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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1915)
THH OMAHA Nl?XJAY IJKKv 'AUUUHT' '22; 0h 9 A New Season at the Omaha Theaters Will See Some Changes , of Interest to the Public that will itl Cf.mforl iwt ttrathriM. Th ladkta rKlrtng rooms hats bn rt modW and srs mop commodious thai, hrrtofor. A nw sta4a built of Cali fornia osdnr anl roa;ls hu tmn lil.l Th una?M'lnjm af cixpnaA sprlnMrt systwn PP ha bn rrmoriKl. Ohsrlto Uora hu retouched nil tVa old scrirj nil rin(M thrr wr rl. Ssnta will b plioJ i m nalr Tiiwul i mornlrgr for the oprnlns; nd orders fop irsrrrAtlnaa for the rmvi may 1 ! tnadn. A "Tor Nalo" ad will Turn snound-hsnd furniture Into cash. AMl'JKMKJtTl, HIPP THEATER H Today and Monday, Ef.Lt.Ef COBRiGAN "G2EATEB LOVE I! ATI! m MAF Mme.Bessorv At the OrpJicum ,NNOU.x;EM13Nl,8 made dur ing tho week . brlns; " vividb home the fart that the sunv mrr -. is' raplflly passing,' anc that , very - soon the ' outdooi will give way to the indoo amusements. . Most; interesting: of tht managerial pronunclamentoa. ; was thi 'statement from . Sir. BurKeas of Boyd" 'to the effuct that the , Shubert attrae tlons will be played at that house during 'the winter.- , This la of Importance, a howlng that the readjustment' batween the rival producing' organizations.' so long listed under the Inclusive heading; of "syndicate'! . and . i 'Independent.'' dk' not gd very far. It was given out months lago that the Shuberta and Klaw & Er Unirer had reached a working agree ment, and in the future would book Jointly, to the md that the ' disastrous competition between them might no longer threaten the prosperity of their undertakings. To some extent It la said this agreement still holds good, but In cfjj-iam ciucs me cnupercs nave eieciea to. retain their independence, and Omaha Is one of these. At any rate, Mr. Burges has contracted with the Shuberts to pre sent their attractions at Boyd's during the coming season, and has already in- AnniuJ m Hut 1 i . . i ara promised for the season, one of the most brilliant ever published, v It con tains practically all the big metropolitan successes of last season, with a few of .the new ones that are being presented in' the earlier days or the new year In New Tork," Mr.- Burgees has not fufly determined yet .between a feature stocH company and feature photo-plays, but he says he proposes to have Boyd's open very night during tho winter. " His plans will shortly be announced. -4 At the Brandels the engagement of th Kdward Lynch company will be continued indefinitely. It will be Interrupted foi a couple of days during the second week In ' September for the accommodation of Mrs. "Pat" Campbell, who will be seen in "Pygmalion," the George Bernard Shaw comedy that made such a success last season In the east, and in which Mrs. Campbell has scored a personal tri umph that surpasses even her hit In "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray." Other than this, the ' Brandels . management makes no announcement at this time. Mr.' Lynch and his company' ara goibtf along at a nlca gait, doing a very good business, and making firmer friends, with each succeeding bill, so there la no reason. to displace that ftrm of entertainment until tbe "syndicate" Is ready to get Its offerings ready for the road. Tho Oayety starts on (Saturday night, lo continue Its well developed and popu lar policy. Manager Johnson has stan dardised burlrsquc, if the expression may bo' permitted, and by doing so has done a service not only to himself and the other managers Interested in the business. hut to the public aa- well. : In establish ing the fact that a burlesque show could be divested of anything that might even remotely be deemed offensive, and still retain the essential ' elements of that form of amusement, and lose nothing In the estimation of the publio, Mr. John son contributed a notable service to the theater, and ono that has been duly ac knowledged by those whose investment In burlesque enterprises mako them very vnsltive to the conditions that surround the theater. The Gayety will continue 10 aeserve me. aujecuve or "popular. Mr. Uyrne will greet his friends at the Orpheum on Sunday afternoon, and In the meantime gives assurance that ho is really proud of the splendid advance information he has from tha office of Martin Heck as to the kind of "bills' the Orpheum is to present during the I winter. One very decided Improvement will ba traceable to the fact 'that the Orpheum has given over control of thea ters In some of the smaller1 towns around Omaha, and will no longer be responsible for booking the "split weeks,", that too frequently brought "small time". acts to the'Orpheum here. It will be "main line" and through, bookings at the Orpheum all winter. . I Tuwexlay and Wednesday, Th noted comedienne ' FABJ5IE WARD "THE MARRIAGE. OF Kiur Thursday, Friday mad Saturday, MASGCEilTE CLASS "HELEBE OF TEE n Q 1 $ $ Vt 4 ? f $ C ' ... -. i '-'' v " X s - , ' -'''---.. s 1 ""V' ' " ( ; -v "1 I ' i : ssx- -.'IS - ay -t- ' m .x i si tm uuh i n A ' I home the fart that the aunv I If ' 1 J , 1 1,1 v m. tu as mm r. i m m . . J rV: M V saaslaf1 f "T"" O Howard -M Emprts s I iw,"r!T! , . I - - t-,t . v . - . a ' J i 1 1 r Wy , :....- J , I : . "'" wsA" a:S mm KM V4 i ICh UIC WEEK took Bsasoa, l15-li u Vi foniGHT af.s Otis Sklaaer'g Bomaatia Drama 'The Honor of the Family' first Btoek Froduetioa (a the West Wlthont air. gkluisr ia be atellar Role. xt Wssk, "TUB ACSLJU,OK a BAIT arirTA"' 4 - AMIRMK1T!I, ''-W'ii .nar"gr 1 ! AMI IEMK3ITS, JOHN W. RUSKIN I1U1EXTS His Amazing Close to Hature Holion Ficlurcs SHOWING Wild Animal Life of tho Jungles of India, Afrloa, South Amerioa and tho Arctlo Animals, Ilcrtlleit, llinls and Nuffa aa Uicy tn their natnrml hnnntllhout hfln hunted hjr annml riatlvea, trwd by dolfa or t.niKht In tritxi. All )hotKrapliel hjr the motion picture ramera ami tnkn within ten to thirty feet of the reapective animal, Mrd and reptile, A production taking ten year to make, at tho cot of thouaanda of riollitr and the Uvea of Mx men. Kntertainlngly learr1bel by John V. Huskln, member of the) Whitney Arctic KxpeOitlons of 1907 and 101'i, leader of tho Raskin Kxpertitlon of Central India and Africa, 11)10 and 1011, and member of othir expedition In Austral In aud Hot it h America. "M Boyd Theater Commencing Sunday Might, August 29th rftS 1 "UIT IBIIP BUflPTWrWi l uUa v Edward - Lynch has adopted a policy that ought to spread among the stock company managers throughout the coun try. He has so arranged his plsys that he can give one or another of his players a week of vacation time,, and. a chance for a little rest in the course of a hard season. This result has been achieved so far without any serious strain on the other members of the company, and has been much enjoyed by those who have had advantage of it. This week Miss McOrane la to have her rest, and she will dispose of It by taking a hurried trip t New York, to see her mother, whose health la not of the best Just at this time. She Is to I bark next week, according to present plana, In her tlx ai-nae Miss Dewar will have tbe leading role in "The Honor of the Family." Mlat Carrie Lowe, the character woman with Edward Lynch and Associate Play ers, who has been eriuualy ill at her apartuiont In the Wellington for the last two weeks, will be pleased to learn that alia has fully recovered and will reappear with the company at the Brandoia on Bun ioy next as Madame Bridau in "Th Honor of the Family." Miss Diana Dewar, the popular aecond woman with Edward Lynoh and Associ ate Players, will play the leading role In "Tha Honor of the Flamlly," which Is tha production at the Brandels theater for tho week, beginning tonight. Miss Dewar has a host of friends and many 'of them have expressed-a desire. to nee her tn the lead ng role and aa Miss McGrane is leaving Saturday night to spend a week or ten Uaya with her mother, who la coo valet ing from her recent Illness, "PL" aa she Is known to her Intimate friends, will tep Into stellar honors. This la the first time that "The Honor of the Family" has aver been produced n the west without Mr. Ottis Skinner in tho role of "Bridau," the part which Mr. Lynch will "play thi week; one which calls for diversified moods In rapid suc cession, and aa trying a role as was ever written as it oalla for euch a wlda vari ety of emotions. The soenes are laid In Franca In tha- year 1834, and tha hero, Colonel Philippe Bridau, hrava gentleman and soldier ' of fortune, who la always ready to fight for "the honor of hla fam ily.". Aftr an absence of several years, Bridau visits his old home, and finds that there is much fightln to be done. If ha Is to ?ave the family fortune and his old uncle's honor. A loving mother, a wicked adventuress and her scheming lover, and several other Important characters, help to make this cue of tha moat Interest ing plays of tha stock season. It ia the first costume bill presented during tha en gagement and. tha historic stag set Inge will add to the effectiveness of tha play. The Bachelor's Baby" la being re hearsed for production next week. - For today and Monday, tha eminent dramatic actor. Emmet Corrlgan. will ba seen at the Hipp theater In Frank U Packard's novel drama, "Greater Love Hnth No Man." This play calls for a great amount of emotional acting, and Mr. Corrlgan a ability In thla Une Is well known. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the inter national comedienne. Miss Fanni Ward. will appear in "The Marrluge or Kitty." in the role of Kitty, ahe has every op portunity to display her harming and wholesome personality. " Curing the balance of the week. Mar guerite Clark, always popular in Omaha, will be seen, in "Helena of the North." a pboto-play which combines in a novel manner the cultured atmosphere of so ciety circles with the rugged Ufa of the wilds of northwestern Canada. As Helene,' Miss Clark ia aa sweet and en trancing as she has always been, and much more effective In a dramatlo way. The GREAT HOWARD Offara a Tentrtloq.tUei Frodoctloa, "AT mi SOOTOsVB." BLANCHE COLVIN Raffing Oomedlenae. ' ' J3HKS0M-ff 0 WARD-LI STETTE A. Teat or a, with a Laagh or a. FENNER & TALMAN Booantrlo Dancers. "TKE LEGACY OF fOLLY", Salsed la a Convent, she never knew her mother, the "Qnaea of E)hsmla." On the death of her mother aha sroea Into tha world to make her way. Tha following of the rtory forma aa Intense drama. Dreamy Dud tees - , . "Charley Chaplin" "Mrs. Randolph'. New Secretary'' HeaNt-aallg Vo. VI. - Asirrasiox Sea'd Seats, 100 Sa, 10c LAKE MAN AW A Bathing, Boating, Dancing And Other Attractions Free Moving Pictures , This Evening "Drop pington's Devilish Deed.' "Shorty Turns Actor" and "Story of a Story." Balloon Ascension This Afternoon (Weather Pertnlttlnff.) . .. GREATER MUNICIPAL OMAHA PICNIC and BAND CONCERT at- A TDFf (South Sids) Sunday Afternoon August 22, Take Albright Car to end of line. ' OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS : STREET RAILWAY CO. . I2 rr PEACE NIGHT TO-NIGHT Tha Peace President and Peace Fiag in Firework$ Viar of nations Only 3 More Kighis Doug. 494 OPENS Sun., Aun- 29 . or matii snrg TUBSDAT. AVO. M. . ttORCLUM PIANO SCHOOL Bei Sonflaa treat, Be-opea Sept. rtu; ' . August Boriflum,' 'Madame Borflum (Pupils of Water Hwayne) Bolfeae-Bohrarta Method. Paris Harmonjr Publio erronnanee KRUGPARKSC.X; ' DAkrouro Xamp'a Oreheatra, nailer ak atlas. rea Motloa Ma , turee. Ideal Pioala Ceteoada rree ttaraffe. KAJTT OTIIB ATTsVAOTIOSra. rnATmxoAX. oowars, rail Dress ate, Tnxsdos, rrtaes Alberta, 811k Hate, Vamps- ltl models I fox sale or rsnt, , , Mall Orders a apeelalty. JOHN FbLDMAN rhoae . Slaa. Opea Bvaalara. noma Hotel Sldar. SOa V. 17th Bt OmaJoa, Well. Faruiie Ward Thefldrntge- Is known as tha "Queen of Bohemia," are displayed by her daughter. Aa a second photo attraction a cartoon comedy, Ireaniy Dud Bees Charley ChapUn," is presented. This play is made by tha Es sanay Film company, who controls the Charley Chaplin films. The Hearst-Belle and a short story drama complete the offering. Headlining the bill at tha Empress for the first half of .the week Is The Great Howard. Scotland's premier Tentrtloqulst. Howard has a comedy ventrlloqulal nov elty entitled. "At the Doctors." . This U the first time this act has ever (Men west. Blanche Col v In, one of tho best girt singles in the business, is also on this till, offering her comedy In songs and dances. An acrobatlo novelty la offered by Johnson Howard and Listette, en titled "A Teat or Two on a Bar or Two, With a Laugh or. Two Kenner and TalmaA ara novelty and eccentric danc era of the first water. These ara all acta of the better Hui and this show prom ises te be one of the heet this summer. A good assortment of photo-pie ye Is of fered. Including a three-reel Broadway feature. The legacy of Tolly," In whlck , .he heriditary nature of tha mother, who ' Tha opening data for tha Orpheum Is set for a week hence, Sunday, August 23 Tha initiative program will Include Mad ame Beason and company, who will present, 'It Doesn't Happen." a playlet Channtng Pollock wrote for one of the Friars' Frolics ten years ago. This dram atlo episode has never been offered here. Four other features on the program are: Jamas C. Morton and Frank F. Moore, the farceurs, who were starred In "The Tlk Tok Man of Os"; Julia Curtis, styled "Tha Olrl With Many Voices." formerly ef Abbott and Curtis; Margot Fraaqols, on of tbe clever and cute athletic girls of vaudeville, and the Flemings, who In a beautifully draped abtge do artistic posturing N Two other acta to ba an nounced later will be aded. Director General Beck says that exist ing theatrical oondltlona make it possible for the audevllle managers to secure an unprecedented large number of atellar lights and notable attractions, an oppor tunity he Intends to turn to good account for hla elrcult Among tha feuturea Mr. Beck announces for a. tour of tha Or pheum circuit are: Weber and Fields, Naalniova. Mra, Islle Carter, Evelyn Ncsbit, llochanara. Jose Collins. Walter C Kelley, Houdlnl. Lew Doakatader, 1 Gene Hodklna, IMle. Destrees and com pany. Long Tack Sara, Xartes Jd Evans, ' I Harry Breesford, Pat Kotmey and Marlon Bent, Kddle. Foy, "Tha TeWphot.e Tangle," Haliih. Dunbar's Salon, Ralph Dunbar's Bell Ringers, Morton aad Moore, the Morgan Oav-r, BaJlet Dlvn tlsment, California Beauties and Ialnty Mario. "Bltlr" ;yrn .has made tmpioteimiKs PI V ...... A AT 2 13 WW, 20,000 "trTLaoTi P. M. r i 9 Gates Open at 12 O'clock SPEEDWAY, MQEliAV n ml CT AT 2 P.T.1-C3 AFTER- (11 mi nnnn Minn f w shi l-zj u u viy .Laru La.;- Ky xy La $20,000. EM01ME3 SMASHED mO SCRAP IRON rjiiaU u s 3 I S v ; ' r mm m ' ' ' ' , . m V THE SHOW THAT WILL MAKE OTHER SHOWS LQ3K LIKE A PUNCH AND JUDY SHOW VOU MAY IIAVK WATCHKU T11K tKUPTION OF VKSUVIl'M. YOl? MAY 1IAVK BEEN A THA: WAVK. YOU MIGHT HAVK HEKJi AND WAl AN KARTHQI'AKK. PKUHAPS YOU 1LAVE 8EKV AJi AVALANCHE TEARING THE VKRY HWR OV A MOl'NTAIN APART, AND HASHING INTO . .THE VALXEY SMASHING EVERYTHING KEFOUE IT. BUT NEVER IN ALLYOUR LIFEAGAIN Will You VVItncsifS a Genuine Railroad Collision FKOM THE COMFORT AMI SAFETY OF A GRAND STAND. STOP! LISTEN! We XHHSJK! READ! . Hour. an Dash Togclhcp at 5Slx:ty Miles TWO 80-TON (160,000 lbs.) ENGINES WITH TENDERS ATTACHED, SO THAT , ' THE VERY GROUND TREMBLES WHEN IRON MONSTERS MEET. In ordinary wrecll cnaTlueera If vers ninre and applf brak, therefore sixd ia small t '.- Out In the Haad-On Collision Yo i Witness, No Brakes Are Applied, HUT WITH WIDE OPEN THROTTLES, SCREAMING WHISTLES, A HU, HEAD OK STEAM AND EXPLODING TORPEDOES, THE IRON MONSTERH DASH AT EACH OTHER, WITH A MIGHT V CRASH AND ROAR THAT, no matter bow blue you ore, the bhHMl will aurge into your heart and yon will stand la awe whou the two mighty masare of ateel are hurled together. REMEMBER, OIMLY GIVEIM ONCE ON ACCOUNT ofiiviivien e expense SEClTtE TICKETS EAJU.Y HEADQtARTEUS AT MERCHA NT8 HOTEL NOW. We Had 102,000 Paid AdmlsNlone at New York. ADMISSION 11 ' Including Grand Stand u CHILDRSEIJ I'uder 1 2 years, aoronianlaI by uuvut or guar dian, FREE. . . i AUTOS Parked Free Green's Famous Band Vi.l Furnish Music ALL FOR ONE ADMISSION A FVIA AFTERNOON'S PROGRAM OF HARNFJiS AND m jSMNG JIACF:S STOCK YARD DERI1Y KELuY RACE. All hul rmeied In this race will ba from tha Stock Yards, South Ouiaha. Motorryrle Races,