hand furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. II Thomas. 22 State Hank lildg. t TO 6 for loans 011 best class city residences In amounta I2,00 up. also farm loans. -Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRCST CO.. 12 Farnam Pt. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KF.KFE REAL, KHTATE CO., 1014 Omnha National. Phone Douglas 2715. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. II. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. "FcL CITY IX)AK9. C. O. Carlberg, 810- 13 Brandeis Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE: FOR EXCHANGE 120.000 FIRST mortgage, secured on 4.00J teres of land, to exchange lor a good Hour mill. Schwab Bros. Iu2 Plymouth Lldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. REAL ESTATE FARM A HAM II I.AMJS FOR BALE lov a. FOR P AJ E 140-acre farm, a.tuated leva than 26 mile from On. aha. In southwest ern lows; located one mile of good town of one thousand Don.: 160 acres wl.ter wheat, 50 acres corn, balance In pastme; 1 boou house, Urge bain and other neces- ciose to town and school. wi,i sell on easy terms. A duress Box S77, Glenwood, lewa. ebraaka. RANCH FOR SALD-SOME TRADE FEW A3 GOOD NONE BETTER. Who make the most money, the man who raises the feeders or the farmer who frttens them on high-priced corn? S,M0 acres of deeded land In solid block, II fenced and cross-fenced, 24 miles of fencing; 3 sets of good Improvements, 21 room; 2 big barn, 2 large stormproof sheds, will hold 600 head of cattle; 50 feet of high board windbreak and good grove of trees; dipping tank, can dip 600 head a day; only 2 others In country; Ice house, chicken Louses and all other neces- sary putbuudlnge, 8 large corral, 4 wind mills and concrete water tanas, also abundance pt water In spring-fed creek. l.;i-H' acres of hay land, on which clover and timothy is rapidly taking the wlU crass. 2,100 acres of excellent pasture, quite a bit of tame grass. 80 acre in corn, which wa a poor crop this year, but usually produce So to io tuehel per acre. This place will easily run 600 head of rsttle winter and summer. Reason for selling, to close an estate. Eight belrs. Price, 130 per acre, or $106,000. Would prefer S In farm land, 2-8 cash and H first mortgage on place. 7 miles to railroad town and 17 mile to ccunty seat, town of 6,000 people. We also have a splendid 1,400-acr place near above. W. H. CRARY & CO.. 600 Pazton Block, Omaha. Telephone, Tyler 2063. QUARTER-sectlon, southeast Neb., a good one at a bargain; improved and convenient to good town. Write for par ticulais. Owner, add reus K 460. Bee. .THE ONE BESlBWTNVwHKRl! IN PERKINS COUNTY, NE BRASKA, LANDS FROM 115 TO 120 ACRE. COME, SEE FOR YOUR SELF. WE PROVE IT. OR PAY ALL YOUR EXPENSES. ENOUGH SAID. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS TO Dave Shuter Grant Neb. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. WRITE ME. New Mexico. tr.000 ACRES fine pasture, Inieable, big gest bar g. In In 8. W. Prt . $2 per acre. Address Y 169. Bee. Wimula. UPPER WI8CONBIN Beat dalrr sv general crop stats In the union; settl wanted; lands for saie at low prloss easy terms. Ask for booklet S4 on Wise in Central Land Grant. Excellent le for stock raising. If Interested In fi lands ask for booklet on apple orrhai Address Land and Industrial Dapt t Line Hallway. M nneanpli!. Minn. SO-ACRK farm for sale or will trade .or lumber yard or hardware. Improve ment good; brick home; barn 29x6u; good tranary. etc. Two and one-half mile to Deer Park. Wis., R. r'. L. ami telephone line. One-half mile to graied achool. Good oil. fine location. Price, S 60. W. E. Dlngman, owner, Deer Pai k, Wla. MiicvllsntuuR. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City (I t) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Mtdlum." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning ana every Suturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent days for $J; or bu woids. S4, or 76 word a. 46. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 2j0.0u0 readers dailv In four great state. Itfc'.AL KHTATE M1SCELLAXEOL8 House for Sale. To Be Removed. Frame house in god condition. 1712 Douglas Bt. must b removed before January 1; leave bid at our office. George & Company D. 756. 902 City National Bank Bldg. SAVE JJUU. On a 6-room strictly modern, well built borne from owner; but water heat M. 137, Omaha Be. HKAL KS1ATK I.NVEHTMKNTH Make Offer 44 ft. next First National. 145,000 asking price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton Ml At 1 KHTATE VACANT S t"1 FINE lots, uesr car; lit caali. j monthly. Oaner. Douglaa &KZ. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET With Moderate Receipt! and Active Demand Wheat Advances One to Two Cents. C0EN MAHKETIS IRREGULAR OMAHA. December 3. 1M.1. Wheat was strong again today and ad vanced from le to Sc. The receipts of this cereal were moderate and the de mand was quite active. ine com receipts were lair, ana ai- though there wa pretty good demand for this cereal, the market was qutie 1 Irregular. tUd com was steady and ruled rrom unchanged to Ir higher, while tna new corn was weak, selling from He to 2c lower. The demand for oat was pretty fair, hut the market was a trifle weak and sold from unchanged to o lower. Moderate receipts of rye and a pretty active cash demand, caused a slight rise In that market. Rve wa quoted Hla higher, and barley sold at practically un changed prices. IJverpool Close: Wheat. H4fr3d hUher; 'om. id higher. Primary wheat receipts were I.Hls.OfO bu. and shipments of l.iAflno bu., against receipts of bu. and shipments of 1.K1.000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 71.000 tmi. and shipments of 403.000 bu., against receipts of 1.700,000 bu. and shipments of 6.0f bu. Isst year. Primary corn recelpta were M4.000 bu. and ahlpmenta of wn.000 bu.. against re celpta of sio.000 bu. and shipment of 897,000 bu. last year. CAR-LiOT nnrraPTR. Wheat, com. oats Chloago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City .. Pt. Ixwls Winnipeg . ... 72 t.014 441 M V 103 1.1! V.i 107 204 (12 These sales were reported today: Wheat: No. S hard winter: 8 cara. $1 01; 2 cars, 11.00; csrs, We; t cars. ?9c: 1 car. WV. No. 4 hard winter: 7 cars, 9c; 4 csrs 7Vc: cars, 7c: 44 cara. Wc; 4 ears, 96e; 2 cars, Wc. Sample: 1 car. 8.1c; 1 car. 91c; 1 car. H9c; 1 car. Me. No. 3 aprlng: 1 car, 11.01. No. 3 m cd: 1 car. 11.03: 1 car, Sl.wO. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $l.or4; I tar. WVfrc; 1 car, Me; 1 car (llpht). lHc. No. 2 durum: 1 car, 9'tc. No. 3 durum: 1 car, 97c: 1 car. K6c: 2 cars. e. No. t mixed durum: 1 car, '7c. Corn: No 5 white: 1 car. B3c. No. 4 white: 1 cur, f2V. No. S yellow: 1 car. e; 1 car. 8c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 6c; 1 car. P3c. No. yellow: 1 car (old, &c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car (old near vellow). !c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (oldl. 7Hc; S cars. 63Hc. No. 4 mixed: 2 cara. 63c. No. 5 mixed: 1 car (old), 67c; I car (old). 6ti',4c; 2 cars. lic. REAL ESTATF ACREAGE 7 Acres G-Roora House, Keystone Fark High and sightly location, rich soil; house has 4 rooms on first floor. 2 on second floor. Will sell on small cash pay ment. Can sell house with more or less land. Pee us about It at once. HASTINGS ft HEYPKN, 114 Harney St. 2.8 Acres Improved 6-Room House on Paved Road Owner ha listed for sale a well located hlph and sightly piece of land, which ha Ings: good location, only 14 miles west Benson, on paved road, Cw prlce of ,2 1800 Thli at the very very nearly what the land Is worth alone without the buildings. Bee us about It at once. HASTINGS & HEYDE.V. 1614 Harney St REAL ESTATE! WEST SIDE Six-Room House, $2,600 Near 25th and St. Mary's Avenue Nonresident owner needs money and must .acrlfice. Houth front lot on v one block to car line. Always rented. Lot large enough for brick flat if you want to Improve this later. George & Company Doug. 756. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Three Cathedral District Houses $2,500,$2,850,$3,250 Two new one with S rooms ench. One with 6 room. All thoroughly modern. your cnoice. Term to suit yoi Shuler & Cary Phone DoukI. 4233. 201 Keonns Bldg. LEAVING City. I owe S'jaO on my lot at S6th and Dodge, Make offer for my squity at onec L-144 Bee. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Elegant Field Club Home Offered at Sacrifice Price Built on year and comprising 8 room and eplendld garage. Lot 60x130. Oak, maple and birch fin h. V ery large living room and dining room, beautifully decorated with beamed ceiling and wall paneling. Maid' room and aleeplng porch. Workmanship, material and finish are w beat to be had. This will be offered at a bargain tola ek. Term to suit buyer. Shuler & Cary Phone Douglas 4233. 204 Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Uusdt. You Should Have Seen Those Lots $25.00 Cash $10 - $14 a Month In Dundee's NewVst Addition where every thing has been done for the connort and convenience of the home owner. J C8T THINK OF IT. You can buy a beautiful Dundee lot a low as SI, 100, by paying only SJ6 cash. 1 3d: No- 3 hard wlntsr. old. 12s 6d. Located within ONE TO TWO BLOCKS 1 OORN Spot American mixed yellow, OK THE CAR LINE. Graded, readyLt Plata. 6s d. for building, with sewer, city water, gas cement sidewalk and electric lighting Featare of Wool Trad. system In and paid for. 8treeta are now I BOSTON. Dec. S. The Commercial Bui being paved with asphalt Reasonable 1 lelln tomorrow will say: "The market building restrictions Insure good house. I fur wool is stronger. The sales for the GO OUT TODAY. I week have not especially been large, but Take a West Farnam-Dundee car, get there has been a steady movement of off at 4ath and Dodge streeta, walk one woul, some of which has been transferred block west snd there you will see this, rather uuletly. Domestics have been In complete Addition, lying south of Dodge moderate demand, but foreign wools have street snd east of f.2nd Jtreet. I constituted the bulk of the businesi, part DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. 01 it being aold to arrive. Domestic To secure some of these choice lots in medium wools are a 4 cent to 1 cent a high clasa residence district on the higher for the week. The situation at unusual terms of only 1:6 down and ;he mills is very healthy and tha outlook balance easy monthly payments. for the future encouraging. naia wun pricea. 1 George & Company Phone D 756. 902 City Nat Bk. Bldg. A Dundee . Bargain Thia lot" is worth more than the price atked. It Is the southeast corner of 60th ana isaro; size, iivni.e, i,as water, side- 'F&&'vss. w- Creigh, Sons & Co. I Douglas Dofli US bf tUdg. K h,0MAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET flsmple' 1 car (while), M. Oat: Stand- cars, s,e. cump.f: ears. stc. l" cars. !"Hc. Rye: No. : 1 car, ic. Ni. S: 1 car. WHe. No. 4: 1 car, Kc. Sample: 1 car. Vc: 1 car, Me Barley: No. 4: 1 car. 61c; 1 car. 0e. Relected: 2 cars, 67.C Omaha Cnah Price-- heat : No. ! tur kev. U0C&1.04: No. turkey, Si "Tltl 0: No. I hard, WVflll 02: No. i hard. cr 11.01 : No. 4 hard. W'ttf-; No. 2 spring, il jl.01j No. 3 spring. 7u No i durim. P7HiT'iHc: No. S durum. .'.T?Cr: sample, S.Vii!Se. Corn mewl: No 2 white, M1WV; No. 3 white. 2't1iilc. No. 4 white. caCIHc; No. 6 ahlle, UVT?c: No. white. R11H.1V: No. 2 yellow. 4V?,c; No. S yellow, 6'i?c: No. 4 yellow. ii.'tthe: Kn & 'vnllnw Kllvn.lWc: No. ft yellow. lt4c; No. 2 mixed. MW'iWo; No. t mixed, KiMi'dUc: No. 4 mlxel. ."tSc; No. 6 nvxed. SHi:c: No. a mlxcil, tvu,HlS Oats: No. 2 white. 40'4ii4,V": Htiiii.lnnl. K ir40'.,c ; No S white. :w,rcc; o 4 white, SSJI.Wre. Barley: Malting, rvfV; No. 1 feed. SGfMC. Rye: No. 2. fr'Vll'.'lc; No. S. W4i. Chicago closing prices, furnished Tha f'ee hv Iogan Bryan. stocK and grain broker's, SJn South Sixteenth street: Article Open. J High.) Iiw I Close I Yes'y. "Wheat1 I lee. 1 10111: May.'l 13l 1 iK, Corn. Pee..' 6i. May.lTlvrK 1 12 1 IOW.,1 12VV 1 OS. I lit 7a 1 14 1 t I ISM,'1 6;v -5a! 71'4-WV "A '" I Oata. 1 I Dec. 4V"(TVi 44V, 42 44 'v 2 4.". H 4.V I May. 467i; 4&4 pork. Jan.. 18 25 IS 20 1 33Wv 18 27 17 934 17 924 14 2.1 15 20 9 34 9 90 May. Lard. I Jan.. May Ribs. Jan.. May. 17 90 9 if- 9 '! 17 90 4 9 7S 8741 924 9 SO 9 0-?4 9 67470 9 4T470 9 S T0 10 m ;i fr74!ii htvw A Asked. H-P.1,1. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trndlnsr and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. S.-Whet mads a 8c advance In price today chiefly because, of decidedly higher quotations from Liv erpool and of hopes that export sales erpooi and of hopes that export sales , would continue large. The upturn, how.' ever, wa not w-ell malnutlncd. the mar-1 ket closing unsettled at net gKlns of 1W 14c to lc, with December at 11.114 and aiay at 11.134114. Corn flnisheii 1c to ln down, oats off N'fync to n and provisions varying from U24c decline to a rife of IJ4c. Kullish cables which accompanied the Mgl'.rr prlcea quoted by Liverpool had a good deal to do with creating widespresd sentiment In favor of lifting the wheat market here. The dlspatchea from Great Britain told of quick distribution await ing all shipments that arrtwd and of a flesh difficulty In getting supplies a sharp advance In Argentine vessel rates to the highest point on record. Reports of the resale of a cargo of Manitoba wheat that had been purchased for Italy did much In the half of the day to unsettle the extreme confidence of the bulls. Larger country offerings with weather of a kind that promised Increased re ceipts made tho corn market weak. Hedging pressure was evident In the Uc cember delivery. Oats suffered from report that the bulk of export business was Canadian. Provisions advanced with I106S, but subsequently ended lower. Chicago Cash Prices Whest: No. 2 red. $1.174451.18; No. S red.'4jl.l4; No. 2 hard, nominal; No. S hard, 11.06. Corn: w ow o'ld 7 4Ai7 4c- No 4 vellow' 664o. Oats: No. S white, 411;c; stand ard, 4SV'i'44o. Rye: No. i, VJr. Parley, 60&('73c. Meeds: Tim ithy, V.Wy7.7r;,clover, IIO.OOJ! 14.00. Provisions: I'ork, 116.60; lard, $.:; ribs. 210 w. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 23ff8So. KGUM Higher; receipts. 1,616 cases; fltsts, 2"XS30c; ordinary firsts, 27C2SC; at mark, cases Included, 20!&':9c POTATOE8 Unsettled; recelpta, 25 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin white, 6o?s 67c; Minnesota and Dakota whites, t'.Jj 67c; Minnesota Chios, 6V(i3c. POULTRT-AHve. higher; fowl, 12o; spring, 13c; turkey, 14c. , . KW YORK GK.VhHAL HARKKT Qaotatlon of the Day m Vartoaa Commodlt lea. NEW YORK. Deo. S FIjOTTR Flmr! I ! En...? ilSi!..' ntr..''r'n:?' i "r,"".'"i. w,""-r t'"1"., Kansas straivhta. SS.4Mf6.80. WHEAT Spot market strong; No. 1 durum,'. t. o. b., New Vork; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.15,, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, SI. IS 4, c. I. f., Buf falo. Futures, steady: December, S 1.164. CORN Spot market firm; No. 2 yel low, 824c. prompt shipment. OATS i-pot market firm: No. 3 whlto. w0; n. . . t:AE8ier: I,r1m' fl "H: No. 1, S1.2. Hoi's Wuici; a me. common to choice, 1915 . )30cj 1914 biflOc; Pacific ceat, 1816. .'flwi91. &.l0c" r, . .. HlUES-i3tedy; Bogota, 8og31e; Cen- tral America, die west. S9.55M9.65. TALIajvv I- inn; city, 74c; country, 7 4T"4c; special, 84c. UUTTH.K hteauy; receipts, 7.856 tubs; creamery extras, 244r8c; firsts, 2Sjac seconds. 2Mj'274c. BL'TTEK Kaslor; receipts, 4,674 tubs; creamery, extras, 3l4'?l36c; firsts, 283c; seconds, iVff-i'c. KQOS Firmer; receipts, 6,119 cases;, fresh gathered, extra fine, 3if40c; extra firsts, yjWc, firsts, 83u&c; seconds, 2t9 3Jc. CHEESE Firm; receipts, S.761 boxe; tats, whole milk. flat, held, specials, 17c; same, average fancy, l44Htc;. IjE ATH BR F1 rm; hemlock flrsta. 8y(j'tlln, more on th, ,00!l comi than n"iJT5mi5fiSjirv ..d. tifA 0,1 the eommon and canning, grades. De- 'sis i- e-T.iL. s'm "nZbv X,Z .ViV Vi;.. " niana ha been only moderate, ana wun i ai8.). family. J1.0" 22.50; short 'rV so much low grade and cheap atecr stuff leet. HititUy: mess. Slli.iVi'dl ; ' 71.. ... ! "! -yi Is nSrilly 'reduced thYtntiuik average fancy T-c F """" I Bulk of the fair to good kind, are mov- LTRY-f.lve?Cflrm; western chick- ! at a range of M ; ti 76. with consHe. ens. 19V.c; fowls, 12VcPl4c: turkeys. 14-a .'le common stuff selling around S5 0 17c. Dressed, dull; western fresh chick- Volume of business for tho week hna ens. 14(i(17c; fresh fowls. 12ft U!4c:. fresh n comparatively small and indication turkeys. 14u22c. i . i Minneapolis brsls Market. MINN FA PO LIS. Dec. S.WHK AT De cember, $"..064(1.04; May. SI OHfril.OJ'i; No. 1 hard. II. lli ; No. 1 northern, ti 07V l.!t4: No. 2 northern, $1 .0S ( 1 .004. FLOUR-Unchsnged. BAULKY-5-4k.c. KYK &.&9;!C. BRAN I tx.OiSl'.fiO. CORN No. 3 yellow, 714'u724c. OATS No. 3 wl lte. 39ti.'J94c. FLAX-SlSOffOi Kanaas City tiraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. S. WHEAT No. 3 hard. Sl.iil.6V: No. 2 red, SI .AO! .14; Dtcember, $1.02; May, SI OH'a 1.064. (XiHN-No. 2 mixed. 644c; No. 2 white, 64 if 64 So; December, 6.14c; May, 664c OATS No. i white, 424f43c; No. 2 mixed, BlxiiiOc. t. I.oola t.raln Market. ST. LOLLS. Dec. S.-WIIEAT-No. 2 red, Sl ljfrl.l'i: No. 2 hard, nominal; lecein ter. 1 .11741; May, SI .0941 .0x4. CORN No. 2, 64e; No. I while. 645; Deceinler. 64,647ic: May, 67fttTc. OATS-No. 2, 41fi414c; No. 2 white, i.cnuiutl. Liverpool tirala Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. S.-WHEAT-8pot. No. 1 Manitoba. 12e Id: No. 2. 11a d : ' No. 3. Us Ml; No. 2 hard winter, new. lis Oil and Koaln. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dec. S. TERPEN TINE Ouiet. 64U-1 ; receipts, 201 hhls.; shipments, 103 bl ls.; stocks. 14,2s bh's. ROSIN Finn; alcs, 144 bbls. ; receipt 4, S2X bills : shipments. 11.211 bbls.: socks, 7o,2T I bis. Uiiotsiluns: A. H, C, I), 7, :v,; F,, F. S'v''S.s6: f. H. 5.S244jS.S,: I. K. Se.'S: M, S':. N. S6&J. WO. Sii.7.; WW. ST 00. Maaar Market. NEW YORK. Dee. S.-SCO A It Raw, firm; centrifugal. 6.2i)c; molasse.a, 4,i:ic: efiued. steady. Sugar futures openod firm today on roiniuisslon houae buying and support from Iraile Interests. At Itvon price were Mjt points higher. Cattle Receipts for the Day Are Light, but for the Entire WeeX Run is Heavy. SHIPPERS BUT THE HOGS FAST OMAHA. receniher . IMS. Recelntft wt. f-ti lrta Sltoeelt. Official Monday 10.(tJ4 I.Ti'3 li.4 1 vnicial Tiexday 7.4fl Offlolal Wednesday... 4.M2 Offlclnl Thursday a4 F.stlmate Friday l.o K mi 11 4 X1 17.SM K ir I3.! Five davs this week.?J 7,B .4 fame dv la-t week 2."'7 W.XA Same linva 2 wks. sgo.3S.TvS 1I,W Same davs J wks. ago 3f.,7:r7 52.17 tS.3S "m daya 4 wks. ago. ITT. M4 l.7o M.3S Same davs Isst year..0.20S M.n 4S.MS7 The following table ahows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1US. 1014 Inc. Cattle x M S7.30 Z.1! Hogs 2.W2!mo 10h7.1M r.ft.VA Sheep LOWC" 2,(W.43: KIS.fiol The following table shows the average price or hogs at the Omaha live sioca market for the last few day, with com- 11R rirtnn , Hate I 101R. 1M. 'IMS. 'IH. 11911. 11910. 11909. Nov. 17 U', 1 M 7 fij 6 SSI 7 441 7 9 Nov. IN; S4 T tti T 90 7 7V 3ni 7 I'll 7 M coy. i 1 i4i 7 SSI 7 69 7 71 7 20 7 H 7 rov. 9"' i 7 44 7 71 7 7 S M Nov. 211 I 7 46 7 69 7 7 111 7 68 coy. g c nu 7 t 7 7 6; ISi 6 S9i T W t 2'.' 6 9.1 7 84 I 241 7 97 ' Nov. t t rMl 7 o mtSV 94! gf "VK T AAI g IkOV" l M 7 4l 7 61 Nov, 01 7 691 t 19 t 771 Nov. 9I, 6 SoVil 7 6Si 7 441 7 4; I w 7 4i ss s t S SSI s 1 Nov. 27 6 SiW, No. tSi Nov. 291 6 3! Nov. t 6 r 7 H - 1 41 6 12, 7 411 7 47 I 71 7 161 6 00 7 fil T70I 01 7 071 9 09 7 H 9 13 7 IS S 02 7 ISI S W S 09 7 S 1'ec. 1 6 ;"8 S 941 7 II OS h :i4 , a si 1 7 i 7 Si H 01 Pec 2.1 6 471 7 ( 7 66! I0 -unriay. "Holiday. Recelpta and disposition of live slock Bt ,hfl L nlon 8tock yards. Bouth Omaha, v,i, ., K,.r. ..i.. j o'clock p. p., December 2, 1914: RECEIPT -C A RS. C . M. A St P S S Wabash S Union Pacific S 11 '. N. W, east 14 6 C. A N. W.. west 4 21 . St. P. A o 4 6.. C. H. A Q., east 7 C. B. A .. west 10 10 9 C. It. 1. & P., east 1 6 1 C R. I. P., west 1 Illinois Central 4 4.. Chicago Great Western.... 4 S 1 Total receipts 49 "S 11 DISPOSITION HEAD. Morris A Co 119 849 Swift A Co 204 9J6 y1 Cudahv Packing Co.... V 810 K.IS Armour A Co 2&8 l.SM MJ Scliwaiti A Co 64.1 .... J. W. Murphy 801 Lincoln Packing Co 6 Cudahy, from Boo City. 92 W. H. Vansant Co 31 K. 11. Lewis 32 J. H. Root &- Co 13 J. If. Bulla 9 Rneenxtock Bros 10S .... .... Wcrthelmcr A Degen.... 181 II. F. Hamilton 9 Sullivan Bros S Mo. A Kan. Calf Co 16 Christie 27 Hlggina 9 .... .... Huffman 16 John Harvey 7 Kline SI Dennis A Francis 96 Other buyers 238 .... 2,999 Totsls... .l,r 9.079 4.919 CATTLE RecelDt of rattle, as UMial on Friday, were comparatively small, there being less than l.tno fresh csttle all told. For the five days the supply hue been about 6.991 head, or some 2,600 more than last week and about 6,600 more than the corresponding week In December a year ago. A has ben the case all week, the Quality of the beef offering waa far from ; iui;iiv0, on uv gi ine wcavcrn iriHin were on the "cleanup" order, while corn fed were largely on the short-fed and warmed-up order. Demand wa not par ticularly urgent from any quarter, and while prices were In pretty much the same notches aa Thursday, the market show a very considerable decline for the week on practically oil the cornfed stock. It take choice beeve to bring 14.0) or better nnd fair to good 1.100 to L.0- i pound beeves are ailing largely at 19 j0 417.60. Compared with a week ago values ,,.., . ...i. ui-, nhiin ' on western range beeves the demand holds up well and price are fully ateauy wiih week sco j on what few cow. and h.lfer. were I h" today the market was nominally unchanged, but closing ween !, r,,iiv ir,2!w. Inwi-r tha.i luat. ih lie- rally of the fair to good butcher stuff is sell Ing around S5.uuiii.60. Veal culves con tinue about steady at Si.5n.ij9.j"i. and bulls, stags, etc., are quotably unchanged at 4 (n-.bti. BuslneHS In stockers and feeders was simply fluL Yard trader all had liberal slocka on hand and In ihe absence of any country demand, they wore unable to se cure very many cattle even at prle tully fcc. lower than iat week, and the lowest so isr this year. 'Hie country Is very bearish at present on the beef situa tion and correspondingly Ind fferonl a to loading up will) slock cattle and feed ing steers even at these nearoca prices. are ttuit a good many will have to ba tarried over to next week. Uuota.tvi.s on cattle: Good to chops fed yesrlings, xn.OD'fla.60; fair to good fed yearlings, 47.0HitfS.Ou; common lo fair fed ytarlinga. SHOG7.O0 good to choice heavy boevua, SSOOK.iO; fair to good cornlei beeves, S6.7.i''iS.Oi; common to fair corn- fed beeves, H.01W.T&; prime grass ooeves, 7.(iutl.00; good to choice grass beeves. A.Jt: fair to good cows. ti.bUiarj.U): coin inon to fair cows. H..JVfl4 60, good to 1 holes freder. S6.7i7.i'iO; fair to good leiders, 1H. tout). 76, coiuniorr to fair leod tis. t6.2.tj6 2S; good to rholc stockers. 7.Wiii7.0O; fair to good Blocker, So 2; 7.0u; common to fair stockers. a6.2.Va.2.); s'ork helfeis. 15. 60416. 2.1; stock cow, 14 61 J.25; tock calves. 16.00. 10; vel calvea, ;6.0U.2.'; bulls, stags, etc., S4.2t' Ktpresuitatlvs sale. HEW UTEER3. K. A. Pr. No. A. Pr 7 1 b 14 1143 4 SO IS 1U1 44 - 1UI4 I .4 11 1114 1 IM Hv. Ua 1 10 II lill 7 14 HOtJB Receipt were the amallest of tiny day this week, dropping below 10 cara fur the first tiins since Monday. A I out seventy-seven cars, or D..V10 head, were reported In, making the total for the five daya thia week something like ;.," head. This is almost talcs aa large at. last week and more than double tits tin. or me run two weens ago, out 1 b bout 17 0UO short of a year ago. Fiee shipping buying featured the trade again todsy, snd beioie they quit bu)lng shippers had more than a third of the receipts purchased. In fact, they did nut uuit until eveiyihing wa sold They made the bulk of their purchase on a lbo higher basis, paying as high as 4u W for best butchers. l'acksrs' first purchsse were no more trail a dime higher, but owing to sharp si ipplng competition they were not able to gel very many hogs oil this baais, and tha big end of their droves was bought at I' 'y i&c higner figures, whl.e at tha bett tune they paid Hat lie higher prlcea. Movement waa very active and every thing a sold by shortly after o'clock. Utneral trade wa fully luvrlio higher. Long strings were bought at Si.4wu 60, while tha aide bulk landed at 4V"ul 66, ilh a sprinkling of lights down to M b snd tops at S6.6U. Prices today are fully l.V hlxher than at laat week'a rloae, and k'4 the hightsl tbey have been ini. thre weka Sao Representative sales: fl.wa l.t rair 10 gooa sraaa unsvoa, n.r " " ' ' '.. " " W7 0j, common to fair graxs beeves, S5.2j. H. I. P r. 4a. J7sao. Rallwar la IMS k,6.a5; good to choice glass belters. J... f - Vr. 0 r4a" Tl4,VV XH" " &. 6.76; good to choice grass cows. S5.&oy ";. ? T u; !! ... d2 "Lai il""" ha. Aw. Bh. Pr. No. 71 1T0 so 4 M 71. 141 2J 4 4a 71 21 m IJ 4 40 U II 104 ... 4 41 74. 10 4 ... 4 40 T7 17 a lb 4 IS u. 14 S-4 ... 40 PIOS. 114 1l ... 'I 40 14. pal . ... 11 4 1 7U. A. Kb. pr ....Ml 4 s !a4 ... 4 40 ... 4 ....Ti l. I to ....l ... 44 ....Jau ... I lo I .. I 60 .149 4 a bllLKP There wa the usual light Frl- day run here, only about fourteen cara, or S.60 head, putting In an eppmtrance. The week'a receipt total ,RH head, a gain of 19.00 over laat week and 12, MB) smaller than laat year, but 4.CO0 smaller than two week ago. F"at lambs were extremely moderately supplied, there being really not enough here to make a maikrt. One buuch of pretty decent lambs on the native order sold at Ss M, and this wss about the only sale of consequence mail. Of course, thsy were not the leu and good kinds are quotable to I , while choice fed westerns might make 946. Price are fully steady with the gen eral market last Friday and are an wav lie above the low close a week ago today. A compared with the MkIi point I Tuesday values are ruiiy liwriw orr. A pretty good clearance of feeder wa mads yenterday. tha medium welKht to rather fleshv Ismbs that were here sell Ing downward from S0. while weighty feeding yearling were nought at Srtfli. Tnrt.v some of the same tenrllnss that carried a better fill sold at SS 90. Feed- ' Ing lamb that are at all weighty are anyway SMJHOn and poeslhly a much aa fi"c below a week ago, while even the light lamba show some decline, and are all of lot16c below the high time. The supply has been very slim . the past week. 4ii orders are also very scarce. Quotation n sheep and ksmbs: Iambi, good lo choice, S,vvft.00; lamba, fair to food. $ Si'i.0; lambs, feeders. 40; vearllngs. fair to choice, as.90ws.40; yearlings. feeders, Sn Tfcttf t; welhera, fair to choice, S.Viine.Jo. ewes, good to choice, to.'SitK.OO; ewe, fslr to good, 95.00 i6 75: ewes, feeders, S4 Outff&OO. Representative sales: No. AV. Montana feeder yearl'g ewea. S9 Pr. 96 76 S 20 4 00 K 76 5 90 5 'TR 6 66 S 00 It 9 00 S on S 90 S 66 rt Montana yearlings M 94 16 , 10S . 1)4 . 1 67 , 10S , 94 . 90 , 69 . 74 610 Idaho feeder ewes 1S9 Idaho feeder ewes so native ewe t:i Montana ewea SU! native ewe 416 Idaho ewea 140 Montana feeder lamb.. 674 Idaho ewe 476 Wyoming feeder ewe... 26 native lamb 612 Idaho lamb 279 Wyoming lamba ........ CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady Hog Weak Sheep trona-. CHICAGO, Deo. S. CATTLE Receipt. 2.000 head: market steady; native beef steers, Siv6n'10.Fi0: western sfeers, S6.2'lt' 9 29; cows and heifer. 22 6Mte.25; calves, s-i.ravinofio. HOGS Receipt. 29,000 head: market weak at lOo above; bulk of eales. I 9"1) S.K.',; light SSKt.7l: mixed. SA.10ttf.96; hesvjr, S6.40fl ; rough, IA.40rfK.66; pigs, 4.ioif.. PHKKP AND I.AMRS TteoehMe, 7.0no hesd; market strong; wethers, 6.0V!96.&0; ewes, 4.1(Vy.10; lambs. 7.00iit.a. 94. tntala Live Ntock Market. BT. IXTI8, Dec. S CATTLK Receipts. 2.6110 head; market steady; native beef steers. S7.60fi'10.20; yearling steer and heifers, SHw'10.'JO; Cows S.VaO7.00; atock ers nnd feedens, S5.00rfi7.26; southern steers, l;avtsx.60: cows and heifer. S4.OOtf4.60: native calvea, $6 0010.60. HOOS Recelpta. 11,200 head: market higher; pigs and lluhts, S5.7MI. 90; mixed ml butcher. S6.604M HO; good heavy, 16 90 4i7.u0. SliKFJP AND IMBS Receipt, 900 head, market steady; ycarllnga, $,60.t(i 7 60; Inmbs, t.XaV.hi; sheep and ewes, S.r.60fi.&0. Kansas City Live fttnok Market. KANSAS C1TT, Deo. 9 CATT LIC Re ceipts. 400 head: market steady; prim feil steers, S9.S54T10.00; dressed beef steers, Si.0oti9.00; western steers, S.26ff 26; stock ers and feeders. 9f 7.60; bulls, II 6.76: calvea, SA.ootr9.2fi. HfXS Receipts, A.fliW besd: market higher; bulk of sales, SA.4i.70; heavy, SAtVJti6.76; stockers and butchers, SA.tiOiol 6.70; lights, SA Sf,f(;W.Ar: plus, SViVvti 15. HHKBI' AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,200 head; market strong; Ismbs, tx SrjftH.oO; yearlings, $fi 60ii7.40; wether, S6.oOJi,36; ewes, H7fc!)6.7ti. f'loex City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Dee. 8 CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head; market atesdv: butchers, S4 Stfl.2R; western steer S6.2Vg7 V; cow and heifers, S4.10fW Si- calve. I4.50V1W; bull, stilts, etc., Sl.Ki.?6. HOGS Receipts, 7,M0 hd; market 60 to lc higher; hevy, S6.4o?r.60; mixed, S.2Mi6.40; light Sb.0uj2t.: bulk of alea. S6.20fOO.46. SHBBP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.600 head; market steady; ewes, S&.OO; lambs, S6.00. Bt. Joaeph Live BtoeSt Market. ST. JOSKPH. Mo.. Deo. S. CATTL.15 Recelpta. 400 head; market steady; steers. S6.OlKo4.00; cows and helfors, i3.60).76; calves, S7.004j9.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market higher; bulk of sales. Sf!.4ifafl.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts S.600 head; market ateady; lamb, SH.0Otf3.80. stork In glarkt. Receipt of live stock at ths five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1.2M) 6,:i 8.M0 Sioux City 6 7.0 Kansas City 400 6 H.0 St. Lou la , S.o II.200 Chicago 2.00 :,om I.60) 4,200 7,0110 Totals... ..6.7(0 67.30) 16,500 New York Moaey Market. NFW YORK, Deo. S. MERCANTILE PAPBR 244tfS per cent. STERLING KXCHANOF. Sixty -day bills. 14 M; demand, S4.7036; cables, 14.7110 SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars. 4:4c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. TIME; LOANS Steady; sixty days. 24 per cent: ninety days, S42 per cent; six montha, 2NfrS per cent. CALL MONEY Steady; high. 2 per cent; low, 1H per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent. Closing quotations on bond today wr is follows: V. 8. rrf. is. rag.... !4 Mo. Far. ct. I 46 do cxi noon tt N. Y. C. dab. 4a. ...111 V B. ia. ras ISI'iN. Y, rilr ma pv do roupon lOP.'S. Y. Hula lUi ..lllw II. S. 4a. rag lou4N. Y N. H. A H. do counoa lid cv. a j Panama a ooubos. .101 No Paclilo 4 ts Am Smaltan 4a....)ls do la Ma A T. A T. e. 4'4a..lrr O rt. u. rat 4a ,74 Armour A Oo. SS'afar. T. A T as 44 Alrhlaon ran. 4a. . . . 1M rm roa mi )(iji llal. (Mil 4a. Hta do ran. 44a IU1.14 t en. racina iar pr.ifiini gas. M f lira. A Ohio 44s. . VI L A H. P. r. 4a 71 11. A Q. 1. 4a. ... Mtto. Pao. at. ta 1i4s ian. fciactrlc 4a. 106 1' H. Hla ta 101 S IHSWaoaah lat bm lia I 'Wast, fnlon 4Sl Hi l '. Klao. t. Is. 114 4SAnalo-Franrk la ... lis TIS 1,1. No lit 4Ss... III. Can rat. 4a ... K. C. Bo. rat. H . 1. A N. unl 4a ... M. K. A T. lit 4a. 1114. Bask Clearlnaa. OMAHA. Dec. S. Bank clearings for On. ah a today were t3,W4,,1M,S4. and for the corrs;ondlng day last year 1.1,27. 6?0.66. Coffee Market. NHJW YORK. Dee. S COFFER Future market was wry quiet today and tlier waa very little thanu In price. The opening was unchanged to 1 point lower and the market Hused 1 point higher to 1 point lower, with May con tracts S'lllng at 6 6c. whlia t-'tptember rnngea netween ii:k; ana h.NSc. rales 6,750 bsgs; December, 6 5 c; January, ii.c; February. 6.61c: March. .t;4c: Anrll. aiLV: 1 May, .h.c: June, s.,ic; July, t.7'.c; u guat, S.KOc; r'epteinber, Sf.o; October, 6 Wc. Spot coffee quiet; JUu 7s, 7nc, 9ant.ui 4s. ,4c loltnn Market. NEW YORK. Dec. S COTTON Spot, steady; middling uplands, Z.Hx-; sales, (' bales. Futures opened barely steady; Decem ber, 11 S.Sc; January. 12 40c; March, 12. 60c; May. 12 HSe; July, 11 4c. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 3 - COTTON-Bpot. eaxlar; good middling, 7s7cd; middling. 7.&d; low mldlliig, ilr.'d. Sales, k.ouO bales. I.oodoa Stuck Market. IONDON. Dec. S American securities were dull and aagglng 011 I lie et'Kk mar ket today In ympaihy with New York but reports of further Urge sale of bond were confirmed HILVKR Bar. 26 7-16.1; per ounce. MONEY 44 percent. Discount rates: Short bills. GV per cent; three inumhi, 44 per cent. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Iec. 3. M KTA 1.8 Tohe exchange ouoted lead. offered, frdi. Spelter, S14 7Vp'17 26. Copper, nulet; rlev. 4iv.lytlc. fl.7r'JO.U0. Iron, sleazy and tinchanged. Iii, firm; S.76(jjs as. At London: Spot coper, 7o 6; futurea, l7s l.'.s; electrolytic, f( los. Spot tin, (Ins: futures. D67 10. Antimony, all-J. Lead. 4.4 6. Spoiler. 3. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Less Active, but More Re sponsive to Constructive Conditions. GERMAN EXCHANGE IS LOWER NEW YORK. Dec. 3 The market wss leas active but more responsive to con structive conditions today, throwing off much of Its peselmlsm of th previous session and closing with moderate hut general galna la the early dealings eonm irregularity was observed, mainly as a reauit of renewed pressure from bearish sources. London waa again a moderate seller of our aecurltlra here, but almost th only reflect.on of the foreign situation wa seen In another low record for German rtchangr. Marks fell to s'114. a decline of 4 from Its recent minimum quotation, with an easier tendency for sterling and francs Reports from the allies gave denial to reports of a cancellation of war orders snd that class of stock held rela tively firm. Rails furnished a basis for confidence hv their quiet strength. Canadian Pacific r roving th onlv notable exception, "nlon Paclflo. Southern Pacific and oth er were higher by a point. I'nlted State Steel easily recovered Its loss of tha previous day. gaining IS at MV Steel s tonnage figure for Novemler appear a week from today and forecast indicate a gain over the remarkable in crease shown by the October elatement. Bethlehem steal was unquoted until th final hour when it opened at 4M, a loss of tsn point, but it on roe to 476. Copper of all elss were firm and slmost two score of issues, comprising in dustrlsls, equipment, oils and automo bile stocks were two to ten point higher. Tots I sale of stock amouaUd to 47S.OU0 shares. Number of sale and leading quotation on stocks were as follows: al. Hisa Low. ciox. AlUtS QOH1 Allla- tialmoni Amrl-an ltt gusar.... American (fen Amerliiaa Lseoamlivs .... Anwlraa K a R. ........ Am. g. A K. M Am. Sonu- KaflDlni Amnriran Tl. T ).... American Tnhaoeo Anaconda fkpf Atehlnen Raid win Ijaromotlve BMllhn HtMl ., Brnoklrn Kpi4 Tr fkJIrnrela pimlni Canadian Paclfta Oniml leather i kmiMK a obis Chiraso . W Chlrasa, M. A St. P..., ttilcaiin A N. W Chlasao, R. I. P. Ry., t'hlnn Copper t'nloraile rSial A Iroa..., ruclnl Slee) , lienrar 4 H. II. ft , IMMlllem' Mrurttlas .... Kris , lnraj nitwtrle 40 4 . !." II tt4 JHo 71 a, 71", il 7 rn SIS " 14 .ess H 1 It. MS Mi4 . riS 4k oa 111 lKi! iiov, Lo III lli liw soo 1K l1 lVii 114 ll.Mn stk M SH lino Ma4 cs 114 4. 7 M ai i wtt t 47 4W 44 lfi 4 r loit l.sno ft . tt . IW la4' ISI 4 1U14 Mas) nt so si4 ria, lata U lT M Ua H 11 4S 1 1SH l4 lion 44a ISSa 44 1.4ns 4H1 4 4i l.loo TI4 114 '14 4W T7H t?4 17 K 471 44 v 404 14 Mm t4 414 4s SKI 174 17I4j 174' n 14 1144 1 4.7re 44 44 s, i.srm 774 ins ins ton I a tt n tt 441 14 1.4" B14 K4 (14 M 14 U 4 11 4 4.4fl ft 41 IH .. 114 1114 lit, lo 17 II . 100 414 141 l IMH tan s 4 4 no last 14 14 4.e m Ml 4 lois 4 74 4 74V "4 t.seo 1174 niva H74 lim 114 ills lus 1.IMI) 144 II S SM 414 44 4!S 4.400 HS S IDS ., WH 1 40s ns tss t4 I 0M 114 v 11 IIS IM M 44 44 lofcia 1014 mi 4I"S IM 14 ibis l.sno 174 tn Ms . til (074 Sios S.400 1114 1174 1S s ,ono as MS S4 W 1114 114 lifts 74 m i . it 11s 1,o s4 74 sis S.4)no T7 . 71 74 Alio 471 40 4 SsMI H4 SS MS Yl tne 17 16 MS Orat Northern vtd , nraat N. Ora etfl Ougsashalni Cxplormllo. ininaia tiantral lntartoenugh us. Osr. tnnfitratlon Odvper Intarnallnnal llarvaatar.. Kanaaa Our aoutharm... I-hun Vallar iMihntlls A. Nluhrllla.. Maxlcaa Patrolaum Miami Goppar Mlanmirl K. a T. fd... lllaeourt PMfla Hadnnal Flarult HatlnnaJ 14 Nevada Cnftpar t. N. T.. N H H Norfolk A Weataro Nnrthara Pactris I'.cinr Mall Paclflo Tal. T Pannavlvanl Pullman False Oar liar con. t:nppr 4Hadlng Kapiiblie Iron A Staal... Snutharn faeiric Slnalham Kail war Htiinahnker fompany ... TfnntMM ropaar Teiaa Company t'nlon paritia ttnlon i-aclfle r4 t'nllad matea meal II. 4. Steel rf t'tah CopTier '.Ac..'. Waatara I nlon Waatlnahooaa Blactrlo ., Montana rowsr , Oanaral Motor Wahaak B pt TotaJ aaloa tor tha dar. 471.000 ahares. Bx-aividano. n tim. m.,i. n" On! Market. NEW YORK, Deo. S. DRY OOODS- Cotton rood firm today w'th 1 trade oulta active In array cloth. W Ide hetlni " . . T""V . inn, wooi market very firm at top prices. 1 Net Heir n Intra Increase. CLEVFI AND. O., Dee. S,-Th October report of the Nickel Plate railroad made public today, shows that the gross earn ings were tl.SS2.TO0, as aralnst SI. 22. 446 last year. The net earnings were 1369,120, as against 1196.642 laat year. EAT APPLES AND BE GOOD A I'roae Poem of Joy Reeled Off the Kplenre' Palalaar Pen. Solemnly enough, the London Chronicle relates that a former governor of Mil bank prison said that h "always had hope of th final reformation of a pris oner, no matter how violent pr depraved he might be, so long as h retained an appetite for apple pie." . Everybody hss known for a long time that apple were good and good for peo ple. What other morsel of th gods com bine o truly and delicately th aephyr of June, the glow of July, the fragrance of summer rains, the sharpneaa of early frost, the richness of th earth and the splendor of the heaven T What boy waa ever worth counting who did not rat more apple than h ought? And what man, with the epicure's touch added to hi boy ish love, doe not at th bottom of hi heart recognise that to put apples be tween flaky crusts W to mingle nsctar and ambrosia? Let th frost be never so thick on the pumpkin and the choppers grind their mincemeat never o fine these are for 'occasions. But apple pie Is for living. But about apple pie and moral. We think that fairly evident. It not a cause, but a test. What it mean I that no man who retains his affection for ap ple pie ha lost hi kinship with human nature. And no man who still shares common human feelings can be a mon ster, or wholly bad and past hope of sav ing. Milwaukee Journal. FEWER WOMEN DRUNK IN LONDON OF LATE (Oorraspondence of th Associated Press.) LONDON, Nov. 22.-Offlclal police ap proval is given to the no-treating or dinance in a report from the headquarters of ths Metropolitan police on Its work Ing from October II, when It. went Into effect, to November 1. The police report generally that less drink Is being sold, fewer people visit th saloon, and those who do stay for a shorter time than be fore, and there la less drunkenness, es pecially among women. The ordinance I tielng punctually observed, th police say. In all the 12,000 licensed places In the London area. The report says. In part: "There I a consensus of opinion among the superintendent of all division that drunkenness generally, an among women In particular, has decreased. "A marked diminution .In th number of women and children standing outside public houses drinking hag been notloed, and In many district tha practice ha ceased altogether. "police have invariably found fewer people on licensed premises and a ten dency to make shorter stays has been observed. "Practically no breach of order have occurred, and licensees and their servant have shown at all times their willing- nea td aa 1st tha police. " I MUCH ACTIVITY IN BUSINESS Week Busiest in Long- Time in Trade and Industries, Aooording to Brmdstreet'i. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT ORDERS NEJtV YORK, Dec. . Bradstrwefg to morrow will say: Apparently the week ha been the buntcMt In a long time. Activity In trad as well as In leading Industrie tin abated is more marked In fact than heretofore, .lohhers. wholesale dealers, retsllera. msniifsctnrers and banker ae a unit In reporting activity and sold up for months to come is th ndltion ef numerous Industries. Complaint spring from inshllity to get supplies snd from rhagrtn at not having bought at lower levels thsn now prevail, rather than from n lack of demand. Incidentally th steady demand being made for immediate shipment cor roborate reports na to depleted stock 4 widespread oondltton. Industry sa'lng along t an acllv gait, the Iron and steel trad leading with mill unable to upply demand despite agumanted rapac.ty while new dnmeatlo business Is tmclierked by higher prlcea. But In other Industrie the circuit of activity Is w.den- Weekly bank clearing S4.SlI.174.Ono. OMAHA GEKKItAL MAItKKT. SOt.7T,TIY Alive: Turkey, any ie over 7 lb., 17c: broilers, l64417o; springs. He; ducks. 10o: geese, 10c. hen. S311c; young glonesv hens, each, S60; rooster, So. OY8TERA Cheeapeake, standards, per gauon. 41. 1: lanaaras, si.ssi siota, Il.eo; northern, taodsras, 41.46: eiecta, 11.76, Now York count. ll.So. Northern, small ran. 244rSe: large can. Sfegsio. Chua- peaka, small cans, &Ho; large cans. S04 lio. FISH-Hallbut, 12c; salmon, rresh pink, Se; fresh red, 114c; oat fish, frwah. Me; trout, fresh. 13c; white fish, freah. 101 red mapper, fresh, Uc; oalflsk. frosen. ISo; smelts, fro sen, 10-IV oxee. 11.15; smoked whit fish, 10 ; kippered aalmon. 17c. rnOTTS FISH-Halibut. lse to gult 104c; catflah. large, for tak. lie; sal mon, falia, Se; aalmon. silvers. lOo; No, troul, Ho ; No. 1 whlteflsh, dreeaed, 10a; No. 1 whlteflsh. large, lta; No. 1 white fish. Jumbo, Isc; Pickerel, round W. C. 4c: pickerel, h earl leas, go; hlaok baa, order Sao: herring, dreeeed. pair frosen. So; blueflsh. extra fancy, lie: red snapper, headless, dreaeed lOe; floun der, inc; scallop, per gallon, 41. OS. SMOKED FlSH-WhJts, to-lb. bask eta, per lb, 14a. KIPPERBD riSH-SaiiBon. 10-lh. baa keta. per lb., 17a. CFLKHY Mammon th, per do., 76a, BRIEF CUTS Rib: No. i. l4c; No. 2. 164c; No. 8. U'c. Lotn: No. i S14c; No. i lso; No. S, 14o. Chucks: No. 1, loo; No. S. 4o; No. I. So, Rounds: No. 1, 14c; No. 2. Lie; No. S. ISo. PUtea: No. t, 10o; No. S. SVe: No. S, 4o. LIVID POULTRY Broften, IM to 14 lbs.. In separate comp,, 17o; oyer 14 to I lb., lo; aprlng. any else. J240; duok. picked, 4 price, but not wanted, lie; hena, oyer 4 lb, per lb., 114c; roosters, 44c. Turkeys, 17c; old Toms. 16c: under S lb.. So; leas than S lbs. eaoh not wanted. Oeeae, full feathered and fat. 8c; picked. 4 price, but not wanted. Outness, each, too: young, 1 to 14 Iba. each, S60. Homer squabs. 14 os. and over. ti 00; 10 to IS os., S2.00; No. Lmuat welga S os.. S1.S0: under S os, 60o Ptgeoni, any kind, per do., too. 8lar Brand-Ben Dart. SITS per barrel; Willow Twig. 6S.J6 per barrel; Wlnesaps, SLM per barrel; Jonathan. 11.60 par bar- Shield Brand-Black Twigs. SS.M per barrel: Black Twlaa. nnmmt.rlr.lal tmn SJ26 per barrel; Ben Davis. Illinois, 62.7S per barre'. BUTTER Best creamery, Sle: eeconda In cartons or tubs. 36c: good dairy, S9 tSe: county, common, 19'ic. CHEF.HE Imported Bwlsa. 44o; domesUc, SOc; block. 14c; twins, lSc; c; New York whit, lc; imported rrench Rooquefort, 4Sc. FRUITS Orange: California Sunklst fomla Sunklst Navel. 176 and smaller. S4.60 bos; Florilas, all aiaea, P.'O box; I California Valencia. 1.-6. S5.0) box. Lemon.- Sunklst. juo. StVia. 16 Oi brx; 'Red Ball. tOSi S60a 14.60 box. Orane- 'fruit: So. 4XS, 64s. 64. IS 60 box; . . Ulo DOX Pears: winter NellU. SJ.26; box. Peachea: California iialway or Colorado K.iberta. 6O0 box. Bananas, Sl.76 to S4 bunch. Orapes: Emperors, B.IW cia'.e; h;mperor in keg. S4.0J ket Malagss. SS.On to 17 00 bhl. Cranberries: Belle and Cherry, tl.M ibl.; Belle and Bugle. 18.60 bbl.I Jumbo. S10.00 bbl. Figs. 12-10 os not) box. VEOETABLEW-Csbbags. I40 lb.; head lettuce, 11.00 dos. : leaf lettuce, 40c do.; celery: Pascal, T60 do.; California, S)o do.; Michigan, 36 dos.; cauliflower, I? 50 crt.; quah, 2c lb.; brussel sprout, !"o lb.; tomato, tl 60 lug.; pepper. Ski baaket; parsley, S6c do.; rutabas, 140 lb.; onions: Spanish, Si. 60 crt.; red, to lb.; yellow, IHo lb.; artichokes, S1.26 dot.; rasaliaa, S6.00 crt. Potatoes: Colorado white, l' bu.; large Colorado white, 66c bu.; Led River Ohio. 76 bu. Sweet potatoes, SS.00 crt.. NUT No. 1 walnut. l4e lb.; blk. walnut. So lb.; hickory, 4o lb; filberts, 16c lb- pecans. 124e lb.; Braalls. Ik lb; almonds. Pc lb. M ISC ELLA N EOUS Crarkerjsck. S3 70 case; crackerja.k, one-balf caae, Sl.76; case; fsrd dates, 124o lb.; called peanut. SI. 15 can; popcorn. 40, 1 lb. package, 22 6) caae; com pops, S-".2S caae; cornpops, one half case, 11.66 case; 8. W. dates. Sl.25 bos. ' Honey, 13.76 cass. Airline. 2 do. 01., I0 caae. Coeoanuta. S3 50 bag, T3o do. Cider: Motta, 13.75 kc: Motts. on half bbl.. Zl.U bbl.; Nshawka, 1.IJ keg. PYTHIAN SISTERS CHAPTER IS INSTITUTED AT SIDNEY SIDNEY, la,, Deo, S. (Speclal.)-A tem ple of Pythian Slater wa Instituted on Tuesday night in th Knight of Pythlaa rertle hall by Deputy Grand Chief Mr. Carroll W. Kimball of Council Blur. Th Hasting degree staff of Hading, la., put on th work. Th temple atarU out with A membership of over sixty. Th officer are: Moat axcellent. chief. Mr Bailie Travla; past chief. Mr. Amanda Martin; ml tress of records, Mr. Jennl Jt4de; mistress of finance. Mrs. Fannl Van Eaton; excellent nlor, Mr. Clara Nelson; excellent Junior. Mr. Jessl Car ter; manager, Mrs. Bertha Jenkins; pro tector of tempi. Mr. Albln Blckal; In rlsillng officer. Mr. Amanda Martin; outer guard, Mr. Mary Estea. COUNTERS DAMAGE SUIT WITH ACTION FOR SLANDER SHENANDOAH. Ia.. Deo. l-(Spccial ) -A counter claim for slander ha been tiled by the proprietor of th Elk cafe against M. F3. Beach, oouncilman from he Third ward, who is suing th cf monagement for Si, 000 damages, alleging it put him out of the place of business forcibly. The trouble grew out of a dis pute over extending credit and punchln; th price of a cigar on a meal ticket. Tie rase la set to corns to trial in thia term of the superlora court. l.llllaa lliatoa Dead. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Doc. S -Lilllsn Illnton, fsmous a an emotional actrrsa twenty year ago, wa found dead t her' country home, I.l n wood, near her to nlyht. Heart dtstaas wa given as tie caute. SabacrlHe 4 War Lea. OTTAWA. Out. Dee. S. 4ubcr1p tion totalling tnO.OOO.Oio hav been re ceived, It was announced today, for th Caradian SoO.ouO.UOO war loan. The grand total came from 26,000 separate subscrib er Swift & Company Unloa Stock Yard. December Dividend No. 117 DivVlaad of TWO DOLLAR ( 00) per ahare ea the capital sleek ef Switt 4 Cvsapauy, will be wi4 ea Jaaaary 1st. 11. to taesaoMlar ef s, uaeaoibar j 10.1US, a awa the soaks Of tk Compeer. Oo saoouat ef aaeoal saaetlng, tranafsr bonk rUl b clused from Dec. 10. to Jan. T. 1K16. f. A. UAYWASVD, aWeresarg