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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1915)
TUB HFJK : OMAHA. HHDAV, JULY 23. 1915 Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Bringing Up Father Cnpyr1M. WR. International Ncri Service. m s I INMT ON YCHJ DRlVINC, THE AUTO OUT TO THE PAIR CROUHDb ALL THE VWELL 00 IT. I KNOW MORE ABOUT A WHEEL' BARROW- ( will ou op V ' AN-fTIM TO PREVENT AN ARGUMENT OUT I WISH COULD SE.LL THE, DARN CAR' 1; OT OUT OF THE VAT fNj SONNA TAKE THE CAR I THE R00N0i.' ONE DOLLAR FOR THE CAR.! THE CAR lj TOURS "CIMME THE DOLLAR' cT m for the v-pyi;;. OMAHA LOSES THE , OPENER TO LINKS Roorkei Fall Easy Prey to Capital City Aggregation. ' : FOITRTO ONE IS THE SCORE LINCOLN. July 22. (Special Telegram.) -Xtifllferent pitching by tilndawtt gave t he Tigers the flrat gams of the series.' Dawson pitched air-tight ball n1 Omaha's only mn was the result of a had hae br Dalev. - Omaha counted In the third, when Var ney doubled and then Daley emitted hia bum chuck after he had fielded Hchlolb nar'a easy grounder. Varney rod home and Schlelbner reached aecond' on the play. Lincoln kept pecklnn away at TTlodgett. but tlartit support kapt th Tlirera eeore less until the fifth. In the fifth Dawson atnglsd to center and took third when Wolfe whanged the center field fence with doable. Both scored on McOafflgan's elagle to right, although Omaha had a chance to cut off Wolfe had Blodgett bandied Foreythe's throw-In properly. In atead he threw wild to the plate and Mc Gafflgah aklppod to second. McOafflgan stole third and then contributed the fea ture of the game by stealing home while Blodgett waa winding up. Lincoln pmde It last run In the alt-nth, Moras openlnir with a double to the scoreboard and coming homa on Dawaon'a tingle to left. Satire: , ' 1 y Wu, it-V.... McOafflgan. aa fv-hrelbcr, lb . MMnryre, rt .. Vantx, o ....... Mhrse, cf ..... M.'oyd, J Il'ml. v. Hh Dawaon, p .... , Total! IJNCOUN. , ah. n. s t .4 ir 4 . 4 3 4 4 H. a. I O. 0 1 .1 4 0 0 A. K. 0 4 ."rfU-r, P 0 0 ft, ft 0 I.kHft. V o 0 '1 ' le.' i 1 0 " Kjf. l .i 1 ' u n Total '...41' 4 11 I? ' 0 tjne out when winning: .mn acored. HMtted for Iwialitiar 1n tlie eta-hth. Hutted for Biowrr In the eleventh; Towka aiOOJueiOO l- Rt. Jowph 1 I H 0 1 f M "Three-baae hlta: Monroe. Rapp. Two ban hlta: Tallinn, Wmiaina. Harrlfloe hlia; Cachran, Ftiher (. Lkff. Hel intT, firoellna- Double play a; Lattt ni"re (unaaalntedV, lrfittlmere to" Kieher. I'lahr to Tallinn to r inner. Hwlen Ib. loll. Hmwn, flroortlck. llapp. Hlta: Off Paehner. 12 In eljtht Innlnm; off Hnnilem, mm In no InnloM. Hfteea on ha.lla: Oft liiutilior. . 1; off Bntxlcra. 1; off Wldeman.. 4. Struck out: By.paah- ner, 6: hy lkwrr, 3. ima pitcn: ien ner. raeeed hall: IJIIm. lilt with pitched halt. Hy Wllmn, s. nmu; i.ZI. I'mplre: Cuaaok. BROWN HOLDS TERP CREW TO 3 BANGS Whales Win Contest from Baltimore Through Timely Batting and Good Hurling. FINAL SCORE ;F0UB TO. ONE BRAVES TAKE ONE FROM CHICAGO CUBS! Standing of Teams : ) Moin Boston Wina Exciting Contest, in iXVrX"I Which Umpire Hits Evers for Stepping on His Feet. WEPTKRN LJOOITB. Played. Won. I-K'St. FOUR TO THREE IS THE SCORE Omaha Hloux t'lty Ht. Joaeph . Wlclilta .... ' BOSTON, July .-Boaton defeated Chlcajro. 4 to 8, todny In an exciting- eon teat. Chicago tied the acora In the fifth. In the eighth Maianvllle acratched a hit., waa ear a at mcond when Zimmerman, handllnx Gomdy'a bunt, played for Ma ranvllle, pulled, a double ateal . with dowdy, land Ing wifely at third, atrtd acored on . WhaJInir'a hunt to Plcrve. After chaainK Maranvllle up and down the third bajie line, the Chicago twlrler threw wild to Ilreanahan. Zimmerman waa put out of tha gam for proteatlng a declHlon. I'mplre Qulglcy atruck Ever In tha cheat after putting him out of the game In the third for throwing aand around the battera" box. CJultrlcy claimed Kvwi ateppod on hla foot. Score: ..M ..5 ..87 ..m ..S4 66 47 44 44 4S 18 83 U jo M ill 4) 44 tf 30 bi Pet. ,4T .MO .Ml .RI8 .4m .4..S . .6S1 NAT. LKAOtfK. AtEIU LEIAQCE. I W.UPct. W.UPct. Phll d lphla.45 86 . 563Boaton ...M .6M Brooklyn . .44 .Chlcgo ... .WS S3 .62IS Chicago ....43 40 .Oisaietrolt M M .! ft. Woula...43 44 . 4R4 New York.. 41 43 .44 Pittsburgh .40 41 .4! Waah'ton ..43 U MV New York. .38 39 .4M Pt. lula. . . .33 SI ,8M n.mton 40 44 . 47 hH'delphla.3i M .361 Cincinnati .34 46 ,430jCleveland ..29 64 .349 FED. LEAGUE. AMER. AB8"N. W.I.Pct I W.UPct. Kan. City.. 18 35 .6781 8t Paul 53 3 . ap)ll W 01 .PI" PALE SOX CAPTURE A DOUBLE-HEADER Chicago Goes Into Second Place When It Beats Yankee 3 in . Two Contests. SCORES ARE 3 TO . 1. AND 4 TO 1 Pittsburgh. 44 38 .537 NewarK ...43 t Brooklyn ..40 48 .4"! Buffalo ....R9 61 .4331 Baltimore ..32 62 .8811 Indlanup'Ilal 49 40 551 Kan. City... 47 43 .522 Mtnnenpolla 47 43 .52? lxulavllie Cleveland . Milwaukee Columbua ...34 66 .82 .42 45 .43 J aupport game: .40 44 .47il .41 47 .m C7nC A GO, Jaljr. 22. Chicago went Into aecond place today when they won both game of a double-header from New York by acorea of 3 to 1 and 4 to 1. The vlsltora played erratic hall In - the flrat game behind Shawkey,' who- waa pitted against- Scott In this game only on run waa earned. In the socond game Chicago bunched their hits off Caldwell and won eaally. Fiber waa given good In the pinched. . Score, f irat CIIICAOO. July 22,-Brown held Balti more to three hlta. to.tay. while-timely batting brought victory to Chicago by 4 to 1. , Manager Knabe waa expelled from ' tha eanie for anrulng over a de- ritl'iK AB II O A K Nmlth, If .... Hlnrk, aa .. ,'Wf!l, 'Whalan, aa . : Hrw"n. 21 ... Kuravtbe. rf Kmg. Xb ... i rueger, o 34 OMAHA. AB. R. 6 S 1 0 4 3 4 4 II 77 16 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 t H. ft 0 0 0 0 l 0 , 1 0 o. 2 I 0 0 I -0 1 ,. o lfi 0 K. 0 n o 0 -.0. o o o 2 ; Varney. cf H'hllebner. lb S ft blodgett, p 4 0 Totala M 1 16 S ,s "Wolfe out, bunted on thli-d atrlke.. Wella batted for Plant k In seventh.' lilncoln 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 I -4 Omaha 0 1 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 I . Two-base hlta: Varnev, Wolfe, Morse, t-tolen bases: McOafflxan 3. Kruir. Sacrifice hlta: Kru-Kr. Mctiaf tlgan, Lloyd. Btruck out: By Paweoti. 4: by Blodgett, t. Baaea on balls: Off ! eon. 1: off Blodgett. 1. Wild piuh: Blodgett. Time: 1:62. Umpire: Abbott BOOSTERS WIS IX TUB HKVtCNTII Walrea Blaw l la that frame aad , p.a Mnlses Mvaaasier tm Victory. WICHITA. Kan.. July 21. Wlchrta bew up In tha seventh Inning and Iea Moines scored eight runa and won. It to .0. (lilltgan held safe In all the pliuhcs, while Cochran waa htt hard. Hcore: Aa IV H. O. A. K. ftennett, rf 4 clalon by Umpire John Mullln, officiated In hta flrat Federal game. Score: . , . - R.ll.BJ. Baltimore ...0 0 0--0.0 0 0 1 1 3 3 iriiicago .....O S 0-S;l 0 1 0 4 S 2 Batteries! Jotinsori, Conley and Jack lltat h; Brown and demons. Terriers Blnjtk Tp, ST. IJQV1. July a.-Frank Hmtth gav fit. 7iuU four aiattered hlta- and ahut out the local team. 4 to 0, today. Wat son started In the box for Rt. Ixtuls, but after he had given threa alnglca and one baao on balla, allowing Brooklyn two runs, he waa replaced by Davenport. Tho latter held tha vlsltora to four line ana atruck out ten men. Bcore: Brooklyn ....2 OOOOOOtl-470 Kt. liils....O 0 0.0 0-0 0 0 00 4 1 1 Battnriea: Pmtth and uiione; Wataun. PaveiiiHirt and Hartley. Bls llraf Xaafa. KAN. -4a (4 CITY. Ma.. July. 22.-Ander. son's pitching Iwfflvd tne locals and Buf falo dotealed Kansas t My, o to 1. C ostly rinnd. rt i rialir. m., 1 H.'linlt. If . I Kitmman, Mb 4 Mrl.rrr. Ih a Wllllains, rt 4 Phel.n. lb.. I Arahfir. lb.. 4 WtiO Mrvsnahsn e league Tottli 1 4 o i'Vorn. rf... I 0 II i Birr. II t t 0 I'Kltiptrk. ib I I 'K.n. If... 4 4 10 1 Mnire. cf.. I 0 a 0 PHrhmiat. lb 4 t a a flRmtth, b... a a 4 0 i MaraiiTll. ss a 0 4 3 ftOnwdv, o .. 4 4 a IHudnloh. p., 4 ,000 OHsnn. a... t HtltcbMi,- p.. 0 St 10 t4 10 1 J Xlnnnnn.. 1 ' Whallns ..I BOSTON. An H O A B. Totals ' t ST 11 t Batted for Pierce In the ninth ntt,t tnr Ktul.ili.. In Illo third. Chicago ..I 0 2 0 d.iO 0.0 03 Boaton ..:...? ..0 0 1 1 I 0 0 1 -4 Two-basn hits: Fislicr. Phclan (2). I Zimmerman, I'lKan, Magee. Three-haae h Is: z.ltnnierniHn. Mmltn. Dounie oiaya: Bresniihan to Zimmerman. Mtximtilck to Schmidt. Bases on IihIIs:, Off l'lercs .r..i otr Kuiioiim, l: orr nagan, r. nun- of' Rudolph, S In three Innings: off Pagan, 3 In five Innings; orr iiugnes, i in one Inning, struck out: By Pierre, ; by Kmlolph, 1- by Hughes, 1. Umpires: (jutgloy and Emslle. Bpllt : Uonble BUI. PHIIAIKIPinA. July 2i.-lchnelder rl..rl to nliili two full gainra for Cln- oinnatl aKHinst Philadelphia today, and errors helped tha vlsltora plio up three . it fur errors In tha second contest ha of their five runs. Score: B U B. Buffalo 2 00101010671 Kaiuna Clty.O 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1S liatteriea: Anderaon and Allen; Pack ard, Cullop and Kaalcrly. . T " Hrhrla Trim Merrark. ' ' PITTSBURGH, July 2.-Plttsburgh de feated Newark, S tu 2, tuduy, winning the game In the sixth when JtJIy knockod a home run, after tha visitors had tied he count In the fifth. Score: 1VI1.B. Newark 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 4 1 I'itUibuigh ...1 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 3 7 2 Buttertva: Reulbach and Rurklen; Al len and Berry. flrnh.. lb i 14 a Hrsu. u.. 4 t I 4 H'Mr, SB. t 0 Hi..Ura. ah. 4 1 1 W Kll'rsr. ct a 4 Urtdith. rt.. a a 1 1'l.rk, e 4 a 4 wiiiiusis, it a l i Now that the Rourkee have departed XoI'u. 4 0 1 CHICAGO UNION GIANTS PLAY STORZ THIS WEEK Toials Vox If. Patterson, lb.. Brltton, Zb Thieatng, of... Hosp. aa lmt), Kb f ray, o. ('chrao, p.... Pata, p Kiobe 1 r l it o o Totala Hahn. rf Hunter, cf.... Bills. If ,.1'jiih. lb isnfoid. aa. F.wolJt, 2b... TanuehUl, 3b Breen. c , I'tlilgaa. p.., Totala ... n r VKB MOIWE&. AB. K. H. 6 .. 4 .. S X 13 X. to caat their fortunes abroad, Fred Brad ford'a Htara will apiear at tha Rourko ard and on Saturday and Sunday tha 0 Chicago Union Giant, the pioneer rul- 0 ored omanlsatioii, and considered tha 1 most formidable of them all now on tha . .... . roau, win ua enie ruuneo. Tha Stora have created 4 lot of Inter est In their claahes with tha colored traveling teams, aa evidenced by tha laiga gaeembtagea that hava attended the gamaa In the past. MiniHP ftrnilfnril has knn.fn.1 niillA Boban of tha defunct Grand Island club lc'',1 trnme: to aucneed "Xo:." Welch, who !iaa tired front tha game. . nilirltt have ocroednti. The vlHltora won the first game, to 1. and Philadelphia the eeconil. S to 1. In the opener. Cin cinnati hit Maver'a delivery Imrd in two thnlnga. while Schneider held the home team to four scattered hlta. Schneider went right back at the Phllllew, but two errors ly Hcrsog and one by Schneider gave the home' team a lead of three una In four Innings, anil the big twlrler waa taken out In the fifth for a pinch hitter. Oemarea pitched fine ball. Score, first game: CINCINNATI. yHlLADFUJHl. All u O A It All H O A B. onyrn. IB... 1 i (i B.n. rott. is 4 4 0 a 4 0H-kr. It... a 1 l 4 0-rv(h, rt. a 0 1 V 1 0NIhtl. Ih . 4 l a a 4 I Wlilll.J. cf. 4 0 0 1 4 lAisorus. lb a 1 II a II Klllter, e 4 4 1 0 4 Mrr, p.... 1 0 I 4 0 4TinctM. P ... 10 4 14 ...1 4 0 4 II 10 IT 11 1 Totals ... 4 IT la I Batted for Mayer in alxth. Cincinnati 0 S 0 0 0 t 0 0 0-0 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Two-baa hlta: Groh, lOKUera. Byrne. Stolen biutea: Hersog, 2. iHmble playa: Groh. ):. lUxlgera to Mollwlis; Heraoir to Mollwitx: Atayer to Byrne to Bancroft t Nlehoff to B. Killtfer. Baaea on balla: Off Bchnelder. ' n" Mayer, 2; off Tin cup, 1. Hlta: Off Mayer, 8 in six Innings; off,. Tlncuri. 2 In three liming Struck out: By. Scbm-ldHT, 3: hy Mayer, 3: by Tlncup, 1. Umpires. Kaaon and Byruu. Score, Yesterday'a Reaolta. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha. 1; Lincoln, 4. Ploux City-Denver, failed to arrive. IK'B Moines, 12: Wichita, 0. St. Joseph, 4; Topeka. 5. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago. 8; Boston. 4. St. Louis, 0-11; Brooklyn. 1-1. PlttHburgh-New York, rain. Cincinnati, (-1; Philadelphia, 1-3, AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York. 1-1: Chicago, 3-4. Boston, 7; St. Louis, i. Washington-Detroit, rain. Philadelphia-Cleveland, rain. FEDERAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn, 4; Bt. Loula, 0. Buffalo. 5; Kansas City. 1. Newark. 2; Plttaburgh, 8. Baltimore, 1; Chicago, 4. , AMERICAN ASStKIIATION. . Minneapolis. ; Milwaukee. 6. I ..' - Today. ;.' - --.- WoHorn league Omaha at Lincoln. Hlori Citv at Denver, Dea Moines at Wichita, St Joseph at Topeka. NaU-nial Itaguo Chicago at Boston. St. Louis at Brooklyn, Pittsburgh at New York, Cincinnati at Philadelphia. American LeagueNew York at Chi cago. Ioeton at St. Louts, Washington at Detroit, Iliiiudelphla at Cleveland. Federal league dUrooklyn at St. Louis, Buffalo at Kanms City, Newark- at Plttaburgh, Baltlmora at Chicago. NBW YOTtK: AB. H O A H rhnk, rf a P-klnta, 4 Mains), ab. . i Mullen, lb.. 4 Ores. c( a Hrn7, If.. 4 tloon. tb. .. 8 gwenr. a.. 3 Onldwull .. 1 Nunamakr, e 0 tMiavksy. p. I t 1 0 4 1 1 1 11 e a 1 o o o 0 a 1 4 0 1 0 0 cmcAnn. - AU H O A V. aMnrphy. rf.. 4 fti.p; as.. 4 1 IB Collins, lb a t 1 Foiii-im-. lb. 1 1 J Cnlllns. If. a 0 (I Fal-wh, rf.. 1 I 'OS'halk e...I 1 OHIkbiirn. Ibl 0 0 Scott, p a 0 0 1 Totals Struck out: By Faber. : bv Caldwell. 6. Impirea: O'Loughlln and Hilde- hrand. Red Box Defeat Browaa. ST. IX)U1S. July 22.-Boeton used three pitchers here today and subdued St. Louis, 7 to 3. Hard hitting marked the game throughout. Loudermllk started for St. Louis. He lacked control and waa relieved by Koob after yielding two runa. Koob settled down after tha aec ond Inning and held Boaton In check until tha eighth, when ha waa taken out to allow a pinch hitler go to bat for him. In the ninth James waa htt for three runs before SlRler, who had been playing first base, relieved blm. Foater waa replaced In the aecond by Maya, who Waa fairly effective, until the ninth, when he waa removed for a pinch runner. Wood pitched the last Inning and allowed two hlta and atruck out two batters. Score: BOSTON. T. LOVIS. AH H O A K AB H.O.A K Hoopar. rf.. 4 1 0 Wasnar. 2b. . 2 1 a Spraktr. rf. I a 1 Hoblttul. lb I 1 10 Caily. c Ill Lf-els. If... 4 I 1 Oardnar, lb 6 1 I Kentt, aa. ... 4 0 1 Thomas o. ., I 4 3 Oalnar. lb., a 0 6 Foatar, ' p. ... 1 0 0 Maya, p 1 0 Hanrlckaan 0 0 Wood, p.... 0 0 U 2T 11 1 Totala ...11 I 14 14' 4 Batted for Sweeney In tho eighth. New York 0 0 O'O 0 0 0 1 01 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 ..3 Two-haee hit: Mullen Three-base hits: Feleeh, Fournler. Double plays: Scott to Weaver to Fournler, Boohe to Pecklnpaugh to Mullen. Bases on balls: Off Scott. 2. Struck out: By Shawkey. 8: by Scott, 2. Umpires: O'Loughlln and Hlldebrand. Score, aecond game; '' ' NBW TOftat. '' CHICAGO'. ' '' I AB H O A B AH.H O.A g Cboav-sf.,,.. 4 Pccklirps. aa 1 Malaal. Ib.. 4 Mu I Ian. lb.. 4 Cra. cf. ... 4 Barnay, If.. I Iiauman, lb. 4 Nunamakr, s I Caldwall. p. I I 1 1; i M-aph, . rf ,y 0 - I I f 0W.rar! aa 4' rt Vi 110 tCColllDS. lb 4 14t a 1 4' 1 OFmirler. lb. 4 T14 I t 1 0 0 0 J Collins. If. a 0 0 0 0 4 10 OTalarh. cf.. 10 10 0 0 4 2 OMayar. c... 10 4 3 0 0 4 4 OBIkburna. tb I 0 1 10 10 0 OFabar, p.... 110 10 Miller to Butler; O'Mara to Daubert. Base on balla: Off Smith, 1. Struck out: Bv Sal lee,'. 8; by Smith. 1. Umpires: Rlgler and Hart. BT. LOl'Ig. BROOKLYN. AB.HO.AK Baanhar. If.. 4 114 Myara. cf... 4 10 0 0 I iu nara. aa.. i u i a OOlann. sa... 104 IDaubart, lb. 4 U 1 0 Wheat. II. ..all OCutahaw, Ib 1 flIMenx!. rf.. I UH hulls ... 0 lHuinmal. rt.. 1 OOata, lb 4 OO. Millar, e. I Ooomba. p. . 1 M 14 87 SAvvlatoa, p. 1 Moi-ty ... 1 Uoualaa. p.. 4 Huaslna, lb. 1 a a J Miller, lb. 4 4 18 rinydar, a... 4 1 8 to'ha. e.... 0 4 0 Putlar. aa... t 0 4 WIUuu. rf-rf 4 14 polan, rf... 0 4 1 Jjont. rf-ct., 4 3 4 Ilaticl. lb... 4 4 4 Perdu, p... 4 0 Totala Totals ....11 4 14 1 Totala 11115 1 New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Chicago ,0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 4 -Two-base hits: '"'Caldwell. Cree. Throo bane hits: K. Collins, Fabor. Bases on balls: Off Fabci;, 2; off Caldwell. 1. 0 CPhotton. If.. 4 4 4 0 0 4 lAuatln, 8b.. ( 2 0 0 0 0 0 Lary, lb-0 4 8 8 0 0 0 0 Pratt, lb.... 4 18 10 8 OWalkar, rf.. 4 1 4 8 0 0 0 Walsh, cf... 1 0 8 1 0 4 sa.. 4 0 1 4 0 0 OAsnaw. o... 8 1 1 0 0 0 08lalar lb-p 0 0 0 0 4 6 4 Ol.wrtrmllk. p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OKnoh. p 10 18 0 0 4 "Howard ... 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 f Jamas, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OSararold. .. 0 0 1 0 0 aOalryniDl.. 0 0 0 0 0 .Totala ....II 10 17 17 1 Totala ....14 11 27 10 0 Ratted for Thomaa In the sixth. . Ran for Man In the ninth. Ran for Agnew Inth e eighth. Batted for Koob In the eighth. Ran for Leary in the ninth. Boaton 3 1000000 37 St. Loula 1 10100000-3 Two-Tmse hit: Hoblltxel. Three-bane hit: Pratt. Double plays: Lavan to Leary; Gardner to Hoblltxel. Bases on bails: Off Foster, 2; off Mays, 2; off IxHidermllk. 2; off Koob, 3; otf Jamee, 2. Hlta: Off Foster, 6 In one and two-thirds Innings; off Loudermllk, 2 in no Inning, none out In first; off Mays, 4 In six and one-third innings; off Koob, 5 in eight Innings; off Wood, 2 In one Inning; off Jamea. 2 In two-thirds. Inning; off Stslrr. 1 In one-third Inning. Struck out: By Maya, I; by Wood, 5; by Koob, 1; by Pla ice. Ji LjroPJ res;, Wallace a ad .Co n aoy. K10 LEWIS OUTPOINTS CHARLES WHITE NEW YORK. JULY 22.-TTM Lewis, the English lightweight. outpointed Charles White of Chicago, by a small margin In their ten-round bout here to night, according to newspaper critics. Until tha last round when Lewis used a loft Jab to the head with great effe tiveness the outcome waa in doubt . Both flghtera, who agreed to weigh under 135 pounda, ringside., were within the weight. Lewis weighed 134V and White, 133 pound. Resta and De Palma To Run at Mill City MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. .July .,?2. Ralph De Palma and Darlo Reata signed entry blanks today for the first 600-mlIe automobile race September 4V to be tub on the local speedway now under con struction, A purse of 200,000 Is offered for the event. . Do Palma was the win ner of tho Indianapolis race and Reata won the Chicago speedway classic. There fore the rubber will be on the Minne apolis track. . Weekly Doable Bills. Double-headers are scheduled ' every Saturday In the Virginia league.. ...... ...ii..;.....i..i;j.l.1L1,llu.uiJiiJJ- Fashion's favorite for Spring and Summer 1 Collars 25c CEO. P. 101 CO.. Makora, TROT, N. T. far Sala a tha loltowlnt ilraaaV " 1 rvn rtxF4 a SOA-SIO So. Ifith. FOR MEN 508-510 SO. I6h. AND Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. 1M7 Douglas Street .411 U 10 XI 10 - ' Batted for Thleaitig In the ninth. ! Moines 0 0 S 0 0 S 1 S-11 "khila 00000-0 lft on baabs: Dea Mulnea. k; HirhUa. .. Two-base hit: Bllla Stolen bases: Bllla. fcwoldV Hits: Off Cochran, t In xven and onavthird innlnga. Double ulays: Jonea to Kolflt. Hartford to .lones: Brltton to l-amb; Hiuitsr to Jonea J l ruck out: By Guilgan, 1: by Cochran. j: by Pate, 1. Baaea on bails: Off Glllt gn 4; of CoohraiL (; off Pata, 1. Paed Ull: Breen. WHd pttohee: CcDran, 3 Hit by phebed ball: By Cochran. Jone. I tin : 1 ou. Lmplra; Van Byckii. . TOPEKAt WI1 A HARD QtHI r:lrrs.sslsg twateal (isvra (a tha taws, w?TP.EKK,MS k..JuJr a-TU Topakaa 7 ? bard-fought gam from Ht. Jo-a-.ti today aftrr eleveu Ituitngs by tna wore of 6 to 4. Score: ' ST. JOHEPIl B- R- ataon, rf 4 KmiIt, lb 6 0 Hfliner, cf 4 a Or.xlii-k. 2b 6 1 Wii Uuia. If 6 0 Rapp, aa 6 2 Orucluig, 36 4 0 Hiaa. c 4 VV idoiuan, p 4 1 JACK NESS FAILS TO . HIT IN FIFTIETH PLAY AlollwHa. lb 8 CINVDNNATI. AH H O A E nn.h. lb ... 1 I ll.t.oii, aa. . 4 4 i'U i a. a KUIIIar. (.. ilrirtith rt.. 4 I lark, a 8 IrS AXGELK. July r.-Jack Oakland first baseman, who has a record of hitting safely In fucty-nlna conaecu tive game, filled today to get a hit In the gsmo with Vernon. Art Fromme, itrhlng for the Tigers, broke Ness" record-breaking streak. whi-h surpasses Ty Oobb'e record of fortv rames. Ness waa at hat four times, flaw out twlca, grounded to pitcher and got on base on a force out. Hi bandar, s I XesH, ' I -ear. p 4 mi ivanary. p a Wlnao .... 1 Totals iVllrlB, 2b . Tulliun. sa .... I 'ell. cf Klahrr. lb .... Brown? If I .at i ii nor. 2b '1 1 alrtur, rf . ... Uiirij, c .... iinnar.v ... - t ' 41 4 TOPPKA AB. R. V; M. O. A. K ! 18 0 0 2 11 v 2 2 .e a 13 4 0 I I t , 4 2 4 ' 3 3 12 16 4 0 1 1 1 1 M IT 1 If. O A. E. . 1 J a II 1 I I . 8 114 I 6 i 1 4 M 4 p t lit R.H.K. ;..i &J; .2 T 1 Coast I.eaaae Steaalts At Los Angeles: Oakland , Vernon Batterlaat Promrh and Kuhn; Krorome and Srtoer. At Salt Uko City PortUna spit Luke City Batte les- rXena and Flaher; Hall, Flt- terv and llannan. At Oik land: Ix Angrlea San Franclson R.H.K. ..4 4 I . It 1 RH.U ..14 3 4 11 S Batteries- rnhnu.lL Love and Bolea: Baum and PHitAPr.LrKii. AU H O AH 0 nrtrrae. b . . I 1 4 1 8 ailancroft, aa 4 1 8 4 1 0 0.4 4b.kar, If . 4 II 4 14 0 01 I avail!. II. I I I'f S 4 3 4 4Nlahutf. lb. 8 4 8 4 4 I I 1 Whltla.l. cl. I ,0 l'O 4 Oil 0l.uil.rua. lb. 4 811 4 0 14 4 f-Kuina. a.... 4 t 10 ( 4 4 8 tVwaarae p. 3 4 4 4 4 444 4 4 10 Touts . 4 IT W 1 4 4 0 0 TaitilT .. I 4 4 Totals ... II lllll I Matted for Schneider In ftfLh Butted lor I-car In eignth. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I Philadelphia .......0 X 0 1 0 0 0 i Two-baae Mis' Groh. Clark. Mollwtta, Bancroft. Double llay: W .lllania t Schnt1rr to Uruh. Bases on balls: Off Shnelder, J. off McKenery, 1; off mama, 1. Struck out: By Lrar, 1; by marve. 8. HUa: lift Schneider. 4 In four Innlnya: off Lrar, t In three Innings; in one inning, t'm- ason. D.r iw-c foul off McKenery, none litres' Byron and Ki Divide Dobl-llralr. BBOtKLYN July 21 Brooklyn and St. l.mila divided a doulile-beuder today, Brooklyn taking' the first game. 1 to ft, pud Si. Louta tlie aecond game. 11 to 1. Tha first ctuit-st was a Ulohera' battle belwevn Southpaw Smith and SaJlee. Tha winning ruu aaa aKored In the eighth on threa tilla. The CardlnaJa battel three Brooklyn pltchera all over the lot In the second game. The Dodgers could do nothing with Perdue, an error by lxng saving tli in front a shutout. Score, first iame: BT. LOt' Is" " BRXK1.YN AB II O A K AB H O A E Oil IXna cf... 4 0 8 1 'O Mara. aa. 4 4 4 9 SKaubart. Ik. 4 4 a i a ov. if . . a 0 4 Ib a , a a a Hui-i.i rt a ,4114 tllrll. b 8 ,4180 lUniniir. c a ,8011 uw,-Culii ... ,8108 ao Millar, r. . 0 - t- soiiik, p.... a UOMII Totala ... Pi I r 11 I ..I aHan for Mc'urty in eolith. Brbaaella te 4 aaal. I Bun for SnvoVr In ninth. Salt lke club haa pjr. haa-d " l-rnte ueaytioee- JIM Ul I ) u w w ' v w I i ned iuu: Hiuoklyn, , DouUo piaya. Totals ....81 4 87 14 8 Ran for Stengel In seventh. ' Batted for Apple ton In seventh. Bt. I Jin la 0 0 1 4 S 0 0 411 Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 i Two-base hits: Myers, Cutaliaw. Gets, Three-haae lilt: J. Miller. Stolen baaea: Hugglna 121. Earned runs: St. Louis, 0. Double plays: O'Mara to Cutshaw to Daubert; Coombs to O'Mara to Cutshaw;, Huggins to Butler to J. Miller. . Baaee on balls: Off Ooomba, S; off Apple ton, 2; off Perdue. 2, Hlta: Off dumbs. 7 In four and one-third Inninga: off Appleton, I In two and two-thirds Innings; off Douglas, 6 In two Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Coombs, Ixing. Struck out: By Coombs. 1; by Appleton, 1 by Dmglasa, 3: by Pardua. 1. Umpires; Rlgler . ami Hart. Dark Horse Appears -1 To Have Good Chance In tho -Tennis Meet ' Play In the Southweatei. arowa Tennis association's tourney, now on at the Council Bluffs Rowing association courts at Lake Manawa, waa greatly advanced yesterday. The finals In the singles and doubles championships will be played Friday morning, with the finals In tha consolation singles and double Friday aftemoou. .i DOUBLES PRELIMINARIES. Okay and Newcomb beat Moore and Bender, 4-3. 413. Hart and Hart beat Harlan and De well, S-3. tV-4. Copeiand and Kllllon beat Junk In and WiKidard. (-2. b-1. Foakett and Ixng beat Hertert and Cooper. 2-4. 7-6, 4V-4. Fleet and Oellat beat Boysea and Boy sen. 4VS. 4-8. IX5UBLES FIRST ROUND. Finpkle and Laavlu beat Ross and Nye, -2 1-s, -. Boehner and Mulholiand beat Dean and Rathke. 4-1, 7-6. lUyner and Peckhara beat Parker and Ritchie. -. 4-2. Green and Casey beat Coaad and Brown. -, a-a. Aaaerleea Aaaerlatioe. . At Milwaukee: 1111K MuinralHilu 13 I Baarhar. If . 4 Milwaukee s....6 s 4 ; "' J BatteHea: Tingling and Sullivan; Young I indr"'t 4 and Brannon. . ! oonaa'laa '.. 4 Bullar, ksstkers Asaoelatlaai Lbtiungbain. 4. Little Rock, 1 Atlanta. 3; Kashtllle. 3 Mobile 4r. ChartarHnera. !.' ' -New Orleans. iO. Slni.phis. 2. Tlie tMiaa. it Lh.s. rf ... H.i 1. Ik.. SaJlaa. p.. ! Totals . . . I II I 0 1 CONSOIATION SINGLES. Woodard beat Van Brunt. 4-4. e-4. T-4. Browning beat lW oi. 4-8. 4-1. -BlNGLKtJ S'IRST ROUND. W ataon beat Reynolds by default. Cl ilita beat K. Hoyaen. k-l. 4-b. Tul linger beat Rathke. 4-0. 8-4 Parker In-at Killlon. 4-1. -ll. 4-0. Finpkle beat Woodard by default. Gellat beat Rosa. 1. 4a Bayuer beat Van Brunt. 4-0, 4-0. Kit. lile beat Kynett. -7. 4-1. -J. Newromo Ifst Mulholiand. ft-3, 7-6. 14 1 J Bonder brat FWet 7. T-6. I'll, her I Imrlea t-.-hniuIti from the Bixrok- I Brooklyn Mn Natiooai clutx ib - . SINGLES M4COND ROPNl). Dean beat Brown, a-1. ft-j. Bender beat Leavltl, o-t, 4-4. Bllll I p la Air. The Olympic games. s heduled for Ber lin tu 11, are sUll up In tua air on ac cvuut (rf llaa wai. ' si If :''';fl ' "' ' '- ' ' SJ"'i"ffr''' I1(nryW ml 1 1 ' 'I'liilli1' '!I4 o 1 l J e 'ill III :'fi' X Purely beer is a poor descnp-. lllwrfwfi tion of such a master brew as ' 111 U U . !li I! ! lllill'l ' luial 'gu it III mWm r n czttsi f?i? mi - :. '' I -for its perfect clwacter has lifted it far above '' H k Ui I : tHe level of the ordinary been to the very f ' f ill 'J highest place in public appreciation. IIJk1' l8 flavor so exceptionally fine; its color -so f v--!r5r I f beautifully clear; its character so perfectly 1 . TfiA atsT balanced proves the seventy-five years brew- A t if Tf'tA ng "r100 that has gone into its making. - ttOTTL"P - frr eVaer Is a fawaL Bread and beer are made of pbe aa.- V " iiasaTafaT .- rn aama matenale; earaaia, peas and water, bra ad -i, an aaT'" ' 'tiVKU v la solid, beer la liquid boibareaighlyDourialitDg. li ' I Hi ' 1 I 1(1 -L(Lf NsWlPatreTSyea'Brewtjtgl -"I "if-- - -- - i JIT ' '."'f!ie Viit " '-'i''" . .;;..-.. imiii n u n Henry Rohlff Company, Distributor. 2567-69 Leavenworth Su, Omaha, Neb. Telephone: Dou. 876