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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1915)
.mi-i WKK- OMAHA, WKDNKiSDAY, AUdlST 4. WIS. mn kkyt IN' ii i h .2 1. Front ST i rptiiK lloiiiti. room, mod.. - GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET elpu of lxi. ; 1V4 nno tm. . In si ycnr '.'I.1..U lit nhd (hlpment of Tt j'Vtr , :i MiTTlcC7uiV :i i Mnn'.e i . Liu.- Ml- c r.-i .wi: . 2 pp., room u. 4.;j. hou-eke'-plna 171" 'hi iiko. v t.mli in; s 111 '"" Wheat Market is Stioiig. 01 J Wheat Selling Six and New VHieat Two Cents liielier. room. I. 8 7 in. MIL I l-Mlll luj t nth I'AVIM'dttT, ?M8-TWi OK T1IHKK NICELY Kl KNlHICD KRuNT H-SKli. t:vs loose nal (olta(ri. r(it. 28 Hi No. l5th, $25 Here a 6-r. nnd hall, nil modern, full two-story s'r an1; one block to car. O'KEEFE REAL, ESTATtJ CO., 1018 Omaha Nul l . Douclns 2715. YELLOW CORN T0r3 WHITE llio No. tL'd ft., new 4-r. steel ranre. ana plate. wnri-r paid, v i. 11S3 No. 1Mb st , 8-r., all mod HASP BROS, IdB MoCague , mod. ex. heat, kitchen cabinet. bm. S-R. house, M2 N. ISth room. 4 I'M N. 41st St. . C. I HUTVIMVSON CO.. 123 $15.00 8.00 Farnam. Month, 9-ROOM. modern home. 2407 Jones, VI pee month J T. Kemp. Dougla IW7. For Rer.l Deslrabl -room modem houso Vt 8. 371 h St.. near Field club. Call Offerman Construction Co.. So-ith Omaha, Neb. Phone South 8137 or 352. For Rent South half of double brie bouse 7 rooma, 4 bedroom, all modern, at 1511 South 2tti Ft., near Park echool, on Mock eaat of Hanscom park. Tel. Harney 1509. Mlarrlliinriiiii. BARGAINS IN RENTALS. $27.50 8 rooma, entirely modern, S bed- rooma upstitirs. coiner lot. nice shade, and phruhbery. 2301 N. 22d St 135.00 7-ruont, atrlrtly modern, elegant home, practically good na new; oak flnlah, paved atreet. 1534 Spruce 140.00 Brand row. 2-story house, fine sleeping porch, entirely modern. In Field club district. 3.15 Pacific Ft 8COTT At IDLE COMPANY. DOITO. 10H9. OMAHA. Aug. l.'i:.. The wheat nturkt't wh strong today. Old wheat hnnl ti oi per int., the new sold tiiiclinnucd in 2e hinder. 4 I The corn market was n trli'le un-xteady and sjI.1 It' higncr to U lower. Itata were firm, selling U- to IV higher. The demand for everything- was pretty Hood and was sufficient to lake cure of til receipt. . A apwial feature of today' trading waa the fai t that on some of the sale mixed com sold at a si ant advance over whlto corn. This condition la unusual, aa the white variety l usually In better de mand than the vellow or mixed grades. Yellow corn old from lc to lt4e over the white, and nuxed corn. Raina have nmterlr.ty da ma Red wheat and oats In several aeetlona and there, are a mimbtr of trader who are In clined to 1;ike these condltlona seriously. Koine think that fair weather la on the wav and that within a few ilnya thero J will be a lug- rush of wheat to all the markets. Liverpool rlosinc: Wheat, spot, un changed to He lower. Corn. nnchannel to le higher. Prltrarv wheat receipts were MT OrVl bn., and shipments TW.ouo bu., a aaalnat re ceipt" of l,ttll0K bu., and shipments of l,.rT oeo bu. last year. Primary corn recelnta were S1.oiy mi., and shipments 274.0'0 bu., aa against re ceipts of 414.000 bu.. and htpmenta of 3H.tKi bu. last year. Primary nata receipts were W8 0OO bu., and shipments 318.1)00 bu.. a aralnst re. ' l,l'VU air. ' i -I. No. hllMKO .MtntuMPolis I'lPlt'l t'liialm Kan as City .... M. Louis W liulii s AH. Il.ll , ! i cii t Un'W i, ? I. I - i n t:.t , j , J'..'irii .,,. 4; i wiiite; - crs, ,: ..". .o. ii unite ' low : 1 car, ,i,-J( . . j lais, i lank ilea, I. ;cilow: i -b cms, ,1 car inrar yell i, I No. t mixed; ; eara, ;. ti car. ,4'jC. ., jHampie: 1 car. fe; 1 mis mo. 3 while: 31 Vl'IITS Wheat. Corn tin; a ItM to lirl 57lc; Heptrnili -No. : white. ISiM'lSc; le Xo. 2 mixed, firsts. 3ft. ; i ; "i 4 4c I Uda : i 4 hum w.iuei : mr mew'. 41.11. car, . Corn-No. X C No. i w luic: cars. I car, 74.'. No. 1 jei- I yi How : l i-A I " u No. S i v,c. No. 2 mixed: ' ' 'if. ' c. ' ' No 6 tiiiK d : Ji nilxi d: 1 i sr. 74c. 1 cr. .'.: 1 car, .-. I cars. I'.'.c. No. w hit ceml AT-No. 2 white. Mc: Hit;, e HI TTKH Creamery. Vc: sec. III. I ::4c- ,M k..r 1h, l.t.US KisIk. Isc; srcoiYda, i:'c I1U I.Tl.t - llci.s, liVtc; rooster. 9c; hrollcis. l i.llV. I Mlnnenpalla flrala Market. MINMJAIMI.IS. Ai. l-HIKJT-. S ptemt-er, II i;v, leceincr,; No. 1 hard. 1.7S: No 1 nnnliern. l.r.lvJi 1 47: No. northern. $l jviiil 4JV I I.OI R-le, lined itAiu i:y--.-.-,i7.v. It Y :-SI.02'r-l.l3. Hit AN- Ul.wO. l'UKS-No. 3 yellow. T7i-r7c. 'ATS No. 1 while, 4M44iic. r l. l iw. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Cattle Strong and Others Are Steady to Easier Cows Higher Sheep Rather Slow. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN HIQHER I'.eci Ipta were; Oifulnl Mondnv ., s.ailmat Tuesday OMAHA. Aug. 2. Cattle. Hogs, nhevp, 3.41-7,l ...! 17. :n ll.maj IIMIIIA (iKMIltl, MII1KKT, No 4 mixed: 3-5 cat, jj REAL ESTATE IiOANS CJTY and farm loan. 6. 6H. t per cent .111. Dnmont Co., 41ft State Bank. WANTKD Good farm and city loan at lowest rate. PKTEHS TRt'ST CO.. 1622 Farnam. GlobeVan &Storage fltorea, mcves. pacjt ship; S-hore van and I mes, II ij per nr.; storage II per tno. natisraction car. it. 4 I v 2 no. FIIJEL1TV .BtiivioJS Pbona ItoMulaa for romoleta list of Vacant houses and apartments: alto for arorace, moving, ifitn nno jaeason bib. Tlmtsoii Cit-lgh Sons A Co.. He.. biOK Gordon Van Co. IiD N. 11th St. Tel. D 4 or Web. VSSl h'FV. the Central Furtiltur Slorea RENTAL L.I8T. FREB Ave HAVE rod. led 84.0UO bulldinRS since ' 1D10, and never had one struck. Wa guarantee every job. A'dliRICAN l.IOHTNINO ROn CO.. 703 8. lfith St. i-ROOM house Meredith. Call atrlctly Florence modern, M7. rs2 Maggard's leg-, eacktna-. 1 "-ila-las 14. hlpptng. 1713 Wvbater Si b-K. COTTAG1-7, mod. ex heat. i from car, fth and William. 1). block Ai'.l. alse. M ner monl'i ut. 607 l'nxion. J. C. Reed Exp. Co., movng. pacKins tt siorago 12i7 Farnam. fi. '11 Stores ufftwea. Nice Cool Office . With Vault Near the Elevator and Stain . Electric Light. Pre, TUB, BEE BUILDING COMPANY, fiuperln'enderit'a Offtra, Room 103, J-.ARQL3 modern store near Low rent. CJ. P. Stebblns. 161 postofflco. 0 CI .'hlcago. Office on 17th St. Double- Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STKEET. Private Office Wultlng Roqia 180 Sq. Ft. $18.50 The Bee Building Office Room 103. WANTED TO BX Yale Buys everything 2nd hand. Web. 4is4. OFFF1CB furniture bought and aolj. 1. Heed. 1207 Farnam. Dong in 44 HIGHEST price tor old clothing. U.4714. WANTED We wish to Install a bowling alley. It you have a rood one that haa been used some for sale, address Sibley & Langevin. Curtis. Neb. FARM A REAJi ESTAfH RANCH MAUI FOR IALB vaUAtorau. Liva Oak Coloruea, uuu better. W. T. Smith Co.. l.'-14 City Nut. Ha. Tt. sKla. Iowa. HAVE TOU A FA KM FOR SALE? Write a good dascrlption of your land and sttnJ fi to me ciuux Cuy, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Most PowerUU Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-fiva words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one muutn, git lug Lnleu ads on twalv differvnt days for Ui or fci words, S4. or 76 woras. Is. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, bO.isxt rsausrs daily in tour great aia lea. CITY property. Lrge loana a specialty. W. H. Thoma. 22S State Bank Hldg. JtOXEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. SKI? us first for farm loana In eastern Neh. United States Truat Co.. Omaha. 4 white: I ear, 4. !.e. Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat . No. I turkey. l.!,il.4; No. S turkey, H.1R9 iiiiiV ''l-": N"- 3 hard. ll.lSAyiT'1.4, ; No. 4 hard, Sl.lfi 1 4.".; No. 2 spring, ll.4oai 1.48; No. S spring. SI.J74T 142. lorn: No. t white. 7atl75'c; No. 3 white. 74VH75C,: No. 4 while, 74ti'7441c; No. 6 white. 73.iirT4e- N il ki. ?-nA i74c: No. t yellow. 7'.1i 7til-; No 3 yel low. TlVnTSHe; No. 4 yellow. TMHiTSo; No. t; yellow. 7f',tr7.Vc; N'o. 6 vellow. 7;, if rii-r J,"1""1''- 7r,l'u,75S"; No. 3 mixed. WTV- No. 4 mixed. i4"r74r; No I mixed, 74'f744c: No. mixed. 73'.r7tc: sample mixed. 1r7c. Osts- No. 2 white 6iitAi0ic; stan.lnrd. 4!fffV; No 3 white. 4tt,Ti4;'lvc; No. 4 white. 4xvvhv Barley: Malt ng. r.-fl7c; No 1 feed ir C3c. Rye: No. 2. K;jil3-: No. 3 Hliii-cv CHICAGO C.RI AXD PROYIMOX1 Feat area ina un- 2r, 6 JO CITY IXIAN8. 310-12 Rrandels C. O. Carlberg, Theater Bldg. WANTED City and farm loan; lowest rate, W. O. Templeion. COS bee. T. 20S0. KKAti ESTATE WANTKD I WANT to buy, from owner, 5-room cot tape, not over $ Must he north and In good repair. Olve me 'ull duacriptlon and terra. Address S. 807, care Bee. HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WANTED SECOND-HAND auto for equity In choice acre. Wal. 2902. II'Ij '11 or trade good restaurant. Trade tor moving ploiura machine or auto. Address. B 127. Oravlty. la. UtACTlCALIVY new fi-'yllnder car and one-half ton truck; will exchange either or both for equity In bungalow, or what have you? Address B. M., Care Bee. of the Tradlna and f los . ITIcrs on Board f Trade. CIlri'AUO, Aug. 3. curtailment of ex port demand flnully proved more than an orfset Uxlay lr rp,,rta that wheat waa again seriously threatened by black rnsL The market closed unsettli-d, So M ,v ..,,.. r niKiu. I om flntslied .....MK..ti ui m,c oir; oals, up r to and Provisions, down r,- -7i.. Constant wet weather over the winter wheat crop hell a.vmed to have put country dealer In n tM.sltl.m that thev dtd not dure to sell wheat. This fact it was said, nnernied in i..- dr dedly the amount of foreign buslnosa. report el to bo spnvidliw fast near Kargo. N. I rauae.l wheat price to bulg for a while, hut the effect naii entirely worn orf by midday. Alter thaf. the tendency of the market was sharply downward, Influenced somewhat by warmer temperature in the Canadian northwest, where yesterday frost had oerasloned alarm. The hand-to-mmith lollcy of exporter left the market In the j!!.. I moat the lowest point of the l orn at the last weakened with wheat. Previously tnoug-h, corn had averaxed modurately blKher owtns; to a uood Rhlp-pliia- demand from tlu; east, and to the continued cool weather. Imts run up in value of many complaints of sprouting shock and of wet w outlier de lays to ciittlim and thre.shiiiK. Country offerings were exceptionally xmall. Larger wan-hiHise stock. kn. pected made the provisions market heavy. -iiiiiiieni was rendered still more bear ish by the prospect of n continued hold In up of n.-utral shipments in the a.- one. Closlnic prices on onfons: Artlclel Open. I High. I Low, t Close. Tea y" r-yijiTY in 8-room modern house In W et Farnam district to exchange for iaa moact automobile; lull value given. D. 3S62. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE Look At This 1S14 N. lSth, rooma; hot water heat. Ka and electric lights; completely mod em; two hloeka to two ear tii.u. reduced. Sea about this today. Keys' at our onice. Creigh, Sons & Co. Do UK) a g 2"0. BKAtJTlKL'L ' mod.: cor. lot: 40.1 Orand Ave. SOS Hee Bldg. room bungalow, strictly sacrifice for quick sale. Phone Webster S27. 3337 FPALDINO fi-r. cottaare. mod. ex. heat; la rue lot; LfiQ down. Web. 4632, BUY from owner, 6 room and bath. j7jEvans;llL Hny. Phone 'Web. 2tfH. HOME FOR SALE BT OWNER. Beautiful seven-room hunnlnw .11 modern; larae comer lot: eloa to school and church; built for a home; must be sold; owner leavlna: cltv: ran twi seen at 40f.l Orand Ave. Call Webster 27. REAL ESTATF: SOUTH 8B5E $300.00 Cash balance iik rent for n modern, except heat. hoUHO. Has Derms- nent sidewalks, shade tret, paved street; near car line. It la a bargain at the price asked. Address 1321 K. Si. Creigh, Sons & Co. Wheat) Sept. Dec.. Corn Ppet. Iec,. Oat Hept. Deo. . Pork Sept. Oct.. Ls-rd 1 Sept. Oct.. R bs Sept. Oct.. 1 osv, 1 m 1 mm, 1 08 i 1 tS 1 07 74 7S 741, S3 H a 40 R.Vi 40 41 40 IS 85 1S874 13 47A, 14 03V. 14 CBH 13 66 S OR S 10 S 00 8 10 8 17H 8 10 46 46 t 26 1 S 1 40Si 13 UI IS 72H I 8 07Vil 8 UW 27H 1 07 4 1 08 74-'i 3f ''TTER-No. 1. 1-lh. carton-. 2(k-; No. vib. tubs. 24e. t 1IEESH Imported .twlsa. S.V-; Amer ican Shs. Wc: block Swiss. 22c; twins, lt.'-jc; duties, 11,140; triplets. 1c; Yo'ino; America, li .c. blue label brick. 17c; llm buraer. 2-lh , 2V; New York white, lie; linlMirted French Roquefort. 40i'. KISH-Trout. Kk-; wh'te fish. 13i-; hali but. l.V; chnnnol ctflh, 15c; herrlnif 7c; cialtlsh, lit.. 12c; mackerel, IV; aalnun, 1. vu 14i'. S K17T lOTATOES Kansas, S2.75 HKKK Cl'TS-No. I rib. lc; No 2. 19V.c; No. S, 17H No. 1 loins, 22Ho; No. 2, 20i-; No. S, lie. No. 1 chucks, 12c; No. S, lU-c; No. I, 10e. No. 1 rounds, 17c; No. 2. lc; No. 8, 14c.. No. 1 plate. SV; No. S. HV,c; No. i. c. Fruit and vecetahle price fumlshe.1 by Glllln'.! Fruit company Film 9 ilranpres. California Valen clas. 10s. 12i;h. 2NSa. S24s and 31, S4 U per box; tris, l.'tis, 2lWa, 216s and SJi.OO per box. lemons, extra fancy (lolden Howl, 3uo and St, Sfi.Vi per box; extra fHiicy Sunklst, 30 1 and S-VOO ier box, Red Ball. S4.j0 ier box. Peachea. Cali fornia Crawfords. 7.V per box; Elberin 4-liaskct i tales. 0c per laix; 4-hnsket (rates. .MMiale lots, ."'-.c; bushel, 11 2o; 2r.-buhel lots, SI. 20. Plums, llurhank SI 00 tier crate; Wixnn and Kelaey, si. 2 per irate: larpe hlue, Si. 40 pT crate; I'.ox Wlxons. S1.3u per Ikix. Pears. Call fornla P.arllelts, S3 00 per box; Washing ton Bartletta, fancy, St. 74 per box. Itlnrk berries, i.4-ilnt case. t.' 0 per rase, liananaa. medium fruit. S-'.Omrt. 26 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Chanxulnnla and Port l.lmon, 4o tier ll. Cantaloupea, ponies, f.ta, $2.26 per crate; Manpa. Ne vada standards, S2.11O per crate. Water melons, !'.' per lb. VEOETAbLkh Cabbnae, home-grown ana snuinern. iso per lb. Ittuce. head, SI. Oil s r ilox.; leaf, 40o imt do. Onions, VS ashliiKton. 24e per lit. Cucumlieis. SI. 25 jH-r basket. Beana, wax and Kreen .Vv per basket. Peas, rreen. v tr basket. Beeta. carrots and turnips, new, 4iHi per basket, ltadlshe. 20c per dox. Peppers, 6O1- per basket. Tomatoes. SI.7R per box. Celery, D6a jier dox. Parsley, .tic per dox. Potatoes, new, 70c per bu. Sweet potatoes. n.7 per hamper. Ml.'M.UNBoi;8-1No. 1 wslnut. 18c per lb. Brarils. 12c per lb. Almonds. 2oo er lb. Filberts, 15c per lb. Pecans, I2e r 11. Crackerjack. S3.M per case; half case, S1.7fi. Corniiops, $:i.2fi per case; half C4ise. $1.85. Peanuts No. 1. raw, o i-vr hi., ronsieu, sc per in.; J umbo, raw, 7c per lb.; roasted, 9c per lb. Two day this w.-rk.T.SNi WU Same days hist week. 7. 711 l.V 77 S Saiueilavs I k. iro..Is5 la.nsl same days 1 wk. aao.S.Mtt M H'lii.e day 4 wks. ago.C.t ; I'.l..l Same day last year.",4 S.lta The fo.lowin table shows the NEW YORK HOCK MARKET KANSAS CITY WINS ONE OFF THE TERPS An Advance of Unusual Breadth Marks the Session. TR.'DIirC HEAVY AT l FIRST IXrnworthjr Singles in the Ninth After Pitchers Changed to unusual br-adtb re-e'irr-d tr,itT in te flame Bradley. stock n..4(e itthoiir-ti n..nfn.-.., 'hs Ctv'ii host s the e'o.s 1 , iOALL AVI 1 U i3 I II Cj StiUAt, -.-ri te pot im l .nTed i r I . showed an upturn of snnd ; rJl'l i r"' rslrie .1.11 that the ndr.Tieii i nre"ne. n .V'Me ehan-re m nmlv tli 1S.U2 35. 2. 4 receipts of cattle, hoss and sheep at the Soutli umana live stock market for the year a compared with last year: Ii5 1!M4. Inc. fttin.iuo t48..W7 121. l' .ltti2,oi 1,a-A.7n 2i.2.vj 1.2i..t; I.2MI3M 4.811 The rollowimt table shows the averaga price for hog. at the South tlinnlia live stock market for the last few days, with compa rlsons to dale Cattle . Ho- .. Sheep . i e rentimen' or tfiet tt ws In resrin to snv now tlevelo'imont of wetirht Tt KANSAS CITY, Mo., All:. S.-Ken-worthy, hitting for Bradley after Raltl- apparentl.- dcii- et It. twetoa fwm "Inrp n"n cnanaen pitcners to nnttie mm. sme sort of snecuUt'on thnt broneht lttll In the ninth, brliiKlna In Perrlna. .boot l.s' weetr . t-e-.rrk sbnof the rls,.. who had doubled, with the winning run. m?.'''. -t-rte.1 with a two-run lead, became nulet. j The tvlng run came In the lxth on a Tlie ni-rkiti ,,p , .o,,,,!,,,,, hf(,n , base on balis, a sacrifice a fid two hort . " piir- -. rie'ni.n..m k tei Date. I mis. iim iiui iin 'ui isnn. pn. July 17 July ID July July J'llv July July July July July July July July July July Auk. Aug, Aug. 1 A.'SI S 7t'l S lOj 1 li f S0 1 8 J? 8 81 1 17i 7 08 M IDi I III I f Sl V9I kl '., s 7i' s n1 t 7,1 S 7I S R 8..', S Hi 83 S 8i"il 8 641 8 771 8 541 8 771 I 8 ti IN' I 8 ' 8 U'l 8 f.2, 8 57! 8 59 8 5 S I '.. 8 Mi S 2? 8 M , 8 41! 8 OP I 7 8J1 72V 64 V 8 5,H 28 Si, 8 HIS! 42 ' . , 11 eoy 80 I I 7.71 8 8 , 7 S3I 33i S 38 I S T. 8 31 7 2Tt f S3! S 481 7 24. IS 7 ;t' ttl I 7 t7 S W S 28 7 57 4ft 8 II 7 S V.I S 51 1 s 4' 8 Jt 7 ;n 7 8I 8 871 7 8 " 27 ; 7 I 7 1.: 1 14 7 73, (Sl I 7 44 7 in, 8 4i 7 ii; 7 8.". 6 if'1 "mi 7 17 Points tn 7, Mngie. score: Baltimore ....0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Ksnsaa City .2 0090000 Batteries: Qulnn and Owen; and Brown. R.H.E. 0 3 6 o 1-S 3 Johnson was n eo 11 . 11 n . it. hlhh y.... ... i.-w o.ner instance new ton fl ires were resched. The rtlsnlsv e,f aireneth madn by the war stock stimulated hmrn; elaewlinre 1; .i.e ri",:'''?? rxLV. .vmi ... ' " w " T .oint, .1 ..ZrZ SI".'"' . PITTSHI-HOH. Ami, S-Brooklyn and .1.. - - - .1 iiaout'if n rlvined a rlnuli Ir-hu l..r im . -. t O'l shares nmdn . . . today, the vMlora wlnnlnc the r.ret game. ! if I sliow-tn, mi ih. . I, .,?. . 1 'z to - t,'p l'"-"'" he final (ram, t to ? -I K rtl"ers mo.o . Jl'...0,l.KPr T"- , 1 'r'",,"l "d W7TrTT-5ere effe. llve the lli dii'trisU .1 .l?.".n1 ysriou other In. flr Nm, ,lllt tho r,irmr who ri.s..ed ! ? I 1 I'.;.""-. '""""'I i'-io''il, I to nltcli the n.rnn.1 num. wa. Kit .t 7 4t ew York Money Market. r.V.', V,!,,U- A". S-MERCANTILK STEIH.INil'll4M!i.L.i.., kiii. 4.7liK-; demand. 47ic: . mIiIu t i-'rr- SILVER Bar. 47.c- l..i. .,. ,i.,i'i,. 3CSc. - BONDS Government, steady; rallroa.1, firm. TIM 17 LOANS Steady: AO davs 9U. ne cent: W daya, 23 per cent; six month, 3'x per cent. CAI..I. MONEY-Steady: h h. 2 tier cent; low, m per cent; ruling rate. i. per cent: last loan. I per cent; closing bid. IV, per cent; olf.-red at 2 per cent. V. 8. as. n S7V4M., K. T. lit 4s. 7S do roiipon M Mo. yc. ev. .... 411 V. 8. . rex IOO14 N. T. (n. 4b. Ha .IK 1I0 ooupim HKH4.V y. o. 4Hs (lM).ioik . v. e. t. reg nt is. T. SUte 4l....10vs4 l'.J' " wn"n nvi. I., IM. M. A M. 13 80 14 8 SM 8 :n) ft 42 ,t,T .".T.?, L17h " Wheat: No. 2 red. ll.iaril.13W; Na 2 hard, S1.1W1.17S. Corn! No. 3 yellow, SWfSlUe: No. 4 yellow. m m$r.: N.- nlte, 78StiMic. (lata: No. 3 white. 511if-2Wo; standard. Krq(c. Rye: No. 2. $104. Barley: 7Mr78c. Me TiV,, 5 "0ri-75; clove. 8.5ivpri8 20. pork: JU.4K. Lard: S75. Ribs: S8.76(a9.2C Bl'TTEH 1-ower; creamery. 21fi-24ic. KOUS HlRher; receipts. 12.732 cases; at mark, cases Included. lfffl7Uc; ordinary firsts, 15elc; first, 17rl7io. POTATOW-Hlahar- recelnts 28 nr., Vlririnla cobblers, barreled, lLSCAl.40 bulk, 47Jfe. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowl, 13c; spring, iwa'ifc. NEW YORK E.EIIAL MARKET r.nania ia, coupon. lo.'1 cv. 8. , AmHrtcsn Hinelt. As. list Nor. Pie 4s 1 A. T. T. c. 41,. .101 Nor. po! ;u 'Armour "o. 4s. tnOra. a. ! ref. 4( Atraiwm son. 4l.,,. XlPir. T. a T. m. rial, a u. 4S....... MS P.nas. rnn. in. rn. Pac.flo 1st.... 85 , 1'i-nns xrn. 4'.. rhes. O. im.... ISVa'Heidlnx an. 4... .. n. Q . 1. 4. ikvh. u a. r. r. O W S I' n 4i H Ho. Pae. cr (a. K. I. A P . r. ( t'4 so, p..-. rr 4a.. Col. A 80. nr. 4ls to Ho. Katlarar 5s.. I. & It. C. nt. it.. 4 Vnloa Paririo as. f l-. 1 nl.iii Puclflo rr. 4a. fm. 1"! V. H Hubber 8S...102 SSI'. H. Hle.1 U WIS V "Wtseh Ut as 1014. 1 'Wta. l iili.o alv tl West. c.;i, on Varlon DOUglaS 2A). 5U8 Bee $1, two EASY terms, buy 322 Marcy: rooma, modern: near Field olub. Lars corner lot; both street paved. Fin lawn, good ahade, nice flowers; a real home. Apply at premises. CLOSING up an estate, sell at saerik.- vacant lot. alao 6-room cntiair. on vr,ii St., So. Omaha; good surrounding and location. Address Y 48, Bee, A Real Home in West Farnam District I have plan alt drawn for a Spanish! Lvalalaaua. SUNNY uplands In aouthwsstarn Loula tana; cut-over, graaa-vovered pins lands; no rock, no sand; rolling, well drained In two-crop country, settling by Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri peopie; $15 to $20 per acra; sold on terms, or further particulars, writs or Pbona South 47. J. ii. Kopleu. tju. N. 84th Bt.. South Omaha. Mlssaaata. MINN, farms; low prioe, easy terms. Mln uesota Land Co.. p. o. Box Si7. Omaha. Usalaaa, MONTANA & sections Township IL lUngs 2ti East, ku per cent steam plow land, baianca graxlng. Price $14.60 per acre; $U,uH) cash, moitgage S8 per aixe, lialanca 6 year per cent. No tiadea. A )-eal snap, liodgsou Realty Co., Fargo, N. D. o. ooioniai aweiung. cunt on a lot I own In the West Farnam district. Something aurerent; nothing like It In Omaha. In dividuality of architecture la what makes a real noma. Will bul d to order of and finish to suit purchaser, with all the new built-in effei ta and conveniences, if arrange ments are made immediately. Price in the neighborhood of $7,0 10 to S7.600, according to finish. Address M 864. cara Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daadee. farbraiaksw 120-ACRE DOUGLAS OOUNTT FABM' Located on West Center paved road, m mile north of Mlilard. Has good 7 roora house, good barn, windmill, gran ary and corn cribs. About S acres) In orchard. High and sightly; all smooth high land. About 6 acres In pasture, Omaht and South Omaha can asl y ba nsen from this farm. Only 36 minutes drive in automobile to buaimaa center of imaha. Will sell on small payment down. HAST1NQ8 A HKTDKN. 1B4 Harney Bt Dundee Lots $1,150 Each We are offering two of the best lo cated, moat lghtly lot In Dundee at th very low price of Si. 160 each; located on Nicholas atreet, between ooih and 61st Bt. on paved street; have cement walks, sewer, gas and city water. About 3-foot terrace. These are no doubt th. two oheapest lots that can ba had In Dun dee. Will make term, and ..-I i on. Hastings & Heyden (notations of the Day Commodities. NP3W YORIC. Au,,'. 3.-FITt R-Pteadv. WHEAT Spot market, steady: No '9 red, $1.18. and No. 2 hard. $1.21Uc. c. I. f New York: No. l northern. Duluth, S112, o. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, easier: Sep tember, SMKS.C COR.V-Spot, rteady; No. 2 yellow, Tile, prompt shipment OATS pot. eatry; standard, 4c; No. 3 white. Wc; Fancy clipped white. WW t!7Vt. HAY-Pteady; No. 2. S1.30SJS1.8S; No. 3. SI. 25; ahiptnr, $1.151.20. HOPS Quiet :, state, common to choice, 1!14. mm 43c; Paclflo Coast, 1914, 12WBc; 191.1. aVllc. HIDES Stoady; Bogota, 30t&31c; Central America. 29c. LEATHER Firm; Hemlock first. S2c; seconds. 30c. PROVI810NW Pork, easy; S17.0t8ivI7.W); family, S20.00ru22.00; clear, $l!t00v31.fl0. Reef, stearlv; S18.0Ocdna.5O: fam'ly. 1 wvt-90 50. easv; middle west, S8.O61B8 15. T T,LOW Pull: city, &y,c: country, 57,,Mtur. rM.en, 4p. BI'TTFR Rteadv; receipt. 22 W5 tub; ereamery extras, 25'g26c; flrrta. 234244c; e ond. 2"ifi23c. EfKlS TrresTi'ar; recelnts 2J.4o3 cues; fresh thered extras. 2UWJ5c; extra fbsta, amiUc first. xftWr; second 16fcl7V,o. CHEFPE Irreri'lar:; receipts. S 328 hexes; stste whole milk, fee.h flat and twin, colored. peclala, 13,7Pl4V(ic;, state whole milk, white. lSSrl4-: state whole ml'k white and colored, average fancy, 13ie. pot'T.TRT Live prices not ettld. Dressed, quiet: western fmxen roastlns; chickens. 1HT2!": fresh fowls. Iced, 13fJ 17c; fresh turkeys. Iced. 15iftlc. mesa; short mesa Lard, I.trernool Grain Market. 7JVERPOOU Aug. 8 WHEAT Spot. No. S iS-nltoba lis 7d: No. S. 11 5Ud: No. 1 northern, Duluth, Us d; No. I hard winter, 11 7d. CORN i-?pot, American mixed, new, 8 7d. FT rim Winter patent. 43s. 1 roPH-In Ixmdon (Pacific coast), 4 10O6 6. t. I.oala Grata Market. ST. liOTriS Aug. S WHEAT No. t red. Sl.1441.15; No. 2 hard, nominal; Sep tember. $1.0K: December, SI 0t. rtRV No. 2 7!c: No. 2 white. 74"fTe; Sentember. T2'c; Deoember, Oi'TaC OAT8 Nominal. Kasiana City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS PITY, Aug. S.-WHKAT No. S hard. $1 WI : No 2 red. $1.19; Sep tember, $1 OCCn.OS'i; December, $3,044 1.04'a. r-t,V No 8 rle.1 7U.We: Vn S 114 HARNEY ST 6A BURT ST -dee. Clyde W. i-rooiil, best buy In bun, Drew. Owner, Wal. 12.14. Klorvnea. NEW store bldg.. large lot, located 4428 Bedford Ave. Phone Floreaca 3f,M. I HAVE 840 acres of land in Oarfle'd county. Neb. Would Ilka to sell. Will take $4 per acra for It. Address W. T. Reeves. Denton, Neb. rOR 8ALK Best large body hiah-grada medlum-prioad land in Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Woi baeh. Neb. M ls-isiiauna. 180-ACRB farm. SIS per arro; $20 cash and ,,) nr month; no Interest: rich soil; H1 Jlvn'f : pur" water, good title. Writa W. T. Young. Jr.. Kimball. Neb. FARM TOLA NT RE.L ESTATE tsOANg La 'AS, :. PKK CENT. THUMBfTIXt it Bee Bid $10) TO tiO.Ou made promptly. P U. Waad, V ass! Bl.ia. llh farnam Sis. REAL 1CHTATE ?nS4?El,LA NEOUS 1 f6r saTE 6 rooma modern, up-tit-data bungalow newly painted and papered; one block from car. at S:ii Tayior BL, $uu cash, baianca aam as rent. Two of the beat lots In DundeaL corner 61st snd Webater, overlooking Happy UoJow, paved; $1,580 each, terms. slOni cash, baiarx ut suit, 5 room n.otiuro burigalow In Kounta rimcm; Buosooa nnisn lull cement base ment; almuat new; $1,U1 cash, balance of P'Jrchaaa price, $2.1i.H. same as rent. Phone owner, Douglas KA. or Walnut M24. . Omaha National Bank Bldg. RKA lT KbATfce TVESTl E. TaT" FuR SALE or rent; uai'itxa bullsUns;" Uthaad Seward. Ki.HL. Apjjly U24 LKG1L NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORg. Sealed rroposals wnl be received at LP coin. Nebraska, by th Board of Kdu. cation. Nebraska Stats Normal School up until ten o'clock a. m.. August 8, p,ii lot the taction of a brick and stomt auditorium for th state Normal Si-hool at Kearney. Nebraaka. In tLCordiact with Pins nd specification- prai ared by J. H- Craddock. Arcbl eot. Room It Continental Buiidlnjr, urniha, Nebraska. The Boaid of Education. Nebri.ka State Normal Schools, will alao receive proposals for tha beaf nx, plumbing and elect rlo wtriog for above building, ao cording to plana and specifications pra pared by the architect, up unt.l tl.e hour and date sbov naiued. AU bids must ba accompanied by a or. titled check for five 15 pe ni of th full amount of lid. maute payable ta (J E. Hall, Mata Treasurer af Nsraaka. The tioara reswn ts that right to aocept any or reject any or all bids, Htgned by the President and that Secre tary of the Hoard of Education, Ne iiwsks ait.ts Normal hoot ly-ld1t 8rls 4a iltau. Kleo.. us.... (It. Nor. lat 4 ti.. III. lo. rat. 4a aK. C. R. r. 5a U N. an. 4. . Hid. OtUnd. snvtj S3 14 102 s 874 4t MS .. .S .. M .. SSV, Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Auk. 3. COFFEE The market for toffee futurea waa rather more active toduy and after opening at a dec.lne of 1 point to an advance of 1 Point prices eased off under scattering liquidation, which seemed to bo Inspired by talk of laraer olferliiK from Brazil, Increasing- stocks In the prlmarv markets and the continued absence of fresh new with reference to Brazilian plan for financing the crop. The close waa 6 to 7 points net lower. Sales, 12,5uO bags. Au gust, 8 52c; September, 6.51c; October, 4.53c; November, .5.c; Deoember, .54c; January, .6c- February. 6.64c; March. i.8c; Anrtl. (J.73c; May, .7Xc; June, 6.83c; July, 6.88c. Spot, eay; UIo No. 7, 7Vc; Santos No. 4, HVe and Rio 7s. 7.1UC. Rio exchange was Wo lower. Santos Ho higher at ltlo and lot rela lower at Santos. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug S. COTTON Steady; middling uplands. $J 26. Sales, 86 bales Cotton futures opened steady; Octo'ier. 9S2c; December, H.tioo; January, .76c; March, offered at 10.02J; May, ll).24a Cotton future closed steady. October, t26v; December, S.54c; January, 8.65c March, 8X1 c; May, 10.18c. ' The cotton market closed steady at a net gain of only 1 to 8 points, LIVERPOOL. Aug. 8.-420TTON Spot, unchanged; goorl middling. 6 64d; mid dling 6.34d; low middling, 4 8Sd; sales. lO.Ooj bale. Oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH, Cia., Aug-. 8. TURPEN TINE Firm, ac; sales, 54 bbls.; ship ments. 146 bbls.; receipt. 868 bbls.; stocks. 24'M bb!. ROSIN-FIrm: sales, 668 bbla.j receipt. 2 4-2 bbls.; shipments, 1,824 bbls.; stock. 58 82.4 bbls Oiiote: AB, S2 90; C D. $2 9.fl' S.00; E. $300i.il6; F. $3 06; O. H.K3n H, $3.!2Hf3 20; 1. SJ.1MrtJ.2t: K, H4.'.; M. $4.06; N, $4.90; WO. S5.80; WW .86.80. I Dry Good a Market. NEW YORK, Aug. S.-Burlap market were excited todav and nriees u.r. &,i,t, drawn aa a consequenca of cable troin Ca'cutta, stating that the British govern ment has taken charge of the lute pro ducts of India during tho period of the War. Wool arood more active: cotton mnrf. quiet; silks In mode-rate request from retailers. Sunday. CATTLE The cat'Ie run was not heavy today, only 143 cars being re potted in This leaves ilia total lor the two days at 7.5M head, ths smallest since three week ago, and slightly snuiller than a year ago. liood lo choice hoevc were III Very fair demand at price that were If any thing a little stronger than yesterday. Hood heavy cattle sold up lo $!i. w). which was .'.n higher than anything brought yesterday. Yearling been of good total ity were also In active demand. Com mon to medium m Miles were slow 1 possibly a little easier. 1 ows ami hellers were in good demand end as tbe supply waa light, they sold at price that were ttrolig to lic higher in some cases, I'eeders and slock tattle were In light supply and quality generally poor. As the demand for (bat clasa of stock wos not overly good, ihe market waa a llllle low and dull. Quotations on cutt'e: UimmJ to choice yearlings, $8.(t9.M); fair to good vear II11KS, $8.2i".i80u; amid to 1 hope heavy beeves. HT.m .75; fair to good comfed beeves. $S.6 riu.2ft; out. moti lo fair corn fed beeves. $7.ImiH 65: good to choice fed helfera, $7 O0il 50; gojd In t holce fed cows. $C. f.11 7. 25: oo.l to choice tfiass helfors $o5037.iiO: good to choice grass cows, SR24irt.;5: fair to good cow Sn.ntsj 6.28; common to fall- cows, t3.7fiWiu.tat; ood to choice feeder, $7.5iti8.50: fair to good feeders. $ jdf7.50-. common to fulr atockers. $i,.6unl.ti0; stock heifers, Su.7jiii6.;u: stork t ows. $5 iu-iin (81 ; stin k calves, S6.0D4i7.50; veal calves. $3 0org10.(m; fat bulla, stags, etc., 86 fOitr7.2t"i. HOUH Receipts were Hunt as large aa yesterday, but at that were moderate lor a Tuesday, some 107 cara, or 7.Wo head lielng reported In. Total for the two days Is 10,432 head, a shortage of 5.18U head a compared with last week, and only a little over half as large aa two weka ago, but more than 4.0IJO head heavier than for the corresponding day last year. Trade opened out fairly active, and shippers bought freely again today, tak ing a fair share of the supplies at prices that were at any rate 64Y10c higher. They paid as high aa 87.86 for best lights, which equals the best price paid since a week ago today, and on down for the less ucHiraoie sinus. i-acaer iraue opened out in good sea son, and aa soon aa a trading basis had been established, wa fairly active. Any thing dealrable sold at fully 641IO0 higher price, $6.40 being the moat popular rigure. ror a wnne ouyers woul4 not even bid on some of the ruogh, heavy packer, and It looked like there waa a good chance for a dull flnlah on these kinds, but In the end practically every, thing waa cleaned up In decent seaaon nt the advance named. SHEEP There was another good run of sheep and lambs today, and while re ceipts were not so large aa yesterday, they allowed well aa compared with roost recent Tuesday. Supplies of forty-one cars, or H,u head, were the largoat on the map, belna heavier even that at Ch'cago, and a good deal larger than any of the other river markets For tbe two days receipts amount to 28,281 head, as against H.titJ Uead last week, 80,6m) head two weeks ago and 85,200 head a year ago. The market opened In much the same shape as on Monday, packers trying to break lamb price .and sellers asxlng for more money. The trade continued very slow through out the whole session, very little busi ness being transacted until very late. It waa really a deadlock between buyers and sellers. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb, good to choice. Si .60188. 18); lamb, fair to good, $8 ih.M; lamb, feeder. $7 6oi(p 8 30: yearling, fair to choice. 8 004f 7.00; wethers, fair to choice, $6,754160; ewes, good to choice, $6.ot)j4.60; ewes, fair to good, Sii.00i-y6.lM). din-tr'ala showed i.--..,,, ns: 10 nntimiatie trada renoi-i i-ht hresitth of the movement in the , .r1 r,orfc8 ws one of th most slentfl.-snl of th dac t-w-lnr to th ex- I ii.oos or esrnintrs. Net r-srnlnv of the ...-.wi.. inn rininm- in June incroisil hv Hlni"t Ii wr cent over th previous ear. I'nlon Pelfi.-'s es'n in net revrn in for Juno m lintcv For th vr ended : I'nlon Padflu, ncoMIng o its Pi-ellmln.rv statement Isauteil todv, earned lit 88 per .-ent or) th immman atock as coinpin-Ml with HI in the tn'rlin fiscal venr Vnl -t m in. . u.m. - ...... - ... - ., - ...... n wnn v. ' ' ", 'ry Ulecrcsse of $J,7f4 ntln. nop. is were runt. lutematlonal Mnr ta'le Mirln 4U,m snd Rock Island do. henturo were esee-'sTV strong. Total aa'.B pur value). SS.THtflr. T'nPed States bond were nnctisnge.t on caTf. NumlM-r of sale snd leading quotations on (lock wer a follow: A'aalia (lotit 1 - mi; Am-riran 8ust:,;;: Amanita ("a ' tl I ,t : " .ii Am, Aisarl, I 'I aHraa Hf' Co rfi-sn aiiwar nsris.! m arluaa A. a-.l ... l,wi sis.riR.s; isiwaeai ,,. Anns4 Mlsln Alrhlns "unii" a O'ii Br.llta lnsl4 faal l-allt.-nla P-liiavs , Canaillsa iSnlda ,,, llanlMI Usaihar ,,, (liraaawaka a OMs ... rhllt, tlraal Wsatars On,, lll, A t. real. Yl"(l Van 8 waal are Phis faeser twin, rusl InHi rtsisaasa aasiihara.,,, , leavsr a) fjls Urand,,., , taa A K ft, pM,..., IIIWIIIM' laatirlllM,,,,., 1.14 Kris ,,,, 11.10 ilstisral RlMitpit) ,,,, ftne llraai plnrtliarn Ors ulta, T (luxsashalm gislarsiln,, 1 s llitnxs rmntral l.mrt ntrhsrsiih Mat, ptA ., , Insrlsallnat ('Vifiaat , tS.Sos tntarnsjllnnal Itarvasiar., Kanaaa (lit. Hotiinem . , 1 (ion lahlsM Tallay I tno ln.llla s Naahrlli Mastnaa FStrelsum ,,,,, M.4 ttlaml lni-r l Ms., Kan. a) Taass 808 kllmiiri rsxilfl S.le National Btsialt National lata 8.1m Nsvasa fYMr 1 is Maw Turk Oantrsl U K. Y.. V. If. H 8. to Nnrtni waetsra. Nnrtharn Psveltl Pantrls Mall , raetna Tal. A Tel.., PsfinsylTsnt , Pullman Palans Car Day rmiBollats4 Oopper. t t'D Haadlna a&.TM RpFUhlla Iron A Itsal... I4.0D8 Rork lalsnd 10 at. u a 44. r. a pt.... n Houttasra Panine 4. too Hmithara rUllwar a. 100 Tansaasa Copsa I. l"e T.aas Company M 4,a) I'nlon Psolllc 21.IM4 I'nlon PacKlo. utd Vnlta4 ftiataa Btssl T7,to t nltsa mata Stasl, fli. a.ano 1'tah Ooppar I) Wanash. pf Wastsra I'nlon pis) WastlnihouM Rlsotrla ... 41.1 no Mnnuvna Powar Pa) Crurlhla Btsel IT, 100 i7 bn, I.T U5 i'J ittt. ,.. tlAil flat 4V !' ,,, t'i ism pi' ,,, 18,4e PtH psv, ih , , , l4 MH U M ,,, 7i 1kl 14 , , l.tsa ltsij 144 1 . 1 4' 4tH 4t4 , 4, n 4) 4,s r ia 1114 , l.rvi si 4 t MS 1(4 ltHU, r10 414 fkj tnt 41 B4 A vxt, lmtvl 144 S3 8H ijti 171 4tV4 lt'4 1 1SS 141 vl T8i 8H 4H f'i St SO 1M 18 'a!ie aa" 'it' ".mi iai iw" 110 S C4 "ii H ita lMtt 111 88 Total tor th oar 71.0 share. 1116 71 144 41 "avi S7 14 sajr in 14 iaw '' U1W H 'ii" ins 4 loa. 1H 4fiS 41 lit, IS tarn, S3 84 4 Is. 874. 17a t"4 aa mt s I'M', mi loo,, Tt 8 118 414 I4S t intai Ww 888. a imi lssH SIM 14t 4a H ii 87. 14 Ml 18t 18IV4 "! fc3 11114 S3 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Firs Weak aheea Aug. S. CATTLE Receipts. llogrs Firm, CHICAOO 2,000 head; market firm; native heef cat tle. western steers. Sn.85'ft8.15: cow and heifer, S3.254jS.li6; calve, $7. 604 U.K. HOGS Receipt. S.Ono head: market weak, early advance of 6 to 10 partly lost: bulk. $6 ultfi 7. 30; light. $7 S0J7 So; mixed $6.457.80: i'"v, Stf.JOaW.SO: rouah. $8.?('n6 35: pigs. $6.8o7.8i. SM E EI AND I. A MBS Receipts. 17.000 head; market firm; sheep, Slo'j7.00; Isrnbs. ati.NMiy 40. I Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8 MkTTA I Ki .A Offered at 88 10. Bnelter. not ouot.t iCopfwr: Uulet; eleHrolytln, SI8 2flr18nO' iron: Steady and unchanged. Tin: Firm at $33 K(735.7G. At London Conner: Snot ?T 10. - turea. 73 ls; electrolytic, A87. Tin Spot. :i57; futures, f.167 15a. Antimony.' UX. Lead, 18 2s d. Spoltar. T8i lo. London Sloek Market. ' LONDON. Aug-. S American uwu,Htt. on tlj stock market onened firm. Union fauna and United State Steel were an. tlvo leader thruusrhout the ulnn tk oKyi'nir was firm. SIf.VFR-Bnr 23 7-ld per ounce. MONEY 434141 per cent. DISCOUNT RATES .short Mils 8 oont; three montlis, 64C5V4 per cent. St. I on'a Live Moek Market. ST. LtyiriB. Auar. 8 flATTI J3 T- celpts, SO1") head: market higher; native beef steers. S7..Vttlo IK: venrllna stoers and heifer. S8.5iM0.00: row, $1.01Ktjl.00; atockers and feeders, 84 OWrt.26: southern steers SB 25ft8.8o; cowi and heifers, 86 00 native caivoa, Uu10.75. iirins Receipt. head: market hlaher; PUs and llrhts. S7.1!5i7.80- mlinit and butchers, $7.4f7 7u; good heavy, $4.86 7 15. SHEFP AND EAMRH-Raeelnta 8 raw head; market lower: mutton aheen. 84 8ik ': lambs, tX.OOtrS .t; bleating ewes, $6.60 1r7.i6. per kit Market. I . If.KW Tl? K-. A u -Ur R Raw. ;d'll: eentrTTugel. $4 84: mo'assea $8 87; wars, quiet e.rly today and at noon prl-ws wer un otiutad from yesterday1 closing. Kanans City Lire Stoolc Market. KANSAS CTTT. Aug. I CATTLE Re celpts, t.iAA) hssd; market hlrher: prim fed feer, $ arl0.00; dreased beef (tears, 88 25B,. WMtrPI1 steer, r.00 80; stock ers snd feeders ..5oS).S6; bulls, 85 6o 1.00: calves, SSonfllu.Si HOOK-Bsoelr 100m head; market higher: bulk. 88 77 40; heavy, a 5Wji 7 16; packer and butchers, $7.uot7.4I; light $7 IMtl 45; plus $6.7i7"0 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 7,300 head: market lower; lambs, $s.ft(Xr9 10; yearlin. 86; wlher, $6.2Mj7.0i): wes. $6,0003.75. Klonpj City 1,1 ve Stuck Market. SIOUX PITT, la., A us. S.-CATTLE Receipt 800 head; market (teady; natlv ateers. $6 75019 00: rows and heifers, r. 0"t 4.50. cannerv, $a7Ui4 75; calves, Se.u0tutl.60: bulls, stag, etc., SS.fVil25. HOOK-Receipts. 4 000 head; market 6r loo higher; heavy. 88 604S7.06; mixed. $4 S5 .ra: light 84-1006.26; bulk of aalea. $4 80 EEP AND LAMBS Rsoelpta. 1,200 bead. l. JnaenPi .lya ttask Market. I ST JOSKP1I Al t-TATTLa'-BA. Rt.imip.4M 4tnles and TVrteA Waits leelpts 300 head; market strong; steers. Aug. $. EVAPORATED VKW YORK. AP'I TH Oulet DRIED FRl'ITS-Prunes. steady. Apri cots, firm. Peaches, quiet. Raisins. firm. '""wtera. FmllatL Aa S.a.tjast. Marrrnients mt n.. tntnJ t.ivs;ii.xru... Maw Tsr , KAriJM . PU ""KAfX- M WM.A .. Ti mot VIA TaltTfcua Otjt f Kaakaa. T"t ramn.iiii Hrw T'a. rrMartofc Tia Krw tr.4Lwv.lalia j .W funs tir-inis , 7KirH7f.' now and helfera. M.25int).UI: calves. 80ufl0o0. HOOB Reoelnt. 8 400 bead- market hl--er: top. rU; bulk. 86.7 40. SHEFP AND iJtMBS Kenetpta. 1.605 market hlghar; lambs. tlOOi4.00. 1.1 Statek tn Klakt. Cattle, llova Sheen. Aotrth Omaha S.'J'i 7 trtl 11.000 tltimso $.' 8i"i 17 Kansas City Jtoai lut) 7 s-jo St. Iau 4.'K .1 5 0) Sloox CUy 8U1 4 y l.0 Loral Storks an Roads. Quotation furnished bv Burn. Drinker A Co.. 44 Omaha National Bank Bulld nir Omaha: STOCKS A.rT a Co., ptd American gmslter ttau. pt4.. A..., Aatns. plit Aatna. com Hurasas-Naak T par oanl pM Itana or J Oir Nat. Bank, Omaha I ai NsL Bank. I. Bluffs. Ilasro V) , pld Palrmont Crsamary T par eaat pti Fairmont Creainarr com Harold Jlld. pf (I. 4 par eanl Kauaas Uas 4V Kiss. 7 par cent... blnoula Oaja 4k Klae. la. . ota I.lnroln Trai-tlon PM lanooln Talsphon ti., com J.jioa Hondtn at Surely Co Norfolk National Rank Omaha (1. n. 81. fly.. p(d Omaha National Bank SulalMircar Hons rmunoartn.nnoar mo-, pni.. Htatrart-Warnar Spaaaora star, aeax... Union ttiork Yards, stock UUNUrt Baamar, Nab., Watar 6 Dundee. Nrt. MunlelpaJ 188... Itnuilaa Cnuntr 4a. 1M rlanurn, Taaaa. (a. 1U Lsncoln Mas 4 Rlae. 5 a, 1M1 Mneoln L.I1I1I A Power a New IfU'a Talsphon 1 Omaha Watar 4H. 141 Omaha B. HI. Hr. 8a, 1818... Omaha Sewar 4la, 1t;a Omaha Klae. Lt. Pvar i. usi. Hoax cur gtouk Yds. a. ia Wichita Union Htork Yd, ta. 184... Hundred Disputed Points in Western Rail Wage Award CHICAGO, Aug. S. The board of arbi tration which last spring decided the wage demand of the fireman and engi neers of the western railroads has been asked to reconvene to decide disputed points tn Its award. It was learned today. Some time ago tha heads of th Broth erhood of Knglnmen Issued a pamphlet giving their Interpretation of tha applica tion of the award to tha wage schedule of Individual railroads. On hundred and forty-six points were Interpreted from the viewpoint of the brotherhoods. These Interpretations wera reviewed by the oommltte of genaral managers, who are said to have disagreed with tha brotherhood on nearly very point. This made It necessary to ask th arbitrators to meet again, and tha meeting will b held probably In Ctiioatro at tha earliest convenience of tha arbitrator BI4. Alkad. . 8 . tt It m . 11 1M , I'M 8eo 84 . 1U , 814 W4 , 10114, , in l7 , Wl4j I'M 1 a 7 , 14 17 , wh M'4 . te; rr , 118 15 , nt aoo . 71 Vj 74 , 1M 227 It , 0U. t 1 asl la , 81 44 . ti aa 108 ,10174 , 86 l'O , 10 10114 , 7 an , t at , 74 , 100 10114 , 4 tti, , inn lorn , tr4 M II , SJ0 OP- j'oiiune time Willie, rvneixer kepi Brviok lMi'a bits tt tittered. Score, first aame: R.H.E Bronklvii 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 28 6 t Pillsburali ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 Latteries; Brooklyn, Wlltse and R :notia; Pittsburgh, Allen and O'Connor. Score, second game. R.1I.E. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 02 6 1 Pittsburgh ... 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 8 0 Batteries Brooklyn, Ftnneran and H. Smith; Knetier and Be.-ry. Terrier Whll Bines. ST. LOUIS, Mi., Aug. 3. 4. Loula overwhelmed Buffalo her today and won the game, 0 to 1. With the field sotrv 'from rain the local knocked Anderson out nf the box In the second Inning and then continued to register hits and runs off lafllte. Score: It-H,E Bullafo OlOOOOOOO t8 Si. Uiul 2 4SO110O 10 11 1 Batter lea: Anderson, Lafltte and Blair, Watson; Crandall and Chapman. Merchants Whose Stocks Confiscated Arrive at El Paso EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 8. A number of foreign shopkeepers Of Chihuahua, Mex ico, arrived here today. Their departure wa occasioned by the confiscation by General Villa of their wares. Tha majority of tha shopkeeper re mained in Chihuahua, it wa said, pend ing tha outcome- of the parley between various foreign consuls and Villa, looking to a modification nf the confiscation order. Villa Is understood to have of fered payment for Ihe goods taken, hut upon what basis Is not known her. Tho high prices complained of by Villa are justified, according to the arrivals today, because of the unstable currency and difficulties of exchange on the border. 'yenerl Villa did not say 'If the United State doe not like my actions. It can go to hell. What he did say waa: 'My telegraph lines are open to you. You may protest to your governments.. If they do not ilk It, they can come; I am ready for them.' " Lateat advice from Ouxman Indicate that the mutiny In tha Villa garrison there has been suppressed. Oeorge Carother. United Statea State department representative, arrived here today and went Into consultation with Zarh Cobb, collector of the port. Hundreds Caught By Flood in Mine INDIANA, Pa.,' Aug. 3-Wadlng In water, at times up to their nocks, 4, miners escaped early today froiS the Sample Run mine, near here, after being Imprisoned for several hours. It is be lieved that no live were lost, although the cnu of those employed lit the haft ha not yet been completed, , During tha night heavy rains orer th watershed so swelled a little stream near tho opening that a great volume of ' water poured Into tha mln. Exit by tha usual way was cut oft and the men made their way to an air shaft and climbed to safety Soma of tha men waded In water for almost a mile. Apartments, flats, houses and oottagea can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bse "For Rent." Window Trimmers Become Display Men NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-U of tha name, "window trimmer." as applied to tha men i who decorate store windows, was objected ! to In a resolution adopted by ths Interna-1 tlonal Association of Display Men, hold,-, lng Its annual convention hero. About : t.Ouo members wera present today. Manu faoturer, trad Journal and periodicals were requested to describe tha man who ornaments tha stora window aa "dis playman." Tha executive commute ap proved a resolution oppoalng th display of show cards and pries tickets contain ing misstatement of fictitious value. DEATH RECORD Mrs. . T, Trondy. TABOR. Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) Mrs. J. T. Troudy died Sunday morning at her home. In North Tabor, after a pro longed illness. Deceased was In her six tieth year and beaide her husband. Dr. John T. Troudy, Is survived by two sons and on daughter. These ar Dr. H. T, Troudy of Smith Center, Ka. Claud L. Troudy of Tabor, and Mra. n J. Ander son of Council Bluffs. The funeral waa held this afternoon. Rear Adsulral Foreytk. SHAMOKIN. Pa. Ang. t-Rear Admiral James McQueen Forsyth, United States navy, retliwd. died here today of paraly sis, lie was first stricken six. month go. The body will bo takn to that N tlonaj cametrry l Arlington am rvtday Women's Strap Pumps, $1.00 11,000 square fast of floor spacta will ba used In Our Annual $1.00 Bala of Shoes Starting Thursday. BRANDEIS filWl will rcduie ia turned, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll EvlL Qulttor, Fistuls. or sny unhealthy sor quickly si ta k pottUrs (adarauc sal tsnsictds. r tasrnat is aaai doea not blaster snast Saadtf r ts ssas UM kail, sa tat an vark Ike hsras. tl 00 p koala, Vcur. seat. BooklCIra. ABSORBING, JR.. .ulswte HsIsmm tap Staalrlna. kadaoa PaiahM, tl Vcim. toiita. Was, soaiiu. Seaiaaa, (tops pats a4 isSaaunaina. fries $1 la ft haul s aaaJrts at aicuictm. y UI tell to tauts if f t amis. 84aaatamred Mir by w.f.t0Usa.f O.r.,10UtBallS.SiirtiKld. Nts. Totals .. .-TTjaU) r.OO O.600 for burial,