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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1915)
CDPID HOLDS BACK ON FRIDAY, 13TH Ne'er a Swain Appear to Get a Li cense, but Fire Go to Other Boom for Divorces. ARE AFRAID OF THE JONAH DAY Not one youth or maiden braved the Friday the 13th hoodoo by re questing Cupid Stubbendorf to issue n marriage license at the court house Friday morning, but five unhappy married folk seised the opportunity to file divorce petitions. One prospective bride mnde a date with Cupid to secure a license Saturday. She declared she could not think of getting married on Friday, the nth. The following divorce petitions were filed: Llllle Hall against Henry, cruelty altered; Jean Anspach against Timothy E., cruelty alleged: Luella M. Smith against Alexander R., noniupport alleged; William II. Cumings against Helen E., cruelty alleged. THE HKE: OMAHA. SATUmA. Al'GUST 14, l!15. Money that Dore Lost is Returned to Him J. J. lore. 11M North Twenty-eighth street. South Omaha, who lost his month's wages, 'S2n, through a hole In his pocket Wednesday, was made happy Friday, when the money wsa returned to him. A boy picked up the Mils where they rind fallen and returned them as soon an the Identity of the owner became known. Friends of Mr. Dore. who Is the father of six children, had already begun to collect a purse to reimburse him. when it was learned the money was found. I , !i! inn- 1 BURLINGTON LOCATES MANY FAMILIES IN WEST i Fohl to Slrtc. President Somers of the CleveJand American league club has Informed Leo Fohl that he will remain manager of the Cleveland team for the balance of the season at least. Btnce March 1, officials of the land J department of the Burlington figure that l they have located more than MO families ' In the counties of western Nebraska and the Big Horn basin country of Wyoming. Most of the men who have been located on the lands In the two states are prac tical farmers and stock raisers, and have gone there with their household effects and other property. Intending te become permanent residents. Plats In the Burlington's land depart ment Indicate, that In the western por tion of Nebraska there are still some vacant tracts of land for salo at low prices, but the cheap land Is being PickeJ up rapidly. Saturday August 14th And All Next Week G3' ' Your Choice of All Men's Spring and Summer Suits $18.00 Suits tf .tf-i (fS7C $25.00 Suits $20.00 Saits J4 $27.50 Suits $30.00 Saits -Li Cd $22 50 Saits None Except Bluet and Blacks Reserved n a I r : , ... s 3 Every Suit Guaranteed by both ourselves and the makers ; --. . i What's Your Idea of a Bargain? Is it a nice looking suit that may or may not give service, but at a very low price, or are you Looking for Real Clothes Quality? Clothes that are known to bo absolutely right in ' stylo and highest quality workmanship and fabrics. All Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, as well as other high grade guarantee lines are included in the August Clearance Sale here NOT BROKEN LINES AND ODD LOTS But a splendid assortment of classy patterns in a most complete range of sizes. . NEARLY 1,000 SUITS IN THE STOCK and they're Suits you can depend on. Here's a tip worth while. Try Hayden's First Then if Well, no matter, there won't be any Ifi. You will snap at such values as you'll find here and find we have the clothes not only to suit you but can fit you. All the Suits offered here are our own regular ' 6pring and summer, 1915. stocks and the quality is guaranteed. Four Rousing Specials for Saturday In Domestic Room Clothing Dept. Men's Separate Trous ers, $1.50 values, 95 Boys' Knickerbockers, reg. 50; values, 39 $ Boys' Wash Suits, sam ples, 75c and $1.00 val ues, in all sizes, on sale at , 39r Quality is always our first consideration for. we guar antee satisfaction. Splendid Silk Hosiery - Up to $2.00 a pair values, in black and novelties, with double elastic tops and double heels and toes, samples and QQ broken lots, pair ivOC Womwi'i Silk Hoot Hose, 75c qualities, in black and colon, all sites, at.... Women's Fibre. Silk Hoee, regular 50c quality, in all sites on and colors, pair alvC Children's Fancy ItoM-Top Socks, In fibre silk and mercer- 1 r ited, 26c values, pair.. IOC Many Other Specials New lines cf Women's Wayne Knit Hose Now Ready The beBt always. Saving on Summer Merchandise of High Quality IT New Tailored Suits T C I. . A t Jtl Stunning New Dresses ra P shownttisto$3s beginning oaiuraay, iug. inn shown at sis to szs 3 1,000 Dresses Given Away FREE Select Any TWO Summer Dresses From Our Immense Stock I PA Y THE PRICE OF ONEi 9 Another Will Be Given You Free nRJ 1 We Save You From 25 to 50 on Drugs FRKK With every bottle of Palmollve Hair Shampoo at 40c we will give you three It bare Palmollve Soap FKKK. lOe and 15a Toilet Soap, slightly soiled, at t for S3 FDo bottle Lambert's Llaterlna.S9o 50c Jar Mentholatum 890 Too Jar Jad Baits BOo 60c bottle Phenolax Wafers. . .ISO $1.00 bottle Sal. Hepatlca 690 J1.00 bottle Lydt K. plnkham Compound , So 60c tube Pebeco Tooth Paste.. 38o oOe bottle Sloan's Liniment. . .890 $1.60 bottle Oriental Cream... aso $1.60 box Le Trefle or Asurea.SSo 60c. Rice Powder including Java Rice 83o Five 10c rolls Crepe Toilet Paf-er for SSo Pour lOo bars Peroxide Soap, .880 lOo Jap Rose or (.'sat ike Hoop.. So 75c bottle Plnaud'a Toilet Water for Bo 76o Red Rubber Gloves BSo 25c Tooth Brushes 10a 3 Any TWO $1.50 DRESSES $1.50 Any TWO $2.98 DRESSES . S2.93 g Any TWO $3.98 DRESSES $3.9S E Any TWO $5.00 DRESSES $5.00 Any TWO $5.98 DRESSES $ 5.98 3 Any TWO $7.50 DRESSES $ 7.50 d Any TWO $10.00 DRESSES $10.00 3 Any TWO $15.00 DRESSES $15.00 3 tr None Sent C. O. D. No Approvals. All Sales Must Be Final. a Mail Orders Filled . from dally ads while the, goods last. All the Choice! of the New Neckwear Novelties Huffs, Collar. FMina, Collar and Cnff Hrta, Etc. The very latest In Neck Ruffs, in a full line of colors, at. . .f) Fine. Fancy Illualon Ruffe. .JS OKtrtch Feather Ruffs. .. 91.40 Boudoir Caps (lace trimmed) on ante at 2T Lure Trimmed 811k Caps... snd fyH. Tretty Quaker Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets. . .2" snd OS Newest Frilled Collars st 080 o S3.00 Novell- Velllnpa at. ysrd 2?t to 50c I'lnln and I'ancv Hililxni l"p to S.'e vard value, big asortm-nt at. yard fc Xew Velvet RlWionn All -widths, Bttractlvely prl4d. I 500 Children's Dresses Also Included in I This Great SaleTwo for the Price of One d Wash $15 One Lot of Beautiful Silk Net and Wash I Dresses that, sold up to $45.00; lesion suitable for nil occa- P Bions; your elioiee v.. ru ; ok ktvi... rt n 1. iviu vfiiuic vt AO nuuuy irauui oenuu Suits and White Serge Suits H tliat sold to $'20.00; while they pHD 3 lnct rlinir( - l p AN ELEGANT LINE OF WAISTS Ma-b to sell at $-UH and $5.00- eS on A Lingeries, lawns, organdies, etc. An immense variety of beautiful designs V f Z for selection J Truly Sensational Offerings in nearly nil lines of Summer A pparel splendid as- "3 fc. sortmenta and values that you'll find unquestionably superior. It's quality that counts. 3 sr. tit a, I4iI4.Ill tittiK.kiill Ii UiUIl UiIK Utiili Hila U1kA1la.I1 UiiaJL Utai i4iaal, Out Go the Old In Comes the New No room for Spring and Bum mer, IV 15. good on aheivea now. Thai's the reaaon we're offering )"i for Saturday: fl.."0 ami $'J.M) Corarta, ba- tlstoa, toudl and fancy bro cade, in extra length, medium bust model. O O . at ycc $4.00 Ice Front Cor (, In pink and white brocade, with heavy elastic In back, llnKerle uoderlarrs; snap C0 QQ Saturday, at.... Pea0 OkiUlren'a Wash HuiU, made to sell to 4.2.00, to close, JOjq Sanitary Napkins, regular 4 0c dozen quail ty, at O C per doien jvC (i X- Women's Kuslia Oowns aad Bklxts, odd lots of tl.GO values, on sulo, choice . . .Sic Womsa'a LUle Union Suits, to 7 0, values, all slses 3 Bo Bathing Suits? The water's certainly tine, and we're offering Satirday th Snap liet lUlhlnn Butt Values we believe were ever shown In any Omaha store. , Inline' llathinK Sntls -Made to sell .to 47. 60, in satins, silks, mohairs, tarser knit and all wool suits, nob biest new styles and all colors, In three big special lots ' 1 8 1 and '2 Children's Bathing 8ui at.'. .50t Womsa'a Xtaliaa Bilk Tests aa4 Bloomers, hand embroidered, to 11 values S1.S8 Children's Oowns, crepe or muslin, all sizes ...360 FILL THAT PIANO CORNER. You can's afford to miss the SPLENDID PIANO BARGAINS We're now offering in our August Sale. Every Piano guaranteed by ua and we save you $50.00 to $100.00. Investigate. Not Only a Few But .... All Parasols that sold up to $2.50, and a mighty classy lot of styles, in every wanted color for eelec tlon; to close Saturday, CJQq Ladies9 Silk Gloves Regular 60c quality, with double finger tips; black with White, or white with black stitching, and plain colors, Qf pair OC Easily a 100 Investment That's what laying in a supply of Men'a Furnishings now for next year means. TUB 8AMF. HIGH QUALITY. Assortments broad enough to please the most particular. Mart's lllfth Grade Shirts, to $2.60 val ues, In pongees, piques, madras and the popular mercerized fabrics, with or without collars, all with French cuffs; values to $2.60, choice 4 Of Alen'a Hammer Union Hulls, to $3.00 values, regular or athletic atyles, in Derby Rib, Balbrlg gan, Mesh, Nainsook and Silk or mercerised fin ishes; three special lots, at 40S 70 nd S1.45 a t'alra Men'a llo, guaranteed for 6 months, colors and black.. 60 Men's Hummer Shirts, that sold to. $1, in Domestic room 35c Men's 10c Handkerchiefs , 5 Men's Sport Ties, made to sell at 50c and 76c, Saturday, 354, 50e Men'a Hummer I'ndorwear, shirts and drawers, all sites, 60c val ues, at 23 Men's 10c quality Hoee 5 All Our Men's Fine Panama Hat Just 160 of them left; values from $4.00 to $8.00, on aale, to close, at, choice 81.05. 83.05 Choice of all Hoys' Straw Hats, big nBsortment, 60c to $1.00 values, to close, In two big lots 25'and 45 ISP 'I!'-. . A Canvas Couch pammmocn m rTLi-z n tor Tjorcn or o araci r"ri for porch or f)5Q lawn, com- YJ plete for v I ft;:::... ;.v... Mi 1 ')).' . ... Li.. 1 Has heavy canvas mattress, supported canvaa back and ends, steel frame, heavy spring bed or seat, hooks, chains, etc., complete. .$3.50 PORCH KOCKF.RS, SWINGS. KTC, GHEATLY UNDEKP1UCKD. One-Motion Collapsible Go-Carta, with rubber tired wheels and hood $3.85 LARGE HUFFETB, ONLY 810. Fumed or golden oak, large beveled mirror, linen drawer, etc. Leather Seat Sewing Rockers, fumed or golden oak, for 82.50 CIRCASSIAN WALNUT DRESSERS, 820. Large size, heavy mirror latest designs. Resl Leather Davenports, large or small pat terns 832.50 Imitation Leather Davenports .822.50 Two Splendid Specials Framed Pictures 500 Framed Pictures, worth to $2.00, splen did line of subjects, in square or oval, gilt, black or brown nr frames, at .... 57 sJ C $1.25 Framed Pictures, 75o . Big assortment ' of subjects, in 8x10 and 10x12, brown, black or gilt frames. On Third Floor RTid-Summer ' Clearance Hammocks All $1.60 Hammocks. .Ho All $2.26 Hammorks.1.75 Al! $2.69 Hammocks.91.lM All $4.26 Hammocks.9J.OO You ' have a big assort ment of well-made Ham mocks, as good as money can buy to sell at regular prices, hers for selection. All Tennia Raquets at Special Clearance Prices. On Fourth Floor Spring Chickens, Sat- 1 Q urday, per lb - Z rzmsT Quitrrr-vosra nxxi at ajtt man. Genuine 1VI5 Kprin Lamb Hindquarters, lt ISHo Oenulne ltU Hprlnjr Lsvinb Forequartei s, lb 100 First quality Pork noaat, lb SVo nrit quality ateer rot kowi, id hlrmi quality Kib Hollina Beef, lb Vo Dig Special Sale of All Wash Day Supplies Saturday Medium else, extra heavy. Lisle tin per Boilers J3.4 Wush Hollers, with heavy copper Premier Tin Boilers, larce else. . .91. IS bottom, at fl,4 Hma'l sired Oalvanlied Tubs o Irse size Llak Boilers, as above Medium else Ualvanlxed Tub to Fxtra lat ire Llsk Boilers, as above S1.6S I.arKe size Ualvanlxed Tuba 6o Larue alse Llsk extra heavy all "!- Kutra larre alse (ialvanlsed Tubs..77o per Boilers 3.1t li sine Wash Boards, only Extra large Lisk extra heavy all Cop- 41-23 Folding lruiuii- iioaxda SSo rtrii quiuiijr rvi u kjvv.. iikmimmimi.i .,,,,.71" Pure Home-made Hamburger, lb lOo Pure Home-mads Hausage, lb S'jO No. 1 Corned Beef, lb lOe aiCOKBO MX AT BTEOiaU TOB lATTBOAT, Diamond C Hums, tlrst quality, irer 10 ISO No. 1 Picnic HaJiia. per lb ,. ..lOo No. 1 Bacon, per lb IT Wo No. 1 Halt Pork, per lb A.,.. 4o too palls tlaJiiond C pure Leaf Itrd ..aid For your Lunches, Picnic parlies, etc., try Hayden a First for Cooked Meata, etc. (-ft. Plain Basswood Ironing Boards, worth Sue 4o Small sis Austrian Willow Clothes Uusketa 4to rtound Weetern Washers at SS.M O. K. Washers SS.M Greatly reduced prices on White Mountain Refrigerators the best since 174. Thoroughly Good Shoes at Very Little Prices csrw ssaaaa sssssa m i Floor stock and sampk-B of three of New P3ngland's most pron;inent factories. Men's Shoes Only Values up to $4.00, all uw, perfect stock, choice of entire lot Saturday. $2.50 and $1.08 QUEEN QUALITY OXFORDS AND PUMPS All this season's stock, that sold at $4.00, $4.25 and $4.50, choice $2.8f Boys' and Youths' Bhoes, in satin calf, regular val ues to $2.00, on sale Sat urday, $1.50 and $1.00 Misses' and Children's Ounmetal Button Shoes, $1.50 values, sizes from SV-i to 2, at . $1.00 $1.00 Barefoot Sandals, all sizes, to close Saturday, at pair ".50 Sei tiu new Fall, 1915, styles in Setson and Crossett Shoes for Men; Queen Quality and G rovers- for Women. Keep Your Eye on 16th Street Windows. , Hay den's for Quality Goods and a Saving of 25 to 50 on the Cost of Living It lbs. best pure Cane Oranuiatea Sugar for 91XM 48-lb sacks best Hlfrh Grade Plamond H Flour, made from No. 1 selected old wheat, sack S1.T8 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Iaundry Queen White Laundrv Soap for S3e IS cakes Cupid Toilet Soatp. ISO cans Oil Hardinea ISO l-IU. c&jis fancy tiweet Hugar Corn, Wax, btrlng. Green or Lima Batis for ". TH9 I -lb. cns Early June Birted I'chs lor e Advo Jsll goods tile Tall cans Xl for dessert: It'a nualltv r TV4e iRSka. Salmon lOa The best Itomeatlo Macaroni, Vermi celli or HJaghettl, pkg. Tl0 4 Iba. fancy Japan Bice, Tapioca or Navy Means aSs t-lb. cams Uolden Pumpkin, Hominy, Bauer Kraut or Baked Beans... T0 16-os. cans California Ripe Olives 100 12-ox. Jars pure r'rult and Hugar Pre aervea , So 4 large cans Klkhorn or Mausfltl l h Milk SSe Maclaren'a Peanut Butter, lb. .llMe L. C. Corn Hakes, pkg So W. O. C. or Krumble. oka So Large bottles Worcrater bailee. Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles (aasorted kinds, or Prepardi Mustaia, cxr bottle SSo Bchepp's Hh redded Cocoanut, for pies and cakes, per lb lfto Herahey's Brenkfast Cocoa, lb,... See The best Tea ttlftlnss, lb lSo Oolden Hantoa faff re. It) SOO BUS Bill. BAIKETI rABTOT lil StlTl PEaCBEl SI IS CAiiroawia hlbista rasa aToaxi rsiACBEa. csiri s Bnabel Boxea Callforala Bertie! rears S1.7S Xare Market Baskets aUpe Toma toes for SSe TKB MT1TT BTalOTiT TBXSBI bckm, run poBxar iso The test Creamery Butler, carton, per lb SSe Fancy No. I Creamery Butter, bulk. per lb SSe Full Cream Young America, Wlmon sin Cream or New York White Cheese, per Ih BOo Kancy Dairy Table Butler. lb....Se flood re Butter, lb ado Imported Bwlaa or Roquefort Cbeeee, per lb 400 Fancy Larre Queen Olivia, quart SSo ISIJJS. IIW rOTiTOl'S TO Tata rtmK .. l6o II lbs. good Cooking- Apple to the P" 10O.150 fancy Sweet Corn, per doien....lo 'abbage. for kraut, i for So laxKe bunches fresh Boela. Carrot a or Turnips a0 large bunches fresh Onlons 'or Radishes ao Farcy Head Lettuce, head. .. .6oTUe Fancy Denver Peas, nuart Ihlu Fancy Ienver Cauliflower lb . loo Quality Ooods. Try Kaydea's rirat. "It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays' Broken Lots of Men's and Young Men's $10.00 Suits, ?ood assortment, styles and patterns, all sizes. . . .5.00 HAVDEN BROS. Everybody reads Bee want acts