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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1915)
Sunday . FAST OXE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TWELVE IB H THE WEATHER Cloudy VOL. XLV NO. 1). OMAHA, SUNDAY MORXIXO, AUGUST Vo, 1M5-FIVK SECTIONS TIIIKTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Omaha Bee PLEA TO MEXICO HAS (10 HIIIT OF ARMY PRESSURE ran-American Appeal to Distressed Sepublio Calls on Leaders ' to Meet for Conference. GF7EE3 TO ACT AS KEDIATOES ; Chief, Requested ,to Take Steps Toward Reconstruction of t Country. MOTIVES OF FRIENDLHTES3 ; WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. The ram-American appeal to Mexico, now ; elD delivered to the chiefs of fac tions and governors of states, was made public here tonight by the State department. Without even an Intimation of armed Intervention, it calls upon the leaders to meet somewhere in Mexico, . on neutralised ground, in a confer-. n, 't adopt the first steps neces the constitutional reconstruc tion of the country," and to issue a fall for immediate election. The services of the United States or any of the other Pan-American conferees are offered as intermediaries to ar range the meeting. The appeal, although addressed to the political and military leader takes on the form of an announcement to the flexion '. people themselves. As made jiubllo by the State department, the docu ment prefaced by thia announcement: "The Mexican people are informed that the following " communication ha been sent to ;many prominent persona in . Mexico, who. possess authority or mlll ,tary! power within the republic." v ' Text of Appeal. Then follows the appeal, dated at Wash ington. August U: '; . "The undesigned, the secretary of state :of the't'nlted States, the ambassador ex traordinary and plenipotentiaries of BJraill, ! Chile and Argentina, and the envoys extraordinary and ministers pleni potentiary of Bolivia, Uruguay, and Guate mala, ' accredited to the government of the t'nited States of Amerlca.ctlng sev erally and Independently, unanimously end to you the following comrounieatlon: - npspfred y, the most, sincere . epir.t of American fraternity ; and" convinced that! bey rightly Interpret the earnest wish it te entire continent, they- have met Informally at the suggestion of the secretary of state of the United Hates, consider-tho -AIxicaaiUiat ton so ia to j ascertain whether their friendly and dis IriterVatea heptttrrabe suocesafully em i ployed, to re-ostablUh peace and consti tutional order In our sister republic. ; "In the beat of the. frightful struggle, i which ,for so long has steeped jn blood, i Mexican soil, many doubtless may well j bave lost atsht of the dissolving effects j . of the strife upon the' most vital ,conai t ons of the national existence not only VPon the life and liberty, of the Inhabi tants, ibut on the prestige, and security of the country.' Woa'l Remain laseoved. i "We cannot doubt. however, no one i can doubt that in the presence ef'js ayro Vathetlc appeal from their' brothers .'hf; ' America recalling to them these dis astrous effects,! asking them to save (heir motherland from an abyss no one can ; doubt,-, wa repeat that the patriotism pf 'the. men who lead or aid in any way la bloody strife will not remain unmoved; no one can doubt that each and everyone ,f them, .measuring In his own conscience , his share in the responsibilities of ' past ; misfortune and looking forward to his ' share in the glory of the paqlfloatton and reconstruction of the country will - re . spond . nobly - and ' resolutely - to this , friendly appeal and give their best efforts to opening' the way to some saving action. . . f - - ' - ' ' -We. the undersigned, believe' that it the men directing the armed movements 'in Mexico, whether political or military chiefs, should agree to meet, either In person or by delegates, far from the sound or' cannon, and ith no other ln- ptratton save the thought of their af flicted land, there to exchange Ideas and to determine the - fate of ' the country from such action would undoubtedly re sult the strong and unyielding agreement requisite to the creation of a provisional government, which should adopt the first steps necessary to the constitutional reconstruction of the country and to lssuo the first and most essential of all. the immediate call to general elee ; tlona. "An adequate place within the Mexican . XCottliMe1 on Pai 5.. Column 4) 1 11 '."in" Tho Weather 7 ."e t.U T p. m. Sunday: J ,r ;tbrkka-Partly cloudy; not much ci.&r.g in temperature. ' Ttaratare a Oasss VesterUar. Keurs. Deg. t a. m 61 i a. m b0 T a. m Si S a. m M U tn.... M 10 a. m 3 11 a. tn . . 7 i U! m 77 1 p. m SI S p. m m S p. m ta i p. m u I p. m M S p. m 83 7 P- in.. U Comparative Luval Reoord. Highest yesterday M M l'2 81 Ioweal yesterday ' , il , M Mean temperature . .... 73 72 rt 74 PrAvlpitatton ..rt.fT. W) .13. .ftj .Ou Temperature and precipitation deisr 'irs from the nurrnai; formal tcmiwrature IS I ef lclenoy tot the day J Total defiHn-r since March 1 Jul Normal trctiitaUon .11 ineli iHsflrlenry for the dav i,!t ( Tofl laJnfsli since March t. W Inches J'leflciency since March 1 Ol Ux h fl, (ency fur cor. period, lkll. 4 ea inches eflctaocy fur cor. period, toll. ln haj U A. WtiiH. Local ror.c.ur. GOING UP FOR A PEEP AT THE ENEMY'S SHIPS-This remarkable photograph shows captive balloon on an Italian battleship about to ascend for reconnaissance pur poses. v yK MM : 7 - ' 7 - - "V M -j-'AiX- S J " V - " :f 1 -F 14 -.. 'Vt;;''' 1 fir- jx-:fJiu-Ar 3 : - i I f IP jZ'ii; xx yy W.0 -LI; i s A u- HUNGER FUNERAL : IS HELD IN OMAHA Body isTTien Taken to rremit foj; '.Interment,' :" ykerrtoFT!TtJirr." . .. Services Are HelCT vi . . , . .. A GRAVE MASOEIC FinJEEAL AT Funeral services for the late Judge William Henry Munger yesterday morning brought a larga .concourse of friends to the family residence at 1624 - South Twenty-second avenue. The TWJuse was. filled with beautiful floral tributes sent from far and wide, and they . were piled in pro fusion around ihe, casket. Tele grama and letters t( condolence from colleagues on the bench and promt- neht'ruen ail over the -United'States FLwere received by -tl:t family. As' a uiguuor oi aays vi Oiu. uev. jr. llass of the Congregational church of Fremont officiated, and the funeral patty j left for' BTeifsbnt ' by " I train shortly before noon. " At the home here simple oeremonles were . confined to a song rendered by Walter B. Dale, prayer and a brief ser mon, reviewing the dead judge's career, in whic h Dr. Bust, cnaiacterised tbe good heartedness and honesty, and conscien tious devotion to duty, that had marked hla ' rise from lowly beginning U emi nence. Ha lamented that plans for retir ing from the bench in October next, fad to resume with his wife their residence in Fremont had not- been permitted to materialise, but said that Mrs. Munger would now by herself make htr home (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Allies Debark Large Number of Troops on GallipolL Peninsula PARIS, Aug. It. An official communi cation on the situation at the Darda nelles, given out by the French war office this afternoon reads: - "On the . Oalllpoll' peninsula Prltlsh forces, since August , have been debark ing successfully- at a point near the Bay of SuvU on. the. west aide of the penlnsu'a. They have made progress at a point further to the south In the vicinity of Oabs Tepe. Here, after some severe fighting, these forces were sue ceseful In gaining a footing on the slope of the height of Earl Baslr. They took more than Sao prisoners and captured nine machine guns. Tbe operations at this point continue to progress. "At the south end of the peninsula the efforts of tbe Turks to penetrate our lines all resulted In failure. On August T we made some slight progress. 61 nee this date the activity of the French front has consisted mainly tn artillery fighting, with marked advantage tor our bat teries." The French war office this afternoon gave out a report on the progress of hos tilities which reads: "In the Artols district there was flKbt. ing during a part of last night with hand grenades and bombs. "In the Argonne the enemy yesterday evening delivered an attack along the entire front in the Marie Therese sector. Everywne rhey were repulsed and suf fered perceptible 1 oases. At this point there was a fresh German attack at an early hour tills morning, but less violent siM It as rapidly checked. "The night passed quietly on tbe re niainder of the front." .: ,.:'.-; y-tir j Austria Prepares ': Raid on Serbia to ; Relieve Turkey LONDON, Aug. 4. Recent dlspatchpS, from the BaIirafiTi'a;e. aUted that the ADStrtMU Jiiva evseembled v.nif force of io,000 men -'hear "Orsovk for the - purpose i1 culling i.iiir war mrougn rwroia iq relieve Turkey. ' , THREE BUSHELS OF JEWELS AND PURSES Large Quantity of Small Pieces of Personal Property Found on Up- per Deck of Eastland. WRECKED SHIP ON EVEN KEEL CHICAGO, Aug.. H. Three bush els of jewels, purses and other small pieces of personal property which bo longed to victims of the Eastland disaster were recovered when 'the ship, Just, three weeks after the catastrophe, was .restored to even keel today. - The property was found on the upper decks,- which were the first available to search. Rumor Teamsters' Strike in St, Louis . v May Be Settled BT. . LOUIS. Mo., Aug. H.-The two largest transfer companies that are af fected by the strike of teamsters said today that they would not try to operate their -wagons with nonunion men before Monday. . The teamsters of four other flnnir. a total of 100 men, Joined the strike today. Postoffice Inspectors today notified the union leaders that there must be no Interference)- with the transportation ' of mall between tit. Louis and East 'fit. Louis. , . , I'mon officials replied that tbe . mall vans would not be molested if they carry nothng hut mall. The Inspectors agreed to have large signs put on the wagons, to show what they were carrying. - A report that the strike might be set tled today .gained currency. Chicago City Pay : Roll is Held Up CHICAGO, -ug. lf-ftalartes of IT. OCX) city employes, aggregating approximately K,400,0CO a mouth, were held up today by Percy Cohln, president of the city commission, as a reprisal for the action of City Treasurer Bergel In refusing to pay the salaries of seven special men em ployed In the civil commission work. City Treasurer Rergel said the reason he had refused to pay the seven men was because civil service reform leaders had Informed him the meu had not been legally appointed. GROCERY STORE My best one will coat between Is.OOO and 17,000; an Us for 114 were over ItO.oOo; profit, after paying rroprletor $1,800 per year was over I,000. It Is a wonder some live wire dons not anap this up; store has been owned bv one man over twenty years. roy further Information shoal this opportunity, see t Waal AS wui( of ToAayOj fee. PLAN FOR ATTACK ON SUEZFAILDRE Geman Plant at Jaffa Preparing Secret Expedition. U Destroyed .. , ' v.4vt - by the Trench.-' - ' ; ' s ... . .. ......-. HOUSES IN CITY NOT. DAMAGED PAiilS,' Aug.TjflTrV ' r an i attack on .the Sues canal is said by the ministry of marina today to have been detected' and '. thwarted. ' An nounpeiuent.was made In the follow ing statement: : "Oa August IS, after. warning had been'glten to the governor Of Jaffa and time given for the evacuation of the vicinity, a French cruiser bom barded and destroyed the principal buildings of the shops of the German firm of .Wagner Bros, which were making arms and ammunition and constructing boats destined for an attack - on the 8ues canal. The houses in the vicinity were not dam aged." . Jaffa, in ' southern ' Palestine,' Asiatlo Turkey, is about ICO miles northeast of Port Bald, at the Mediterranean end of the dues canal. In Jaffa Is a large foun dry owned by Wagner Brothers. ' The Frtnch marine ministry's communi cations leaves in dcubt the nature of the expedition said to havo been 'planned against the canal. It would be obviously Impossible to construct at Jaffa a naval force of sufficient strength to cope with the warships of Great Britain and Prance In those waters and It might bo Inferred that small vessels were being built ' for a raid, depending on secrecy and speed for the success of the adventure. The Sues canal was attacked by the Turks earlier In the war. An army was sent to Egypt last winter and In Febru ary there waa sortie fighting .near .the canal. The main forces of the Turks, however, did not reach their goal. " Mexican Generals . . Repudiate EJ. PABO. Tex., Aug. 11 The military commanders of the states ' of Plnaloa, Topic, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and, It la believed, Uurango, have refused to recognise the authority of either Villa of Carransa, according to authoritative ad vices here today. It is said tne commanders have decided that for- these states the revolution Is over, and, although prepared to resist Invasion of their states, the soldiers are to bo used in planting and barveatlng. . It is said that the forces Villa sent to Durango several weeks ago to head off an advance by General Obragon joined In a st te movement there and will aot rejoin Villa. General Angeles, second In command of the Villa forces, was appointed last night to deal with the affairs of native and foreign nierohants whoso stores and goods were confiscated recently at Chihuahua, according to. advices received today . (omasa Aids la aadlt Haat. BROWNSVILLE, Tex.. Aug. 11-There were Indications today of possible co operation from Carransa forces on the Mexican side of the R.lo Oraade In the clean up of bandits, which Is now being made in the Brownsville section by reav ers and United States troops. It was reported thst Carransa's troops last night fired on Mexicans who were trying to rrosa from the American side into Mexleo near Mercedes. It Is believed the Men icons who tried to escape ware WAR DEPARTMENT RUSHES REGIMENT TO BROWNSYILLE In Addition to Infantry, One Aero plane and Two Batteries of Artillery Are Ordered to Border. ARE ASKED FOE BT FUNST0N Mexican SoldieTs Cross the Bound ary and Begin Slaughtering Cattle. POSSES START ATTER THEM WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. Late today the War department, at the request of Major General Funston, ordered one regiment of infantry from Texas City to Brownsville and also ordered one aeroplane, ono bat tery of 4.7 guns nd one batters of 4.7 howltiers to Brownsville from Fort stM. Okla. Mapor Oeneral Bell, commanding at Texas City, will select the Infantry rei ment; the commander at Fort Fill will choose the batteries. Although (list re ports today Indicated no more forces would be sunt to Brow nsvlllc, later de. elopments evidently convlncd Ocnernl Funston of the need of more protection for the border line threatened by Mexican raiders. NOQALES, Arls., Aug. 14. Mex ican soldiers entered American terri tory fifteen miles west of Nogalcs today and began slaughtering cattle, according to a report from the Har rison ranch, on the border. Three automobiles loaded with armed men started for the scene soon after the report reached here. ' Form Ins; Secret Societies. AUSTIN. Tex., Aug. !. Mexicans In Guadalupe, Hays and Gonsales counties are forming secret societies, which are a menace to the safety of Americans, ac cording to F. C. ' Welnert. manager of the state cotton warehouses, who yester day returned from a trip to Heguln, where he was called to advise a group of farm ers, who had received threatening letters. "These Mexicans are organised by agi tators from San Antonio," said Mr. Weln ert. "The agitators have one argument that always brings results. They say to the peon 'These lends are really ours' and Incite him to seise them. - The agitators,, after organising secret societies for the - "redemption' of lands to Mexicans, generally disappear after Collecting dues from the members. . Ransrers Adept gwntmary ?t'de. : JBROWNBVILLE. Tes.7 Aug. 'llCar ransa. soldiers, It waa learned today, temporarily took possession of Island No. '10 In the Rio Grande for a short time while the Mexican raiding was at IU height a few days ago. This island Is large, containing pasturage for con siderable stock. American residents of the vicinity, which Is near Rio Grande City, 100 miles above here, were mysti fied by the actions of the Mexican sol diers. The latter finally withdrew from the Island. - Peace ' ' officers and rangers have adopted a summary code of hindllrlg sus pected Mexicans. At Fort Drown here the following report was turned In, made by peace officers to an army patrol of ficer on duty at a small station north of Brownsville: "We' met two Mexicans. They tried (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Blast Furnaces to Eesume Operation SHARON. Pa., Aug. U-Actlvlty such as this region has not known In seven years la shown by blast furnace Interests, due to the Increasing demand for pig Iron. The statement was made today that fur naces whioh havo long been idle would be placed In operation before October 1. Superintendent J. 8. Ilobblna of the Clair Furnace company received orders to re pair, the plant without delay, and Presi dent George fi. Boyd of the Valley Mold and Iron company, announced the Alice furnace would bo placed In operation as soon as possible. Two blast furnaces at Middlesex are being repaired and the Hall furnace of the Republic Iron and Steal company also is being made ready for work, while an additional furnace of tho Bhenango . Furnaco company, It Is ex pected, will bo blown In next week. in Five States Carranza and Villa part of the band which crossed from Mexico near Mercedes last night. - Efforts Continue today to surround these Mexicans In the brush on tbe American side. The task la difficult, owing to the density of the underbrush. General E. P. Nafarrete, Carransa com mander st Matamoroa, has been running Mexican bandits out of the section under his control. Immediately opposite thV Texas border. Raiders Steal Cattle. KOGALKS, Arls., Aug. 14. With twenty armed men. Sheriff W. A. McKnlght left hens today for Harrison's ranch, nine miles east, where Mexican raiders were reported to have crossed the Interna tional boundary and driven SdO head of rattle Into Mexico. Nogales cltisena be gan arming themselves, saying they feared raids close by. Bert Sorrel, manager of lha Harrison ranch, said tha Mexicans, who appeared to bo soldiers, made tho raid before dawn. Sorrels said he and a cowboy fired on the Mexicans, who returned the fire. Fifty cowboys from other ranches were riding toward the Harrison place with tho announced Intention of going into Mexico, ft necessary, to bring the cattle back. Carransa forces appeared close to No gales. Sonora, today, and near the border. Tbe Villa garrison under Oovernor Joss Maytorena, prepared for an attack. The Day's War News BrSMtJI rottCRS aP eoatlaalac their rapid eastward march from Warsaw m4 Osertiasc laereaalasi aresaaro an hath tho north mm aoath win as of the Itaaslaa army. Tho situation Is eaaslnar tho ejaeo tloa to be raised la ra pi title of the entente allies whether Orand Dane Mrhotas' foroea will bo able to hold their aeeoad line af defense with Breat-t.HoTak aa Ita renter. GRRMAN nmriAL RKPORT shows that Field Marshal Vaa Maekea. eea'o foreea hare swans; north ward to a lino draws front Radayn to Vladlva, prooslasj oloeer ta tho Broet-Lltovak etrna. hold, whtra ta aboat thirty-five anllea sorts of Vladlva. Aastrw. German forees already had noes pled Radsya. (iKRMA CROWN PRINm eontla nes pooadlns: at tho Prenoh llaeo la tho Arm-wane. Parts reports aa attaek last alcht alpngr tho oatlro frent la tho Maria Theresa aootor, which was repnlsed with, pereept. I Hie I oases to tho Hermans. Rer Ha declares prosrreaa waa maaV bp tho Oermaas near Martlnawerk, la the Araronne resrloa. BRITISH nTKAMKR CAIRO aad a fishing; smack have been sank by German anbmnrlnea. FRENCH MINISTRY OF MARINE) annonnred that threatened raid on tho Sees eanal had bees fraa trated (broach tha hombardmeat by a French eralser of Gorman shops Is Jaffa. RUSSIANS DECLARE THE LIMILL, HOLD Assert Brest-Litovsk Front Will Stand Finn Ag-ainst the ' v Teutons. PETR0GRAD STILL CONFIDENT PETROGRAD, Aug, U-Vla London.) The new positions occupied by tho dor mant and Austrlans were outlined with approximate accuracy on good authority today, for the first time since tho fall of Warsaw. The line stalling from the vicinity of Ossowets, near the Prussian border, opposite the Masurian lakea region, curves to the south and east, running through Bokolow, Sledilce, Lu kow, Ostrow and Vladov. , The concentration of Auatro-Oermaa forces In the direction of the fortress of Brest-Litovsk Is 'proceeding along three roads, running to- that point from Me kin, from Lukow aad Vladova. The In vaders are still between forty and fitly miles from "Brest-Litovsk and are moot ing with strong opposition at every stop Of their advance. According to Russian military observers. In tn nesr future the original plan of retirement from ths Vistula line will be accomplished and Brest-Litovsk,' althOufch not' yet la the 'sphere of Activity, will sstume Its' function as 'ens end of the llusslan line.- In'Petrosrad 'the1 opinion Is expressed with confidence that the ad vance of the Austrlans and Germans will bo checked on this line. i Naval Action Described. ... , Belated details of tha recent naval ac tion at the entrance of the gulf of Riga, show that the Germans with nine shirs of the line and twelve cruisers drew up In battle formation. A fleet of trawlers, preceding the warships, cleared away mines. vbf vbg ' Ths Russian defenders estimated that tha Oermans opened fire with one-fifth of their strength. Meanwhile Russian hydro-aeroplanes bombarded h' trawl ers and warships. The trawlers eventually were driven off. Two of the German warships damaged were torpedo boats, the other a cruiser. They struck mines and apparently were Injured severely. , Tho oounsel of ministers baa approved the project for the uUlUatloiV of prison ers of Var and foreign laborers for tho manufacture of 'war supplies. Olnooe, Koreans and Persians are to be employed. The council also approved the plan of the minister of education for opening certain universities to women, in the medical, scientific and legal branches. Rnsslana Abaadonlaa; Blalystok. BIALT8T0K. Aug. H-tVIa Petrograd.) Tha equipment and supplies of factories and stores are being removed from this city, which Is flrty-flve miles east of Lomas. ' Many Inhabitants are depart ing, although the civil government, state and private banks, tbe postal and telo grph services are stllj In operation. The roads leading to this city from the west and northwest are lined with end leas processions of refugees with their wagons. Many peasants In the Lomas, Ostrow and Malkin districts have do parted hurriedly. Week Beginning AagmsS IS. FREE MOVIE COUPON Admitting to the Following Picture Show: This Bee Coupon entitles bearer to & f-c ticket to any one of these hi?h class Moving Pictur Theaters on the days named. Present at Box Office with regular price of one adult paid ticket and get additional ticket free. DJr??.E GA.D MONROE FAVORITE Beth ao IT, TsTBaTJiB Bouth oaaha. BBAVTrrui,' S5SS Taraam viM vt. "Tho Baokla of ! it??r,' U Teatare " Theater, Booth O m a h a's lha Borne of lala-ll . with vUe immi iimi." .!.. erode ITlotuires, Stlw Theater. sieving Rotates. Coupon aood for Coupons are good flood for Tues- This Bee Coupon Mon. and Thur. for any Monday mvm h. Is aood on Mon. nlahta if acconi- night when ao- aya when aoeoro- days! accomoan Varied by a 10c companled by one hanlad by a 10 a paid Id Paid admission. paid admission. paid admission, mission. hippodromearborsuburbanlothrop .814 CuUg Bt. fa4 a4 Arbo, SY. i".- Itth n Loth, Always the Beet ia Consider. not ares Obtoio. Toat Favorite. atwa. -h raailly . b'" Good on Mondays When aceompan- Thawte This Coupon soo . Thu r m d V led by a paid ad- . uiy Monday nlsht T6ur " ' mission, this Cou- Ooo,, on Mo,l1a ,f accompanied by w'tn one paid ton ta coo any evenlnas with on paid admission, ticket. Monday nlshC Paid admission. PREPARING FOR DRIVE THROUGH RUSSIAN CENTER Germans Now Bold Front About Fifty Miles in Width on Line - Sixty Miles East of the City of Warsaw. FOUR TOWNS ARE CAPTURED Enveloping- Movement to the North Along the River Dvint. Also Continues. PETROGRAD REPORTS CHECK BULLETIN. WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. The American consul at Riga has taken over tba British Interests there. Am bassador Mar ye so reported today from Petrograd, but gava bo explana tion. BULLETIN. BERLIN, Aug;. 14. (Via Lon don.) The forces of Field Marshal Von .Mackensen, pursuing the re treating Resqlani from th south. have reached the Una of the high road leading from Radiyn to Wldwlo daw. It wag officially announced by German army headquarters today. LONDON, Aug. 14. Steady prog ress for the forces of Prince Leopold of Bavaria eastward from Warsaw Is taken here to Indicate that the Oer mans are now massing their main movements on a drive through the Russian center and the continuance of the enveloping effort in the north along the Dvlna. Both Petrograd and Berlin agree that tho Germans have occupied the towns of Bokolow, Sledlce and Lukow, forming a Ger man front about sixty miles east of Warsaw and fifty miles wide. This is more than half way to Brest-Litovsk, which Grand DifUe Nicholas, the Russian eommander-ln-chlef, hopej to make the new center of his defense. It is now regarded aa probable, that this point will be abandoned. - Potrogrrad' Resorts Check. Petrograd claims that ths Germans have been checked between ppnlewesqli and Dvtruk, Berlin, however, does not ooncodo this. For the moment ths In tensity of the fighting la giving way to a sofumws a; tiia tiring forces to avoid ths enveloping net and tha rapid advance of ths to gather tha full fruits J of tho fall of Warsaw. ' ' -j ' The outooms of these movements prob. ably wUl b Indicated within a few days .Whether Grand Duks Nicholas will he ,able to resume the offensive along the new 'front or will concentrate his ener j Sirs In roar guard fighting during a stow retirement. ' German correspondents accompanying the Invading armies say the Russians are follwlng tha tactics of the Napoleonic campaign laying waste tho country which I hey abandon. 1 Operations In ths western field have virtually been halted, except for occa sional local trench skirmishes. War clouds continue to gather over the Balkans. A Central News dispatch from Amsterdam reports that Germany Is pre paring for eventualities by transporting ,000 troops from Warsaw to the Berbian frontlet. - - Reports front the oast coast say that the Zeppelna which participated In the raid of Thursday were plainly visible. Crowds gaibered ad the balconied of hotels and wntobod tho aerial battle, In which the dirigible wore driven off by British airships After having been first attacked by anti-aircraft guns. Mr. Taft Starts On -Trip Through West NEW YORK. Aug. 14.WUllara H. Taft leaves New Tort today on a west ern trip, to bo absent until October I. He will stop first at Rockville. Ind.. and will then go to Bt Louis for a two days' stay and to address the Chamber of Commerce there. He will speak be fore tho American Bar association In Rait Lake City, and then proceed to San Francisco to Act as president of the Unitarian convention and to address tlx Red Cross .conference. On September S he will apeak before tho American Bank ers' association at Seattle, and will leave San Franclsoo September IS to return to New York by way of the Panama canal.