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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1915)
Tllil mKi OMAHA, FttlPAV. JULY 23, 1915. PETER SCOTT WIHS THE OHIO STAKE Erent for Two-Klna Trotter at Clerelutd Brings Out Seal Talent of Country. y PETER M'COEMICK IS SECOND CL.EVEI.AND, O.. July n,-TheOhio stake for tm trotter, which brought out the real trotting talent of the country for Its first 19H brush, was the feature of yesterday' grand circuit prof-ram at North Randall. Peter Bcott, Tommy Murphy's $30,000 beauty, took the honors, but waa given a real battle by PMer McOormick. rot ' lowing th third heat protest was mads to the Judges that Dick McMahon, driv ing King- Clansman, had aided Peter Bcott to nrln by letting him out of a packet and forcing Peter McObrmlck Me by so doing, but no action was taken. FJvery on of the twelve heats on' to il ay's card went. In better than t:0G. In tha opening event Lou Jennings, fresh from a string of victories on the big half-nil tracks, annexed first money, but waa forced to step tha second heat in t :06 to beat Guy Net la, Blngen Pointer, tha favorite,' was an rasy winner In tha 1:15 pace. In tha 1:09 pace, however, tha talent received Its hardest bumping of tha week, Fred W., tha favorite, falling to push his pone in front until tha third mile. Major ()ng showed tha way In the other two heats. Summaries: Trotting, 1 11 class, purse H.M0: Ijoii Jennings, br. m., by Todd (Brennan) S 1 1 Ouy Nella. b. m. (fleers) 1 8 S Laramie Iad. b. g. (McDonald) 4 Time, iT4. tM. ImIu T.umine (Murphy), "sir Virginia Co. Pass All (Colburn), John R, Dillon (Andrews) and' Baby Dolla (Qulnn) also started. Padng, 1 15 olaas, purs fl.JOO: Blngen Pointer, b. h., by King Bln gen (Snow) 1 1 1 TJilly Lav, Nk. g. (Soiree) S t I Uella E., b. m. (McAllister) 7 t Time, !:, I:06tt, l:(V Jean (Murphy), Vsndola (Powell), Ra Heart (Valentine). Crescent eltmmont (McMahon) and Prestolttw (Qeera) also started. Trotting, 1:08 class, Ohio stake, value 13.000: Peter Bcott, br. h., by Peter Tha Great (Murphy) 1 t 1 Peter McCormtck. Wk. h. (Schuler)..! 1 I King Clansman, br. h. (MoMahon).. 4 I Time. 2:0SH. 1:06. 1:07. Worthy Prlnc (Cox). MeCloskey (Mo. Ponald), Alabama (Qulnn) and Ussie Brown (Andrews) also-started. Pacing, 2:0ft class, purse $1.: Ma.lor Ong, b. g., by Major Gants (Murphy) 11 4 Fred Wk, b. g. (White) !. I 1 Tredel, b. h. (Ray) .6 t 1 Tlmo. Jt04, 2:06. 2:08'i- Altawood (Valentine), Aconite (Cox), Symbol Meath (McDonald), Fleeta Dillon (Schuler) Ruby K. (Dempeey) and Kred Russell (Herzy) also started. MATCH RACE ON CHICAGO ' SPEEDWAY AUGUST SEVEN . PKORIA, HI.. 'July It -Illinois repre sentatives of the contest board of tha American Automobile association today issued a sanction to tha Chicago Motor I Tfvi m mj car m ma.icn Kuwmouuf rmjce between Dario Reata, winner of tha first annual automobile derby at Chicago In June, Ralph Da Palma, winner of: tha 1!)13 Indianapolis 500-ratle sweepstake JO) Omaha business men will be materially benefited by the rate reduc tions. ' ' No other form of lighting is so serviceable to the business man, so adaptable to his needs and so valuable as an advertising feature as ELECTRICITY. , ; Our special store wiring plan with deferred payments is proving very popular. , - Maximum lighting rates have been reduced approximately 49 lace, and lismey Old Meld, Ihe tsoted California dilver. Tlie race will be bald on Saturday. August T. at Cht.ago. The race win b over a dlstan-e of K4 miles for a pvrs of ts.50-1. . Sears' Pacers Kace Well at Tekamah; Aro Full Brothers TEKAMAH. Neb., July U 8jeolal Telegram, r Two Omaha horses, full brothers, both owned by Judge W. O. Sears, were contender in two paotng races hers . today, and each made the winner step tha fastest mile of tha con test In which he waa engaged. They were Shadetine and Charlies, both being by tha former Grand circuit win ner. Shade, on t&PA. now dead, and" out of tha great brood mars Lin a V., 1:17, which waa by a son of old Daniel Lam bert, lot Both are entered In tha races to be held at Omaha August (, and T. Bhadsltne la a veteran, but his younger brother, which la a green horse, forced Brown Betty In tha first heat of the l:tS paoa to step In I:1I. the season's record In Nebraska In a slow class paoa, while tlie fastest heat In Madeline's race was MS. Brown Betty was after wards drawn. Tha second dsy of tha Tekamah meet was one of tha best In tha history of tha local association. Tha day waa Ideal and tha track waa In excellent condition. Tha attendance waa large and soma of tha best and most closely coo tested races ever seen In Tekamah were presented. Summaries: Pace. 1:23 class; purse. M: Joele Kntght, g. m., by Twelfth Knight (Warren Dennle) 1 1 1 Van Sickle, b. e (Bert tmarl)..l lit Charllne, b. g. (W. O. Sears).. .-3 1,4 4 Kara, ch. g Louie Mack and Brown Betty also sts rted. Time: l:12i. I:14. t:14V:16. Trot. i.M class, purse eWO: El Bell Maden, b. m., by Bell Maden (F. K. Ward) .11 1 Charm King. b. m., by Norvei King (not shown) ................ 4 I I Blllv Murray, b. g. (F. ft. Jenkins). 14 Booetous. Kitty Red And Great Ivan a1"0 started. Time. 2:20. Mil. In the flve-elghths-mlle run Stalby won first money; purevs IM. Time. 1:0. IS class, mine S0: n u v w Kv Hlilv Houston (8. Bonfleld) 11 Bhadellne. ch. h.. by Shade On (W. U. Bear l its M. T.. b. g., by Conrad (Arch Johnson) Adrian R- b. s.. bby Roc b. s.. bby Rock- 'EEE III terfly I I 1 well W Cecil Boy Joe Joe Uh.H, RutteeflV o.ll.nt rnnatantlne t 8 Time, Z.Vi. l:ut. s:i. '.un- Arimtre Defeats Gordo. GORDON, Neb.,- July 3. (Special.) In one of tha most exciting and hard fought games aver played In this sec tion of tha country, Ardmore defeated Gordon In the second game of their series by the score of 7 to 4, Score: Ardmore ...0 101014 O-T Gordon 4 441010 1-4 Batteries: rwilson and Gray; Olden berg, Rock and Burks. dbnditionof LeoM. . Frank Unchanged MILLEDOEVILLB, Ga., July M.-The condition of Leo M. Frank, whose throat was cut last Saturday night by another rconvlct at the state prlaon farm, la un changed, prison officials s:ated today. dtuiDd. New Maximum Lighting Rate. 8 Cents Business Lighting Will Be Much Cheaper Good OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY STARYATIOH TAXES EHRICHCHIEFTAIUS Export Dutiei on Fooditaffi Sent Out Collected While 'the V Ptcple Suffer. COUSTAilT W0S EVERT WHURE WASHINGTON, July 82. ln report to tho Wsr department todtr on effortg to relieve, famine condl t'ons In Mexico, Brigadier General Devol, general manager of the Amer ican Red Crow, declared that while noncombatanta were Buffering tor want of food, .military leader of both the Villa and Carrem tacUona had reaped a harvest from export taxes on Mexican grown food pro ducts shipped into the United State. "Both Oeneral Hernandea and General Villa," said tha report, "prohibited tha purchase of food supplies In Mexico for relief of tha Mexican people stating that any such supplies must be purchased eutslde of M si too. The reason given Is that tha food In Mexico Is required to feed tha Mexican soldiers. Tha real rear son, m my opinion. Is thst there Is a military export tag or. In other words, that a charge on all sxportatlons amount ing, on tha northern border, to .M00 to MO for each car that crosses the border. This money la paid direct to tha military leaders. Coat af Baahel af Cara. "For Instance, at the time supplies were being purchased for Monclova, three carloads of corn could have been purchased on the Mexican side for So. per bushel; tha actual supply, eost the Red Cross Wc per bushel. Tha dif ference In the prlea per bushel Indicates tha amount of revenue accruing to tha military authorities from export products. Relatively the same difference applies as regards beans. "There are still large quantities af food supplies assembled In various parts of Mexico and held by tha military author ities and not permitted to reach tha peo ple. . At the present time there may not be any actual cases of starvation In Mexico. The t Mexican people can live on little or nothing and when driven to It can sub sist for some time on cactus and other plants. .There Is in nearly every part of Mexico, destitution and constant misery. People outside the military factions sub sist? only by suf franco and only when permitted to do so by tha military lead ers. It Is evident that not 50 per cent of a - crop has been , planted generally throughout Mexico.. Continual suffering obtains and Is growing worse from day to day." v Oeeapy Nice la Mextea. WASHINGTON. July 22.-OooupaUon of the Mexican side of tha town of Naoo, on the Mexloo-Arlcona border, by Car ranxa forces, waa brought to the atten tion of the State department today by Secretary of War Garrison with tha rec ommendation that the Catranaa - com mander be requested to withdraw In ac cordance with the agreement entered Into last winter that there should be no fight ing there. No action had been taken to night by the State department. The situation at Mexico City and sur- rounding territory continued today to EFFECTIVE v AT APPLICABLE TO ALL BILLS RENDERED ON r Lighting Builds GEORGE arouse apprehension In official quarters here, ne direct word having been received from tha capital since repor'a yesterday that Zapata's forces had re-entered the rlty following Its evacuation by Ueneral Gonzales. Circus Children Have Their School A temporary kindergarten w 111 be es tablished here nfxt Monday. It Is the school of the Barnum A Bailey clrcua The youngsters of school sge, as com monly accepted, who are connected with tha great traveling social aggregation that makes the human elenvut of "the greatest show on earth" attend dally school exercises and learn dally lessons just as do the other kiddles who live In houses and don't wear tights and span gles. There are half a hundred boys and girls, actual or adopted sons and daugh ters of tha men and women performers or attendants of the circus. Mrs. Kmma TaJhot, "mother" of the big Institution. Is their schoohnlstreiis. rthe organise her clsaa at tha beginning of tha season In Madison Square garden, New Tork City, and gathers her pupils about her every afternoon when the crowds have left tha "big top." Mrs. Talbot baa been with the Barnum Bailey circus for twenty-seven years and has been Its schoolmistress most of that rfod. Tha circus boys and girls moet of them have another kind of training on their dally schedules. They take Ahelr dally physical lesson, for most of them. If not already performing with some one of the numerous "families" of the rings, stages or trapeses, aspire to be heroes, aground or aloft, some day, and moat of the best rtdors and gymnasts and acro bats and equilibrists have been reared with the smell of the sawdust continually In their nostrils. Grand Duke is Sure Of a Final Triumph MOSCOW, Ma London), July 22. Grand Duke Nicholas, tha Ru.ylan commander-in-chief, received a depntatlon representing the municipality here today. Ha spoke enthusiastically of the spirit of the Russian soldiers, all of nhom, he paid, were confident of final and com plete victory. A commission appointed to Investigate charges of Inhuman methods on the part of the Germans made a report today that they had employed shells with cast Iron tips which were filled with prulo sold. DANISH GOVERNMENT ORDERS THE DEPORTATION OF CASTRO ST. THOMAS. Danish West Indies. July B. The Danish government orders the .deportation of Clprlano - Castro, former president of Venesuels, who ar river hers Monday from Port of Spain. Trinidad, demanding that he return on the steamer on which he came. Conse quently Castro left this afternoon aboard the British steamer Berblcs, presumably for Trinidad, where he has resided for some time. A Don't Let Vaar Cold ttet Worse. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey ' wilt cure your cough and give you restful sleep. Good fnr nMMreft. ftnlv Krv ' All rimifratBta.- J Advertisement, . . ' Old Up Trade in If. HARRIES, per cent within the past rllll" 11 111 J"l 1 ' "iTA.'lTfWVIY11?, """" i1-11'-'-'- fi mrf ' ; PLAYGROUND BALL PLEASES KIDDIES Are Enthnjiattio Over New Gamci Distributed hj Superintendent English for Their Tlie. GIRLS TRY OUT 'AT' RAFHA Superintendent English created a stir yesterday afternoon when he distributed croquet and , playground ball acta to the seven supervised play renters. "I'm sping In that game, boyl" remarked an enthusiastic youngster to Miss MacDougall, supervisor at the Kountse playgrounds, fie was eyeing the new playground ball and bat. . At rYntenelle park Mr. Rnglish started to explain to a group of boya the rules cf playground ball, whsn one freckle faced potential Hans Wagner evoke op 1th pride: "Say, mister, don't you sup pose wa know how to play base beltr" Mr. English thereupon explained ha waa alluding to playground ball, using h lanre, soft ball and shorter base lines. Miss Scott at Hanerom park Is organ ising a playground ball team among her boys. The plan Is to have games be tween tha teams of the play centers. Mrs. King, supervisor at Fontenelle i park, has started her story hours. She told the children the story of Hansel and Gretel and then allowed tha boya and girls to play It out In abbreviated form, the park surroundings lending an appro priate setting for the enactment of tha story. She Intends to have other stories played out. with the children represent ing birds, animals and flowers. The playground tract at Thirty-fourth and Leavenworth streets has taken oa new activity with a regMlar nipervlvnr In charge. Richard Thomas Carrlngton, jr., 1 years of age next month, has joined this group of players and is miss ing nothing of Interest. Another feature of ma wwtTenelle play activities Is the making of doll hats and boskets by tha gliia. who use raffia In this work. Several boya at Ko untie park asked Mr. English It he had brought them something to eat, noticing the boxes ot play apparatus In his automobile. It te not Intended to furnish lunches to the children at tha plsy center. During one of the story hours yester day a group of children were allowed to take turns telling all the riddles they knew. One of the small boya says hs knew a riddle about a certain nooular type of automobile. Superintendent Knglish plans to meet his supervisors at 9:30 a. m twice a week in the rlty hall for conference. MAKING PROGRESS WITH V NEW SUBMARINE SCHOOL WASHINGTON, July rl-Batiefaelory progress with the new school for the training of submarine officer was re ported to Secrets ry Daniels todsy by Captain Albert W. Grant, recently desig nated as chief of the submarine service afloat and ashore. ' Maximum Lighting Rate, 1 1 Cents ONCE OR AFTER AUGUST Every Line of For business lighting either indoors or out, the new Mazda C typo of lamp renders highly satisfactory service at lessened cost. The large majority of our lighting customers will have their bills reduced by the new rate. . , Let our Contract Department send an expert to study your lighting conditions and to suggest improvements. President 2 years due to physical 30 minutes does the hardest part of wash- V4CAJT W U I r, 5Ckv) II It? Ull L. b. vnt" t r lit 1 r" f-O i f ;rvi i jd j i yjA viwii ii j uu 1 use (rlISi&Hi(lJ! soap in cool or water. Just the clothes to soak. That means for you no hard rub bing, no boiling, no smelly suds, Pais e Co., 8 Treat your f riends of quality, Krug (ft INL T . J-4s vtt" &. a 1 v n w . 1 " ' k' V r ' r 1 1 p ' appreciate your hospitality and good judgment. . Save Ooapoas sad get premiums. Thens Douglas in. LUXUS Mercantile Company. Distributers TT TcTTT1 Fop Result! t 10 Investigate Our Special Store Wiring Propasition Business improvements and growth of business lukewarm 30 minutes for ' Phttadelphis. Cflf to a bee eJWfe They wi 1 U El! OBijfeitiiM .Sec Want Ado. A