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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1915)
AUGUST 1915. cnononononononononononononononcnon onooononononononononononononooononoaononooononoooponopononononooononiononononoDonononononono 6n the dullest day of the dullest season somebody buys advertised Real Estate. g For a complete list of Real Estate offerings, read the Real Estate columns of The Bee jj aononconononoaonoaooonowponononoaononononononoaoaononoaonoaoaononononononononoaonoaoponononnonoaoaononononononononoaononooono THE HRK: OMAHA, WANT ADS Wsnt ad received at any time, but to Insure proper clssslflratlon must be P'" ented before 12 o'clock noon tor evenlna edition and 7:80 p. m. for morning and H under edition. Want arta received after unh hour will t-n unCer tna heading. "To Lste to Classify." CASH RATE9. Seven ronrecutUe times, 1 cent a word acta Insertion. ... Two or mora consecutive times lv cent word. On Urns. I rents a word. CHARGE RATES. ran consecutive times, t cent a Una each Insertion. . . Three consecutive times. 10 cents "no erh tnsertirfl. Ona Uma, 11 cent a Una. Count six 'averss.e words to A lino. Mlniimum ehrf, 10 cents. An advertlscmnt Inserted T2" omit discontinued mut ba stopped oy written order. . . All claims for errors mjist b within fifteen davs after tha last Inser tion of tho advertisement Ion can place your want ad In Tha Xvcrn Or telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER W. PR THS AND rUNERAL NOTICES AMES Mrs. June C, August X. Win. In her 4)t year, beloved wlfo or O. r uncral service from tha lata resi dence. lll Isjcust street. Wednesday, August 4. at 1:30 o'clock t. m. rrlen'ts Invited. BIHTHS AND DKATIH. niiiKi VAmmrA and Florence Mater, ui,ih Thirtv. fifth, hoy. Joseph ami Agnes Nowoxyk, 21.18 South Twenty-sixth, artrl; Joseph and Katherlne r'nllc, I bouth Twenty-aecenlh. Hotith Hide, boy; John and Kennn Nelson. Sixth Avenue nd K. girl: Ilobert and Martha White 4M& Nnrlh Thlrt v-nlnt h. hnv: Peter and Antonla Nocek. Thirty-eighth and T. boy: Joseph and Joeepnlne Kurnwi. li'l ' II llain, boy; W'l 11am and Minnie Johns ton, 416 South Nineteenth, Bin; rreu v . and Resale Kaderelt 9 Pnppleton avenue, airl: Frank and Marv numlak r-y ,w rHtu.unnlh Smith N.lA ' 'V"" "":'Y, ..'ii ivti ri...., c n. t .1. v.. iHkna r riatffnrd m. fortieth and Jonea; John Jnoot.MM. 4.i. ho. .. i i . "'''y of lta kind n Omaha; no vm- ""rgeA. Ingren. 1H. 14 North Ta.-ntv- PtH ln ; Mialneaj wilt ray for ltelf In 'th" Kdlth V't T Norili Tnlvl;;" tnontha. Adrlrcaa II. C. Mils, Cll .oond : A. M. Prke, 5T. Twenty-flrat and l.vane: HipliU P.i.ikfn. h Momn Twenty-n'nth: Warla, Whltmore. iS, 8319 Lincoln avenue. BlII DIX) PERMIT. Dr C. J. Nemeo, 1901 Kouth 1-lfteenth. frame dwelling. .l.afii; J. A. Hoellam, IW0 1-lncoln avenue, frame dwelling. 33.1). Jowph II Thary HI South Thirty-fifth avenue, addition, $vi0. Today's Movie Programi LANTERN glldea for movies. Bend your copy to oa. We can reproduce photos or will prepfTe your eopy. We will color as directed. Baa Photo Dept. 101 Be Hid. Dwwatvwa). utmnKn .... tn i LM PRESS. 15th and DOUglaS. I HIQ1I CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE. The Cllrl of the Oypsy Camp. -hee1 Bll son Whon Wlfie bleeps, lAibln. Dreuny 1 ...i Ooes Bear Hunting. Essany. ) No. tiL fRiNCESS. 1JU-19 DOUGLAl. The latest chapter of the Broken Coin i.Maud Kealyl. It Might Have Been, - tonicity. The Uame a Thrilling One, one act dra. Latest war views, current f venta. etc. North. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNH3T. THEATER BEAUTIFUL HOME OF GOOD PICTURES. WORM WOOD, FIVE PARTS. WRITTEN BT MARIE CORRLUS. FEATURING ETHEL KAUFF- MAN. A FOX FEATURE. iXmtKOH, I4TH AND LOTKROP. When it BUikea Home. I reals, featur ing I .race Washburn, Edwin August end Muriel Oatrlche. APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. In Danger'a Path. Kalem. From Cham pion to Tramp, Lubin. The Revolt of Mr. Wlgga. Vltagraph. MONROE. 26KB FARNAM. Eugene O'Brien and Elaine Hammeratrln, In "The Moonstone." a fchubert Fea., s-r. From the Fnnioua WMkie Colllna' Novel. Saatk Side. BESSE, I4TH AND N. A Deed of Paring, Kalem. Tha fable of the Scoffer Who Fell Hard, EMa ray. The Kmoulderlng, Hellg. ORPHEUM. 24TH AND N. Tha Aerretarr of Frivolous Affairs. Mutual masterpicture. Also a good com- K MOVIES FEATURES TODAY GRAND, 16TH AND BINNET, Worm Wood. 8 Parti written by Maria a. onus, iiunng .tnei u.auirmao. A Iuk ltiiture. LOTliROP. 24TH AND LOTHUOP. when It fctrdikea Home. 8 reela featur- Ig Grace Waaliburn, lulwtn August and Muriel Oatrtrhe MU.SKOti. 2666 FAKNAM. Kugene O'Brien and Elaine Hammerstetn. In "The Moonstone." a thube-t fea., s-r. from the Fanious WUkle Collins' Novel. ATTT.ACTIOX HAVE contract for concessions for M. W. A. picnic st llollevue. Neb., Aug. 81 Anyone who can furnish merry-go-ound, ooU tack, raudy rack and popxrn wagon, addrers Trent A Cockrell, Beile vu. Phone Believue 64. ANNOUNCEMEXT8 Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Pe Comfonablo Yourcelf anil Furnish Comfort For Your Customeru and Patron by locating in The Bee Building Su&r1ntadeni'a Office Moon Its. ANXOI'NCKMKNTS JITNEY TRANSIT CO. flood rara lowest rota. Phone Dol. 6M1. nveTticatoT7M.CJL. out park. summer? 1,000 Craw Fish Fresh every day. William Rlngleton. Call Dour 1141 WE HAVE rodded K4,0u0 buildings since 1910, and never had ona atru:k. We guarantee every Job. A M E RICA N LIGHTNING ROD CO., 703 a 16th St AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or bulng a lined car and you want full vaiua for your money or you waat people Who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you duv or advertlae through rue uaed car column of The Bee. Phono Tyler 10 0. 8100 tliwAlU) fur" iny manneto we ran t repair. Colin repd. Rsysdnrfer. 21ft N. IS. o One etx-cyllnler Colo. 8ne four- yllnder Croxton-lCeeton. ne four-c,l.n'ler Chalmers. Ptk-en from t to 1,. If. HP. LToN. ti Karnam "t jnduatrlnl Oaraxe Co.. 2"th tt Harney Bta FOH PAUKOne 1913 6-paaa.. I H. P. Everett, In good running condition, for quick aale and cash only, a real bargain. Wobater 72W. Cadillao JWiiFord (275 Paige Cfioi Ford MS Oakland 376! Truck Id6 We hiiy, eell and exrhange. THU A I 'TO CLIIAKIM IIOUSR, ?m Krnam. Tel. lHng. 3.110. r'lN'l'KSKI,LK A I TO CO.. 216 . lth St. F:xpert repairing: largains In uaed rare, ituaranlrrd a represented. Overtoti'a for laky radiator. Wo, dewlera. N FiiKABk A Hulck Service PtaUon, 114 FarriKm t. Phone Douglaa 72L DrsiNESS CTIANCR9 If your bualneaa Chance will atand rigid Investigation and la Juat what it la advertised, or If you are looking to atart In hualneita for vournlf iu uiii k .m. . . . .., : "M,l, tl "'u"in or TJie He, When huy !' orailllnga huajtiean Phone Tyler V. 'FOIt t. Ll-iWoll rxlnbllahml bualn.-.s; I only one of lta kind n Omaha: nn vim. ' wr""'" ' "r P" lione Douglaa 1M. .i UUJ, I uy a cloatitng, preaaing anil tnliorin nuainnaa; varna from lloi) to 1 ' a month; downtown location: let me anow you; reaaon for aelllng, other buei- n-i. Annrfft IV vi, nee. WILL sell my drug atore doing a big liuhlneui, located In a I've town In Ne braska. Rcaaona for aelllng the beat. A anap for druggist wishing a good bual neaa and location. Clean Mock and fhoe fountain and fixture. Y .'!, Bee. flQNtf. show cirda. CMark A Son. D. 137S. TO OF.T In or out of business rail on OANOHTAD. 4?3 Be Bidg. Doug. 3477. ItliAl, estate Uuslneas plu es supplied or handled: all atates. F. v. Knlest Omaha. Til EATERS Buy, lenae or aell your the nier, inacnuie ana eiippma tnrounn Theater Kxeh. Co., 14Q Farnam. D. 1W7. OWNERS Llat your property with W. Williams, 821 Nevtils, Blk. D. S107. TO SELL or buy a bpalnraa, call on Buach Borghnff. Frener Hlk. 1). 3319. Wane, parlor. Neville blt.MlaaWalton. r mi concern ratad quarter million dolTara with rnlen.11,1 eiulpment for light manufacturing Je w set in.i.mi'n wun parly navum meritorious si-clally to make and sell We have mi nufnc urlng and selling f' Ires to get In .touch with parly hitvln; rllttlea of hlh order. Act uulck. clvtnir puriicuiarn. Aianuint turer, tiox i fi, Me WANTKI Mechanical end of small llRiit plant by A-l man: A, ". and D. C. gen erators, motors, constructhin nd Itulde wiring. Vint change of location. Y 617, pj. FOH SALE Or trade, hlackamlth ahop and garage In Co. svst town. Address T tJi, Ilea. FOR 8ALB A cement block factory In a good town with up-to-date machinery and mixer and il 'tng a good business. C. 8. 8trod, H'X.lua, Neb. WANT EI to buy hardware stock in small town. In Nebraska or Iowa; give full partlctilare In flrat letter. No trade atork considered. J. F, Mcljine, Florenoe, Neh nMtmlnar Hnaee tor Sale. HOARDING and roomlim house, cheap. D. .'44 1. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete buaiuess ourae, complete shorthand or stenotype course, complete lelcuraphy course, civil service brsnches snd Hah. Students admltt-gl at any time. Write, phone or call for 1918 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. II. B. BOYLES. President. Tel. P lf. lioylos Bldg., Omaha'. Neb. FOR sals, tha following arholaranlpa in a first class Omaha Buaineaa Collage: One unlimited combination bustuuas aud ahorthand couras. t One unlimited ateuographlo course. . One Uiree months' buaiures or stsno- grsphlo course. Will be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. FOR bALR FOR SALE Here la a clasalflcatloa that Is of the utmost luporiance to every reader, es this coiuma offers su.e excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler luuu. Fermller, Hoasehuld Uuuda, Elav NEW blgh grade piano. Sacrifice. For quick aale. Any reasonable offer aa cepted anil terms. Phone Douglaa 441&. QAK tUnii.g tahlo, 4 chairs, braaa bell atead. leakonaliln Phone Harney 71T. -W KLL Caloric fireleae cooker. Harney -4 YOl NO couple leaving city 1 will ell reasonable conn lete five rooms and hail furniture. I'srty purchasing furni ture can aJso rent flat. N. 36th 81 lei. II. tA.d. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1M8 N. 24TH. WKB. lrf. KITCHEN cabinet. Tel. Web. 141. CHILD'S bed, fine condition. Doug. 7247. lersr mm !,,,. V buys a well broke, neck rein saddle horee. Siat Harrison St. Phone o. Suds. Grocers, Attention! OUR large stink of delivery wasona (Studebaker'a, and our own make), of fend at low prices to make room tor our new Automobile trucks aud Ford truck bo. lies. JOHNHoN-DANFORTH COMPANY. U2l-U N Kith St.. near Clark St. FRESH COW. 166, Phone South 3u2. Maslee.1 Saakraaatrista. fcliiitir ii.i nlsit srtns otane. D. PIANO-VoICE-VlOUNi thorough In struction by teachers of sreat exoerl enoe. 18-14-16 Arlington block, lill Dodge i-none iousias 47l. 'sll.i. sa mm isssKN. 8T11.KLOTYPE matrices inaKe the best snd cheapeat linina: for tiouitrv houasa. They are 1724 Inches, stronger and more aurauie than lurre1 r-lt and practically i-epr..f. 'jse a hundred at The Bee ofdee. yTXED grain, luO ibs. Il.ho. N. INtl. Wagnor, sul l t rlt. rVPKWRlTEHS. rOand up fc Ba Bldg. T V PE v Hi i e. K.i sout, i.i,(Hi. riai-ei, Csntral Typewriter sc. Uasj Farasua. FOB SALR Manawa Cottage on Lake Front Tor Pale cheap If taken aoon; electric lighted, I large acreened in porches. Call Douglas 36.12. BIG aale on trunk, bugs enu aultcaaea Friedman, 1211 louglaa 8t $3.20 g Oolden Weet Wh taker. full arta bottlvl In bond, pre- tald. Caokiev Proa.. Omaha. FOR BAL.O-3100 Hall aafe, juat as good aa new; 140 will take It. CAOlLLAC CO. OP OMAHA, 30K4 Farnam St. Doug. 4Z3 CARPKNTKR toola, ahovela. pick a, jack. ecrewa, 10-penny match vending ma rhlnea, 60o each; good horee, t; harneaa. 110; expreaa wagon, fV': kitchen u tana la, one electric piano, 1 aideboard. 1 bail tree, 1 Iron bed. J. C. ISH. 1WS 8. 3!Hh St. Harney H. FOR 8AL.E New and aecond-hand oamm and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alles and acceaeortea; bar flxturea of ail klnda; eaay paymenla. The Brunawlck-Balke-ColU-nder Co.. 407- H. 10th New K- hand motors, dyoaiuoa, magnetos, etc, mechanical reualra. La Bron EJactrla Worka41-30 8. 13th BL e HELP WANTED rKMALE Clerical and Of flea. Comptometer Operator 4A0 Bienograpner WE Nh.Kl TEMPORARY 8TEN008. Watts Kef. Co., 83MO-43 Brandels Th. Rapid Typist f Bteno. and Telephone Operator........ Monographer and Clerk 3J0 BU8INrjr8 MEN'S REFER.10NCB A8N, 1319-180 Woodmen of tha World. Experienced Tracer 150 to 30. ROOKH8 HPTFERENCE CO., 640 Paxion. Vaeinry mm OTRL to learn halrdres Trmdf a. ilng. Oppenhelm. tloaaekeepera a ad Uomeatira. THE Horvant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FRKK until you get the deairod results. Thla applies to reel den t of Omaha, South fimahH and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler H0. GOOD girl for general hooaework. at once to 101 South Mih Bt, Apply WANTED a girl for general housework. Phone Harney 164. WANTED girl for general housework, good wagea, city reference required. t all Florence m WANTED white girl for general houae- w.tra, two in larnny. I liiwtinuiiaai. W ANTED Cook, white woman, between 25 and 8S years, to go with party to New Orleans and return on motor ooat trip, State qualifications. Addreaa Thos. E. Boyce. Owyhee Hotel. Boise, Ida, WANTED A girl for general housework. one who can go home nights. Apply M h, mn wt. or pnone Harney mi, A QIRL for houaework. 1303 Park Are. OIHL for general housework In smaiT private family; adults; 3403 Davenport. Harney M17. WANTBli-Corik, colored. 311 8. 34th t CXJMPETENT girl for senerai house work, no washing; good wages. ICdt Burt St. WILLING woman wants doing Janitor work. Call steady poaiUon Red 762n. WANTED NUR1SB) GIRL. CALL HAR NEY J658. WANTED-Competent girl In a family of t wo, 3fJ7 Harney. GIRL for general housework, to go home nights; no cooking; none but good girl need apply; between 3 and evenings. 30SI N. lWh. WANTED Good girl for general house work; good home. Harney 3171 FinSTCLAS8 white girl for general houaework In family of three grown poTHone; references required. Mrs. Ben F, Baker, 13 rV. 8Sth St. Hamey 817. WANTEl-Glrl for gwneral liouwawork, Sla 8o. 37t.h 8t. llarnoy 3771. GIRL for houaework. Apply 1341 Park Ave, GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply 2x: Caldwell St., Mrs. Martin, or Phono Webster .70. GuoD white girl for general housework: in lamny. uoou wagea. n. Tumr. Podge 9L MlacellaiaewrJa. WANTEP-Ledy Intereated In church or child welfare, for 60 days' work promi nent If satisfactory. Address B-8M. Bee, VOl NO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women a Christian assochuion building nt St. Mary a Ave. and lith St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' C"1' at Union station. WANTED A aoubrette uulck, vaudeville. Inland 8. Conarrae, 111 H. Kith Ave, GIRL wanted at Nisumayer for dining room and chamber work. LADY representstlve In Omaha; eelary good; for Interview anawer Immediately. Ailrtreaa Bee. W ANTWP Lady cook for ainall town restaurant. W. J. Btrohecker, Fair mont. Neb. IIELP WANTED MA LB 4 Ivrit'ul mil lle. Mgr. Grain Elevator and imp .373 balcsman. Auto Sundrlea. Experienced lirocery Salesman. Exp. Advertising Specialty SaJesraan. Kxp. Haleatnan, jitock Food. ROGFjR8 KUFBRENCR CO.. 640 Paxton. SALESM AN City, salary and Cum. tfelriniiaii, cltv 00 WATTS REE. CO. 8,-40-4I Brand. The. STENOGRAPHER .. . HTKNU tout town) ., THE CANO AGENCY. i i 0 6lO BEE BUM 4. HICH-URADE commercial po.ttlons. W EST, REFERENCE A BOND.AS8N. T61 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW locaikni. I40 Paxton Blk. We have several positions open. Rogers Ref. Co, Asjewca, SaleesBtrsi mmsI lleliere. WANTED Insurance men; salary and h'gh conuiitaainn to good Life Insurance man. Addresa 8 848 He C1TV axmcitura wanted. Best of refer ences leuulre'l. Salarv to rla-ht mui. Call sleneray-Omaha Nursery Co., 433 State Bank Bldg . or Slat and Avenue A, Council Bluffs, fa WE have a good place for a live Insur ance man. Mutual 'tenvflt Health A Ac. ctdent Aaa'n . 4-8 City Nat stank Bldg. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. J. M fox. No. Platte. Neb REPRESENTATIVE FOR OMAHA AND SURROUNDING TERRITORY AC QUAINTED WITH CEMENT AND CONCRETE CONTRACTORS. TO SELL ON COMMISSION MoeiT COMPLETE LINE OF SM A I A. CONCRETE MIX&Rd. W. H. PETEKeV RoMR HOTEU Very Dealrabl 8pact for Printing Office Lljht. water and Janitor serrlc fraa. Cheap rower Inquire The Bee Building Co. luiertntendent's Office. Room 101. 1RAVKUNG SAIJtiMAN wanted fur ealaMislied terrltoiy In Kansas. K. break a and Missouri by manufacturer of well known Ins of trousers and knlcker- I ik Krs. r ii-cpu tul oi'iaiitunlty. Ap (ly In wrtiins; only, tiox 9, sluuil n.r .nwi iiiaiurr ma reiereitcra. tw. sarnau. at.. usIAHA. NEfl. IIKLP WAVTi. Ageata, Halramea mm4 Hollrltora. WANTKI-Flrat-cIa8 retail shoe aalea- man: none hut man of long experience and flrat-claa reference need apply. Ad dreaC. K7, Bee. Farlurf ad Iraava. Poattlona Now Open. Free Catalcfue. AMERICAN AUTO LEA UN BARBER TRADE Wages Paid. Tools given. Poritions guaranteed t all or wt Trl-Clty College. 1124 all or write for Information. Wouglaa. Omaha. WE need men: had to turn down two Jobs per week lately. Oet In. Learn by our method. Oet one of then jobs Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. KIT Itodg fit MOLETt BARBER COLLEGE Special summer rates. Catalogue Dialled free. J10 Ro. 14th St.. Omaha. Drug store ana pa. jobs. Kn.-lit. Bee Bldg. Mlaeellnnewaa. MEN wanted: government )obs; 190 per month; Omaha examinations Sept. 15. "ample questions frae. Frt.nklin Inati- I'cni ? y. Ro-heeter. N. T . uOVLHnM kiN'T POSITIONS in poet ottice, railway mall and other branches re good. Prepare for "exams" under former U. 8. Civil Service Secretary-ri-aminer. Booklet O) 35. free. Write to day. Patteraon Civil Service School, Ro cheater. N Y. anager for farmers' eleva tor in email town. 1'or information : write Frank Toyne, iAnesboro, la. j . ',' : i liwi io qufuuy aa cnuiieurs ana buio repairmen. traduates earn I'd to I1M) monthly. tearn home with model. Wo CHALMERS auto to trade aa part pay aamt to positions. Kmployment plan and mont on screage property; ten acres or Dooaiei ireo. w m. l rao, uepx. a 15, w Beaver St., New York. WANTED Namas of men, 18 or over, wishing government lobs. 30B month. No pull necessary. Addreaa T WL, Bee. FIKLP WANTED MALM Alt D FEBf AL3B. GENTLEMAN or lady to travel and ap point representatives. Expenses, salary and commission. For Interview, Address B-m. Bes. STENOGRAPHERS When In need of a position, call on us. NO CHARGE. Dong. 14. Remington Typewriter Co.. WANTED Experienced shoe salespeople. Apply superintendent Brandels Stores. SITUATIONS WANTED WAjn ibD-xi'oiiion as houseKeepar by yound lady with boy I years old. Ad dress J 86!. Bee. WANTED Meohanlcal end of telephone exchange by A-l man. References. Want changaoflocatlon. Y tU, Be. MECHANICAL draughtsman wants a position. Addreaa G 860, Omaha Bee. RJ2LIABLH colored man wants steady place as porter or Janitor work. 27 Lake St Web. 2344. WIDOW lady wishes position as hou keeper, wishes to go west. Thoroughly um"dAA0HeS-Ctli ,frene if neoeeaary. Address K m. Bee. EXPERIENCED engineer, middle-aged, wants "firing" Job. Addreaa F Bee. CIVIL and mechanical engineer with technical education and 1ft years' expe rience desires a position; have a new, full set of engineer's surveying Instru ments which I would furnish where en gaged; am a good draughtsman. Addresa K his, Omaha Bee. BXPERIBNCED stove man wants steady position. Phone Wester 3Jo4. HEF1NED middle aged lady, competent and rellaibie, desires a position as house keeper In a private home, or wlil take care of Invalid, or child's nurse. Highest city reference furnished. Address L 780, Bee, or Phone Weh. 6618. MARRIED man, aged !. employed In re - imiLiun I""""'". ana poaa-waiiig thorough knowledge of accountlna- and systenmlic office msnagemenL alons with unuaual executive ability and clean record. seess connection with progressive firm, where opportunity for advancement Is measured by ability shown. Addreaa Y M2. l-e. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes po sition as housekeeper for business cou ple or small family; references exchanged. Address i vu. Res. YOUNG man. 37, married. German, a peak ing five languages, desires place. Ad dreas M 841, Bee. WANTED Poaltlon by young man. 23 years old, clerical. Including typewrit ing, three years' experience, very best of , references, bond If required. Salary no Item. Address L 804, Bee. GOOD houaekeever would like position where work la light. Address O 849, Bee. INSTRUCTOR In draughting and mathT. mattes wants position In business col- MIDDLE-AOED lady wlahes housekeep- ing wun reapect-iDie, reiinea people or take charge of rooming house, or as com- psnlon for lady; experienced Address M 853, Bee. In both. EXPERIENCED automobile salesman wanta poaltlon with some reliable firm: have had alx years' experience In Los Angeles and two ysars In Chicago; will consider anything to show ability, Ad dreee K 848. Bee. LADY, with child, wants place on har vest flW.I or farm aa cook. 401 N. lith St. Mrs. Roy Walker. WANTED A poaltlon as nurse girl. Ci Harney 374. LOBT AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to aacertalu Whether they left It In the street cara. Many articles each day are turned In and Uie coimxtny Is snxious to restore tliem to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48 Lost or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the Inunediate re turn of that article If advertised In The bee, the lxt snd Fcirid paper. LOsT Gold medal Sunday night, pre sumably on 16th St. between Douglas and Howard Sts. Owner's full name on al.ia. Reward. Call Red 8M. LIBERAL reward fur information leading to recovery of Ford roadster; license. Nelir. No. 12X Central Tin bhop, 12th and Dodge. I'EICSO.VAL YOUNG woman coming to Omaha i strangers are invited to visit the Young Womeu s Christian aaaoclatloa bulldinif' at litn rt. and til Mary a Avs., where they wlil be directed to suitable boarding placea or otoerwkae assisted. Look fur our travelers' aid at the Union station TUB Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Iouglag 4!8b and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, U10-1112-1U4 Dodge St. GORDON, the Magaslne Man Tel Doug. 71ti " STORY manuscrlpta criticised, personal uiacupxluns given hy visiting New York critic. For terms addreaa 1 Bee. Wanted children to board. Phone Flor t!:'. Widow with pleasant home would like children to board; reasonable. Benson 2uo. Omaha school tarachar wishes to tutor from Id to ith grades. Inclusive. I), out. 8VAFPEIUI fXJLfMN APi'LES Have several ties of fine eat ing applet'; have not time to 1 1' k and market same; will trade for anything UaMtflll. SUCh mm KlUlhillif ,lN..ftll,A .kl.-k. Una. etc Addreaa 8. C. Bee. HWAPPEH.S' OOIXMX Wanted to Swap. Wny not advertlae romething that you no longer have any uve for and get something you really need 7 it coaia you nothing to Join the rwanoera' Club and vou will find it lot. j of (un awapping thinga. Write Room 10 Al'TOS Will exchange painting and paper-hanging for uaed ear, any make. Flrxt claaa workman. Address 8. C. 1174, ea re Bee. AUTO Will swsp two-paaaenger Argo Hi lit ron ater. tully equipped, in good ahaie throughout; will trade for larger car that can be worked over. Addreaa 8. C. 1253, Bee. Al'TO Will swap 5-pajiaenger Stoddard' I lay ton, fully equipped and in good running order; new Lee puncture proof tire a all around. What have you? Ad drraa 8. C. 12X2. Bee. 1 AUTO Model 10 liulck, 3-paaa roailater. in cooa running oraer; gooo tiree. v ui trade for 6-paai. car. Adores 8. C. 12.K&, Bee. A lTO Model 3. 1913 Stanley steamer. 4 ii&aaenser. 10 h. r new copper tube boiler; will trade fo or gas car. Address 8. C. 12M4, Bee. AUTO CO-h. p., 12-paaeenger bua. Will take Ford or what have you aa part payment 7 This car la an Ideal hotel and l ficy bus anil li first claaa shape. Ad drm 8. C. 1277, Bee. AUTO TOOLS Dandy cheat full of auto mobile toola, will trade. What have yon? 8. C. IBS. pee. AI'TOMOBILEH For other automobile bargains see the' "Automobile" claaalfl lailon. HHJYCI.K Man's bicycle, 24-Inch frame, In good condition, to trade for boy'a bicycle, about 20-Inch frame. Address (, j Bee. ' : : ' leas, or wnai nave you; jioaress d. 126, Dee. (DIAMOND karat, $126. to trade for piano; must be nearly new and of good make. Addreaa n. J. rem. Bee. ENGLISH Bull dog to trad for Bird dog. Better preferred. Addreaa Y Bee, ENQINKFiR'8 TOOLflSuoh as pipe toola, taps, dies, cutters, wrenches, pipe tonga; for motorcycle or old model Ford. Ari-lress 8. C. 1274. Bee. I GALLONS of auto Imperial Puncture proof; worth $1(; to swap for of floe fur nlture, or what have youT Address 8 C. 1167, Bee. GENTS' furnishing store, located In South Omaha: doing good business, will trade for real estate up to the value of $1,600. Addreaa 8. C. 12W, Bee. GOOD twin Indian motor cycle for 11a mond. Addresa 8. C 1287. Bee. GOOD residence lot In Cedar Rapids. Is., to exchange for late model roadster or flve-pasaenger car. Addreaa Y-H26, Bee. HAVE almoat new upright Bush A Lane Piano to trade for Ford or other good, rculater. Box 164. Gretna, Neb. HORSE AND WAGON Have good horse and wagon; will swap for small tour Ing car. Addreaa 8. C. 12S1. care Bee. ICEBOX Used ahort time; good condi tion. Will swap for chickens value to $10 or any thing else. Addresa 8. C, 1366. Bee. HORSE. BUGGY. ETC. Nice little all around horse, rubber-tired buggy, har ness, gardener's wagon, express narnes, plow, cultivator, drag, feed grinder and five dosen homer pigeons and accessor ies for Ford auto or runabout In good condition. Some of my things are new and all in good conaition. Address B. c. 1264, Bee , MOTOR BOAT-What have you got to ,w.p f or a w.f t Michigan steel motor boat! 4V4 H.P.; first-class condition; boat Is at Carter Lake dub. Addresa 8. C. 1390, Bee. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Old-established business In city. This will In voice about $5,000, and Is doing a good business the year round. A splendid proposition for anyone. Does not require experience. Was managed by a lady for 10 years. Very light running expense. Must make a change at onoe, so will ex change for clear land or residence prop erty of equal value. Investigate this If you want a paying proposition. Address 8. C. 171, Bee. ORGAN Kimball, used short time, good condition, will swap for pony, shotgun or anything of equal value. What have youT Address 8. C. 1268. Bee. & .llul nAlf imata m,nnh f-ji wr.t ln or equity in house. Address S. C. 1106, care Bee. PHONOGRAPH Will ewap Edison standard phonograph with 180 records for buggy and harness. Address B, O. 1288. Bee. PIANO, manufactured by Booth Broa, almoat new. first olass condition; will swap for good second-hand Ford car. Address 8. C. 1376. Bee. RARE OLD RELIC Sioux Indian vest. Fully beaded on buckskin, with flve- incn DUCKHKin rringe. sise 4B. Design: Four mounted warriors, war bonnets. lances, etc; two fighting elks, and two elk heads. Striking colore. Beautiful den decoration. What have you tor tin- mediate traoe. Aa ureas s. c. izx&. Bee. SINGER. 00 aewlng machine, drophead, 6-drawer; good condition. Will ex change for chickens or other poultry, or what have you to trader Address 8. C. ia;7. Bee. fa.r-AM.A-it in Automatic, cream sepa . TAlor. slightly used., almoat new, to r"u, r -uw or ora cnassis. ts. c;. izia. , ca.c The Bee. SADDLE, steamer trunk, mandolin and 4x5 plate camera. Would like post card sise mm Kodak or whatT 127. Bee. Address a WANT to swap for sectional, bookcases. Addreaa, S. C. 1373. Bee. W ILL swap homes for a city lot. Ad dress S. C. 120. Bee. WHAT have you to swap for a 3 H.-P. Fairbanks-Morse vertical gasoline en gine, air compressor, air tank and auto matic air hammer and complete aet of drillsT Address 8. C. 1272. Bee. WoUI.D take good auto as part pay ment on 4-acre tract in Keystone park; sautlful building sites an 1 fine home bea fjr mn of means Addreaa M 80S, Bee. WILL trade lot worth tLOto for first class car. Walnut Ul. FOR RENT Apartoareta aad Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Kent column of ihe Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pltaee sad fill the needs of any one de- Irtng to rent. Phone Tyler lUiaX HtlKJM apartment, St. George, 113 N? Slat Ave. Phone Tyler VM; evening, Web. 174. d Angelua Apt.. 3 and 4-roum apt. H. tOl o I AND 6 ROOM apartment, north, strictly modern, greutly reduced rent 3501 Sher man Ave. LOW RENTAL. Fine six-room apartment. In ilanscotn park district, near park line car. Janitor service and heat; only $4. This Is a snap. Ask for appointment to see 1U SCOTT A HILL CO.. Itouglas 1. DUPLEX strictly up-to-date. Ii v v. T Hed 8uM Sad Nc. wiitck. tmt. hot water beat. 23 So. 3lth St.. $J5. MAPS A. HANSEN. McCague Bldg. LOW RENTAL. Choice S-rooin apartment, downtown; save carfare: see janitor. Doug. Fwralskeal Afsartsaeats. FRONT APARTMENT. SPLENDID. NEW, FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent In the NEW Traverton FIREPROOF. 24TH AND UNUU.N COURT. Catering to people of refined ! Apartment la completely equipped for nouaeaeeping; up-iu-aaia and comfort able. T RAVER PROS., Tel. lVuxlaa 1153. 7oJ Omaha Nat Bank. (Continued on Col. 7. This Page.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will plea e the most critical: . ABSTRACT! OF TITLE. REED A BP TRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 308 Brandels Thea. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. F. Shafer Co.. 12th, Farnam. D. 7474. M. AMATKlR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opor.ed and closed. Cost t.ystem Installed Let me call on rou to explain the advantages cf mv audit service svstem. Address 43 437 Kamge Bldg Phone. Don g . 740s. ARCHITECTS. Eyerett 8. Podds. 612 Psxton Blk. P. 39St ATTRACTIONS. PICNIC PARTII DESIRING RE FRESHMENTS PHONE HANflCOlt riC ATTORN IS VS. i. T. IMklnson, Ml Paxton Blk. P. 1804. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-16 W.O.W. R. 32S5. Nafl ate ft Auction Co., 17 W. O. W. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILES MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas 3819. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Oman a Radiator Rep eo., M86 Far. P 3001. BAKKklKli 35. H. RBEPKR. IMS N. 18th. Web. 33W. BEDDING. 0' MAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming, Douglas 3487. Renovates feathers and mattresses of alt kinds, makts feather mattresses and down covers. BLUB PRINTING. Hornby Blue Print Co.. 303 Om, Nat. Bk. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 37th and Martha Bts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 323 8. ML Douglas 6620. Lessarrt A Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 163. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. P. 8461 Pr. C. V.. Brlsgw. 2338 Harney. Red 77tl. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 820 Pax. Blk. Red 4f7. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Western representative of VJ5LV PTTT.B COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE. 811-13 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1C73. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. P. 187L Summer rates ,now at Mackle's; private lessons aauy. ibis namey. jjoug. rexo. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. 30th A Farnam SEWING BT DAT HARNET KTT. MISS STUROT. 3416 CAS8. P. 7870. DYERS AND CLEANERS. BTATB Pry Clng. Co., 130 N. 13th. D. 8P78. DETECTIVES. JAM2S ALLAN. 813 Neville Block. Evl dence secured In all rases. Tyler 1188. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 321 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Pr. Flckes. 734 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglaa. P. 3186. DRUGS. DRTTG8 at cut prices; freight palo an 310 orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Nab. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. HI N. 15th. Term a. ELECTRIC MOTOR. REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRkTcQ.. Bee Bldg.P 3871 "electrolysis. TJloe Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 1058. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating; covered buttons, all si sea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglaa Block. D. U NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 16th St. WURN ACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2871. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 18t4 Farnam Bt D. 3600. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D, 1358. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam BL A. PONAGHUE. 1813 Harney. Poug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Hamey St. Eat UK. HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. P. Etsele. 1136 City Nat INSTRUCTION. French, Instruction. 306 Lyrlo Bid English, ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6911. General Office. 13th and Manderson bts. J I' ST It KM OK THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. E13 Paxton Blk. R. T4uL Notary PuSt,. deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING fr'IXTURES, WIRING. HTTTfTvlM Thomas. Pougtaa 1JUU1VIIN ttlt Cuming 8t 2511. ' MOVING P1CTIRE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Poug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. MoroRC'i C'LES. HARLET-PAVIPSON MOTORCTCLE9. Bargains In used machines Victor Rous, '"I he Motorcycle Man." 21o8 Leavenworth. MUSIC A Nit A Hi'. Ragtime piano playing positively taught In its) lessons. 41J) Cutinng St. Walnut it,. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, nswa. cigars, candy. 1338 Park MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. PTANO-VOICE-VIOLIN; thorough In struction by teachers of great expert- enoe, I 14-16 Arlington block. UU Dodge M Phone Ioua.las 2471. , OC I LISTS. Eyes examined, glaases fitted, pay ss yon can. Dra. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OIL BURNERS. PTTT a Sievert or a Johnson A La oil burner in your hot air furnace, hot water or steam plant. NKHKASKA OIL AND FURNACE CO., 1115-16 City Nat. Bk Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 61B Bee Bldg PATENTS. P. O. BarnalL Paxton Rlk. T.t Raji en H. A. Sturres. 638 Brandels theater Bldg. TAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. STJS VaiNTING and paperhanglng br flrst- clasa workman, dav work or contract: no Job too large or small. Tel. P. 6290. PLATING. Acme Plating. Ill P. 6277. 8 15th ft. POSITIONS WANTED. PEE U8 for a Steno. or bookkeeper. Frea service, Co-Op. Ref. Co. Doug. 491L PRINTING. WATER8-B ARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2m G2I B. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3731 DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Potiglsg 641. RUBBAUE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. This Ig tha man to rail If you have any ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster WIS. SAKE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A T?T70 Opened, repaired, eentb. T h P P changed. F. BV, Davwn a A port, 14Q6 voagm. p. uai. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co ITS S. 13th. D.SJ1V SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., ahoe repair. Ill 8, 14. Warley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 3004 Farn'm. R.8440 SEWING MACHINES. TTT rt needles and VV r )arts for all sewing ma- machines. s-'IAVAi a .1 m avra NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Dotiglas 1663. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Qo, Poug. 469I. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture sndsupply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug 3731. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 307 8. HtB. P. 628. TAILORS. CHAB. C. LANPSRYOU. 101 N. 1Mb gt TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELJNO A STEIN LE. 1808 Farnam t TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter t mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agenoy, 1306 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 814 8, UtU St All makes for sale or rent HINT a "Remington," not Jnec a type writer. Low rent Cai' Douglas 124 WATCH SPECIALISTS, Christiansen, 'Id fl. Paxton Bk.. tfyr. ex p. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doog. Ptg. Co. WISM AND LHtUORS. ' ALEX JETE8. jni-3 S. Mth St Wines, liquors, clgara. Plata dinners 11 to 3, 10c. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU8K. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-oent lunoh. UKDIOAIi RHEUMATISM treated suooessfully, re sults gus ranted. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bea Bldg. FTLE8. FISTULA CURED, Pr. E. R. Tarry eurea piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. S& E. K. TARRY. 340 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wrey. 806 Bea Bidg.. Omaha. Established laM. FOR RENT Faralahed A partaneate. 6-ROOM aipt, nicely furnished; front view, strictly modern; price $ per mo. Hot and cold water. Howard A Manul Apts.. 31st and Howard. Phone Doug. 6064. Board mma nsias. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will best be found In tha Fur nished Rooms column of Tba Bea. Phone Tyler 1J"0 RE ED HURST. 106 N. 26th-Boeutlful lawrt: homelike surroundings; meala un excehent; rooms single or en suite. D. 83EO. N. 2th. 324 Palatable family style mesial 26c; meals with modern room, home privileges, $6 to $7 week. BOARD A rrn., 30 wk.; table bd., $860; walking dla. 2662 St. Mary's Ave. R, xS. Keralsked Hoaaes. WTLl rent furnished elght-roora house. West Farnam District, tor four months. lf"'ney Kurnlahrl tteosas. If you do net see anything that suits fuu In the way of Furnished Rooms you ' caa call st Room 104. Bee Bldg., and ask for. ths Flee Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a hlgli class rooming or boarding house la any pert of ths city TIMi AM THE. 1814 Dodge; newly fur- - v---. manea, new manage Seme n t. NEWLY furnished and papered room in new house. West Farnam district; board If desired. Phone Harney 6370. Furnta'ied lat'se front room to rent close In. 610 8. 21st Ave. Phone Douglas 7819. FOR gentleman. $2 wk . Tel. Web. 4-fJ. Sleeping room. $2.ou wk. re 10 Harney St, Mod. $5 mo, 241 N. 20th. Web. 40 H The Pratt cool, close In. 212 8. 26. D. I'M. SPECIAL LOW RATK8 TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL KAN FORD, 19th A Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. iOlh A Farnam. S. front rooms, single or ensuite, modern, rloao In. i- !.andon Court. Doug. i:J. Attractive mod. room. Call 2616 Harney St. N. 21ST., 60S Front parlor, suitable for 2. with or without board. . Phone D. C7(lT. NICELY furn. cool room, walking dis tance. g0 H. 2Gtli Ave. D. 64oi. Fwrwlahed Hoaaekeeplasi Reatsas. 8 24TH. 1K0-J nicely furn. front rooms, heat with huth. gas for cooking snl electricity psld; walking dis. 6. D. Vx-s. (CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE. COLUMN ONB.1 I i