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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1915)
11 he Bees Homme Magazine Pa The Tyranny of the Weak Rare Specimens! ,15"ny By NELL BRINKLEY ..Vfr.W arwWAXXAWAAl e Kind! topyrljrht. IMS. Internet! News Service Necessity of the Father Being More Than Provider of Food and Clothing for Children Tin: r.HK: omaha. sati upav, skptkmbi:,:. i, ui.. ge By DOROTHY DIX. It i one of the Inexplicable tragedies of family life that the strong are always governed by the weak. It la irrational and illotfeal, but It la the short-sighted person whose vision seta the bound to the doroeatlo horW ion; It ia the haJt and the lame who are the pacemak ers of family prog ma; It U the per on of weak and hysterical judgment who derides the way the family bark shall b e steered. It la never the strong, wise, tolerant, far-see-tng member of the household who rules it. No other thing on earth so serves to put the brakes on human endeavor, tir brings about so many avoidable calamine as the sub servience 61 the Strang to the weak, the subordination of the wise t the foolish. It is a great misfortune to humanity, but it is one of the noblest mistakes that mankind has ever made,' and there are many exeusea to be offered for it. Indeed the very qualities that make a man or woman strong the wide com prehension, the ability to endure, the di vine patience and pity make them the inevitable victims of the little sou led and the weak. Juat as an honest man is no match for a thief In a trade because he will not descend to offsetting trick by trick, so the strong and noblo cannot con tend with the weak and pusillanimous, because they scorn to use the only weapon that would avail. Tou may see this Illustrated In a dozen households of your acquaintance where there Is an Inequality between hus band and wife. Invariably the weak one rules. If the man is wise, generous, broad, tolerant and the woman Is ellly, narrow, high-tempered and querulous. It Is not he, but she who is the autocrat Such a woman never gives up her own wilt, because there are no such egotists as fools. She never suffers herself to be led up to a higher life, because she is too dull to have any aspirations. But the man, lust because he Is broad and wise, and because he sees, as she does not. that In order to have any peace In family life, somebody must give in, some body must use tact and discretion, he ascrlflces himself to his weak wife. There are thousands of noble end sptendid men that are chained to women without brains or hearts, and the nobler thesemen are the leas fitted ..they aro to deal with such wires. Thar is no argument that thle type of woman can understand, except brute force, and as a gentleman cannot beat his wife, no matter how much she needa it, these men are the helpless victims of the tyranny of the weak. How Is a man to deal with a woman who has hysterica every time he tries to reason with her about her extrava gance, which la ruining him? What can he do if she meets every suggestion with floods of tears? How can he stop her If she makes Jealous scenes every time Jo speaks to another woman? He's helpless to change her. All that he can do ia Just to meekly submit and keep from stirring her np. Or the case may be reversed, as ft very often la. and It Is the woman with great Intelligence and wide understand ing and sympathy who is married to a bigoted and prejudiced man with violent passions. Is he who rules the family, and It is she who seeing his lit tleness and realising that there Is noth ing so unehangeaWe as Ignorant stupidity, sets herself the task of adjusting her nature to his. Instead of trying- to ad Just his to hers. Let a man have a temper like a train of fireworks, he does not try to control It. It Is hla wife who spends her like walking on eggs for fear she will rouse the devil In him. tryin to keep thlnga hidden and out of algtit that will vex him. As between husband and wife. It la always and . Invariably the noble who gives way to the Ignoble, the strong that surrenders to the weak, which is a disastrous thing for the children. Another pitiful Illustration of this is the young man or woman who Is bound like a slave at the chariot wheels of his or her parents, and who Is crushed In the dust and ground' to powder under the weight of an old man or woman's moss-grown theories.. Not every father 1 have borne or are fitted to decide ita destiny. Many an old hen hatches out a swan, and gpends her life In trying to keep It from the water that is the habitat for which nature Intended it. simply and solely because she haa a dlallke for wster herself. All of us have known girls whose r-a rente have broken off good matches "hecavse the faUier or mother didn't haP oen to like the way the man combed his hs'r. or had an aversion to hla rel'glon e race, or for some other reason equallv foolish. We have known talented fr's who might have made fame and fortune on the stage but for some senle r-rent who had a prejudice against -'re. vi hsve known boys who were pre vented from going where fortune called m by anme eM'v and eel'lsh eld mother who wept when her Johnnie talked about leaving home. We hsve known other men whose lives were ruined because an onmlonated father, who thought he knew what waa better for them than they d'd themselves, forced them Into snme oeru natlon for whch thev were unfitted, end kept them from doing the thing thev wanted to do and could have done with profit. It's the old story, the strong yielding to tha weak, the wise ruled by the font 's'', the swift, young feet slowing them selves down to the tottering gait of as. Tt is whst 's divlneet In s tn Its most Mi'-t'r ssoect. and it explains as noth ing eVe Hoes te reason why the world's r -ro , o slow. For K famHv life we have a remark ed fmpl of r.e survival of the fittest ' f-e one who s'irvtves Is the one v - throws fl ''Kcifr h's or her svrelgn will is crossed. l v i When a girl-person's pet sport Is chasing rare butterflies that gold and pink variety with the velvet from a faery's coat from Love-Iand on his wing-tips, and the color of the girl's first blush tinting their roots when, I say, she'd rather rout out after this splendid fellow with her net, than to eat strawberries frozen In marsh mallows and whipped cream (what is It folks call her?) a trlfler and a coquette. Life Partners and Dance Crazes Another Fictionless Fable for the Fair About a Theory We All Know By ANN LISLE. There was once a Young Husband who had the dance craxe. Apart from that he was a very clever business man who thought that a husband's first duty was to make money and a wife's first re sponsibility waa to have beautiful chil dren and to bring them up well. The Wife subscribed to his theories, so. of course there was no friction in their home. Khe was much too busy with the cares of the household to learn to dance at all. and she waa generally too tired from those "cares of the household" to go along with her husband when he went to these dansanta. Of course, no man can dance without a partner, and ao the young husband found a Partner. The Partner waa a beautiful young woman who had neither household oares, husband nor theory. She liked to dance preferably with someone who danced well, but necessarily with someone who would pay the check. Unless one has a dinner invitation or a certain means of support It grows rather important for a cabaret tea to offer enough nourish ment to last until some chap buys an after-theater supper. The Young Husband and his Partner danced merely all through the winter. And the Young Wife stayed at home and took care of the babies and provided auch very good dinners that the Husband always came home to them. Out he generally went out agin si'Mhout pi 01 lock - to the cluli,'' lie I J. ui "to And when a man is an ardent col lector of specimens of the Danny va rinty the call him susceptible. Girls don't mind being called a co quette. If they're sure you don't mean that when they catch their but terfly they pin him to a card! But a trlfler, who captures her but terfly, is careful of his frail .gause wings, admires and prises him, and then holds him aloft and frees hlra see someone on business." Of course, the club was a dance club and the busi ness was learning the latest atep. The Young Wife ate her very good dinners and went to bed early and waxed unfashlonably fat. And the Husband, se cure In the Partner's ability and bis Wife's docility, danced more and more and enjoyed It better and better and was Increasingly certain that a Wlfe'e place waa in the home. And everybody in the city where they lived knew ail about It and wondered whether they ought to tell the Young Wife or whether what aha didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Before aaybody could come to a paluful decision or gossip could . settle the matter, the , Husband brasenly entered a dancing contest with his Partner and won a oup. And a little paragraph in the city's best scandal-mongerlng sheet recorded the fact And the Wife read the little paragraph. What she thought about It nobody knew. Suddenly the dinners which were so very good contained mora and mors po tatoes and soups and gravies and rich puddings which the Husband ate un suspectingly, while the Wife managed nicely on tha lean parta of the meat and salad and a bit of toast. The Husband began tsking on weight and the Wife, I aldea by a masseuse ami long wslks, ! taken wl.ile the I In -bund buiv cabaret lng In stuffy restaurants. Ixgsn ' , lot-ing her extiu pounds And th- u a ; mj.iu.luus ojh msu ai-nsnJ at her again Into the blue air ah! That haa a better sound. It means skill and Boundlessness and magnetism. And no maid minds being a collector of butterflies when a smile goes with It. But a man biases and then goes black with anger and wrath If sua- ceptiblo la whispered after hin name. For susceptible means heart of but ter that melts In the glow of any girl's smile. :j i house every morning at 11. The Young I Wife said her children were taking mualc lessons for she held firmly to the theory that whst you don't know won't hurt you. When the Wife weighed only 1U and the mysterious young man had taught her all the extremely graceful dancing ttepa of which he waa master, she ap peared one day with this youth at one of the cabaret tea places In town. Somehow or other every one else in the city met the Wife at the danaant long before her Husband did and they shook their heads gravely and came to the con clusion that now It was a case where what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Then one day the Wife and her 19-year-old dancing partner met the Hus band and his ls-year-old dancing partner In a contest and won a cup from them. The two is-year-olds now form a clever dancing team and the Husband and Wife are devoting themselves to bringing up tbelr children. The wife keeps slender and the Husband grows fat. And they do not discuss their affairs. Nebody knows quite positively whether the woman planned it ail or it Just hsppened. And since the Husband ia no mora car ls in than is any one else, he Is spared the indignity of feeling that his Wife beat him at his own game. Moral: What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You but the Crate for t'anclnj Partners Should Never .be Pei nilticil to KnuaiiKer a l.lfe-PsMncuhlp V By C'HARLF.fl II. IWUKHl U8T. Much Is being wisely sn 1,1 in these days regarding the responsibility of mothers for the upbringing of their children, while comparatively little account Is made of the pa rental responsibil ity of fathers. The word father Is said to be another form of the word feeder, aa though the func tion of the male Purent waa origin ally conceived to be to meet the phv steal necessities of the child In the way of nourish ment, what might be railed the dom estic commissariat. Whether that Is the accurate ac count of the word (Till such an explana tion la rather closely in keeping' with the idea somewhat generally entertained as to the father's relation 1o the domes tic economy the mother to administer the household and the father to furnish the funds. Such nn arrangement of the division of labor could have nothing said against It, provided It be conceded that woman Is man's female equivalent, and that dis tinction of sex extends no farther than to the physical Ingredient. Some of ua, however, have been led by our studies, and by our own experi ence of domestic Influences, to hold to the Idea that sex Is a quality which per vades tho entire being of human exis tence, male and female, and that It la not a question of the equality of the sexes, but of the essential and pervasive differentiation of the sexes which Is equivalent to saying that men ami women were made to differ from each other for reasons additional to that of enabling them to beget and bear chil dren. This evidently bears with It the Idea that differences, other than physical, be tween the father and mother are to be maximised rather than minimised, and that the special qualities of each ought to be made effectual In tha upbringing of the children. This, to a very great extent, la hardly the case at present. It Is commonly the fact that children are mothered rather than fathered. Not only among what we can tha working classes, but also In families that are in a condition of af fluence, the pressure exerted upon faths era outside of the home Is of a kind to prevent more than a casual acquaintance with their own offspring, or at any rate to prevent that closeness of relation and intensity of Intimacy necessary to the exertion upon their children of a dis tinctly fatherly Influence. While It may not be easy to define sharply the Influence In the quality of influence produced upon the child by It was Tut? w the fnther nd mother respectively, yet no one who hss been brought tip In a home In whli l) ihe father whs deflnlto'y masculine anil Hm mother definitely femi nine, questions the exltenco of such a difference or would lie disposed to ques tion its significance and valu as con tributing to the forming of child character. lliimnn haractor like the human hotly Is a dexterous composition of 1wne and 'tissue. Hone secures lo the My Ita ele--! ment of fixedness and stability and serves as guarantee and support of the more delicate, plnstlc and productive Ingre dients. Ami ns different material Is re quired in order to nourish the osseous basis of the body from what Is needed to construct Its tissues, so other Influ ences from those that give texture and foini tt the affections and Impulses of , our nature, are required In order to ami- In-Shoots The older we grow the more foolish our foolishness seems. There I no aliost more troublesome j than the campaign promise. Insomnia Is often piouf thai a man haa a conscience. Better not marry In haste, yet long engsgements are risky. Lax morals are Just aa apt lo go with a long face as any other. Organised charity Is always prompt about collecting the commissions. In loosening the heart strings love sometimes seems to soften the skull. The most exasperating thing sbnut a bom Is his evident enjoyment In the role of a nuisance. Household Hints Puedo shoes can be freshened by being ruhbed with sandpaper. Brown boot polish Is excellent for polishing dark varnished doors. Tou can clean ruaty Irons beautifully by rubbing them when hot upon a pleoe of beeswax tlod on a cloth dipped In salt. When you are laying away your allver In the drawer or case don't forget to pluce therein a piece of gum camphor. It keeps the goods bright a long time. To clean a linen sunshade, open It wide ard scrub it with a small scrubbing brush and good sjds msde of white soap and lukewarm water. After It is well cleaned, potr several buckets of clean water over It; add a little bluing water poured from a watering pot; then leave It to bleach and dry In the open air. made especially to please you and refresh you and to quench your thirst That it "was made for j?ou Is proved by the fact that each of some ninety million Americans claim it was made especially for their delight. . Delicious and Refreshing Demand tha genuine by full name . nicsnamea encourage substitution. - rrr A t A iot mx viv ATLANTA. GA: .s. ply the exercise of those affections and Impulses Mahle foundation. In the formation of character, as In the structure of a building, somethtng has to be placed at bottom that will stsv where It Is put. People are constantly breaking clown amid the difficulties and templntlona of life, not because they aro deficient In fine taste and aweet and laiulful Impulses, but because deep down In their nature there Is not enough struc tural stiffening to keep them erect when the blow comes and the storm buffets. Now. In the economy of the home It Is the peculiar function of the father to sup ply that special ingredient of steadfast ness. The feature of masterliness Is the property of the male. A masterful woman is a Contradiction in terms, and Is an offense to correct moral taste. A certain touch of authority sovereignty, If you plense-ls a perquisite of mascu linity, and by Its Just exercise upon the child works within It that basal solidity for which we are pleading. What Is called a "mother-boy" may be an exceedingly aweet and lovable speci men of humanity, but we should not Want to take many chances on what will happen to him when he gets out Into the rough and tumble of life. This Is no criticism on woman any more than It Is a criticism upon a flower to say of It that it la not all stalk and root. What thla article Is Intended to urge la not the harsh exercise of parental authority, but only such exercise of It aa results in the kind of filial devotion evinced In the boy whose story U told in the following stansaa: "What would you be, mv precious lad?" I asked of my curly-lucked four-year-old. As he played with his red toy engine there, Hafo from the wintry blast and cold; And a look of love came Into hla eyes. While he ceased a moment and gaaed at me. And 1 saw he knew, and I understood The depth of his childish simplicity; 'I Just want to be like my daddy." "What would you do, my precious lad?" Again Interrupting the boy at play. 1I hMd loaded hla train with wonderful blocks. And the restless engine was tugging sway; Cut he atopped and smiled, as a child ran do. And dimples adorned htm with roguish grace, While quick from the heart his brief an swer came, And longing shone forth In hla hand some face: "t just want to do like my daddy." ' "Where would you go, my precious lad?" . Third time and last I detained him there; For childish hearts have their yearnings dear And dreams of the future for which they care. The boy so busy about hla play Must have ambition beyond out ken; And yet from hla Hps I heard once more The words of confidence uttered then: "I juat want to go with my daddy." . Back of the brighter eye la on little lira Bweet, tender heritage left In your care: Blessed the task to prepare him for strife Glorious chance which la given you there. Do you want him to be like von. daddy? LON A. WARNER. 1 ( Whenever you ae aa Arrow, think ul Coca-Cola ly lit' l -'-4 l-w "J 3 "t m S r .'t .' v: i t ..! ''.A