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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1915)
Till) JJKE: ChV.UIA, SATURDAY, SEITEMBKU 4, 1U BRIEF CITY NEWS 1 Boot Frtmt It Now Lern Pr I4fhtlBf ristnr Bur:s-Grandon. amprov.m.iit Clnb.' tonlo Improve ment clubs of the northwest part of the city will hold a Joint plonlc on Labor day at Konlenelle park. rWlTM Bo Barm S. Levin., 1SJ" I'atrlck avenue, reports to the polka that thieves (mined entrance to hla bam and stole I'loiluce to the value of $10. "Today Complat knrla TYOfTfcMi" rlassifled aectton today, and appears In I da Pee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what .! various moving picture theaters offer. Tor Safety rtrst In Life Insurance es W. H. Indoe. general agent Stata Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter. Mass., one of the oldest. 71 years, and best companies on earth. ft.tallsrs to Elect Officers of the Associated Retailors of Omaha for the rnsulns; year are to be elected next Thursday nlftlit at a meeting of the asso ciation to be held at the Fontenelle hotel. Found Dead la Bad Mrs. Lonnle Reese, aged 33 years, died this morning t her home, 3 Jackson street. Miss N. lawless, S07 South Eleventh street, found the woman dead In bed. She Is survived by her husband. Coroner Crosby has taken the body. Bonor Old Employes At the band concert and mass meeting to be given Sunday evening at the Auditorium by the Omaha federal employes there, will be a special section of seats on the stage to tak. care of the fifty-four employes tn the federal service In the city, who have been continuously employed for thirty year or more. Womaa Snea Comity Anna Camrpbetl filed suit for 12,200 against Douglas county and the county commissioners for personal Injuries alleged to have been re ceived when she was thrown from a motocycle while riding over a culvert one mile west of ISenson on August P. Sho asserts that the culvert was not properly placed and caused the aocldent. Threatens Tal Tfw a "William Klrsohner, a discharged employe cf Vai Peter, editor of a local German paper, imbibed too freely Thursday and pro ceeded to Mr. Peter's office, where be threatened the life of his former em ployer and engaged In a bit of physical strife with Henry Schmidt. He was ar rested and sentenced to forty-five days In the county jail. More Overflow Bolts Two more farmers havo joined half a doxen who have already filed suit against the Union Pacific Railroad company for damages caused to their fields by the overflow of water from the Elkhern river near Waterloo, Neb., which th'ey claim was due to embankments built by the rail road company In building a bridge at that place. They are Mary Kennaway and Almon Hollister. Each asks $3,999. In Divorce Court Less than eight months of married life was enough tor Ltla Leon, who has filed petition for di vorce on the ground of cruelty against . Thomas E. Leon. Mabel M. Kent al leges nonsupport In her petition against Hal B. Kent, to whom she was married in Council Bluffs in 1913. Grace Flats asks divorce from Paul Plata on the ground of nonsupport and cruelty. They were weded In Council Bluffs In 1910. She asks also a restraining order to keep him from molesting her. Holds Ordinance t Not Applicable, to Jjj Empress Theater ''The plan of allowing patrons to gather upon the sidewalk, blocking both the exits and entrance. Is far more danger ous In case of panic or five than the method used by the management of the Empress theater. I do out think tills a case to come within the ordinance, and find the defendant not guilty." This was the nucleus of Police Magis trate Charles Foster's decision In the caso brought agalnat W. Ledoux, mana ger of the Empress theater. In which It was charged that a city ordinance was being violated, providing that the pas sageways of picture shows shall not be obstructed. "I visited the theater in question and carefully looked at the entrance and exits as well as other parts of the building," declared the magistrate, "and I think the structure is as nearly fireproof as ' It Is possible to make It. I want It un derstood, however, that I am not holding .he ordinance invalid, nor determining ny other case than the one at bar. There might be other moving picture theaters in the city which would, upon Investigation, come within the ordi nance." City Attorney Rlne la preparing for in troduction at the next city council meet ing a resolution directing the police de partment to keep the passageways at the Empress theater clear at all times, regardless of the decision of the police ludge. "Then they can go into district court if they wish," aald Mr. Rlne. According to Judge Foster's decision persons waiting at the theater entrance ire allowed to stand Inside the building. Engines'to Collide Labor Day Placed On Tracks at Speedway Tbe two big locomotives that are to mash each other's faces in a head-on collision at the Omaha Speedway Mon day afternoon climbed over the high timbers of the saucer-shaped speedway this morning and are now in the arena -eady for action. Great trestles were built on thousands of ties, with tracks laid on an inclined plane to list the engines over the eleva ted timber track of the spe;dway. The top six feet of timber was removed, ahich left an elevation of fourteen feet or the locomotive to climb. When the trestle had been built the first engine was run up to the summit under Its own steam. Then in order to prevent 'lis rushing down on the other side and flying the traok, a cable was run from this engine to the other one on the track on the outside. Then as the first monster of eighty tons of steel went down the incline it dragged the other one to the summit This waa let down the Incline gradually by mean of a block ind tackle attached to a firm base in .he rear. Painters were put to work to label the engines "Bryan" and "Roosevelt" ri-apectively. On I.abor day the gates will be thrown open at noon. The races are to begin at S o'clock, and the locomotive collision Is to be staged aa a climax of the after noon's entertainment. Don't run the risk, get a sue bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery now. The first duke helps yuu. All druggists A Jvertisemeot- Friday, September 3, 1915.- TtCTOB BtCOtM TO BETTEITBTB ROW BEADT rOUBTK flOOS - -BURQESS-NA3H STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- JrtMOTI CKtCKKrirO. PIANO IOU) BEBB OBX.T -Phone Douglas 137 Ami PayoS SA1 PayS Pair Old (EMdfenu JEM ay Next Tuesday approximately 30,000 children in Greater Omaha will return to school. Are they ready? BURGESS NASH can be of great assistance to you and there never was a better day than Saturday to fit out the young folks It I With Great Pride That We Announce the Opening of Our Black and White Room Under the Personal Direction of Miss Hallye LATE OF THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL, CHICAGO, HA1RDRESSING, SHAMPOOING. MANICURING, SCALP AND FACIAL MASSAGR. CHILDREN'S HAIR UOHBlXG, CHIROPODY. ETC. Expert Attendantseach schooled In her particular branch, are at your service. Perfect Sanitation. Modest Prices. Bnrgess-Kash Co. Seooad noor Bear. Oh! Such Lovely Hats A Comprehensive Display of the Season's Newest Conceits at $5.00 BEAUTIFUL new trimmed hats of every description. Large hats, small hats, turbans, soft crowns, high crowns, etc., and the best part of it Is that there are no two hats Identically alike. Chic, Individual creations that empha sise tbe Burgess-Nash supremacy in mil linery. Burgess-Hash Oj. Second Tloor. You'll find these French Kid Gloves at $1.10 very Uncommon Values THEY are In reality llTcb values. Fine French pique kid. with a single pearl clasp at wrist. New broad embroidered backs in black, white and self-stitched. New shades of tan, also black and white. WOMEN'S CHAMOISKTTE WASH M)VE8, 5c AND Sl.OO New leatherette and chamoisette wash gloves, very desirable for early Fall wear; white, black, brown, gray, navy and coating shades. Bnrrsss-Bssh Co. Main floor. Always One Dollar "Wirthmor Waists" are Always Worth More AND now the new "Wirthmor Waists" for Fall, with values even more remarkable than in the past. Many woman have bought generously of the Wirthmor waists the past season for they have found them to be eminently patisfactory. The popularity of those waists is growing day by day, aa more people are continually learning of their exceptional worth. There's a sim plicity and cbnn about these new Fall models that's going to win the favor of U who, e them. All new models shown for the first time Saturday. Bury ss-Wash Co. Main Floor. NEW SILK WAISTS AT $2.95 New lace, net, crepe de chine and striped tub silk blouses. NEW PUSSY WILLOW WAISTS AT $3.95 Kew Fall models in pussy willow, Georgette crepe and crepe de chine at 3.9o. Bars; s-Bash Co. oonH Tloor. Featuring The Burgess-Nash Special $5,50 Boots for Women TWENTY new Fall models for jour selection. They are made spe cially for us. The Burgess-Nash guarantee is back of every Pair. r&tent Colt, wltb Cloth Top Patent Colt, with Mat Kid Top. . . . Patent Colt, with Gray Cloth Top. . Dull Calf, with lilack Cloth Top. . . . Dull Calf with Mat Kid Top lilack Kid Skin, with Ivid Top Tan Russia Calf Skin Ixiuia Cuban, new Cuban and low walking heels. Boys' and Girls' Good Sturdy Shoes for School and Dress Wear. Boys Shoos 3.60 and $4.00. A Men's nhoes for little Kenla, youths and bovs, fine velour, calfskin, solid oak tan Inner snd outer soles. Price, 3.f0 and M OO. "Iron Clad" Bboss Sa.SS to 94.00. Dupan and Iludsnn Iron flad shoos for chil dren, mix and bin girls. In a good selection of lute styles st S3. 85 and $4.00. BEGINNING next Tuesday, September 7th, we will in augurate our Second Annual Homefitter's Week Everything needed for I ho home to make it attractive and comfortable during the Fall and Winter months will be featured. Monday ev.alafs papsrs and wiadows for particulars. Women Silk Lisle Hose, 3 Pair $1.00 THEY'RE the irregulars of 50c quality, plain black, with high spliced heels and double soles, also double garter tops. BILK HOHK, c Black, pure thread silk, mercer ized double garter tops, high spliced heels and double soles, Ir regulars of $1.00 quality. WOMKX'H 50c HOME, 25c Imported black lisle, neatly em broidered. 50c quality. CHILD'S 23c HOWE, 17e Fine ribbed mercerised lisle, full seamless, regular Jfie quality. Bnrrsss-Bssh Co. Xaia noor. WOMEN'S SILK SPORT SCARFS $1.25 to $2.25 A WIDE selection of silk, sport scarfs, all the new shades, solid colors and fancy stripes, very stylish and very popular. 1'rlce range from $1.2.1 to 2.2ft. XKW FALL NECKWEAR New novelties in neckwear, In cluding embroidered organdy, marquisette and voile, roll and flat collars, vestees and collar and cuff sets, ereeptional val ues at 25c and 50c. Barrss-Bah Oo. M&ln noor. 20 New Models -All $3.50 Child's Shoos $1.50 to $a.oo. Child s cstent calf, dull calf and tan Russia calf shoes. Wses 5 4 to 8, were 12.00, now tl.50. Klxes 84 to 11, wsre $2.25. now $1.75. Sizes 11 V to 2. were .2.75. now $2.00. Barfsss-Vasli Oo, XJttl Osats' $$.00 Bboss at $1.60. A splendid assortment of little Ronts' hlsrk calfskin, button and lace shoes, in Hlxes '4 to 11. were It. 00. special Saturday at $1-60. Beoond rioor. Lingerie Clasps 33c SOLID gold top and sterling sli ver, plain, engraved or pierced patterns, some have new patent clasps, worth regularly up to $1, at sac. Dinner Rings 48c STERLING $llver stone set din ner rings, a manufacturers sample line of odd lots, new nov elty rings that are more popular than ever. Rings worth up to $3.00, at 48c. Borrsss-Basa Co. Mala Tloor. Every man and young man tall or short, stout or thin, medium or any intermediate size, can pet the RIGHT fit for HIS physique and the BEST style for HIS personality in this Groat Collection of HAND - TAILORED SUITS at $13.65 to $40.00 npHK new lineR of men's suits for Fall aire remly iutrotlucing -L mnny now stylo fentarps that will jijipo.'il to the mnn who pives a thought to his clothes. Every trarment is strictly hand tailored throughout built to conform rigidly to our specifications, the "Bvupnasco Standard!" of Quality Suits that'w ill appeal to the man who kuowR. For Saturday, particular attention in directed to o;n showing of Men's Fall Suits at $25.00 Including: Thret-hutton coat style, conservative In Its lines, designed par ticularly for business men and men of quiet preference. Two-button form-tracing style, with emphasised waist line and rounded fronts. Expressly designed for young men of ad vanced style taste. Three-button style for young men, made skeleton, soft roll lapels, narrow shoulders, traoed back, high waist line, patch pockets. The materials are the very newest weaves and the most favored shades are represented. Barfesa-Weifc 0e rearta noor. I k sjrwr Here's Your New Hat Mr. Man AND we doubt if you caa fin better selection anywhere from which to choose. There's & stylo and shape to suit every type of feature, and the new shades are all represented. The hats are the product of the very best makers. Prices, 2.0O to $8.00. J.B.StctsonHats 53.50 You know their worth: there'a no need to comment other than to say the newest styles as well aa the old standbys are represented at ;J.50 to T.BO. Bara-eea-a'aah .Co Hoarth oer. Here's a Splendid List of Drugs and Toilet Goods for Saturday.... 3ic Fels - Naphtha Soap, 10 QC cakes. Jvory soap, spe cial, cake. Tlns.ud's violet toifrt water Meloroa. rouge. 50c alw Ise'bell's face ipowder. 50c alze...lto Pebeco tooth paste, 60c size tto Canthrox shampoo, 60c slxe Ms Monoxide tooth powder, 25c slxe.. 144 Abonlla toilet water, 76c size BS4 .Ifi-gen's benzoin aivd almond lotion, fio size US .laip Itose snap, cake . Wyth's sago and sulphur, 60c size 3.0 Hlcksecker's cold cream 97. Dabcock's corylopel. talcum IS. Removable chamois buffers 80 Wllilumi!' shavlnc stick lo Bani-flush, 2 So chipe. l-;?5s H 19c NHj ,. 17c else can cuw'Borai 3 large pkg .. .. 1as Kan . ..Ita tO ft! r.xrpnan ---'.- - JlBinlln's wisard oil. BOo size ....e fllonn". liniment. :5o else ieo riiamberlaln'a eouBh remedy, 2o size " Klnc'a New Discovery, 60c six.... Ma Kodol dyspepsia remedy. 60o sls.J7o Pal Hepstlos. 25c size lee Jsd sells. 7Jc alse...... 2 Mule teem Hora, 1 lb Williams' ahavlns; soap..... .3o Household ammonia. 1 quart 13o Toll"t paper, crtv finish. iOo grajie, 4 rolls ; 'J0 Toilet paper, crepe finish, to rad 8 rolls- a Sarff.s.-Tash Co. Mala Tloor. Boys' Suits With Two Pairs of Knickerbocker Pants, $4.95 JUST the sort of a suit you will want for the robust, bealthy boya to wear to school. Exceptionally well made, in a wide range of styles and materials. Norfolk style, with two pairs of Knickerbocker pants, for aces 6 to 17 years. Boys' $1.50 Pants, 98c The "boya will be boys," and they are always harder on their pants than coats. Mothers, let your boya wear their old suits down Saturday and we wilt match their old coats with a brand new pair of f 1.60 pants for 98c. Boys' $1 to $1.25 Blouses, 79c Made of madras, sateen, sol set te. percale, etc., In plain or stripe effects, special at 79c Boys' Suits, $5.95 to $15.00 A large assortment of boya' suits that are perfect in workman ship and fitting qualities. All rut from durable and first quality fabrics. Ages 6 to 18 years. Boys' Caps, 50c and $1.00 A splendid collection of boys' new Fall caps lust received. All the most popular wool mixtures, many of them match the new Fall suits. eias.Sesh Co Toarth noor. MEN'S TUB SILK SHIRTS THAT are Regular $5 and $6 Values $2.95 JUST In time for Saturday'a selling a fortunate "pickup" of Men's pure tub silk shirts enabling us to offer you the biggest silk shirt bar gain of the entire season. There are all sices, 14 to 17, in the lot, but we cannot guarantee to give you every pattern in any size. The shirts are made of tbe heav iest grade of tub silks and would have to sell for $6.00 to $6.00 It bought in the usual way. You'll find a wide selection of patterns and colorings. Men's Fibre Hllk Hose 10c. Mill run of 36c quality, black, white and colors, double heel and toe, double sole. aarfwas-lTaafc Co. If aim Tloor, vis? lip ' A LARGE AND VARIED SHOWING NEW FALL TAILORED SUITS mi Afl tlx AT $16.75 AND UP TO $150 vUR showing consists of a very creat vuriety of attractive repro- J ductions of the latest Fall importations, and come in all the new shades and fabrics. Prominent among the style novelties are the plain and belted ef fects, military collars, braid trimmings and hondsoice fur trimmings. Our assortment of suits nt $25.0r, $30.00 and $40.(K) is very attractive and includes it variety of models.. The New Dresses at $16.50 and up to $35.00 THE new frocks are full of interest and moderately priced. There are taffeta and serge combinations and all silk frocks. There are cordings and shirring and odd pocket effects, rut metal beading and metal embroidery and buttons. Misses' College Dress, $16.50 Misses' and Juniors' one-piece stylish uniform, msde of fine quality men's wear serge, silk trimmed, Duster Drown over collar, colors black and navy, at SloJH). Misses' College Frock, $15.00 Misses' and Juniors, sporty college frock, new Dutch linen over eollar, made of fine quality men's wear serge, trimmed with wide allk braid, black and navy. Price, $10.OO. Misses' School Dress, $10.00 Very smart style, one-piece college dress for misses and Juniors, made of all worsted serge, collar and cuffs trimmed with slik braid, silk tie and pocket in skirt. Colors in black and navy, at HIO.OO. arfaa-sTaali Co.... .ooad Floor. EnnFisgMasIhi Basinniinit Stir Combination Offer Boy $3.95 Suit and $3.95 Overcoat, Total $7.903at.Both $3.95 THE suits are for ages 6 to 17 years, embracing a splendid selection of patterns and new ma terials. Some have two pairs of pants. The overcoats are very de sirable, such splendid materials as cheviots, chinchillas, plain and fancy weaves, for ages 6 to 17 years; good $3.95 values Satur day, suit and overcoat a total vslue of $7.90. 9J) ors-MS-Baas Co. asaomaat. $1.00 Aluminum Baking Outfit at 59c CONSISTING of aluminum pan and aluminum cover, with white enamel inset, $100 PQ value, Saturday JIC White enamel bath tub seals, rubber covered, adjustable, nickel plsted supports. &Rf 85c kind . . UJi Osk bath tub seats, AKf 69c kind iOC Sternau Holdfast bath spray, com plete with rubber tubing and heavy, nickel plated spray, will fit any faucet, $1.98 h- qq kind for H 1 OV Barse-TaaB Oo. smat. Women's Sample Skirts that are GOOD $5.00 Values for $3.95 A MANUFACTURER'S sample line of Fall skirts, consisting of such materials as corduroys, sergen, poplins, whipcords and fancy weaves, m hiack. blue, shepherd's check and fancy novelties made In plain tai lored, golf and sport effects, regu lar $5 values for . . $3.95 Women's Rain or Au'o Coats Were to $4.00 Saturday $2.48 Strictly rainproof, in small blue check and tan, 5! inches long, very desirable for automobile wear, were $4.00; Saturday, Women's $8.50 Silk Dresses at $5.95 A good assortment of women's silk poplin dresses, in black, navy, plum and Belgian, 3-tlr effect, regularly $S. 50; special, 95.01. Children's Fall Coats, $3.95 Very desirable for school wear, coats for girls, ages 0 to 14 years, that were priced to $7.(0; 8aturday, S3. 93. Women's House Dresses, 49c Made of percales, ginghams and chambrays. good selection o? :olors. all nixes, were $1.00 and l.t5, for 4lc BargMO-aTash Co. Children's Embroidery Class Little girls and boys, too, are invited to Join this class Competent iu ktructor. Its free. Sarfsas-Jrasa Co. Talrs moor. 'cynzn'Yuourfa.OTOiuz Kodak Picture Contest Complete printed information In the Kodak store. Remember we develop your films free wnen an oraer is leri lor printing. BargMS-Vash Co. MkJa floor.