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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1915)
THK BEE : OMAHA, SATURDAY. JULY 10, 1915. By MELLIFICIA. Friday, July 9, 1915. FIRST honora at present time are being bestowed on the ultra leather hat. Fashion is a funny jade and pays little or no attention to hav ing things In season. Straw hats came out In droves In the days of snow flurries, and now the mid-eummer flurry and excitement of atyledom has launched the ducky patent leather hats. Some are all white, others the black and white combination and some entirely of black patent leather. They are small and usually tilted saucily over the eye. Mrs. John A. McShane is wearing one of a black and white' combination. Mrs. Fred Hamilton has one of all white leather and Mrs. V. D. Honford wears a be coming one of white, very small and trimmed with a black patent leather itlck-up. thHr hmiM arusst. Mien Clare F.l'.lse Wil son, of Newton, K. J., will leave next week for California for afersl weeks. Mn. E. C. McPhane left Tuesday for Charlevoix. MIrh., where he will n'pnd the remainder of the summer. i Entertain at Kensington. Mrs. K. A. Mr(Min entertained Tuearlsr at' her home In Benson at a kenslnston from I to S o'clock In honor of Mrs. A. L. Woster of Adel, la., who la the guest of her daughter, Mra. N. H. Tyson. A buffet luncheon waa served and the guests were: Medaitie V.n. Phelby. J. W Welrh I . V. Raher. 8. r. Jonee. J. P. Batler. J. T. Plcksrd. C. A. f telle, V. H. Tyson, Mart Armstrong-, Mew1sme .T. O'Roiirke. R. A. Ma"n, '. K. Ilxffke. A. J. Mct'lung. '. K. Hall. A. 1. Wnster of Ade. la. K. B. Parker. Miss F-stella Harkness of Bllol. Mlea ; who are. the guests of Mra. A. Bil ling, sr. A basket of daisies waa usd aa the tahla centerpiece and cover ware plaoed for: Meedame -l.opea, T. C Piiblrn, T. N. Conner, Richard Stebblna, G-ors- Harris of Lincoln, Mesdames R, J. ftouthard. A. I.. Bllllnga. jr.; C. C Wilson, A. I Billing. ar.J Tark Bllllnga, R, K. Iavla, Shannon, daughter of Mr. and Mra. 'are vlelt'ng In Omaha, the gumta of Mr. Charles Elliott Shannon of Puluth. Minn, j and Mra. Ralph Mar ward. The weddlnaj was celebrated Tueaday, At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. Mary Van Gleeon entertained at luncheon, followed by bridge, today at the Hty Hollow club, complimentary to Mra. Mcintosh of New Tork City, wno la rtaHIn Mrs. C. B. Ruatln. A large baaket of fthaata dalale decorated th tahla and the rueata were: Meadamea John A. Wakefield. Howard B. Hmlth. Thomaa J. Mackay, F. H. Cole. Orlfflth, Klla Sjulres. J. C. French. J. W. Hamilton. Isaac Congdon, Meadamea Mrlntosh. ". B. R.ietln. B. F. C rummer. Herman Kountie, ieorge Barker, M. H. Baldrlge. t'harlea Martin, J II Butter. Phillip Totter, Htchard carrier. Mlea Nannie Richardson, At the Country Club. Miss Orace Allison will entertain at luncheon Saturday at the Country club tn honor of Mlas Clare Elolse Wilson of Newton. N. J., who la th guest of Miss Margaret Baum. The guests will Include; Mioses Missea Kether Wllhelm, F.rna Heed. Marlon Tow la, Margaret Baum, Nana Towle, Replna Connell, Charlotta rarmaJee,VlrKlnla Orfutt, Mr. and Mra J. E. George will enter tain at dinner Saturday evening at th Country club and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall wilt have ten guests at dinner Saturday. At Carter Lake Club. The regular cottager' dinner waa given last evening at Carter Lake club. Th room ware decorated profusely with flower, and th dinner wa followed by dancing. Those ' present were: Meaar. and Mesdainee T. C. Pcttlgrew, . T. land ley, R, O. (Irayeon, '. L I'undv, I.. T. Heeney, t'ronk, Roy Bloom, H. Reeelln. F. C. Mason, N K. Van Cott. Meadamea K. Holovtchlnsr, Mlaaea Holovtchlner, .loaephlne Poor, tile Brown, Messrs.- I. awrene flntaon, harla Dundey, Uuffner, Flokea. Roy Hcott. C. H. T. Rlepen, F. K. Hanford, c. . Jarcox. Paul Meyer, F. I,. Keller. I. Bloom, A. Porenaon, Mr. R. A. Dodge, C. I). Rcott. Misses Porothy Bcott, Burenaon, Meaar. Iouts Wlnth. tlrant Peter, Walter Wharton, mony In the presence of th Immediate family and a few Intimate friend. The bride wore a tailored suit of Alice . blue gaberdine. The house was beautifully decorated with rose and fern. Immedi ately after the ceremony Mr. and Mr. Miller left for an extended trip through th wast. They will be at home after August 1 at Papllllon, where the groom Is engaged In business. Pleaurei Past. The 67 club gave n dancing party at Ike Manawa Wednesday evening. Among those present were; Misses F.llen Anthes, Augusta Helntsa, Alta Hamuele, Messrs V T - . J. J. Welch, R. Inarahm, - P' 1 8. Plumer, On the Calendar. Mra. Ernest FJdred Hart will entertain at dinner Saturday evening at her hem In Council Bluff. To Honor Visitor. Mr. Park Billings entertained t lunctv eon today at th Hotel Rome In honor of Mr. Lopes, Mr. T. C. Dublnn and Mia patella Haikness Informal Luncheon. Mia Henrietta Meilar entertained at luncheon at the Fontenelle Thursday for Mia Claire Patterson of New Tork City. The guest were: Mli we M - Claire Patterson Beatrtce Tlnlv. of New Y"-k City, Gladys U one? Oertrude Aiken. tlenrletta Medlar. Florence Hlslad. Mrs. Irvln A. Medlar With the Viators. Miss ClMre Klolse Wilson of Nealon. N. J.. Is the guest of her cousin. Mis Msrgaiet Baum. Wedding Cards. Cards were received yesterday In Omaha announcing the marriage of Mr. Harry F. Bleetck and Miss Harriett Trances July , In Dultith. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. J. J. O'Connor and daughter, Mary, returned Saturday from a stay of several week In the east. Mr. fleeter Heyn left Wednesday even ing for Chicago and Charlevoix. Mich., to be gone three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Idling of Chicago Entertains at Bridge Mr. B. A. McPernvtt entertained at bridge this afternoon at her home. The room were abloom with spring flowers and six table were placed for the game. A Con ah Medicine tkat Helps. Pr. King's New Plscovery will help yoi'r cough or cold. Keep a bottle at home for emergencies, 6"c. All drug gist. Ad vert Iscnvnt. Ohio Rabbi Conducts Services in Omaha Rabhl A. Ptclner of txiraine, O., spoke end offlclntrd st ce.ntor service for Congregation B'nal Jacob, Twenty-fourth rnd Nicholas streets, last evening at 7: and will do the snme st t. a. m. Sunday at p. m. he will deliver a lecture in KnglNh on "Is I,lfe Worth Living?" at the church c.f Congregation Sons of Israel, F.lghteenth and Chicago street. mm InflSJ $108S F.O.B. Detroit 3 Mis ttella Ingrabm, Powell, Gertrude Anthe, Meaar. V. Hoo. R. Ingrahm, F. B. Helntie. 3ut-oMown Wedding. The wedding of Miss Ethel B. Empey end Mr. George W. Miller was oelobraUd "Wednesday, July 7, at I o'clock p. m. In Papllllon at the home of the brlde'a per cnta. Mr. and Mra. A. F. Empey. There were no attendant. Rev. W. H. Underwood of th MeCabe Methodist church performed th cere- Personal Mention. - A son was born to Mr. ami Mrs. J. II. Fradenburg, jr., at the Methodist hospi tal thla morning. Mr. and Mir. O. S. E rocket leg? Satur day for an extended trip to Penver, Boulder and point of Interest tn Colo rado. . Lieutenant and Mrs. James W. Peale of the Twenty-seventh United Btates In fantry are guest . of th lieutenant' mother, Mr. E. II. PJureen, at the Colonial. Pr. If. B. Lemere and Dr. Charles O'Nell Kich returned today from Cali fornia, where they attended the medical convention. The Misses Edna and Helen Ganihorn of Baltimore, Md.; Mis Elisabeth Fergu son, Mis Qsy William. Miss Augusta Knlgtir, the first .four student at the Mr. Martin Iangdon and daughter, Mlsa Irene, left Saturday for Butte, Mont., where they will Join Pr. f'rederirk J. Langdon. The Langdon will make their home In Butte. Penn)lvanla Academy of Fin Arte, school. Philadelphia, Fa,, spent July S at Wake Robin, the log atudlo of II. F. Odder. In Fontenelle forest, painting and Picnicking. Ml Kdne aanthorn la one of fourteen atudenta to win a scholarship this year. She left with her sister Thursday for the Panama-Psclflo fair and will return hem by way . of the Panama canal. - Summer Plans. . The Mlsse Mayme and Catherine Ham lin exict to leave the middle of next wek for California. Mr. and Mr. V. A. Baum, accompanied by their daughter. Mis Margaret, and New Pianos at the HOSPE REMODELING SALE GOING AT A SACRIFICE New Pianos Selling at $169.00, $190.00, $215.00. $225.00, Etc. tiihi aasrzxiT oa beoobd. , Some of the most celebrated makes of new and used planoa go In this sale. Brand new pianos, 1915 model of walnut, oalc and mahogany pianos as low as 1169.00. Regular $260.00 to $300.00 pianos. Another grade of $325.00 planoe from $190.00 to $225.00. Next class retailing from $3(0.00 to $400. 0D go at $235.00 to $265.00. $400.00 to $500.00 will be sold at $285.00 to $335.00 and up. not to forget the beautiful new Brambach Grand Pianos in mahogany. Terms Will Bt $5.00 Down and $1.00 a Wetk on Some Pianos tlO.CO down and 12 00 rer week on others, I1S.00 down and '10 per week and up. With upright piano, we furnish stool and scarf. With the grand planoa goes a combination bench for holding aheet music. With the flayer planoe we furnish an up-to-dste combination bench and ecarf. Every Instrument Is Fully Guaranteed or Money Refunded This atoek embrace makea such as Marshall Wendell, Whitney, Thompson, Rrewiler, Krakatier, Mullet A Pavls Columbus, Hteger Hons, Hamilton, Standard, Rmlth A Barnes, H. P. Nelosn, Henderson, Btelnway, Chlckerlng, Weser Bros., etc. Player Pianos Retailing From $375 Up Co on This Sale at $287 Remember, theae ar brsnd new, fully guarantees player planoa. Another line of players from to IS00 00. we will put on sale at 1376 00. Our finest KB0.OO player Itss been marked down to M2&.00. In the forty-one years of our establishment, we have never made such hlg slashes In piano prices nor aa easy terms aa we herewith offer. Take advantage of tula sale. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St. gag Selling Art and Music Goods Must Be Sold to Make Room ' ' v.r- '""' More Comfortable, More Beautiful, More Powerful As Economical as Ever Just aa truly aa first impressions are lasting impressions, v you will always think of the Hupmobile as a big car A car of surpassing beauty A car of delightful comfort A really extraordinary value at its price? - Your first ride in it will show you performance that proves the car as good as it looks. And your ownership will give you daily satisfaction in its ' economy and its never-failing service. - . Please let us arrange for your demonstration at your earliest convenience. Oh! for a Glimpse of a Rainbow of Promise? a i asasaa a i i i ag ' m. si lain ' w t ' iaaiaaas isai is I- n i sn m il ls s i I " iTlsasa!S iiaiwaawsaaaaasaaaeaaas aaiaii -a w There is a theory that the concentrated thought of a people can accomplish almost anything. We, ourselves, were like Felix, almost persuaded. From North Platte on the west to our own fair city on the east, you will find "Drive Dem Clouds Away" the popular song. Yesterday we were in the country and it surely does look attractive. The corn has good color and we are inclined to believe that we will have a good crop after all. One month of Nebraska sunshine will work worders, and there is comfort in the thought that if we don't get a bumper this yeara wonderful reserve of water is being laid away in the soil for the future. Bo cheer up, let's apply a little more axle grease and keep the wheels revolving. gatur(jays Stirring Sales Stories from Kil Patrick's Palm Beach Suits Perhaps the most popular and MEN Avho hit the trail at 8:30 A. M. will find dis- practicfd garment of tbe season. Mohair construction (see label.) Wear well dnst denying Clean, cool and comfortable. Snme as were sold earlier at $12.00 and $12.50, will go at $7.50 each. Mrs. Jones has just gotten back from the Big City by tho Sea. . She found some sad hearted manufacturers who were long on sumro drosses nnd short on money. Dresses of printed md f voiles. Manufacturers were in the mood. "No dect v. , ier refused," and Saturday you participate in the benciits. We include dresses from our regular stock which sold at $10.00 and $12.00. One price, $3.98 each. - Children's and Juniors' Benefit Sale starts also 8:M A.M. Dresses for ages 2 to 14 years, sold formerly up to $1.25, at 48?. Dresses for aees 2 to 14 years, sold formerly up to $1.00, at 75. Dresses for nges 2 to 14 years, sold formerly up to $2.50, at $1.19. Dresses for ages 2 to 14 vears, sold fonnerly up to $6.00, at 91.98. Coals for those from 3 to 17 years at $2.50, sold before up to $12.50. Junior Suits, including Palm Beach, light Weight Wool, sold up to $2100 take them away for $5 each. Last words on Children's Hats. Two lots, 45o and $1.00. The 45 centers sold up to $2.00; the $1.00 lot up to $4.50 each. UNDERirUSLIi; S UNDERPRICED. Big lot of fcummcr nightgowns, made of white muslins or pink plisses. C9 instead of $1.00. Lingerie Gowns, fluff v ruffles, light and airy, us ually $2.00, Saturday $1.37. Corsft Covers, 19S Corsets which were $2.25, $5, and $7.50, Saturday $1.29, $2.49 and $3.98. played for .ale at Furnishing Section: Union Suits, nainsook or knit 49 each. 79 cents for the $1.00 Roxford nainsook suit. Poros and Olobe same. 98 cents for $1.50 nainsook and Taunton mercer ized rib. ' TALE OF A SHIRT Tudeod of many shirts for Sat urday. Soi'iobody said to Senator Tillman (the fiery) : "I never boast." Quick as a flash came back, "Don't wonder you brag nbout it" And about these shirta that's the feeling you'll have when you see 'era'. You will excuse a little bm;; from us. ''They ore about tho best we ever sold in tho regular way for $1.50." Thus sayeth the shirt man. Mercerized fabrics, soft turn back cuffs. 7 times 11 Saturday's price 77 CENTS EACH. $5.00 Silk Shirts, $3.98. s.O Silk Shirts, $4.98. Women' Summer Union Suits Mad for Kllpatrlca'e aold by Kllpatrtrk'a tella th atory. don't It. KIT and WEAR la the meaning 3f) Instead of C0; G9 Instead of $1.00; 83 ln atead of tl-25; f8 Instead of 1 160. Mercerlaed Vesta amall lot 37 Instead of 5c. A sal of Silk Stocklnga for those who lova to wear them. The dollar kind black and colon at 69?. koi n nuclei ox the pahabolb SI. 10 for those which aold f 1.50 to $1.00 folding. 81. (tS for those which sold IMS to $3.00 handlea also. $2.i)H for thoae which sold 13.(0 to $5.50 th laleat. So. 05 for those which sold up to 11.00 SHAPES. Initial Handkerchiefs, alt linen. 3Vt ch 3 for a dime. , Initial Handkerchief a. all linen, gVs 3 for a quarter. First are for women second for men. Ladles' Neckwear collars and fichuea V and leaa. Odds and enda rag tag and bobtail. Th left overs from Bag Salea 29 for pick. V think they arc worth even now a - dollar. Once upon a time they were much more. Silk at 50: Silks at OS4. W are not going into elabo rate details about these. Suffice It to say 50J lot contains ellka, which aold 7 5c. 85c, $10" and $1.5. And th f)8 lot contains . silks which sold up to $2.25. Last day of th Skirt Making from th Summer Wool Goods tor 8100 l-tmUlK MAKING. Glove Bargains, of course. Just at th last cam Frank Tuttl. "Tell them." aald h: "400 patra of Women's Low Shoes, formerly $4. $5 and $6. will go at (2.95 a pair. Pump. Oxforda, Colonials. Patent, Dull and fatent with gray quartera; also fawn." We hare don our part you do youra. Kid. Before you do ride in the new car, we want to tell you of some of the things which make it, in our belief, the great- , est Jlupmobile yet built. On the score of quality, and resultant durability and economy, it has been difficult to make improvements. In proof of this, we need do no more than point to the Hupmobile repair cost record of less than cent per mile ; and its well known fuel, oil and tire economy. The new car will go as far on a gallon of gasoline and oil, although its power 19 20 per, cent greater. This produces a correspondingly better performance; a response to the throttle that is hard for any car to excel. The five-passenger model retains the generous proportions which set its predecessor apart from the usual five passenger type. Its riding comfort is even greater, be cause the cushions are two inches thicker, built of real curled hair and the finest cushion springs, and covered with genuine leather. W. L. Huffman 1814-16-18 Farnam Street The conveniences which mean so much to the comfort of driver and passengers are also improved. Perfect protection from rain is assured by the new windshield ; the one-man top is even easier to operate than before; the side curtains are the same quick-acting storm-proof type. But you cannot form a real conception of Hupmobile value by reading about it. An inspection of the car, and a ride in it, will establish the car, in your estima-' tion, for what it actually is the best value in the market at anywhere near its price. If you know anything about automobiles, you surely know the esteem in which Hupmobile owners, almost without exception, hold their cars; the complete satisfaction Hupmobile ownership affords them. This car issues from the same factory is produced by the same organization that has made the Hupmobile famous for its sturdiness and economy. Let us give you your demonstration now. Your order placed at this time will as sure delivery of your new car when a car is the source of greatest pleasure. Automobile Co. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. iO; 1C9 efficiency that's what yom want when you place an order for engraved plates. We pat snap in eer tperfc, b hate work men tkat we can rtly upon. Let Your White Shoes be Fry's Smart Fashions Surely yoa will want at toast on pair of whit canraa or buck akin low ahoea thta aummer. And you will surely want Ftya dis tinctive stylea. Th variety shown npw embrace th newest ef fects in th highest grades only. Palm Beach or White Oxford In a full rang of aises. $3.50 to $4.00 ft' I i xosa lGESfiaDOUGLW j