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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1915)
tiik ni:F;: omaha, sattuday. august h, ioi5. HEW PRINCIPAL IS WRITEROF STORIES Karl Adtmi Hti Hard Time Earing Hit Writing Accepted Until He PuU Up a Job. WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK Karl Adams, who will be bcre next week from Springfield, Mass., to be principal of the High School of Com merce, a few years ago bad ambitions to be a short story writer. He sub mitted many manuscripts to many publishers and invariably bis stories -would be returned with the usual printed allps, bearing the consoling explanation, "We regret we are not able to use your story at this time. This does no imply that there is not merit In your work. We thank you for giving us an opportunity to re view your manuscript." Mr. Adsjns J!J not despair. About three yssrt ago a baby arrivsd at his bom. Tbat was hit inspiration for renewed ef forts. Tba advent of tha ymiDirtr opened up new avenuss of thought. Ha rscsJrsd new Impression. Ha gsJnoe a broader viewpoint and found his baby ona of the moot Interesting and Inspiring sources of his life. Ha had traveled much In Europe, but that travel did not yield Uia dralred results. Pet Oa Ove. He has a brother-in-law who Is editor of a ahort-atory mairaalna of national circulation. He asked this relative to oon slrtor aoma of hla atorlea. The relative had mlaglvlng about hla brother-in-law's literary work. Then Mr. Adama had a thought. II sent in soma atorlea over an assumed name. Tha atorlea were sub mitted to the critics of tha magatlna and were accepted. Thua is was that Mr. Adama "put one over" on his brother-in-law. Imrlng hla visit her laat Monday and Tuea.lay he crowded a lot of affaire dur ing the hours ha had la Omaha Hla chief purpose waa to get loto touch with the members of the Board of Education regarding his application for the prlncl poishlp which he landed. He visited the various members, going out to Carter Lake to sae one member. He made a trip through the stock yards and pack ing houaea and learned more of tha pack ing industry, he said, than be bad aver dreamed of. "I will need this Information In my commercial geography and It will be valuable even If I should not return to Omaha." remarked Mr. Adama, as ha waa returning to the east The value of time la one of Mr. Adam's strong characteristics. He regards every hour aa a potential ty and finds Interest in many of the commonplace affairs of life. Graff Says Friday, the Thirteenth, is His Luckiest Day "1 have always regarded thirteen, and especially Friday, tha 13th, as a numeral and duy to conjure with.' I lived three years In a college fraternity house where thirteen members sat at a table with un failing reitularlty," declared Superinten dent Graff of the publlo schools. Mr. Orsfr said Friday, the 13th, is un justly maligned. He aver , this Is the luckiest day In the year. Ha would start anything on this day with a feeling of confidence. Dies Shortly After Sent to County Jail James Baxter, aged U years of Boa ton, Hups., was sentenced to the county J II from police court Thursday and died at the county institution Thursday nlffht. Coroner Crosty will not hold an Inquest, as the man waa in a bad condition from drink when sentenced and was sent to the Jail to recover from tha effects of hla ImblMng. No relatives have been Io ta ted. Goes to Sleep on Trade; Loses Arm Joseph B. Todd of Richmond, O., Buf fered the loss of his left arm, which wus mankind by a switch engine in an alley at Tenth and rtouglaa streets Thurs day evening. The Ohloan went to sleep w ith an arm over a rail. He waa attonded by a police surgeon and removed to a bcrpH&l. The man's condition la aakl to be serious, as his shoulder waa badly mangled. WILL STICK AROUND UNTIL ASSAILANTS ARE LANDED Jake Ketter of New Tork. who was strung-armed and robbed of 13 cents August , Is still on th trail of th rot.bers Thursday night at Fourteenth ant Capitol avenue two ncgree pounced upon hlra and with many objurgations and threats bade him get out of town bo fore they "get" him. Jake duly reported ti ls latest development to the Police, but. suya he, he will stick around until he lands the fellows In Jail If It take hla lt peniiy. He still liaa t cents left. COLUMBUS MAN SUED FCR HEAVY DAMAGES W llllarn Horrauin, paving contractor of low City. Ia., has filed suit tn the office of the clerk ot the district court In O'naii axaiitst Charles Wurdeman of Columbus, Neb., for -3,(Xj0 damagea tor puljllxhing statements In the Columbus T'Ninn alleged to be malicious and UnlruUifut. Horratitii waa the successful bidder" for a Columbus paving contract, and the articles published are eld to ive Injured (.Is cndll and were Intended to Injure bis good name. CORONER'S JURY ASKS THAT JOE GARCIA BEHELD An Inquest helj by Coroner Crosby kft s'.lrln.T Into the death of Fiatik Klrkland. v in was struck on the head by Jo Oar- t.i, i!eil,n, at Seventh and Leaven worth street. Tuesday nlnht, resulted In ! mTiumci.dttton that Uaucla be fceld f ,j- tcl-L Funeral servl.-es for Klrkland v. r 1...J this afternoon at I o'clock from f . y'm, Willi U;terueut io i'ro- From Our Near Neighbors Rellevar. Mis Tloee Krutcher vlelted Mrs. Bill Trent Wednesday. MlM ffc-rt'e Hnnks Is visiting Miss Ksflierine Msrkensle. Miss Margirvt His.hy nf Omaha spent the k at Ir. C. A. Mitchell's. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Uatchelder will leave Ks.tunls.jr for a week In Ienver. Mlsa hdns. Keed of Aurora is spending the week Ith her cousin, Usie Irilsco. Mrs. K. Mr Kermis and daughter Kath arine are going to Minnesota, nest Mon day. Orle Webb returned Wednesday eve ning from a woek-enj visit In Reward, Neb. Mrs. John Cushlng's baby boy fell out of his carriage Tuesday and tiroke his arm. tJ Myers, Darlington station asent. Is bulldtng a new home on tha boulevard north of town. Miss Helen Teteroon and Mlsa Kuele Rothery spent Thursday with Mrs. Albert Jones In liellevue. Twelve young ladles and gentlemen surprised Miss Mabel fprachllss bar birthday Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mra. John Fraser of La Platte started Saturday on a to-week a auto trip In the weetern part of the state. Mrs Ohman, Mlaa Jeaale Ohman, and Konald returned from an extended visit with Mrs. Oilman's son Llsb. at tMlger. Tha usual monthly oieetlng of the town board waa postponed bttceuae of the ab sence of the mayor, J. V. Kopler, and several members of tbe board. Tha Sunday few hool association of the eastern district vl Sarpy county wlli hold an afternoon and evening session at the Avery school th 221 of thle month. W. N. t'sjrtnn and W. bV sjcharsr of beUevu will t tba speakers of the evening. I'ennanent water ha teo Inatalled in tha oeiiier of Washington aVjuaro prepay ratory to the eomln of the Lo Roller's aeaoruitlon nest Halurday. permanent elertiio lights will be established in tha renter and tha northeast corner of tha The Avery Christian r.naeavor aonety had an Ice cream aoolal on tha school grounds last Friday and natumay wruon proved very suoceaafui. Tha proceeds will Ke im A tn aend delegates to conventions and carry on the work of tha organisa tion. vi Chanter of the Bouth ele fc. ast ern Hlar were entertained Thursday af ternoon at the noma 01 rroi. -. r. . Evans, by Mr. Rvana and Mra. Pr. C. A. Mttrhell. About thirty ladles ware pres ent, the majority driving In their cars from South Bide over U Tort Crook boulevard. A farewell surprise party waa given to William Flndley Tuesday evening by the Christian vlllin. . Endeavor young people of xne About twenty-five young people nm nresent. Mr. r :nn lev leaves ine mi of th month for Fullerton to resum his dutlrs ss principal of to nign scnooi ai that placa. lVafca kaw Miss Lava Reynold 1 111. Miss Dorrls Magney la visiting in Union this week. Otto Carroll 1 with relative In Yoik this week. Mrs. eOorire Mr.Reynolds waa a Lincoln passenger Monday. Jack Kinnear of Montana waa her a couple of day this week. Mrs. Klrkpatriok went to Avosa Thurs day for a visit with Mr. Herman. Mrs. Marv Cse of Holbrook Is 'sit ins with Nehawka friend this week. Mr. Fred Nit: man and daughter, Mrs. Henry Hoaa, orvnt Tuesday tn Omib.i Helen Reed of Weenln Water was a guest at the Anderson home this week, j Olady Burdlrk returned Sunday from I a week' Matt, with relative tn Nebraska , City. - ; Mrs. Lena Bollard returned Wedne- 1 day from en e-'inded, visit at I'awnee city. i - Mr. and Mr. Hlllborne of Lincoln are guest at th home of l M. Pollard this week. Mr, Ruthlege and family have returned from a month's stay. In Iowa and Min nesota. John Defrense and son of ' Minhe-r vis ited at th MoFailan horn th fhst f the week. Mr. O rover Hobsck entertained Mlaa Marjorle Walker of Murray at dlnnor Tuesday. Mr. James Van Tin of Frontier county la here for a visit with her mother, Mra. Keynolda, Mlsa Beatric Cook of Detroit, Mich., la with her grandfather, Isaac Follard, thla week, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oat lift this week for a thre ni nhs' visit to the Pinnn exposition. Robert AlforJ left Wednesday for a visit to the Panama exposition and other coast points. Ernest Krop-t motored to Nebraska, citv Vedn-. lav with his mother and Mrs. Henry Sturm. Hov. William Van Buren of Fuiprla was calllna on Nehawka friends Wednes day and Thuraday. Nick Clanrens and family are here this week on a visit with Mrs. Claurens mother, Mra. Oruher. Mis Harriet Wallace of Uneoln ia vls 'ln et the home of her grandfather, iHaao j-onara, una weeK. Last tiunday about fortv relatives and friends aathered at the home of F. L Nsuiuxmnn to glv them a aoodby before wiry teat ror I lie exposition. i Irvlaatea, Neva ChrUtopherson ha been 111. The True Blue Kensington club Thursday with Anna Wttske. Minnie Deln left Monday for a met two woeka' visit at Klmuallton, la. The Willing Worker met at tha Chris- i turn church Wednesday for dinner. 1 Mr. and Mra. 8. R. Brewater called at the JauoUwn home Tuesday veulug. M! louts Bcrtnh of Omaha la spend- ' big a few days at th Nel Johnson home. 1 Mr. and Mr. R. Jaoohsen visited fun-j aay at III James Sorvnaon horn at De bo nt. Mrs Oeorg Knight gave an outing for her Sunday school class Friday. They vvui id cvin a ISA. t Ktv, Thomas Kvan and family left Fridny for Urewster. Neb., where they ' will six-nd their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Deln, Elmer, Christian and Minnie Deln, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mad-; sen ami fiuuKtiter. IJslo, vialled at Lo gan, la., bunday. Papllllew. Mieses Josephine and Lottls Welsh en. tertaiued a nuinU-r of their friends at a party Friday evening. Mrs. W. K. Hpragu and family left Mouday for MterlliiK. Colo., where they ill mak their home. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Chase of ritanton are visiting with Mr. John Chas and Mrs. lu li. Armstrong. 'Mrs. Kallenbach and son. Walter, of Hooper are guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Callaway this week. M'.ae lottle Welsh returned Katurdsy rrom several days' visit at the J. M. Ualo home near Uilmore. Mr. and Mr. Phil MvEvoy ot Pout" Orris n a were guests of Mrs. lytula Leeleur several days the latter part of last week. The tAd'et' auxiliary entertained the Tapllllon Woman's Huh Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Jacob Sutter, southwest of town. Mr. and Mra. Kmll Orothe, Bam Ar buthnot, J. V. Spearman and J. It. Wil son attended the knlKhls of Tythiaa pic nic at Ashland, Thursday. I Weepies; Water. Rev. and Mra. I r. Townsend of Iowa City. la., are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Johnson of Omaha vlnited at the C. W. Dish home this week. Horn to Mr. and Mra. Dixie Kirk pat ri k, a tcn-P'iund boy on Tuesday, August 10. Mrs. Oeorge Htoner went to Council Jin, in on 'luexday for a visit with rela tives. Mrs. A. E. Tlerney went to Broken I uw on Tuesday fur a vlMt at the home of her parents. Mra. William Dunn and daughter, Dorothy, left Tueaday for a trip to the California expositions. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Day have gone to Elyrla. O., to attend the ona hundredth reunion of the Day family. William Cnatman has sold to Henderson W'srd his lAO-aore farm south of town. The consideration was 13,000. Mrs. James Wade and niece returned to Pprlngfleld on Wednesday, after a visit at the home of Mrs. John Wade. The largest yield of wheat reported lh the vtrmity la forty-three buaheia per acre. This was raised by George Domingo. Mlaa Anna Lyman has aold her piano studio to Mlaa Emma Vn Wle of Lin coln. Miss Lyman will study in Chicago the coming year. Kane 'Fred rick son was badly Injured on Toeertsy. when a sixteen-foot tedder on which he was working fell and landed him on a cement walk. BenalBsrtea. Mrs Bert Ilulllnger visited at Arling ton Thursday. Mra. Trench and dangtiter, Mary, war In From on t Thursday. Mr, and Mr. F. Oottsoh, sr., celebrated their golden wedding on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Odell and children re turned to their home hers en Monday. Harry Leach graduated on TMrsd&y- Wash Skirts at $1.00 Worth to $2.50. Chole of a big table ot pretty and practical wash skirts, ia gabardine, repps and pique. Forerunners of tJbte Fall's Original 'PREMET SAYS: "Thiall ttylu ore sure io b fnipW by the heroic deeds of today and will be tree rem all thmt i ugly and exaggerated." And thefirit fathlont show how true that is. Styles are no longer gravely severe, though they are still martial in some features. But there are no exaggerations, nothing is extremely large, extremely small, extremely anything. New Silk Street and Afternoon Dresses $15.00 and $19,001 The smartness of the new fall models can only be ap preciated by seeing them; the nobby tunlo effects, the straight line models, pretty girdles, etc., made of tbe new satins, tneeealtne, 'cbanneuse, etc Many combinations of French serges and satin that ara very effective and 'will be extremely favored. New Fall Tailored Suits at $25.00 W are showing several models ot snappy, new fall models in suits that are forerunners of the coming season's demands. Many ezclustre and extremely new ideas the new gabardines, poplins, serges, mixtures, etc, are need tn their construction. Smart lines In tbe new Jackets and the new plait ed and tunlo skirta mark the style changes. New Silk Lyons Our v Hosiery A We have iOO dozen women's pure thread silk hosiery In black, white and several colors, for which we are entitled to get from 79o to $1 00 a pair, but will sU Saturday at 49c These stockings are double toed full fashioned, in every way up to should go quickly. f All Girls from the scientific department of the Fremont normal school. A. I.. Hnldr. brother of the lute Mr. Thomas Wlnterl.urn, died of pneumonia in an Omaha hospital last week. The hog rolling plmlo of the Modern Woodmen of America Will be held at Rellerue on Saturday, August 21. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fsulsen have re sinned their positions with the Nebraaka Telephone company and will move to Uen.on In the near future. Mrs lna Hleber and thre children of Okalohma City will arrive Sunday for an extended visit at the home of tier parents, Mr. and Mra. H. D. Ibhert. Mrs. Hchllep, wife of Cherles Pohllep proprietor of the Bennlnxton mill", died Aiis'ist S at her home, aged 62 rhe Is survived by her bueband. one daughter and aeveral brothers and sinters. The funeral took place Mondey from the I Lu theran church, which waa filled with the sorrowing friends. Interment wst at Flower Hill cemetery, south of town. gertecfleld. Will Roberta of Alliance Is here visit ing his home folks. Hiram Munford of Memphis, Tenn., spent the week here with his parents, Mieeee Kula and Dorothy Dates re turned from a visit to Chicago Wednes day. Mra. R. O. Jarman was called to Qulncy, 11L, by the serious nines of her father. Mlse Emma Watson has gone to Weath erford. OkL, to vlelt her aunt and grand mother. The Lutheran eonsreamtton will hold services in the Methodist church next Sunday. Mrs. Fred lUshllng died at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. George White laM Sunday morning. Rev R. M. Fa ran and family attended the Fpworth assembly the fore part of tha week. L. C. Johnson and C. D. Martin re turned .from the Panama exposition Wednesday. John 'Nottieman la tearing the old hos pital down and will erect a bungalow on the site. Mr. and Mrs. John flereon and thetr son, John, loft last Tuesday for Colo rado and other western points. ft. 3. Qulnley, who has been appointed deputy United Statee marshal, will aa sume the duties ot hla office on the 15th. Frank ft. Reebe of SUnton is here with his fsmlly to aa"me dutloe In the Farmer' State bank. Ha has bought an interest In tha bank. John Bchaal's icehouae burned last Sunday night, leaving a pfle of lea ex Velvet Turbans mmn imps stim $ - r- -"-uif r- TfMfli " 'ill ir-ii- "rr inrft-Tfiiiiiaii-f-nrii n nr-tsawis! gfr- i nnie ,-7 in -i ii --nisli ill Mi 1171-rfal!?.irfl-'iii3 An emphatic demonstration of our supreme position in offering distinctive styles at popular prices. $1.69 Here are the very chic toques which Suzanne Talbot thinks are most appro priate for early fall, for any except formal occasions. They are made of food quality all-silk Lyons .Velvet Trimming Section embraces all the new ideas in Bead Ropes, Ornaments, Pins, Yarn Flow ers, and last but not least NEW BUTTERFLY EFFECTS PRICES 39c, 59c, 98c and $1.25. Superior Value and heeled, reinforced garter tops, the dollar standard. At 49o they and Boys Are Especially Here's a Safe Hit $5.00 Suits $3.25 All broken lots of Boys' Suits In Balkan, Norfolk and patch pocket models. Made of food, durable materials that will give substantial wear and look neat; many have two pairs of full-lined pants. Sizes 6 to 17 years. Specially priced aq for Saturday, at J3s4-0 50c and 75c Blouses 39c This is the sale every mother has been waiting for, as we are selling all our stock of 50c and 0 75c Blouses at one price Saturday OiC Boys' Paxbail Suit, $1.00 and $1.25 walu . ,75c Khaki Pants, SOc values, Saturday 3 9c Bathing Suits, SOc values, special. . 29c Beach Rompers, 7Sc values, Saturday 39c posed to the aun until put a covering over It. a gang ef men Valley. Hubbard wtnt to Omaha, Mra. A, E. Tuesday. Mra. Hhoemaker, Dorothy and Jerry are spending the week visiting Valley friends. F. M. Rutta and family motored to Kennard to spend Wednesday with rela tives. Rev. Mr. Murrman waa called to Penn sylvania laat week by the serious Illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hedberg. Ernest and Russell st.-ele left Tuesdsy for a va cation tiip In the east. Roy Hyars. who Is studying music tn Chicago, a spending a part of his vaca tion visiting Valley relatives. Mrs. Annie Robinson left Tuesday for a trip to Denver, flhe will visit In Gothenburg and Kearney on her way homo. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Kennedy and chil dren went to Waterloo, Thursday even ing, to attend tbe wedding ot Ruth Todd and Karl King. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Noyea. Prtecllla, Mra. Paul Rerea and Mrs. Morton cam out from Omaha, Wednesday, to attend the funeral of Mlaa Oardiner. The regular meeting of the Busy Pees waa held Wednesday at the church. Mra. Ed Lewis, Mlsa Gertrude Ingram, Mrs. Ingram and Ethel Ingram served. Th funeral of Miss Kate Oardiner, who died In Denver. ' Friday, was held from the home of her brother, A. Oardiner, Tueaday afternoon. Rev. E. Aston of Waterloo conducted th service and In terment waa made In the Valley ceme tery. Frank Whltmore went to Denver to return with the body. ' I A . Ml.s Verna Ward is spending th week at Ktmwood. Miss Rose Pfann of Chicago was visit ing friends her last week. Mlsa Clara Marquardt was visiting at Ta image tha first of th week. Mrs. T. O. eLavltt and daughter were Weeping Water visitors Tuesday. Mlse tfylvla Holatrum of Lincoln was visiting Avoca friends this week. Mies Eva Hen&ley, who haa been In an Omaha hospital, haa returned home. Hoy Coalman left this week for Colo rado Springs, for a visit with his sister. Miss Eleanor McCarty of Omaha Is visiting at the Rtraub home thla week. Mra. O. P. Simpson of Rlverton, la., was visiting relatives east of tow thla week. Simon Rehmeier and wife spent Drags and Toilet Articles Febco Tooth Pasta, Q0s MO .IS. tub. , 4W all .hades, boa IOC Malba Cl.analng Craaas. OO e ats. Ma4ara Tals's Fao. Bisacb, $1.39 Aubry Siatara Graalsss n Q - Cream, lo sts. XOC White's Vaucalr. sa. Tablets. $1 also D?C Madam I ..'Ball's Vac 00 Kowd.r. all sbadM M.loros. lur Rous. OOt apwlal. Ie sts. dQ tiudnut's Toll.t Water. rn- 1c sis. bottl. oyc 4T11 Whlta' Rom Olye.rU. . Soap. oak. Kl J'.rtoct. VMla Bougo, ISo sis. bos Caathroa Bbampoo, apodal tto sts. , 1 Black, raos Pwd.r o als. PJ.r-Klas fac. P.wdar, special tiaturtiay, boa. Lwrln's Roue. spselal Raturday Food's Vanishing Omn, asMlai, S4o sis. l.jrdla Plakbam'a Oonspound, II sis. , Bloaa's 14ntra.nt. 10c slM botU. l.lsl.rln., spaelal, 11 sis. bottl. ., Horll. k'a M Kited Milk, hospital ats. . Liquid V.Der, .iiie bottl. Poroxtd. Toll.t Soap. lffl cmk. 1'slmoiiT. Soap, spM'lal Baturday, lo cak. Seltlllts P.wd.ra, It tn bos. (or It-Mul. Team Boraa. 1-pound packet;...., ' Pluto Wat.r. 3o als. bottl. We have more firU' dresses than we should have, and for final clearing we will offer Saturday such wonderful values you will be anxious to take advaataf 69c $1S !.50. novelties hvery one good wash colors and new styles. Children's Dreeeea, worth $2.98, at $1.49 Children' Dresses, worth Cfuldri i en'i Children's Preaeea, worth $7.50, at. .. .$3.75 C&ldrsVrbreaaea, worth""! OTOO, at. .. .$ 5.00 ChUdrea'a Dreaaea, worth $15.00, at. . . .$7.50 Wednesday with relatives at Weeping Water. Mia. R. C. Zlmmerer of Omaha la spend ing th week with relative east of town. Mlsa Oladys Ralston of Peril Is visiting her suiter, Mrs. V. H. Graham this week. Mrs. Fred Orady entertained th Ladles Aid of the Christian church on Thursday. Mr. and Mra. Chris Kiistlansen of Omaha, spjent several days thle week with Avoca friends. Misses Anna, Norma and Eda Reseat left the first of the week for Corydon, Ind., where they will spend several weeks visiting. Blktaersj. Charles Deeraon visited at Leigh several days last week. . Mra. A. J. Deeraon went to Ewlng Tuesday on business. Peter Hofeldt of Scribner, Neb., visited his parent thla week. Mrs. Henry Rerg entertained th Ladle' kenslngton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hull visited in th country with relatives Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. c. C. Holllng are the parents of a son born Thursday. William Robblns and daughter are vis iting old friends at Ewlng this week. Mis Marguerite Richardson of Water loo was vlMting friends here Monday. Mrs. J. Odeniider returned from Ex celsior Springs. Mo., Saturday, much Im proved in health. Mrs Charles Wltte went to Pennington Tuesday to vlMt her daughters and on. Wllilam. Mr. H. Ooodhard gave a surprise party at her home In honor of Mr. Brunner Monday evening. Mrs. J. N. Wyatt and daughter, Helen, returned Wedneaday from Kimball to make their home here. V: E. ChamherUn and family moved Into th former Brunner residence, which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers and aon, Orant. and wife motored from Omaha 8unday and visited at th J. Q. Seefus horn. Mesdames Dan Cannon of Omaha, T. Murray of Schuyler and W. Mclrnev of (.'larks are visiting at the Ooodhard horn this week. British Steamship Jacona is Sunk LONDON. Aug. IS. The S.OOO-ton Brit ish steamer Jcona, which waa engaged In th transatlantic trade, has been sunk. Its captain and niri members of th crew were rescued. and Charming Ideas New Bridge and Afternoon Frocks $35.00 to $49.00 Smartness is the only description for these frocks they embody all the requirements for a properly dressed woman for semi-occasions every good fea ture Is embodied in the models, materials and colors. Dainty Muslin" Underwear Beautiful White Sateen Pet ticoats, made with deep, full flounce and seven rows ot lace Insertion, priced at $2.50, special Saturday, White Lingerie Regularly $1.69 Petticoats, made with full, deep flounce of thirteen rows of lace in sertion, with underflounce eedged with lace; regularly old for 12.50. Sale :$i.69 price All Summer Footwear MARKED LOWER All the Men's and Women's all styles, pair All the Men's and Women's g.(X)t $6.00 and $7.00 $85 6 all styles, pair.... All Bathing Shoes and Slippers, worth to 76c, pair , 25c All the Girls' Pumps, dull and patent leath er. Sizes to 2. $1.98; 84 to 11, 91.50; less than 8, pair 91.00 All tne Boys' Oxfords, dull, tan leather; worth to $3.60, pair 500 Imported Sandwich Tray s Beautifully colored in striking combinations. They arc worth $2.00. Choice Saturday for 69c Considered Choice of big lot of Colored Dresses, many new and pretty styles, all good wash materials; sold to 11.50. For Children's Wash Dresses worth to This lot contains many little and very serviceable dresses. $3.8S, at. .. .$1.99 "$5.00, at $2.50 worth Milliner Wizard to Bo Here Next Week Ora One (pronounced Sen-nay), tha wlsard milliner who talked before large audience laat season on millinery topics, returns to th Pplesberger company for another six days' lecture demonstration, beginning Monday, August M. The last word In advance fall atsici will he divulged by Mr. Cna, who, while In the midst ot his talk and aeemlngly In the twinkle of an eye, evolves a smart millinery model. Complimentary to th 800 out-of-town milliners who are expected to be In th city to attend Cne'a lectures, which are given twice dally, the Pplesberger com pany la giving a dinner Wednesday even ing at the Hotel Rome. I POST MORTEM SHOWS HARRIS WOMAN A SUICIDE A postmortem examination revealed the fact that Jessie Harrla, who waa found dead at her home, 107 South Ninth street, Thursday, had swallowed bichlor ide of merenry. It has also been learned that William Harris, her husband, and H. Miller, colored, who live at the above number, had quarreled with the woman the day before th body was discovered. Several bruises were discovered that would indicate that she had been struck. Harris and Miller have been placed under arrest. HOTELS POST KEARNEY LINCOLN HIGHWAY BULLETIN Omaha hotels are receiving a dally bul letin from the Kearney Commercial club regarding weather conditions along th Lincoln Highway from Rhelton to North Platte. These are posted and are at tracting much favorable comment from automoblllsta. The bulletin gives weather conditions at Shelton. Gibbon, Kearney, Elm Creek, Overton, Lexington, Cosad, Gothenburg and North Platte, Georgette Crepe Blouse, $3.98 Crejje de Chine and Georgette fc0!0"5."' $3.98 Women's Lingerie and Crepe Gowns, about 25 different styles to select from kimono or set-in sleeves or high neck and long sleeves, . trimmed with lace, embroidery and ribbon rosettes; made full and long. Specially o f priced OUC Envelope Chemise ot hand embroidered crepe and lin gerie, trimmed with dainty laces and embroideries. Ail sixes. Worth to 7f $1.60, at yC and patent $1.95 at Brandei s IS d A 1 l - T. . 1 c-ii-U'ry,