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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1915)
THE P.EE: OMAHA, KATITIWAY, SKPTKMIiKn 4, 1H:. to tlie home of Miss Mildred Tltsel. where dinner was nerved. During the evening group pictures were taken and the gifts of the wedding party. At Happy Hollow Club. The Friday Rowling club entertained at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club. Dinners will be given Paturday evening st the Harpy Hollow club by F. E. Clarke, who will entertain fifteen guests and Mr. John McDonald, who will have six guests. Mrs. C. T. Walrath will give a lunch eon of twenty rovers Tuesdsy at the Happy Hollow club. Reservations have already been re ceived for the second married folks' din ner, which will be given at the Happy Hollow club Thursday of next week. Among those entertaining at this affair will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Clarke, who will have eighteen g-uests; John K. Pulver, ten, and W. E. Williams, two. Nearly 40,000 People By MELUFICIA. Friday, September 3, 1915. IT IS an Interesting fact to note Just at this time of the year the rela tionship that exists In the members of the House of Ak-Sar-Ben. The European war has brought to notice, strikingly, the rela tionship by blood and marriage of all foreign dynasties, and a like case exists 'In our own ruling realm. 'There are cousins galore In the bouse of Qulvera, relationships by marriage, fathers and daughters, uncles tvnd nieces, and I suppose some aunts. . Mre. J. T. Stewart, one of the earlier queens, is a first cousin to Miss Elliabeth Davis, a recent queen, and Mrs. Tom Davis Is a cousin by mar riage to Mrs. Stewart, and a sister, by marriage, to Miss Davis. Mr. Edward Porter Peck, one of the first kings, is the father-in-law of Mr. Joseph Darker, who ruled as king four years ago. The late Mr. F. A, Nash was an earlier king, while his niece, Mies Frances Nash, was queen four years ago. Mr. Charles Pickens and his daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Pater son, have in turn held the sceptre of Ak-8ar-Den, and so on down the line. Saw thi wonderful tOmt at the Stndebaker Tbetv ter, Chicago, In TO XTR DAYS. Crowd, erowda, crowd, art itlll coming k Jfrr r V? ID " vl I V nVW U"1 'i J1 . ..'' 0..' iW'W IW.II k-a. - fr 'in ' ; 'VIA 9 r At Seymour Lake Club. Mrs. J.' J. McAllister save a bridge- luncbeon Tuesday. The color scheme was yellow anil white. Covers were laid for: MsedanM-e Inoe J one. J. H. Tanner, C. A. l-her, J. It rtiaor, U U. Lord. Oeorfe Francis Clauds Orchard. J. H. Bu"a, Vf. W. McFJroy. George Marrionald, i. i-aaer, It. Par rat t. EL Ames, B. A, Hose. W. it llaselmlre, T. Allen, 'aiter Nitsche, Albert rioe. rbert Perks, J. Pell. m J. J. rtujreral4. John Union. M lea JDunics Eneor, Mcsdsmrs , I avls, M. I,. Klnr. O. B. Carter. '. 11. Mrlln, H. It. Klilott, M. IVoudfoot, Jtor Dennis. It. M. I -avert y, J. W. llurson, TlobeH Queenan, M. Culkln, . W. T. ( ox, A. H. Mldlali). . J. liueli, K. o. Furen, William Hliswgl, It. Hirewhecker, J. O. ttngan. A. W. Murdock, I. Vollmer, Kobart Johnson, K. A. F.c-kman, Misses K. F. Wortey. Kra. J. II. Adams entertained at a prmcheo and kenstnston Thursday, hav tng elfht guests. U.T. and Mrs. John Beklns returned fWedneaday front a two months' tour of the Faclflo coast state. Mr. and Mrs. George Francis have re timed to their town house for the winter, but wtU continue te spend week enda at the elub, Mr. and Mre. George Cleretand are rpeodtaf a few weeks tn Chicago. IWeddinv Announcement Mlaa Josephine Rhoden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rhodrn, waa snarrted Tuesday to Mr. Archibald Kelly. The oereraony waa performed at the home of the bride by the lie v. D. B. Jenkins, S. rj., la the preeence of the Immediate pamUlea. Mlas Rhoden waa formerly (with the Associated Charttlee and the bat few years clerk In ' the juvenile sourt. . . ' The young couple left for a trip to the oast and the expositions. They will be at home after October 1 In their new kotos at 714 Bluff street, Florence, Neb. Engagement Eumor. Cupid la doing; things tn speedy fashion t the home of the Cudahys In Chicago. With the announcement of the engage tnent of the two Cudahy girls, the Misses Helen and Florence, comes the rumor of the engagement of Mr. Edward Cudahy, lr., son of Mr. and Mra. E. A. Cudahy, to Mlsa Ida May BwifU the daughter or Mr. Louie F. Bwlft.' This announcement has not yet been made public but word ts to the effect that It will soon be confirmed. Bridal Part. Mrs. Harry Kelly entertained at bridge j this afternoon at her home, compllmen- I tary to Mlsa Ellsa Halsey of Kllsalx-th, J N. J., who Is her guest for the week-end. j Those present were: The club win give a series of dances during the coming season. Ml-i Clsra Hart of Council fluffs will give a luncheon tomorrow In honor of Mlsa Mildred Johnston of Chlcsgo, the guest or Aims Kegina connell. Mrs. C. W. Martin will entertain the memliers of the Prettiest M lie Golf club at her home on the Prettiest Mils road. Tuesday evening of next week. Mock Wedding;. A unique tiartv was riven WeilneaHa evening at the home of Miss Edna Kllllan In Hersrn. The house wss prettily dee orated with garden flowers and a large wedding bell hung in an archway. Mlsa Jessie Drills and Gladys Anderson were bride and groom, while Miss Mildred Tltsel played the wedding march. The couple were met at the archway by the officiating minister, Mra. M. Kroyer. The brlds was given away hy her parents. Miss Myrtle Hmlsor and Mlsa Htlger. The bridesmaids were Misses Irene Mone throp. June drove and Ruby Davy, the ring bearer and flower girl were Isabell Hawkins and Nellie Smisor. The ushers, maids and special guests inoluded Miss Edna Kllllan. Ruth Oustafson, Mary Roth. EfflS Kllllan. Clara NnMhi U... line Horton and Emma Pliant After the ceremony the groom presented the brides maids witn large diamond butterfly brooches. The party left thla borne to go School Children Should hare their eye carefully examined before school begins. See FUTTON he fre children hia personal attention. 1 6th St I0" Farnaun St. COFFEE" FOR 2 LB. CANS "That Economy Coffee" MERCHANTS TAXI CO. Tenrlaur ead Closed Oars. 93X0 par hotur. Dong. 480a tend M Ksrehents Motel. Drug Store Price List s&e Allen a Foot Fae 14e &c Allcm-k'a 1'oroua Plasters. . . .130 Uromo Heltser o, 170, sen, eae liourjeois Java Rice 1'owdsr, (gent.. . . . , seo SOo Charles Flesh Food to Ifto Carters I.lttle Klvor l'llls ..ISO 2ia Castorla (Genuine) ,.,.Slo ifo Cutlcura Hoapi 17e SOo Caldwell's Hyrup Pepsin for Sj too Csnthrox U9a 11.00 Cooper's IHscovery S4o flOo Doana Kidney Fills S4o $1.00 Duffy's Furs Malt S40 Father John's Medicine, Baturday 340 Fellows' Hyrup ; e4a 2 So Hsilmes' Frostllla lTo tl.25 Ouile'e Pepto Mangan Bo KCip Hill's Caaoara Quinine 1 Horllck'e Malted Milk 3o, ese, fa.T4 $1.00 llyomel, complete ........ B9o !6o Hydrox Ceroxlde Cream. .... . 14 llydnigen Peroxide, pure. I4e I listener's Hitters , 4a 76c Jad Liver Halts 44 Suo l.jon's Tooth Fowder and Paste at io I.lsterlne lSo, le, SSo, Sto ffio laxative Rromo Quinine ,,..ieo 60e LAiilache Powder (4 ahades) 3o .380, Me 890 Mellln's Food ifo Malvlna Cream I60 Masaatta Talcum Ifle 25c Mennen'a Talcum (4 shades) lie Mentholatucn (genuine) 14o L'to Mistletoe Cream 140 too Pape'a Dlapepsln 8j Sic Faoker's Tar Hoap 14o f 1.00 Hlnkham'a Compound C4e 60o Febeco Tooth Faate S4e $1.00 Pierce's Favorite Rx S4o ItSo Pond's VanLelilng Cream 64a $1.00 Pliiaud's l.llao Vegetal BSe uOo loEonl Powder 4a ' Rogera A Oallet Rice Powder. .. .170 Hal Hepatlca lto, 340, S9o &0o Hyrup of Flga 34e $1.00 8. H. 8. .....,....,,, .S4e Ko Baxolite for , 4So hOa Hemnre Olovlne ,.99o ' hOn flrott's Emulsion i..,,.94o Ktuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets 84o t5o Hani Flush ,..17e , t'fio Tls, for tender feet . , . 14 91 .25 Tona Vita ese 25c 4711 White Rose fioap 12o 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap ITe $1.00 Wine of Card u I 6o too Williams' Fink Pllla 34o MesdmiKS Kenn.-th I'slersor), A. W. (lordon. Harry Montuomcry, . Charles Lesion, Paul (iHllsKlier, Mili-s htandirh, ; MlftAce Hilda Hammer, Martha Dale. Mesdames flalph Pelera, lrant Ruaera, Vre4 Thonaa, ilna WUIiam Hardin ChaxUa UetA Mlawee rllaa Halsey. I ar caret Kruoe, Ijiadya retera. Pleainrei Put Miss Xdna Qatchell entertslned at her Vim Thursday evening in honor o( Mr. X4 jrooknleee of Cblcajro, Those present wwe! Vlsaes Ruth rieecher, jeonA Bieooio. Iran Bulltvan. tiraee XloKiuale, ra- Jonsa. MyrUa Macnar, Maears Hay Moore, Chi4k Wood. ay Frttta. Frank Kaurner, V 11 lard Raber, L 4 1 . 1. m mt aru. Mra. Nellie LKln. tee .Molnss. . . i Mr. and Mra. Maamer. , Mra. Ualchail. MHdred Heleterre. Kdna Oatrhall. Hasel HaakeJl. Kdua Catchall. Helen Poln, Messrs. Edwin N alley. Milton Biminons, Albert A. Kmtlh, Ed Jucknlesa. John liatchell. Cn the Calendar. The lJSeile club, which for many yesrs ICare Its popular dancing parties at Chambers' aoadsmy, baa been reorga mLsfrd under the direotton of Mr. Iannis T. CuUon and Mr. James C. Hartneit. These Prices at the 4 Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores Saturday is Cigar Day . HW-orT OTKBT.OOK ova aTtraDAT cioab aALxsi rajBT au uax. movbt iatem, . ,10c Rot Tana each So 1 Ho Reynaldo Orandloaoa, earh...l0e lOo F. Garcia, clear Havana, 4 for tSo "J ,6 M.""a """l?, tor ,1-8? i- ... , , . ..I Uox 100 fluaJlty, foil wrappet poo Cubanoida, 4 for aae Manila cigars, for 3e DRUGS Epsom Raits, lb norlo Acid, lb Wltrh Hasel, pint ' Wood Alcohol, pint .........,.. Cresju Tartar, lb Creun Tartar Hulphur Loaengea, lio a box. two for Astlrln Tablets, t dosen for.... Hlnkle Tablets, 100 for........ Quinine Capsules, 1 dosen Arom. Caator Oil (Honsy-ol) . , . 100 Bland'a Iron Tonlo Tablets.. . H-1U. can Chloride Ume 4e .IBS .lBo as a .aae .ise .ase .ass .ate Choice Fresh Candies Oar Candy Department la becoming a most Important one and so It should be. whsn the very high qual ity of ths "Original Paokaga" Candles we handle, la considered. Rpedal Drive Saturday oal (Oo Uood-WlU Chocolates. In purple bos. for ase Llssett's Fleet Chocolates (everv piece containing a nut. fruit, or nougat renter) lb. .too Dainty Dutch Delight Chocolates, per lb go, LUs-ett's Butter and Milk Bitter- eweeta. per Un so Llsgetts Fruit Cordial Chooolatea, H lb., SOo I 1 lb. ai aa nerman c luicwonneii's 4 nekall Drug Stores ahsrmaa k MoOoaaell Srav Oo. aaa Dodge atxste. ' Owl Did Co., let a4 Xarmsy Streets. Zoral rharmaey, teyal Hotel Bloc. a07- Worth leth 1 tree 1. Harrar rharnaey, seth aaa raraaa Ktraeta. we" ADVANCE FALL SHOWING OF Phoenix Cuar'cteed Hosiery (or Ilea ted Wtmea, in. All' the; Popular Shades a -w V "V t? 1 a 1 a 1 r jt v - i x O WALK ' FOR MEN FOR WOMI.N To tell you of the many styles, quali ties and merits of WAI.k-OVKIt KliOKS wouia require pages ot this newspaper, but in short we wlnh to say that our stork of Fall and Winter FOOTWEAR U with out a doubt the finest we have ever pre sented to the people pf Omaha. Our win dows will convlnce you of this fact. Over 700 exclusive styles to select from. Fur women we are showing the newer models in Kid iArers, side button, btraight Lac and liutton, Uypaiee In but ton or lace, in an learners and oolor combi nations ror men, the new modified Lngiish styles, in button or lace, all learners witn plain or fancy tops. WIDTKS Tor Womsa Qoad- raws 'S to Doubt a's. ror atea -Triple A'e te l-s. S3.50 to S7 111 11H 0 o First Showing of the Thrilling New German War Films Presented by The Chicago Tribune The World Greatest Newspaper. Made with official permission with agree ment that 60 of the proceeds go to the Fund for Blinded and Crippled Soldier. Six Heels oS Sensational Motion Pictares Taken by Edwin P. Welgle, Staff Photographer, The Chicago Tribune a Tomorrow, at the Boyd Theater The Chicago Tribune presents five smashing reels of German War Films, "The Ger man Side of the War," taken on Xussian, Italian and Prench frontier!. See the Troops DIE TRUPPEN the men of Kaiser Wilhelm and the aged Pram Josf. See military event leading to the capture of Przemy, the march on Lexnberg. Journey with the pictures from Berlin to Doberitx, to Hamburg, to Bremen, to Lnbexk; to the Prench frontier, to Oalloia and the Tyrolean Alps. One Week Beginning Tomorrow rSOTI THS IS ATM AH Seats 25 Cents APPROPRIATE MUSIC 11 A. LL TO 11 P. 1L DAILY I7YW IP TTC1 7? Wire or Write at Once for Bookings to CENTBjU. FILM COMPANY, 110 So, State El. x WXVlJ Chicago Illinois. . H VALK-0VER BOOT SHOP 817 WJI TII lo?U bl. I V Aft Isr "Wesse Mifsr-aW