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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1915)
TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY liLL: AUGL'birijlJr r,W'P TWA TUXTW1 A17 nlTTAQ R MY. GOES OVXR TO SAXON ATTD MAXWELt A HILL CLIMBER inuiniuiu vi nuiuunyn. KISSEL CABS Gossip iAXDN IMA Studebaae. Corporation Sends Out Two Trainloadi Dally to Two Different Branches. Along the Ooei Orer the Sand Pilr.i of New Mexico and Easily Wins the Money. Automobile Row 10- A i UWM -if -K rw Ti1 M j T I i n II 1.1 I . itWi ; h 1 .1 ft i ff, I I I y III H i .1 I llil il k i ll ILrM-tnfl M I I '""lill V! H 1 ssssssssssssssesssssssMsssssssssssesssssssssssssssa OSIER $395 s STILL CAMOT SUPPLY DEMAND In addition to other ehlpmente Btud bsker haa adopted th plan of consigning two train load of th new modeli each 'day to their branches, from which the cars are pasted along; to dealers. Accordingly on last Monday two traln luads of the new Studebaker models atsvrtod. on for tb Paclflo coast and one for th Atlantlo coast, for distribu tion among dealers tributary to tho t ranches. Tuesdar two more trains were under way for other branches, and en Wednesday another double tralnload was lent out, this program to continue until 'each branch houso will have received itn nuola of cara i - ' The demand for 1911 models has bi. so great that, although working day nn.. v ' iilght, the enormous Studebaker plants at Detroit and Bouth Bend have bee ui- 'abl to meet the situation. "Because of the changes In th new 'models," said Ur. U J. Oilier, th sales j manager, "naturally our production was somewhat delayed. But wa are now pro- 1 duclng aoh day mora oars than were produced In any on day last year, and every day shows an increase. With the .great reduction In prloes, while at the aam time Increasing the ' quality and power of tlie new model, we, of course, spoofed a large demand for the cars, out really never anticipated our sales reaon. Ing their present figure, especially at this early date. "Nor is titer any Indication of a slack tniof up In the buying of cars over the country, so far as reports from our agencies Indicate." ' ' Hi HX.Mey Pathfinder Cars inPhUippines VT. K. tttalnaker, vie president and di rector of sales of th Pathfinder com pany, received a call last week from 1 I Cook. Uanlla, rhllUppIn Islands, who It the owner of two Pathfinder cars. Ur. Cook is connected with the auto mobll division of th Bureau of Publlo 'Works and baa given these car con tinuous servlo for several years. II purchased aoothar Pathfinder while at th factory and said, "I am purchasing my third Pathfinder because of the won derful serrloo the cara have given ma. On oar baa been used for overhauling a peed fiends and has never failed to ' ntch them. Pathfinder cara ar pow erful and ar regarded highly In th Philippine Islands," Mr. Cook drove his new Pathfinder in gle six overland to New Orleans, where I'd embarked for Manila. Roy I Alley, who has recently been with the Wi I Huffman Auto company, baa now joined forces with th Noyes- ! Kilty Auto company. Mr. Kllly became convinced that young Alley had some real salesman qualities when he was ae eoclated with the Huffman Auto company and has been very anxious to secure hlx services. Mr. Alley has a large ac quaintance In this territory, and with this new opportunity ti make good Is confident of his future. "The Saxon Kissol combination Is a winner for me," ssys Alley, "and I'm going to do a big business this fall." Velie Company Makes Cheaper Car With the announcement ef a Veils . lit well sU at U.OUfi, the Veil company entered a field entirely foreign to It, aa heretofore Vail cars hav been rounh higher in price and available only to the limited class ot buyers Investing i,0uO or thereabouts In a motor oar pur chase. Mow, with a light six In the 11,000 olesa, t lie factory is deluged with order. The dealer clientele has been greatly atrength i ned, and the Ve company bids fair to assume first rank In quantity production aa well aa in the quality of product, which is naturally expected of It. SOME CHANGES MADE IN MAXWELL SELLING STAFF The withdrawal of the Maxwell Motor fates corporation from racing' has made possible the transfer of Contest Manager Paul Hal Urusko to a factory position In which he will have charts of the newspaper work of the company, with headquarters in Detroit. 1 K. Cooper of Chicago, who, during the summer, won the championship of all Maxwell salesmen and a f00 prise,' has been further rewarded by promotion from dlrtrlct salesman to be supervisor of s&les in the Maxwell sone No. 4. a atrip of territory In the middle west, .strvtult lng from the bikes to the Oulf of Mexico. Mr. Cooper succeeds William D. Paine, who has resigned to enter an enterprise of Independent nature. Interstate Agency i in Omaha is Giyen to Traynor Company Th Traynor Automobile company has contracted with th Interstate Motor company of Munoi. Ind., for the sale of their cara In this territory. Mr. Louis Traynor In speaking 'of the car eeem extremely enthusiastic for two reasons, utlrst, because the car meets with his Idea of real value and second, because ithey can make Immediate - deHvcrlea "Then oo." said Mr. Traynor. "the In terstate people are live wires and lend co-operation all along the line from the prospective oar buyer to th old time Interstate owner." . For Instance hsrVe an example of th way th do business. They lend as-, alstano to the dealer In proving; his points and assistance to the prospect in realising, that th facta prove Jhem-aelvea. UPSON OF GOODYEAR CO. TO WORK WITH NAVAL BOARD Kalph H. Upson of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company, winner of the International balloon trophy In the race, that started from Paris In October, 171a, has been selected as a member of the special committee to co-operate with the N'aTal Advisory board in ltsconeldera tlon of the application of aircraft to war far. Prwtdent T. A. Felberllng of the Oood )ear Tire and Rubber company has been made a director of the American boclety ef Aeronautic Fsigtneers, organised at the j suggestion of Thomas A. Edlscn to ait! with the Naval Advisory board, of whkh Mt. KJUon la chairman. Dealers in Opium Go Out of Business (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) PEK1NO, Aug. 14. In and around the coast provinces of China, the suppression of opium trafflo by the Chinese govern ment official has been effected so thor oughly that the opium dealera are flock ing In Increasing numbers under the pro tection of the foretim settlement In Shang hai, but vsn there the dealera are finding their activities testrlcted. The missionary element and other reformers have hit upon one rather novel campaign for suppression by lottery. The tax-payers in Shanghai voted In favor of the scheme, and a lottery or drawing was recently held for the purpose of selecting out ot the 6y opium dealers in the terri tory 148 who should give up the opium bualnesa. The North China News, describing the drawing, aays; "The drawing was conducted on a plat form, and the people, whose fortunes were temporarily or permanently at ttuke stood vernestly scrutinising every move In the procedure. Oreat care was, of course, taken to ensure accuracy In drawing and recording numbers, and the Chines who held UP the ball as It came fmm the machine wse oereful to let It be seen between his thumb and finger, and to have his long sleeves well rolled back. The proceedings were conducted without a hitch, the drawing being completed within an hour." GERMANY GETS ALL DATA IT CAN FROM TRENCHES CADILLAC PROMINENT AT PLATTSBURG CAMP One of the most Interesting features r the business man's military Instruc tion camp at Piattaburg, N. Y., In com i.i.d of klajor Oeneral Leonard Wood, wan the traiu of motor Cara, among Uili vers two CaUiUace fully equipped Xor mliUa-ry purpOM-s. On of these was ens of lh fly arotuMd and annsd '.Kil-i:yl2nder Cid'.l'ac cars which re itnt y n.J lli notable trip Suuroas the .viiUatiit in the saiiron undr com ),,.u.l ot Cul. n. 1'. liavlOaon cf the N jr t,f cuitrn Military and Naval aca ,,.y. The othrr as a ftrlil hospital. jj .h.i un the :).(--) lindvr chassis, which hUmtlfd u. JiU atwi.wu. (Correspondence of The Associated Presa) ROTTERDAM, July 81. o that no use ful information may escape attention, the German government has instituted a very thorough system of examination of travelers crossing the frontier from Hol land. To dral with Americana there la on the staff ot the commandant of the sta tion on the border three officer who speak perfect Ejixltsh and have a thor ough knowledge ot the United States and Canada. One of them halls from Mil waukee, where he was educated In the public schools, another from St. Louis and the third from Montreal. After th traveler ha undergone an ex amination at th hands of a Qerman non commissioned officer, whose chief aim seems to be to find out whether he can speak or understand German, for Ger mans ar suspicious of Oerman-apeaktng foreigners, he is handed ever to th three Ehigils-apeaklnsT officers who entertain htm lavishly and proceed to extract all the Information that they can. especlallyJ if be has apent any time la Kngland. When, aa It often happens, the traveler scent the obct of the Inquiry, the trio seek another and probably more voluble passenger. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. R. A. Means and C. XI. I-ewia ot Den ver, were visitors at the city hall. Fiand C. GarOtner, N14 Cuming street, who went In hnulile to stlnl the Mtrin rra' couveniiuit, has Just relurnnd from a trip elou- the .T. M. Bromwell, for many year Identi fied with large automobile distributing accounts In Omaha, has Identified him self with th Oldsmobll Sales oompany. Thla ahould assure a large sal for this excellent car, as Mr. Bromwell ha been very successful In handling big; sale pro positions. George U Bast and B. A. Hart, assist ant sales manager and district manager respect Weir, for the Olds Motor works, are in Omaha co-operating with their new distributers, the Oldsmoblle Bale company In organizing this territory for a big 1916 Oldsmoblle business. These gentlemen have covered, thla country from Boston to the coast and bellev that this section Is In better shape to absorb a larger number of motor car than any they hav heretofore visited. The Oldsmoblle Bale company, recently established at 06 Farnam street, la showing something- novel "In a roadster. This is the new convertible Oldsmobll roadster which, with an extra wide seat and an emermnoy compartment In th rear. Is caoabl of carrying five peopMa experienced automobile driver hav pro nounced It an unueunJly comfortable road ster, and for equipment and beauty of line and finish, It certainly Is unsurpassed by anything heretofore seen In omana and vicinity. C. S. Carrls, dlstr.ct manager for the Franklin Motor company of Syracuse, N. T.. la In Omaha thla week completing: the details of arrangements wlch have been made lit Omaha with H. PeTton. Frank lin cara will be here soon. F. W. LlKht, who la connected with the Franklin Motor company, recently drove from Fremont to th olty limit of Dundee In fltty minute. Thla waa done In a Franklin. The W. L. Huffman Automobile com pany haa received advice from the fac tory that the production aituation la lm proving to such an extent that It Is hoped during the coming; week that suf ficient shipments will be received to sup ply all of their dealers with on ot th new. Hupmobilea; Mr. Charles Aureewald of Gregory, 8. - V., Hupmoblle dealer, drove out Friday night at about 7 Vclock with three Hupmobilea. Charlie says that he will keep going until he arrives at bla destination which he figured would be about T o'clock. Saturday morning. Bert Murphy of the Murphy-O'Brien Auto company apent the last week visit ing th Dodge Brother and Pals' fac tories using his Influence In getting more cars to supply th demand In their ter ritory. Bert la highly elated over th trip and Informed his sales force on his return that hs had a hundred oars n routo, and to get busy and allot them equally among the dealera and standing retail orders. Oscar Pollock ot Fremont haa taken the agency for Dodge Brothera and Paige cara, through the Murphy-O'Brien Auto company. Oscar had a large display dur ing the tractor meet last week, and sold eleven cara at retail. The Paige Motor Car company haa an nounced their new Convertible coup and limousine top for roadsters and tour ing cara. They are very attractive and conveniently applied to the cars for winter use, and at a very 'reasonable coat. U. E. Old well, vice-president of the Chalmers Motor company, Is taking hla vacation In the north wooda of Wisconsin. The Olwell party Is making an extended canoe trip and expect to be gon vntlt the middle of September. K. O. Quid of' Kansas City waa In Omaha last week visiting' friends and seeing the city, having driven her from Buffalo, N. T..' In a Saxon roadster, "nits Is an Ideal vacation," said Mr Quid, "and I have had a total ear ex pense . of about ll.M per day. In soma places In Missouri the roads were under water and X had to taks a chance on guessing whether there was a road under th water. I hav had only tire trouble." Apartments, flats, houses and 'cottage tan be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" New Wia'd'rs Tfelelc e Thetf "Oleomargarine." he aakl. suddenly tak ing his arm from around her imkiK, '1 can not dlae-uts the fact that I love you, but I must tell you that my rami It Is one of the oldest and proudest In the land. I cannot marry you unless you have a family tree. Oh. Oleomargarine, tell me, have you a family tree?" "Certainly I have," she replied. hauFhtily. "Our family tree extends back to William th Bluffer." "Qleomara-artnel" he cried rapturoualy, "let s set married this afternoon!" Which they aid. when he said. "Now show me your family tree." Thl. wk ).. Mnlll Uil VIm out to the back yard and pointed to a great aplashberry tree on whoaa branches the family duds were drying. "There ' she said proudly. "William ths bluffer csrved his Initials In that tree there thry are. riirht under that branch, see, 'IV. the .' My father bought the tree In England last summer, atrid now w us It to hang out the wasMn " Oleomarsarlne!" he cried. - On. pirnel" Detroit Kre Pres. LEAVES COMPETITORS BEHDTD SILVER CITY, N. M., Aug. a.-Ever'j Ince the first automobile came to Silver ( City motorists hav bucked the long sand j grade of Church hill. Several months ago f Silver City waa startled by a challenge f from a dealer In a widely advertised car. , The challenge stated the dealer's desire j to post 1100 as soon aa any other com- i petltor would do likewise. The two would ; then repair to Church hill and the $J00 ; would pass to the on that could go far thest up th grade. A week ago J. A. Smith bought a 1918 Maxwell. Smith drove his car a few days and late one afternoon ascertained that ! the 10t proposition still stood and eov i . . ,a IM. .1.1 . . . a . . I vruu iu i nv ina,. was uuokcu lor inai evening. Maxwell Makes the Start. By agreement, the Maxwell was to mak the first trial. Smith took a lonr start and tore tip the first part of the lnclln In second gear. Just before he hit the aandbeda Smith shifted Into first. He charged Buckley at a lively gait; Cactua Charlie leaped Into the mesqulte Just in time. Then he started In pursuit, yelling Ilk a demon and losing ground at svery jump. Th Maxwell slowed down at th last seed spot, but carried through to th harder going near the top and at the peak wa actually gathering speed. The other car essayed the hill In first gear from the start and at a steadier speed. It plowed through the lower (tretches of sand In good shape, also ex celled the best performancs prior to tho contest, but began to move jerkily In the heavy going nearer the end and stopped with about twenty feet of sand still to navigate. Th second and third attempts fell short of th first An effort to rush th lower hill on second apeed aa the Maxwell had done insulted In dlaaster when, a quick shift Into flrat was tried. Buckley turned the $200 over to Smith and the Maxwell rolled down, unquestioned champion ol the grade. No Motor Car Tires to Be Had in Norway V " """" (Correspondence oi The Associated Pijess.) CHRISTIANIA. Aug. It-Norwegian owner of automobiles ar hard hit by th announcement of dealers that the aupply of Urea haa been exhausted, and It la Impossible to replenish the stock to any extent becauae th belligerent coun tries are taking up all the world's aupply. At present It Is said there Is not a new tlr to be bought at any price ana-where in Norway, ' Th situation la much mor than an noying, for It will hav a serious eco nomical effect on NorsHHm r.m.h.. t. - 41 I very doubtful if .nv , adopted the automobllejnore extensively " puduo way. ror In Norway the aparaoly settled hills hav nv.. x lb!o to support railways and the auts- nooiie naa come to be the principal meana of communication and transporta tion, both for the farmer and commercial mens- The InntimnMhu . .v.iw . ' - ' -' nuii-il J1B.VS beei put to service In recent years ar all of foreign manufacture, for there la no automobile factory In, Norway, and th aam is true as to oil, gasoline and Urea Th Importation of tires has stead ily decreaeed alnoe the Eumrw.n v.- ' gan, and the present Impossibility of ob- ka,llni new tires naa rorced many of the taxlcaba In Chrlatlanla to go out of busi ness. Th cars on th publlo automobile rouiea in th country are wearing their tires down to th last thread, and It ap pears their servlo may soon have to be cancelled. The Royal Autnmnblla oluh t v Kntg Haakon la honorary president. Is now nexottaUn' with fni-aiin. menta In the hope of getting permission t Import Urea, with guaranty on the part of Norway that tha tires win i k- exported to any of the belligerent na- alllag Vessels A gal a Used. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) UVERPOOI Eng., Aug. H.-The de mand for steamships for government pur Poses has forced the shipping trade back on th long-rejected sailing vessel. Many of these, which were chartered when steamer rate were at their hUtoest, are now arriving at British porta Th Mer r river is full cf tapering spars and rigging not seen tor about fifty year. The Asia. Just arrived, vas built llfty year ago; the SUut la E veara of ag, the Krbrln. under ths Norwegian time, Juat in from Oulf porta, making the Jonr ney In thirty-five days, is 23 veer old. while several othera range from twenty- nine to thirty-eight yeara Move Cal la Barge. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) CAROIKF, "Wales, Aug. 14. Constdor able Interest Is being tsken In shipping circles In th inauguration of a system of ' barging' Welah coal to France and Spain. Th barge plan has been adopted because of grea delay In handling coal at-continental rwrt jilnc the war. A soma seven and one-half million tons of coal war ex pot tod t Franc In Ifll th method assumes considerable Importance to the Welah coal trade Two sailing vessels of 2.900 tons dead weight each have been purchased ind tamed Into seagoing bar tea. B L - Don't Throw Away Your Old Tires. Have Them "II ALT-SOLE D t It you hav any old worn-out Tlr?. a road-worn and rim-cut tlr. w can make thm Into on that will run aa far aa a new tlr at from $1.75 to 5.50. Being Double-Treaded, your tlr will b na nearly puncture-proof and Wow-out proof a poaalblo and will Ht you doubl tb. amount of protection from beat ot friction, be sides taring tb Inner tub. If you bav only on (either rim-cut or road-woru). send it; w bar a larg atock ot tire and can at a nominal cost furnish the on you lack. Send la your old Urea or writ for further InformaUon, prtoe. etc Champion Double Trend Tire Company 17M Crra Aveaae, Xaasaa Olty, Ma. Wnmf AQisTTg WiVTsS Costs less to run than horse and buggy ' , L. J fV'.; H",' The only car upder $400 with these modern features Modern high epocd motw provides flexibility, quietness and power to go anywhere. Honeycomb radiator nsure perfet radiator made. I r aasure perfect cooling; finest type or ran: Sliding gemr transmission . - used In all high priced automobile. ' - Tlmkem axlra r know ef no other aslea so- good. Graceful, roomy, streamline body dlatlnetlve, stylish, classy. i Dry plate clntch 41,004 car use the same typa . Vanadium steel cantilever springs easiest riding type of spring aus penaton. Saxon Is the only car under 1400 that is in . ths latest automobile fashion classy in appearance, modern in design. You have to pay much higher prices to duplicate its features in mny (Aer mutomoblU. ' Saxon is absolutely modern And np-to-the-minute yet it contains no experimental features. .There is nothing; freakish aboui it. ' Saxon is proved car. It ha been. tried in the hands of 80,000 users, in en gineers' tests. In publlo contests. Every where it bis made good. - . And don't overlook the Saxon virtue of economy. Saxon costs least to run of any -car yet troduced. It averages 80 miles " per gallon of gasoline; 75 to 100 miles per pint of oil. Half a cent a mile is the Saxon average for car operation one fourth of a cent per passenger. Tires last ' 8,500 to 6, GOO miles. A new tire cost the minimum only about 17.95. Paxon Roadster baa stylish look modern Onie-n absolute reliability low upkeep. J3ar.ii of these qualities la a reason why yea ahould own a Saxon. Buy an automobile that la stylish and mod era Just the same as you would nay a hat, a suit of clothes, a gown that's stylish. There I only on car In th world under $400 wlttt tbete most desirable qualities. That car Is the haxon Roadster ISS&. . (Rlectrto starting and lighting 60 extra.) Com ae It today. Saxon Roadster $395 7 ,i ' I i : . . ; . .1 - M.J..,.. j - v ' a t i t ; , Saxon 'Six' $785 Saxon Motor Co., Detroit Secure this valuable agency for your territory at once NOYES-KILLY MOTOR CO., 2066-63 Farnani St., Omaha, Neb. A Better'par, With More Power For $100 Less A larger car, with more room, but less weight A tripled output to meet the demand In announcing tho nvr Allen Models for 1916 wo havo absolute confidenca that exceptional merit and genuine value wiU apeak for themselves, f , In this new oar is concentrated all tho best ideas and skill of experienced engin eers who are among tha beat in the country. You will quickty recognize it as a truly - remarkable achievement in automobile manufacturing. Tha cJLien car Js built by m reliable company, atrongly' financed and perma nently established an important point in purchasing a car.' There are two models; 5 passenger touring oart and roadster. TTKRH are a few Allan eafurear Unit Pome PUni, wA Long Stroka AJJeo A J. Saaonr Motor, Full 37 H. P. 3 inch bore x 5 ocA srroit; Wtinthoa Etoctrio Equipannt-Startlni, Ugh ting, Ignition; FtiU-Fiotini Rmmr Axle wit prwd ff houaint; 53 fnoA undralung war apring; 112 inch wieeJ fcese; Stmwari- Warner vsouum uf W aytam; ay operating yl poaJUrm Chtteh and Braka; One-man fop. In fact, all ihm Utt raAnaoxaata mod bt - qvipmAt; bvautjful and durabla flnJah. aaam TJ1tri.b9 fA comfort and easj riding qualities of tho Allen is impossible, but tho delightful sensation when riding quickly proves tha wonderful balance and correct xnanuf cturin principles. Let us show you the neweJUlen and take you for apin, STANDARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY CARL CHANGiTROM, Mgr. Douglas 1705 2010 Farn-m St. Faetorj A4ri Ttm AT.T.Brr atOTOJt CO, rWrf4, OWa ill-'.' m TirTO7Fr"TnnnF,iMrn1 tuat pays dig dividkds ER1 Ylhb 11 lAlihil 11 A BEE WANT AD r 1