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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1915)
THE TUT,: OMAHA, WEPXHSnAY. AlKlUiST 4. 1013. "Hie Be es Ho m e Maaz i ti e P a ! 3 , Read It Here See It at the i OVft A Rainy Night Parerts and Child I How Ideas on Punishment By ELLA WHEELER WI ICOX. g.e Copyright, 113, Star Company. When the fingers of rain on the window pane Tap, tap, Up, And the feet of the rain run over the roof In the dark of a Bummer night. Then out of their graves old memories creep And they steal up Into the house of sleep And they rap, rap, rap On the door of the heart till It sets a light And opens the portal and spreads the board For the waiting horde. Then the great, wide world seems all astir With the ghostly shapes of the things that were. A Pleasure that perished, a dead Despair, An old Delight and a vanished Care, A Passion that bullded its funeral pyre From the worthless timber of brief desire, A hope that wandered and lost its way In the dazzling beams of its own bright ray, With long-gone Worries and long-lost Joys, Come stealthily creeping with never a noise (For the things that have gone on the road to God When they turn back earthward are silence-shod); And they enter the hearts' great living room When the rain beats down from a sky of gloom In the dark of a Summer night. And they tell old tales and they sing old songs That are sweet, sweet, sweet; "While the fingers of rain on the window pane Beat, beat, beat. And they feast on the past and drink its wine . And call it a brew divine. But when in the east the darkness pales And the edge of the cloud shows light, The ghosts go back with a silent tread. And only the heart knows what they said In the dark .of the Summer night. J.i Dogs Buried in Costly Graves; Babies Suffer Hundreds of Infanta Could He Bared with Money Which is to be Spent on Cemetery Qneer Sort of Philanthropy. By DOROTHY D1X. A rich woman has given S3.SO0 to estab lish a dog cemetery on Long Inland, and tho opening of this srlstocratlo burying ground for pampered Fldos ia to be ac complished with much ceremony, with a dog standing- at the rat to reos the first cjtrJsjs) funeral that takes ilac. - ---- What do you think of that? Isn't it enough to make even a dog howl with dlst gusted protest? What aort of a heart can a wo man have who Uvea 13,600 to build a mausoleum for dogs, when there re tens of thou sands of starving bablea at her very door? What kind of a queer, distorted phil anthropy can prompt such a gift that puts the welfare of a dead animal above that of a live human being? Thirty-five hundred dollars Is a large sum. With It one can do much to al leviate the sufferings of the world. With it one can save many Uvea and bring happiness into many homes. With It one can change the whole course of exist ence for doiens of people and lift them out of the alough of misfortune up on ' !(' . ' , S5 Ladle' K Ini, 14k solid gold Loftla "Per fectlon" mount-in- brilliant CfJ lJlamond. at. $5 a Month B3S Ladies W a t c h. O lit, Hunt ing case, fin est Qual 1 1 y gold filled, assorted en ara v In r i, polished fin-'-. guaran teed IS yre., fitted with genuine El sin or Wal tham move ment. Hpe rtal nrlce $15 l.M Month flOFTiS L-ZlEROSiCauVS09 to the broad highway, where they can make their own' way toward success. The hot summer la upon ua in which the bablea of the alums sicken and die, mainly because they are undernourished and their poor mothers have not the means to buy good milk for them or the Ice' with which to keep what they do buy fresh and sweet. Hundreds of these babies wilt perish within the noxt three months who could be saved If the $3,600 that Is going Into this cemetery or dead dogs was spent on establishing par milk statron where good milk would be given away to the needy. Oo down any of the streets of the East Side on a hot, sweltering day and look at the white, pinched faces of the little ohlldren whose only playground la the blistering sidewalk and whose every breath drawa in the malodorous, contami nating air that reeks of garbage cans and decaying fruits and vegetables and all the evil smella that abound where human j beings live loo closely crowded together. If the spot, amid the trees and grasses of Long Island and swept by Its sea winds that is to be set apart as sacred to the carcasses of dead" dogs were turned Into a playground for these poor living children, what a blessing It would be to them! How the fresh air would bring back the eolor to the pale little cheeks! How the flabby muscles would strengthen as they romped among the daisies.. How the osone of the country air would put to rout the demon of tuberculosis already he fining to hover about the doomed little creature. Thlrty-fivo hundred dollars would give many a child a week or two In the coun try that would mean life and health to It. Surely an object la worth while as preserving the bones of a deceased Pomeranian. Certainly the shouts of joy of little children going up from a beauty spot of nature are as pleasing to heaven as the walls and lamentations of neurotic woman weeping" over the tomb of her dead pug. Thirty-five hundred dollars would es tablish a summer camp where poor work ing girls who have come to the last ounce of their endurance could have a few weeks' rest and gather themselves to gether again and get fresh strength and courage to begin the battle of life onoe more. It would make a place where over worked mothers with their little alcklv J babes could go for a little while and be 78 M en's Ring, given a new lease on life. It would buy carved. 14k solid gold an entrance into a home for meny a for- KaviTueat.fcO lorn oM woman he would be safe Terms i $S a Month .from the winds of winter and the suns of summer and be able to end her days in peace ana comrort. Oo alonv the streets and nolle the children suffering from physical afflic tions that will be an insurmountable handicap In life to them, but that you know could be easily cured by proper medical attention. With S3.SO0 you could send this child and its hacking cough to some sanitarium where fresh air and rich food would save It from consumption. You could strighten the little cripple's leg; you could save that child's eyes; this other one from deafness: this oth- ;rr s back could be, -made well, and those i who will go through life halt, and lame, I And hllnH Km ! A w j i . . . u mui wen ana given their chance Id life. So much could be done for humanity with $3,500, and yet it Is given to dead dogs! I would not decry kindness to animals. The best and surest way to save money Is to buy a diamond or a watch on credit at LOFTS BROS. & CO. Cz5 illli Up& vto 0 d &$$ -H . yvvv-'v , K p ,f ?A i-,;v-;. ; :.,-. . , - -- .v - " W. v-: FK4-V- i - ,4 y - v . ,-.,. . I') Virginia Trrlmne Van Do Water. (OnpyrlRht. 1!MS, by Star Company. A number of UK were ilixrunalnn a mat ter of which much hns alrendy been said namely, kevplns one's word tr ililUIrcn. "Of course." said one woman, "one should try to fulfill promise under all clroumatimces but enperially to a child." "It Is not easy to Jo to always." ob jected another woman. "What at-oiit promisee of punishment?" one mnn asked. I recoiled something a certain grnnrt- motner used to say to ner Dfnnren aooui their llttlo ones, "lie very careful," eho eotinseled. "about making a threat--but when you have made one stick to It." I quoted this bit of advice now: "There," snM a wise father, "you have the secret. Think twice before you spenk once, but when you have decided that I accident he had a you are riKht In promising a rewird or son. a punishment, let nothing prevent your "8ee hers John," "Ton wouM find It out anyhow," the man laughed. "Perhaps, but you might not." sue In slfted. "and even If you would find :t out anyhow, does It not encourage a child to bo deceitful If vol I lake hlrV pay the penalty of a fault he eon teases'.'" Her question reminded me of an oc currence altout which I have often, thought. It was not a hypothetical In stance, but something that really hap-' pencd to a child I once knew I re lated the circumstances now to this group of friends. In a few words the case was as fol lows: A small boy, aged 11. was in tht hat It of playing ball on the lawn In front of and close to his father's house. Whtle IndulglnH In this eiwrt at different times he broke three panes of glass In various windows. At first his fathir reprimanded him gravely, but gently. Aftar tho third serious talk with Ills he sa'.d. "I kno fulfilling that promise "lon't circumstances alter caes?' a mother asked timidly. 'If you tell a child you will chastise him If he trans gresses a certain law, of yours, should you carry out the threat even If the child comes to you and confesses ths: he has disobeyed?" Gouverneur Morris and Charles W. Ooddard fjssjTlgki. Isls. Star Cm stay. "TTrm"ff-v""-TrrifTif Til'" in. - i fi'i 1 wih, MnrTi atiri i ' - n Iary and Tommy Sit Down to Have a Quiet Talk About Celestia CI..' r.A.nxmane Mnrrim t control of a naturally fine and far-carry-1 ma forget that I had to stand for a long tJf uuuuiivui infill I Ing voice. I time to get the benefit of It." j His triumphs were many. His down- Tail came wnen ne cronnen eirsria s pain too closely. If she was speaking by chance In the same town at the same time, he would have no more of an audi ence than he could have counted on the fingers of his hands. If he followed her too closely he spoke to deaf and unsym pathetic ears. "The crime of the ages," said one rough miner, who was suffering from too much heart, too much whisky and too little mind, "you great big, whlntlln', thunder In" boot, did you ever set eyes on the ladyr And Tommy, to his horror, had failed to find any answer to that question any where In his head, and had stammered and become tongue-tied, and been bored, j " I'm rather frightened at and had done harm to a cause, which, mougni or lemng you. so fanatical had he become, at this time. "Much more of this." raid Tommy seemed to mean life and death to him. Jooosely. "and I'll not bo dying of curl In exalted moments he filt that he hadj8ty; I' be dead." Then gravely, "Is crushed the love of Celestia out of hlai't serlousT' Cpsn Call Till 8 p. m., Saturdays Till 9:30 Call or write for Catalog No tOS. Phone I'ouglas 1444 and our salesman will r... THE N ATlfl N At PBPfllT ItWCI . ;Th,t aut5r " ,h mor Imperative VllkVII VbffkWkllli I. ItHh Etonian, EDlttTIONAL. ITH W karalst w Kk Taar aM m sf WfW MIM to si4aaf . r'si'illnnt f m wtf Ml TlHslaMa UMtrveuoa iiiium nusf sswsr, assi aiwt tireuMM. LiWrvl MCi- MMM . UMU : BwlkBIM : MHMHld ll I 1 1 ll 1 r J". S ,.n win; Huwq. Hwt4Mr M.VU. w,mi l- 1 1- , Htm Ml M , m. (MrtSann nM w iQHLAND PARK COLLEGE Charge f. . A. as., O. O., PreelSent since they are In our power, but surely mis enas wnen they die, and to spend large sums In giving them gorgeous funerals sud laying them away in beau tiful cemeteries, when there is so muoh want among human beings In the world. Is little short of a crime. Surely there Is something wrong with the heart, and the brain, and the con science of a woman who thinks that dead dogs are of more value than live babies and who gives her money to build a monument to her pet poodle Instead of using it to alleviate the sorrows of her unfort'inate fellow creatures. SynopsU of I'evlous Chapters. After the tragic death of John Amos buiy. his vrwaiia.ieu vtUe, out of Amer icaa srouuit beauUos. Uies. At her deaia k'lof. blU-iier. an aeuul of til. luleieaU kidnaps the beautiful 3-y ear-old baby kill uiid brings hur up la a yaradisu whero she m uo uiau. but thiuks sue la laugui by unguis wuu instruct hur lur ber homiuu to itloiiu utu world. At the a of la sue : suuilcuiy thi usi Into the wurio wneiu aKvula of lue iulwcau are leauy to pielenu tu tlixl bur. Fifteen yeais laiur Tuinuiy goes to tns Adirouuaik. 'ilia iuluieole ale ieyoiil bie fur tu irif. 13 y acuiduiu no Is mu iUl to meet llie lUUe Auivsbuiy girl, as ti conies form tfoui bur puiauise as Culuslia the kill from huuvuu. Nuiuicr lummy u-t Celusiiu. recoaiiiiies each otner. 'iuiiuiiy (Inds ll au uaay uuitUr to (uuuue Culuaua fioui frof. hlluliai and they hlue In the tuounisuua; later limy kju iiuisued by oUUller aud eauaiie to au Uiand wum" tny bihjiiU tne nlsuu Tuniuiy a fiiut aim was to get Celestia away doin bUUltur. Afier tnuy leave bellevue Tommy Is unabie to get auy hotel to take Celeutia In owing to tat costume. But later he persuades bis latltur to keep her. When ne sues ojc to me taxi he finds her gone, tone ialis Into the hands of white slavers, but scapes and now to live with a poor fam ily by thu name of Louala. W lieu llieii son Freddie returns home he finds right In his own house. Celeuiia. the girl for which the underworld liaa ol lured s re ward that he hoped to got. Celestia secures work in a large gar ment factory, wnure a great many girls are employed. Here sh shows her pe culiar power, and makes fr.enus with ail ber girl companions, ay her talks to tne girls she Is able to calm a threatened ktrike, and the "boas" overhearing her is moved to grant the relief the gins wished, and also to right a great wrong he bad done one of theiu. Jut at t'-ls point the factory catches on fire, and the work room Is soon a biasing furnace. Celestia refuses to escape wllu the other g.rle, and Tommy Uarolay rushes In and car ries tier out. wrapped in a Dig roll of cioih. After rescuing Celestia from the fire, Tommy is sousht by UauKer Barclay, who undertakes to peiauaue him to give up the girl. Tommy refuses, and CvluKta wants him to wed dirsotly. lie au not do this, as he hue no funds. Ktllltler nd Barclay Introduce CelusUa to a co terie of wealthy mining men, who agree to send Celestia to the coill-iries. The wife of the miners' leaner Involves Tommy In an escapudo that leads the miners to lynch him. Ce'eatla ae.vee hun from the mob, but turns from him and goes to see Kehr. TWELFTH KriSODK. Other trains were making whirlwind tours of these United States. Not every capitalist was on the side of capital. A badly frightened and very able man In the White House was fighting for his political life. Into the arena there came at last a dribbling of genuine patriots, who, like their forefathers, were ready to give for their country their lives, their sacred honor. It wasn't all smooth sailing by sny means. Still, no new movement had ever made such progress In so short a time, and the end was not In sight, nor the beginning of the end. A man gaining In strength from day to day, among those who stood for the old order of things, and opposed Celestia, was Tommy Barclay. He had a great fervid quality of honesty which no one could doubt, and he had to look on his face, very lean now from short nights, hard work and the ronstant buffeting of trains, of a young hero who has st himself to do to death a dragon that U ravaging a country-side. With experi ence and practice had come quirk initia tive In emergencies, case and the better They walked toward the little city park. "What are you really doing In this far away place, Mary?" "I missfd you at Lynnaburg and Pies Crossing, and succeeded In connecting with you here." "You didn't really do all that traveling Just to hear me talk through my hat, did you?" "No, I didn't, really; and you didn't talk through your hat I came as a matter of fact to tell you something I think you ouht to know." They reaohed the little park, chose a bench and sat down. "I'm all ears," said Tommy, "and. I'm dying of curiosity." "I think you ought to know," said the heart. Once, in a little northern town, stand ing on an Improvised rostrum of pack ing cases, and In the midst of addressing a large crowd of quiet, sensible people, who appeared to like him, and to llko what he said. It was Tommy's bad for tune to have Celestia arrive from her snow-white car and steal his audience away from him. His "sea of upturned faces" became a pool, with more than half the faces turned away to try and see what all the excitement was about further down the street, and everybody getting more and more restless and In attentive. A sudden tremendous cheering took the rest of Tommy's audience away from him on the run, with the eiceptlon of one young woman, who wore a thick, brown veil and was half concealed by tin stem of an elm. For a moment or two Tommy did not see her. His eyes were on the backs and twinkling legs of his fast disappearing audience, and there was a smile on his face, half rueful resignation and half amusement. He did not notice the woman until she called sttentlon to herself by speaking. "Pon't stop," she said: "they haven't all gone. It Isn't fair to me. I've come a long way to hear you." With an exclamation of pleasure Tommy leaped down from his rostrum and ran to greet htr. "Why, Mary Blaokstone," he exclaimed, "what tho dickens are you doing way down here?" "I told you I came to hear you speak. You are getting to be rather famous, you know, and I thought It was iny duty (her eyes sparkled under the veil) to hear you at least once." "Well." said Tommy, smiling back, "you missed alt the good tarts. Some thing tells me that I was going to finish very strong, and then the diversion come, and only you stood your ground. Shall I get back on that soap box and give you my peroration. Or shall we see If we can get near to Celestia to hear her?" Celestls's name fell from his Hps with the utmost coolness and nonchalcnce, so that Mary niackstone's heart gave a sudden hound of joy, and the hatred which shs had for the girl from heaven abated somewhat. "If yon don't mind," she aajd, "we'll not try to get nearer to Celestia than we are now. Indeed, I'd rather walk In tho otpualle direction, because I see some thing thst rather loeks like a park, and that would ineau a bench to 4t on. Kven your Impassioned oratory couldn't make (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) Advice to Lovelorn Mr BBATkXOa XAXMTAX : Itnn'l Look for Trouble. Dear Miss Faltfsx: I am 20 years old. considered beautiful and an artixt's model. The artist for whom I am at prewnt poains Is constantly mak'ns love to me. Now, Miss Fairfax, this man bears a questionable reputation and I am sure hU intentions ate not honest. I have no parents or friends who could help me with money until I secure an other iHisltlon and do not know of any otter tniana of making a living. riease advise me what to do shall I leave the loeitUm, although 1 have no money saved, or s tall I endure this man until I find another position? Your advice In this will Iks hluhtv ap preciated. K1.L.E.N. Your position la very difficult, and I advise you to look about for other em ployment at once, but In the meantime rled to act as If ha did not care. your own common sense and dignity will, L think, protect you. Could you discuss the matter simply and honestly with your employer and make htm realise Just how difficult your position Is and how much It means to you to have your relations purely business? Don't Marry mm Idler. 1 Iear Miss Fairfax: Am a homeless girl of 2i. I care for a young man of . and 1 think he rares for me. I was about to become engaged to him, when I found that he doesn't care much about work. I told him what I heard, and he said that he will try to work, hut not so soon. Now, Mlas Fairfax, It would break my Voart to lose this wir mm. DOWNIlKArtTED. It won't break your heart to give up your fiance If he Is too lasy and shift less to work. But It will break your heart to marry such a man and live a life of litrdnhln and drudgery to which his selfish laslnesa would bring you. Un less he goes to work at once, don't risk your happiness and the future of the chjldren you might bring Into the world by marrying an idler. That la Xot Lore. lear Miss Fairfax: I am 21 and have been keeping company with a young man fur a year. At times I like him, 'and at other times 1 do not want him at all. Now, do you think that this Is real ove? I think that 1 et tired of a person very quickly ami wnuid like to be w'th d'ffer ent ones. F. J. W. What you feel Is fascination. Real love hna an underlying basis of sympathy and understanding that keeps It from shilly shallying around between like and re pulsion. As long ss you are fickle and like the diversion of the society of dif ferent boys, don't consider any of them seriously. that you and your friends like to play hall on the lawn, and I do not object to your doing so as long as no mischief results. Hut I cannot have yeu break ing any more windows. You must re member that. If you cannot Ivivo your game here without doing damage you must go elsewhere to play." "All right, father." the -boy agreed, "nut If we don't - break wlndow-s, may we play here?" "Yes." the parent replied, "you may, but you must not come so close to the house as to smash anything. And, John. If you do break another window I shall punish you. Understand?" "Yes, father, I understand." "Remember, I mean what I ray. I have tried everything else to make yeu careful. You know I shall carry out my threat." "Yes father." "Very well: that settles it." Two weeks passed and all went well. The boys confined their games to that part of the lawn that was at a distance from the house. Then, when they had become over-secure In their Immunity from accidents, they came nearer the house, and In twitting a ball John drove It straight through a cellar window. While the boys were watching him ho But when his playmates had gone away, and his father had come home from buatneaa, John went straight to him where he sat In the library. "Father," he sold, "I broke another window." The father set his Jaw' resolutely. "I ' am sorry, son. You -know what I prom ised." "Yes, sir. I am ready." And the father gave him a whipping, lie said afterward that he 'Would have proved hlmnelf a liar had he not done so. He also said thst It was the hardest task he had ever had to perform. As I finished my recital there aroso a chorus of exclamations. "He was a brute!" declared one mother. Another said, "He should neer have made such a threat." One man made himself heard above the others. "Thst last statement is be slds the question," hn remarked. "Even If the father should not have made the threat. It was made. This being the case as a man of his word he was compelled to thrash the kid. It was his mantfest duty." Of course, there were some who agreed with him. Ilul there were as many dis senting voices. I wish I knew what the average parent would say about this) matter. leaving out the much-disputed and never-settled question as to whether a child should or should not receive cor poral punishment, could this man, after having once pledged himself to a certain course, honorably avoid It? (Tio sure to read are of Interest to mother.) these stories. They every fsther and t- 'ir t x, xyy-h J,, ' i C ,r f"'i ml "You just rest and keep on with Sanatogen" REST il vital whit its oppor tunity to recuperate, to replenish the tyateme vitality. Yet very often red alone ii not enough. For summer, when the nervous forces are at low ebb after the long winter's struggle, calls for such largely in creased expenditures of ncrvs force that the system must hare even more help to milt the enervating inroail of hut weather, A r.J thit Is the help that 6anatop;rn fives.' Bringing to the starved cells B.iJ tiucucs just the foods they hunger for, it revives and reinviroratet them, recoils appetite and easier digestion ar.d deeper lumberi and store up the rtiiitivt forces the system must have in hot weather. It Is a leniflcant fact that physicians in trolc ul luiicls. India, fur eim-k'. unl: c In rndor,h.(r Sunsloffcn. A nd dues it not seeia that if (Mtnatisen can help n ci who live the year 'round In h t e! :nuU, It r-tn hr'o you drrit g the fc-w tuotiths of hot weather here I S.inatncn Is so'd by good dmtrb'.s everywhere in t! rreslso.fromfl.UMm, Antli BtuuHt, tlM LD.tHJI BOVctlvl. T'tt "Tlt look aa4ltLUKttM SM ) noilital. ' Zu Cilitrt f.rW, M.P.. ihceut iKii tMitM.icui4, writ trow "San-ion n ktu irif ralnd true- ieod Dbk,lcr4 ltK ihc Itti ii-s)"-Ky,Tn4 f t i f tili itfir la it tr-ri kU Usujr awl itusuL Grand Friz, International Congrm hitdicint, LtuJsn, 1913 ; -. sj "H ., t',-l .1 Js. jr. i A J !'l'i."l.,:-4-'' ' .-'1 Vtf&fJCf istni l"t'--yjV -fcsssV XsasW SI H-elssnysVss. s Um stftMsX ti . .ajs .tSJSaXssst r.' 0.' afcaX -' ' -K V- -v- ' 0K-J i'gir.j for Elbert Hubbard's new book "Health In the Making." Written In hi attractive manner and filled with his shrewd philosophy together with capital advice on Sanatogen, health and contentment. It is free. Tear this oil as a reminder to address Thi Bauir Chem ICALCo., S7-J Irvinz PI., New York