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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1915)
THE NEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1915. Nebraska WAREHOUSE LAW HELDDEFECTIYE Attorney General Keed Findi Rail way Commission Not Qualified to Enforce Provisions. NO AUTHORITY UNDER THE LAW (From a Ftaff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Neb.. July 22. (Special Tel egram.) The only campaign pledge made by the democrats and enacted Into law by the. last legislature, the public ware house law. In the opinion of Attorney General Reed, cannot be enforced by the Plate Railway commission. He gives aa hla reason that the railway commission was created for the purpose of aupervls lnr railroad rates and that It has no authority to take over any other matters not set out In the law which created the commission. Tknmsi to Sherman. Dr. A. O. Thomas, state superintendent, has gone to Sherman county to look after school developments In that county. The people up there are wideawake on the consolidation proposition and expect to have some of the best consolidated schools In the state In that county. To F.atend Burlington. Coleman township In Holt county, wants a railroad and has voted bonds In the amount of $7,600 for an extension of the Burlington Into that township. The bonds have been put up to the state auditor for hla approval and came to the state house today. The road will connect with the O'Neill and Alliance line of the Burling ton. State House IMcnJe. The annual state house plcnlo will be held Tuesday. July 27, In the afternoon. The state house will be closed during that time. Sports of different kinds will take place Including a ball game between the north and aouth sides of the state house. Thirteen Lucky for Once. A peculiar accident happened last night on the penitentiary line of the Lincoln Traction company, when a street car Jumped the track about two blocks north of the pen and turned over on its side. Thirteen passengers were In the car when It went over, but none was seriously hurt. Most , of the passengers were base ball players, on the way to pliiy the pen club end all were abje to go Into the game. Oil Fees Ileportetl. The report of the food, drug, dairy and oil department of the state for the month of June shows a healthy Income for that department, the fees amounting to $10,309 for that period. The oil Inspections amounted to $9,j0R; permits. $3.S3; condimental receipts, 410: fei-dlnK stuff tags, flVi.Tc:, seed analysis, $150, and weights and measures fees, $389.70. There were 3,213 Inspections made by the department, of which 4i9 were of grocery and general mercha nt" ise, 3uR meat markets, 418 cream stations, 245 cars of oil and 206 cars of gasullne. Twenty-one complaints were filed and eleven prosecutions made. State Board Awaits Report. The-Btate- Board of Control- not In a position to make any statement re naming the death of an lnmati of the Norfolk asylum who fell from a window at that institution and was badly injured this week. They have had no report from the superintendent and will take no action until the matter Is brought before them. Kansas Wheat Crop Short. Gustav lilert of Atchison, Kan., a cousin of Colonel Philip Ackermnn, hotel commissioner, Is visiting him this week, lie says conditions surrounding the liar vesting of the wheat crop, in his locality are alarming. Very littlu of the wheat Is cut because of wet fields, while a large iiuantlty of that which has been cut Is sprouting In the shock. It Is estimated, according to the Kansas man, that the wheat crop of that state will be 90,000,OX bushels short this season. Saunders Crop Good. Dr. E. O. Weber, a prominent democrat of Saunders county, was in Lincoln today. Dr'. Weber snys the crop outlook In his county is exceptionally fine. While there has been plenty of rain, on account of the lay of most of the land, the water has not stood in the fields and the farm ers have been Able to get in and cut the wheat. There will be about W.000 acres of wheat, 60,Ooo acre of oats and 163.000 acres of corn In Saunders county this year, and wheat that has been threshed so far has been turning out around the thirty bushels per acre mark. HIGHWAY PICTURE PARTY . REACHES NORTH PLATTE NORTH FLATTE. Neb., July -'Special) H. C. Osterman and his party of Lincoln Highway moving puctwe men rpent Tuesday In North Piatt taking pictures. The party wss met at Gothenburg by 1' of the lucal Chamber of Com merce, who accompanied them to the city. Tiny Hotpfd for pictures at th Fort M national cemetery, S'oux I.ookc nt, a li.Ktorical point, and the state experimental substation before entering te city from tho east. Cpon arriving here pictures were taken of the Lincoln Hlgbway bridge, under const ruction, t he principal street and trout's Rest ranch, formerly owned by I'uffal) till. , 3UGGY AND AUTOMOBILE THIEVES PLEAD GUILTY NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. July 22. i Special Having pleaded gudlty to steal ing. Raymond Ogden and Edward Hall were this week sentenced to tha peni tentiary by District Judge H. M. Grimes. Ogden admitted stealing a horse and ', owned by Martin Wyman, from tha street where they were left. He was given a sentence of from one to ten years. Smith admitted stealing an automobile fiom the rear of tha Methodist church, where it had been left by the owner, somo ttme ago. He wa arrested at Brady, where the auto was also found. Ills sentence was one to seven years. "On account of my confinement In tha printing office I have for years been a chronlo sufferer from Indigestion and Uvar trouble. A few weeks ago I had an attack that was so aavara that I was not able to go t.) tha rasa for two days. Palling to get any relief from any other treatment. I took three of Chamberlain's Tablets and tha next day I felt Ilka a new man." writes H. C. Bailey, Editor Carolina Nems. Chapln. B. C. Obtainable tTtrywbsre, Advartuwrasat International Reunion on Stage Marks Wait for Saengcrfest Start The soloists and accompanists who wer on the program of last evening's concert at the Auditorium enjoyed a little Inter national reunion at t lie hack of the stg. while wait ng to go on. "We are fortunate this evening." said one of thein. "'for It Isn't every Kv that we can hear a Danish chorim sing an Italian opera In French at a Herman Saengerfest." Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, who took upon herself the task of making everyone about tht pi let- feel very much at home. was everywhere with a smile and a word to liven the conversation. "I didn't realise," said Mrs. Kelly, after a wait of some little tlmj for her number, "that we were to have such a politlcul meeting, or I would have gotten here later." "But then, you must remember," re plied lierr Flgmund Landsiberg, "that there is the Oerman vote to be consid ered." "How careless of me." answered Mrs. Kelly, "hut you see I have not yet at tained the point where I can easily mix music mid politics." Miss Margaret Ha mm, after waiting for some time, remarked that her little ef Notes from Beatrice and Gage County BEATRICE, Neb., July 23. (SpociaU Rev. J. B. Reents, pastor of the Ger man Lutheran church in Hanover town ship, northeast of Beatrice, reports that over $1,Oiio has been raised with which to build a new church. The church will have a meeting soon, at which plana for erecting the new edifice will bo dis cussed. Three new cases of smallpox were re ported In the city Wednesday by the city board of health. Thera are about twenty oases of the disease tn the city at the present time. Ralph Heal, who assaulted Justice of the Peace Woolsey, of Wymore, during a trial in Judge Kraua' court at bue Springs Tuesday, was arrested Wednes day and pleaded guilty to the charge ot assault. He was fined $10 and costs, which he paid. SEWARD WILL REBUILD BURNED LIGHT PLANT SEWARD, Neb., July 22J-(Speclal.V-The eltv council, at Its last meeting de cided to rebuild the electric light plant destroyed by fire Thursday night. July 15. Twelve thousand dollars will be ex pended. The barn of J. A. Stephens was set on fire from the spontaneous combustion of damp hay Thursday night and burned to the ground. Loss $2,!S0f, with $800 Insur ance. The Burlington railroad had more busi ness here during the month of June, 1915, than In any month of any year since the establishment of that railway. Theodore Hlllmann of Staplehurst was badly Injured yesterday by falling from the second story of a new house he was building, to the first floor. Joel Tlshue, president of the First Na tional bank of this city sold three of his unimproved eighties yesterday to. Her ro Merer for $30,000. .'.'" Frank Lamme has sold his quarter of land to Frank Koranda for $19,000. "' The new $50,000 high School and the $15 000 county Jail-are two of the largest buildings to be erected here this summer. A tabernacle Is to be built for religious services In the city park, donated to the city by Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt founders of the town. A :arge new alfalfa mill, the second one here, and elevator are being finished. MALM0 FARMER HURT IN AUTOMOBILE UPSET FREMONT, Neb.. July .-( Special.) Hans Anderson, a fanner residing north of Malmo sustained Injuries that may prove fatal, and his little son and daugh ter received painful Injuries when the automobile tn which they were riding ran off of a bridge. One of the son's fingers was cut off. Mr. Anderson with his children was hurrying home from Malmo ahead of the storm when the accident happened. In' making a short turn at the bridge the macbino struck the edge ana lurnea over. Mr. Anderson was pinned beneath the car. Will Tote on PbtIbo; Bonds. NORTH PLATTE. Keh... July V. (Special) A Hpecial election U to -be ' held here on August 31 for the purpose of: voting on a 81(1000 paving bond proposi-' tlon, J12.0W bonds for a olty park and a better street lighting system. j Three Generations j In German Army! (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) i DRESDEN, Germany, July 16.-A re- murkable cane of three generations In hc fi l(i has Just been discovered. The ! unusual honor belongs to the family of : Kloetxtr from Bockwa near Zwickau. , Kloetzer, sr. a veteran of the war of ; 18T0, in which he won the Iron Cross second class, volunteered for service tn his sixty-seventh year, at the beginning of the war, and went into the field aa captain of the First company of the Zwickau reserve battalion. He has been advanced to major and has received the Iron Cross first class. Ills son Is In the field as captain of the Eighteenth Uhlan regiment, and his grandson is lieutenant in the Thirty second reserve artillery regiment. Both of the latter have been decorated with the Iron Cross second clots. Helps Weak Kidneys mmd Linbtio, Get a 26c bottle of Sloan's Liniment. Apply on back and take six drop four times a day. All druggists. Advertise ment. . t. Kdwiri Defeats Genoa. ST. EDWARD. Neb., July .-Seclal.) In a fust name yesterday, St. Edward succeeded In giving Genoa a food trim ming. Powers had Genoa In hand from the start of the gome, and struck out sixteen, while Irish only scored five strikeouts. St. Edward has a carnival next week and expects to put on ball games fr four or five days. Score: It. If. E. Genoa 4 0 0 0 1 4 t 3 4 8 St Edward.... 0 3 1 0 1 0 8 0 7 t Batteries: St. Edward, Powers and Fisher: Genoa. Irish and Budura. I Caiubrlda Win frosa Hartley. CAMBRIDGE. Neb., July 82. I Special Telegram.) Cambridge won a thlrteen Innlng gam from Hartley, t to 1, at Hartley, Wednesday. Batteries- For UarUey. Frown and Miller. Bnwn giving eight hits and sixteen strikeouts: for Cambridge, Rodwell and Kranglnger, seven bits aud fifteen strike outa, ... fort would soon be past, and then she could go swimming In the morning wltn no one to trouble her. "There Is nothing I like as well as the water." sild Miss Dnmm. "As long as I sm near It f am contented." When Miss lamm had finished her en core she returned to the dimly lighted enclowir with a mass of flowers, which nearly hid her as she carried them to her dressing room. ' We shall have to give these a little water now," she said, "hut I am the one who gets to swim In the morning." The conversation between the singers partook of many languages. French. Herman, Danish, Italian and even a little Kngllsh wre spoken, and Mr. Kn rlco I'almetto seemed quite capable of understanding them all, and of speaking them fluently. "Win you not Join us?" asked Mr. Paul Reese of Mr. I'almetto In (lerinan. "I shall be delighted," replied Mr. Palmetto In the same langusge. "In what language did you sing your second song Mr. Palmetto?" asked some one In French. "In Danish,".' replied Mr. Palmetto. "And the first?" asked someone else. "In Italian," replied tho llnmilst. Fort Dodge Company Wins Cup for Best Drilled Company n,F.AH 1.XKV. ta Jul it ? Siwrlol -.Seven hundred and forty-five Is the exact number of enlisted men, officers and regulars tn attendance at camp of the Second Iowa regiment. It la the largest attended camp ever held In the state, according to announcement of of ficers. Governor Clark will not be present to review the regiment, but will be rep resented by General Guy E. Togan and Brigade commander H.. A. Allen. Commencing with tntiluht hr m-tn 1a battalion drill everv evening It VI with the excention of Thursitnv unri RtinHav evenings, when there will be a regimental parade. Four trophies are to be contested for and one trophy was given to Com pany F of Fort Dodge Immediately after drill tonight. It was won In three suc cessive contests previous to this, for tho best drilled company In the regiment. One of the trophies Is to be given to the winning company In the field meet, the time of holding not yet announced. A beautiful loving cud will he niven to the company having the winning ball team. uom every compnny supports a team. About fifty visit the hosnltnl daJIv with minor troubles. The unsophisticated po tato peelers are tho most frequent visit ors, suffering from cuts.-There has b.n one broken finger and one case of blood poisoning. Meat and potatos are all that are cooked on the around, ntimr r. stuffs coming in cans. The general health or the enmp Is fine. Water is piped on the ground from a neighboring; farm rei- dence and the best of water Is provided. Firemen Win Prises. IOWA CITV Is Till.. 0-1 i-i n-. i egram.) Tournament races of the Iowa niaie riremen b association attracted big crnwria t rut a i- . Wlinra ' t . - . follow: Calamus. Clinton. Grand Mound, .'iiinuunuii una vesi tfrancn. Red Soa Contlnae to Win. ALEXANDRIA. 8. D , Jtilv 22. (Special Telegram.) Kansas City Red Sox won from the Alexandria club, leaders of the Corn Belt lean lie, here today, 6 to 1. Llston. formerly from Mason City, worked for the Sox. Too Nervous To Drive a Car? That's too bad, old man, but you know nervous ness i largely due to wrong habits of eating and drink ing. If you would quit coffee and use Postum your nerves would steady up. Postum tastes much like fine, mild Java but there's no drug in it that's where it's got coffee beat a mile. 8ouud advice. More and more, people are waking up to the harm ful effects of caffeinc the drug in coffee a frequent cause of nervousness, heart flutter, dizziness, headache, and other ailments. Instant Postum is the soluble form of the original Postum CereaL A level teaspoonful of the crystaline powder in a cup of hot water makes a delicious food-drink instantly. 30c and 50c tins. The convenience of Instant Postum is seen at n glance, but some prefer the original Postum Cereal which must bo thoroughly boiled 15c and .25c pack ages. Grocers sell both kinds and the cost per cup is about the same. A change from coffee to Postum has been a good thing for thousands. "There's a Reason" CURE TEMPTATION, PURISTSARE TOLD Chicagroan Tells Them They Have Got to Use Some Common Seme and Not Shout Suppression. NEED REFORMING THEMSELVES SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. Dr. K. II. Tratt of Chicago, who was to address the International Purity Congress today on "The Actor, the Stage and the IMay," astounded his audience when he laid aside his folded manuscript and turned loose a volley of pointed criticism of the propaganda ot the purists. He was expected to follow out the ex pressed Ideas of previous speakers who have maintained that tho stage and actors needed reforming. But the Chl cagoan abandoned his text and declared that the methods and standards of the International Purity Congress needed reformation before It could hope to erad icate the evils It condemns. "All the talk, steam and force of the speakers of this convention," he said, "are In line with suppression, suppres sion, suppression. W hat are you going to do about vice? fan you punish any harder than the Instruments In the mid dle ages did? Can you preach any louder than did those who lived at the time of the crusades? "Olve me a remedy for temptation. There's the real rub. All else Is suppres sion and not cure, and suppression Is like a boiler filling with steam when It gets chuck full enough, pop goes your boiler. You peoplo have got to use some common sense." Apartments, flats, houses and cottages ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." Epworth League Institute Will Meet at Clear Lake CLKAU LAKE, la.. July S.-(Speclal)- Tho program has been announced for the second annual Institute of the Iowa State P:pworth league to be held here August !-8. So far as attendance la concerned the Blithering Is Interstate, "Pie dally schedule for the convention sessions Is as f.tllows: 6:t0 "Morning Watr4iv" B. C. Fintel, Des .Mo'nes. S 15 Tho nible," W. J. Lowstuter, Denver. 9:t5 "Fvnngellsm," K. C. Fintel, Des .Moines- "Stewardship." W. E. J. Qrati, bt. Tanl. 9:M "Sprotary'a Hour." W F. Bherl dan, Chicago; I'eter J.cobs, Handolph, la.; "Junior Methods," Mrs. Nellie Ford, Chlcwuo. 10:4i Social hour. "Rural Problems," Dr. J. K. Wagner, Mason City, la. U. "Temperance Citizenship," Harry O. McCain, Topeka, Kan.; ' MlewioniV' Loren W. Bdwarda, Misliawaka, lnd. Kvenliur and Sunday services: M'nday KJeyotono service. Bishop Homer C. Stuntr. Tuesday W. J. Lowstuter. Wednesday W. K. J. Grats. Thursday W. F. Pheridun. Friday Loren M. Kdward I Saturday camr fire. Peter Jacobs. i Sunday 9:3t. love feast. J. K. Wagner; 10:3il, sermon, Ixren M. Kdwarda; 8:W, life work rervice, w. k. j. tirarm; ci, r worth league. W. J. Lowstuter; 8:00, ser mon. K. . Fintel. Rev. E. J. Man- will have charge of the mn-lc and a big chorus oholr will be organised for the meeting-. Reduction in M TIRES EFFECTIVE JULY 19TH One Quality Only The Best Ctt Reduced Prices from Nebraska Auto Filling Company, 218-20 South 19th Street, Omaha. Telephone Douglas 7390. Looking for a Furnished Room If so, keep posted on the desirable locations by reading the "Furnished Room" columns of The Bee. You may be looking for a room in a private family and have some of your friends on the lookout for you, but you are more apt to discover the room that you desire more quickly by turning to the classified pages of The Bee and scanning the "Furnished Rooms" column closely Turn to the classified pages now. A very good selection of rooms is always to be found in The Bee. Telephone Tyler 1000 OMAHA BEE Everybody Read$ Eee Want Ad are economical, because unusual precautions preserve their original strength from the time they are picked till they are ready for use. They are delightfully piquant and are puaranteed pure. Your grocer sells them at ten cents a package. Allspice, Cloves, Pepper, Paprika, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Mace, Celery Salt, Pickling Spice, Mustard, Sage, Poultry Seasoning and others. TONE BROS., Des Moines Established 1873 &tnjr lA Famout Old CoUmn CoSm OF ICHELIN "AS USUAL" TONE'S SPICES Prices