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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1915)
TIIE IJKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUttt'ST 4, 1015. MAKES EXTENSIVE IMPEOYE MENTS IN HIS STORE. By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, August 3, 1915. ALTHOUGH Omaha society women are more or ls scattered while away on vacations, they get together and entertain whenever the opportunity presents Itself. It happens that Mrs. Edgar Morsman, Jr., and children, are upending the summer among the clouds at Long's Peak Inn, Colorado, while Miss Millard and Miss Helen Millard have been stopping near by In Estes Tark. Last week Mrs. Morsman entertained the Misses Millard at dinner at the Inn and the latter, visiting Omahans there, met Enos Mills, the natur alist, author and lecturer, who has frequently been entertained In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Barlow and their son, Milton, jr., have Joined this group of sojourners at Long's Peak. They write they are always near roaring log fires and enjoying an occasional snow storm. Not much ad vantage, however, over the stay-at-homes of this year. At the Brandeis Theater. Many large thrstrr .artles attend the performances of th Edward Lynch players at the Brsndels theater each week, and this Is the cut especially at the tnatlneea, when large numbers of the younger set reserve large line parties as early as two weeks In advance. Twenty of the young ladlea employed In the Pompelan room of the Brandeis tores attended the Monday night per formance In a body, and T. M. Thomp son bad a line party of seven. Among those who will rive theater parties this week are: Mrs. Klmtler, Mini Ilay Brown, Mrs. Gaines, Mrs. A. B. Cook, K. K. Zimmerman, V. 3. O'Drlen, W. E. Porter, Mrs. Overmever, Mrs. Harmon, M. Donahue, MIR Gertrude Southard, C. L. Ttenner. Mrs. C. If Newell will entertain eight rueats at the Thursday matinee. Miss Ruth Pretty will have fifteen and Mrs. Fhringley. rtuth Thompson and Virginia Lowe will have parties of four. MUi O. Wright and MUs Lola Stein will each entertain large parties at the Saturday matinee. At the Field Club. Mine Florence IMIey entertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon today at the Field club In honor of Mies Mary Butler of St. Louis, the guest of Mrs. Waggoner. The table wae decorated with atrtinda of blue and white ribbons and a large mound of Klllarney roses wss used as the centerpiece. The guests were all J pupus or PL Mary a ai Notre Dame, 2nd., and Included; MJsses Mlaeea Msj-jr Butler Mary Deur of of SL Louis, Mtusourl Valley, Kathrrln Keellne Katharine 1'eur of of Ouunoll Uluffa, Missouri Valley, Adele Kenllns Ruth Klnaler, ot Council Muff a, Cartta o'Hrlen, Rhode Hutches, Irene McConnelL Marjoile Hitrrett, Nell Beetty, Ruth tuattr, Mrs. C. J. Balrd gave a luncheon of six covers today at the Field club, com plimentary to Miss Brownlee. who Is visiting ber sister, Mrs. J. T. Brownlee. At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. and Mrs. C F. Weller will enter tsln at dinner this evening at the Happy Hollow club. Their guesu will be: Messrs. and Mssdamee F. W. Clarke. A. W. Gordon, Mrs. Ralph BreckenrUlK. Miss Katharine Davenport Messrs. Messrs. Warren Brecken- Clifford Weller, Vrf'and Mrs. Howard Goodrich wilt have as their dinner guests this evening at the Happy HoUow club: Mr. and Mr. Walter G. Silver. Dr. and Mrs. John K. Pulver. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Oarvln will enter tain sis guests at dinner this evening at the Happy Hollow club; Harry Koch, six, and Non-la Drown, seven. Mrs. Falmer Flndley will give a lunch eon ot twelve covers Thursday at the Happy Hollow club. j Pleasures Fast A surprise party was given In honor of Miss Helen Kales, who leaves soon to spend six weeks at Bridgeport, Neb, The affair was given at the home of Mr. Roy Greeting and fourteen guests were pres ent. Flags and garden flowers were used In the decorations. At the Country Club. Mr. Glenn Wharton will give a din ner of twenty covers this evening at the Country club. His guests wll be tbe trav eling salesmen of the business house. Outdoor Affair Postponed. Tbe out-dour affair of the George A. Cosier Woman's Relief corps, which was announced to be held Wednesday even ing at the home of M. Arthur Gwynne In Florence, has been postponed until more favorable weather. ,. . r , On the Calendar. Mlas Ruth ttts.tty wl. give a tbeatm party Thursday Afternoon at the Bran dels, In honor, of Miss Mary Hutler ot tit. Louis. - ' - The laeies of the Columbian circle wl entertain at their hall at Twenty-second and Locust streets, on Wednesday after noon at i:. ' 5ewi of the Wayfarers. . Mrs. E. D. Harris, Mrs. George M. Cooper aod daughter, Ml.dred; Miss Martha Htlma and Miss U. lloraui strom are sojourning at LsU-s Park, Col '. . . . Eeturn from Madiion Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo It. Wright have returned flora a two weeks' tuy at Mad son Lake, Minn. Mr. WrUht holds thi record for retching the largest bass ol the season. Others returning from Mad' stn Lake recently are Mrs. A. W. Jetftrl Albert Jtfferla and Janet Jetferls, Mrs U. J. Root and Cullen Root. Personal Mention. bea visiting Dr. Bacon's mother and hit sletrr, Mrs. Harry Ayer, in KldJleford Me., will return home the last of th week. They will be avcoinpauled by li Huron's mother, who will be their guest for some time. Mr. and Ajrs. J. A. Ellet returned Sun day from .1 te'i days' stay at Canper, Wyo. Dr. snd Mrs. Fred Bacon, who have Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abrahams have re turned from their wedding trip, which Included 1'hlladelphla and New York City. Mrs. Abrahams was formerly Miss Berth Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Burgess snd Charlci Allison leave this evening for the cast. The Misses l'elle and Theresa Flanagan have returnel from a two weeks' stay st Lake Okoi ojl. Mlas Nntalle Bontecou of Kansasi City, who Is the guest of Miss Leeta Holdrege. will leave for Dcme Lake, Wyo., next week. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Meallo returned Sunday from Chicago and Rock Island, III., after enjoying a month's visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Paul Reese, one of the soloists at tho Saengerfest concert, will give an In formal song reoltal this evening In Den nleon, la., where he Is honor guest at a house party. V ' ": xW 1 '"f" No ladla-estloaf Caa't Katt Appetltef Dr. King's New Life Pills stir up your liver, aid digestion; you feel fine the next day. Only 25a, All druggists. Ad-vsrtlsement. Motorcycle Eiders Leave Girls Far Out to Walk Back Home An Omaha woman has written a letter to Probation Officer Miller, to sustain Mr. Miller's charge that motorcycles are a large factor In the corruption of young girls In this city. The letter revealed a situation which will be Investigated by the probation officer, The writer ot the letter and her husband were motoring three and one-halt miles HERBERT S. ARNSTEIN. The big store of the Guarantee Cloth ing company, ISIS to 1521 Douglas street, is being oompetely remodeled on a scale that will make It one o' the most attrac tive stores of its kind In the city. An arcade front Is being Installed of the latest design. This type of front con sists of very wide entrance and great depth from the street line to the door. An extra showcase Is built In the wide entrance, thus provld'ng In effect two en trances from the street, both leading back to the one door Into, the store. Inside, the store Is also being re decorated throughout A big balcony Is being constructed at the rear. On this will be the casshler's office. A complete cesh and bundle carrier system will be installed, leading from all parts of the store to the cashier's balcony. The entire celling and walla of the store ure being covered with ornamental pressed metal and when this Is painted snd decorated the effect will be a won derful improvement. "We are making these extensive im provements because the Increase In busi ness demands It," said Herbert 8, Arn steln, proprietor. "We have been In busi ness in Omaha for twenty-nine years, fifteen years of that time In this location." GIRLS ASSAULTED OH ANAUTO RIDE Two Eighteen-Year-Old Lads Had Stolen Machine and Asked the Girls to Bide. BOTH HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED Fhiltp Sllkett, 2404 Indiana Av enue, and Montey Archer, 1821 North Twenty-second gtreet, are- be-( Ing held on a charge of having taken two 16-year-old girls out In an auto, which they had stolen, and assaulting them. The boys are each 18 years old. The girls notified the police Sunday about the matter, since' which time a number of special of-, fleers have been on the trail of the lads. They were caught Monday, night by Special Officer Stevens of the American District Telegraph company, and Officer Demato, while' with Elmer Smith, 619 Burt street, j and Edward Irvine, 2007 Clark i street. In front of the Brandeis theater, where they made an attempt to steal another machine. Had a Stolea Aato. The story, as given out by the juvenile authorities, Is that the two first named boys had stolen a machine, and were riding- In It Saturday evening. They passed the two girls on the street and waved to them. They then stopped and spoke to the girls, suggesting that they ride around the block. The boys occu pied the front scat and the girls were In the rear. Having rounded the block they suggested that they continue the ride. They rode out Into the country, and during the ride one ot the boys changed from the front seat to the tonneau and one of the clrls moved into the front rest. While In Fontenetle park the boys at tacked the girls, and although they fought hard they were overpowered. Fmmmfi Oae Girl's Home. The boys then refused to allow the girls to get out, and rode on out north, passing the borne of one of the girls on the way. By this time It was well past midnight, but they refused still to allow the girls to get out, and later attacked ttiem again. About 4 o'clock they let the girls out of the machine In Florence and left them. The girls went to the borne of a friend In Florence and told their story. The father of the friend Immediately told the police and the girls were taken home. As a result of the occurrence both girls were seriously 111 for some time, but were at police headquarters yesterday and positively Identified the two boys. ALLEN TO TAKE A TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO FAIR T. B. Allen, whe sum op from Lincoln and was sworn In as United States au torney, succeeding Frank 8. Howell, will start his administration with a trip ( te California. He expects to leave within a week and will be gone for several weeks. west of Elm wood park, 'when they met Vo young girls who were walking. The young women asked to be taken to their homes In South Omaha. According to the girls' story, the letter says, they went motorcycling with two men who became angry - with them and left them out in the country. DERBIllH0TEL THIRTY FOURTH STREET AT PARK AVENUE jfnJlckel Designed to JlppeattotfiQ (BonsenativG H Summer Rates WALTON H. MARSHALL Hospe's Remodeling Sale is Still Giving Tremendous Satisfaction. Redactions on Rlgh-Grade Piano still greater. This week will be the greteet in Piano selling of iTk would rather have these Pianos in your home than in our store or warehouse , . . i.ii wing iwn up svnu reniuueieu. If too will come to our store, von will realize whi ra mvi.. ..w.k t.i MUST seU these Piano-. " " " 1 4 LOW PRICES Are Making This Sale a Success We NEW PIANOS STANDARD MAKES Trice, S 1 00. OO Terms, fl.OO Per Week. Prlcen, $100.00 Term, C 1.50 Per Week. Prices, 215.00 Terms, $1.50 Per Week. USED PIANOS Chlckerlng, Boston, upright, rosewood, $85.00 Khoningor Co., upright, walnut ......$110.00 Smith-names, upright, mahogany 8150.00 Kremlin & Hons, upright, walnut $175!oO Kimball, upright, walnut $175i00 REFINISHED PIANOS Hospe, mahogany, upright $180.00 Whitney, walnut, upright $105!oO Wegman, oak, upright $225.00 Cable-Xelon, walnut, upright $215.00 Bteinway, ebony, upright $265.00 STANDARD MAKES Cable-Nelson, upright. In all woods, for $250 00 $275.00. $300.00 d $325.00 Henderson, upright pianos, $225.00. $250.00 icnia oinaii xtiontuy install ments. Stool and Player PIANOS, full size 88-note, $300, $350, Jr'" tmVimll rp F , n urn inn , i ii IX. .'St: T KIMBALL UPRIGHT PIANO In Oak, Walnut and Mahogany, $265 to $345 Used Player Pianos Prices ranging $275 to $335 These Players are in fine shape. Terms $15 to $25 down. Payments $2 to $4 per week. A. Hospe Co. 1513 Douglas ' $375 BRAMBACH GRAND PIANO la Mahogany Only. PRICE $455 -" 11 - 1111 "l II II I llll I lliill isslsuimlssi us iiii i iBgwesajsew manikin - sjsjssjjsssj (r Men's White Can vas Oxfords, $1.00 On in Our Annual Dollar ELoe Bale, beginning next Thursday BRANDEIS ol) MMIS EmllaffCDininiCQi Sale o 4HHTI You Know the LocaIon: 15iODoufllas Sireet Mi A 1 I I Anv Coat LA 5.85 Julius Otkin will shortly remodel and enlarge his popular women's appareling: cstab-' lishment Entire interior of the building to be wrecked ! New floors, new window frontage and a fain of thou sands of feet of floor ipaoa will result and Omaha women will then have a suit store to set the pace for joara to eomo. We don't expect women to buy clothes while carpenters are hammering; that's why EVERY garment here MUST be sold BEFORE the carpenters eome. Every garment in the store must go out in a hurry, at just about your own prices. 'Twill soon be a NEW store with a NEW stock I This sale will be tho earing event of the past decade to all Omaha women! rTTTT omens ant Coats, Skirts, Misses' Suits, Dresses, Waists, Etc., Must Sell BEFORE the Carpenters Come Even Though They Bring bnt a Fraction oi the Original Worth The words 1 "Bargain," "Sacrifice" and "Value" seem insufficient in this ease. The desire to MOVE this stock is as sincere as the remodeling and expansim are certain. Julius Orkin prices even in the regular way are admittedly "popular" what, then, are they NOW with such reductions as THESE f Julius Orkin will enter his new store stockless" cs far as present gooes are concerned. Any Suit that sola tor flaJtt and p U MS, fees Bw at $6.45 Any Suit that sold for tmo aad sp to 134, roes now at S9.45 Any Suit that sold for 1890 and op to 145, goes bow r.t 9 $12. Any Coat that sold for 910.00 and vp to Ili-M, roes now at $2.85 that sold for 91LM and sp to tltO, goes bow at Any Coat that sold for 92&40 aid sp to tftiAO, rM new at $8.85 Any Dress that sold for as anich as 110.00 Is years at only $235 Any Dress that sold for as much as $1UX), Is years at only $4.35 AH Dresses that .sold Bp to 124.00, are suing sow at, each, 86.35 Women of Omaha WhereXVhenHaveYou Seen Garment Values Like These? ALL WAISTS ILOO and $155 ea kinds, are going, JjJ ) ALL WAISTS ALL WAISTS $3.50A$3.W Q SKIRTS Wor ti to $5 Silk or cloth are to bo told at $1.97 -KtkT Worth to $10 Silk or cloth are to be had at each S3.47 HUM'S Worth tof 15 VVHSil Those that I old for even 0 B A as much as $1.65, go SIdrtS now, at 42c . . even as xnuon aa SlClrlS $2.85, go now, at. . . . s 92c p,cSSS2.38 Garments purchased dur ing this sale cannot be returned or exchanged. No deliveries. ol) nnlnns (DffMim At 1510 Douglas Street And soon to add the next building at 1508 Douglas V